VOL XXIII. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 52, 1803. NUMBER K rum ic school teachers. Th S-.ip.M-mtfndent of Tublie ;, i )!s of Franklin county will be A 'PL t i till i i r. tn i - ,i 'nil m in ;)!" February, April, July, Sep .;,;.!, October and December, and i ; : i in for throe days, if necessary, r i iu' purpose of examining appli :i to ti'iwli in the Public Schools I his county. I will also be in . . ;;.-b'.irir on Saturday of each :. and all public days, to attend Im.siness connected with my II IE SCARLET Jill Li J. N. Harris, Supt. I'i'oiessjonal caicls. M.TOOKE & SON, ATTORNEYS-A.T-LAW, L '''ISUl'KS, N. C. :! tt(.'ii I t'ie courts of Nash. Franklin, si!'.-, Wiii'iva in i Wak" counties, also the V utl of North C roliiii, tin the U. .- -.i! ,:ri i IHatrict'Couit. J. Ii. ".1 A LONE. two floors ''low Tliotnas & Aycocke's t.; :;ij' -ning- lr. O. L. Ellis. V. H. NICLioLSUN, 1 ' K ACTICIXQ 1' HY S1CIAN, iri: H;:i!-;, N. c. . . 7.1 MBEKLAiiB, AT TO iiX EX- AT T. YAV, T.'i"I-L' I'.u, ". o. N "'. sire. t. 1 1.1. ATTN R NKY- AT-LAAV, I.-v Isi!VK. n. c. .tt.-n ! t'v courts of FranViirt, Yano ,rr":i ;:IVI VN(1K enuiiues. lilSO ' l" Jilt V ' '. !'l 1 H 'Oil il V "II I'llUO. X lUJULIl 11 i;i,-,Ml to t-jli.i.-tions, &'"-. Ul'Ll AT" LY. By NATHATJISL KAWTE0E1TE. mrsuing a zigzag course across tne market place the child returned to her mother and' communicated what the mariner had said. Hester's strong, calm, steadfastly end n ring spirit almost sank at last on beholding this dark and grim countenance of an inevitable doom, which at the moment when a passage seemed to open for the minister and her self out of their labyrinth of misery showed itself with an unrelenting smile right in the midst of their path. With her mind harassed by the ter rible perplexity in which the ''shipmas ter's intelligence involved her, she was also subjected to another trial There were many people present, from the country round about, who had often heard of the scarlet letter, and to whom it had been made territic by a hundred false or exaggerated rumors, but who had never beheld it with their own bodily eyes. These, after exhausting other modes of amusement, now thronged about Hester Pryuno with rude and boorish intrusiveness. Un scrupulous as it was, however, it could not bring them nearer than a circuit of several yards. At that distance they accordingly stood, Ihsed here by .the centrifugal force of the repugnance which the mystic symbol inspired. The ; -i- ;r.Y-T LAW, r vnptiy ftttonJefl to. b W'iUlLIl, ATTOI'.NKY-AT-LAW, LO' I n'.'J'.G, N". ('. n M .in s'r -.-t. one door helow Eagle M. I'KKSON, A TTOPvNK Y- AT- LAW, I.'iUlsir.'KG, T. C. s su alt courts. O.Uce in the Court NOTICE. )-.'::. : qualified as E xacator of Wil- ; i nil per'ins in lebted to his es- o i' - j i-'sted to pay the same at -..oil ail persons holding el aim. -. t!,e s i id estate will present them v j. ;' .r LVeeiinber S. 18u4, or this .. - wii! ! idcadod in bar of their re- ; This December 8. 1S'.'3. Tr.'js. Oay, Ex r. I is o n JJ. 1 1' A irt-j t" a judjeint-nt of the Sa- r.i-sri "f l'rrn'iiia c.iuiiiv, in tin J. P. Harris and otuerf ri. Ifirris a:vl others, 1 shall ' ;';. i ..; s door in the town . N. on .Monday the Is, .arv !R'.-S, at public auctioi' "bidder for cash, that trac1 i'ian's township, said coan- a . S. llarr:s trnaerly . . in 4" the lanus ot re- J. A. Ba- l-r a.r.l others, cou.tain 1 a a I ; wo acits, saore oi 1 in" several sinaile) lasers. Commissioner. : pare '.. Wii.: whole gang of sailors, likewise, observ ing the press of spectators and learning the purport of the scarlet letter, came and thrust their sunburned and despera do looking faces into the ring. Even the Indians were affected by a sort of cold shadow of the white man's curiosity, and gliding through the crowd fastened their enakelike black eyes on Hester's bosom, conceiving, perhaps, that the wearer of this brilliantly em broidered badge must needs be a person ago of high dignity among her people. Lastly the inhabitants of the town (their j own interest in this worn out subject ; languidly reviving itself by sympathy j with what they saw others feel) lounged ! idly to the same quarter and tormented I Hester Pryune, perhaps more than all I the rest, with their cool, well acquainted gaze at her familiar shame." Hester saw and recognized the self same faces of i that group of matrons who had awaited her forthcoming from the prison door i seven years ago, all save one the young- j est and only compassionate among them i whose burial robe she had since made. At the final hour, when she was so soon to fling aside the burning letter, it had strangely become the center of more remark and excitement, and was thus made to sear her breast more painfully than at any time since the hrt day she put it on. While fl ester ftcrd in that magic circle ot ignominy, where t.;e cunning cruelty cf her sentence seemed to have fted her forever, the admirable preacher was looking down from the sacred pul pit upon an audience . Spirits had yielded to hi-- c:. The sainted minister in t. r c'u;n h! Tic woman of the scarlet letter in '-le market place! What imagination woul 1 have been irreverent enough to sunid e that the same scorching stigma was on them both I tor an instant at once a shadow and a ' splendor and had shed down a shower of golden truths upon them. Thus there had come to the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale as to most men in their various spheres, though seldom recognized until they see it far behind them an epoch of life more brilliant and f nil of triumph than any previous one or than any which could hereafter be. He stood at this moment on the very proudest eminence of superiority to which the gifts of intellect, rich lore, prevailing eloquence and a reputation of whitest sanctity could exalt a clergyman in New England's earliest days, when the professional character was of itselt a lofty pedc-jtal. Such was the posuiou which the minister occupied as he bowed hi3 head forward on the cushions of the pulpit at the close cf his election ser mon. Meanwhile Hester Prynne was standing beside tbe scalfo'd of the pi lory, with the scarlet letter still burning on her breast. I Now was heard again the clangor of I the music, and the measured tramp of the military escort issuing from the church Uoor. the procession was to be marshaled thence to the town hall, where a solemn banquet would cum plete the ceremonies of the day. Once more, therefore, the train of ven erable and majestic fathers was seen moving through jfbroad .path way of the people, who drew back reverently, on either side, as the governor and magis trates, the old and wise men, the holy ministers, and all that were eminent and renowned, advanced into the midst of them. When they were fairly in the market place their presence was greeted by a shout. This though doubtless it might acquire additional force and vol ume from the childlike loyalty which the age awarded to its rulers was felt to be an irrepressible outburst of enthusiasm kindled in the auditors by that high strain of eloquence w hich was jet reverberating in their ears. Each felt the impulse in himself and in the same breath caught it from his neighbor. Within the church it had hardly been kept down, beneath the sky it pealed upward to the zenith. There this instant old Koger ChiTUngwortb thrust himself through the crowd or, perhaps, so dark, disturbedaud evil was his look, he rose up oat of ficxae nether region to ffnatch back his victim from what he sought to do! Da that as it might, the old man rushed forward and caught the minister by the aria. "Madmaa. hold! what 13 your pur pose?" whispered he. "Wave back that woman! Cast oU this child! All shall be well! Do not blacken your fame and perish in dishonor! I can yet save you! Would yon bring infamy on your sacred profession?" "Ha. tempter! Methinks thou art too late!" answered the -minister, encoun tering his eye fearfully trat finnly "Thy power is uot what it whs. With God's help 1 shall escape thee now." He again extended his h mii to the woman -of the oca-lev letter. "Hester Pryune:' cried he, with n piercing earnestness, "in the name f him so terrible and eo merciful, who give.- me grace at this la-t moment to do what for my own heavy sin and miserable r.gony 1 withheld myself from doing seven ycai-s ago, come hither now ;:nd twine thv sirtULrlh Specimen Caaea. S II Clifford, New Casnel. Win., was troubled with ueurnlgia and rhuica tism, hiM slortisch was di4ordivd. hi liver wm atfected to an alarming de gre ppetite fell away, and he was terribly redaced in hVsh and fctrenglh Three bottles of Elect tie BiUrrs cared bira. Edward Shepherd. Harrihburg, III . had a running sore on bin 1-g of eight years' utandiug. ln'd thrw bottl- of E!-ctric Bitten and iteiou boxed of Huckifii's Arnica irake, and his hg is. Hound and well. John Speaker, Cataw ba, (., had fbe large fe.er aoron on hit leg, doc'ors said be was iueurable. One !xltle Klfctric Bitters .tad ou bi Piucklea'e Arnica S.ile enred him en tirely. Sold by Aycoeke k t o. drng- 5U5t8. HAKPCK'S MAGAZINE. II.I.rSTRATKn. Highest of all in Lezvcning Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Nothing keepp a etiny mm A goo-i way to learn to talk from pteuling but the risk, of tbe j to first larn to lister. thing. j The man who hes cn.j ? t him!! ia engitged iu very tu 'i Now 'I ry 'Ibis. businesa. II.iri'T'H M.tpizine for l'S-l wll m Intiln lh h r.i. t-r Hi it li mill.-it Oi f.r;i r t'-.l iri ) Hcsl f- r the hone Au.i'd ihv i -niltd . f .'i.t' riTiru'S un i rt .1 .-n ' y i h-j u is'n'rs. t h- r v al ii .r '.ur.; ih y r hi It wiilct-nt yon nuiliinir nrA nr ly d.-you l-.-mk! if ynhvti-fi cei 1 rany !r nii'.M ;:li, thr a' cii--t - t '.aucs. Ir. K.nc' New Ii..-rT fo e n(impfior.. c'jha an i r!d.4 is ti -in".e-d t cii - r f, or m r.ej- n'end--i. Sii'Ti r-r-s fr 'ta I j tr:ir f.ur.d about me! Thv strength, Hester, but : ' t! ir iiuHr.W i. .r .,r. t:.- i ty l e - ' j ' . .r 1 e-k.s, on th- J ,..u (- s.- i-. v. 1 v ..' let It be guided by the v. ill which God ; fn- I Pirm'. on tienn ny. i y I'.'u u ..-y l i- y HI. h i Pr... . rl n-- l:3'i Tr v ..1- :. .f :!..- -ofiwor contsined in a ' . ', i;t"d to me by J. R. . - ! in Franklin county. i -- and 102, I shall sell r li ie door in Lonisburcr .M' 'a .'.a y the riih day of Jan , at jiublic auction for cash, a :r of land in Cedar Rock Franklin County, adjoining of J . D. Wood, J . J. Murphy, lias and others, containing and three-fourths acres, more Mf.5. Josie A. Green, C. M. Cooke, Attorney. LAND SALE. By virtue of authority given in a ) . forage deed to Geo. F. Allen by Dal hivi:t and wife, dated Arr.l 17th 1891, ,d re.- .rded in book 87, pages 817 and ' .:-;. Register's ofSce of Franklin coun- ", I wid sell at the Court House door i i b . -lisburg, N. C, on Tuesday, Jan- i ii v' J. 18; 1. a tract of land described ia said mortgage, adjoining the lands ' -t K. C. Denton, C. E. Denton and J . Denton. Terms cash. Geo. K. Leosard, Exr., of Geo. F. Allex, dee'd. were human beings enough and enough cf highly wrought and symphonious feeling to poduco that more impressive sound than the organ tones of the bla.t, or the thunder, or the roar of the sea even that mighty swell of many voices blended into one great voice by the uni versal impulse which makes likewise one vast heart out of the many. Never from the soil of New England had gone up such a short! Never on New England soil had stool the man so honored Ly his mortal brethren as the preacher! How fared it with him then? Were there riot the brilliant pa "t ivies of a halo in the air about ids lead? tj: et In real ized by spirit as he was. and so iipuil.e csized by wr-p.ipiug admirers, did his foot t:ps m tnv proc . ion really i.:viJ upon the dust of earth? !s of uiilitarv men and tut at Us v.i i .- !.o O i r earth at the lace so i v place ."d u:l A . t'ae ran ci ."il fathers move were turned t - .r i . minister was s: t them. The rhcvit i;, as one portion if i'.: other obtained a glnr f-ch .1 (,u; all eves i i am. i Ih i. l..o s f :: a f. . i'o;n: . cf ; rale lie looiie i ami.s r.ii i.n triumph! The energy or fay, rather, the inspiration which had heid him up until he should have delivered the racred NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of N. H. Murphy, rlecal., all persons owinn his es t;it are notified to pay the name at onee hihI nil oprsons holding claims against said estate must iresent them ou or before No vember 10, 18!), or this notice will b 'lead in bar of their recovery, This No vnnber 10. 1H93. A. S. Tucker, Adm'r. NOTICE. Having this day qualified as adminis tra or on the estate of John W. Ham, all persons owing said estate are re quested to settle, and all who have ' iaims against said estate to present them on or before the 1st day of Decem ber 1S94, or this notice will be pleaded iu bar of their recovery. J . T. Ham, Admr, W. M. Person, Attorney. D'-c 1st, 1893. COPYRIGHTS.- CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a TTouipt answer and an honest opinion, wrlto to H i S S fc CO., who have had nearly fifty years' f vi"jri(;nce in the patent business. Coinmunica ' ft i K.tly confidential. A Handbook of In 1 -'nuat.ion concerning Patents and how to ob ' --in them gent free. Also a catalogue of median-I- i and scientific books gent free. Cat outs taken through Munn Co. receive jpeHai notice in the Hclentific AmerioBD, and ti;'is ure brought wldelr before the Dubllewith-' v.iso to iae inventor, urns spienaiu -.I-lieu weekly, elegj lar -r-et circulation "'Tin. !m .1 iiTpiir. Himn! xvtnl ll- ' .1 . T.' . . . . i. , .fu Olnnl. f;r.ies, $ certs. Every number contains bean J a hi plates, in colors, and photographs of new "u?eg, with plans, enabling builders to show the lu-ipst f'pslCTis and secure contracts Address" mux li CO., NlSW YOUK, 391 Bhoadwat paper. uitly illustrated, baa DTiartne of any scientific work in the ah utnt Tree. CHAPTER XVIIL THE REVELATION OF THE SCARIXT I.ETTrH. I The elotjuent voice on -which the souls of the listening audience had been borne aloft as on the swelling waves of the sea at length came to a pause. There was a momentary silence, profound as ' what should follow the utterance of oracles. Then ensued a murmur and half hushed tumult, a3 if the auditors, released from the high spell that had transported them into the region of an other's mind, were returning into them selves with all their awe and wonde? still heavy on them. In a moment more the crowd began to gush forth from the doors of the church. Now that there was an end they needed other breath, more fit to support the gross and earthly life into which they relapsed than that atmosphere which the preacher had con verted into words of flame and had bur dened with the rich fragrance of his thought. In the open air their rapture broke into speech. The street and the market place absolutely babbled from side to side with applauses of the minister. His hearers could not rest until they had told one another of what each knew better than he could tell or hear. According to their united testimony, never had man spoken in so wise, so high and so holy a spirit as he that spake this day, nor had inspiration ever breathed through mor tal lips more evidently than it did through his. Its influence could be seen, as it were, descending upon him and possessing him and continually lifting him out of the written discourse that lay before him, and filling him with ideas that must have been as marvelous to himself as to his audience. His subject, it appeared, had been the relation be tween the Deity and the communities of mankind, with a special reference to the New England which they were here planting in the wilderness. And as he drew toward the - close a spirit as of prophecy had come trpon him, constrain ing him to its purpose as mightily as the old prophets of Israel were constrained; only with thiB difference, that whereas the Jewish seers had denounced judg ments and ruin on their country, it was his mission to foretell a high and glori ous destiny for the newly gathered peo ple of the Lord. But throughout it all and through the whole discourse there had been a certain deep, sad undertone of pathos, which could not be interpreted otherwise than as the natural regret of one soon to pass away: -Yes. their minister whom they bo loved and who so loved them all that -he' cot Id not depart heavenward without a sigh bad ' the foreboding of untimely death upon him and would soon leave ohem in their tears! This idea of his transitory Btay on earth gave the last emphasis'to the effect which the preacher had produced; it was as if an angel in his passage to the skies had shaken his bright wiiurs over tbe people message that brought ils own strer.gtl along with it from heaven v.w- vriih 1 v n i- fit-- -i if if li o -1 - - f Irl.fnllA peitovmc'ci us c-ice. u:c glow, wnicii j they had just lefore beheld burning on his cheek, was extinguished like a (lamo j that sinks down hopelessly among the ; late-decaying embers. It seemed hardly ! the face of a man alive, with 6uch a deathlike hue; it was hardly a man , with life in him thaftottered on bis ; path so nervelessly, yet tottered, and did not fall! . j One of his clerical brethren it ws ; the venerable John Wilson observing ; the state iu which Mr. Dimmesdale was left by the retiring wave of intellect and i sensibility, stepped forward hastily to I offer his support. The minister tremu- 1 lously but decidedly repelled tho old man s arm. lie still walked onward, ir , that movement could be so described, which rather resembled the wavering effort of an infant with its mother's arms in view outstretched to tempt him forward. A ud now, almost impercepti ble as were the latter step3 of his prog ress, he had come opposite the well re membered and weather darkened scaf fold, where long since, with all that dreary lapse cf time between, Hester Prynne had encountered tho world's ig ncminous stare. There stood Hester holding little Pearl by the hand! And there was the scarlet letter on her breast! The minister hero made a pause, although the music still played the stately and rejoicing march to which the procession moved. It summoned him onward onward to the festival but here he made a pause. Bellingham for the last few moments bad kept an anxious eye upon him. He now left his own place in the procession and advanced to give assistance, jtidginc from Mr. Dimniesdale's aspect, that ho must otherwise inevitably fall. Cut thera was something in the lawyer's ex pression that warned back the magis trate, although a man not readily obey ing the vague intimations that pass from one spirit to another. The crowd, mean while, looked on with awe and wonder. This earthly faintness was, in their view, only another phase of the mini ter's celestial strength, nor would it have seemed a miracle too high to bo wrought for one so holy, had he ascended before their eyes, waxing dimmer and brighter, and fading at last into the light of heaven. He turned toward the Bcalfold and stretched forth his arms. "Hester," said he, "come hither! Come, my little Pearll" It was a.ghastly look with which he regarded them, but there was something at once tender and strangely triumphant in it The child, with the birdlike mo tion which was one of her characteristics, flew to him and clasped her arms about his knees. Hester Prynne slowly, as if impelled by inevitable fate and against her strongest will likewise drew near, but Daused before she reached him. At hath granted me! Tins wretihed and wronged old man is opi,i;i it with all Lis might with all Ids own might and the fiend's. Come, lit sU r. o me! blip port ihe up yonder scaffold!" The crowd was in a tumult. Tho men of rank and dignity who s-teod mere im mediately around the t h rgvinaii were so taktn bv surprise and so i: rnlexed as i to the purport of what they s-'v. unable j to receive tho explui'atiou w i.ich most j readily pro-anted it.-elf or to imagine ! any other, that they reinc.ined i!ent and j inactive spectators of the judgment ! w hich Provi ience seemed al r.t to w ork. : They beheld the luiui.-ur, I. ir.g on j Hester's f houl hr and ..: pfirt-'d by I.t I arm around him, approach the scaffold aud a.-cer.d its steps, while stil! the little ; hand of the sin horn chi'd was claq oil in his Old Ib-tr ( 'lr.lhrw. rth f 1 ' lowed as one iniimat. ly c.e.iU.i v with 1 the drama c-t guilt an 1 .. '. row in v. 'ua h ; they had all been n.-tors. ..ud vail en- ' titled, therefore, to Le : closing scene. j "ILillst ): u F T.gl.t tl'.l ; cwr," said be, loolwin d. i lergyman, uu -re was secret no high place where thou couldst h ! ave on this vr-rv scaffi i-.l" Thanks le to t.ini v 1: h-.!h t-d hither!" answered t he nr.!.;-:- r. j Yet he trcii.l.hd and tui ;o . j with an c -xpres; n a of h a.bt ;.a . a:;-. in Lis eyes, rot i ue trayul teat thre wa r.po;i his hps. -'is not thi; ! ' r ' "li- ;n w'.ut vc dr- .i..-.a. cf in t. est?" ! '! know- md! I ur.,v ra.T' rh. tie :Ly l 1- "iLu.. Yc, b-?t:i .:.. , .... . ... ; US?" I "Fer t'-.r" r. order," said t - merciful! !. which ho hath ir.r.d i sight. For, licrt . r. 1 1 So let mo make lau-ic upon mo!" : Partly supported b ' holding cr.o ban 1 of ! lieverend Mr. Ijiinmes-i.-.le turn. 1 t- dignified and venerabi holy ministers, who v. a re his bretliren, to the people, whe-e groat heart wa. thoroughly cppallrd. yet ore! (loci:u with tearful sympathy, as know-in ; that some deep life matter whieh, if lull of sin, was full of anguish and repentance likewise was now to l-e laid op-en ic them. The sun, but little past its me ridian, shone down upon the il'Tgyman and gave a distinctness to his figure as he stood out from all the earth to put in his plea of guilty at tho bar of eternal justice. "People of New England!" cried he. with a voice that rose over them. high, solemn and majestic yet had always a tremor through it, ai.d 6omctunts a shriek, struggling up out of a fathom less depth of remorse and woe "ye that have loved me! ye that have deemed me holy behold me here the one sinneT of the world! At last at last 1 t-tand upon the spot where seven years since 1 should. have stood; here with this wom an, whose arm, more than the little strength wherewith 1 have crept hither ward, sustains me at this dreadful mo ment from groveling down upon my face! Lo, the Ecarlet letter which Hes ter wears! w. on 1 ir; I y 1(1. n ir ! ll.ir .ir l . ix 11 M"'R" I y rr"' " rl-- K. e.n Anion ' he o( h -r lioU.l'l f M :;r s t!i j e.irw.. . iv. I y (Jeor. ' U Mv.ir T e-' 1 h ' i u i! y V.ini- r. Ih.' j-r.inil r-m r. .-. ( W. D Hiiwrl.-.sn ii'ifM nhort xt.Ti.i f C t ru f r nU- Hf.- 1 y n W it stl.ui ' ' iruM w 11 ilo 1 r.n.l rl ' ii' l i y II r-oi ' r M.it'hrwji. Rl h r!H..r:itK I W, Mrry K W liklPH, Ku li M K.-r Slu .l. V I Li .ir " !:ni T;vl. in.A. i . tl'C A Hf.l-nr-. r. :t jnt 'I..' tl nit sr.. I ur.d-r i .si-dv an I iTf.-c! r--.- e-rv stiTipl- ! - ' ' U- .v ; r i ; 1 f. r y. ir.-If ''. !i s - i i :. : i'risl ! nl- fr.-. i . ', A I r ; s n r-. Eir -.i ." i .. 1 s iui in ii H IT'" - - w i 'h - t - ' . - 1 ' 1 fir" i" .i - i . o - r . k' I r . " . r c ' ' r" 1 1 1 f.j.-r v - I ' i - r-- .. :-!.!.: .' ' . . -V - A ;..-.l .'0 - . r i i i - i J I'l l',Tt i r r: r. r r i !! T.VI KM KM'. k! 1 i o V : r i ; t I I -1 -. r I r r -' l T I ' rH. - ? 1 r. LVan rvi, i:r . Th mm N Ir 'ii 1' T" Artl.-l noli t-U'l of -iirr-r.! will !' .' - litriOut si ;.y . l.-t :i :'.: I HAiiPKirs i i : k i i i v ri:u year. x li i a ' m ; v : s y n . i; !:' - s i. a v ! i'y n i o if -WIN., Til!". M V.l m :.i. ,,,t l'n:: I . ! r o 1-1 V 1 , 1. ill ' i r. ; r-. o.l.sr, o ' i r r i . I i : l..r tin ill t. p. r .f-ri. It-,. fi.-.- L'l) Wi ¬ ll :...i., ill i. .1! 1 llllir . I v v. no s f eat !i"k 1. 1 ! in i I n.i- : -i ! I . . 1 1 . i:.. ; i d 1 in Mill l.i" C ' l't 1 I i .i I r' In i. i ! i p..t i !oa '.i H, I r l p i-l i..i . 1 )trt ni l l, or d:.iir, I . .1. II I - ' 1 :-. a ii nf i: 1 1. : it y Tiiy. Vt Mi ; : n . k.; 1'i.t t M!:(.i; "ru. ie i v : n '.in, the n.n i : v l.I'.'hti Y. !i .nii i-r;; v m : TV ;i n: ; 'V I I- Number of m T. S. 'o; :.:i At'-tole.l at ; J I'D Tr.ve O'l.'.s f 7 I ' til er d i '. 1 I'. ' :;. r r:. : e A me -t-r : . : o r v y U-.-i..iio d lie. .e Ijv- bv.r- .o we v. ith -V -' II Vlll'K r : 1 : A Ru u; 1 1 a . : : : : ILL i - i i: s v,t:i: s y ; : t i ; i I.Y A! Vli'l at $-2J") ; Tl .'IV eh 5 c e : . ' r ' i in in , e r L. , v r.Tl --.(: an (i 1 !!o!rt Tr liltie P.. e turn, r- .l -is ::a.: 1 i-- Will ? nv . and . t!.f tilC tiie '. ty i 1 . ,n 1 i 1' T 1 In A i-it i . it i ' I I ' . r 1 . f , '.M ' 1 C ;, i-. ' 1 1 . t orny f r i ! ' t. 't 'ch - I.. II -t 1 v I I-'. -1, rv I Lnrt"" t W. . 1. ty i 1 . . ,n 1 i r riTf.i ;, .n (, j i"i Mi i' y ' 'i it r- t i. . I I ' U i . 'f. p 1 111! , t .; . t'1 I.. II ' ' t r i v T.i 1 r.- .! ! li I ii- it j I I Tl -r I ! t1. ' J,, i; , .. i ,,. , i; I j- -i, r v v. i ; r , It il.n'i' l.i lli , ii inn s-i;r'. .'r vi ii p t j i In' f . .r'-nn .st r r '. ; t i i. r 1 1 j-. 1 1 1 r 'I I.-. 1 t H t.Trl'-T Mi : V TV In it i I V i T ; t ' l'll : it t r T; tt .-, i l. ini j -t-lt r f rfv. t ' ii ' 'i i -.li ! le i an I v ir,.-n v ),. . ur ir. ik k ' h" IiikT , y f t t t'l . to ! 'I I ' ' . Hi M (,-! '. T' ' ' I i, A r ;n; :n I N a jr. A :n - sp t . up. I ii -i ; it I I h.' Tlr mv ' y I-' i ...l--h -I -v i- Ms It"wr! !L.ri'"i W. rk ;. !i" iit-v,.s .-I'nr ' Ih - I y p'or m- 1 1 1 rl '-t I' 1 lit'T ry nit.iM' i io f Hi tt'C ;i .ih t In- s. . i '. rnt !. al . h r. '.-r - f It. r I w HAUl'KK S I'KUIoMi ALS. Ef.:'. Y T. V R. It K Rej. -R s M i ; . N E - i M A Hl'KH'S WKEK1 Y I " H AWPFR R ' 7. U 1 II A Rl'K.R s Vol" Vti I'l l K 1 I tt. k.-i Er to ill n ' r '. rx in Hi I i t' 1 St.ltlT. CllliX'.T.. T!l 1 Mi 11' ... .1. A. i: 'dfl It at Tr i ve i,:s p.-r 1 -1- ' 11:" i V 1 r:.i: New Barber Shop. .! H . A!tep..!".l lo rr..-.-a "V') per day Trav eled m i ; cent? per n, ; !e ' 1. v i . i M' i i ': r I. .it FKANK LINTON I10TLL V.. M. WAI1I). Pre; r. Th V.tlnrn f l h" W ' v t cin ut'h f.Tit iinl r ( -r J oi'inrr of . 1 1 y.-nr ! t. Tin t iui" Ih Tt.-ti 1 1 i ! ' . 'i 1 ju-rl .t ( n .v '!i !.v pin wlthth'- N iiiii'i. r i' urrciit ut th.- tlm-' ' r -i-lpt f ,.r".T. Rivin I Volnm. h rf Hirtvr'H W-- kly 1 r n t thrl '.v ur l iirk. In nnt -loth hin 'we. 'il' t H.-nt 1 y m ill. l - ""t v M. nf 1 y -tt r f r ' nf I'xit -riH.' i i.r- x i I'-l t ti - f n-lrht .lo rt 't pt'c n) on" iloll.ir P t vjl-.i'.nt'i f.r $7 00 jVr o CClit? ler UQlle At. i- i (i LPRiiF. YlsT IN, tided 14 m ee tin per day iil.i. : t r tc'i ir. TO. Trave!e-1 4o tnih ? f r roluin. rioth rH for I'tr-h vnltirrnv 'iltat.l Mn-'li'ir. v. Ill x ii.'Tit ty mill, jost n,;, ) , r"'tT't of $1 10 rh j R.nilf bre" sv"iil ' ! m"'', Ir Rout f"".- Mrv-Vy Or It it Ir ft . tn a t.i I 1 rh - n.- of ! wprwr hj' not rwiiry thin vort n nr-nt w'thout Uu- PiprcM or ler of Hp.hf.h k BlOTHFRS. : Atllriui: H RFKn ft Brothbrs. New Y'r rk. 1S!I4. HAMPER'S HAZAR. ILLLSTRATLl). II. K. Wn llk, Attended 1 meeting at 2.00 per dav Traveled 14 mile? at 3 cents per mile 2' i 1 1 i 48 0 S 2 0 ro l l.i-rv inr ? 2 II.irrr'i Buifr is a i '. i r n .- 1 for tlo i home. It eivrH ib- lirt info'nmlr i j with repnrd l" the KsliioitH. and iu nu ' mcrous illustrations. Pri dfipn, n! Ye have all shuddered at it! ' pnttrm-xheet mippL m it rf indi-pen- Wl.ttrorrr her ivulL- LntV Loa-i tt-hf-r- uh e alike to III" home ilrrtJf-i.iarter pnn ever, so miserablv burdened, she may ! prdt-ii..n.it modi.ir N e pene .. Z , , I i ti I sbured to make iu nrlittie a inriivcnen have hoped to lmd repose it hath cast a . of the h;t ordvr !ts bright t..rie. lurid gleam cf awe and horrible repug- , Unuir. c roiiiidie. h d tboi.Ltful .ivt nance around about her. But there ! sviit-fv all Listev ai I us ln-t ,i.).'e is i cr.d on a i-n iha' n-iiltf- r.f vnn nt w h nn , moils hH il bnL'i't nf vit n d liiini.r. In brand of sin and infamy ye have not shuddered!" its w ei kl v ifi'U-s rvertthinx is inrliid.-d whiih it of in te res t to worn n. The eri.il f. r isoi Ve trilteu hr U'Jtt r IV.-H-. It seemed at this pcint as if the min- ant nn( iipiam 15Uck. " Mr ):i,.i,at 'r Uu'. lire inirnurti i"r m:i'.r..n. -n-ii in i en North will fcperi.diy uo lrr ifirl. T. W. II in'i ns -n in "Worn n and Me:' w ill i. lease h cult: v.ited midience. otr an assiiti.nco ana steppe'-i passionately forward a paco before the woman and & . v. - ----- - juni null in.. mm . ' i v. n . ' ister must leave the remainder of his ill become a rontnb'iior. Mri. n secret undisclosed. Cut be fought back l.md. Tir.udy Tslkn. Iy In n .d the bodily weaknes and, still more, the faintnees of heart that was striv ing for the masterv with him. He threw the child. "It was on himr he contin ued, with a kind of fierceness. 60 determined was he to speak out the whole. "God's eye be held it! Tho angels were forever point ing at it! The devil knew it well and fretted it continually with tho touch of his burning linger! But he hid it cun ningly from men and walked among you with the mien of a spirit, mournful be cause so pure in a sinful world and 6ad because he missed his heavenly kiDdredl Now, at the death hour, he stands np before you! Ho bids you look again at Hester's 6carlet letter! Ho tells you that, with all its mysterious horror, it u but the shadow of what he bears' on his . own breast, and that even this, his own red stigma, is no more than the type of what has seared his inmost heart! Stand any here that question God's judgment on a sinner? Behold! Behold I Uakpeb J Broth kos a rl-roa.lfnl nnerirwua nf it I uddreAA UAurEH&mtiH limits. Pro nK co-stuczd New York. 1IAKPER3 PERIODICALS, ninrr.i's Dru f-l on ! Mmrr.' maoaiink 4 O't j HARPin'K WEKKI.Y tl H) ; j HAnCKU tJ YOUNG rE.11'1 K f 2 00 The vobinie of the It rr orpiun wi:h the prht N umber for Jntii y of frii rr. , When no time i mcuiionrd, utcriit ion , will rv g u with the number curriwl at time ut reefipt of ordvr. ! Bound Volumes d llrpr' IVir frr three ycai bek. in neut clo-.h hiiidinf, ' will be sent by luail. postage pid, or by j express free of expense Iprorided tl e freieht does not encecd one dullar per volume), lor J7 00 per year. (.Moth fr ceh voljme. suiUble or binding, will be ent btr m4il, put paid, on receipt of $100 eneh. I Hemittance "hould be mde by Tesl Of- I fice Money Order cr Ur:t, to aroiu chaoce of losi. NewsntDCrs tre not to cony this sdrer lisemeiit without the expt order of CoMMisMONKfi's Orrt' r t Lo: iMU'w;, N C. , j In accordance with law, I, W j K. Martin, C lork of tl.e Hoard of j Cora tn it-hiotier. of Kraiikiin conn-i ty. Nortli ('arolii a, do hereby I certify that the nbetvo js a tru' stateiueiit fer the yenr ending' November 10, A. D ', IKlI, of th" amount of claims per diem and mileage of the tnetnbor i f th' Hoarl of ( 'om m ifs:'Mi r of prank -lin roiintv. North '.'iiroiitia, rv.d ited bv tli- saiil Ioard of Con, m ifea ioners. W. K. Martin, Register of Ieed and E-of-ficio Clerk to Hoard. NOTICE. Iiv virtue of u mort r.tre d-J mn.lt' to tk1 ut TnW-e by harl. Y. At!M'iif iui'! wif Mnry It Ay--cue, autl .1. 1! T Aex-u nn.l wi' I.ik v Avf'Ue. for the lneht o! 1 N Egrtn aihI t. S . Konl, tr:i -ing uh KgTton A Ponl, I will wll i r .'. mrt House dtHr in liubrir; . N ( to th- hight bjhlT for-n-i i.n Saturday. I Wenit-er i.3rd. '.' . a i'-rt.i:ii trrtu t or rHrcl of land ". Ha y'f -.lie township, iituatc-l :b Iuibnrjr and HerdeTMn n .:. and morv fully lerri-l m - tntirtcnge dl. which if rw"rd-i th Curt Hu' in I ji-Lu"c v (' . in l.wjk 1)2. pc- 1 'IT .ir d l: - ciint.uiiiiifoin' fmutlMl vni v.. t-ftve air-", more or ! Tt r;inl tract of bind u wild tut;.t a prior ir.ortcap ri n bv ..!! K. Avesrii'' ai'! l!i iifid J K Avew u" and w if.- to il' Tt... nngton igmt for l'-n Tl:arnr:h-i' i on th loth da v rf Janu.iry li: ) f.ir tb um cd tght burdr-! ti- ' ! iar-, and intervft at ! ;-r -t.t r annum, and re irded m ti ' : 1 iloiiAe in Ixa IfiTiT. N ' . :n 1' i ry H."). pi jte Zt'Jl . I J H. Hiiiuif, Tr-us!'- Nov '22, lh03. mm, 189-i - - r k ui rLT gAycccks & Cd. nsrr-.ivT", LOCt5BrRG. .'t C Raleigh Oja Works. J. T. OLIVE, Trop-r. - Satixfaetioo g-oamnteKl in rry psr ttcalar. Orders fre-ta i dis'.aner proenrt 4j filli. i A-a wsi m m wi k - m. i i. j-m. v aru.,wa4 A"S Onera CWcSml Dar Cr.ti Trire 10 e-ct i ' m r ll-j ajvd Alhx Ft lsriis ! rf' nr; b crl lloal wbrrr mil Cl- - faiM: wm ctraa too ll takro t. t - OMIL0 H'SCATA R R aREMED