? v'tP" Kv;'-AV-" NN 'A I -: - . . 7 H ' vol xxiv. TO rUBLIC SCHOOL' TEACHERS. The SuperintendeiitpfabHc; Schools of Franklin comity will, be in Louisbdrg on the second Thilrs day of February; 'April Jul yiSepi tember, October and Decemberand remain for threCdays;: -,if .hecessarji for the purpose p! examining appli cants to teach in the; Public Schools of this county. -1; will : also - be in j,(nnsburg on: Saturday of : each week, and all public days, to attend to any business connectedith-ni office. h.--rf r"4't:jV-3 v.. JPro fessional cards c. -1 ATTOBIJBTSiL't-LAW, f 0? Will attend the eoarta ot Nal. rranklin,' aranvlllii, Warren an J Wakecooatlea, also the Supreme Coart of North Carollxip, and Ihe U. jy&. J. B.1 MALONE. Office : two doora bclo Office two doora below Aycocke . & Co.'s drug store, adjoining Dr, . O. i.. isms. . D B. W. H. NICHOLSON, ; v PBACTICINO PHTS10IAN, tociBBCBe, jr. c. . ; . ATTOBinST-AT-LAW, Office on'Main Btrect. ' S. SFRUILL, . , . . ATTOBNET-AT-LA.W, LOUISBUBO, K..O. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vanoe, Granville, Warren and Wake co an ties, also the supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections, fee. . N. T. aULLEY. ATTOBJTETr AT-LAW, All legal business promptly attended to. npnoa B. WILDER, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, iiOcisBirae, jr. d. , Office on Main street, over JoneB & Cooper's store. -y M. PERSON, - ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LonisBORO, H.o.- Practlces In all courts. Olllce In the Court House. . Dentistry;, W. H. EDWARDS - - , - - OF WAKE FOREST, N. C. ' - Will visit LouiHburg 'on Monday, Tuesday ami VVetlneBdttj follow iiig the first Sunday in each month prepared to dq all kinds of l.-ntiil work. Otliwin the Meadows Hotel. Dr. ROUTES. BOOTH, I ha ve fitted up an ofSce. for tue practice oi Dentistry in all its branches in Louisburg, NC' and w ill be in my office the two weeks following the second Sunday-in each month. Guarantee all my work md my prices to suit the hard tuu e . 0 ffice in the J ones & Cooper building.. ' , - DENTIST, , , LOUISBURG, N. C. Office over flaeket Store. : Graduate Baltimore Dental CoHege. Twenty-four years" active experience ARTIFICIAL TEETH A SPECIALTY. : Natural teeth removed and nevr ones"inserted in TWENTY MIJiCTES. . - . ' " All work warranted. ' " Louisbarer is my home "for better or worse" and you-jwill always find me ready to correct at my Own expense any work that may prove unsatisfactory. Very truly,- , 1 ' B. E. KING, r Dentist. YARBtJROUGH & DAVIS, The Blacimitlis OF LOUISBURG. All work inour line done on short notice, and 'satisfaction firuaranteed We have our hew shop (the old ten pin- alley) in good shape And are better pre pared than ever to" serve ; our r custo mers. .- THE 3SW43 Is nrenared to do all kind of tin work, re pairinar. &e, AH work gnarahteed. Place (A business on Main street in house recently occupied by V.JpmykJ;. OSBORN HDUOSE C: D.,OSBORIf.P'roprlet6 Good accommo dations f er the travelingubllcllglilifpl R. R; CROSSEN. FIRST vCLASSAINTERI liOUlSBUBG, N. C.-, ' I wish to offer iny services to the pnu lie, and will say that I am prepareaCto do all kinds of lfbuse. paintingvgrain-' ing &c. My work in Loaiaburg speaks for itself, a nd I refer to ail parties for whom I have work501aCfaxnitnre; made new. Give me your patronage, and you shall fee pleasedfH STILL ATHEBRIDGEiil Where I am well known and nrcoaredto o 7 same work. I kope TOtt.wlll see me as you hava done before. You will find mo on th East side of the River bridge. Main street' Louigburjr. N. a While I am doinar an kinds of I'lacksmithing, don't forget fhatlam also Whl prcpnaed io repair ?n new locks fcc ' I have a few nns wnich I Tonrirnn.saeti us DUtTine aye repaired that win be sold If not called for in ten days. V - T- . -Tours troIy;W"?-N BLACKSMIT We are prepared .to do all kinds o work in our line. v; Call to see as at oar 8h"P ntr the Looisbnrg mills. W ,y: THEIR- PURPOSE. The Republican ;Leaaersi Intend to Humble the South and West. 2-z - Republican leadera are drilling their forces and wheeling into line tbeiriliiailxsht aesault -'on ;.tte "West and South. The' South is the particular ofcject of their Tenlrefttr purpose. ' -1 Follow i ng- Tom.. Reed's J open in g ccme?rnlhe ;curi rent namber of ;the Nolr tb - Arberi-. can; - Review,i. by 7Heury.; - Cabot. Lodge intended, to be a" keynote of his party!s campaign. The cardi nal sin of ; the-Democratic pariy in Gov igriafis-ji tfiu:et: lorthtpf he great " ;tnass of tKe i orces came f rpm ? the South", where the outworn traditions of 40 years. affd still hold, sway and where, civili zation and tne business conditions of, the North are .only just jbegin ning fo make themselves felt."; " When he describes the Wilson bill, he repeats the charge of Dem ocratic favor s to -the South.: The income tax he paints as a nefari ous invention, : designed by. the pauper South and West to plunder the rich, cultivated and Superior Northeast. Of the Wilson tariff bill, when first introduced in ths House, he says : " . , It was full of protection admin istered as a preference chiefly to Southern interests, and in this way threw overboard all .the principles which the Democratic party, had been advocating. But as a meas ure for the destruction of Northern industries and - for a complete d re location of the industrial system of the country, it was a shining suc cess. . - " Part of the gains-the Republican party makes this year are to be accounted for as an economic con quest of the South and the economic conquest is to b celebrated as anal ogous to the armed conquest of the Civil War. The rest of the gains are to be the fruits of the might of the rich Northeast victorious over the uncivilized West. On economic issues aronnd which ithis campaign is to Tovolve" the South and Wesf are united and must be spoken of as one section. The West is as much wedded to low tariff- as the South and the South as ardently devoted tobimetalism as the West. They are to be counted together in Lodge's indictment of " States " where civilization is.onl just be ginning to make itself felt - Civilization against civilization. JL Ait7 V X V At ldOk J I . iUUaOUlriJ UO V where American labor has been displaced by . cheap and illiterate foreign labor voting labor, re member against the civilization of the South where - Americans whose Ancestors fought in the Rev plution- o wn their farms and pre serve their independence. ..The civilization of monopoly and pan perism against the civilization of individual liberty and equal rights in trade and hnance. Let; that be the issue and the West wil be with the South in meeting it manf ully.i -! cThe. crime of the Democratic t party ;is that the South ministers i io us nittjwi bies.. a ue vriiue 91 ine South is that it is ?:gttst beginning to feel the effects of. civilizations The Republican . bigotr f -r the Northeast intends that the advan tages ' of an : opposition party in troublous , times shall be turned to the humiliation of :. the Sonth.v 1 It will have bonfires to liijht-the joy of bahishing the South to the sack. cloth and ashes of-! political urren M'Henry Cabot: Jjodge'wastthe au thor of the fbrbe bill which passed the House and nearly; got througb the" Senate in; Harrison's term, die is" one 'of ? the UDreme - council - -of Re p u blican ism 4 Tb e dead ly . vims of force bill lurks in tliisampaign thesis .which ;:he presents : for his partyin 1894;-vTheSouth is unfit to govern because ltisinciviiized The West .is unfit to govern because it agresVwJth the outh onf the is sues; of f the dayi ;; The .northeast alone isnalified bjr- civilization toiTOaendMadhiinis Next comes - the claim ; that ' the Northeast mnst maintain "civiliza tion with Supervisors and Marshals at'iheoflsmiilSIS Reed -and Lodg have named th e issne bet ween Re pubhcanism and j-Democracy, ! li , the : ao uth and West allow? the Democratic party! their, champion, to be defeated bev jcauseitS.isf cham pipn itheh the; South and A West - are i w llling to wear before the 'world, the livery of inferiority, of incompetency, o humble'submissibuSt Louis Republic. POPULIST . SUCCESS "WOULD BUIX THE CQUNTEYi - v : T Chat h am Eecord. nlisHIeaders 5; would sooijpbankrnpt Vand ; ;ruin;rihis untryiflbFany-c could: e ver get control lof it, of whiclhfcoever I tSereisnotHhe remotest chance. Now, this mar ocpiu jiuub a, sutrtiing . ana sensa tional statement, jor production, and yet its truth can easily ; be proved. l The best wav to ? iud pre he future is bylthe experience of lie past, and if. this be true then it an "easily be pro ved.; that the' pppuUstleaders 5 (we do ; not s'ajr spulQ'certainly: ropt and-ruin this country if they c6uld;getp'htrpl5of i tPf : -Because., the; Populist; Senators and Representatives in the pres ent Cougre?si who were elected to ,I reform ?:the i countrrl intrd- ducedandr: advpcaed such ex- reme measures ; as wonld, -if adopted, m6st" assuredly ruin this country, "This is no jdle asser- ion, but can Le proved frbjn the Con greesional Record, wh ich con- ains. the official proceedings of Congress. ; We there find, that Senator Peffer,- of Kansas, on the 9th of -; last Julv. introduced a series of resolutions, one of which reads as follows : " " That all coal beds ought to be owned and worked by the States or by the Government df he United States, aud the wages of all persons who work-in the mines ought to" be.iprovided by law and paid in money when due." s. .. . ;; Now what sort ; of reform would this be ? Think of the many millions of-dollars the Gov ernment would have to pay in or der to own all the coal mines in his countrv. How would this relieve our farmers, whe con gti- ue the majority in this country ? And yet this monstrous proposi tion :is similarto the one, advo cated in JLh&m populist national platform, and that is the govern ment ownership of railroads. For if ityis right and proper for the Government' to buy and operate the railroads, why not buy and work the coal mines, and indeed all the other mines and .factories in this country"? What eould be more absurd t What next ? Senator Allen, another populist Senator from Nebraska introduced a bill to pay Union soldiers increased pen sions, that would have required many more millions to be. paid every year by our people. How would this have relieved oar far mers ? Is this the sort of reform they want ? - ; . - In the House several Jbills were introduced by Populist Represent tati res, ; which if passed would have required" more money than is actually in circulation, in the whole Iwbrid. : - For instance, Rep resentative Davis, a populist from Kansas, introduced ' a bill " (No 3436); providing ; for the loan; to; certain mortgage ire 0 tors 91 a snm amounting to about ten billion dollars And a bill of similar character : Was introduced in the Senate' by ;.Peffer; Representa tive - Hudson, r; another -; populist f rom - Kansas, in trod need ; a . pen I sibh, biirthat wpuldhaterequired iuo iuiuieuia.1,0 issue 01 not , jess than ebxiajc MILLION DOLLARS. . .HOW WOUld thl8 hlve:relieye4 our! farmers tjixeaf. Representative : Bben, a pbpnlist from ? Minn esota, in troduced a bill; approjpriating ipiyBTBpNDKEij million dollars for certain inter- nalj improvehntsbther simi lar bills were introduced by other populictsi which need not now be :mentiofledlhe"sabove'v-;ineni ttoned bills i albne' are. so fficien V to hiyebankrupted the;cbunry if they had been aooptedr. hdyetinorder;tovlieve our' people, -ih,: order jto reduce taxation it lsseripuslyrprbposed to entrust our covernment to the control of such visionary and im practicable reformers if .; ; rv n . Is it not time ff or sensible men to call a halt and think seriously of th ese thin gs ? j r?.v :; Now, .how do; you think that enator Peffer and his colleagues IOUISBURG, ,K C, FPJDAY,. SEPTEMBER 21, 180 Lv propose to jaise all these millions and billions of dollars f . - ; ; : Hearken ye farmers and lie ar. ,--BT TAXINO OKLY . KEAL ESTATE." . So monstrous ;dbes th iff seem that it appears incred ible. - Abd yet, on;' the 9th of last July, this same;(orVsballwe'.''6ayJn8ane) Benator Peffer. introduced , in the Q. L a resolutioii in the words following That ; . ilx kbvextjes ofths GOVESKMEST OUQHT TO E3T BAJSJED BY TAXES ON REAL .'.EaTATE.' S'Si'l flhat ysabolisti air taxes on incomes of rich Jmen abolish all taxes buj :whiskey. and tobacco," abolish ; all taxes on; all. kinds of personal 'prpertyv-aXd niAX- oly ..REALESTATE W??';- 'r " '': r;-Is this ihe kind of reformVde" sired by our farmers f And is it forithis that; they, wouiddisrupt and destroy the grand" old demo cratic 'party ffc.1-?? ' , " ; : ; Is it notTsafer to ' abide in tie ahip": of : democracy .that has withstood so many storms ? Re member Vattce'ii dying . words, 5 Democracy is immortal 1 " p An Act of Heroism. On one occasion General Lee, while making an observation, stepped to a somewhat exposed position to secure a better- view and thus stood for a moment at personal 'risk, - when General Gracie, who was in the party quietly stepped- before General Lee without obscuring his view, and remained thns covering the body of his superior until, the field glass was lowered and the danger over a simple, quiet act, but Bhpwing cool bravery and self-sacrificing spirit. BlueJ and Gray. : - ; .Whatha8 the Democratic party "done that North Carolina should be hankd over to the Republican Popnlist combination f The ad ministration of our public affairs is clean; honest and economical. What assurance- have we that it could be bettered by any other party or combination of parties T Durham Son. Don't rush under trees during storms.. There is no place more dangeroiiSf It is better to stand out in the rain than to inrite death under a tree. . It is right hard for Republican journals to acknowledge in their editorial columns that business is improfing, but a perusal of their news columns'give evidence of it. Ex.. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller of Canajobarte, N. Y., sajB that he always keeps. Dr. King's New Discovery in the housa and his family has always found tb tctj best results follow its nse : that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dvkeman. : Drntreist. : CatskilL N. Y.. says that Dr.; King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best Cough remedy. that he has used it in bis family for eigbV years.'and it hajj never failed to do all that is claimed for it.' Why not try a remedy so Ion? tried and tested. Trial bottles free at Aycocke & Go's, Drug Store.; Begnlar .size 50c and 1. They Are Coming Back.r- Charlotte Observer., - vVr v.. .'" . '. 4 ; ' One of . the signs of. tbei times is thatReiv.' 1C; Ly ' Patten t'.rbf Burke, , the - '"Podulist . candidate against f Congressman" J Bower, iu the Eighth idistrict'two years ago, has this year , offered Mr :Bower his - support; .'They are coming back!, AH of . them tai the Dem ocratic party wan ts' will have re turned - to it byj" election day.' Some of them ;it t is well rid of,' now and forever. V :-f: ; ; ' 1 :M-&Z& Speclme.B Cases.-. i;. - 8. H. Clifford. New Cassel.'-Wis., was troubled with .Neuralgia and Hheuina tism, his Stomach was. disordered, his Liver was affected to an alarming, de gree, appetite fell away, and he .was terribly reduced in flesh and strength Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him; :: .J r; ' 'Edward Shepherd. Tlarrisbursr, 111 had a running sore' on his leg of eight years standing.. Used three-, bottles of Electrio , Bitters and seven boxes i of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is pound and . welL. John Speaker, Ca tawba, u., had five large lever sores on his leg. doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box 1 Bucklen's ' Arnica. Salve enred him entire! v.- Sold by Aycocke & Co-, at their J)rug Store. ; ; --- . Public schools opened in -New Xork City with 300,000 pupils; ChildrenJCry for "Pitchers' Castorq GROWTH OPNEWTTOHDS. How They Are Gradually Adopted Into j V ''..' Evcry-Day 'Lanutge-J: 'The growth of new words in our existing ; languages is ."the safest guide to the origin of. language in general. ; Such new words are continually arising from day to in our midst.': ."'V ''' ;'; - - - ,; . fJu st at ; first - they are usually imitative V or onomatopoeic and more ; or 4less inarticulate.'. They are deficient in vowel&T. The steam engine seems to say to ns : . P'f , p'f,' pf" the cat seems to say" to us : v P;rrr; : p'rrr, Vrrr ; ? ', the sound of a cannon ball as it strikes tho ground we represent by Ti'd;" thesdund of Vgun we reprwent by " B.g.,r ; But when we " come to nse these sounds familiarly as pari of language Ve soon grow to vocal ize them. . We Say puff, puff, puff ; pur," thud, bang.;;. ; . . ' l lnV proportion as" we use such words in composition do they be come more and" more articulate and less and . less onomatopoeic, while at the same time they tend to become widened . and conven tionalized in meaning. At laet when we talk of .whizzing wheels. 01 a Dancing aoor. 01 girine a w M m friend a puff in the papers or of aexterousiy ooomioga new in vention we have almost lost sight ofonomatopoeia altogether. Even when we remark that the cat purrs or that we distinctly heard a loud thud at a'distance we are scarcely conscious of imitative intention Longman's Magazine. . DalnUe8 For The Kick. In providing dainties for sick people it should be remembered.! that sweet things are seldom as tempting to the sick as they would be if the person were in health. Tart sweets,, such as crab-apple jelly or current jelly, are generally acceptable, but strawberry pre serves or jelly will sicken. They belong to the- cloving sweets. As a general thing, salty things taste best to the convalescent; a weak builloni rather salt, or a bit of nice sweet ham, with some buttered toast tasting of the salty butter, a soft boiled egg well salted, a slice of bacon with dry toastali these will be eaten by a sick person who would not want to touch them if well. One prime requisite in catering to sick people is to be neat about it, and serve things daintily. Medical News. - Almost a New York Dally. That Democratic wonder, The New York .Weekly AVorld, has jost changed its weekly into a twice-a-week paper, and you can now get the two papers a week for the same old price ?1.C0 a year. Think of it J The news from New York right at your door fresh efery three days 104 papers a year. h-. We have made arrangements by which we can furnish this paper and th twice, a-week New York World all for only 2.00 a year: Here is the opportunity . to get your own local paper and The New York World twice every week atsxtraordlnarilj low rates. "' i ,: It Didn't Work. Biway -Use an alarm clock now adays r ; I'.K.i... ';r "-y".r: . Jigsun- No : " never . tried one but once.?,." Ui--C v : V:.--. BiwayIIow; was that fJ: v . t Jigsop-Well, you-see, the first time it went off I didn't "exactly knowfwhatit was and so -I said : 'fXfrfoT beaveh'ssakeMaria, shot up I : Maria happened "k to be awake, and well, .that is .ho w it was. Boston Courier. '? y'i 1 ; 03 SHOE"" . . i a. CORDOVAN,. FRLfOtA EHSKOiiD CMS. 3.UF0ttCEf3Scux" EXTRA ITNt. ' LADIES'.-; 3IND Ton cjrriooue WL'DOL'CtAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Ts eas save mmnr fcy varcksslM W, L l(is hk . : Bcaac. we re tu Urpert ntactrT of dTertUed tbo in th world, mad purtnle the vln by turapini tls tm nd price oo the bottom, which Trotect r" Xla hig price nd th mlddUmmn'a profit. Oorkx- eq aal custom wock in tyle. ey Sttin nd wearing- qualities. We kaire tbem old every where at tower prtee for the valm rtr th uyothermake. Take no aubctitaie. If your dealer cannot aapply you. w caa. &old by PETtRY & PATTEOSOf, - ; ;. - Yoan3TiUe, N. C. . f . . 1 ' , The 5ext Cocjrcss Will be Demo ' :- :'v..r-eratie. ;.'.- Cor. Caltimore Ban. f The . prognostications of." the Democratic congresipnal commit- ee are based on firm fonndation. The next House - of: Representa- ivns will be Democratic, and it will have the power to compel the proper ; meed or tariff reform. Even if the majority of the peo ple of the United States were not for tariff reform, olber and far reaching influences in the coming elections would inevitably tre- vent Republican supremacy.; . LaTEa news from the forest (Ires in. Minnesota- indicate 1 that .the early reports, instead of exagger ting the condition of affalrs,failed to fully describe ;.the '.havoc wrought by the terribly destruct ive flames that have swept over hat section. In: the densely set tled countries of Asia, famine, floods and pestilence frequently usher large numbers of. human beings into eternity, bat in this country ' the instances of such wholesale destruction to life and property as that which has recent ly, taken place iir the Northwest have been almost unknown. Prairie fires have prevailed in the West since the earliest settlement of that country, and much dam age baa been caused by them at various times, but no such de structive .conflagration as that wmen nas recently . desolated a large portion of Minnesota baa previously occourred that we can now recall. The calamity rivals In magnitude in the extent of destruction to human life the Johnstown disaster and the floods which visited the Gulf coast and sea islands a snort time ago.- Durham Sun. Albion Academy, STATE NORMAL AID INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL rnxTKEra aewiox will, sect OCTOBER 1ST. 1804. This School offers the benefits of a bbcral education to young men and ludiee of color. It is located at Franklin ton, N. C, on tho East side of the S. A. L. Railroad, about one hundred yards, th rre minutes walk from the station, and in a park oi three acres. It commands a pic turesque view of the surrounding country, and La free' from malarial and pulmonary diseases. The buildings are ppadous, well ventilated, and suitably adapted to the romtort of the stnne&ta. Scholarship, $15.00 for a terra of 8 months, incloTJiog board and washing. Tuition, I ree. For further particulars address, BEY. JXO. A. SAME, i; U., Presliist raaStXIXTOx5. C FARMERS TAKE N0TIC3. ' . - We have opened a market and stock exchange at Clifton's old corner, and want to buy beeves and - hogs of "any . size. Mikh cows, mutton or lambs, and fowls of all kinds.' All' that want meat of any kind send ns your orders. Everything as represented. :We mean business, call and - see us. . .. E.J. RA.OSDAJi & Co. -4 - WANTED ;- Live, merjr-tie mm to cavvaa. an eliioca mn& collxt In Vaor. FniAkua. W . Mi and GranrlUe eovatiea. We faroiah a Bicv light raocing roo. ignt to ramUk bora and baroeaa and make $ZOO bond.. We offr a good aaisry or waarWoi con tract, on ooUer wbirh an aoeeKrtle nu en aaake and mi money. - Men cm jcwi roaka-cp do well to f- empJo.rmt a ita this com pan; tor 11 ooreWJ tary will be promote! to poadtioc of treakter trmat aud reopoRiribUity. - - . The KiBfrer UannUcttfrioe; Coopaiiy. -'.AddrtM . J. rT0irOJr, j II. llAtxrv, v..t. Dtatrkt Awt. Maaiwrer. , - Umderaon. Jl. C. Wilmington, X.C. -. ; Aoa.ia,U. 'v. NOTICE. - - - - s , .. - . - : Uavfcfr qnslified aa ' AJniJntrtrator ot Ambrpa fprhtirv-Q. an rwraufui owiar hi twtat. noticed to come for ajij. pay at otter, and all nevaon Lc4.1n(? Haifa aTunt hi tate, U1 reei thctia torpnyvwtit on or before Anjcnat S. 1 895. or tbl aotio wUl be pleaded la bar ot their recovery. TUi Anrot 3, ins W. O.rrcacam. AJm'r.. "CM.Coom, Atrj. . - k TOBACCO STRIPPED. All persons dealriuff their tobaeeo stripped snd graded in Urst-tla order, nn him it dona for t& a thonMad bv brlnfrlDr It to rnr bnaa. on and a fcaif milrtaoath of Loobbar?. EAlWatiion gaaranted, . - " . W, "W. IlotJitft. NUMBER 5a Coffins aniCastt. We hare added to our already complete line of wdbdTand cloth, epvered CoGns and Caskets , S3UD wiioT ccmis 11D tnim: , Also a line of UETAL1C3 as nice and fine goods as is ' car ried in auy 01 our cities. Our stock is complete in every line. Respectfully, i R. R. UAuaJB & Co. Louisburg, N. C. TAR RIVER STOCK PAKM. Raisa Year Bacon. Uatlca, Beef, Ml and MMu Pure Bred Dnroc Jersey Pigs, . Pure Pml Oxford down Becks, Pure Bred Jersey Heifers and BULL CALVES. My cows have butter record oi 20 pounds per week. Ikt Boll,' Boar and Ram in America at the head of my herds. My stock is rrg- . istered. Write for what you want and I will supply you at reutonabie prices. W. L. ifcOHEE, Franklin ton, X. C. LOUISBURG Carriage. Shops. The undersigned having leased the Louisburg Carriage Shops, together with the Blacksmith Shops attached thereto, desires to say to tb people of Franklin and adjoining counties that he is prepared to do all kinds of work id bis lino at short notice. If you wish your vehicles of every kind repaired and repainted in the very beat manner by first class workmeu you can have. the wcrk done at my shopt promptly and at reasonable rates. I snail have a first-class workman fn the Blacksmith shop, who will fully understand his buiioft, and will guarantee satisfaction in every particular. . - . l yon will give me" your work: you shall be satisfied.' ' " Very respectfully, - ; n. a taylor, Furniture repaired at short no tice and in the very best manner. FU ANKLIIS'TON HOTEL -h i' E. IdV WARD, PropV ' : 1 . Good accommcdacooa. ervants . and tne beat urs tne marxet - ; ,,. arbnic: -- ;."-.''-.' Good Livery la ecnoectloa wiii bolcl Feefl Sale S Livery STABLES; V HAYES & PIKKEU,. Prc-rlrr. LOUlSBUHQ, Tl O. ' - GOOD TEAMS AND ' roimiiiYEni SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TEAT EUXQ HEX. ' -