Jlt "'i in ' fctfMMiw.ir . i. - i, , r .ii.-f ,..- t- I.-, i, Tr-r --y J .' , , . ' - , m mamm t. ... f - ... ' .... "M ,- , i , m i " in i- hi i. i -nil t ia i '11110- VOL XXIV, ro public school e1cbers fhe Superititendeiit of Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, .April, July, Sep tember, October end December, and remain ior toree days, u necessary, tor trie purpose 01 examining appn-ri r cants bu ieuou 111 iue ruuiiuouuouw of this county. I will also be in Louisburg on Saturday of each week, and all public days, to attend to any business connected with my office. ' J. N. Harris, Supt. j- i. - v. ! T..uv: ci i 1 C. M. COOKfi SOX, ATTORNEYS-A.T-L.4W, L0CISBCJR8, N. C. Will attend the court of SuHl, Pr in kiln. OraarUiw Warreoand Waticouutlea, also the uprnae Comrt ot Korth CaiMiajp. aad tfie U. U. circuit and District Courts. I a. J. E. MALONE. office two doors below Areoeke fc Co. 'a drug store, adjoining Dr. O. L. EUls. I) a. W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBUfi. X. C. E. W. TISIBEELAKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0U1SBUBO, S. C. Offlce on'llain street. V. S. SPRUILL, ATTORNEY- At-L AW, bOUISBOBtt, N. C Will attend. th oourta of FrariWia, Vsnce, Gr iuvlll). Warren and Wake coantiea, also the Supreme Ooart'Of Norta CaroUaa. Prompt atteauoa given to eollecuona, & N. Y. OCLI.EY. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, PBANKXIIfTON, N. C All legal business promptly attended to. fpHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUS6, N. C. Office on Ualn street, over Jones b Cooper's store. -yy u. person, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBUR6, H. C Praetiees in all courts. Otfioe la the Court House. Dentistry, TVr. H. EDWARDS OF WAKE FOREST, N.C. Will visit LouiHbnrg on Monday, Taw3ay an.l WtKlnPHda.v foJIowinaj the first Sunday in n-ti bio n tli prepared to do all kinds of I) iitl work. oifirM; in th Meadows Hotel. Dr. ROHT. S. BOOTH, l have fitted up an ofiice for tue practice of Dentistry in all its 1. ranches in Louisburg,.N. C, and will be in my office the two weeks following the second Sunday in each month. Guarantee all uiy work ; i ml my prices to suit the hard limes. Office in the J ones & Cooper ImihJing. dr. jrj. is. zEciirsra-, DENTIST, LOCISB-URG, N. C. Offiee over Racket Store. Gradaate Baltimore Dental College. Twtiuty-four years aetive experience. ASTiyiciAL tebth A .SPECIALTY, Nataral teth removed and new ones inserted in TWENTY MINUTES. All work warranted. Luuisbare is my home "for better or w irsrt" and you will always find me rady to correct at my own expense any work Lhat may prove unsatisfactory. Very truly, . . R. E. KING, X Dentist. YAR80R0UGH & DAVIS, The BlaoKsmiths OF LOUISBURG. All work in onr line done on short notice,, and satisfaction guaranteed. We have our new shot) the old tea pin alley) in good shape and ate better pre- pared than ever to serve oar custo mers, y J. M. C. HILL, THE TINNER, In prepared to Jo all kind of tin work, re pairing. Acr All work guaranteed. Place f basipwa on Main street in house recently 'x'cnpied by F. Parr inn. i. ' A J1L aaaMta. aaw aaam aja. mm mm m m aaa. aaaBM I OSBORN HyUyCj C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations fqr the traveling public. v , RUFFIN & LEWIS. BLACKSMITHS. We are prepared to -do all kinds o w rk ia oar line. Call to see us at our li"P near the Louisburg jmills. R. R. CROSS EN.-!--. FIRST CLASSTAINTER, LOUISBURG, X. C ; 1 wjh to offer mv BferViees to thetrab-1 k . and mil say that I am prepared to u an kinds of honee painting, grain ing &c. y work n Lou Id speaks 1 fur itoulf nA T ai f n all marfaa fnv hora I have worVed. .- Old fnrntnre T-ade new. Gve me yoar patronage,-J and you shall be pleaRed. TILL AT THE B hlDGEJ . . UT A fxwr 01 rTmTrTTn J'IjVJY . OiJLL JH.Ai'X VT wbere I ana well known nnd 'nwnftreri to iVt i nfwmem . e Wn ia J 'II havrf dotl hofnm -V.m nil am m Eat aide Tof Se Rlve'e 1. Main 7. . . .ure v. wane i a am cloinaj ail kinds f,l t'L'kainlthlnir Ant fArffut rhi I -im nlark I paned lo repair Lfied In IVnai T.tnv ann strvaK cui nnffinsy onr pan. such as pattlrar TjrHT IUill 1 tun ' RIBO on new lo-ka &c. f haveaf.'w irons which I w tea dayB. r ,. avt rOTiHIwl ...ail v. 1.3 ..a li l DEMOCRATIC ELOQUENCE. Some Elections From the Address of - W. R. Henry Before the State Con vention. - Below we take pleasure in lay- fag before our readers selections from the eloquent andthrillinff address of Mr. Walter E. Henry, delivered before the State Demo cratic Convention. Among other thiugs Mr. Henry said, : Mr.. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Convention. I am thrilled by the spectacle presented by this magnificent body of North Carolina patriots. I thank you for the honor conferred by your call for me to address you. I shall detain you but a short time. Orrthe -eve of the great battle in which we are about to engage, no man who will not subordinate every personal grievance, hardship and disappointed ambition to the welfare and success of tha Demo cratic party is worthy the name of patriot. The Democratic party deserves the sympathy and support of all true men instead, of reproach and denunciation. Shakespeare, the reservoir of wisdom, uttered a sentiment that we may well heed in this hour: ' It is better to bear the ills we hare, than to fly to those we know not of." Let us stand under the sacred emblem of our splendid brother hood. I call the Democratic ban ner sacred, because upon it was written in the morning of our Re public, by the hand of the immor tal Jefferson, that grand code of political principles, that has ever since challenged the admiration of the world, guaranteeing to us and to our children liberty and happi ness. " Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever state or persua sion, religious or political ; peace, commerce aud honest friendship with all nations, entangling alli ances with none ; the support of the State governments in all their rights, as the most competent ad ministrators of our domestic con cerns, and the surest 'bulwark against anti-Republican tenden cies ; the preservation of the gen eral government in. its whole con stitutional vigor, as the sheet an chor of our peace at home and safety abroad ; a jealous care of the right of electiou by the people; a mild and safe corrective of abuses which are lopped by the sword of revolution where peaceable reme dies are unprovided; absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the majority; a well disciplined militia the supremacy of the civil over the military authority ; econ- omv in the public expense, that, labor may be lightly burdened ; the honest payment of our naiional debt and tne sacred preservation of the public faith: the enconrae-e- nieui oi agriculture and ot com merce as its hand-maid ; the d'8 semination Jof education and the arraignment of all abuses at the bar of public reason; freedom of religion, freedom of the press and freedom of the person, under the protection of the habeas corpus, and trial by juries impartially selected. 7 These principles have been repeated in the varipus platforms oi wie uemocrauc party, and, as Mr. Jefferson declared they form the bright. constellation .whicri h vnne hffnrA na an 1 tiiQt. v.oa .nii our steps through an"ae of revblu - tion tnd refortnt.ion ' The wisdom of onr saes and the blood of our heroes have been de- voted tn thflir at.t.ninmAnt triAir voted to their attainment :. thev should be the creed of our political ... - . faith, the text of civic instruction, the touchstone by which to try the services of those we trust, and should, we wander fromthem in moments or error or alarm let us! hasten to retrace our steps, and re- ayvt fjarw vua vv3a UUVt a V gain the road which alone leads to peace, liberty and safety. I call the Democratic banner j sacred, because it is the standard of the only organization in this country that has sufficient strength ' - - y ... " '.'.r.;At.m-AtMj ii, Cftaava kJC vx ivviotxi w vuunvuu t a fciLi VUO enemies of the prosperity and free dom of the people and the life of the Republic' I call that banner sacred, because as long as it floats in triumph ' above the ' homes of America,- their inmates-will gate upon it as a symbol in. the political heavens promising and guarantee- 1 nor ft. 4poaratinn eenrr&uzati'on. fr.A rrrlnni vAlnet.fan anrl nltimntA annihiUtinn f tTA mhhr taFitT. the .destruction of trnste and mo- i sYf aa anil cnMr inan4ln if tK1 1 fiimnfiol uttjm ' nf.: Vi? nnvam. ment" as that Kin s Gold may not h. 4, ni hu nuancial : system of : this govern- wretched the suffering . millions of this country but-that by his side, i maA hh ennal in everv resnect hv made his equal in every respect by 1 -!. m -1 ' -a . a . w Proper laws. suau oe mimruueu me 1 f-lA 1?rrm Q;Ta aiwuta, w Xo -recover r 6toien oeauiy -p ixb mmm -a ' - w a . ' A w. I 1 t t Kao.an-aH tha ..ifa. ww vwivfsu Mel nf Trov for a 'period of. ten I " A. rears. I call our banner sacred, .because through an erathree times as long it has inspired us in - the contest not 'for. stolen beauty, but for our plundered freedom ; not for Helen of Troybnt for ten thousand thousand beautiful .women'of our , fair domain ; the re-establishment j of our national honor and credit ; j and the disenthrallment of the j groaning cmassea of this Union, until we have reached such positiou that all these blessings must soon totiow. ;K . I call the Democratic banner sacred, because the inspiration' of its presence saved us from the hor rors of the Forcrbill which would have driven us to the ballot box like galley slaves to their labor, and because, not until waved iuvictory above wthe Democratic host, were 'the shackles- of - political slavery stricken from our limbs by the re peal of the infamous federal elec tion law. . I call the Democratic banner sacred, because it is the only hope of the South. As stood the invin cible legions of Caesar under the eagles of Rome, as stood the heroes of England under the great banner of St. George, as stood the men of the South impenetrable, impregna ble and immortal for four years under the Stars and Bars, so to-day the major part of the chivalry, beauty, wealth, character and in telligence of the South is mar--shalled under the great banner of Democracy. There are reasons for this with which we are all familiar. God grant that that glorious company may never be broken, and that that banner of light may never be trampled in the mire by its foes. Men think differently, and are at liberty to think as they please, provided they obey the admoni tions of reasan and the dictates of conscience ; but as for me, I would no sooner think of deserting the Democratic party under existing conditions and going over to its enemies, than I would have thought of deserting the Army of Northern Virginia in front of Cemetery Heights, or on the blood sodden plain of Sharpsburg. The Republican party in its whole history is as a starless night. The Populist party is as a rapidly vanishing comet, meubstantial, gaseous and deceptive, which good men have been persuaded to be lieve a pillar of fire to lead them to a promised land of reform, while the Democratic party is as the orb of day which though it has some spots on its face, illumines the u :,l : i . . j ; . lri n 1 l:,1.4- - -. A rt ..II life and litrht aud happiness to all The Democratic party composed f huaian beings and not oi gods nor arch angels, may have made mistakes, may now and then have staggered and faltered under the burden of thirty years of Kepubh can rule, a bankrupt Treasury, a paraiyzea nnanciai system, and a policy oi national taxation tnat robs the masses to create, and to stilt further enrich trusts, monopo lies, aud millionaires, but even as Aeneas bore on his broad shoulders his father Anchises through the flames of Illium, so will the Genius of Democracy, hurling the coterie of Senatorial traitors into oblivion, bear the people, the suffering mil lions nf this nnnntrv thrAnul. Ka " . . ' -6" "" ui ftepuuiicameni, W proSDerilV. t Li- .. in no veneration has greater duties devolved upon patriots than tiow devolve upon us. Let us i show ourselves worthy descendantat 1 of the mn whose blood stained the 1 snows OI V alley r orge. and Of tnat immortal band who in the name of liberty and principle poured out I their hearts tide upon the crimson I u - r TTS De4U8 01 v irgiuia. Let us be just. Let us unhesi tatingly applaud the patriotism and courage of Grover Cleveland in resorting to the .Napoleonic method; of crushing Anarchy in Chicago, thus teaching a great prin ! ciple of constitutional law to the American people, to-wit : That when the police and militia fail to preserve order the United States Regulars can be called in. That in, -def ?udn an organized i atumnt r.n a r roar ail fro A a tha axtempi to arrest au trade, tne I 1 a - . , - . I I a tntiifia A I am Atit wvi not hatiA ai rhata side the President' of the United States. Aud that as long , as wei have such a President as Grover Cleveland, such attempt as' the recent one of the American'" Rail way Union must necessarily fail." Let us endorse him for standing against rwrenn, nmmiura, ior vne people s weiiare, and a proper tar I iff ; for the repeal of the Federal j election law, and for his just ; and impartiayrecoffnition 01 tbe South. ,H,'aiitcr u" fcy ui Amieus, - : Jiist after the Treaty of Amieus. a distinguished; English orator re- j that ought to have been cut down', warding that Treatv as disgracefnll some wild crapes that ought to to Great Britain said,;. If; King w 1111am couia , kuow us Ternw Would turn in blS COffin.V I commend these words to every old soldier of .the South, and. to tbe I ae - - J - j son oi. every oia soiaier, woo con- i .m "' ""6 I lamnlolao ifus,t nir tha I lamAHrotin manner. Time -.can present . no more . pitiable sight, none S more J calculated to .rouse .the ; spirits of LOUISBURG, B? C, FRIDAY, AUGUST our great : dead(';th:u that pre sented, -when veterans of 'the Conf ederacy, who once loved,, and offered their lives. for principle, fraternize with their former foe?; and meet to concert means and measures to destroy the only bul wark that protects North Carolina, and the South, from bankruptcy and dishonor. w .:. A Frenchman once ' saw a . poor man, spend his last cent fora lot tery ticket. He asked him. how he could commit such -'foil v. In order to7 have something $o hope I r- j x : 1 ud miu. xcuiuiu5 impa tient, and animated by the same aeiusive sentiment . gooa men have gone, tothe' Thjrdf party; j Who, have listened too quickly to' the emfvmw;oT tiuusmp, i rosy promises of Populist leaders. Bat when they discover that that party is but a wing of the Repub lican party, or is rapidly being made so, and they are expected to vote for life-long Republicans, thus endorsing the record and principles of the Republican party, they will retnrn'to the Democratic ranks. There is noth iug else for them to do. They say the Democratic party hasnot given the party the prom- ised tariff. If we have to wait until the next session of Congress for a proper tariff law, it will be outrageous and there will be no attempt to conceal that fact. But honest men will place responsi bility where it belongs. Cer taiuly Republicans cannot com plain, for the policy of their party, is unalterably opposed to reduction, and it has been for thirty years playing the tariff highwayman, bnrglar, and thief of America. To such an extent indeed, as forced the Supreme uourt or tne united btates to ae- ciare, mai, w lay wim one hand the power of the Govern ment on the property of the citi zen, and with the other to bestow it upon favored individuals, to aid private enterprise, and to build up private fortunes, is none the less a robbery because it is donenuder the forms of law, and is called taxation." Republicans are wedded to the McXinley iniquity. Populists canuot complain, be cause the non-enactment of a tar iff law at this session, will be chargeable to the action of a cote rie of Democratic Senators, who have betrayed the Democratic party, by joining the ISortheu branch of the Republican party, ,.l,;u ii, D.ni;.Q ... .BJ,...n. I in ip trh 4 A I n 1 1 a SAnrhArn hrflnf h iug to join its Southern braneh. A. fopulist leader, a recent con- vert, declared that one of his principle reasons for leaving the Democratic party was, " that, a Northern Democrat was no better than a Northern Republican CerUinly he could not foresee that his brst convention would nomi nate Republicans and thus devel op the fact, that a Southern Pop ulist is no better than a Southern Republican. Meu of sense will not think of deserting the Democratic party, if a few bad meu temporarily prevent tariff reform. And espec ially will they not leave, when - 1 tbey see the Wilson bill, reducing tbe tantl sixtv-nve mi lions 1 V. , , ' , , i is.- K rr . 'Ji vaoov Democratic House, supported Dy thirty-seven Democratic Senators, pressed wun patriotism ana conr age by a Democratic President, demanded by five hundred and 1 eigBiy-UTe muuuu womucrttnn voters, and only prevented by the treachery of six Democratic bena tors combined with all the Re publicans. Has any party any guaranty against sucn conjunct . , . f ure r Within a few steps of victory, with the monster robber of the country almost throttled, men would be worse than wear to I cease the struggle, and to deliver contest over to an infantile party, destined to an early grave. There are dissatisfied men in North Carolina. Many are mad with the Administration, becadse m A v. nna fh matters have not gone as .they wished. 8ome even talk of leav ing the Democratic party. Is that common sense f Is that patriotism ? Go out into a garden redolent with the perfume of flWersof every hue, luxuriant with foliage. I and luscious with fruit, golden, 1 rosy a 11 u purpie unuer vuo mioovn - r 1 or tne rammer sun. " L know there is some bad - fruit fn the garden, -some ,weeds that ionght I to have been thrown over xne leucw.. du -: rau-yiw. I fence." Some crab-apple 'trees have been uprooted, but are yon ne 1 gvnnj touesaroyiae wuuto Kruc because of a little gnarled fruit T There are worm-eaten leaves in Fountainbleati. and insects- that sting in the fairy groves oF'the ;f-If part of the crew prove tnnti nous, throw them overboard, bnt don't sink the snip.. 31; 1894. A Revised: Version., It happened in Sunday-school. The sabjecf under discussion , was Solomon and his wisdom, v A lit tle girl was asked to tell the sto ry of Solomon and the women who disputed the possession of a child. She. timidly rose ur and answered: . "Solomon was a very wise man. One dar two women r 1 went to him quarrelling about a babv ' One woman said, This is my child,' and the other woman said, No, this is my child. Bat Solomon spoke np and said : No, op, j&uies , uo oofc qu arret txive me my sword and I will make twins of him, so each of you can have one !' "From the " Editor's Drawer," in Harper's Maoazins for April. Wise Sayings. A worldly hypocrite cannot approach where the man high in church goes and is consequently not 80 dangerous, though he may be as despicable. The Georgia Farmers Alliance has formally disbanded. Hogs are starving in South Da kota for lack of grain to feed them. California's fruit crop beats all previous records, and canneries cannot begin to handle it. A thirteen-year old colored girl in Norfolk, when arrested, Mon- day, confessed to having robbed tweuty residences. Possibilities of Snnrery. St. Loais Globe-Democrat. The extent to which the human body can be mnltiiated without causing death is beyond what most people think. Of course the removal of the largest limb is a familiar fact, but the successive removal of all the limbs would in most cases result in nothing worne than inconvenience. In the same way the internal organs may be ex tirpated. Thin is facilitated by their quality. One kidney may be re- mrs VA.1 UTifl t Ho nt Kr will ma Ira im ' . r 1 - One eye may be taken out and the sight remain practically unimpaired Large portions of the brain may be removed with no injury to life or in tellect. A portion of the intestines has been cut out and the ends sewed together, and their normal action and functionu have not been inter fered with. Knights of the Maccabees. The State Commander writes oa from Lincoln, Neb., as follows After try ing other medicines for what seemed to be a rery obxtiDate oooh In oar two children we tried Dr. King's New Du eovery and at the end of two day the conga ennreijyeii mem. newiu not be without it hereafter, a oar eiperi- ence proves uiam can woere an omer NmiMTil KttA V W Mt.n. 1: ..r-r - --s - p- - mdline a. trial! a it Uo-aarantHl and trial bottle are free afrAyeock & Co' Drug Store. Regular nix 50c and $1.00 There is no more dangerous an individnal in any community than the church hypocrite. It May Do as Much For Yon. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irtlng. 111., -writes that be had a Severe Kidney trouble for : . i- ..1.. t v. 1 iiiauv Tears. wuiU wicre ius ' . ftli0 hu bUdder w affected. He tried many to called Kid- ney cares but without any good result. A boat a rear a fro he bena om of Elec tric Bitters and foand relief at oaee. Electrie Bitter is especially adapted to cure of all Kidney and Lirer troable and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove oar statement. Prioe onlv SOe. for lartre bottle. At Aycocke & Co's. Drug Store. The Glebe warehouse at Dur- nanif ln6 xsi Alliance warehouse in the State, will be closed Octo- ber 1st. Buckle n's Arnica Salve. The beet salve in the world for eats. b raises, sores, a leers, salt rheam. fever ores, tetter, chapped hands. ehUblaina, eorna, ana ail axin eruptions, ana po&i tivelr cures piles or no par. It ia roar- anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. - rrtoe eenu per box. For sale by Thomas & Aveocxe A number of persons are in 8mlthfield jail, - charged witl) white capping. Children Cry tOf Fltchers CastorU . CHICKEN . CIIOLERAT i Cati be cured br usinir THOMAS POULTRY POWDER. Jt also curea roup and gapes. Now la the time to use it. 25 cents a package. -For sale bv :- -'.-v W. a TJIOMASDrussist, --. , ' ': Xouisburg, N. C ' Albion Academy STATE NORMAL . INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL UTiun CKsatos wru. assmr OCTOBER 1ST, 1804. This School offers the benefited a liberal education to younr men and ladies of color. It is located at Franklinton, N. C, on the East side of the S. A. L. Railroad, about on hundred yards, three minute walk rrom the station, and m a park of three acres. It commands a pic turesque view of the surrouodinc: country, and is free from malarial and pulmonary diseases. I he bmldiDgB are spactoos, well ventilated, and suitably adapted to me romron oi tne et orients. Scholarship, $45.00 for a terra of 8 months, including board and waahinjr. Tuition, Free. or further particulars add rem, REY.JXO. A. SAVAGE, A. V., Pmlfsst. FRANKLTXTON, !. C. CAROLINA Collegiate Institute, NASHVILLE, N. C. S. D. BAGLEY, M. A., Principe, WITH COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS. Board rijrM dollar jwr month im tb brmt private fatnilioi. Tuition on reasonable tfu. Nert mion will begin MONDAY, AUG. 27hh, 1894. Moaic and Art aaerlaJtie. For particular addraa tbe PriaHpal, NanhTille, N. C SELECT PRIYATE SCHOOL CAREFUL THAI S'l XG TITOIiOUGII IXSTRUCTIOX. Misses Edith and Fannie Ynrlio roogh will open a select nrbool for girls on Thursday Auguft SOth.' TERMS: Primnry Dept., per month, $2.00 Advanced pupils, 3.00 No extra charge for Ivtia and Physical Culture. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Includes the College, the ruiveri- -ty, the Iiw Srhool, tbe Medical School and the Summer School for Teachers. College tuition C0.O0 rf year; board 7.00 to f-13.00 a month. NeHKion rKinnH Sept. 6. Addreas President Winston, Chapel Hill, X. C. WAKE FOREST COLLEGE, WAKE POREMT. N. C A Chrietian Colleire embradna: ten Ktm- drmvcnl School and tbe pmleaMooaJ Kchowl of Law. A aelect Library ol llOO vol gnu. A larxe aad wrU tarnUhed todinc Room. Thoroonhly eoaipprd O.TfDaaaiaai and Laboratoriea. Jiterarj 8ocirtia oa-nrpna-ed in the Hoath. No aerret Frater-nitM-a alloaed. Free toition to iniaUtere and anna of tniniater. Loaoe fortbe xtrmj. IVoard from oil to tea dollar per oata. A complete aratefn of arater irork with am ple battues; lannttea. live aommer ut S. hool oueDa Julr Sad. Next aeeaioa befrlaa rVptember 5th. t ot farther IrdoruiaUoo add ItrTl'. a K. TAVlxail. Ieldeiit. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. We have opened a market and stock exchange at Clifton's old corner, and want to bny beeves and bogs of any size. Milch cows, mutton or lambs, and fowls of all kinds. All that wapt meat of any kind send us your orders. Everything as represented, we mean business, call and see us. E. J. Raosdals & Co. WANTED. Live, eoetw-tie aaea to eaavae. aefl asa- ehiaea ami coitre-t la Vaara. rraakua. wi m and UrsBvilla coaatiea. We formaA a nice light raonirgr wajroa. aareat to forwieh faoree and aai nwe and male a aw Doao We offer a good aalarv or eomaktaeoreo- tract, 00a ander wbtrh an eoeetrerte anaa can maka aad aava aooaeT. Mra of roo.i niaktMip do well to ret employ! at witlr tlila romiar, for If wni-mi tbey win ne proraoted to poet u 00a of greaxar iroai aoa reeponai bin y . Tne 1 Slarer MsBnlartflriacCoaapejiy. Addreaa J. I" Taowreov, , i 11. Uasxrr. Diatrtet Aireat. elaaatrer, Htaderami. N. C. Wilmiajrtoa. X. C. Aait. Ti, tf. NOTICE. TJavisr nsalifed as Adasinistrstor of Ambroee ru-horrb. all peeaoea tHnf bie eaxale. are notified to come forward, pay at ooce. aad all peranna awMinirriaJineajraiaat hut eetate. wUJ preeent titaaa lurpeiTaaewr c or nefora Aa&rnat 3. 18V3, or thiwataowiIV be pleaded la bar of taetr iweamry. TbUlnNt8,lK- ; - ' W. O. Crorewcw.'Adm'r. . Q. M. Cooks, Atty. . ' TOBACCO STRIPPED. a All person deslriajr tbsrr tobweeo' stripped aad gnded la trstrbuaa orders eaabavw It done for $3 thoosand by briaing it to mylrocae, ome-and aSialf ml lea soath ef.Looiaburg. Katuraciroa gaaraateed. ; . . , . " . yi, . nun. - -v MUiPHR2f7. V Coffins -and Caskets. ' , r f We fcave added to oor almdy oorhpkteline of wood aad cJck covered Coflliri ad Ccsketa' icu37iii3T eomis ud cashti. Also a lrrre of UETALTCS as nice and firre goods as -is car ried in any of or cities. Our stock7 is complete in erery !ine. IteypctfullT, U. K. Ha rais 4c Co. Louisbvrg, X. C TAR RIVER STOCK FARM. Raise Yea Bacca, Mtrftjo, Be Milt aid BQltsT, Pure Bred Duroc Jersey Pig. Pure Bred Oxford doam Uudtm. Pure Hml Jersey Heifers aa WJLL !JkLVES. My ce-vrs kave butter records of " 20 pounds per week. Meet BuIU Ikar and Ram ia Attterica at tbe head of mv herd. My stock is nv btervd. rite for afmt yon want and f will Msrgapty you at reasonable pricvai. W. L. McGHEE. FrnnkiiBton, N. C LOUISBURG Carriage Shops. The Tmdenrigird baring leased the lyouisburg Carriage Shops, together with t'ne Blacksmith Shops attached thereto, desires to say to tbe people of Franklin and adjoining counties that he 1? prepared to do all kinds of work in his line at short txttice. If you wish your vehicles of every kind repaired and rr painted in the very best rnauner by firtt class workmen you can have tbe work done at my shops promptly and at reasonable rate. I s bail have a nrst-cls workman in tb Blacksmitu ebon, who will fully understand his Wusints, and will guarantee satisfaction in every part roc lar. If you will give me your work you eball be satisfied. Very respectfully., II. C. TAYLOR. Furniture repaired at sbert no tice and in the veryatest manner. F H A N K L LN TO X HOTEL E. M. WARD. Prep'r. Good acc-ocaiuAiktocaj. yAilr aervaDU, and tbe bee (kr tbe tuarket aflonia. 6-od Livery ineoaceetloa with h o'.el Faed, Sale 5 Liyery STABLER HAYIS & PIHRaU TrepflElcre, 4.0U1SBURQ, TCC. GOOD TEAHS AM) PdlJTE IHIITERS. STEfJIAL ATTENTION TO TElV 'A "-.V . " 4

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