FEE Fit ANKLIN' TIMES; 4 A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. iJTETEAB, X MONTHS, $1.50 - 1,00 FEIDAT. FsSEUAST 2, r - 1894 COME FRQ1I BETtfjiP THE POOR ' The FayetteViJ le Observer,, and possibly one jor Swo .otbejr papers L . OA. A- ;iained insinuations that charges have been preferred at Washing- ton by Senator Vance, which af fect the character of Collector Sim mons. As will bs seen by an ar ticle published in the Times this week, taken from the News-Ob-fljrrer, Senator Hansom states that the only charges on file against Collector Simmons are of a political nature, and that they were made by Republicans, Pop.- u lists and one John B. Hnssey, a man who was caught during the last cainpaign Vdickering'' with the Republicans, and at the same time claiming to be a Democrat. He is now in Washington, and, it is understood, writes the week ly articles in the Caucasian and Winston Republican, signed Jonathan Jjiiwards. Now, isn't he a pretty fellow4make' charges against any one? The Times thinks that it istime for those who have been insinuating to come from behind the door and show their hands. The Charlotte Observer of a recent date contains the following very sensible arti cle npon this subject : The bold, frank statement made yesterday by Collector Simmons to our Kaleigb correspondent, is entirely creditable to him. He . is "out m the ooen, -and his can- dor is an invitation to evervbodv else to come from undercover. As to the charges filed against him, 3. stated to him by .Senator Ran som, it i3 clear that-they origina ted with the gifted Mr. Settle. As to the statement of Democrat ic papers that they have authori ty for saying that Senator Vance has filed charges, it is du3 the Democratic party and the public that they now give the source of their information. Were we "a raari of any occu pation" we would suggest to Sen ator Vance', in this connection, that he put his foot upon the re nort that he has made charges against Mr. Simmons, but.tijyes have changed since Shakespeare's ilay and a cat may no longer look at a king. THE DECA OF HONESTY. As an exchange says, it is ad mitted by every citizen of the United States, save those on whose income the tax will fall, that the income tax is the fairest and most equitable means of defraying the expenses of the government. Not- withstanding this fact, there is shown a violent objection to the scheme in certain quarters. The New York Chamber of Commerce, an organization com- posed of immensely rich men, is expected as a body to object to the tax, but when a half starving Congressman who represents a community hardly much better off, in bis outbursts of putrid elo- quence, slaps himself on the chest and swears that it is "inquisito- rial"and "dishonest," it may be depended on that he is no honest man, and not fit to represent hon-1 . T A ll esc people, in trutn it may oe depended on that he has sold his vote. In no other way can a Con gressman, who represents a com munity in which the taxable in comes can be counted on the fin gers of one hand, come to such conclusions about the tax as will Xttuse him to vote against it To say that.the principle of the proposed tax is wrong is simply w utter an aosuraiiy -to snow- a mons ana me eaiior oi inejNews dense ignorance of right and Observer went to the Yarborough wrong and the trne principles of. Honse. ta have an-interview with a true political economy. Be- sides, the proposed tax-will bo no "dangerous experiment" as charged , by certain "subsidized papers and "high" grade" maga zines, nor will it grind out a tax hard to bear. i It . will merely duct; and it was a plain expos equalize the burden of tax by nre, -Hussey soon left Raleigh. giving me..- ncn man- nis just ahare, aud-relieve the poor man of his unwarranted heavy load. It is nretty certain ; that : the 'Wilson tariff bill, la which is at- tached the Income tay, passed the rr . n C8truay uy goouma- jority. Now-let ;the : 8enate pass the bill and a very important plank id the Democratic platform will have been carried out'. - TaBTiMEs regrets to . : announce ' the death of Mr. Jas. S. Battle, ; : wb,ich occarred atiSpringhope-i in V-Niisk county, one day this week. He'wasamost excellent gentle . eeai-eu inuis in we oiate ftMAtfc' W ' 'V?-::: r OF 1ITTEE IMPOBT. THE CHARGES FJLEDr AGAINST IX-: J COLLECTOR ftlMMOXS. A Statement, from Senator -Ransom - Which Shows that there i Is Abso lutely .Nothing1 for Tm--4 v - ?; It being stated in some , of the papers that some - eh argea had been filed -before " the Finance Committee against Collector Sim mon, that : gentleman at once wrote to Senator. Ransom asking Jiim to ascertain if any : charges had been filed against him, and if so, what they were. 4--In answer to this 'request Col lector Simmons has received from Senator Ransom the following statement, dated January 23rd 1894. - - - "There is positively nothing here touching your honor. Some charges have been presented, to the Finance Committee to try and exciie -Republican prejudice against you. "They consist of an affidavit of John B. Hussey, to the effect that he as a "newspaper man" was present wbenr yoirt Auditor Fur man and Judge Avery fixed np the "Secret Circular;" of an affi davit each from one Wray and one Malloy of Rockingham, (Re publicans) that in consequence of that "Circnlar," Republicans were denied registration and vot insr in that county: ana also oi a letter of Charles Cook, of Warren county, stating that Republicans in some precincts in Werren coun ty were wrongfully deprived of the rights of registration and vo- tingthat is the case. There is ... ... . literally nothing nothing in the 3 i cuargeo uumiug WyBr The above is Gen. Ransom's statement. . The circnlar alluded to here was one sent out by Collector Sim mons when he was-chairman of the Democratic State Committee. It was sent to the chairman of ev ery County Democratic Executive Committee in the State, and it consisted of a brief statement of the decision of the Supreme Court of North Carolina in the case of Harris against Scarborough, con struing our new registration laws. And Chairman Simmons therein instructed the chairmen of the county committees to see thatvall Democratic voters were registered in accordance with the require ments of this decision of the Su preme Court. That was the cir cular. The only purpose and result of the circular could be to have the Democratic voters registered in conformity to the law as declared by the Supreme Court, And we apprehend that it i$ the first time in the history of elections in the United States where it has been alleged against the chairman of a State political committee, as matter to his dis- paragement, that he sought to have the voters on his side of the poll list conform strictly to the law. Mr. John B. Hussey, who says that he was present as a newspa- per man at an alleged interview between Chairman Simmons and Mr. Furman and Judge Avery, I 1 A was never present at such an in terview, nor indeed did Chair man Simmons have such an inter view as Hussey swears to. But about that time Chairman Sim mons did have an interview with Mr. John B. Hussey. The evi dence being that Hussey, who had been a Democrat, was in Ral eigh and. going about the State, I treacherously in the interests of j the opposition, Chairman Sim- .him on the snbiect. Hussev conld not bo. found at first and we were called offi? Chair man Sim mons, however, remained, and did have an interview. with Hussey oh the subjects his double-faced cou- oiuce inai ,mv ne -nas been c- oporating with the Populists and ,1 is understood -to bo the Washing ton correspondent of Marion But- uer'a tmter. writihir over the sic- nature of Jouathan - Edwards. 7 80 .mub fo.r Ha8ey- . ; U . lhe circular issued'-by Chair maa Simmons was a proper one, and theDemocrats of the'State owe him thanks for issuing' it. Such is'the-only charere that oenator Ransom finds . on file against; Collector Simmons.' ' We see in- the Wilmington Messenger a statemeut tnat -oenator Vance has hied some charge; ? Does the Messenger vouch: for the fact that Senator tYancer.; has filed Vthis cnag? If not, it is incumbent tor Tance: - 'zi fc : r Inviewofthefactthatthisiathel only charge on file, "the .messen ger pnts benator Vance in an awk ward predicament: 'V ;Tbe Demo crats of the State will be slow ' to believe that ibis j the case made I by Vance against Simmons; and if it is. the 'Democrats and- the people ought toiiwiU.: i Thea there shonld be' another, charge; to th general effect thatChair man Simmons organised the Dem ocratic, party and secured the vic tory for the party in the election! -News-Olserver. , Secret Burdens.'" 1 How trne it. is that every heart knoweth its-own bitterness! There aje many burdens that are carried in secret, many afflictions that are endured in silence. The world knows not of tbem. Those who are readiest to talk of their trials are not always the most heavily burdened. Some hearts' retire 'within themselvee in time I of trouble. Their griefs are too sacred to be handed around from one to anoiner, or iney are u snch kind that others cannot en ter into them. And thus they go) on their way. heavily buidened and without much sympathy and comfort from their fellow-meu. Or perhaps their load is increased by some one-saying, I envy your condition in life. You have not the trouble that I have." But for all such there is this precious thought. Thtre is One who fully understands the nature of their trials; Oue who can enter into the depths of their griefs; One whose great work is to give rest to those that are heavy laden and to cheer the lonely heart. iCmay not do you much good to tell your troub les to the world, but tell them to Jesus. Men may not understand, but Jesus can. Men may not sympathize, but Jesus will. Opeu up your sore hearts, not to the world, but to Him that he may pour in His owu healing oil and wine. "Those that are broken in their heart, Aud Krieved jn their mind, He healeth, and their painf ul wounds He tenderly up-bind8." A. B. Presbyterian. LiOUISBLRO MARKETS. PRODUCE. Corrected by L. 1 Uicks. Batter, per lb. 20 to 25 Bacon N. C. Bog round 10 to IK Western Meat Suar Cured Hams 15 Cora 50 Flour, family 8 00 to 4 75 Lard 10 to 12H Oat 55 to 60 Sugar, Brown 5 So par, Granulated 5 Coffee 30 to 25 Salt, per sack 1 35 Chickens 12H to 25 Eggs, per dor. 12V4 Beeswax, per lb. 15 to 20 COTTON. By W P Neal 3t co. Strict Good Middling 7Vt Good Middling 7V4 Strict Middling 7V4 Middling, 7 TOBACCO. Corrected by W. H. Pleasants & Co. Smokers common 8 to 5 good 5 to 8 Cutters common 12 to 15 good 20 to 25 fine 25 to 35 Fillers common 2 to 3 good 6 to 8 fine 9 to 12 Wrappers common 12 to 18 good 25 to 40 fine 50 to 75 A Family Medicine and for Teething ' Children. Mrs. S M Faires. a former citizen of Charlotte, says : I heartily desire to express my gratitude for the benefit received by the use of Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy, having lain in bwi three a1 monins ironi launaice. wmcn i toolt a few days after the birth of my second cmld. utber medicines failed me. and I took this Remedy as a last resort,- and tue medicine (not faith in it) cared me, arter tne nse ot a few bottles. My sto mach at that time was in such a condi tion that I had to begin with a few drops of the medicine, instead of the prescrib ed dose. I bare also found it invalua ble for teething children, and any weak deranged stomach both for men. and women in any conditionj being1 entirely harmless ancL effectual. Hoping this may oeneut some otuers suffering as did,. by stimulating them to give the Remedy a thorough, trial . I am very respectfully. - Has. 8 M Fa&ixs. XR3. JOB FEBSOs 8 ESXKDT WQX CUBS A V)UUUt B-SUUnLHO UP AST) GIVlJQ .TOKS TO THE SY3T2M. -! ; " DaTidson. N. C MSv 23. 189aT rllBa. J os PERsoir DeaT Madam: About fire yea re ago my two little daugh ters were in feeble, health and wert bar ing ehilla, which continued under the ordinary treatment. I take pleasure in stating that the, 'use of; your Remedy broke the chills on them and complete ly restored them to health. v - Yoar respectfully . .: 1 : . ,.' ' - , cr b Bost. HemoyaI.:";:;.:v- ' . ? " t ' I hST moved my BarberlShop in the building formerly oecopied by Mr.- T. JB. Wilder as a law offlce, where I am better prepared to Serve my patrons. RheBed 3 almonds,' . dates, , fig8 prunes, ? citron brangps, lemons ana apples at Crenshaw, Hicks A Allen's . Bagatelle boards and Croklnale games, TooU chests at Crenshaw, Hicks & Allen's. . ' - The ;0!d DominioV- Bniiaing and Loan Association .furnishes money at once and a larger por cent: of the .valno1 of. - property man any otner. y.zio red" tape- or delay. -Call oh their Attorney. N - K. W. TrHBERLAKBj .; i TH ,TEMPERAMNT3 T " '-, :. .", . 1 1 r 9m TwWA C1mI &t1o Tht TTm Hauls -.Two Tbpwd Tmx Ago. ' It is interesting to find, that others ooghly Bcienti&e-a win - as Professor .William nejer nas aaopiea .us ioar fold ' classification ;- of . temperaments made nearly ?,00u: years ago namely,' the cboleiie, sangq'lne,' melancholy and lymphatic The existence of one . or the'Otbcr of theae temperaments may. bo discerned, he says in his work on 'The Jnfant'Mind'.very early in the great majority of children in the end quarter of the first - year, beyond a don bt."- Nearly., every one who has written a boot temperaments has got op m classification ot his own. . Ualen had. nine, llaycock gave -six, Graham Bxown seven, and others have got down as low as two. Modern writers use the word nervona fox choleric, and bilioos for melancholic temperament. With these verbal modifications, the old clas sification seems to answer all practical purposes, and individuals can build op combinations ai needed. Hutchinson defines temperament as the sum of the physical peculiarities of a man exclusive of' his tendency to disease. This is not very satisfac tory, though perhaps temperament is a - thing a little too vague to be satisfacto rily defined. In modern terms it may I V- :j a i .1 : t r,a tnthntHmnii f hia environment. There is do donbt that one class of persons reacts quickly and easily, expending energy profusely and. often needlessly in their lite work; others react hopefully and work buoyantly,-yet with-less waste. We can thus distinguish the nervous, tbo san guine, tho melancholic, etc. A' capac ity to recognizo and appreciate the im portance of temperament used 10 be con sidered part of a sound medical train ing. It has been too much .neglected in our pursuit of minntie with micro scopes and test tubes. Our teacheis of practical medicine .might well revive its study. Medical Record. Table SIanara la Areentloa. "We encamped near a swamp," says a gentleman, describing a meal he had with some cart drivers in South Amer ica, "and Bnpped on sliced pumpkins boiled with bits of meat and seasoned with salt. The meal was served in genuine pampa fashion. One iron spoon and two cow's horns split in halves were passed arotmd. the group, the mem bers of which sqnatted upon their haunches and freely helped themselves from the kettle". Even In this most un civilized form of satisfying hanger there ia a peculiar etiquette which the most lowly person invariably observes. Each member of the company in torn dips his spoon, or horn, into the center of the stew and draws it in a direct line toward him, never allowing it to de viate to the right or left. By observing this rule each person eats without in terfering with his neighbor. Being ignorant of this custom, 1 dipped my horn into the mesa at random and fished about for somo of tho nice Lits. My companions regarded this horrid breach of politcneBs with scowls of impatience. Tney declared with some warmth to the ccok the foreigners did not know how to eat. I apologized as well as I cottld and endeavored thereafter to eat according to gaccbo etiquette." New York World. Curio A boat Retplratloa. In each respiration an adnlt cf the human species inhales ono pint of air. A healthy man will respire 16 to 20 times per minute, or, say. 20,000 times a day; a child, 35 to 35 times per rain ute. Wbila standing, the cdult average respiration is 22 times p?r minute; ly ing down, 13 times. Tbo superficial area of the lungs that is, of their alveolar pace averages 200 square yards. The amount of air respired each day is about 10,000 quarts. The amount tf oxygen absorbed in the same length of time ia 5C0 liters, or about 744 crams. The amount of car bonic acid expired in 24 hours is esti mated at 511.5 grams. Two-thirds of the oxygen absorbed in 24 hours is tak en in during too 12 nours from o p. tn. to 6 a. in. three-fifths of the total being thrown off during the day. While this ia going on the pulmonary Barf ace is throwing off ISO grams of water in the shape of vapor. The heart sends 800 quarts of blood through tbo lungs every hour, or about 5,000 quarts daily ' The duration cf inspiration is five- twelfths, of expiration seven-twelfths. of the whole respiratory act. St. Louii Republic. Battles of th Fatur. Writers on military science unite In claiming that future battles will begin with a series of hot skirmishes along the front. These skirmishes will grad ually increase in beat and the number of combatants, re-enforcements being sent according to circumstances, until the entire front is involved. Artillery will be used as far as possible, but aft er the battle is folly under way little Ass can be made of cavalry save in out flunking. The day of charges in wars is Over; on acount of the increase of range and effect in cannon and-rifles. Little can be predicted of future battles be-' 1 Vend opening, in aim neb as the rest mnst now be learned by tjperimcnt. Nw York Ledger. - Tb Yfertklp af Imai ."Go," said ths trnneroj to his courier. "and direct that all taoeo who bold bt liefs 'at variance with tho state bi thrown into prison. . And, by the way. stop at the treasury department on your way out and instruct my chancel lor of the exchequer that .the new lune "of coins ba stamped with the Image of Liberty, that thus we may pleats the populace." Kate ritld't Wtabinf ton, - . AprfrUie, The Human Elephant Bay, the In dia rubber man got full hat night, ' ::. The Double Headed Man Vfhat did they do to him! . ; r ! f The Human Elephant Bounced him. Kansas City Timet, - - fctTOJIATIO SB TV I JIACIliai rr-IIaa no equal-i-ia delivered fret tverr where. Ploast Bend full Poat Office ad dress, including County, and also your shipping address,-including railroad sta tion moat convenient to you. Ont cent postal expense will bring to you some thing new and important for every fam ily.. For full particulars pleaaa ieni to Vo. 457 .West 2Cth jstroct, New York City.. . . - THOUGHTLESS MINISTERS. Th CVky DrtHBff CMttH ! DW v laa m SJ pU Fl - . Abashed at- nothing, a commercial traveler fa th south one propounded a question to cor pie of clergymen, whom he encountered oa a 'railroad train, which -11 laatrste how easily man may be tripped on a simple littJa catch problem. The dra tamer entered Into a conversation with the minis ters 'and 'entertained, them amazingly with his brilliant conversation, touch ing men and affair. Ord daily the top ics changed, until at last tbo talk was ot Dr-A'almage and bis visit to the Holy L?rd: t - . : Speaking cr the Holy Land," said the graceless commercial man, VI was 1 juite Interested to read In New York paper recently that a party cf explorers In Palestine had discovered a hage heap of . bones,' wL.ch, from their size and quantity, ae supposed to be of the chil dren which Herod ordered killed. They were found in a cave, which bad been closed tor centarica, which accounts for "Indeed! replied one cf the clergy men, mncn interesrea. i nsa not beard of it. It ia certainly a surpris ing discovery . " Ves," continued the drummer. "and, oddly enough, while nearly half of the bones were bleached white, the rest were as black as ebony." "Remarkabl-," ejaculated the cler gyman who had already spoken, while the other looked at the drummer sua- pidously. "What is your theory?" be contin ued. "Do you think it possible that the bleached bones could be of males and the black of females?" "Possibly," replied the more com municative clergyman, "I am cot an anatomist, however, and can't say what effect long exposure has on the bone of tho sexes." "And ,you," persisted the drummer to the other. "What is your opinion? Do you think it possible that the white bones belong to male infanta and the black to female, or vice versa? That ia tbo problem that now excite the dis coverers. "Really," replied the other, "1 don't know; but, poraibly, as you first put It, the white bones may be of the male children, and the black of tho female." Shortly after this the clergymen reached their destination end left the train. Just as it was about moving'off the drummer, who had been chuckling to himself tho meanwhile, thrust into the hand of one a card, upon which was written the word3: "Excuse me if I suggest that you read your Eiblea hereafter with greater care, liau you done so tn tne past, you would have known that boy babies only were ordered alain by Herod." New York Herald. Thr Iaaurcd nitn. The ways and means of insurance agents for securing customers are many and varied. Tbo mod its operandi aeeras to be to get the victiin tnterwrtcd and then bombard him vitb aiguoient. elo quence and statistics, an) it is in tt firet thp.t the real g?nuu of tbo business ccmcs in. A merchant was writing at his desk tbo othor day when two of tbe craft en tered. Cekig well drt-wtd aud prosper ous looking, be rose to receive tbcuj and inquired their business. "I want," said one, "to introduce to yon my friend, Mr. Docker, who is a well known gentleman living here, and special agent for the Bluster Life In surance company." "I em plt-astd to meet Mr. Booker, returned th: merchant, "but I really don't know that I'm acquainted with you." "Indeed." said the firet. "Booker, old man. in trod nee me." Booker did, and the merchant, seeing the trick, burst out Into hearty guffaw and was soon injured by the two friends, who. if they had eutercd in the ordinary stylo and stated their busi ness, would probably have been shown the door. London Tit-Bits. I Tory Carving- In CLIni. natX Japan. In China and Japan ivory has been carved, the ivory balls inclosed inside one another being specially noted. Many theories have N cn formel aa to bow tbeae balls have bevn cut. Perhaps a probable one is that a ball of ivory was taken, around the upr and lower end j of which four small bolea were carved ont, gradually diminishing In size toward the center until the axis of the ono hole met the axis of thm other or lower one at right angles in tbs cen ter of tho ball, and that then small tools were inserted, and a thin layer of ivory, forming a part ot a circlo from one bole to its lower corresponding one. waa cuf and loosened from tho whole mass. Sc. gradually -cutting front one hole to the next one, a complete inner circle was eventually loosened, tLe cir clet themselvee afterward being cot into the required pattern. Chambers' Jour nal. ' Oo as? lb Bt. "The beet compliment I ever bad, aald a well known lawyer the other day, "waa paid by an old lady in an adjacent town, where 1 once west tt take part in a Fourth of July celebra tion. X was a yonng man and always availed myseJf of every chance I got to pout. That day 1 was on the pro gramme to read the Declaration of In dependence, and I put all the power 1 had Into the line. ' When the eaercieet were over, tn old lady wtjo wta arrayed in her finest, came up to me and taid, 'That it on of the beat declaratianaof Independence lever heard; you must have spent s powerful long time writin it." Phila delphia CalL . A Catrlaitr Claa, "Hive you a Contributora' dub here J" aaked the author. - ,ts have," replied the .weary ed itor. .."John, bit him a clip with that b.ckcryrv-tlanta Conatltuticn. taC y T ; -vf." OTicE. , . . -i ' Having ifnaCW tt Exeeutor'of Eo niey Gay, all persons Indebted to her ee -Ute are reqneted to pay the aama at onee, and til persona bo'dlng claims against the aald eatate wilt present them on or before February 2, 1S95. or this notice will be plvaded In bar of their re- " coTery, : Thlt February S, , Joiui 8nrji..Bi,r,. " Wa offer Om Btfrd PoUar rwri lor asycaaetf raUrrfttaa can mot b cvrvd by Hall's CtarrCr. - F.J. Caaarr & Co., Props Toledo, O- w" tfc maKferBts, bare kawv T. J. Ckryfoe Um lavrt IS ntn, a4 bTw him psrlvrUy fsoaorftUi' ia all mrlas traaMctioM aad SaaaeiaDy Um to carry ot any oUixAlioM soo by tMr trs. - -WesttTratx, WkoWwV Drartets, Tole do. O. - - r WaJdinsr. Klnsaa A Marvim, . Wkobte Dracjnats, ToWdo, O.. HaUa CataiTts Cor U Uk IstsrMlty, artieg dirrty apo thm Uo44 saaeoaa nrfca ol Um ystas. Prv. T&e. pr UV tw Sold ty ail Drwdata - TwtiaoaiaJ NEW FISH DEALERS ! "For ".the contpnieiico and ac commodation of the rx'ople of Looisbarg and surroonding coun try the undersigned have of. ned a Fish Bosinftg io Ixiblurg. We will hare freib dns day andSafurday evenings at tho following prrces : Fin trout hI 15 cc:A s a Ktircb ; Pcrrh, croakcrj-, &c, at 124 c a!s a bunch. S;!ct oy.ierf every Friday io cents pr quart, cr gallon. We prrposp to rcy strict a :!on to our cusiucse, an-lo-.n omtre thall iiav fcatibfAcir Ii. T. A YECt" A r- notice: Bv virtue of the potver pien in a U-eA of mortgape. ex nn ti e 22 day ol January ,il , by W. F. loodftou to Z. T. McCih-e recnil u the rgeUtry oi Franklin conntv a Book 87, at page 138. I wiU mI1 it public auction for cnh at the ourt bouw dor in Looiburp, N. on the 5th day of February 18SH vt 12 o'clock m. the following de---ribed trnct or parcel of land lying nd being in the County of Frank :n in llayeeville Tpwnahip and de--crild aa follows: adjoining the mda of S. H. Kearney teintr the Id Home tract of the late William iood son, deceased, containing 55 scree more or lees. There ia a good residence and out .ousee on aaid land and it ia in a iigh state of improvement, bis Jan- 5th, 1894. F. 8. SPKtriLU, Attorney for JJortgngpe. Raleigb Oje Works, J. T. OLIVE, Prop'r. Satisfaction guaranteed ia every par cilar. Orders from a dis;aoe pronipt y filial A. GOOD Wo are ready to supply you with most anything , our dinner, and if we hav it not in to k will ha vo !: road at mifiv and if vou war.t to ;iyf. anvthii z . 0:1 poor iKitrii.'or ;oi; "rant To :.uv. Will V A i !1 ior vo' nr.'.-r, ha: rAliBAGFJ, Trr.MPs. BCA.VS. PEAS. 1.:-' ::. OAT FLAKE?, LAP.GE AM) SMALL HOMINY, MAT. I- CM TAKBELL'S CREAM CHEESE. MASON'S CAKES AND C Elif PIGS FEET, UETUIXH ; FKEHII SAfSAfiE CUTLOAF SI'GAR 6 CENTS PER Pi' I NT We think we havo the best stock of Grcn and T Coffee we have ever had. Plum Paddir g 25 tor. can. For your cakes, Star and Butter; Powdered Sugar, Figs, Cleaned Currants. (seedless) Raisins, also California Fine Raisin?, Oranges, cocoanuts, apples, &c, negro toes, walnuts, pecans, and filberts. For the little boys and girls we haxe wngons, r horses, doll carriages and doll cradles, recking wash sets and boys axes with handles. ' . ... Como to see us and e will try and please you. - Very reipectfullj, CEENSHAW, Wo have a large stock cheap-ij P. IDentistr or wake roar ft v a4 w4ada Wloit ts, ' eaB mnmXk pntmn .--rtaJ work. ACCOCNTH TO bF - On Monday, Februsrr the nndri;Tied vkiil Coort Ilooee door in L to the highest bidder, f ; lot of arconnU, nj arnonnta of 5 rent Said accounta are d.. ' kev, Sir. N J F..':k Afiir.fe f V. U I If ; ra hnt t L f , : : -' . ens in qusntitK-e tlt- r PI!t to :.Tm:f r r - - ih-ir -.-a If jr.i L .;y fr mi t)rop iu t i iff':. Y r h- ',t: rn est ru. a j'-t rr-m f - r .in-- Ii. I Rwr r r r a -rr: N ( T i ' ' F. Havirs; oftd .it r.'-i-Httjica. rd. ail tr: - -, tat arc aotiflrd to fy ' c- id all ptmiM V'Jdln ria ic, t rtat BA rrt lhm T ' - 27lk dy ot DrtC 1HVM. or 'I . la br of Itrir rwri.-T tBbT 27th, 1P Joa r 8r i : V. U. Pmom, Attcr&T OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Pr ; - Oxford, N r Good accommodatic r ' - traveling publi:. RUFFIN & LEWIS, BUCKfVITile are prrpa rr-d w . - ; . work in cor liae. Call t shop tear the Lmibar? rc . DINNER. jriveyou xtra Iom- prif- or name a ftw tl.ii.j:- v Diana Flour, Extract, Baking P Citron. Eggs, Salt. Su aim' : M f. k HICKS & ALLEN. of flour that we willstll you V v f :

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