f. THE FRANKLIN TIMES. 1. THOMAS Editor and Prijprietor M94. Index to New AdvertitHtenUi; TAR DROPS. The horse-traders had it lively on Tuesday. The crowd in town on Tuesday was the largest we have seen here in years. Hardy, of the Carolinian, and Rog ers, of the News-Observ er," were here, this; week. Mr. C. ML Cooke, Jr., killed two hogs tii week, the largest o.r whfch weighed 450 pound, the smaller 275. : J . Althoagh tLe rowd was "very lare Uorrt thin wk. the ueoole were ffenerallv orderly, and there were; very few arrests wisa d of : by the police. Mr. James S. Battle, -one of Warren county's most prominent citizens, wan stricken with paralysis a few days ago at Spring Hope His, condition'; is critical. "Cedar Hill stock" has somewhat improved over that of years back; . AVe saw only three ''frames' this week that had to lean against a tree or fence to stand on their feet. The dinner given by the ladies of the Methodist Parsonage Aid Society in the Opera House on Tuesday was well pat- Franklin Superior Court. , h - i - The "January. term of Franklin Snperi- or Court convened a Monday, last;'. His ttonor, j . Ur JJynom. t Judge pwsidiair. On account tf ' beingdeUhuMT at Pitt Court to a late hour Saturday the Judge was unable" to reach Loukbarg until 3 o'clock in the Afternoon of Monday,: con sequently Court was not "opened until that hoar. The .only business attended to. Monday evening was the- selection - of the Grand J nry, and the delivery of the J udge's charge. His charge was soond and forcible, and its delivery was clear in every respect so clear that no man of ordinary intelligence could fail to under-? stand the duties of a grand juror. Solic itor J no. E. Woodard was promptly on hand, and prosecuted the State's side., of the docket with his nsual skill and abili ty. Mr. Moses Neal was made Foreman of tho Grand J ury, ;; On Tuesday morn ing the State docket was ' taken up and the following cases were taied or other- State vs Henry Richards, selling liquor on Sunday; judgment suspended on pay. ment of costs. ." : State vs E. L. Winston, and R. F. Green, continued as "to Winston.- Green vailed and failed, judgment ni si.; scifa. State vs Marcellus Dent, carrying con cealed weapons; submits; judgment soa pended on payment of costs. State vs Helen Harris, larceny, -not guilty. TEE- MURDER TKIAL t THE TEIAL OF TOM' AND CAtTfJO- : -W LEY BEG US.-' A Special. .Venire, bt-fyro Hundred Men Summoned and a Jury Se- TV lecteL :-S?Uv. The- case o-State ts. : Calvin" and Thomas Coley for the murder of Simon Tucker on Jane 30th 1892, In Gold Mine township, this con ntyeame op fortrial at this term of the Superior Court.; The grand jury found a true bill on Tues day, and the prisoners were at once ar raigned. The prisoners had no eoansel and Judge By nam assigned Messrs. F. S. Sprnill and W. M-Person to defend them. The Sheriff was ordered to sum mon a special venire of two hundred men, returnable on Thursday morning. The Con rt House was filled before the hour for the opening of the Court ar rived, bat when the J edge came into the Loart House he ordered the crowd to clear the Court room, as he had been In formed by an nmbe of. men that there was danger of the floor giving way. .The special venire was called and the selection. .of the jury began at 11.S5 o clock. .Nineteen men were made to stand aside, and it was 12 33 rfclock when' the first j aror, T. J . Might, was chosen. .Eight more men were made to stand aside and J. E. T. Ayescue was State vs James Barwell, larceny, not fckosen as the second j oror. After eight guilty. State vs Wesley Whitaker, larceny, Tonized and the ladies feel very kindly I comes into court and enters a plea of toward those who so liberally aided 1 nolo contendere; judgment suspended on tiem. , payment of costs Jona n- r M.Hn? ttw and State vs Kufus Kearney, A. & B.; not no mistake?' They know just exactly Uuiltv what their, patrons want, and hardly ever Ro8anna fail to satisfy. Thev will have a new advertisement in the Times next week, too busy to write it np this week. A special from Raleigh to the Wil mincrton Messenger says: To-day the heirs of the estate of Mrs. Mary Smith Morehead were paid a $40,000 dividend here. This is after all the legacies are paid. Other dividends will be paid. The Times welcomes its good friend, W. K. A. Williams to town, tie is one of the rising young men of this county. He will be glad to have his friends call to eee him at J ones & Cooper's, where he has accepted a position as salesman. In addition to the local bar the fol lowing lawyers were in attendance at Court this week : Shaw and Zollicoffer, Henderson; Batchelor and Basbee, Ral eigh; Cooley, of Nashville; Shaw, of Ox ford; Galley and Bullock, Franklin ton; Paul Jones, Tarboro. As will be seen elsewhere in the Times B. T. Ayescue & Co., have gone into the fish and oyster business in Louis- burg, and they are receiving on the days named in their advertisement nice fresh fish and delicious oysters We have tried some of their fish and oysters and are prepared to say that Doth are very fiue. Mr. Ayescue says that if the pub lic will appreciate their jefforts to-supply the market with nice fresh nsn and oys ters at the moderate and reasonable prices named, they will make arrangements to receive them oftener. See their adv. As an exchange says, there is a sad propensity in human nature; very sad. It is to listen to scandal, and help to spread it, too. Without intention to do oar neighbor an injury, a careless remark may be seized by a babbler, and as a snowball grows by rolling it so does a story by telling. It passes through the babbling tribe, growing larger and larger and darker and darker, and by the time it has rolled through Babbletown it has assumed the largeness and blackness of base slander. Curb this- propensity as far as possible. Thewuri&has much in it that is unpleasant without adding any thing more. There was considerable complaint on the part of those who were anxious to wit ness the.proceeding of selecting the jury in the murder trial on Thursday, bat were prevented from so doing because of the fact that Judge By nam ordered the Court room cleared before the work of se lecting the jury begun. The Judge said that his reason for clearing the room was that he had been informed that there was danger of the floor giving way, and if such was the ease he desired and intended to see to it that no such calamity should take place, if he eoald prevent it. So the' eosaplainers will see that the J ndge was looking after their : safety, and. at the same protecting th$ county from loss. j We naveKen taetwjtb peoplenfa oar experience who may be described as r being "moire nice than wise: And as an exchange says, they have manifested this in different ways--8ome in the manage ment and training of their children, and the constant surveillance kepi ever them in every -way, In this ; connection -.Iwe would say that there are two Tery; efflca cious ways of making children- bad-one is by telling them too. much' about mee for their yearsand 'warning them -too frequently against it, and the other is by not telling them enough- on the - subject, and not advising them enough against the world's temptations. Sensible par ents know what the middle ground is and stay on it; fanatical ones go to ju&" ex treme always and raise eulprita 'of chil dren when they think they are going . to raise pinks of perfection And "more nice than wise' parents are very apt to be fanatical, observation has taught us. Sfate vs John Green and Jones; F. & A.; not guilty. State vs T. B. Holden, assault with deadly weapon, guilty. State vs. Geo. Whitfield, larceny. guilty. The case of State vs. Calvin and Thomas Coley was taken np Thursday morning, and all day was consumed in selecting the jury. Our report closes with the adjourn ment of Court Thursday evening. Coart will go on next week. AanaWebb, a colored girl, aged lft years, caught fire and bnrned to death at Justice, IhUeouatr, oa Friday riA company ef .colored ; orphans, of Petersburg," T4 fTe TerT creditable eoncer at the Opera House last night. zney wm appear again to-jiighW;- , Personal. ilT-: 1 -: f . 1 '- ' . Mr. S', W. -Fargurson; of Raleigh, came down and spent last Sunday, with his people here, : -. . r Miaa Lizzie Wilder is viaitlng relatives in Henderson. : ' I " Misses Mat tie Clementa, of Hennder- son, and Sallie Alston, of. Warren, are visiting tho family, of . W. II. Pleas ants, Jr. , xouisnuna r ; PRODUCE. Corrected y L.l Blcks. . MiKKirrs. BUer, Mr!b. Married. Mr. W. S. Moore and Mrs. Mary Davis were united in matrimony on the 17th inst., at 1:30 Pi M. The marriage took place at the home of the bride, Mr. Wm. Johnson's, in HayesviUe township. A reception was given by the groom's father, Mr. R. G. Moore. A large num ber of Mr. Moore's friends partook of his bo untifal table and enjoyed themselves for several hoars. W. H. B. others were made to stand aside No, was chosen in the person of L. B. Per ry. "Twenty-two others were made to stand aside and juror No. 4 was chosen T ! wt. ill' . -n . a ijevm ruuiips. roar otners were made to stand aside and M. E. Juyner was selected as juror No. 5. The siith juror was chosen in the person of J. H Upperman, after standing six others aside. Five others were made to stand aside and J. M. Brantley was ehosen as juror No. 7 After standing aside three others R. F. Brantley was chosen as No. 8 One other was stood aside and J. H. Cohyers was chosen as" No. 9 Fifty more men were made to stand aside be fore the 10th juror was chosen when Joel H. Harris was given seat No. 10 Then fire others were stood aside and H. R Richards was chosen as No. 11. Thirty-five others were made to 'stand aside when B. M. Alford was chosen as the 12th juror. The selection of the ju ry was completed at 4 o'clock, and the court took a recti ss until Friday morn ing. As we go to press on Thursday night we will not be able to give the result of the trial until next weekr The Solicitor has decided to make State's witnesses oat of the two women, Pinkey Williams and Lacy Brewer. Several other witnesses have been sum moned to give evidence in the case. A Saintly' Woman Dead. A telegram was received here Monday announcing the death in New York on Sunday morning of Sister CecHia" '(Mrs. Lawrence,) formerly. of LouUbarg. . . Mrs. Lawrence was bora in Loaisbnrg and resided here until, she joined the "Sisterhood of the Good Shepherd,, about twenty years ago, when she re moved to Wilmington.. Hr age was about 58 yearn. An aged .mother, two sister, and a brother survive her. In speaking of her death -the. Wil mington Blessenger says : Hers was a life of sacrifice in doing good defds. and in this community she has carried light and comfort to many a burdened soul. For twenty years she performed her labor of love and mercy in Wilmington, helping the poor and needy, ministering to the sick and dy ing,, carrying the consoUtionef Christ's religion to hearts bowed down and coals oppressed. She was a devoted Chris tian woman and her pure and holy life and exalted, tender character is a shin ing example to the world. The remains of the saintly 'dead will be brought to Wilmington for inter ment in Oakdale Cemetery. MUSS BaeoaN.C.Hoa-roaad'" lO La lft weUrw Meat . . ,, v . - yrar Cored Haael , 15. Com , v - to . . Floor, fanfly . " 1 00 to 4 7S ' Lard - . ' ' 10 to 1JH - Oatev SStoftO - 8ar, Btowa & SarMr,GraaUtc4 - t CoBe . SO to SS ' 8lt,praaek 1&S Chkkena lZtttoXS " Eag. pee do. 13H Bowwax,prrl&. 15toW COTTOX. By W P Keal k on. Strict Good Utddnac TH ?ood WHrlliog- TH 8triet MiddUcr ' TH - UlMliK, T TOBAdCO. Cormrted by W. H. Pleaaatt ft Co. Smoker com no a S to S ' rood S to 8 Cnttera cunaoa .15 to 15 cood VO to 23 Am 25 to S3 FllWt common 3 to 8 irood to 8 n ft to 13 Wrapper omoton 13 to 18 aood 25 to 40 fin &0 to 73 The Compliment Mutual. Before adjourning court Saturday J udge Bynnm spoke very complimentary of Solicitor Woodard, of the ofBeers of the court, of the bar, and of Greenville and her people. The Reflector is glad he is tocome back to Pitt for the other spring terms. He and Solicitor Woodard make a splendid battery to strike out the evil doers. It stands to the credit of Judge Bynum also, that he never jtravels on Sunday when it can be avoided, and for that reason he remained here until Mon day morning. 3reenville Reflectosr Some New ear Advice. Don't wait for the wagon while the walking is good. Don't grieve over spilt milk while there's one cow left in the pasture. Don't say the world is growing worse when you are doing nothing to make it better. ' - Don't tell the world your troubles. You can't borrow $10 on them. Don't let the grass grow under yoar feet. The cows can't get at it there. Ex. Potato Contest. Some time ago the editor Of the Times tendered to a lady member of the Bap. tist chareh at Frauklinton, two sub script iona to the Times, one for one year and another for six months, to be awarded to the person who delivered the largest and the second largest five sweet potatoes, at the post-office at Franklinton, the same to be sold for the benefit of the new Baptist church. The following were the contestants, and weights of potatoes : $. P. Weaver brought fire potatoes weighing 24 pounds, raiwd on N. Y. Gufiey's farm. J . R. Jones 222 pounds, Mrs. J.I. Moore 18 poundx, W. H. Mitchell 17 pounds. W. H. Harris 17 pounds, W. C. Dnke 16 pounds, Chas McGhee 14 pounds, R. O. Pernell 12 pounds. J. L. Mitchell and H. C. Duke having no very largos potatoes said they would bring more in weight anyway Mr. Mitchell brought 91 pounds and Mr. Duke 50 pounds. Mr. Q. P. Weaver gets The Frahkuit Times for twelve months. Mr. J . R. Jones gets the same paper fcr six months. Mr. S. H. Card brought the largest corn. He will get The Franklinton Weekly for twelve months. It will be seen that Q. P. Weaver gets Charges Against Mr. Simmons. A late number of the Fayetteville Ob server states that charges affecting the honor of Hon. F. M. Simmons had been filed with the finance committee of the United States Senate. Mr. Simmons' attention having been called to thut statement, he nays : "If any charge af fecting my character in any respect has been filed with the committee.! have not been informed of it, and Senator Vance, who is a member of the committee, has told me that no such charges had been preferred, and woald havjnotified me if such were the case Mr. 'Hale has shown a bitterness toward me which is inexplicable. This statement is simply in keeping with his other statements regarding myself. I am not aware of any charges preferred against me by others than the Repobl leans the Popu lists and Mr. Hale. I am willing to rest my case with the people in 'the fae ef charyes from such sources. I have no fear that my appointment will not be confirmed. I eertaialy know that Sena tor Vance will not permit me to be at tacked without notifying, me of, it, . and he uimself has said that b - has charges to prefer against me." no A Family Medletne and for Teething - Children. Mrs. S S Fairea, a former citizen of Charlotte, says : I heartilr desire to express my gratitude fur the benefit received by tne nse ot lira. Joe rVrwon Remedy, having lain in bed thrwe months from jaundice, which I took a few days after the birth of my second child. Other medicines failed me. and I took this Re mod r as a last resort, and Xh medicine (not faith in it) cured me. after the nse of a few bottle. My sto machat that time was in soeh a condi tion that I had to begin with a few drope of the medicine, instead of the prescrib ed doee. 1 have also round it tnvsioa- ble for teething children, and any weak deranged stomach both for men. and women in any condition, being e-atirwly harmless and effectual. Hoping this may benefit some ethers suffering as 1 did, by sti mala ting them to give the Remedy a thorough trial 1 am verr respectfully, Mas. S M Faaias. : ; AG EOTS WANTED . For the TTarris Steam Dye' Work. EaJorfi N.C I will trust too ' anA fy our com mission. itefpreocM exchanged.' Write at once to ilar- rts' steam dt Works, EaWgh N. a D. W. a llaxru. ifWrer. All About Shoes. ' V The Franklintoti Bhoo Btoro 4a In tha lead on shoe. The manajrer has bought a larpe line) or Dacu 8am rtxs, 700 rAHts; which will be sold at jxtst what othxk MCBCSAJm BAVKTO PAT FOK TBCaC. Now is your chan 4f too don't ro and g cheap aboca it w your fault. Thauks (or roor libera patronage. ueepectmuy, - E. W. Mom, Manacer. O. V. Dirts, Solkiker sl Avetloaeer. FranMlnWareliouse FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. I have made arrangements to have tobacco stripped at low rate, and bandied nicely. Neat best tiling to having rood tobac co is having it nicely graded and handled. We guarantee satisfac tion, and can sell i jut high as any house. Sold two barns for one man for $357. So when you hare. a load of fine tobacco drive to Meadows z Co., and you shall be made happy, your friend E. J. Ragsdais. rawer TT opened out Warrhcsnae agaha on January 2nd 18M. and wa ex pect to buy larx-ely of all grade ! tobacco. As heretofore we expect to do everything tn our power ts getyoQ the rtry HIGHEST hmW FfHICE for all tobacco sold on cmr floor. Thanking you for your patroujige for 1893 we hope to be cootinord wUhaame for 18M. Wlahlng yo prosperity during 18W, we rrmala Tours trulr, W. II. PLEASANTS A CO. LouUborg, N. C., Jan. 4, 1804. X&8. JOB PERSON 8 EEXKDT WILL CTBB CHILLS BY BCTLD1S0 CP iSD OIVISO T05B TO TUB STSTXX. Davidson. N. C, iray 29, 1893. Mas. Job Pxraos Dear Madam: About five year ago my two little daugh ters were in feeble health and were hav ing chills, which continued nnder the ordinary treatment. I take pleasure in stating that the nse of yoar Uemedy broke the chills on them and complete ly restored them to health. Yoar respectfully, C B Boer. After the Ball You should fill up on good whiskey pure and go to bed right roelVow. You can find the Wbiakey Pure at Headquarters prralded over by CAPT. HARRY WAITT, The Champion Heavy-Weight Dispenser. He carries all the renowned bra ads of Rye Whiakie: Gladstone's Puritv, Old Virginia Club, Lotus Club, Old Grover, &c If you want to make your moth er, wife or sister a Christmas pres ent be sure you tret a nice pair of scissors, warranted, by Crenshaw, Hicks & Alien. FOR SALE. The "Mill Dam Site," at the North end of Pond at Loniaborg is offered for sale. For further particulars apply to j. B. C upton, Louisburg N. C. THIS SPACE BELONGS TO JONES & COOPER, Also the purest and beet Corn Whiskey and Home-made brandy. fact a full line of everything kept in a nrst-daAS aaJoon. "Then let as drink who would not since through life's varied round In the goblet alone no deception is found." Louiaburg, N . (J. HARRY WAITT. 'GOODS WELL BOUGHT ARE HALF SOLD." NOTHING EVER LIKE IT BEFORE! First-Class 6oods Bought at and Below Cost of Uanufactcri izl it Panic Prices. We hara given oar Customers th benelt of tki Abon. They Appreciats It. The Home Paper and Taketh It Not. He who taketh not his home paper, rightly says a brother printer, the same should not be lent to him or read in his presence, bat he should be' kept in rguo- the times for one yew, and j.r. Jones See their advertisement next week. They gets is ior 8ii monins. laeir names the Man Who j have been placed on our list and marked paid for the time specified. have everything the farmer needs and Pluck vs. Luck. The Newbern Courier never said a t.mar fTiintr fhsn flifc t.Vio 44rirorritw rf ranee all the days of his life, yea, verily, a community depends solely and only nVjQl let yOU tlXQW Of It. IiOOk Ollt. KloA fAH Kortlr fl.Ui Vta Mlwn&nl naJ I 1 . It Tf it 1 I. Al I among his creditors, and the lightning nity as a whole will be known as slog rod agent bringeth action on his notes, giah. Bright, active people take ad van In those days he will open his eyes and exclaim, "Lo, there is pleasure and I am not in it." And he who letteth his sub-' scription expire, and he who bringeth not in the wood and potatoes therefor, or plaeeth not the silver in the editor's hands, , the same should from the house tops and his name shoald -deal in purple and fine linen, and scarlet other towns are irrabbinjr for help. And ana caiico; ior, lot tne eaicors Jot is past it is bad to take chances when there la Fire at Sprmghope. , :T' A destructive fire occurred at Spring hope la&t Monday, burning oat the, fol lowing : T. H. Matthews, A. J. Epstine, W. H. Freeman;W, C; Bass, W. P. Man ning, all merchants. C: B. Brantley's livery stables; the Cotton. Seed Oil Co's house. ontaininjgr 20.000 lbs. eeed.,' tioss betwaea $3,000 and J4,00(V rlnsuranse about Jj4joo. - -: . tage of every opportunity for bettering themselves; but the spectacle is present. ed to th world of one town, Louisburgi ; whieh has every advantage and facility fqr successfully manufacturing cotton being in the very center of a fine cotton n tne Miwrsrnytopping gyjind jDStead of be procUimetrritUkipgrits ad vantage, , is engaged in lis name should whining f or-outsiders' to come and take1 them. Now it will be fine luck if fcLWATfl CARRY YOUR finding out unleeayoa try 'the' business. But the' man who buyeth and selieth and advertiseth liberally in the paper, behold the people findeth hinv out and not to hurt,- and th6 -householder--who' taketh the paper ind payeth therefor, the same shall prosper; he shall know-en his taxes are due, and when the" land is ad vertised by the scribesand divers things whereby, - he ; can: get bargains t the storeswho has a'cow, for sale cheap or a span of mules, he knoweth there is a war 1 burden. Bt? self-reliant and, it follows . - . ..... I : i. j i j : no necessity for trusting, to lock in ; Louisburg. Try a little pluck Pos sess yourself in an abundance of this most excellent trait' and do yoqwlf what yon are . asking otners to ao- Bnild your own factories and reap the 1 profits yourself . . If "outside" -capital enters the Jield give it a cordial wel come. : But don't sit still waiting. Tne old saving "the man who hesitates is losb"; is often proven. Never ask an other to do for yon what yon can do for yourself. It isn't right ' and - smacks even of dishonesty. - Carry your own PRESCRIPT I ON S TO which bringeth' up theprice ot wheat. Henley's Cash. Sy tern. - TheTiMts Is reliably informed;' that J . A. Henley's Cash System at Franklinton is eminently a success; that his new store, filled with a splendid assortment of gen eral merchandise, is daily thronged with buyers, anxious to "secure some .- of the many bargains he is now offering. - Jim is a hustler, and the publiclhay rest as sured that he means business when he I says 'IVill led in low prices." . . . . The FrsnklinTRifies had : their regu lar monthly pa rade f last Monday even ing. vThere was a: rery good turn-out and the boys" presented a fine appear a ace. r"uZ. z - .V -l - , if yon have an advantage and manage j it properly success will surely De tne A.Y C O C K E & c o em We offer One Hundred Dollars Bew&rd for uiT case of. catarrh that can not be en red by Hail s uai&rrD taire. .. . , ; -- . c - - .- r. J. uhesst uo., trope., :ioieao, u. ; We the-underaurned. have-anuvst F J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In alt ' bnsuieM transactions and : flnsnciaUy able to-carry ont anv obturations maoe by their Ann. West & Traux." Wholesale DrBesists. Tole I WaJding,- Kinnan v' ft MarrmWholesale Drngjdstst Toledo, O. -x., . - --r V Hall's Catarrh Curs is taken- fnteraally. aeting directly upon the Mood and joaeons surfaces of the system. - Price, 75c. per hot-. tie - Sold by all Drnirsrists. Testimonials Iree.'- . - . THey will he carefully compounded. . r J SFreshilpt of Garden Seed justarriyedi and more on the road ; EVIDENCES OF THE ABOVE: Our 4h Order in Dress Goods in the last 40 days has arrived No small orders in the lot. Prices so low that they are simply over whelming. We are celling them at a very small advance on cost. Our 3rd Order for Shoes is on the road. It is the dotr of all to advertise and puff their goods. We advertise oar Shoes and a look at them always convinces the buyer that we have "The Best Quali ty and the Lowest Price in this department in this town. They sell themselves. Our 3rd Order in Domestic and Staple Goods is just io. Lad io8 Hats are being ordered constantly. We will be irat to please you and tell you if you will oxlt come asrs look. If you are not ready to buy come and look and then your neighbors ri!l know what your neighbors hAJ seen, for you ucan't help tellkrg of our stock," as our prices will Talk." We have cut our profits just one-balf, giving our customers the other half. We have to eell just twice as many goods to set ven. We must do it, we can, we will. If yon do not share the bene Bis then it is not our fault. SOME OF OUR "STUNNERS f Ladies Broad Clotb, much better than Ladies Cloth, worth $1.25, 1J 7&rds ef 1 00 50 cont Heurietta, 36 inches wide, .22 25 cent Cashmere, 30 inches wide, .15 50 cent Storm Serje, 36 Inches wide, J22 60 cent all-wool Storm Serge, 40 inches wide, JZ6 85 cent Ai irietta, all wool, 44 inches wide, " .65 75 cent Henrietta, all wool, 40 meet wide, .50 Our. Black Goods Department is limply elegant. We bare wiped out competition on tbeae goods. This is our special department and we never fail to please. Our $1.25 woman's shoes will wear 12 months. Hare cad sum ben of people to tell us they con Id not wear out pair in 12 months. Every pair warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Chil dren's shoes just as good as the woman's shoes. . Do not - fait t s out fl.45 men'e shoes. Our t2-50 Boot is a Never Wet' Always Dry feet when you wear them. We have job lot of aleca, Boys and La dies Shoes from 25 to SO eena pair. Just as good as jou want (ot ordinary wear fox JO cent. . . . Come to oar store certain when yon come to town or you will be sure to regret it. . We waot to see you aa we can show ran foods bet ter than we can tell yon sUst them in tb pspera. ' All we ask is a chance to show yoa. It will cost you notbiDg to look:.

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