MES. VOL XXIV. LOUISBURG, N. d; rp)AY may frim. NUMBER 13. IIL1C SCHO OL TEA CHERS Superintendent of Public , i Franklin, county will be . on the second Thurs i a.vry, April, July, Sep i ). iolHir and December, and : ,r i Wreo days, u necessary, i,ii-)vsf of ! . . 1 . , ,,iii;!y. I will .also be in .,i o'n Saturday of each .,!! 'i nil public days, to attend iuisiness connected, with, my .otliM HOBBLES OF THE HAVERWOODS. ! Be Collected Old Masters, and She Shelter. el Half Orphans and Cats. Thomas A. Janvier is a genial sat irist, and his humor never cuts. How clearly he reads human nature and examining appli- hr R&TP7 he pictures it he has t in tne ruuiic ocnoots " " ' "vuujtov uroaaer, canvas, ana witn a freer hand, he tells the story of "A Loan of Half Orphans" in The Century. Here are two of his silhouettes : It is only just to Mr. Haverwood's memory, however, to interpolate hero the statement that, while he certainly was extremely positive in most of his opinions and acts, it was only in the line of his dominant hob by that he was an aggressive man. Mis hcby was the commemdable one of desiring to pose as a patron of art, and the pertinent fact may, be added that some of indeed most of the art which he patronized was as Queer as it possibly could be. But it would 1 be -ver-unfair to blame him for his J.N. Harris, Supt. iV;"ioiil enrols. COOKE & SON, AT roHNEYS-A-T-LAW, VilISBJRO, N. C. ,(tn i th, marts of Nash. Franklin, Warren ana waKeeouuues.fUBOine : , art of North Ciiroliup, and tne U. u:t iii I District Courts. K j. E. JdALONE.. ' Ancient Chinese Knslcal Instruments. The ancient Chinese . believed tbat music was of divine origin, and that it was a gift from the gods to man. Ancient Chinese instruments are of very neat workmanship. There is a small violin called ur-heen. which is made of dark wood, the he ad covered with enakeskin. It is not ornament ed with any carved or inlaid designs. but it is beautifully made, and the wood is polished very smooth. There are only two silken strings, tuned in fifths, and played on with a horse hair bow. A three string banjo, also covered with snakeskins, has a long neck, the top of which, where the strings are fastened, is carved to rep resent a bat. There is also a very in genious mouth orgaih called ti-tzu. Tie body is made of wood, and in it are inserted 17 pipes. The notes are made by stopping the holes in the pipes with the fingers. two !oors telow Eliis. Co.'s . H. NiCHOLS02. practicing: physician, L0UISBUH8, c. W. TlilBERLAKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOCISBL'RS, N. C. O H, on Main street. 1 RUILL, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, LOCISBURO, N. C. Will Httnn 1 the courts of Franklin, Vance, r.- n Warren and Wake counties, also th,- Mii.r me Court of North Carolina. iTompt attend n given to collections, arc. N. Y. GULLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FRAN'KLISTON, N. C. Ml tefnl r.usiuess promptly attended to. HUS. B WILDER, T Bt-r r n ATTO RNEY- AT-LAW, LOL'Il-BURO, N. C. on Main strot, over Jones & Cooper's M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. & ti in all courts. Oiflce in the Court 6. i ts , and $1.00 per Dottle, Cnri Conelm. Hoarseness, Sore THToat, ntJv; re'.ievcsWlioopinRCoagU nn.l Asthiui. Kt Consumption it hfS no r v n hn cured thousamls -whei e all other f i.ii"!; will cure Youif taken in time. Sol r I) prists on aeuarnnteo. For Tjame Back L'hf -t use SUILOU'S FLAS1EE. 25cts. fHILOHS 7 artistic shortcominers. He was a product of his times the period im mediately preceding the development of the Hudson river school, when ev ery New Yorker who aspired to high social position had to own enough old masters in very gorgeous frames to fill a picture gallery of reasonable size. Because of this necessity Mr. Hav- erwood built a more than reasonably large picture gallery and stocked it with magnificently framed old mas ters, every one of which had faded almost to the vanishing point and was as brown as a bun. To accom pany him to this apartment after one of his own heavy dinners, when he was all aglow with the factitious be nevolence derived from his own SlU lery, .and there to hear him descant upon the merits of these immortal works, was decidedly better than go ing to the play. His untimely death was a bitter blow to the picture deal ers, even if it did result in giving his widow absolute freedom and abso lute control of one of the biggest and soundest fortunes in New York. Being thus disengaged from both domestic and extraneous entangling alliances, and having the command of practically unlimited money, Mrs, Haverwood was in the position, as it were, to take what she wanted from the pack and to go) it alone. And then it was, to pursue the simile, that she took half orphans from the pack and devoted herself to the aineliora tiou of their condition with all the energy of her very energetic body and soul. That this benevolent lady enter tained the most positive views in re gard to the way in which a half or phan 3 condition ought to be amel iorated, and that these views were utterly unlike anybody else's views rn 4-V i oo vv a on hinrt o rcx i n fDra-n o ' LAiAitltn truths which scarcely need to be REMEDY, FOUR GCOO HORSES - - ' A Truthful Drhcr Tells the Story e Their . Great PnU. . "That's a Rood team voti have. said the man on the front platform to the driver. , . . .,i "Yes, sor," answered the driver. "Better horses than you usually see on a car. Look as if they might pull a good load and be fast travelers. "Yes, sor. They - do be so, I've Srnv 'em free months. I could tell yon something about them horses, sor.w "All right go ahead." "I don't often mintion it, sor, but you being a foine judge of horses I'll make an exception, sor. There's only wan other team in the barn as good as these, the black and the bay, sor, that' we calls Ajax and Bjax. Wan day I brought out me team and stopped to change horses. I hooked on me team and jumped onto the r i w m m m i . iue vciaese are very iona oii piauorm. Tnere was a new man drums, which they call kou. The! driving Aiai and Blai comic sr. out just then to hook onto another car. oldest drums were of baked clav. with a skin head fastened on with nails instead of braced cords, which made it impossible to tune them as modern drums are tuned. The varia tions of tone were regulated only by the force of the blow. The notes of Chinese music read, like the written characters, from right to left, and the intervals of the scale are different from those of the scale adopted by the nations of the west. The music is not very harmonious and Sounds meaningless and jangling to western ears, but it has a pretty, musical cadence that makes it at tractive and interesting in spite of its frequent discords. H. S. Conant in St, Nicholas. vp vou (Jatarrn r Tn'Temeuy is 1ruaru.11 tj cure you. Price 50 cts. Injector free- CIOTJ. ir a dealer offers W. . ',.;;rrj hoes at a ledaoed price, or says them without name stamped on : oim, put iiiiu down as a fraud. W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE THE WORLD. W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit tin a;, and pive better satisfaction atlhc prices aci r;i3cd than any other make. Try one pair and b: ronvinccd. The slamninff of Vf. L. Douglas' r. i:ue and price oa the bottom, which guarantees t:i-ir value, saves thousands of dollars annually 1 1 ho e who wear them. Dealers who push the . i w . y. uougias felloes gam customers, .ncn nelps to increase tne sules on their full line of 'pod-;. They can afford to sell at a less profit nj -e believe you can fave money by buymj a', yri ir f -.twear o'f the daaler advertised bclin-. CitaloTuc free upon application. Address. W. L. DOUGLAS), Brockton, Mass. Soidbv JONES & COOPER, LOU1SBTJBO, N. C. 07 A.'i.tA mm i ns sBpiraii. r LO(U IrirosTKz 7Lia or u':K FOB SALE ONLY BT Aycooke & Co. DRUGGISTS, LOUI8B0RG, N. C. Price 10 ceuta. M ni Lni v. I imuu iwrauwr1 f If CAN I COPYRIGHTS. OBTAIN A PATENT For & Trrit to tr years' r-i I a j ii.i a li II T i.,TJ'.a,tmn concemtnir Patents and bow to ob- ii ., luSm ?ent free. Also a catalogue OX meet Ciivt.aswer and an honest opinion. Jr'enencetnthe nntant bnstTteaa. Com 1-T1K Htpintl. at n.l A li i . - piiu 1 1 CO. A1BU a U1UUU UIO J 1HWUOU. i nV- "wmme nciennne American, ana stated in set terms, and because this was her attitude and also because she was sick and tired of struggling constantly against stupid opposition she adopted the radical course to ward half orphans of founding an in stitution for their succor in the man agement of which she united in her own person all the functions of pres ident and secretary and treasurer and board of advisory trustees. "With a commendable desire to per petuate in connection with' so nota ble a charity the memory of her la mented husband (who, m point of fact, always had fought shy of chari ties; who, for some unknown reason, had manifested a peculiar antipathy toward half orphans, and whose det estation of cats frequently was avowed in violent terms), Mrs. Hav erwood gave to her institution the name of the John L. Haverwood Fe male Half Orphanage and Destitute Cat home. Good Hunting. A Detroit nimrod who went down to the Monroe marshes for a little shooting encountered a boy on a raft who was baited for crabs, and the nimrod tossed him a nickel and in quired : "Boy, is there snooting around here?" "Yaas." "Seen any snipe?" "Yaas." "Will you put me on?" "Yaas. If you go to shoot over this way, you'll hit dad, who's after frogs,- and dad is mean when any body fires birdshot into him. If you shoot oyer there, youll pepper my brother Bill,' who's got a line out after dogfish. Bill alius raises a rumpus when he gits shot. Over that way is whar' ma is hunting for a lost calf, and if you pepper her dad will want $500 damages." "But I can fire in all other direc tions, can I?" "Yaas. but aim purty hign, as tne rest of the seven children is scattered around after roots or fish bait, and we have to drive three miles to reach a graveyard."- Detroit Free Press A New Teakettle. A teakettle has been brought out in Birmingham Which has the handle fastened to the top like some sad irons and also with the spout on topN there being a small lid at the rear. It is claimed for this kettle. that it will "not boil over, and in handling it will not burn the hand. Hardware. Compressed Lips. The compressed lip so loved and so often misinterpreted by novelists is a sign of weakness rather than of strength. It tells of perpetual con flicts, in which the reserves are called into the fray. The strong will is not agitated into strenuous action by the small worries of the hour, and the great occasions which call for its whole forces are too few to jgroduce a permanent impress of this land up on the features. The commanding officer, assured of his men's obedi ence, does not nabituaiiy Keep nis i lip muscles in a state of tension. Look at the sea captain, the most ab solute monarch on earths He car ries authority and power in his face, but it resides in his eye and the con fident assurance of his easily set mouth. Whoever saw a man com manding a man-of-war or driving a locomotive with the contentious lip of a school usher? The lip of the careful housewife is accounted for as follows: Generally speaking, it is a strenuous contest with minor difficulties which pro duces a thin and rigid set of the lips. It is seen almost invariably in house wives of the Martha tvpe, who are 'careful and troubled about many hings," and whose souls are shaken to the center by petty worries within doors and strife a outrance with shortcomings of the scullery maid or he cook. Blackwood's Magazine. But the felly was new, and there was a big crowd, and what did he do but lose his head, get rattled and hook onto the ither ind of the same car I was on. We both started up at wan and the same time, and what' do you t'ink we done at the fo'th jump? Jer-r-ked the car in two, sor, at the middle, and each wint cantering off wid his ind bobbing on two wheels loike a dump cart, sor. The paple that saw it was that astonished that they was spacHless, sor." "Very interesting. Sounds reason able too. What became of the con ductor?" "That's the point where I show my love of truth, sor. The b'ys tell mo that I ought to say that the conduct or was standing in the middle of the car and that we divided him iiko a wishbone, but I don't do it, 6or. I stick to the facts. The conductor was in my ind and he staid and col lected as if nothing had took place, sor. Wan man. only wanted to pay 2i cents because it were but half a car, sor, but the conductor t'reatened to collect wan dollar because it were a two wheeled keb, sor, and that settled the blackguardly spalpane. GooC day to ye, sor. Coom out and riJo wid me again, sor." New York Tribune. Short and Sweet. A refreshing sample of brevity by Bench and Bar occurs in a case where the great Erskine appeared for the plaintiff, who sought to recover 10 guineas lent by him to his ladylove before they parted to meet in court. Erskine began by remarking that when love was over the laconic style of letter writing was most fitting. He then read the following letter from the defendant: Sin When convenient, you shall have your 10 guineas. I despise you. Catharine Keeling. Said Erskine, "I shall prove the handwriting, and that is my case." Asked Bearcroft, counsel for the defense, "Is that all?" "Aye," quoth Erskine. "Then I despise you," said Bear croft, and Mr. Justice Buller non suited the plaintiff. After this one does not much marvel at this judge's notion of paradise, Playing whist all night and trying nisi prius cases all day." These, by the bye, were the days of short opinions as-well as of short speeches. Taunton would some times advise, "The question is worth trying." Erskine once wrote, "The action will lie if the witnesses do." Temple Bar. fua weekly, elegantly illustrated, has bf far the fl'atlon of any scientific work in the ""Mil. s,t a Tear. (ttmiilA uiliicntfrA. Artificial Ice. One of the newest plans for the eco nomical use of artificial ice has re cently been patented by Van der Weyde of Holland. Tne invention is based on the fact that two smooth surfaces of freshly cut ice when brought into contact with a tempera ture below 32 degrees will unite firm ly. At a higher temperature the junction yields to" a blow, and the ice breaks into the original parts. Van der Weyde casts blocks of ice in to small cubes, which are stamped with a trademark. These cubes are joined into a larger cube of any de sired weight and sent out for use. The mark is a guarantee that the ice is pure, and the small cubes, weighing; an- ounce each, are "easily separated into a shape convenient for use. JNew xorit xriDune. Open Air Ktlilcs. "Keep in the open air as much as possible" is the first and great com mandment that should be urged in the spring. During the winter we necessarily five a more or less unnatural life. We breathe the air vitiated by furnace heat, with all the vital qualities baked out of it, and hence during the winter we subject ourselves to a grad ual process of slow poisoning. The antidote for this poisoning is fresh air. So this universal instinct to get out of doors during the spring cf the year is a natural instinct, which, like all natural instincts, has a cause based on the natural condition of things. It is nature's effort to expel the stored up poison accumulated during tne winter. Man is naturally an open air ani mal, but climatic conditions render open air life sometimes impossible. As soon, however, as these conditions are removed, the old primal instinct to get out beneath the sky asserts it self, and this instinct cannot be dis regarded except at the peril of health. Get out in the open air every day and stay there as long as possible. It will make ycu better physically, mentally and morally. Boston Globe. Coleridge's Visions. Coleridge once read to his friend Cottle, the publisher, from his pock etbook a list of 18 different works, not one of which he ever wrote. For many years he meditated a heroic poem on the siege of Jerusalem by Titus, and among other projected works were a "Treatise on the Com Laws," a "History of German Belles Lettres," a "Book of Morals," in an swer to Godwin, an "Essay on the Writings of Johnson and Gibbon' a poetical pantomime, and a "kind of comedy." "I should not think ol devoting less than 20 years to an epic poem," ho writes "ten years to collect my materials and warm my mind with universal science." Five were to be spent in its composition and five with its correction. His tastes and inclinations were undoubt edly catholic, but persistent effort in any one direction was ill suited to the genius of Coleridge, and he was con tent with his books and his opium and consequent glorious dreaming. Chambers Journal. BteBwyDsi. . Different people have different es timates of the value of time. Abra ham Bean, a resident of a small vil lage on 4he coast of Maine, did not thinlr a day of any special value when he was on shore, but if he was get ting ready to "go fishin" an hour or two were almost beyond appraisal. "What you goin to dotodAy, Unc'.e Abe?" asked his neice, seeing him Jeanin g against his boat looking down the harbor. . "Don't bother me. Time's money today, be answered sharply. 'Tve got to keep my eye on the wind. Looks to me as if 'forenoon I might get a fair wind for Eastport." "But it isn't 9 o'clock yet, and you 11 have time to pick the peas for dinner," argued the girl. "Don't you bear me say Tve got to keep my eye on the wind f he re sponded. - "Well, anyway. Uncle Abe, you hadn't ought to go fishin with your new coat on," said the girl, pointing to his reefer. "This? Why. this didn't cost me nothin." he replied in a scornful manner. "Why, I paid fer this dig gin Squire Mason's cistern last week. You just run into the house. Pui busy now and ean't bother with you." And Abraham leaned hack in a more comfortable position and re sumed his watch. Youths Companion. Water m FikxL "For the few persons who drink loo much water," said a physician, "there are the very, very many who drink too httle. Three pints daily are necessary, absolutely uecesary." And a writer in a medical journal. Dr. Yorko Davis, says, with empha sis: "Of all foods required -water is a food to keep the system in healthy working order water is the most im portant. A man may Live without any one particular kind of diet, whether it be fieeh, fiah or vegetable, j but he cannot live without water. It enters into the composition of every ' tissue and fluid in the body. Digee tion cannot be carried on without it, and when food has accomplished the nourishing of the different tissues it is by means of water that its waste is carried away. Indeed without water dry food would be poison and the digestive apparatus as useless as a miller's wheel with no stream to turn it. There is not one hour of our existence from the cradle to the grave that it does not fill an impor tant part in the operation of our Uvea." On this proposition ho bases the logical sequence of the imperative demand for pure water and condemns the inconceivable ignorance and in difference of those persons who, be cause they cannot taste, see or smell impurities in water, assunio that they are not there. New York Time. Highest of all in Learetung Power. Late U. S GoVt Report 1 &s&s&m ABSOLUTEIY PURE Many a church member epon Ks his preaching and pay full price for bis cigars and tobacco. llow cheap some people vitl eel 1 themselves for the r rotnho of ! epot caib. Foar Biy Success. Hating the needed merit to more than make good all the aiTertiaitu? claimed fur them, Che following four tvmcdire bare reached a phenomenal tal. Dr. Klnr'a New DicoerT forcoBPmrtkn, ooabs and colds, each bvttle Ruarao- teed; Electric HiUem, the rrat reroedr , " tor jirer, nomiru idi kiudjk; lqci Harveloas limits. From a letter written by Re. J. Gn dertnaa, cf Liaondalr. Mks., we at permitted f make thhi etlrtct : 1 hair no britatWn ia re-eofnorredie T-f. Kiar'ji ew Diacotrrr. a tke reeoh wr alm.t mar-vlr.aa in the case WhUf I waa pastor 4 the Bi- bnreh a: Huee Jacciioa the . hmnrkl rl- -m n 1 K rsimnr I - - lea a Arnica alTe. tbe bt io tbe , " f. . 7.7.7 " , ; world, and Dr. Kiua New Life Fill", t lB r,r , TlT v Tiym-n . f which are a perfect pill. All be .tt.U, 'V remedan-tfuaranteedtodojo-r-bat '"tJ " f 't is claimed for them and tbe d-.W rold DV JT 'T-,l" A r L ' - 1 iu Lie- IJn-a I'I. OtllL W l. I . . . wbcMe name ia attached hrrvwith be glad to tell joa more of thro. at Ajcock & Co Drag Sfor-. Sold it wa quick in t m-rk ifr'' rr ir, r'-.i?. Truti f - .A r Shiuh"jj Ccbft, tb Ureal ' !. :.n! Croap cur is f-r wale by Th .V AfCicke. Pocket siie c-riT in . ts-i, v the doa-a, only 'lc. Cliblr-:i ! y ::. A i:or. i" deal f d Cl.r ' i an with I i jrra IDIR,. IR. IE. KING, DENTIST. LOl ISHl IKi, N ( Office over iVackft S:or. Graduate Ba ltirncr I'.-ntii '.'--.-Twentj-four jrars ai tu ; r.. :. ARTIFICIAL TErTH A fPEilALTT . i - ,n. teeth rrnted and nr vi.-.s i.. i' 1 .i. TWR.1TT HlXVTtg. All work warnnt-d. Iiubburr i my Lme "f. r S ". r r worse" and yon will alav f!i-i r. re.vlj to eori-ct at my n si. v work that may prr. e unsatisfactory . Verv trnlv. K.'K. kim;. lw-uut. !!!C- Ii. iui L ri "r. A. r-. . r ii It '-. a.. : . r J ;; 1-V' r: -- -m. f ; i. an t.f v r l-:i by : c k it is. W.e f J K i ( Wants to Kr- That "Other Man." He is an "artist in black eye"- not a pugilist, as some might imagine, but a clever old fellow who so fixes up discolored optics that they can lo detected only by careful olinervation. lie is something of a philonopher, but the other night he was so disgusted with the pride and vanity of man kind in general that to relieve his tired feelings he indulged in a little spree. A friend found him late in the evening, much the worse for wear, and surprised at his unusual condition inquired what was tho meaning of it. "Well," said the other, with Rlight incoherence, "I've been looking for that other man." "What do you mean by that?" "Mean? Only this: Every time a man comes in to me to have a black eye fixed up he tells mo that I ought to see the other man. I've heard that a thousand times, and tonight I made np my mmd to have a look at him and see what he looks like, but I haveu't found htm yet. I've seen three men with black eyen, but every one of them gave me the same story.. I 'ought to see the oth -er man.'" New York World. TO (.JAKDENKHS: Early cabhae plants ready now, strong' tomatnos, bejt vari eties, ready April lat, ever greens, magnolia and fhuhbery. Verbena, pansir-p, and ail kinds Of bedding plant, palms and rubber plants and other for pot culture; flowers eeds, bouquet, cut flowers, floral deaign. Send for catalog!". II. Steixxetz, Raleigh, N. C. Coffins and Caskets. We have added to our already complete line ot wood and cloh covered Coftins and Caskets SOLID WALNUT CQFRHS AND CASKETS. Also a line of VET A I. ICS as nice and fine good" i rar ried in any of our ci'i . Our stock is complete in ev. ry lin rU r- . r' . ' Gr. i!tDT. - . .-r.;y :.r- . I nfack.l ri. ;5srr.'ry r!. m t ni . I a:' c!i by rar r. iora iiyioian m ibr laid 1 tbe r-at Sarat f a Sj-riav. 5 T . v the uc'.d Hot Springs of Arkaaaae and many other wat-rioir plaea, an a al- ay t nnuicr wi:u the loraj tb c:an for directi.D; fltallr came to Fl ida ten jer ago. AUnt two year ao I had a aaver uaek r. rbeamatim. a cotflcrd i my room for tweNe wwka and datirft Ihf time I waa Inoo-d lo trv P. P. 1 . (Prickljr Ab Fcke lio-H tad Pv4aeivrM kowiog- (bat r-.b iuredtent waa K" 1 for imparitln c4 tbe blotd. after oi-e two siuail bXi)r- I was relieved; at fimr different times s:nre I bae each tic aki-n to small botle of P. P. P., a d be-n rvh-i. and I cunstdrr it iLe b a m-dtcine cf ila kicd. Ilrre'f oliv. i. F. GREER. Dii. UuI'.T. S. HOOTH, 1 hiivc rifted up an otne for t;' rrat)ce lw-:,trtrv in nil r. (rMiiri..- iu Ivouiwl urj:. N. ('., nt ti willlm my ?h e the two we-! e (i)ihir.r tl ncnnd Sumhiy inea L month (iuariiiitf-e nil my wmk and my prin-a to njit the hard tinxe. 4 )rtioe in the Jon- 4 Coo r building. Feed, Sale I Livery STABLE S. EUildino- 4ea- - C;elA if,,i , "I'a kitties, in An nra Ann nriAfAirMnhi at rpT' w!th p,aM enabling but Idera lb show th vi iT r?'B,1B 11110 seonre comracts. a.aaess C - An Imprbvement Kecocnlaed. "What made you lend , Buggies your umbrella! You know he will never return it" 'That's a fact. -But itwas mighty "Skrrcit 1 Strrwskz I Dchtknn'' - - itrvu zi aa mommn T n-m i honest for Kuesfles not to take it aHirin mv flerman lesson." Ami- "mthout asking, and I thought he de- J - r it -' .- , y I v .1 J TOnl,;tr. IcodeiGiovanettL 1 - " . 'E?iri They Are Always Astonished. Sketchyrre How did yon succeed in getting so perfect an expression of astonishment in the face of the last picture you painted? I never saw anything more realistic. D'Auber-It was a reproduction of the expression on my landlady's face when I told her that my bed needed a little renovating. Indianapolis Journal. A Wonderful Memory. Miss Antique I remember, when I was a little tot, I could play several pieces on the piano by ear. Mi? Snappey How very remark able 1 Miss Antique That I could play try Qart - Miss Snappey No, dear. That you can remember it. Chicago Inter Drean - Respectfully, R. R. IlAKKifti Co. Japawese Jafflers. The mopt graceful and at the same time the most undoubtedly genuine performances seem to bo t hone of the Japanese jugglers. Their parapher nalia aro of the slightest, consisting chiefly of a top and some paper but terflies. An eyewitness thus describes them : "He took a ordinary boy's top and spun it in the air, then threw the end of the string bock toward it with such accuracy that it was caught up and wound itself all ready for the second cast. By the time it had done this it had reached his hand and was ready for another spin." The paper butterflies he made by help of a fan to alight wherever he wished. The spectator requested that one might be made to settle on each ear of the juggler. "Gentle undulations of the fan waved them slowly to the re quired point and there left them com fortably settled. " London News. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria FUANKL1NT0S HOTEL E. M. WARD, PropV. Good accommodauoue. puule servant, and the beat fare the market affords. Good Lirery inconoectlon with hotel ' For monument and tombatone of the latest and prettiest dwdgn, and cheapest prices for mom call on or ad drew R. I. Rogers & Co., Durham, N. C. tdThe cheapest in the State. tf. Louisburg, N. C. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. We hate opened a market and stock exchange" at Clifton's old ;oroer, and waut to t iy beve? and hos of any etie. Much cows, mutton or laml s, and fowl of all kinds. All that want rm-at of any kind send n your order. Everything aa represented. N e mean business rail and f? us. E J. Rausdalb A Co. ICE! The Raleigh Crystal Ice Fnrtory having iecn put in nnt-laAa order is now prepared to tarn oat more Ice and ol better quality man ever before. The ice is put up in blocks of 200 nounda. r or Bale aa follow: i ll t a lilock, loo pounas, weu pacseo. per express, 7o cent. Wle block, 200 pound, well packed, per expretw, $1 .30. Low price by tbe carload or frac tion of carload of two tons or over. Not less than two tons will betaken by freight unpacked. JONES A POWELL. Raleigh, N. C. HAYES & PINNELL Proprietor, LOUISBURG. N, C. (iOOH TKAMS NJ) I'mUTI; DRIV.: SlT.ri.W. ATTEST T' T !: . EL1N; MEN. TAR RIVER STOCK FARM. Rssse Ycur Baccn, M'jU:e, Be bilk acd Buttsr. 's rure Duroc Jtrwr lrg. Pure P. red Oxford down Bucka. Pure Bred Jersey DULL CALVES. Shaved or Sawed ITard Pin Shhv jrles, Laths, Corn. Meel, Oats, Bran j by carload, more or loss, or, ioww prices forcksh by Joxes & Powell., Raldgh.N.C. My cows hare butter record 20 pewtrds per wek. Best Bn-U BonriwKl Ram in America at tt head o! mv herds. Iry stock U rr 1istereL Write for vrtiat you w andt trtll supply you t reaonal pnecs. ii Kill EE, FrankJinon, N. C

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