ft - w 7 ' A .v.; - r.. - - t u- volxxiy; TO P SCIIO OL TEA CHERS. The Superintendent Of," Public Schools of Franklin county -will r be in Louisburgon the second TbuW day of February,: April, July, Sep tember, October and December; and J remain ior turee clays, 11 necessary; for the purpose of examining ' applk cants ttTteach in the Public- Schools of thia county;- I" will also be in Loulsburg on; Saturday of each Teek, and all public days, to attend jo any business connected with my office. s - ' . f - j J.'N. HAHBis,Suptr JLi-o te o n a. t s u rcl sr. - - t - '3d. COOKE &' SON, ATTOftSK Y S-iT-UW, " - - LOtJISBUBtf, S. C W" Will atten l the- courts of Nash, Franklin, GraaTUte, Warren and Wake eoaaties, also the Hupreine Coart of A'orta C&roliup,. and the U. 2. Circuit jjiJ IMatriot Coarts. " D 4.J" , O.Sce two ft oora Delow . Ay oosko & , Co.'a firatf atoru, adjuioing JJr. O. L. Kills.;' .. ' DR.' W. H.s HICHOLSON, ' ' 'V'- PBAcrricisa physician :rr " - - ; -j- - . -i '-' ")V - EW. TIMBBSL AKfi, - " - v, ATTOENBT-ATLAW, , , " LouiSBUBfl, K". a ' ' ' Office on Mala street." 1 - , " 5 Tf S. 8PEUILL, : ' , , ;attorset-.t-law,- - ' . 10U1SBTJE9, JT." C. . ' - Granvia, Warren and Wak toantiea, aUo the Supreme Coart of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to couecuous, so. N. T. -affLLBT.,r-. ; ATT QRNBT-AT-LAW, ; All legal baalneas promptly attended to. npHOS. B. WILDER, f -t . r - - ATTORNET-AT-XAW" Office on Stain street; over Jones & Cooper's stole. . - ATTOTttmY-AT.I.AW,"-'- L3UISBUBO, W. a Practices In all courts. Offlfie In the Court House. -- - , Dentistry,;-- W. H. EDWARDS- op WAKE FOBE3T, N.'C. . v ' - " -k. . - - - a" I W.l Vmt Tnnisthnr-r on Moni1av.Tu,saaV t and Wednwuiaj following the tfrt Tiday l in e.xirh month prepared to to ulV kin ds oil D-ntal work. , .- - . ' Mt OtBcointUfiMeftdowsHoteL . DENTIST,- - . LODKSUIlG,-N. d V: ; Offic over itacketStore, "X.' G ra d ai'tn Ba 1 timore : -..Dental I CJollege; T Mt-n- r-f oar vears active fipprwrroe A:;p;vinTiT trptii x sMiniALTY.' -"Natural teeth removed and nw ones inserted in Lmisbanr is mp home -for - better i or w re aaa you win. aiwaya-AiuiA : ujo r.MJy to correct at my own expense any work thatinay prove onsatistactory.-" - Very truly.- - - . - -- Dentist.. YARBOUGHXMVIS; 4 aavs I " III I ne biaoKsmitfis -J OP LOUISBORG.' .r wv .!- -r'-"'..-:;" i: 1- All work in onr line'doae on short no' we, ana sausraenon guaranueeu, s . ' j. . - . a, .3 ' I we nave our new-snop itue nu wsu iu alley in good shape ana are Deuer;. pre par.'a man ever w serve ur , uaw mr.n. J. IVl.CrHSLL., THE TINNErt.; f ;t In nrenaml to Aa all tind of tin Work, re pairing, jcc. ah '-wont guarunieBu of business on Main street in house Tecontly occupied by F. Pftrritjh. . -; - -; OOt3IVI Uril iCiiT - G. D. OSBOEN, . Proprietor, .:- diford.iLi;'- ' r " Good .accommodations for-;the J ravenncr public. ? ' R.'R,'.OBOSSEN. ; FIRST , CLASS PAINTERr - ;- V LotnsBURG, 3 . c. , - - ' t nit ali tj Al?r.mv uftrriftea to.thenuu- licand will say that I am. prepared to -itn all Vinda of hon.se naiatinff;- grain ing &c My work in Loaisburg speaka for itself, and I refr to, all parties for whom I have worked.; Old farnitare mtie new. Give me yodr patronage, and you shall be pleased. . STILL AT. THE BRIDGE BLACKrSMITHING, Where I am well known and prepareato do my same work. I hope you will see me as yon havs done oefore. - You will nd me on th. e aiia ni t.ha R1vr trldflr. M&iu street - Lnniihnw. w c.j. While I am doinff all kinds i of Miu-ksinlthlnir. don't foreet fhat lam Af Kiiirarnitit,tr rinn't. forsret hat I am also prapaaed lo repa on new locks &a I have a lew guns waien i air your gun, bucu o yuyiiuK hivve repaired that win D toia u noi cauwu iyr in ten days. Yours truly1 A. T, Kkax RUFFIN & LEViIS. ' . BLACKSMITHS , , "We are prepared to do all kinds of work in our line.- Call to see us at our shop near the Louisburg mills. . Pvtroni. VonV A Po - Contractors, of Raleigh, N C, do oiva, n. w "- . , . an Kinds ot - building, c, at pneets to suit -the times. II you intend building; write this firm. ; tf. Mill tWi hra nV nnta and otton Seed msl forVowa at rrenshaw. Ilkks & MONE AND fefifiAtC : By, the report of the Director of the -Mint- it appears' that from 1793 to 392 inclusive"; tbe'United States had. coined in gold $1,612,-405,375,-and jtiTailrer;. including fractional coins $695,460,521; or a total. cqinageof . $2,307,863,896. Thus it wi.iJbe noticed' that about 33 per cent." has been gold..' Does any manthiuk, -then,1 that "silver drove, the" gold out of the" conn try.? On th other Wnd; it,wis the bal ance , of -trade, in -our-favor and neither silver.' nor. sold 'will' be umiuwi - vM tbatit' makes'? itaEir ftr:os ta pay debts abroi"d" which' paid in gold; when we h volume of si I v er Vm dn ey- in 11 se at houie f v Would "it; make it any easier for people to live at home; if onehalf thewheat, being spring wheat, aiid. one-half winter wheat, should take that . odt'of " the couir- try ?s It" strikes. . us that spring wheat makes bread that is a' great I deal better'than no breltd, anoT' in iaCtiit ia just as HOOd bread as that made from winter wheat, aud -be sides this the people at homa would be better able to workrand raise more winter wheat lif they could hare pleuty of bread to' eat.", .Let us mine all the gold "and. silver we can and' Jet - it - be coined into money, the more good money i;tho better.'-? -No natio'n ever.had' too much gold and silver coinedCin to money .Durham Sun," peeping" Sweet Potatoes Tnroxiffh the c , : --Winter.' - - "V - The "following method I -have found -;to ; keep sweet-potatoes in perfect f der, linti I June : Procure o T t t t fiunrvltTr.f .iiinn ct.nm rfnm i v w . w a jr -vr.' waul ouiun 14 uiu n ft J t the woods in a dry time and keep - ., , , - , - '--rJv vover reauy ior ute. -xjig r.ntatno n snnn na Vrre -nt the; vines. :4f' not -convenient -to dig at ..once, cut the-xfrosted - vines off at .once,, or 'they will 'harbor fungus - growth that will damage thev potatoestVDig Joxt a,, warm sunny day 4ay the potatoes along the'rovv as" .dug, and dov not allow tu to piles, llaudle-at all, times as ... . .-v.,-- .. - . -v- - , . y in the sun dnriug the-day and In the -evening haul to a -convenient place; -Place a good ' layer, a foot thick,, of "pine 'or other, straw- on- the ground, and on this, pile the potatoes, in 'steep heaps, not over 25 buahels . in a pile. Cover the piles thifcKiy all-over with the dry .. . L -" . - "S- - r ' . - - r pme siraw now , nuua a jongo a ' 7. aT" " . iv- s ' ' m :: , toard 6nea over-, tne uils, ana let them ' remain until the weather growar coiderrorruntij they - have off.' V Then cover the heaps with earth six or eight inches thick and beat smootn.7 'X no; important points are tne . sweating Tinaer tne pre- , - .- , vious cover joi the pine straw be- fore covering with earth, very care a umij ui a a. j a aa w a w w vaa.a w t v overhead. Dry earth'-keeps ont more cold than -wet earth i Lf f or family : use; 'putin smaller piles Lna;'Wor,'ni; -1 heap 1 at once for- use,t keeping them in. a" dry warm place v while nsing. W. F.Alassey Jtiorticullnrist, J- U. Experiment StatioT. ? 4.This"is-a good7 town to'- rise in, .observed tbe -editor, as-tne cyclone lifted ; him to the top of a tall pine, ' but when men start on the'downward road, he'added, as he Jost his bold, their : cfescent is hgl W.- L.,USLAS: V 0 3 ' 3 K O IX NO 8QOSARIN 6 ;-. FRNCH& ENAMELLED CALF. nrJECALF&KKBASCl 43.19PCUCE.3S0LE9. -ios.012. WCRK!NGMEN - EXTRA FINE. u ' 2 A7 BsckcolShoes. : LADIES- SSENO FOR CATALOGUE . . ; Van tan save money by pwrchasiag V. i -UongrlBS bhoe, . . Because, we are the largest manufacturers or 1 oriwrtised shoes in the world, and guarantee k,. .f.n.nv the name and nrice on the bottom, whicji protects eaual custom worlc ia style, easy fitting and wearing qualities.' We have them sold every ti mirtn! imtttl'9 Croats. where at lower pnecs iui b , t any other make. Take no substitute. Jf your dealer cannot supply you, we can.- Sold by pi3ATtTZ'& rATTERSO, r - WAN EATEP.3 OF THE PACIFIC. -Ekart That Ate th Dread f tho CaJI - -" " ' fornla TIUriuen. - - . The true man eater 6h:irk an taien on the J'aciiio coast ia knovn only as a taaix eater. ,The bIiotc! nosctl eiasirka ora sand sharks,' too .-'cowardly : to att.ick ven a yellow dog. . -The 34 foot shark captured by some flsbcrracu of ' tb.3 trne man eater variety (Carcharodoa carcba- rias) eeemed brjve enongh and . sava'ia I ouuugo ro.airnLic -aoyuung wjuwn l a xeacn. mxma monster's month, was wide. I tbe teeth ions end sharp, with an in- ward incline, Tho stomach. would hold j in a net off 'Point Lama. Two boat? at- tacked tba vicions xreatnre and finally! tjuweeueu in - puiiciJiiiir an 1 iron into ita ,ifnTa in by a blow iorcible enough tqfc knock ono nsbeman overboard. :;rV f -r- this awful fish,-which alreatly has tho record of having eaien six men. It has ve v "rMT , , , it ha" riewm rlicortlmwl with l-irM-rt t'.t v the shark still lives.- The tiger shark is as ferocious as the man eater. Another Xarge shark boutT; is; thobasking snark. -It is taken-measuring 15 to 40 feet in length. .-, The skin of ono 32 feet long is, at Stanford University '.mnsennu' SZSrSMiKSSSZ i 'tirtft KTnnii hnt -nrt it .tin wa Is to be raiseil- against God. have to be oarsman. Axaan eater over 42 feet long 1 In'snch'a. spirit as ' that, he fin ave'-a: fair! has been- reported: below-San: Diesa l.hPfl'.'iTiAl' nit f Kt-l?f- ed 180 gaUons.oaV;rhese Bharks,. onlyr,three8he had- at a; single however, are slnggishlazy .and ; do not bloV.t She ; ! was there in'; that bite peopla "Their gill rakers are on the ' tVAnV-vVW-i" : r-. : whamodel WheL entangled in : n H0QSei" presence, and -com- they fre(ontly snfECCatci as the not re stricts the gills. : ; ; ; ? I"'-." five foot atarte trwiicJ accocnt when from Jsau Dit'go.wbarves black -sea baea are canght six to eight feet long weigh- , common.-: TbeyetalienvWhark j ! books' and clothcsIincsIWhen hooked, tuo nsn ia allowed ta swim aoont the n e is -est ansicd, the inio is . named in, and the fish - killed with an ax. New York Tribune THE HUMAN LEG. Scientific rredlctloQ TTlat It Will Dcteri- - orat Greatly In Future Generations. J vya. f aria -con-cspcaiaen,. writes, -A Frenoh-caricaturist has been showing ns wbat cjcliKts will come, to in a fcw generations, Tho future yelocG mah is from,1 tuo hips tip like tho definition m i a . . m , - n ' low the belt ha U swollen out with hard" tiesn and mnscles,. and-tne -calves are monstrously big.". Prof essor Yc-g t;f the fiP-nTii-TO,Htv. nn tlm rb hn'L- believes that tho time is cpnuagwhav human bcinga wiU have nolegs to fpeak oi. vvcat witn cyc-nng, tno -nreat of civilisation now seems ta ber to ena ble ns to move ahcrct without nsing feet and legs.-' It is fact getting on to elec trieal hackney coaches and radoer bal loons. :. The' tendency i3 to throw all the mosctihrr activity into 'thQ hands -and ariiis. '.Pi'Ofessor Ynng believes that the future :htacaa creatnro will have;the survivals of nether lir:Wid merest Teeth will probably be dwnrfed. also by tho constrjifycso of soft food that need not ho chewed, hut as tho march of intellect will increoso in paco the brain win ,wrm r.f -n-nr t h ctanrfla the admiration of a dciitist would al mosti Beern a.vbeastofprcy.Ljndca JMeWS. - r-- :r:-iyri.- CtalncM I Teahouses. . . . . , v - . t i" .- tafc-pa f.hfl nlsonnf-tlm WtRtprn rlniirnnrii.; All the current news and gossip are here, circulated and discussed over their eat- XeSSSS ticed; seems to consist in thrpwingTsfceir fingers at one another, and Bhouting at vaj7 buu . v uiuu . f wvoo, ;.w iotui Chinamen- make Bigny on their, fingers op to the: numeral ten.a . - The , Chinese of all., nations seem - to- live in order to eat,' and from this race of excellent than reason meet stewed with' vegetables and served witha 'piquant aaucejOioQd radishes 'and 'Unions, ;with vinegar, two Joaves of Chinese 'moLmd, or steamed .bread,; and a pot cf tea - would usually; cost us aoouw cents rapievery.v thing .in China is sliced so-that it .can be eaten with the chopsticks.." These we at length learned to manipulate with sufiV cient dexterity to'pick up a dove's egg, ; the highest attainment in i.the : chop- stick 'art. -The .Chinese havd'rather a sour than a sweet tooth." Sugar is rarely. j i . . classes use,- are really more tasty with out it. Century. A Town Wit h Ko lawyers. ' In the 'town of Oberweisenthal, in. Saxony, , disputes between the inhabit ants are so rare that .there ..is no room for a lawyer. ::A Leipsio merchant, who applied to the tribunal at Oberweisen thal for the . address of ; a' counsel, re ceived : the - following reply, We have the honor to inform you that there i3 no advocate here, but ; the barber, - Fritz Eiel, represents tho interests of litigants h in civil cases. v . - " - i : v -' ; To tell mushrooms from toadstools, without eating and waiting for results,, peel an oniou and pat it with the fungi while being cooked. .If . the onion re-" mains white, eat with confidence; if it turns black,' oaf it not, if you value lif a. Statistics prove that not less than 3.2Q0 babies are bom. every day on United Pta.tcs roih of beauty with these anatomical changes whitesof ; three' eggs. .Wotklhe will alter When tLcy do, a rerscn with pastov together.'dip the bands in Ide tho Gobi districwas Jar Abetter- t0 He idle- bow to:: grass and in Turkey or ' Persia, and for this plow n nder. '.: The farm oii w hicb we are better awe to endure tne r -i- , - . LOUISliUlIG, H C.f FRIDAY, NOVEMBER THE POWER THAT ilOVEU IHil. . There was one who told this of his father, long years ago. His father and another able scholar were two of . the most brilliant men "of tho year at Cambridge, I suppoao.-r now eomethiug like seventy vears aso. Thev finished their collea ,0!,rfl t0ethBr. mm. , , ' "'m ,: OUfc lwo eenior - scnoiars 01 Trinity; College.: The father's J a do not ,. believe now that there is any power in the world ui i . . - Ithat can convmcexne that there is a liodr-or. that it can be knowp. h That ws n flnA ; KoUt' f.-r ra?n.lPS thinking himself. to be in an -impregnable fortress, tvhich no power pf Uod can break; down I - . . I A.litile .bile after' taking his. 1 degree " he . was - snendioff - some time' ina "cohnt honse.t Wmbu" I , . v , 0 the guests came a lady whd, withr l in a few .weeks, had loet her hus I baud -an J , three : child,ep-tLe f Pn7 .f the atheist," Jnst after the blow had - fallen upon -. her;.? All k"e1 J V . "4. ?ltied or 1 1 ;om aooui inai -woman Ihe'rV was Vucbi 1 aii nnearthly peaceueli.an unanswerable calm a nd .presence of God,'; that : the pr0ud man was -bowed " to the dust, arid he said to himself:?"-;" u There - is God 'whom I- do not know- :P i For weeks : he: J fonght "against the couvictiori, and during these weeks the - spiritvof Godv strove luu Mm-.-h;v B;-.i .- - - - .. . . . V one the turrets,': fortresses and walls - which- be: had . built" up. 'iir tlX.t liifilt.-v- I a u w a wavuflLUsa ui iAJ vuau no W to Godan vbt mble .child to the I foot of 'the ; Cross. ' It " was the l - Il" s cu j ..i"" P0Wer Jf , filled . Wltb the i noiy unost tnat troae down tne atheism of the most cultured man of the ayPelected. . , Rccipc for Almond Macaroons. ilPour boiling 'water over half ,'a pound of shelled almond?, remove the, outerl ekiu and pliinge into 0lJ .;Wat eupound.them . to ,.,a' smooth paste, ' adding a teaSpoonfiil ' of lemon essence "add a pound of 5 - . - ". - , ..' ! ' pulverized sugar and the beaten - J,waieranu roi ine pasre into Daws 'I. .11 11 s a a. (the size of large notmegs.''Lay tAnKittraa9.'ViariA, 'tni.f,.4.'a OndpaSS fln- t Mc -oin ,uet uiaiaxuvus .w uiaKB I - - . - "-r ft be m i . smooth ; aud i shining. Set I m a cool oven for; forty-five min- ute,. Thesa E,acrooM are very j nice, ana; ii maae' rignt are, as good as' those made by", coufee a , - qvlmproye tbe Poor Bpots. ;: If. there are poorsDots on the poor.-: soit,VJTotbiD" was done wUb it'- until a few -years since" -:. ; v -- when it was improved by sewing J orchard grass 'and turning- it un 4er;--nt . war then sown -to wheat - .--, . . -: ' . . " and another crop of orchard grass turned' under- In this way and i,y '-f ree application of b,arnyard ,J. t - Z , manu're it was made argood fields The soil was"1, sandy. -Farmers 1 oice.. - - -What Goes with What. Some cooks never 'know "just what to serve with different meats as relish. ; Following, is a table of things considered the proper caper i.::. With roast beef, grated horseradish ;: roast mutton, cur rant jelly ; boiled mutton, caper sauce ;; roast pork, apple sauce ; boiled chicken, bread sance; roas lamb, mint sauce ; roast turkey oyster-sauce ; venison or wild duck, black currant jelly ; broiled fresh "mackerel, sauce or stetved gooseberries : boiled . bluefish white cream sauce ; broiled ehad boiled rice and salad ; compote o pigeons, mushroom sauce ; fresh salmon, green peas with cream sauce i roast gocse, applo sauce. i no wcro uvxu' uiu wu: avrca vi W,-1801. Timely Eee Kotes. Carbolic acid and tar are eaid J to be a specific for foal brood. Thick, well-ripened honey will net granulate so readily as that which is so thin. If , the honey . is overheated, both the color and ths transpa rency are injured,, It is better to have to) mieh than too little honey left in the hives for the boes supplies. In rendering beeswax a tinor brass - vessel should always .. be used. An- iron vessel tends, to darken it.' ' - - . -, There is au instinct In bees o sabstitute a superannuated qneen with a new ene as soon as she be - comes i if capable of- discharging j the queen's funclions. 'v While the black bees are better architects than the Italians "and can gatberas much" honey, . the latter are much tbemoro docile arid are easier bandied! : - -Wbeh-the, weather is hot and dry especially the hives should be well shaded; - Unless shaded the combs may .melt down, and then the bees will remain idle. " - vAfter the honey season is fairly" over take most of the honey away from .the . bees, so that they will not rear a large number : of bees that will be consumers cmly,- Elpaning Tomatoes m Winter. : i K mnntr tTia m fttiir nltns 4 list il--r: rJ r.-i.t liSTB ubou tirupvuiurBsiiujfiuo i..r... ' . i wmaiQCK WBKB remaiu unripe the coming of frost,; we bavelsmoking car. Tbe condnceor no- round tne-loiiowing tne most sat- ' 's - lsiaciory .... vk., , , : , When aharn frost la imminent ----- --r . ratiier all tne creen tomatoes. Vrr i -" , . Wrap each separately in pape old - newspapers- will do. rNow pack them in boxes and . store in a cool -place, "ust .warm- enough 'to. b- aeenre from frost- but tiot warm, the. object being to keep, not to -ripeii tbemV: Bring out a fau, .'( . M -,ao,1a,1 - .-- . - 1. ripen a few iayg in advance, .in his way'webave for several years bad, sliced tomatoes on bar able up to the , middle of Janu ary. W." F. Massey, Horticultu rist, N." C. Ef er I mnt ; Station "Somethinjr About Hosiery. "": j A cotton" stocking is preferfed by many women to a lisle thread, as the', twist "of" the' thread in the lisle ones irritates the soles of tho f eet. r Dark-bl ue. and black stor k-1 iugs are - liked for -street wear, except where tan shoes are worn. and then, of course the stockings matcn tne snoes..:-1 nonavy-oiae stocking is nsnaWy .chosen by. those vrno una tnat tne aye irom a black stocking affects their ekiu. a . . This is by no means common, but the-very minute it is discovered one; should 'cease .'.wearing .the blacK and select anoiber. coipr, or eise wear. wuite, ioi- ouo. never . .. . : knows to what extent a skin dis order may go. -With ; gray; .or scarlet shoes or slippers the stock ings . are- chosen to " match, and thesevmay. be gotteu iu silk at a ranch lower price than is given for black ones. ; . ".;:'' -;.V:;- - ''This. is an age of universal selfishness,' grumbled tbe croaker recently in our. presence.. . If a man greets , me, , with more than -, . . i ' ,4 . . nana! cordiality. Iknow.it isnot irom any- personal love my pres. ence may have lnsp it is-because be b -. . .. i .. 3 !i- n !.t!. ' : grjna anu it ues wimin my power to expedile the nanipula- ' lIUUQf a. - v: w ta v vuw va vv sa .mm unasked favor, I expect- to be ""j- f'i - r7ieeg renueraa someiims in the fnttire. If another courts mv ni.t.tv.-wiiVB?fni ni t v' T uuwvvi r 1 J am nnnleasantlv reminded of the fo.t tli t li a i 1 tnl. t a in want mr vote to further his political possi bitilies.. Of course there may be ininely sincere, unselfish .. , j . 4, . a few gen people tell, aoove grounu ju tms designing age, but I believe the . . . quietude of tbe cemeteries. Durham Sun. , Bucklcn's Arnica tialre. The best sale in the world for mta. bruises, sores, tsli-rs. salt r!erim. fJ-r sores, tetter, rharp-d haud, rbilb!ain, corns, and all skin ruptiorm, and pofcitirci j enrrs iiilt or no pay. it i jr-ifant-d to give at:Mf;M-tion or monc.r r?tau.!i. l'rii's urcpnts pr box. For sale tv XTiomas A Ajcocke. A COSTLY II CD. A Bombay man has constructed a bedstead priced at ten thousand rupees. It has. at its four cor ners .fonr fulF-ixed gaudlty- dressel Grecian damsels thos at the head holding banjo3,whl!e those on the right and left feet hold fans. Bsneath ths cot it a musical box, which extends alone tbe whole length of the cot, and is capable of playing twelve dif ferent charmmu airs. The music Ueginrijng tho moment the least pressure is brongbt to bear from the top, which is created by-ene s'.eeping or sitting, and cass the moment th in Jividaal rises. While the music is in progress the' lady banjoists at the hsad manipulate tbe strings with, their ugers aud move, their beads, while the two Grecian damsels at the bottom fan tie sleeper .to sleep; Thero is a button at the foot of the cot which, after - a little pressure," brings about a cessation 6T the music, if each be the desire of - the "occoDaut. Evening Wisconsin. , v Capid'a Tclcaraph. : C '. Acondactor of the Consolidated railroad discovered an ingenious case of cupid'e telegram receatly. lie was telling about it. A cer tain yon nc man beloncinir in Hartford visits a young lady in j a : auhnrhan town almrtt "everv I . Trf i .V uigoi. . Xie comes aome-on ine ! i . . ... , . I last train aua aiwaya sits i,ne tlced for avrbile that the youutf I I . - . . -., .:. . . . I man goonin train at tne way Utatlon inJ liirhtl a rlo-ap TK 1 I 4 I tram nausea near tbe hQuaa of tbe 1 " ' :; . " , young mans sweetheart. Ualy tbe other night the conductor no- tlced a light waved twice in an upper window of tbe bouse. He I noticed tbe young man, too,-and I was amused to see that he had j just lighted a match for bia. cigar and. was waving at twice close i tas .winapw, renr,ainz -too 1 p0S(. lluUbeaoU HuitA,. Croutons in tomato and bean aonri a.iA ta their attractiveness. are easily prepared by DUt- tering a slice, oL bread oa both sides, cutting it into tiny squares, and browning them in toe oven. -Boiled; milk,' with a little salt! added to -make, it palatable, is one of the most healthful drinks. It soothes an irritated stomach, nourishes the' Jlesh tissues and I veuas ; to ; mate tne compiexiun i vcar- , n.A.n ; n.n .hnnld be nied in I -. -- I 1 . paUiK avla ribboiis and silks fft- r,rM(.raatirtn ?'th , chlorida of lim-- in . whlte paper discolors! tQem. " A white saUn -drew I .l.nni.l li ; ninnrl'un in bins pai I na .-.uk brawn naner outside. ii . . -ewn together at the edijes. Wife Anything 'w new in ; tbe sermon this morning T Hueband -I guess there must bave been; I didn't get to sleeps until it was half over. j . : v . ,Two Lives Saved. llrs. Phoebe Thomas," cf Junction City, HL, waa told by her doctors ah had Coatampttoo. audtuatiaerv was n- hope tor tt, bat two boul uf Dr. Kinir'a KawDiooery cum pltlr cured J, ,ad she aayn it nvd br lif. tlr. aayB it rarra ut iu. iir. j ino. tsgsers, isj ritrwa is, raa tnj. ! on bottw of Dr. Kin a ew U;scverr n4 u tvro w.k camJ lu fi natorally thaukfol. It U aach nrsalu. t?aaK(W - " - sa m aa m n?ssi that "V sraram tb woaderfnl fSlacr of this tamiicin j in Cong ba and Colds. PreetriUboUlwa I Jarix We and 11.00. i . 1 If China continues to get the worst of it in this war 'ehe will i . . . . be sorry , she ever invented gun rPOWder. Electric Litters. ,3 eo a Idowd ind w popoiir to iw?J no spcisl meolwn. All wha he nr-I iileCtrio m sicg the aarce Banff of prtw. A pa eiint anl it i s rer ntdic:Qe dves o'.'t paarantefd to d.j all tint JL.trctrio iiittrs win rare all di--v9 rf tbe Lirrp i rilorys. wa ill rvraore Pimply Il-nls. h.ill Kaearn and othf r 3"fcti.ns raa-iby iapare bl.Hi. Will drir JU'.tr: f r nn th Bytfra und pri.vrit as wt-11 ns eirn all MaltrUl fTf rn. Vor earn of Ht-3 J'e'.if, C-a-tipatioa ril iDditioa try L!-c-trh r.r.teri nntir-s stiTa-ti.n pt;r-antr-t-J. or ra ny rrfunie-J. rr.es T i c?. an I f 1.0J p-r b )'.tltf a; Ajccke Cvj'a. Dr j r fieri. ired. but that ei0' T-. . urt'r CV,1' Unn every cent it is worth. Brin ireu, .Dproacbin? ConiumDtirta. tried with- Unn.tnWH. :m as . an axe to oat ryult rverytUmjeU-the bo0j?ht vrnn x-, tv .Fis 1 . . i . , ratitliwj I t ovj ar-J cti 4mrm Ac . tst llry Afi fa -n t i I'.nr aal to ti ;rWt t. ! lr at tob'.j iUrj at tbiart IIn:iiftof u lxt -urjr. .V. C . ftn TJsr 2nH day c4 Nota t--r 101. at 12 ci.w k ta , ti fUoalcf TaJ aO rri Mat. io-ii lit Trwi: H.tai4 ia Frael r.s as Warrra tosot. S Jt 4 N on a Crr-.t a. o lb watrn ft lu? isSkorm aa4 U?t SSou Cr. aijo4)iC t La la els sf J vt a A. Hart, P. A.DTt. Mi ly Uati. bh Autoa 4 I. ms rv tBj co,rrj by Jar iimii R. T. Ora.T lonawi'jw. v Wt A. Ufrba4 by dl iwor jl tn tt of. a A t nc tT ril for raU.s Ussir. X. C. a " IVook rira 735. -hi . aai Kxa , pars 41. l rp-tf ly. s-I Trnrt : rTtl ia ta CTsaty of rraokln. r4 rVb CaJ,r-a ai to- K'4?!;?. 5. fef-r- ttTitiOMI. 8i3Jj6lF ISISflOT A. TSoa, W. II YarfwrosrV, tt Ktitaof f 'j m i Harria. lira. II. Pfo-li, E. ff:aejr. ). r. . li.uci-i n 1 !f, ac iiaci a t ! 1 1 o5 or C J T fart " C S tai I C 'jO m BBora or Iwi-bnit o" d trart ol ta1 r-aTT1 by W. 1C. DaTK at J. aa4 J. 8. Wjaea. GsarJUa t4 Msry A. Uorb. t" Mary A- 3i oraA a i tt r-? satizGt thaixntw . . . . M r r J . I . r 4f r-Ja Jot Fraakn Coast, 5. U, ia book W, pass T3rlaq. Jr.! Tract : Bitsata J ia tVa aa Cowsty aaJ !:a:a. an i aJjoalac tas Ucti o4 tWs pamapjrtW as maatioawj m tte o - tioa ol Tf ft o. 3. M ims aa ia Lj.nfafcrr Traet." mataiolac 1 .OOO arrt - Dor or U 0 arr BTttolor coa- ; ry4 to Pfr-" 9 Paris. t4sr oaa 4 tb trarts ol UnJ fotjM to alary A. Morba4. as aVof at ost ta U dacr1p - tioa of trart No S. 4th Tract : rUatt) la tW aaJ 6:ata aaJ aijo;tlc lai-dsul taa rami parti a isiit;orM t..r dK-rtp-tlon f Tnwrt No. 1. aaJ taoaa a taa Wtr Trart wrtiia MO arr aura or W. tocic oa of Um trarta ei Ua4 roarl to Mrj 1. VlurW4. atas s omt la tba JyHitia J Trt N- at Tract : r-tj;iM ia ta-am VBTy aoJ Stsu aal ajoii tblsa!s d taa aaiaa pa atiooi ia is 6iP tioa ot Tract No. V, aa4 knoa - M.nmio Wiickrll Tract r rouUis IW a-ra mora or kw-oax uea of ta . trartael UJ eoarryaj tollary A. Mor- Trart Xo. a.; a!d. a !ti avt out la taa oaacrtptioa w . Tract: Hitot4 ! t! aawat.ty ao4 Kuu, asaKorratfM.l. buasdnl osi tba ISortfc tw thm nil II 0tatsi ai x j. P ulu ii t t",T70 inrT T-4 AT oa tb Wmtbyth laaJaot E. A.tmds. eoataiarwr Itm acr-. mors rWatsx ooaJT bt.avij 11 liarrt tracts of Ua4 coarraj to Nary a. Hatai. ty . x. Urar. tmmlsci.r W1 nmrdal la 1 a-ox ta Krwtroi iwii ir rraoa- JliaConcty.N. C.iaBook M, pi ai,'s ?th Tmrt : Blrua! I lo tha md Coaatv . mad -Stat. attamjr'Trat ?k a abort d- arr.b-d, and tbUo!o1 J. F. CooiT aal A, J. T. Harris, rontaiwnr 119 acra. ssora - or ia rwnnjj is tra"t ut ISS4 lw(4 fi ,V If. IlaiTia aa Do r aoJ oaol tba Pari i - K. ilims trarta ol lacJ coarysi to Mart A.. liorhd.,aaahova set oat la taa dc scriptioo of Trart No, C. . - ttta Tract i A tos l-jt la tW tow r Txaubnnr. Sasa stn. ktmi aa Stm!) tot, rostaialar 1-6 ol aa u-rt. aad f tartaaj roarya.1 to afsry A. sforvoa4 t) oavi rarorr ! ia tha oSo ol. ta r.it DeU fir Frank tin Uunaty, la Book C3. itsabore trarta a ul bavobcirldsd aal srU to so;t parrhawra. - - - . ttut terras Cf aais snU ba ofia-talrd eaan . aoJ th balancals aqaaJ iaataUamta ia a , aau twrftt motithavita iatsivstat 8 pa tent from day of aa!. tit rttaioad na' ' I pureha ooy is faHy oi4 j oirhJ aoo applk-atioo to tb aa4rsiKMar Ul bJ Qto. Balsr. of Looi-br. J a u - Ea. Catuszt Surra-. . - JOBT PCIXCV Poa taiaaaoaar f . Balrfgn, X. 5pt, 23. 18M. , SELL YOUR TOBACCO -AT- Pleasants1 r A - . ; ' ' : " Nev Warehouse! L0DI3B0R0, N. C. Oar fad 11 ties for selliog yonr io brtcoo for hih prices a rr equAl to any bouae in tbe Smte. We bave arophV I means, ana intend that eVerv rue ol i yourtoDHCco put oa oar floor ahaJI - . "VT.II. Pleasants 4 Co: LouUburg.N. C, Ang. 10th, 04; Feed, Sale I Livery ; STABLES. HAYES I f IMSEll, PrCZnrS. ' ' " - - LOUISBURQ. fl. C. GOOD TEA!IS axd; TOLUE DRR'EPuS SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TP..O L LI NCI JIIIN.. A Fivi: ue or i rc. ::: 3 ai.tti: OX !U5t. A'den'a.".-:

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