VOL. :LOUISBURG, K C., FRIDAY, AlTiIL 27, 1801. NUMBER 9. TO' PUBLIC SCIKPQL TEA CHEnS The Su perintendent" '.of Public Schools of Franklin county . will be in Louhburg on the second -Thurs d y of February, April,: July,' Sep--tcmber, October and. Decern per; an remain for three days, if necessary -for the purpose of examining, appli cants to teach in the Public Schools of thin county.' I will also , bein Lotiisburg on Saturday of,:each eek, and all public days-, to attend to any business connected with - toy office. J; N.' Habbis," Supt. 11-0 t'eKsio mil cards. c. M. COOgB fc-SON, ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, "V. v . LOUISBUBG, N. O. S - W1U attend the Courts of Nash,. "Franklin, Gr iuTillc, Warren an t W&kecoauties, alsoUie supreme Cxart of NortatUroilup, &a i JJSa ,&, 1. circuit an .1 District Com t a. -. I) R. J. E. MALONB. o;!K'e two doors oclow -: Ay im store, adjokilng Dr. O. L. cocke & CCO.'S Ellis. R. W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING! PHYSICIAN, Louiauuse, sr. c. W. TIMBERLAKE, Vj ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, louisbjro, sr. o. Oiiice on Main street. S. SPKUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, LOCISBURO, N. C. '. II Uteni the courts of Franklin, Vance, . . ill'?. Warren and Wake counties, also iarreuie Court of North-Carolina. I'rompt '' ;ini 'n given to collections, Sec. N. Y. OULLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, , All legal business promptly attended to. -jUIi3 H. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, LoriSBTRG, n. C. ( Moo on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, I.OC13BURG, N. C. 03 In all courts. Oifice in the Y r:- '(Mi.i.- Court U l Kctfi., S0ets., ECd S1.00 per Bottle. Oires Coughs, Hoarseness, Sore Tin oat, C rc u p promptly; re! ieve3 Whooping CoogH end Asthma. F r ConsHmptio it bftano rival; has cured thousands where all others failed; wiUcuRE tow if twken itftime. Sold by Drugist3 on a trrarantee. For I.ame Back or Chest, use SHILOH'H PL-ASTER, 25cts. f D C l XT R V x.x.-z&StiS&r HE- if La. U Have vou Catarrh ? Th remedy to c-iiaran-teed to cure you. Price 0 cts. Injector Iree, .iih'il CATTTIONv Xf ft. dealer oET9 X7. Xt. Toi;;!a3 Shoes at a reduced prloe, or eaya hn has them without aaate utamfed vn bottom, imttoia doira asA traad. M fCR s: m ?? ftr of uy ' I Fa ; I7n . Irak' " BEST IN THE WORLD. W. Jj. DOUGLASS Shoes are sty Huh, easy f.tr tin?, and give better satisfaction at jhe prices ad vertised than any other make. Tiy one pair and be convinced. The mamping of W. L. Douglas' p une and price oa the bottom, which guarantee! th. ir value, saves thousands of dollars annfcal'y tj those who wear them. , Dcders who push. the e le of WiL Douglas Shoe -pain custoircr?; lvhich helps to increase the sales en their falHL"!- oi ,'ooJi. They ran afiord to sell at a lcrp rre" . vi c iiEiwic t. t.iji s-avt; i;ntnty .y iruvjj, y-":r footwear of tite desikr 3dvcrrfsca IviHvV'." f itj'miruc free vnoa ae'piirs'tioa. - 'k6jirs': . JON ES & COOPER, - , ' LOt'lSBL-RG, N. C. ' FOB SALE. 05LY- ?SXJiRU(Gtr .TS, r ?f!ti ftirti if nanf B TSJRiEMARKsS CAN I OBTAIK A PATENT 9 For a ??i?lPx.answer and an honest oplnion,write to ?f ' N N fc CO.. who have hud nearly fifty yecra experience ta the patent hasinees. -Comiitorrfca-iJ j"lb Bwietiy eonfldentlid. . A Handbook of In im.u on eoneerninff Patents and hew to obr. in.,? Sm P61' frce- "Aleo catalogua of mechan- U "aeniiiw ooofes sent Oree. . - v . WPCial notice in that iiAiifil). A rirnn. ami broaeht widely before the public witii-. ui 2 the Inventor, tfhis splendid paper, !?ed; weey. elegantly 1U netrated, has by far the I?4 ctrcnlatioa f any scientific work in the a year.,- gample oples sent free. enniid!?f Litton, Tnonfhly, $150 a year. Btngle ' ft eenta.Every number oontolnseau taoi plates, ia colors, and photORraphs of new i 1tn Plana, enabling builders to show the ill x-9.8lF15 Dn'1 eoure contracts. Address AlLJiM & CO, mw 0Ufi,Sol BUOAlWAT. IIIt--iV R- GULLS ARE SACRED JN UTAH. TVTiy Grateful Mormons Impose a Fine of 65 - ' C For UaiUns the Bird. ri'Most " interesting; x)f ;thebirds that we saw oa our, daily, walk to the pas ture were- the gulls grea beautiful, saovry creatures, who looked strange ly out of place so far awayfrccna. the seashore? : Stranger too,: than" their cshange of residence was "their change of marmera from the wild, irnap proachable sea'birds, soaring and dir ingC and apparently ; Epending- thei? lives on wings. ' -From this high place in our thoughts; f wmthis realm of poetry'and ; mysteryHovcome?down almost to tbe tameness of. the -barn yard f owlls d marvelous transforma tion,and one ia ; tempted to believe the solemn announcement of - the Salt Lake prophet that the Lord sen them to hisnosi" people. " Tho occasion of this alleged special favor to the Latter, Day Saints was tbe advent ' about . 20 years ago "of doudsvbf grasshoppers,; before which the crops of the western, states" and territories were destroyed as'by fire It was then," in their hour of greatest need, when ? the food upon which de pended a whole people was threat ened, that these beautiful winged messengers appeared. .In large flocks they came, from no one knows where, and settled like so many sparrows all over the land, devouring almost with out ceasing the hosts of the f oe.H The crops were saved, and all Deaeret re joiced, ;V-'p;vi Was it , any wonder that a people trained to regard "the head of their church as the direct r representative of the highest should believe these to be reaUy- birds df God and should accordingly cherish them? Well would it bo for themselves if other Christian peoples . were equally be-? lieving, and protected and cherished other winged messengers sent just as truly to , protect their crops.:: The 4 shrewd man. who wielded the desti nies of his people beside the Salt lake, secured the future usefulness of what they considered the , miraculous visr itation by fixing a penalty of 5 upon J the head of every gull m . the terri tory. U:-:y And now, the birds having found congenial nesting places on solitary, islands in the lake, their descendants are so' fearless and so tame that they habitually follow-he plow like a flock of chickens, . rising from almost under . the , feet of the indiSCerent horses and settling down at once in J the furrow behind, seeking out grubs iand larvas and mice and moles that the plow has disturbed in its: pas sage. The Mormon cultivator has sense enough to " appreciate such service, and no man or boy dreams cf lifting a flngef against his best friend. Extridinary.indeed Was this sight to eyes accustomed ' to seeing every bird, that attempts to render such like service . shot and snared and swept from the' face of the earth. Our . hearts warmed toward the "sons of Zaon," and pur respect for their intelligence : increased as we hurried down to- the field to see this latter day wonder. -Atlantic Month- 2 - . No- Buddhists In India. There are no Buddhists in India. There are many in Ceylon, and there is a sect 'of them in - Kepab an inde-: pendent territory to the north" on the borders of Buddhistic Tibet. The religion vanished from India in th early centuries -of the Christian era. The neb-Brahmans set anti-Buddhas, so to speak, in the figures of Krishna,' Mahadeva and Rama demigods and idols of the great neo-Brahmanic re-' ligions,' Vishnu worship . and" Siva worship and these swept everything else before them rtritil ;the Moham- medariponqaesti and at the present day m one shape or another: these forms of oelief are adhered -to by five-sixths of the population, the re mainder being , Mussulmans. 1 , The Buddhists are gone, though not with out leaving behind them a rich leg acy of philosophic thought and many monuments pi ; their artistic genius.7 Marion Crawford in. Century. :.c; - : "A-v.'-i : "Treating' Customers.":.. - . The -customer who i3, in the habit of taking solace"t)ut of the clay pipe may. experience beatitude through: a choice xYnai cigarniCh wul al- lay discordant feelings and put him in good buying humor. ; But. it must bhandIed,tioU8lv - er, ana it mtiseverppear-tnat lie goesabput with a case ItiII of thp ari tide mtehded , expressly for the" pur-' tose of giving him an audience sAvith the itrade. .The : dealer is riot r to .be bougbt, and U the off ering of a cigar!;: carries vnth it the remotest! mtima-. tion of tMs'sbrt the traveler had bet ter pack his grip on the spot.--Trav-: 'yS.r r -.The Commonfiew. , , Dont you.; believe sthe world is growing better ?:asked the i enthusi- . stio young Avoman. - i'i-tf. "Well.". renlied the old eentleman. "the older -peonle are less-pior headed: and prejudiced" than were elderly peopie.wnen 1 was a :youtn - Jtsut i rin nothink - tho . vminp- men of th . . ' . ? present day have half the enterprise Mmn or judgment of those of pxy time." Indianapolis Journal ' . , : ' ; ; y..y ' ' --'i " "" One Uttle Favor." - , t SheNo, it can never be. I do not love y ou enough to be" your wife; But before you go I-want to ask one favor.. , " 'He (dejectedly) Well,- what? " J She--Please do not marry, any one else. New York Weekly. - -- !IKe famine Fare4of Keleuered rails. ' Everybody conversant with "the history of, the sjege of . Pari3 by tho Germans will remember that the in habitants of , the beleaguered city -were fed f or a time 'on the flesh of African and Asiatic beasts and - birds of prey from, the zoological gardens. There has' lately been. . discovered a packet of letters which throw an in teresting light on this matter, "These documents have , been deposited in the Carnavalet Tnusexinx They were addressed , by M. Geofffoy- SaintHi laixe;"director of the - Jar din d'Accli mationl in he Bois de, Boulogne, to 1L Deboos, a butcher, on the Boule vard -Haussmann. "and: refer to the i prices which were asked for. the ani mals required for; the nourishment of starving Parisians., - ' J-Zebras,? buiffaloVrcheer;7 'ante- lopeV wild boars, a kangarooVa casso? ..xy UJT ;T ' , , during .the month -of; October,- J.8Z0, 1 together;- with several, ''rare ducks, pheasants and geese. " The cassowary was sold for 8 and: the kangaroo for half that sum. In 'November an an telope fetched 40, and prices began lo ascend rapidly all round. . Thus , a bear cost the' butcher Deboos 20. and 88 was given, for a wild . boar. During "tho Christmas ; period" two camels from the garden were ecld at 200. - On Dec." -29 M. Deboos took over the, two elephants, which were the veritable pieces de resistance of his food supply iThey cost him 27, 000 francs, or 1,080. ,; He soon sawed up their colossal carcasses and ' sold the pieces at a profit. London Tele graph. --" . - v s Imitative of the Fish. ;v : .- it would probably-be found that a smooth' surface of iron or steel -is about the worst" which we can ':give toour ' ships, for a smooth metal surface has apparently the property of a.ttracting and- detaining the par ticles of water in contact .with it, .whether by molecular attraction or otherwise. Thereby the . water in immediate contact with the vessel's side OT bottom is" drawn along with her, and .its particles, communicate their motion to' an outer circle of par ticles, and so on till a vast mass of water is get constantly, " in motion along with the ship. i : ; ' : This is precisely what we want to avoid, as the essence of the reduction of fluid friction.-is to ' shp easily through the water with" the least pos- sible-.disturbance. Hei-ein lies, as I J- imaoirift- the "trreat advantae of the! surface Structure of the fish. It would pi'bbably be found-by csxrjerimentJLlial; an exact model of a fish in any ordi nary material-as " wood, iron, steel, etc. when towed through the water. at a given rate would - communicate motion" to a straw or light floating object lying near its : coui-se to a far greater extent than would- the real fish passmgthrough'the water at the same speedExperimen ton this point would be easy andwould be valua-! ble and suggestive. Contemporary Review. J;-.-f v ' . - - Flaubert and France. . . . Flaubert believed almost to the end in the free guerrilla corps, in the "avengers to the death;" he believed that all. men are soldiers and every mob an army v he believed in Glais1 Bizoin ahdr.Cremieuxf he believed in the proclamations 7 he believed in the "balloon of deli verance ;1' he' believed in "the oath to conquer or die he believed that the retreats" of our ar mies were only "strategical move ments ;" he believed that Rouen would blowritse!f jnfo the - air rather than suffer the enemy to enter into its walls; he believed Tthat Paris would never capitulate; he beheved in the sorties that were to be 7 as a "flood overwhelming the besiegers;" he be: lieved in the European intervention, in the , arri val. of the Americans,, in the utter exhaustion of. the Germans. He bpheved ih' everything except de f eat,f Maximedu tCamr; s .'laterary Recollections." is ;':. v... .-r-x -, - ; A nalrbreadth Escape, "1; "I served all through the late civil war," remarked Jonas Felt 'pf . Nash- ua, in . ii., . ana 1 saw a goou many narrow escapes from death. . r About the closest shave to being killed I ever saw was this : . One day a sick soldier was lying in. a ' tent with" his knap- f sack; for a pillow - He was supposed to be out of harm's way, but .a solid thbair; shpCc came firing tnrough theahV struck 'the knapsack and i carried -it iclean' awayihepnlymconvenien to the invalid was the loss of his pil low and the sudden letting down cf hi3 . -"head. ? As .- the ; knapsaclr " was scarcely thicker than the missileit might 'V be palled . literally a -; hair- DemocratL . . It Xiooks Uke a "Sure TbJnjr.'' ' The chances that an accident insur ance company takes when it sells" a policy good for 24 hours ; to a casual traveler may be estimated when it i3 known that the interstate commerce ; commission.has figured out that one r person is killed by Railroad accidents i-m .iux3wuxii.jr au evexjr iwww : Die who ride 24 miles. Selling ac- I . i ' v ... : .. n. .1,-1 i ciaent policies onanese ugiu es loutts i liVo a 'iiT;triirio,,,-fnr tho arnndfint like a "sure thing" -for the accident companies. Albany Express." v - - I ainst Have the Very Best.' " ': ' - ' DoctorMadam, I find that ;your daughter has pneumonia in its worst form. v - . . . , ' Mrs. Nurich Well, I-don't see how it can be. WaVe got money enough i toeret the best kind -there is to be jiad. Chicago Inter Ocean. : v ' . . A KjCE, 50FTW VMY.; ' ; It Broast n Exprwilci of Cratltad '"C - - From tie Utneaciary,. .' . - The relator c f this efcry was on Lis way up Monroe .aYctue" the ether day when a chap who locked eecdily anx ious stopped him it Hurier ttrctt to sayr-. -. : : VV - "I think you can tell me wb at I am very anxious to find : put. Can there be such a thing as a snake ia the hu man stomach V'- : '-. -r I:1 - -'.-Why, I have heard of suchccscs." s', "Did you ever see one ?" - ' : . ' - 7"No. - Why do you askf : J T. if 'Well, I met a- chap down here who was -complaining, that he swal lowed a snake 10 years ago, and that it was bothering hinxi a creat deal, tHe seemed, an honest; truthful man, J "but I didn't Jmow what tt X-ike of his story," particular just, then V - chn , The chap said as how. he did, sir. and that was why. I was suspicious I of him.n r , .4 ; . ' . 7 . "Did he say it was about the usual hour for the snake to -take a glass of beeriT:, ;: ;v v ': -VHe did, sir.?, That's exactly what he said.! r-' 'rri VAnd if he didn't get it he would keep' on actmg. up and making things impleasantf?--: i-.U'.U.:: ' - - "Yes,'sir. J-vr::--'":' . ''--'-I . "Man appeared iobe conscientious and truthful, ehT . - "Indeed he did.n .1 . ' - "Hejwouldn't have , deceived you just to get a glass of beer?' 'I don't think: he would, sir. - lie was - holding 'his hands on -his sides," just (this way, and his face was all screwed .up, like:this, , and I don't think he, Would act -.that way unless there was something wrong." r - "But you didn't help him?" ' ' v "N-np, sir. J I wanted to bo sure, you Iniow. : ' . ' . :"I thmk.Iknow the man. . I think he is standings right here beside me, Here-is a nickel to stop that riot go ing on down -behind hia vest, and f there's plenty of saloons in this local itv" ; -- - V '- ' - "Sir," he. said as he Teceived the coin and .bowed and ecrcped, "I am 55 -years old and haye traveled all over the world, but I am free to Bay that-you have the. nicest, softest .way of doing something for a man with j did. behold.. Myself, and the other leuow, ana uie rucuon are ODiigeu to you," Sir, and may you. hvo a thou- rsand years and never know asorrow. ---Detroit Free.Press.'l " : J6tor:es of Jay Gonld. " Theso two anecdotes about the late Jay Gould are newi and, what is bet ter, are. trtie: When Mr. Gould was a young man, in a New Jersey town, he was taken violeftly illi, and a lady undertook to see him through. He never forgot it, and when any of his old friends of former days came to see him and his office door alway3 had the latchstrmg outside for such -he was wont to ast after this par ticular woman?. She had an adopted child, married, living in the far west, and the lady w hen-, she v became old resolved on seeing her, and after a year s privation saved enough money to make the journey, i . . - Mr. - Gould happened at the last moment .to learn of her scheme, and post haste passes were collected for the whole distance there, and back and mailed her without a word of comment "The . old lady could not sleep for three nights for the. special wonder as to liow "Mr. Gould, had learned of her intended trip.. ' At another time an old friend who had just about lifted a mortgage, on his farm was seized '. with inflamma tory rheumatism and: was in the depths of despair. Accidentally learn ing of it,' Mr- Gould sent him a check for a good,-round- amount,' and the' effect was electrical, for the man was at onco welCHardware. -... ; ' . -.,.l..':''?Grny Volvce; " ! ; . As a rule, the gray wolf . soon dis appears from settled regions.-' Ia the TJnitedi States there is probably5 not one wolf today where 20 years ago there were C0.: The killmg.'of the ranchmen's , cattle, ' colts ' and . sheep was not to be tolerated, and a bounty was put on the gray wolf ahead, with fatal effect,- More deadly than the steel trap or -the: Winchester,; .the Btrychnine ' : bottle; was universally brought to bear upon his mos t .vnl nerahle point hia mvenous appetite. Even during the last days of the buf falo in Montana; tlie hunters poisoned wolves by hundreds for Cheif pelts,' which were worth from $3 to i?3 each. Now it is a very difficult matter.- to find a gray wolf even - in the wild west, and hrMontana and Wyoming tney are almost as scarce as Dears. W. T; Hornaday ia St; Nicholas : ." - "At the Barracks.-; " The colonel on his tour of inspec- tion Tmexpectedlj entered ;. the drills room where he came upon a couple of "soldiers," one of. whom was read msj a - letter aloud iwhile the other was listening, and at the same time stopping up the ears of the reader." What . are you domg there? the puzzled officer inquired of the latter. - "You see, colonel,! am reading to Pi tou, who can't read himself, a let ter from his sweetheart.', ' -' "And you, Pitoui" . 4,P1p.nfl onlnnpl. I am etOTrninir UD KnnninoTi'rt pars vri th "both hands.be- rsnfl T rlnn't mind hia readincr mv sweetheart's letter, but I don't want him to know what she writcs.n Fa- nxule.- v,,-.. : . ' " ' Zeh Vance Is Deal. 1DWXD OUtaiM IS W XHEIXTO X MST. TTowfltrjrKtbeaoandt UndyKt Uhisaame, Immortnl m h'.s reeniorj; thy cam . . A prtxinrt of Lie own.-hia native l. Rererd an1 lored b ererr ton of toiL Zeb Tancel -The rerj name U booor'e oiai its MTajrj- into aii betms Hue grro ootur titui n&m. in honor Could e'er supplant this simplo ITis nntn wm ToonTia for hooe ! aontr. For cheer ad J laugtitr. and tnitb o stroag: The pet. th Mol. irf the old North State A heartru! man, ttorn cud cotihI trer hate A Kterlins:. iren roua hearted friend. - riineer n1 hon-et. faitbfol to the end. But now tin true, that o'er bis reetfnl bed ', Itf natire iuea whill whioper, '"be ia deai.": N'eufh Deo rea creat rotunda, laid ia state J ill 1 e this honest mAnto true, o (treat. ,. Au! o er him nature's obeeqnUs viU roll, , And rbant a reqaiem lor his noble soul. - " In tnany aJittJereJiool honw, by tb f When lemaoQS shall iave ended tor the Amr,' The pedairninio. with aire, will how hie hnedl And tell the children that-&b Vance isUeaJ." I And home, witt Toicee bushed and awed they'll aro- " , . .. - - And teU. with won.drrinir.tbe news the vlcnowi i Be rery ccw ts eaten tne srruin so drad. And slowly dole tUenevs: "Zeb tauceisdekl. Apd when me s good en gel no all have brought Lura sare'r to the paradise he soncbt. And led him to-the thrrehotd of the rate. aox long- the aerrant ol his state will wait.":-1 Nor Governor, nor rVnator will he . The eijrnaljor the rank of hia Genres: But loud hose nn aa. welcome, welcomebome," And loud the welkin ring-: "Zb Vance is cornel' ANYTHING TO BE "A01KST (iOVEBNiIENT.MN " THE Mr. WrW. 8iott, Jr., editor of the Lenoir Topic, writing4rom Washington to his paper, says that J.he Populiet crowd cares notLing mpre. about Bilver "than aa .their itrsane wboopinga for it inay serve their selfish purposes. -Murk my prediction, says herVtbai in less than two years tbeywill drop sil ver as a hobby and will be riding some other,. like witcLes on broom 8ci8.,, ." ' It Tould be by no means BUTpris ing if this should comq to pars. A few years, ago the snb-Treasury. scheme was all the go; then gov. ernmeut ownership of railroads. -Now nothing is ever heard of eith erboth have been ; relegated to the limbo of dead issues. As to the silver question, we recall dis tinctly JLbaV three or four years ago. when HJooked fof 4 kU thVworld that Con cress? Would pass ' a free eil ver, bilr-thil was probably , j ist before the Sherman law waseuatt ed the late Col. L. L. Polk, who bad -been representing eloquently that free silver was of all things the chief desideratum, said in an interview in the Atlanta Journal that free silver was all well euongb in ita.way, but it would not meet the wants of the people, that what wa&ueeded was fiat -money this was the very. term be employed. ThePopulist party is run'on this port of achedule: It finds out what can't be bad and clanors for that as the all-important ' thing. If the Democratic party should to day give signs ot giving it every thing it is asking for, it would in stantly lose interest in those things. It is strictly an organization of op position In view of its xeal for silver we have been impressed with the strange silence of its newspa pers' and: spokesmen" ; upon v. the Bland seigniorage bill they have bad next to nothing to eay abctat Jt. jWhy, f - Because tbey-N.were waiting to see what its fate would be, holding .tbemeelTes in, readi ness to declare, if it should become a law, that It is of no consequence whatever, and, if it should not be come a law; to lash themselves and tbeir'followers into a-fury on - ac ciunt of its defeat. Chkrlotte Ob- server. j-Roodium Talk " The.followfng-plain English is from Bishop Keener, and appears in the Tennessee Method 1st. -There is no doubt whatever that the tern- pie referred.to is the one kuiir, for i cam Jones in asuvme, nuu it ilS equally certain that Sam Jones is the man the Bishop is after I don't want. our pulpit low ered, as it has been in this part of the country for many' years. 'You -Ven I I 1 V t V eognomen. ; I I, A. have no right . to countenance orl encourag'e a man who would dare to use iii the pulpit, hoodlum 'talk which yon would reprove your boy for usiDg.- You have snbmitted to it here in Tennessee silently, and you bave suffered by it. You bave even built a temple to it. The church is sick and tired of it. We have been patient until the thing has become insupportable. I thiuk 1 mb sicus of imirovement. I I think we. shall come back to sobrb j ty and to purity and to propriety J of speech lu the pulpit.'.. Highest of all ia Leavening Power. 'yi -TRAINED. V : .;; .:V' . " ' -. , Your little brother's Jn theLall'," lie-muttered, we muet stop." .,Oh'not:,elJelnswednotttal, "He's looking oul for pop.". v : ;.V;V;;..V:;,f- Truth. DESEHVLNG PILAlSa -We desire to say td our citizens that for years n e have been selling Ur. King s New Discovery, for con suinption, Dr. King's New Lif Pills, Bucklen's Arnica StUre and Electric f BitUrV nd have-never handled' remedies that sell as well orthat huve given such universal satiefac- uon. e ao not nesitate to guar- aptee tbera every time,, and we stand ready to refund the purchase I mvusj u NtukiHcwrr mutts ao not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity gurely oa their merits. Aycocke & ..,' Droggiste. . DENTIST, LOCISBDEQ, N. C. Office OTer jiacket Store. Gradoate Baltimore Denial Collie. Twenty-four years ; active exprriroee. XETinclXL TBtTH A SPECIALTY. Natural teeth remoted and new oae4nsrted ini TWX5TT HISVTta.' All work warranted. . Loolabarg is my borne "for better or worsu" and joa will always find tne ivatly to correct at my own expense any work that may psove anntlsfactory. ery truly. - , U. E. KINO, Dvntist. TO GAUD EN EES; Early cabbage plants ready now, strong tomatoes, best vari eties, ready April 1st, ever green',: magnolias and ehubbery. Verbenas, panaies, aud all kind? of beddinir tilauts. ralms and ruhber plants and others for"pi culture; flowers eeds, bouquets, cut flowers, floral designs. Hend for catalogue. H. Stelnmetz. Raleigh. N. C. Coffins and Gaskets. We bave added to our alreJv complete line ot wood and chh covered Coffins and Caskets SOUD WALSUT COFFiliS AH3 CASKETS. Also a line of 11 ETA L1CS as nice-and Gne goods as is car ri.lin auy-of our citi. Our stock is complete in every line. Respectfully, . . - B. R. Hakkis & Co. Loulsburg, N. C. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. :.We have opened a market and a t ' : r. .i t BHKeXCUBDgO . VilliUU O VVI corner, and want to ;.by' beeves and "hogs - of ahy siwu Milcb cows, mutton or iambs, and fowls of all kinds.-rAll that want meat of any kind send ns y pur order. Everything aa represented.'. AS e mean business, call -and see , us. 's s E J.-RlosDAjJt & Co'. ICE! The Raleigh Crvstal Ice Factory having been put in first da order ii now prepared to turn out more Ice and of better quality than ever before.: The Ice is put up in blocka ot 200 pounds. For sale as follows: - Block, 100 pounds, well packed, per express, 75 cent. : Whola block, 200 poo nda, well packed, per exprear f 1 .30. Low prices by tho carload or frac tion of carload of two ton or over. Not It -as than two tons will betaken by frvight unpacked. : - : JONE3 & POWELL. :; .;;. Ralcigh,N.a ; Shaved or Sawed Honl Tine Sliin gles, Iiths, Corn, Meal, O.ita, Brun by carload, more or lts, nt lowest pricea lor can by . . Joste & Powell,, IUh?:gh, N. C. ra . T I a ssjawsw mm- W I Latest U. Gov't, Rcpcrt -no EXTBEMK. INDEED. A Wat Is th extreraa peni! tr for . L'jtaTr- . " A. wotnau'a lkq- i leal is tbe'. man bo doesu't hesitate to prt. pose. . v . . . - nacJtleo'a Aruk Halve' TTse best saJve la the world for enta. bru!9e. aore. BU-?,wlt rhTitn. feTtr orvS Wtter. chapped LaoJi,eltilbUins ores, and all skin trop(ion od ri- ueiy cores piles or no pay. It U gear. aateMl to gif perfect sallcfactloo r money reityiawx. lvce ss ee&u per box. ForwaLsbT Tboas A Aveocke. -. ' The boy who asks for a punch should be-hooked cow. A MILLION FRIENDS. A friend in neel i a frWd indeedr and not Je than one million, neo- pie have found Junt such a friend ia Lr. King's New Diacove ryt for con sumption, cocehs and colds. If you .have never Ufed thia great cough mMicine one trial will con vino you that it baa wonderful cur ative powers in all dtaeasf of throat, chest and lungs. Each bot tle is guaranteed to do all that is- Waimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles tree at Aycocke Co.'s drug store. Large sixes "50c, and f 1. Simoa's Ccxx, the Great Cough and Crup carets for sale by The ma & . Avejckr. Pocket alie rontalna twecty- fie dueva, only 25. Children lore it. , . y To Build Up" Tour System and restorw . . Your Strcnk J . j Invicrntf Yw;r Livr cr..1 Purifv Yinu DIchhI Scrf-riSirMi Yi!;r NcrvH un.J ( live An Appetite ink- 1 i.ar oxr-!', ut ; V. V. t r- i ! !- ft! NOTICE.- Pr vHo -f riw r jintn ao order t f the-JMp-ri-r rooti"f Trxaatin ran tr 10 Iu ;-rial prrvt-c-i icjr rslitlrd rncnirfM. l'-'yer, Safli H. pr-r. rt. a!., Et rAm,.a-W the 3tb Ay tf March If.'I. will evil at public aae-tt'-n at the ctart hue dor in Loob t i.rg, N. C. at 12 oVkk M. cf Mro day. th Tib day cf May a lot ft tarrvl-f Unl ia Frr-maas tcmaabip, rnnklio vjunty, eoalainltr TO acr, tw-insr lot N. 3 io tb- plat aoi aorrvv ..f il- Gjdkie la a-1, n.ad Ic the Psttw tin Pmedlnpa nt-d by IVnj- Iloklen, srr.. rveontrd in Clrks of Frank lin eoaaty, la lV k No. 3 rf Ord-ra and L'ecrea. at 11; raid I A Lit Lxf la aaki prfwlrnfr " faJWa the ban of Hinry 111, hw l-lr-t- Jawr tare irudttntrd talprireiit. .V. -T'rtaa of eale. H rab, balance doe at is month; drfrrml pejmrnt t n carry int-ivt t tr cent. Crrta day of aa!. Ttl March Slt, . . ' r ( . K. W Tmuun, ; Y. 8.'t?rrniL, , " . . 'r CoroniWiooera, . ..- 1894. HARPER'S WEEKLY. T "' A ELLffiTRATXI). x Barpv WeHify It hryoc n wvetoa ta W.linc joaral la Anerk,La tiaef W-o-aJ tv lort W), tn iracono(e'tutalaaea tva. trustors, sod Its vset array ot readers. It tiMot. th oa lat COed tr poctttosi sad train lot real tb-t-la U4ra of lae day.; Jn flcttoo. itt cdcC pnpaiar atarj writ eve ro the forTjMt artists IUatrxe lie speciAi sr-It-W. Its storW. uvlv ry Soat4e vil r-f pa4ie tMtrrwt; U eociUttMi portaiU C( lb W ttnaUhod na a1 wocne who arw SBaa,tf tba bUiory of tb t!ax whit rpoial aito. ttoa as giii to i he Army and Ksvy. ABMiewr hpnrt.aod Moaie art-J tb Drvma. trf dtattn. arnOhed nprrta. Jn a word, llai-pra WTkJy J ch owa fr-Ai area of t-Vo Cxi f p rv aad IL -. an.i inry ijoi.i:v r SMrnM wiih the eoUJ rrtUcal chard rr of tbe rrvk-ar. . , la Taaa. - .'- : .,. "I n tRrtHwwrKKir......., nihprRa Br.R HACfKB TOOO TZfiPLB..., tad Mafer. CaaJa.tn1 airairo. w ea ffVr. T"4 . Tli Vhv 'f tffU'y S'rs h Tr N as. -r t tr lrnxrt tl T ' Wh tttt w.a fw tmtm t "3rTcl M tfm t.- t-f l-T!f 'rf, . - - - Fni tc:m e f rrf-v Wraty f -v thrl- ya-a ! a-. ti? nt rt l.-i rg. tt Vwii ) jr mni. t"r- r !-' r ry itr, fref eitvf arTvlt - it-- fttcM' -- ev-wi! on0oar p T ltta. i j tO fT rv b r--i f fv Mltatte f t t lr,-'r. w"i .-!; t r uxU poavt-1-r--i t f f I f "',v . - t . Cr'-r cr IN-Ti- io -.vu ! utv ft wr.-T'-r -w iw iwtt -"--' -n n w TV.a! te fj-rtm tTjrtvt Haanui ft nTu. '" Ainaat XLaxraa kBarata-s r Tor a. milk by: