"TTTX- i TF'" .iiVJiiL . ; ::;V ..:?'! HtJ Vl;- VOL. XXIV. LOUISBURG, N.'C, . FRIDAY,-. MAY 4, 1801. NUMBER 10. TO' PUBLIC SCBOOfi TEA CUERS The Srintendenlb o bKc Schools of Franklin county-will be - ! .v of February. Aoril. J U!V ietr- .- : i l 1. t ' ln t.',nl),'r, October and December, ami ro'.i iiu for three days, if nece3tar,v, for the purple of examining apyii c :nus to teach in the Public SehooU o ' tii is county. I will also 'be -in J.o.urfburg on Saturday of eacb ..v .'t-k. and all public days, to 'attend ,) any business conjieeted with "myi office. "... J. N. Habbis, Supt. I IWMinllTI I 11 ..it, Professional cmds. c. M. COOKE & BON, ATTOENEYS-AT-LAW, wcisborg.'h. c. W1U atten3 the court ot Nash, FfankHn, f : , -..nviZUv Warren aai Wakecoaatle, alo the i idoie C'uartOtWorth Carollup, axidxlie U. n-.iuit una Xlstrict Courts. ' : 1) li. J. JS. AlALOMS. 1 1 ii. wo ooors oeiow a.; r i .' .siore, adjoluing-Dr. O. J rcocke & iiUls. W. H. NICaOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN LOU19B0RO, JT. V. TIMSiSJiLAKE, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, . , L0OISB-JR8, K. C. c on Main etreot., 'V ; S. HPRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBUB9, S. C. Will attend the conrta of tfranklin, Vance, (,r.i:ivili'. Warren aii'l Wake coanties, also t j w .S(i;remo Court of North CaroiLua. Prompt ktuti on giTea to collections, &c. N. Y. GULLET. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, v FRANKLIXTON, N. C. A.11 legal business promptly uttended to. riUOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IiOUlfBUKO, N. C. O.'tlce on Main street, over Jonfs & Coop- U.HW '' M.. l'ER80N, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW , LOUISBUHG, K. C. ? T.icti" -;s in all courts. OSi.e iu thrf Cor per liottie. C r ov, t promptly; relieves TY1 eopjUij Congh i' kI Astionju "For Consumption tt b"?no i v:t!; hs cured thonssmdswhercttllptlie'S ! v. ill cork yotj if tnlcca ia time. Sold i v rn;;rist3 on nriTiites. For Ijme Back c r Chi-it, use SHlIXii,H iASTiIi. 23 cts. H I LO HySCAf ARB H REMEDY, 1 1 p re tou Oatiiirn? T.B'isreineaT w exiararv. 6ly is sruTa- -i ta cure Totu Price EOets. Injector freo- T TIOV. If o teati- offer E .1 h :hoos lat roduencl pr'o", or saya ...n tbra without aaave stataped oa j ;;u, putiiiijadownassframi. - v r. TP- r,-"j - C Civ, s tf fl lag 83 S ECST IN TH WORLD. W. T.. DOUGIiAS Shoes are1 stylish, easy Jit- and give better satisfaction at t lie prices ad-" v r.iscd tfain any other make. Tryone pairantf b convinced. The stamping of W . L. Xtouglas"; n nne and price on the bottom,' which guarantees. tHcir value, saves thousands of dollars anntially 1 1 iho-se who-wear them. vDeaters who push the ( : ;io of W. Io pouplas Shoes gain customer, v. hich helr to increase the sales orj their full lire of ;xmK "They can aiiTord to seir at n less profiu c. 1 we believe you can save money lvv hnvingaU yn-.T footwear of thedeakr advertised Iwlinr Cataloru free upon application. Address, " Xi. L.. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Masa. Sold bv .JONES &" COOPER, '--I- - , LiOUlSBTJEGr, N. C. , ' to FOB SAiB-CBTLT . t - ' - sow ri i Aycocke & Co. DEUGGIStS,"""" E TEaJt p CO ft unwft LOUlSBPRa, N. & COPYFUGHT.S. CAN I OBTAIN-A-PATENT For a 5iv?J't.answ and an honest opinion, tn-ite to f INN & CO., who have bad nearly fifty vear9. itnence tn-the patent fenstaeas. rCoinmtmica V!,"b Btrtctlr confidential. -A. Handbook of In. l'lrmatlon concerning Patents and boirto ob . oueta gent iroe.. Also a catalogue oi mecaan- ii a"lcicntlflol50oltB sent free. tuteuu taken throngh. Munn ft Co. receive eyec.al notice In the Srinntitin A niPTlenn. and I :;V8 ar? brooiflit irldely before the fmme witli- PUE. with plans, enabling builders to show the " .dfB,WM and secure cootiacts. - Address piui,m. uuuini. Mfill IHPIIMHf IHIIII iawa 73 e-j. t.a la -iea 'CiV . vsv J ' U I Ok U Pr.lce 10 cents,.-. EATS.TPJy)Eliy;- ssued weekly, elegantly llloBtrated.haa by far the gf'yulaUoa ol any aelentjflo work In tho l. t-..l ayeaftr.. Sampiooopies sent free. , I bai.dipg Edition, monthly, $150 a year.- Sinirlo wmics, tj.j cents. Every numher oontatns hcaa- t in Lit TV ftQW.ELUE AND '.GRAY BiInB. mo,t do ttey mcby Wue, Aid do thoyjnean 1 trattc a sne oounuca in irom jicr piay : ... 1 ha root tier's eyes filled ap wiih tears. She tunied to ber darlinc fair : .!':" '' Aftd smoothed away from the. sonny trow "" . v',;A'n treasure or eciden iuar;s-fi.e-i?Si.V:t" Why, motor's yes are -Wcei ;nay .itreei,; Andgrandpa liair..isay;:feJ;s?-:--' And the love we be&rtrar darliag chli, tiroes stronger cyery day." ;.-'r r.j-? But wSatr did they mean?' persisted thechild, - VFcrleawtwo'tripphjtdaTwirf And ofte.of them said: Lo. luiii'Tanslit for tha ' Wto, -Sc$-;-vi The other tad 'fcragLt tar.:tXig0&0' "The one of the blue had. lot?i.ii't'1 ' And the other bad but etxziJ. '' And both seemed worn and Weary .nd sadV " ' Tet their greeting was Snd and warm. . They told of battles in dajs gone by . , '' ' r 5ill it made my blood growcbiil. -The leg was lost ki I ti Wilderness fight And the arm on Zlatvern Hilt 7-: -Si "They sat on th stone by the farmyard gate -y I " And tald. for an hour or more r' - .v Till their eyes grew bright, and their hearts eeemed warm . . . Willi figlitiug thalr l)att',f?-il:l'.'.::, And parting at last with a f riendly grasp,"; In a kindiy,-brotherly wayl-j-HSSi' - Each asking God to speed thetime"S''i'T.'i-'. ? : Uniting the blue and the gray." Then the mother thought of otberdaya, Two stalwart boys from her riven: . - ; How they'd knelt at her 6ide, and, lisping, " prayed, ;--.-,.:v"., y:- "Our father which art in heaven;" ' How one wore the gray and the other the blue; ' How tliey passed away from eight ; - ... And had gone to the land were gray and blue Merge in tints of celestial light. , ' 'i And she answered her darling with golden hair, ' . ; . ' "While her heart was sorely wrung ,' - . With the thoughts awakened in that sad hour By her Innocent prattling tongue, ' r . "The blue and the gray are the colors of God; They are seen in the sky at even, ; -r -v And many a noble, gallant soul '. Has found them passports to heaven.? - - Charles L. Brace In Bine and Gray, - . Chinese Soldiers. ' . The following quotation from an author who had ' experience with General Gordon's "ever 'victorious army" shows Chinamen are admira bly suitable for soldiers: "The old notion is pretty well got rid of that they are at all a cowardly people when properly paid and effi ciently led, while ; the regularity and order of their habits, which dispose them to peace in ordinary times, give place to a daring bordering upon recklessness -4n time of war. - Their intelligence and capacity for remem bering facta make them well fitted for. use in modern warfare, as do also the coolness and calmness cf their disposition. ' "Physically, they are on .the aver age not so strong as Europeans, but considerably more so than most of the other races of the east, and on a cheap dlet'X)f rice, vegetables, salt fish and pork they can go through a vast amount of fatigue, whether in a temperate climate ot tropical one, where Europeans are ill" fitted for ex ertion; Their, wants are! few, they have no caste prejudices and hardly any appetite for intoxicating liquors." Nineteenth Century. Eepalring Fences. There is a great deal of work that can do . clone on a larm to gorxi ad vantage after farm work proper is finished. There is no better time in the year toj)ut the fences in good Shape than when the ground is fro sen. It is easy to get about the fields with material, and the work has just exercise enough - about it to make it pleasant. A fence that is gone over every year seldom needs a great deal Of repairing.1 Yearly attention keeps xt in good condition, but neglect it for a few years, and it will require as much labor Jto put it in good trim" as it takes to build a heW fence. De troit Tribune. : ' - itWaEsiisWx'" I: jBilkef I understand your landlady gives you a piece of steak not larger, than your two fingers. ' .Star That's what . ; . .';: Bilker I shouldn't think that was enough. . : , 'v: . ' . ' Btar--Oh, I don't know about that. I almost wish sometimes after I've been chewing on it for half ah hour or so that it wasn't so much as it is. Detroit IVee Press. ' Wyoming has 30,000 square miles of ; coal deposits. I There are 5,000 miles of irrigating . canals, watering 2,000,000 acres. The canals cost oyer $10,000,000;; . The live stock interests exceed r $100,000,000 in : valua Oyer $5,000r000 in bullion has been taken from the mines in one county. . V;In Japan physicians consider it bc neath" their dignity to send -bills ; to .their patients. : The latter, however, understand, that they.are under Toblt gations of gratitude, and accordingly Bend ,a- i ' 'present' m : proportion to thek means,. ; There is a yiRage hi Austria called Storbech, bf wiuch ;all the inhabit ants ai?e chess2plersvSLM game is regularly taught in the schools, and every year there, is a public exammar tidn. chessboards' being awarded as ' When tie queen ascended the Britr lsh throne, more tlian 41 pet cent of theEnglish people could n6t:write their names.' ; The proportion in that condition has been reduced to .7 per centS" In the thirteenth century the sweet meats for the tables ' of royalty and. nobility were prepared hy the apoth ccaries, yho called eirhfections g6odies.w;te; "Before some men are willing to cast their read ; upon the waters j they want to bo sure that it is going to mention : B use ian Images. The manufacture of .ikons; the ea- ivK?S,rT - J - l r by the orthodox . Russians, - forma a I r in-the governments; of .Vladinlfrand . "t --rrvr., Kursk, where fronx.1,500,000 to"2,CC0,- C1K ikons are yearly produced. These images are- painted on lime tree, al der and aspen Tboards by Iboys girls. adults and old men. --Each family of four to five; workers ipToduces an nuallynoVifewef than S,(XK). ikons the total earning being irom 200 to 400 rubles a year. r? -; l h ikon , is painted " by- one work man, as in the government of Kursk, or it goes successively to : many, as practiced in the government of Vladi; mir. In the latter case the first Work man4 only; lays , the; ground - on tho jpoaraa fAnotJtier paints; the faces, xne xmra ine nanus ana. arapery, wbile" th' fourth writes ; the super- scriptions,-. and ;6o Gru 3 - Sometimes only the faces and handa are painted, and the remaining part of ; the imago Aii ja -" , . - . . . . luo uress, crown, eic. is coverea witft .trimmings of stamped foil (rizy) variously ornamented."; The painting of the images is very, coarse, but this fact in naway impedes the spread of this branch of household industry, not only among the -peasant popula tion of Kussia, but of that of Servia: Bulgaria and:, other ' Slavonic coun tries. London News. v A Curiocs Phenomenon. A singular phenomenon occurs cn the borders of the lied sea at a place called -Nakous, where intermittent underground sounder have been heard for an unknown number of centuries. It is situated at about half a mile's distance, from the shore,; whence a long reach of sands ascends rapidly to a height of 00 .feeLwThia'reach is about 80 feet wide and: resenibles an amphitheater, being walled in by low rocks. .The sounds coming up from the ground at this place recur at in tervals of about . an hour. They at first resemble a low murmur, but re long there is heard a loud knock- ing somewhat like the strokes of a .bell, and which at the end of about five minutes becomes so strong as to agitate the sand. ' The explanation cf tins curious phenomenon given by the Arabs is that there is-a convent under the ground here, and that these sounds are those of the bell which tho monks ring for prayers. So they call it Na kous which means a bell.; Tae Arabs affirm that the noise, so frightens their camels when they hear it asf to rend eif them f uricus., - Philcco pbers attribute the sound to suppresacd volcanic iaction probably to the bub-" bling of :cas T3r vapors'undercround. Newcastle (England) Chronicle. An Anecdoto of Gladstone. The following anecdote appears in "Reminiscences of : a Litei-ary and Clerical life.'' It was told at a din ner party by tho great man himself. Mr. Gladstone said that all through his life - he had been an : excellent sleeper, and it was only on one occa sion that he had ever lost a night's rest All drew, up their chaira mire closely to hear - the , extraordinary matter that caused the premier to ue sleepiesss. They expected it might bo some story of the greatest impor tance.r' ; .-vi"...'..- v' -:'!.' "I had; rJC4en'trg;:, he said, "to cut down an oak rft tHagley and was getting on with it very welh Then I ' heard the dinner bell ring, and I was bliged to leaye the Work unfin ished,' although- not much remained to be done. As I took my candle and went up stairs" the wind had risen high and was making a great noisw. I went to hed,r and tieu the thought occurred, to me that the wind would topple down my oak. Tho thought occurred to me again and again, and I really, lost a good deal of a night's rest through, that-oak." V-'Z ' His Valoable Experience Account.;-;;., ; "When I" lose' Tjmything,"'! eays a well known Maine business man; "I charge it; to the 'account of experi' ence- You may think it strange, but I .believe the good sized sum I hays ; already entered under that head is ; "the most ; profitaUe; moneys' I ' ever spent Adversity is the great teach er if we but heed irer vJessonsTti -I lost .$500 once in a transaction that gave . me information and a proper respect for matters I had deemed of little ac count fxpm which I afterward made 5,000. f: I would Vot seU my expert jnce account at my age for five timet what it has cost me," for I shan't live long . enough tO."get ; Bharpened." hp tagami'Iwiston Journal. ' A Mohave Superstition. i The ; Mohave. Indians of; the far Iwest havefo : that is supposed; to be of ; compara tively, recent origin.- They refuse to eat tiie flesh of - the beaver . and de clare that who so . eats beaver's flesh will have a swollen neck. An agent who lived for ; some rtime among the : Mohaves j conjectures ; that some ? of : the Indians must have eatenlthe flesh of bea vers poisoned '. for their skins and died . with swollen , necks. : The memory . Las ; been handed . down through the ;tribe, and. no Mohave eats beaver's . flesh since that day. : Philadelphia Press.:"-.., r' . -'.; " ..-----; Kldnight Civflltles. ; : : : H Mrs. Brown (nudging Mr. Brown, Svhb snores with his mouth open) William, .you'd 'make less i noise il you'd keep your mouth shut -Mr. Brown (only" half J awake) o'd:you,-le:;;i:jt'rEt -. 1 - SCiENTIFIC NTERTAiN.MNT. Four Btethoda ef $lf-Jng Xeedles and rins - .: ;-rioaa Water. foil r,- v.-'. 0 - wateri ii,A drftn will rnrn.nl flml natten, vixt tail trnon the iriass a drop of: mercury tho drop will re tarn its spherical form, c- These . dif ferent effects arise from the fact that the water wet3 cr adheres to.the eut face of the glass ; the mercury does- Now -take an " ordinary, pin. thor oughly dry, - This is an object which water- canmoisten, but- less "easily than ; glass, r "If by some means or other you can manage : to lay it on tne ..water - without wetting : it, . you win see -the'; water , take a convex shape on. either side of the pin- audit , iuowu,-uuc body df water will . float on the sur face justas a lncifer match would do. i The same experiment may be . per formed with a .needle, and it; mast not be supposed that, a very , fine needle or pin alone is'sui table. - With the precautions hereafter indicated you may succeed even with a darn ing needle.- The only point to be ex plained Is : how to lay the pin or needle on the water so lightly that it shall not he wetted." There are vari ous methods of doing this.- : -' " You may suspend the needle or pin from two loops of thread, one at each end, .gentry withdrawing them when, the article floats. A good deal of, care will,' however, be necessary to'; pre vent the thread in the act of removal from displacing the needlo. . -. . Again, you may, if you are suffi cientlyadroit, take the pin by its point and let it sink clown gently on the water, releasing it at the moment when the pin and its reflection in the water merge into one another. . An exceptionally steady hand is needed for this method. 'y A more simple plan is to lay the pin across the prongs of a fork, which you lower; gently into the water, bringing it gradually from the hori zontal to"the vertical position. This is a much more practical method than either of the two preceding, hut nevertheless demands a good, many rehearsals before it can be mado use of with success. - In eonclusiou, here is a final "wrin kle" by the aid of which a child might perform the experiment with ease. , You have only to place oh the water a cigarette paper, lay tho pin upon it and allow the pajfr as it L-&-comcs saturated" to Dink h th9 bot tom, when the pin will float upon the water withput tho least diCiculty. You may then gently rcmbvd the ixr. per wiiu a-bijwu or wre, cnereoyn concealing from tho spectatora th artifice you have employed. Philar d6lphia North American. Sundayala Australia. Sunday in . most of the capitals of Australian provinces is not an en livening day. Concert and theatric al entertainments are contrary to the law, hotels- are rigorously closed as far as the general public i3 con cerned, and; if a publican is caught dispensing liquor ho ia heavily fined. Steamers and trains are run only on sufferance, although tho shops are allowed to remain open. , In Mel bourne, however, no -shopkeeper is allowed to sell even si bottle of gin ger beer or a dozen of apples. Yet Melbourne is the only town where concerts aro held - on Sunday, and once they were high class, but as no charge can be made for entrance they have retrograded in character. An audience is admitted to the concert hall or-theater bit by bit, each man or woman having to contribute to ft collection made at tho door as they enter." Sometimes, however, the plate ia taken round the seats, as in church. -rLondonPigaroi - - 1. - - - . J " , . New rilling for Thermometers. ; A new. filling for thermometers to take the - place of quicksilver, :which often sohdifies in cold weather, has been found in tulnoh' It is extracted from, coal tat. It exntains absolutely no water, can stand a- much " lower temperature .'than : quicksilver - with out . freezing - and f when exposed to warmth extends with great .regular, ity. Besides posseesihg these admira- ble propertiesy." it is very cheap, and, as it is much lighter 'than quicksilver, the tube of tho" theimometcr can be made much ; larger than is now usual, and- thus it will not only be much easier to read the record, but greater, exactitude in registration will bo se cured. The dark tlue color of tulnol is another element , which will con. tribute to the ease, of - reading the thermometer. Detroit Free Press. i iit!",-(?5- A Qncer Remedy.'.''-;.' .; Franck Groses-Whose work on. the popular superstitions of the day was compiled in the year 1787, says; "The peasants of Suffolk have a simple and never failing cure for ague..I It ' is this: Write the' word 'Abacadabara' in form as shown below; place it in a nutsneu ana wear tne same aDout I the neck." ".The form is here given! A., B A V A U A 0-A K A- y - B A OA D A "B ArE.. A C A IX.A' B ; XJ A-D A B i;w'r A- D A ' -rS - D . - ?r : "i' St Louis Republio. A Terrapin FarmT "A terrapin farm consists of canals with narrow ridges of land between. The ends of the canals are so secured that it is impossible f orjhe terrapin to escape, and the entire farm is sur rounded by a. high fence. Kate 1 Field's Washington, - . PK0CI1ASTI5ATI05. Chsrlotte Dwnocratt. ' ; J : '. -A fit us, eten the most consci entious, nre disposed to procrasti nate. -7e say to ourselves heu duty arises ia our pathway : - .'! will do bo," to-morrow.t But alas! to-morrow -may not- present the th sanie : ppportuuities, or may never come at all. We ktiovf." not what a day may bring forth; 'and the all-beholding suu 6haU,ee no more. :Onr HTo ia Lut Vpan- at the longest audliahle to Le Lro- - . ... . " sen before tnerlhree . score,-, year? J ...11'. rrn V ard eays : I will etop io-niorrow,V But at night as he "stagger home -7r-suc;h a home as it isr-hla stuni- fled mind does not realize that the engineer gives the waring whittle, and he is born to the faithful wiYe who has prayed in vain, a mangled corpse. :v -i'V' Procrastination I - lie meant to reform next day.- But neit day for him is endless night. " They say the road to hell is baved 'with good intentions. -When the last day comes and we stand before the Judge of the Universe, with what bitter lamentations .will we look back npon all that we meant to do in the future, hut failed to accom- a 'v piieh.. uur opportunities never stay. They are like the swallows that abide a season and are gone They never turn in the same way A yonnggirV was walking along one of the principal streets iu large city, when she eaw a poorly clad girl standing on the pave ment. She intended epeakiug to her and giving her a cheering word for she was a King's daugh ter, hut seeing sbce of her cora panions approaching, she hastened on. Her opportunity for epcak 111 a kiuu wora nad gone, nerer to return again, we-uo not pass on this road of life hut once and we connot'turn tack and retrace our footsteps, or accomplish some f-iU r, left undone., We-are Jrjiiawl inxr. trampiusr . onwam - and Our hearts are ''beating funeral ma"rch- r- ..... e3.to the gYave." Theu let' us work while we may for the night comes when man's work, is done. Oar cares are bat to-day; Oar j-iTH are all to-dac. And in one little word, oar life, WLai i it but to-day? HIGH WAUES. Wilmington alrtwenefr. " . The low.wagee fetich of the North has-been worked for all it is worth. It has befooled the - work ing classes in nrany campaigns. They are told that with high pro- tection lhere is, ther must be high waces If this were- true in this country it would be true ' in all countries.,; The iaw would work alike everywhere, hut it does not so work. ' That shows that the law is no law,-hut a lie. . .: In campaign after campaign the people: were-shown that fi free trade England the pay" "oi -opera tives was much higher than iu the protected (high tariff) countries of Europe. It has been go since Kn-glaod-. ceased to be a -protectlon land. 't'.We. have, an example at 4' ''. ae a""Z." rM.J" .'''- Ifl: nana tnat is worjn noung. xase textilef as a case in' .-"point,". in the manufacture 'and; sale "of ..which Great Itritaln rules the marketsief thewprldr At a national congress of textile iudnstries recently - held at Bouhaizr, France-pat ' whieh. 'was a" delegation .. from Burnley Enr gland, representing 135,000 En relish : textile wotkers, it -was re ported that, the-weavera of Man Chester -En eland, iearn 6.t3.a week, cm the average, for -Hfty-six boars, t The spinners average 3.5". England is practically free trade. Go across the 'channel Tsome twen- ty-six miles and you are in France, a hich protective, conn try. , How will its-prices compare with those sriveu above, ; Weavers cam from 82to1I2 cents ;a day. But the Enclibh work hut' eleven honrs ' a day andthe French .fourteen hours. In uermany high pro tection girls'and women get $1.45 for' a" week's .work of ,, -sixty-six honrs.' ' The British manufacturers paying higher wages undersell of- ten ineir vvnvineuiai ui;u vals.'vIis time the. people were learning that a high protective tax robbed the people and for th benefit of the capitalists. The workingmen get rarely an in crease"of waces from an increase of taxes. " - . Highest of all ia Leavening row i(UjvrA' He who thinks his place below him will certainly; Le lolov hit place.tiaville. . . - . " r UUAUAIiXKBU CUIUS. ; - -'- - W inthorir oar adTertWd drorriat to Dr. Kind's Sew l)iarorr fur eohaampiioD, 4kabs aal colds- npo this ecn Jr. ion. If roatn? t3wil with eoogb. eold . or any lanxr. lLroAt or chent trouble, and Ul om ibis rvroedr Mdinctd, puoff it a fair trial nd iperienc do brmtSt, yoa isy rvtum tarn totu ana fcae your . tTifj r faodd Weeoalil notmak this o7r did we not know that Dr. KLa'a w Duory could be rrli-d on. It over dlaadpoinK - Trial boUW free at .4 r- rocza & Co. s drog atorv. Large akes 50caad?l007 DENTIST, LOUISBURG, X. C. Of3c oter lUeket Store. Graduate Baltimore LVatil ColWf. Twentj-foar yvars active -xpcriecce. iBTmciAi teeth a epKcitTr. restart! ev tli reniived and now cfees Inserted ia All work warranted. Looiabunr 1 mjr Lome "f.r better or worse" and jon will alwajs find in rvady to crivct at my own fipeo idjt work that may pro? omtatifacWry. . erytroly". IL E. KING, LVutint. TO. GAKDENERS Early cabbage plants ready now, strong tomatoes, best .vari eties, ready April 1st, ever greens, magnolias and ehuMery, Verbenas, pansis, and all kinds of. bedding plants, palms and rubber plants and others for pt culture;, flower s eeds, bouquets. I cut flowers, floral designs. Send lor. catalogue. : II. Stei.nmetz. Raleigh, ?. C. Coffins and Caskets; - i. We have added to our already complete liuebt wood and clo4h covered Coffins -nnd Caskets SOLID WXLK'JT CCfTiSm'D CJISXHS. AIeo a line of VETAUCS as nice and fin gooJs as is car ried m any of our cms. Our stock is complete in every line. Respectfully, R. R. IIabeis & Co. Louie burg, N. C- FARMERS .TAKE NOTICE. . We have opened a market and stock exchange at Clifton's old cornef, and want to buy beeves and hogs of ; any aite. Milch cows, mutton or lambs, and fowls of all. kinds." . All that want meat of any kind send us your, orders. Everything as represented. - We mean business, call and " see us. ; - E. J. Raosdale & Co. - : notice. .- ' naviot: gnanfle.1 as adrntatatrator of the eatato ot ThyUU Karba. all rwona owing said estate are rqwsteMo make iairaedi ate acttletnent, and al) rraoBe bariag elaima againt an id etate UI vmnt tara before h 'JXth rial ot Uftrcb. 1 or this notice e-ifl b plead ia rarol xMrrtrotrrj. II A. Cscasaatr. AdnUctatratvr. W. If. retaoa. Attomy Uarrh 8Mb IbOa . ICE ! The Raleigh Crystal Ice Factory having been put in 8r?tclna nnler is now prepared to torn oot wore lev and of better quality than ever before." The ice U put up ia block of 200 pounds. For sate nafollows: - Jj Block, 100 pounds, well packed, per express, 75 cents. Y .Whole block, 200 ponoJ?,-wcll pocked, per express, $1.30. - Low prices by the carload or frac tion of carload of two tons or over. Not lees than two tons will betaken bv freight unpacked. . . . JONES & POWULU -.-; ' :.".-" - - Raleigh, N.C. - Shived or Sawed Ilonl Tine Him gle, Lntba, Corn.Ieat, Oats. Tran by carload, more or less, at lowrst pricw 1 or cash by JU.NFS A rowELl-, crvLatest U. S. Gov't Ilcpc Ti2 no v ... ... j V.-M 0 f Johnnie Mamma, Boston ' ' . not half as hias New York Xt lit , . ..v .'-v;'..'- - Mamma Tt ijja'i imntlty, tnt , nality, my tot "that . xsakn city grekl.Delriot Free Tree.. ' " t Dackleow Arnk Bilvew - - TLebwt saIts la th world for rr.J bronotL ar-rtv. n Wrm. aalt rhecm, Urrr aorrs, tttr. chapped band,eliULlaJBS -ccrns.aadallaliiicrtiptir'na, acd pcmU titely earv pH or no y. - It is yrarw actwi to giv perfect satisfaction or" . m'vfu?y rlnjjdd.- Trie U ersta jt hot. For al br Thomaj & Aveocksv - , . The individ uaj wLq. ii try snuff Is not to be sneezed at. Dalla Ne wsl : ."" ; . ' A LEADER. - Fiae its Crat tnlrodartinn " ElrefHe ; Bitters hn fcaioi rspUly ia popnlar fa tor, ontll now it la ck-srlv to th l-4 ' araoog pare cv!icii?aj tonics and tlfer atiTe? coatainSiur otlito mhlcb prr raits its ttm a a brar or Intoxicant, it U nH?nixrd as the and porvat micin frr all aHci-nta cf. straacb.' lin-r and kidnj-w. It will cere bNi'tacl. indirvJv.o. on! i pat Ion and' itritf milana from the ay'urra. Sthw fae:)n gears atrl or rony will b r--fan!J. PHc only &0e. per bottle. 8o!d by Ajcvie Co. To-Build Up Your System and irstora Your Strength Invigorate Your fiver and Purify Your Blood e strengthen Your Nerves and Give Ai Appetite Take that excellent Medicine P. P. P. . Pricklv Aah Toke Boot oad Po tassium." NOTICE. Pv tirtac f t poer pico la so ordr f t be Sorri-'r court 0 FrsnkJia eoan ty :a lift rrial prxdjn t atitld Kanni M. li"jcr. fcU! II. Jkrrvr, -t. si., xx nzrs, made tbe SJth day t ( March 1WM. we will sH st pntlic aoc ttcn at tLc r-iort Lors dT ia IxoU bnr. N. ClTat 13 n'ekek M.. cf lvr day. th- 7th day t-f )Iay lj?4. a lot cr rArtv ot laud ia Trw-maae towosbip, rrsnkiia 'joaa'r, eootstning 73 acrce, bf ini lot Jio. 'J in the plat atd aarfV f th tioodK- land, madf io tbc Parti tion Prrcj-f-ding filed t j Vm j- LI-Uco , Sr.. !rcord-d io Cork's of5c of Frank. Ha coootjr, ia lx.k No. 2 of OruVrs scd Dtrrvv at rp 161; a(4 Jothatiag ia mkI pmcvwiiax fallen to tfc aLa re uf l'ecry li k! Uw, !iow hcirvat Iaw hats lostitotM tLiapraervdior. Tericirf aaV", M cati, balance doe at " ait roootb;drfrrivd pajmect lo carry intcrtt at 8 per wof. frota car cf aale. ILis JIarcti3W. lcW. K. W TtXBtXLXKX. F. S. Frxnu, ComcuiaaloDcrs.' '" ' I NOTICE. rf In accordafte wita a decree of the 8ip- rior coert of FraakUa ctraaty. naU ia tl. ' caofJ B. Tboroaa ra. W. U. fliaaast. etal.. th sadennaned rortBioner vi'.l oa Moaday. Way 7tb. 18 J. i7rr tor rale t tb Court How door in Lcmiaberx. to tea. hichewt bidder lor !. tM property kao a " tu he Kraablia aarcbnoa, oa S"ah atrvet. LnnJil.nrjc. - Taoa. U.-Waca. April 8, 7 - . -fon'r - UARFEIfS WEEKLY. Hirper-a Wrekfj t bryov- tT 9r.Vm fb Ua.Uoir )onul ta Amertra.la HarpKaJJ lw latr&to.ia. la correef hUi oiaM ros. Uiootora. an4 ta eaai array vi r-aoera. in r--taitrneltdraaoAthblvVaC cr r vi ' UleaU tbe mea feat I ttod ly po(tto so-1 trl: to treat tbv I ?la lcvt- c4 tha day. Ia arUoe, tbe avt pjmHf ty wrtleca coa f rtbeUi lo tra co a -. Hapert drawtn 1 y tbe far-not rtti Utoa're tf rpUI it tl -W. Its rol. at-v tt stotalH event ef paMi i'ilTt-rf; tt veulM fwrttlt tW eW. llnohtbnj mm arvj wotmrn ho ai- mablnff tW ta gtrtm to lb A rmj and 9Cvr. Astlcr 'fpArt,andX?etardtb Unuaa. !y ewtltw in Qorj 01 wr uiao, wate eporvi atl anAjd eirrt. In wor-1. Hi Weeaty eh itera f.-'r- o th 4i'y ptr et Ue 1 r;Vrw. uiki ao-i H'rr trr rtniri t J ia? e-SUt-Ute aoil ( truhjJ Uuaur e Lb ILiRrER'S rERIODICALP J ."1 :" Haw Taas.- , V: ', AiTrew MoZ'jrB.......U.. l RARf KRT VTl K UT 4 f HAMPER'S B7.KH HARr-LilT VOt bO PEOPLE. .....He P--te Ti tn n an-rVve i the ted lut. CanMa. aa XUaJro. TV- Ynlnryr of V WM'f bnrff Ifc -f jramhev f'r Jn-rw r-f r-w-a WVw o I lr-- IS fT-tH km-. -a! --rjU m wU 1. ctn .ibb rTembrrrerreal al U IUm c( r-elptcf rr"rr. iv.no t Vt :- f-t Rrpr-a TVrV7 f tbrl-y arv-k.tn o-.t 'V-i Hair, at vaeo -y fain, rort- re tai.l.te ly i, n-fr-e of nn-tiM pril inl th (rHrbt -V. !' ctk doiUr p.e voItvki. to ? 0 grr cv-fb ta- tr mt vcioTne. !? te f r tin 'trt. e-tn aent tf taill, pcaA-paAt. e Tw'r- r.f 1 f mlL .- . Vm!Mn-r 9n-i r ma.V cy Tot-Cff MvVy Orr or Tirtfl. t rtjkw cf Ve. jrrrp-fwr ao t'wrvy ,1 bla a vee! nnt tb'-mt tVeipcetacr-ercf Horta Ar BttW V Utjmi Cxrvta A Cserarjcr. Srm Tortu - - r "V

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