X r -i..h mm I ,4,-'. ""' mi , h 4', I! f I'" I' V' ?! i V. 'A. ! I still at the front! - ? You can rely on it I It never fails to perform a cure! surap; is sold by all dealers for2c Don't be misled. If a dealer offers yon come other 'Must as gooo," insisi on retting the ota reliable Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup. No mutauous are as gooo. onrui LAfiGE'S PLUGS, The Great Tobacct WntW Antidote I Price 13 Ct. At all dealer. OuOU o CURES ALL 5K1N AND BLDDD DISEASES Phjlctena aadona P. F. P. a a apleadld ooniila ationT and pmcriba ti with pot tatWartlon for tfca eurea of a& I'frmi an., mew 01 mmirT. reennrtvv ana imnry Sotm, ttlcsdalar RweUingt, Kbaoinatiim, Malaria, old Cnrme Ulceia tkat hava reilted all treatment, Catarrh, b.chUltto lUmmiuim, bcroiaiou uicwa ana fuiuci. Jl.flgwma. Cbrunfo femala ComDlai&ta. Max enrui ran, Tettn. Scald Head. etc.. tta. P. P. P. U a Dowtrfal toatf, and an Tctllnt appttlwr, utjutog up uitt 'Miu rapttuy. ldlei wbou lyftema ar poitoned and waow blood U ttk an Impnr eondittoa, due to ;nen;trnl trreyilaritlt. ara 5BJ Byaoiu. gnn c cures K K K HOOD Pdisoh CUBES LAMA pculiiriy bsattited by tu -wonderful taaic 'and bloou luninf properttM of P. P. P., Prickly A&a, Pok Eool md Pot-iMtom. LIPP22A1T 2S03., i?rcprl3tor8, Druggists, Lippmaips Block, EAVASSAH GAa FOR SALE BY THOMAS & AYCOCKE, LOUISBURG, N. C. r Your Future Prospects may look bright enough to-day, but what guarantee have you that they will be the same a few years hence ? How do you know but that you will be incapacitated or deprived of your present in come by an unibrseen calamity ? Ask these same questions of a policy holder in the Equitable Life and see how quick he will answer that he is protected against mis fortune ; that he is assured of comfort in his old age ; that his family is provided for afterhis death. This is worthy of close investigation. For particulars address W. J. RODDEY, Manager, Department of the Carolinas, ROCK HILL, S. C. MPPMAN BROS.. Prcprle'ora, Druggists, Llpp man's Block. SAVANNAH, 6A. can be m nrd at our BMW Una (if vwv rapidly and liouorablT, by thoae oj nm KrUii s.ivlierc.ot Hicr Hrr. An. i line tan tin il. t ... . ' I .liter .mn.m 1 .1 UJ .1 -1 . if MA 1 wjmlMr' MflMCV it U lit iwi( "7; ", worn. iM.ltaT -BBtir.ly m;w taidyiii.l Mnt wonderful k tsa to rm worker : v aval atiit. Av ,l iIOI a. Oi cm . - a art;- a to- U "iiJck : . "W, cin fimtsh y o & pnjf avmt rHE . FEANKLIN TBIES (A THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. WE TEAK, 3IX MONTHS, - 11.50 - 1.00 Fbidat. Jaktjabt 26, - - - 1894. LB&RNOG A BUSINESS. A gentleman who had induced I a large publishing house to take his son, as a boy, into its employ at a moderate rate of pay not long sinee, was especially anx ious in'his request that the young man 6houId.be made to work and learn the business. This instruction was needless, as although modern fashion has done away with much of the jan itor and porterage work of old times, yet the young man found the selection of stock for orders, packing the same, entering charg ing ditto, and occasional errands kept Jbim actively employed for about ten hours a day, with an honr for dinner. At the end of three weeks time he failed to put in an appearance, but the father walked in one morning with the information that John would not return unto the position. Why not?" asked the pub lisher. "Well, John has to have Is breakfast at half past seven every morning to get here, and then he is not used to carrying bundles, and sometimes he's been sent with books right up to the houses of people that we know socially. My son hasn't been brought up that way, and I guess I won't have him learn this busi ness." He did not and what's more, has never learned any other busi ness. Now let us look at another ac tual picture, that of the son of a wealthy mill owner desiring to become a manager of the mills. "But that is impossible," said the father, "unless you practi cally learn the business." ''That is what I would like to do," said the son. "But to become a manager or superintendent we prefer a man who has risen from the ranks and understands the mechanical de partment and the ways of em ployees." "Let me begin 'in the ranks,' theu," replied the young man. To this the father assented, stimulating- that no favor should be shown the son, but he should actually begin and work at regu lar labor in the mechanical de partment. Not only this was done, but the young man went and boarded in the manufacturing town at a workman's boarding-house and went in and out of the factory at bell-call. In three years he was ioreman in one of the depart ments, and a former classmate and well-known society man, call ing there upon him, was surprised at meeting a stalwart fellow in blue overalls, with hands so soiled with machinery oil as to pre vent the conventional handshak- Bat this young man persevered made and paid his own way him self, and his father concluded it would not injure his future pros pects. Judging from the fact that he is now manager of mills (not his father's) at a salary of ten thousand a year, and with ability to command even better compensation and partnership, is evidence that "learning a busi ness," even by a man with a good education and a rich father, pays a good return, both iu money and manly independence. Boston Com. Bulletin. Seizing Opportunities. Boys and young men who are prone to bewail their fate as 'hard luck,' should carefully' survey their past, and see if their lot is most attributableto ba luck or bad mangement. -The following story or two brothers contains lesson which older readers as well as children may learn to some ad vantageT" v v - . Thirty years ago ' Mr." H , a nurseryman in JNew- York State, left home fora day -or f two. . It was rainy weather apd not the season for sales, , but a eustomer arrived "from a distance, vtied up his horse,: and f ound his way to the kitchen1 of, the ; farm-house, where t wo of Mr. H's sons were cracking nuts".f ' L.'':-;? ? : Mr. H-T-at - home ?v; he ; en L No,Jsir, said :ibereldesii Joeas he hammered a nut.:-'---v!"--:'j' Whetti!l he be; back; f f L'nnno. sir; MaDhe not; for a The other boy, Jem, j umped up and followed the man but. ' : I can show yon the stock, he said with such a bright, courteous manner that the stranger, who was a'lit tle irritated followed Mm through the nursery, ; examined the trees and left his order. f 'i? You have sold the largest bill I have bad this 'season, Jem, said his father, greatly pleased," on J his return.- .'' v;r':-:- " I'm sure, said Joe, snllenlyi I'm as willing to help as Jem, if I'd thought -iu time. - v : A few years afterward these two boys were left by their fath er's failure and death with but two or three hundred dollarseacb. Joe bought with his money an acre or two near home. The land was poor; the crop scanty, the market low. He has worked hard and faithfully, but is still a poor discontented man. Jem bought an emigrants tick et to Colorado, hired for a few years as a cattle driver, with his wages bought land at forty cents an acpe, built him a houAe and married. His herds of cattle are numbered by the thousaud, his land has been cnt up iuto town lots, and he is ranked as one of the wealthiest men iu the State. Is not the difference between these two brothers, and between the successful and unsuccessful" generally the difference between seizing or missing opportunities. Exchange. Strepgth and Health. If yoa are not feeling ntronflf and -La healthy, try ElecCric Bitters. If Grippe" has left yoa weak and weary, use Electric Bitters. This remedj ay acts airectjy on liver, stomacn ana-KKtneys idt gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. IT yoa are afflicted with sick headache yoa will find speedy and permanent relief by taking' Electric Bitters. One trial will convince vnu that this is the remedy yoa need. Lare bottles only 50o. at Aycocke's drug store. The golden rule the power of money. A congested condition of the throat and bronchial tubes is a d&ngemas symptom. Inflammation of the bron chia extending downward may soon reach ana involve the iangs. Under sach circumstances to avert consump tion take Dr. Ball s Ixmgh Syrup regu larly according to the directions on the bottle. You will miss it if you under take to measure a man's religion by the length of his face Ram's Horn. SScts., fiOcta., and XlXOper Cnrea Conarb. HoarMnraa,Hore Thioat. Croap promptly; relieves Whooping ConU and Asthma. Fnr Costamptlon It has no rival; tuts cured thousand where all others failed; wiU curb you If taken in time. Sold by Drugg-ists on a smarantee. For Lame Back or Chest, use BUlLOHtj FLASTKU. tScts. HILOH'SCATARRH REMEDY. n mu P-itjirrh r Thin rpraadv la nnnn. teed to cure tou. Price 60 eta. Injector Ire FOa SALS 03TLT BT Aycccke & Co. DRCQQ13T8, LOUISBORQ, N. & Price 10 cento. ALMANAC. FT TVS TKAA Or OC ft LOBD 1894. HARPER'S BAZAR. ILLU8THATED. Harper's Bazar is a journal for thf home, ft gives the latest information with regard to the Fashions, and its nu roerou8 illustrations, Paris design, and pattern-sheet supplements are indispens able aUKe to the home drew-niaker ind the profe8ional modiste. No expense is shared to make its artistic a- tract! ven ess of the highest order. Its bright stories, amusing comedies, and thoughtful essays svtlsfy all tastes, acd its last page is fa meu as a budget of wit and humor. In itt weekly ifsues everything is included which is of interest to women. The serials for 1894 will be writteu by Walter Beas ant and. William Blaek. Mrs. Olipbat will become a contributor. Marion Bar- Iand,s Timely Talks, '. Pay In jd Iav Out." are intended for matrons, and Hel en North will specially address girls. T. W. Higginson in u omen and Men" will please a cultivated audience. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, PER YEAR. hakpeb's uaoaunk.... ...... .. hahperJs webklt.... habpxb'b touno psoplk .. $4 00 $2 00 The volumes of the Bszea oegios with the fipst Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the number current at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar frr three years back. in seat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage ' paid, or by express, free -of expense (provided, the freicht does not exceed .one dollar -'per volume), for $7.00 per year. Cloth ases for each volume.-suitable for binding, ill be sent by mail, 'post paid, on receipt of $1.00 each. ' Kemittance should be made by Pest-Office Money Order, or Draft, q, avoid chapee of loss. " r - - - Newspapers are hot to copy this adver tisement' without the express order of HABPCB Jl BBOTflKSS. : " ' : . 1 -. ":-ddreM v"" " v -V .:- r:- ,- ' HARPER A BROTHERS,1 A & '" V?" " -New York; Lottie, rir"?? jy jfc CRENSHAW, HICKS & ALLEN. LOUISBURQ, N. C. Vr i. - A year's sabscription to Scribner's M&xrazine will bring into your home twelve monthly numbers, ajrfrrejratintj over 1500 pare; of the best and most in terestinp readingr, and more than 700 beautiful illustrations. Announcements. George Cable will begin in the Janu ary number a romance entitled "John March, Southerner." Two other important serials have been engaared: J. . Barrie, author of the famous "Little iniater," has writ ten a new novel, the first since that fa mous story. Geonre credith, the preat English novelist, has in prepara tion a novel entitled "The Amaaing Marr'age." Short Stories will be abundant. W. D. owells, isN Elliot, W. II. Bishop. Ludovic Halevy, Paul Bourget, Joel Chanvr Haris and many new writers will cohtribute. Studies of American Life will be an important feature, including Newport, Bar Harbor, Lenox, etc . and the West. The Illustration will be even mor numerous and beautiful than eer. A neris of Frontispifcies chosen by "Phil ip Gilbert Hamertoa will bV) especially notable. Complete prospectus sent on request. Special offer. The numbers fr 1893, and a subscription for 1894, . - - ?4.50 The same with back numbers, bound in cloth, COO Sample copy, 10 cents. ClUBXES ScaiBSEK'S SX9. 713 Brody, New York. THE iEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD FOR 1894. WILL BE WITHOUT QUKsTION AMERICA'S LEADING FAMILY PAPER. The repntation that the Weekly Her ald has enjoyed for many years r.f be in? the best home newspaper in the laud will be materially added to during the year of 1894. No pains or expense will be Hpared to make it In every depart ment the moet reliable, interesting snd instructive of all weekly newspaper publications. It will be improved in many ways. A n amber of new features and de- Sartmentus will be added. The latent evelopment in all fields rf contempo raneous human inteest will be nbly dis cussed from week to week by accom plished writers. THE NEWS OF THE "WOULD will be given in a concise but complete form. Every important or interesting evefit, either at home or abroad, will be duly described in the columns of the Weekly Herald. In politics the Herald is absolutely independent and sound. It tells the rights and wrongs of all sides without fear; Farmers and rtock raisers cannot af ford to be without the Weekly Herald during the coming year. It will con tain a regular department each week devoted exclusively to subjects of timely interest to them, and giving many valu able suggestions and new ideas. The women tnd children of tha. land will find fn the Weekly Herald a. .wel come visitor. The household and. shil drens pages will be v both InstrocfWp and entertaining. They will abound in hints and' receipts whioh women so much value. A brilliant array of novels and short storfes by the best writers in America and England has been secured, so that fiction will be one of the most attrac tive feature in the Weekly Herald dur ing 1894. In fact, the Weekly Herald will be a magazine of the highest order, combin ed with a complete newspaper. . NOW 13 THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. OM.T ONE DOLLAR a teak. 8EKD FOU 8AMT1J5 O0PT. Address The Weekly Herald, . Herald Square, -. ;: ' : ' ' -.. ;. 'New York. - R. Ra OROSSEN. , FIRST CLASS PAINTER 4 . -v :f;::rf6jhsBjma9 c,- r.y ; I wish to offer'my services to the bul: lie. and will sar that I am prepared to do all kinds cf - house painting, jcraln ing &c. My Work in Lcuisbnnf speaks for itselfa and I refer to all parties for whom I have "worked. . Old f urnltore made new. - Give me your" patronage, and you shall be pleased. - v - . v - CA ...,'1 . . .- , - IWrtffQTOUBikA WWII ,J-mW I VWta . fJADE FROTJ rUKfc rl& IKUfi. " .: Kot oat pound ct Scrap Iroa ' Is erer wed la tbesa seoda. DURABl,C01iYEKlEXTta4slCONOBlCAL. AH ' Voders ImxroremeaU to Llchtea IIoMekeplii3 Cafes, Twenty different tdxea and klnda. Every Stovt WaJTasted Agalsst Defects. Prices not touch Usher ai this ti n than on eommnaw kinds of Btorw. - CkxSoaioroddrsBi You Will Find AT- RQDGERSON'SBARl If yoa want pleanut .Jririk the"good old" alwaypcjillat B. II. Uorar.KoN". linp oT best Vlne, Liquor and Tubricco. aRo netnbpr 1 will not nr U.VDERSOI,r).-iI J- D & R. S- CHRISTIAN RICHMOND, Va. Prompt attention l ortier an rTcx ii G V A I A N r K F I . LOUISBURG Carriage Shops. Th underpipnd baviip lnsr-.l th Louisburg Carrinp S.oj-. 'oplher with liio Bine 'k tn ; ? h Shops nttachf-d th'-rf-to. dir ? to say to th popI of Frank In and adjoining counti that h- is prepared to do all kind? f u rk in his line at fh.rt notic1. If you wish your vehicles of rvory kind re)air-d ai;d r -pain-d ir, th" vt-ry bfft muiiiH-r bv Jir.-'-c!as3 workmen you rr.n hav.' thf work dono at my sIms j r ui p 1 1 -and at rpaeonahh ra' n. I eluJl have a first-clas woikir.afr in :h Blackpmith shop, who will f 1. 1 i s understand his hupines?. and u ii: guarantee satisfaction in ev.-ry particular. If you will giv mo your wor'w you shall be eatiBfiod. Very respectfully, U. C. TAYLOR. Furniture repaired at short no tice and in the very best manner. STILL AT TIIE BRIDGE. BLACK-SMITIIING. Wbere I am well known and prepared to do my aa work. I bop tou will ee ma ?oa hava done before. Tou wUI nod m on b But aide of the Rlvr brldff. Mil atr-c. Loulaborg-. N. C. WbUe I am Uolnjr u kJoda of blatasialtlilBg. doot foryet thtx I ta a!o prepavd lo rvpalr roar f-an, qUj mm pottiof on new lock He. 1 hra m iw gntim which l have repaired Ut wUI be sold If not caltod for In tea oaya. Tours truly. A.T. Kail, YARBOROUGH & DAVIS, The; Blacksmiths . 0FL0UISBURG. All work In oar line done on short notice, and aatiiif action guarantrvwl. We hare our new- shop (the old ten pin alley -in good aha pe and are better pre pared than . ever to serve oar' custo mers, -t " . ; d. M. C. HILL, v- " THE TINKER, , "- ; " Is preparad to do all kind of Urn work. r psirfor, - All work imaranUed, PUo of buaineM'ow Mala street la bona recently occupied by T. ParrUa. . .. . MUSIQ! (Instrnme&taL) ' MISS SALL1E WILLIAMS will receive music pupils at her fath er's residence. TERMS: Per month, Including practice, 12.00 2.50 Two lessons per week, one hour each. Special attention to beir.cr?. Louiebur, N. C, hpt. 10.'J. IF YOU WANT Anything iti h V .r.f ( r I ry I.mr. lin-GL-i.-.-wr.-.-, ;,. ! ruost aiifucg uKf'i! ;l ) iu-ut1, uri!f to cr rail rt! W. II. liT '.iir.-. N. ( I Feed, Sale 5 Liver) i STABLE S. : HAYES & PISNELL, Prefers, LOUISEURG. N. C. t r;ooi) teams ami: I'cj.ni: DiavEi: SPECIAL ATTKNTK N TO TH.W LLI.Mi M IN. YAH13()K0- ALSTON Tonsorial A rtii Loristtno. f. c. Sbp over rtf.on A Ford- h i. 1 More Ton rmr ln pt y c r r!o t h r irr I T r V a J I rI f PP- II l - Pi-op) UENDEFSON. N C Gord arfiiism. dilii.ni. l.coH 'irr r- JONES & a r .r i -.v r f. :. r. a i i U a roril.i! i Oi : r CO Hip Goods to u c;o CJhl! ' o ; d a v rr.e. I h r..r.:rt :n a ' o v, n a i . i vou t WAS .1 for vou tha Ws arf- yuurs IS 1 1 IT TV -V LOUISBURG, N. C FaTi seealon begins Feptetnber C, 1893. Fell and rtrorg Facrltr daJ adTantagea offered in Vocal and Irutnnnental Mosic, Art, ar.d etition. Due prominence fdrra to atndj of FjjgUah and the Bible. ( br? to ratt the times. , Apply for catalogue to ' 8. D. BAGLET, A. B. Pmldf ot. Coffins and Gaskets Tfe bare added toc a - , ' i 1 V complete line 01 wcrxi arc - r covered Coffins and ( , SOLID VV7LKUT COFFIIeS AkC CSIETS. Also a line of ITT: v. a r. : c a r, d f : rid in r v r, 'r r k :c n - i:-r. :. i: rp. N. r. TAR rive: STOCK TAT Rsie Yci.r Ecccr, f; feilrr c r j 5-, s P::r- Vr- I -. l ure I ' rt g Oi'i r. I ure Pn-rJ J. r- LI LI. a L My ror KftTf ! ut: i ; t-r.nr nr. i) Ilrtn. in ? ! b f', f-i n Yr M . ' , 1 i!-tr-i! r:te r j Ht I PI! 1 v m.j , u c; ; . ;' J r f w l y., in Frr:r.k! i." r ' COOPER. L. O u vou Suit the Times x e (Lh. O : 3u 'h f. :. J our ff rt i . : r ou bench! at Jo fr A" C to p!-ae JONES a HI Itllll. ffilltiii: tsr. V3i w a- I 1 1 - ,- -r ; 1 , V .V. -v . ' i- sS r

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