VOL XXIY. LOUISBURG, N. C., FRIDAY, JUlsE 1804. NUMBER 15. TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, April, July, Sep tember, Oetobar and December, and remain for three days, ii necessary, for the purpose of examining appli cants to teach ia the Public Schools of this county. I will also be in Louisburg on Saturday of each -.veek, and all puhlie days, to attend to any busine.4.3 connected with my o trice. J. N. Harris, Supt. Xioict5si4fsioriiil cards. Q M. COOKE & SON, ATTORNEYS-A.T-L AW, LOUISE C IiG, K. C. Will attenl the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granvitl.-. Witrrenan l Wakf counties, also the iuiivne G.urt of .North drolinp, iin i tile U. J. Ciivuit ui i listrii;t Coiuts. JQR. J. E. MALyMB. OIUco two rloora tmlow Aycooke & Co. '8 drag storo, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. 1) R. W. U. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING. PHYSICIAN, LOUISBUiia, . c. "J W. TIMBERLAIyE, J ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, LjLISD'KO, s. c. 0:ii- on Haia street. Si'RLILL, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, Will nttenl the courts of Franklin, Vance, Gr.-tnvi!l- Warren ami Wiike coiiaties, also tiio Sunrnw. Court of North Caroliua. Prompt attoiit! in given to collei-tions. &c. Y. OULLEY. ATT( )RNEY-AT-LAW, FKAKMN'TGN, X. C. All lepral l-u?incss I'rowptly attended to. T II OS. B. WILDER, A T T 0 Ti ? : E Y - AT- L A W, Lo; i;-IiUKG, X. C. rSro on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's M. riiRSON, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, L )UISIVJHO, K. c. Pr.v ti :es in all 'oarta. OiUce in the Court lioU 4 !. $1.00 r.er Bottle. Cure:? Con;rfc, Hoarseiirs-v, Sere Tliroat, Ci onp riromptlr; rcMevcs Wlibopius Congli r Ast.'ir.vi. 1-Vr Consiijuption it bns no rival; Ins cured tliotisar.cis -vijere nil tlievs liilcii; v.-iHcURE YO0if tt'.kcn in time. Sold hy Onir'sists on acnarnntce. ForT.PTiier.aclr. o Cheat, use Silicon's 1'LASTI.I.t. 25 Cts. e H! LP H'SCATAFt R H lave you Ctlarrh? This reae-fl? is ffu&raii. 3d to cure vou. Price CO cts. Injector frea teed CAUTION. If a dealer ofT?i-3 "W. I. Xoii;;la8 shoe's at u rati need pric.-, or says tie has thc-cn -R-itliout r nmo Klaoifed oa bottom, put liiin d'jvrn ae u fraud j. w 1 Lr mm$ x , "3Y8 S3 SHOE THVS&ao. V?. 1.. BOUfit A3 Shoes nre slviUh, ea?y f:t tin, ad give better satisfaction ntlhc prices ad- e. lied than any olhcr make. Try-cnc pair end he convinced. The stamping of VV . L. Douglas' inline and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who pujh tl:2 s i'e of W. L. Douglas Shoes grain customers, which hs!n! to increase the sales on their full lino of ;oo .1 "'J'hcy can afford to ?( '.! at n less prof.t, Bad wc lv;!ieva you can sava mont v i y in yirii j-oiir hotwe-.r of the dealer advertised i-t-hv."' CaLiloiriie free upon application. Addrfs V. Ii. DOUGLAS, Brockton, 11X33. Sold iv JONES & COOPER, Louisnuna, n. c. TOR SALE OCLY BY Aycocke & Go. DEU(KJI3TS, u" -i v" B c" lo3 eO t otttsp: nt)fi w r ;-vtlil Price 10 cents. CAJJ T PRTilN A PATENT? Fora rrniipt answer and an honast opinion, vrlto to :s N fc CO., who haTe tiad nearlyflfty years' '"i.crienic in the natent tnainess. Commnnica- '' na ptrictly cojfldeutlal. A Handbook oIn-i i'irnatiou conoGrnins Patents and how to ob- -iti them sent froo. Also axataiogae of motlian-, l ii ?nd sciontlflc books sent free. ' c-.tunta taken throngb. Hmm & Co. recelve PT,c i.il notlRetn t.h KfiiiiH1?r. AuttrHcllTi. and !uis are broosht rliely before th public with- out cost to the inventor. ThSa splendid paper, p ;ued weekly, elegantly 111 ustrated, baes by far the largest circulation of any BCientlfle work ta tn world. g:i a year. Sample copies sent free. t-uildmsr Edition, montbh npie copies sent r. nthly, fS jQ a year. titul platea, in colors, and pbotoumtpns of new ("opies, cents. Evory number contains bean- ii'.ustw. witn pjajM, enabling ounaers to snoir uia laiost designs and secure contracts. Address Wt A-N & CO Haw VOUK, 301 Cuoadwax, COPYRIGHTS.- TOWN ORDINANCES. At a meeting of the Commissiou ersfif the town of Louisbnrg, held Juue 1, 1894 the following Ordi nances were adopted for the gov ernment of said town: Ordinance 1. It shall not be lawful for any live stock to run at large within the corporate limits of the town, to be T.idden, driven or fed upon the sidewalks, nor hitched to the trees, pailings or fences on the sidewalks nnder pen alty of two dollars for each of fense. Sec. 1. No goose or gees jsnall he allowed to go at large in the streets of the town of Lauisburg, under a penalty of one dollar for each offense. Ordinance 2. A"ny person who shall drive or ride a horse or a mule at an unusual speed through the streets of Louisburg (unless in case of necessity) shall be fined five dollars. Ordinance 3. Any person who shall leave any horse, mule or ox harnessed to any vehicle, on the streets of the town of Louisburcr or on the depot yard for the period of five minutes unattended, except when necessary to load or unload carts or wagons, shall be fined one dollar for each offense. Ordinance 4. No person shall exhibit or show any stud horse or jackass, or put a stud horse or jackass to any mare within the limits of the town under penalty of ten dollars for each offense. Ordinance 5. Any person who shall leave any cart, wagon or ve hicle of any kind upon the streets or sidewalks of the town during the night shall' be fined one dollar for each offense. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to tie and feed any horse, mule or ox on Main street in the town of Lonisbura: under a penalty of two dollars-far each- of fense. Ordinance. 6. No person shall light chicken cocks within the lim its of the town under a penalty of five dollars for each offense. Ordinance 7. If any hog, shoat or pig shall die within the corpor ate limits of the town with cholera or any other disease, the owner i i i i i i tnereci snail ourn tne carcass or bury the same at least two feet in the ground within six hours after the notice of the death of said an imal and on failure to do so shall be fined five dollars. Ordinance 8. The owner of any dead carcass or carrion who shall permit the same to Temain within the limits of the town for one day after he has notice of its existence shall bo fined two dollars, and one dollar additional for every d.iy the same shall remain. If not removed by the owner, the same shall be re moved 1-y the town Constable at the expense of the owner, or at the expense of the town if the owner cannot be fouud. Ordinance 9. The Commission ers of the town shall have authori ty to direct the removal of any pig pen, or any other nuisance within the corporate limits of the town, when in their judgment it sha4l be necessary for the health or comfort of any portion of the inhabitants of the town, and if the owner or occupant of the premises shall fail to remove said pig pen or other nuisances within three days, after having proper written notice, then he or she shall' be fined ten dollars, and the Commis sioners may have the same re moved. Ordinance 10. Every owner of a house within the limits of the town shall continually have on the premises one ladder of sufficient length to reach the eaves of such house. Any one failing to comply with this ordiuance shall be fined five dollars . ; Ordinance 11. Sec 1. When ever the shingles of any house, within the corporate limits of the town shall become so decayed as to be daogerous on account of fire, the Board of . Commissioners may so declare, and the owuer or own- erB xf such housa shall be required to re-cover the same within such time as the Commissioners inay think reasonable, nnder penalty of the sum of ten dollars for neglect to do so. " Sec. 2. Whenever any chimney, stove or stove pipe shall be deemed unsafe or to endanger the safety of any portion of the town it may be so declared by the Town Commis sioners and they may condemn and order the removal or the aban donment of the use of the same until it shall be so repaired or re constructed a3 to make it safe; and any person who shall use auy such chimney, etova or stove pipe after it has been so condom ue3, shall be subject to a fiue of five dollars. Ordinance 13. The following shall be the fire limits of the town of Louisburg N. C, within 200 feet of that part of Main street lying between Tar River Bridge and the South side of the office now occu pied by C. M. Cooke, on the West side of said street and Dr. O. L. Ellis' line on the East, within 200 fe.et of Nash street between Spring street and the ditch near the Frank liu Warehouse, within 200 feet of Court street, within 200 feet of Market street and within said lim its -no wooden building shall be built or placed, nor any material used in construction of outside walls except stone, brick or ce ment; nor shall any building with in said limits be covered or re-covered with any wooden material. Ordinance 13. No person shall pile or have piled auy manure, timber, wood, or other obstruction whatever (except temporarily for j building purposes, and then 2!) feet passage shall be nuobstrilct J .v ., . ... i red) upon the streets, public cross ings or sidewalks of the town un der penalty of five dollars for each offense. Ordinance 14. Any person who may have a private crowing or bridge over any ditch or sewer in I the 3treets of the towu and shaii fail to keep the same open for th passage of water thall be sut jct ' to a penalty of one dollar. j Ordinance 15. Any person hav- ing firewood cut on the streets of ' the towi will le required to have: i 1 tne chips and trash removed im-i 1 I moaiaieiy, unuer a penalty oitwo dollar Ordinance 16. Sec. 1. Any per son who shall throw or cause to be thrown any trash, wood or other obstruction into the gutters of the streets of the town shall be liable to a fine of one dollar for each of fense. Sec. 2. No person Bhall sweep, throw or deposit any garbage or burn, except with the permsssion of the Ma-or, any trash in the streets of the town, under a penal ty of one dollar for each offense, Sec. 3. The occupant of any lot or store house in the town who shall allow any garbage or trash to be swept, thrown or deposited on the streets or in the ditches, shall be subject to a fine of two dollars for each offense. Sec. 4. The owners or occupants of every Btore, bar-room, restaur ant office or tther business house within the town of Louisburg shall be and are hereby required to have continually on the premises a box, barrel or other receptacle in which shall be swebt, thrown or deposit ed all of the trasli or garbage ac cumulating within their respec tive places of business; which said boxes, barrels or resceptacles shall -at least asften as once a week be emptied and hauled off at the ex pense of the towu. All persons failing to comply with this ordi uance shall be fihtd two dollars, for each offense. Ordinance 17. "Sec. 1. Any per son wno shall cause or commit any nuisance around any dwelling or other house within the ' corporate limits of the town shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars for each offense. See. 2. No person living in. the town shall allow any ' nuisance to exist on' his or her premises, and any person failing to abate auy nuisance on his or her premises J when ordered to du so by the May or or town policeman shall bo sub ject to a fine of five dollars. Sec. 4. No person shall make any excrementltions,. deposits or slaughter any live stock oaiuy of the public grounds of the towu nnder a penalty of two dollars for each offense. ; Ordinance 18r Every ccenpant of a lot in the corporate Hmits of the town, shall at all times keep his dr her lot in a c(eanly condi tion under a penaltyof ten dollar? for failure so to do. V Ordinauce 19. Sec-1. No per son shall indecently expose or ex hibit Mb or her person' within the limits of the town under a penalty rof pue dollar for the first, and for I each subsequent offense five dol- lars. Sec. 2. No lewd woman or wo man of suspicious character ghall be on the .streets of Louiil urg at night after 8 o'clock uuder a peu alty of five dollars for each offense. Ordinance 20. Sec. 1. TL row ing missiles, rolling hoops, play ing at ball or any other game on the streets or any of the public squares of the town shall be pro- hibited under a penalty of one i dollar for each and every offense. Sec. 2. All games of whatever kind on any of the streets or pub lic squares of the town on the Sub- j bath day shall he prohibited under I a penalty of five dollars for each ! and every offense. Sec. 3. No person eball play ! Ordinance 32. When any Per cards or any other game of chance son Blia11 le f0"" drunk and down on the streets or public squares of' nP the streets of the town h? or the town under a penalty of ten ; s'a0 shaI1 be Cried flve Jollars. dollarsforeachoffci.ee. j Ordinance 33. It shall bj nn- Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for1 any pereon to ride a Licj .ie c n the ciitovFulk-a r,F tlK .ivvii nf 7 . , 1 1 . burg, under a penalty of one col lar for each offense. Ordinance 21. It ehall be t n- lawful fur persons to assemble to- 'Ptl'pp pt nii- tiuO nn Qnr i.f tl A streets of the town, w as to obstruct t ho same,ju.der a peualty of c: e dol iar. Ordinance 22. No perso i shall shoot a gun, pistol or any other tire arms unnecessarily, the limits of the town, or explode; n-Kr. ntt !.nr cnui'i rmrlr.rs f.rP ... , rockets, bean or grit shooters, 0r . , . iiny otiier fire works ia town, tin - . f (lolljrs for each offene. : ; Ordinance 23. Any person who: 1 I shall, in the corporate limits of the to wn. publicly ii any ol scene or profane language, cr be guilty of any disorderly conduct, tending , 3 J ' violate the peace, quiet and . . . .1 r. t 4 1 lt.-r. -V. 1 1 Ka ' subject to a penalty of twenty dol - J u ' Ordinance 24. Sec. 1. Every owner or lessee of any business j to the improvement of said grave dollars for each offense, house in town shall be responsible : yard. ! Ordinance 45. After conviction for any disorderly conduct upon. Ordinance 35. No person shall and judgment for the violation of his premises or in his house, and 5ell withiu the corporate Hraits of : any of the ordinances of the tuu n every owner or lessee of any busi, thg own any tainted food Anv ; Hie MaTor lf athcri7.ed to remit ness house in town who shall per-1 pergon violating lhis ordinarce So much of the penalty as in hi mit any disorderly conduct in his ; shftH fQr .eacb &nd every ofr.,I;S3 judgment the circumstances mav house or upon his premises without j n3Ijaltv of ten dollars. warrant. reporting the same on -affidavit to the Mayor of the town, shall be subject to a fine of ten dollars. Ordinance 25. No privy shall be built or placed or allowed to re main within 18 feet of any of the streets of the town under penalty of ten dollars. Ordinance 2G. It shall not be lawful for any bitch to run at large while in heat, within the corporate limits of the town, uuder penalty of five dollars, to be paid by the owner. If the owner can not be found it shall be the duty of the constable to kill the bitch. Ordinance 27. All barbershops in town shall be closed from Satur day night 12 o'clock, uutil Sunday night at 12 o'clock, and no barber shall carry on his business during that time nnder a penalty of fie dollars. - Ordinance 23. It shall be - un lawful for any persons, except Apothecaries and Practicing phy sicians (in case of necessity) to sell or offer for sale any article what ever on the Sabbath day, except ice and milk, and articles necessa ry for burial purposes, within the corporate limits of the town., under a penalty of ten dollars for each offense. Ordinance 29. All shops or places for the sale of spirituous, vinons cr malt liquors, shall be closed on each Sabbath in the vesrH from 12 o'clock on Saturday night to 12 o'clock on Sunday night and no person or persons shall, dnriog or between these times, in any li censed liquor saloon, cell or gi away any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors except in case of sick ness, and then ouly upon a certifi cate of a practicing physician, and any one ortmore porsons seen go ing in or out of a Ear Room be tween said hours shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the f,'"' of the proprietor of said Bar Room. A.ny person violating this ordi nance shall for the first oITense pay a Quo of ten dollar?, for tho second offense a fine of tweMv dollar?"; for the third offense Lave his license 1 revoked. Ordinance 30. Any person who ! interferes in any way with any of j tho street lamps or lamp posts in i the town except thoie employed; for the purpose, upon conviction ; Slia" P? a OI lcn uollar3 u'r eacL u"d everv Ordinance 31. Any per?oti who J ' snaii place any comnuanuio male rial in a I''tion where it could endanger tho safety of the town from Habiliy to tire .-hall be sub- ject to a fine of live dollars. lawful for (my porson to jump on , or off the train in the corporate.:, ag.t.t, factor, or otnerie. , I i m i t s . wlii!- in motion under n i Atl V I0r.-'1: f u , : u t? to 1 1 st 1; i s t a X - peualty of live dollars. Ord i nance "4. The town cleTk t shall b ex officio e-?xton to tho public graveyard in the town, and i all interments therein shall be' "ra, nance Ail l3es ut made by and under the s .p.er v is- j lho to w" of Iih'u g (ept lt ion of the commissioners .f the ' c-npe tax sba11 b- 1,:ft anfl roN town, Order and regularity shall leclit, 011 the firtt of 0c, be observed in digging graves and , ber in oac!l -vear an'! ovrr ?cr ?on making interments'. All persons ftiiling to pay his taxes by the i expecting to make interments therein, shall apply to the Clerk and have Small lots of kTOUnd ' imrLrd oT and a record thereof ; 1Iiarkoa " H'm a recorj tnereoi ' made ;n the book A a cornnen- i m lL LUO o'hijv. n.s a CUU)1" 11 , satil,n to the Clerk for his alien- 'on lo duties hsrein assigned, he shall charge fifty cents. lie , , , r , ' . , shall also charge fifty cents for the . , ., . ,, , , t for" each ot of ,(1 1 assigned large enough for a crave, it ,t . .i and he may collect the same bv : warrant if not voluntarily paid. : Anv nersnn n.ikini' interment in 1 , . Mid crAve varil rontrnrv To the grave y I provisions of this ordinance shall j be litied five dollars to be applied Ordinance 30. Any person who Ordinance 45. The penalties shall use any violent, abusive or ( designated in the foregoing ordi insulting language, or threatening! nances shall be recovered by the P-esture toward tho Constable, .or ! -Mayor, in tho name of the Com- r ' anv officer of the town, while in discharge of his duty, shall be sub- ject to a fine of five dollars. Ordinance 37. Any person or persons refusing to assist the Cbn 6table or any town ofllcer when called upon to assist to make an arrest shall be fined ten dollars. Ordinance 33. Any person de siring to practice auy profession, bu3iness or trade, taxed by any or dinance of this town shall, before commencing such profession, busi ness or trade, pay the tax required and obtain a license signed by the Constable and Mayor of the town, to practice such profession, busi ness or trade. Any person en gaged in or practicing any profes sion business or trade taxed by any ordinanco of this town, without having first paid the tax and obtained-the license shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convic tion shall be fined fifty dollars. Ordinance 3&r Any person who shall sell or offer for sale any prize boxes or patent medicines Highest of all ia Leavening Tower. JiBQUfmX PURE of any kind within the corporate i game or play, with or without a limit of tho town must first ob i iam (nnlts fur jTivaU amusr. tain and pav a license of fivedol- ' m'nl 10r ciie rJ' , a ... .... Ou hq mr tleaUr 100 rer ysar. lars. Said licence vr,ll entitle (hl eery ni:iCrmnt 1 dcZtt. him to sell fcr one year from date. , medical practitioner. ojAlcian. This shall not apply to the regu-' portrait or roinat ire paintar, da larly licensed merchants of the K""en artist, ml trerj per town roti taking or enlarging Jikeues. ! es of tho human fare, 13. Ordinance 40. Any person W. M. PERSON, Mayor, convicted of violating any one of GEO. rv HAKKR. 'crk. the ordinances of tho town wLo is not hLle to j ay the? tine and . 1 i i cost inipossd upon him, may be confined at hard labor on the s(reet3 of lhe town 1Ullii tLe n... and coAs Rre paii r'li"nce 41. Iery persm require! to list property or poll. i in me town ol ivOii?tiirir, pna:: ; tenke out and deliver to the list- taker a statement on oath of all , , , , real and p ronal property, mon- ey, credits, iovestmnt.iu bor. i, stocks, joint stock companies an nuities or otherwise, and the a ne of i mfiroTements on real stat since the same wai ass-'sed, in : Lis po?e;sion or under his con- ' trol on the 1st day of Juno, either as owner cr holder thereof, or a parent, husband, guardian, true-, if'-, I'li'iiii'T, au mi n ist r&ior, rr- t reiver, accounting ofTieT, j art- ; Any able- i!urin' the month of Ju:.c ! upon th; s.im- davs the township list is tak-Mi shall to liable to double tax . ii: n ii . . r :,z" - . shall beguiily of ; misdemeanor, an l be, upon conviction before the Mayor, fined double tl. amount of suid taxes, provided, however, that said fine "l.a'.l m ;:o case exceed fifty dollars. Ordinance 43. Any person or persons who shall di-turb any church during re!ici"'is worshir ehall be fined ten du:iars for each offense. Ordinance 41. Any person who shall tie or stak a cow, ox, or live stock of any kind, f i r tli' purpose of grazing upen the -treets or sidewalks r f the town of Louihburg sha1 1 be f."el tvfo missioners of the town of Louis- it DureT- 0:i each exhibition, concert cr lecture for profit, except the same bo given exclusively for religious, charitable or educational purpos es, for each performance 3. Ou circuses, for each perform ance, $10. On Peddlers $10 per month. Ou all hal's or warehouses let or hired for entertainmeuta, $15 per year. " On every company of Gypsies or other persons pretending to tell fortunes, 10 per year. On itinerant dealers in Light ning rods $5 per rear. On itinerant dealers in stoves, ranges, docks $10 per year. On auctioneer or cryer $2.50 per year. On eacb billiard or pool table kept for public nse whether in connection with or separate from any place where liquor is sold $10 per year. Oa eacb bowling alley, or alley of the like kind, bagatelle table, or stand or place for any olber Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 L K Hill' 1 bnilw.,. Th best in th .-rIl for yrz, teitrr. c!apr baad". ct i't ii:a, -.-td. tad ail sV in rr up'.T-n, arJ rj. tii r!y onr riiw r an j-r. It ! jr'-ar-an'.1 r. irift wrWsxt. n r m r.-v t-: rfi- A. Vto 2-i e-n! 't . f J F .iu-;K !:. (. : tt Jr.t'.-rr.T. : T r.'r !l.r-r v 1 nti.ici---: i. r, ;r:Ua i.j' l rr rr.j- m"i:n, I V-i; ! I t '.t. u : -ra - (ti.-Iir Lj-.V. ;r, t j -. 1 1 i,,-i r-' r-'s.- .1 ji.-.i-.. N Y. n t vl; n '-I 1! t .-, r f Ari.r.c. lJ ir,:.y t,.-r - -r::. y'.c. c i y f :i i . . . t.c t i, i ii U v -cm.i f r !.:; rt; fiavir tin. t A!-'Ut t Vrp I Lvl A m-irr s'.'sck i'f rb-u-.a!iia. c.-nfnt ny r - rri f.-r t r i i u--k acd dirf-.-th- i;m- .n in1 it ... 'rr V V V . t'ricK'iy A.!. P li --t r..f PrtsjivianJ r n-,prri f n' - 1. a'tr r o.iej 1 !. "" : !.:f---t titr. . kf :i t n. . '. n r- ,..-1. s i -j r-- -.":; at r I h- .-n-h tir,- r r. r. v.. j..-.a r... I r..Ji r r. iLv L- i.j kin 1. "Ctf a".! v. J. !. t;i;K!-::. Pk. liOi'.T. S. IiooTI!, I hr tit tcl up on otr. for di f r 1-t: n! li;t'.-irv in ol! it bra-.: he in I. :;';-b:;.-v. t , i.n.l will twin my tt'. t!. Tt, w.k fi i!l),v nt:r t f t.-.- r: i St;nij;iv iiit-.tc'i n:)t'.th ru.'iru nt".' ,r.y (rk .in-1 :r.y prv-j. to - - j l c the hard i in. -h . rr.c m t u- -1 r j - a i oiij-r (nil. I, . u i ! ! i n ' T-, "t t'KN nr. I.1 Tisnn:;. n r n v tin 1 '- l'.'l'irn r- ' . r -- . T T !( ..- T T . ;!! i ' i . ":-- r : i t'k v rra" - 1. :r- ! n L r-. "f r h--;:r rn.l y .i . I ),!; f:z t f rr---". i3i v ii r-i izj I- -:iv ; r - ;r.at;i:A t.rr. V.-;j trc.r. U. K. KIN. I-ri:i:. FA i: ME RS TAKE NOTICE. We have opened a market ar d i stock ex'-hanco coriier. and a; anl hos "f al t'lifron's old t to buy beeves .: v rUc. Milch rnws, mutton or isicl s, and fowls of all kii:d. Ail that went n.eat of any kind fend us your order. Everv thine; as represetited. We mean business, rail and see us. E. J. Rausdalb : Co. -o-: I PIANOS 6 9 6 5R V 1 f T ft f -r - - "A ic uuf r.cnn uro ?nc Hirers V;1. 1 ,r.l )t.' I I. at k'k.t I if t: r- at... rL J ...rr 5i i t kj a.t. .'- rj ir-.ir. . a;, ir- S. r '.t.- -m 1 . . . i . ery . s tA a-aa . , y il a. ou.- u lr J a rat. .r. . ril A3t;, e Ccsacl;, rnl .J Kt It.- r-t i.-ii.ttk rni " -yo -s m v hum i i k RALEIGH BRANCH Wil-i-VK A LZi.t. Kiui ut 9 Yjt C ? I (ta'i en t.-n Ls i l Irv. SiI . 7 w r r I trt 1:a.w n Ktlt U. It rr. 1'.a..i iW.tf 'J -rl tct mU:i.x -.. rt m.m- i: niiuM f;a ! , t ? no A ib.. m f f.i. jtm V " .a'j --Jr l tct -K.i. -j r. t .U r. i: U-i rt-lb. . Irt -!.. tt! R-nkaC. u . y ..! - AlU"lOaWM'l,lh.C u-.viw-"p - Pill - ) hA- t r. ! (ntlnl Wire u. irtacki A ' l.r.rirM r.M.t- ImillMM .f:-4 r" tr..mi.t ft r 4 . . 4 t. i. Ham r.nln W rt I iaxi Lr.-- i urCrr. tmr mt-rrt Unit T Mr 1 .tltBuJl buli,r. uttu At y in la IU C H-4 v ' tt!- ttH: ..! ' liaM-.rT t r rU-4 jfa llr.Mk A ? 1 ITDEM & BATES k L Se:fea ilcsre. t I HriBt Ims Vm Kara. JttS i .HrsMvkk.CA.1 Ca-rMtai. SaMtfa. Q X. Ot KtlUa. Tet--i nm r (I i km, La. all mmdt mrme tlri bm $ !. (1 OoWt-tf-POTt

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