THE gRANKIJN TIMES. ' 1 ; J P JC SCHOOL TEA CHERS : The Superintendent ol Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburgon the second Thurs day of February, April, v July, Sep tember, October anil December, and remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining appli cants to teach in the Public Schools of this county. I will also be in Louiaburg on Saturday of each veek, and all public days, to attend to any business connected with my office. J. N. Harris, Supt. Professional cards. LOUISBURG, N.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1894. NUMBER II A STATEMENT THE BACHELOR. - Q M. COOKE & SON, - ATTORNEYS-A.T-LA.W, LOUISBURG, K. C. Will attenl the courts of Nash, Franklins Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the lupreme Court of North Carolhip, and the U. 8. Circuit an J District Courts. D R. J. E. MALONE. Offlce two doors below Aycocke 8c drug store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. Co.'s R. W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBUEO, N. C. W. TIMBERLAKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBCR3, n. a Offlce on Main street. S. 8PRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURe, N. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also tbe Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections, ate. N. Y. GULLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FRANKLISTON, JT. C. All legal business promptly attended to. rjAHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, louisburs, sr. c. Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's store. ACCORDING TO "LAW OF THE AMOUNT OF EACH ACCOUNT CLAIMED AND ALLOWED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF FRANKLIN COUNT AND TO WHOM ALLOWED, BEGINNING ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN DE CEMBER 1893, AND ENDING THE FIRST MONDAY IN DE CEMBER 1894. -yy M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOCISBURS, W. C. Practices In all courts. Office in the Court House. Dentistry, -W. H. EDWXRDS- OF WAKE FOREST, N. C. Will visit Louixburg on Monday, Tuesday ntnl Wed npsdn following the first Sunday in e:h mouth prepared to do all kinds of Di-ntul work. Orfiirc in the Meadows Hotel. IDJE. DR,. IE. ZKZIZCnTG-, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office over ilacket Store. Graduate Baltimore Dental College. Twenty-four 3 ears active experience.' AUTii'iciAL tekth a"s:'EC1alty. Natural teeth removed and new ones inserted in TWENTY MINUTES. All work warranfed. IjKiiisburer is in r liorae for better or wnrsf" and yon will always find me rady to correct at my own expense any work that diay prove unsatisfactory. Very truly. 11. E. KING, Dentist. YARBOflOUGH & DAVIS, The Blacksmiths OF LOUISBURG. All work in oar line done on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. We have our new shop (the old ten pin alley) in good shape and are better pre pared than ever to serve our custo mers. J. M. C. HILL THE TINNER, Is prepared to do all kind di tm work, re pairing. &c. All work guaranteed. Place of husinees on Main eoreet in bouse recently oc-rupied by F. Parriuh. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for -the raveling public. R. R. CROSSEN, FIRST CLASS PAINTER, LOTJISBTTRG,. C. I wish to offer my services to the puo lic, and will say that I am prepared to (Id all kinds of house painting, grain iotr &c. Mv, work in Louisbnrg speaks for itself, and I refer to all parties for whom I have worked. Old furniture male new. Give me your patronage, and you shall be pleased. STILL AT THE BRIDGE. BLACK-SMITHING. Where I am well known and prepared to do my name work. I hope you will see me as y'iu tiav done before, xou win nna me on th- Bust side of the River bridffe. Main street Louiaburg, N. C. While I am doing all kinds of M ickBmithlnc-. don't foraret that I am also pr-'jKiae.l lo repiir your gun, such as putting on new locks fcc. I have a few guns which I havi repaired that will be 8old1 not called for in ien days Tours truly . A. T. NBA. RUFF1N & LEWIS, BLACKSMITHS I "We are prepared to do all kinds of worK in our line. Calr to see as at our aop near the Louiaburg mills. Hoyster, Park & Co., 7 Contractors, of Raleigh, N C, do fiH kinds of building, &c, at prices lo suit the times. IX you intend uuiiding, write this firm. tL 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 17S 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 19G 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 22 d 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 24 fi 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 280 291 292 293 294 .295 296 297 298 299 300 aoi 302 303 304 305 306 , 307' 308 309 310 311 812 313 314 315 316 317 318 819 320- 821 322 323 324 825 826 827 j 328 329 330 331 Feb 5, 1894 Mth 5, Mill feed, bran, oats and cotton seed al for cows, at Crenshaw, Hicks April 2, May 7, 3 months outside pauper f 3 00 3 oo 2 OO 2 00 3 00 8 00 3i0 500 53 38 16 75 95 15 2 95 J 40 24 35 3 05 1 15 2 15 3 00 3 00 2 70 2 70 2 50 5 10 7 60 7 60 5 10 5 10 1 10 6 70 8 42 3 35 3 27 2 65 3 70 3 80 3 70 2 40 2 40 2 40 1 !0 3 fi) 1 90 1 60 2 10 1 GO 1 60 1 95 1 60 3 60 8 70 4 70 3 00 2 50 Jim Burwell Helen Harris Sam Trent John Harrison J A Faulkner Green & Jones Rufus Kearney Ueorge Whitfield Urcilla Upchurch Pattie Lone v Viney Wright 2 " " " Crook Person " Cindy Perry .3 " Wm Rogers - " h " Jaoky Jeffreys " " J E Woodard Solicitors fees January Term 1894 B B ilassenbarg CSC fees " " " H C Kearney Sheriffs fees " " Sheriff Page " " " " " Sheriff Crowell " " ' " J B Sturdivant Constable " " " A B Cooke ' " " " O L Ellis J P " W W Perry " " Peter Collins " " " ' W H joyner " " " " J B Denton carrying Tom Coley to jail J T Mitehell wit fees Jan Term '94 State vs Tom & Cal Cole. Irvin King " L C Wester ' " " " J R Wheless " " " " Frank Alston " " " " DT Leonard, " " " " AV W KiDg " " " L icy Brewer cancelled " " " Pinky Williams " " " " James May " ,; " Rufus Kearney " R 0 Pernell W D Spruill " 8 L Duke ' - Emma Bridges " Willis Card Ioui Richards " C Burton G T Colbert " J T Leonard " T A Hollingsworth " J G Edwards " " Bilhe Mitchell Johua Branch " N J Faulkner " John Williams " Henrietta Green " Press White " Andrew Ynrboro " Ali-? Skinner " louis Thorne ' Moses Johnson '' " S L Wilson conveying George Whitfield from Granville county to Frankliu county jiiil J T Miller Supt expenses for Robert Thomas W Y Cauti keeptntr rafts from Chavis bridge last quarter A B Cooke Jraerviug 31 road notices on overseers in Frankimton T S Weldon Urides repairing stock law fence Aycock & Co ain't aei.-'t for jail Aycock & Co ' " home aged and infirm f, B Massenburg " " filed J O B AHord repairing bridge over cypress creek R D PernelM)oard of prisoners, etc. J R Jones repairing stock law feuce J 1)4 J E Tharrington ' W I Alford P F Evans serving 5 road notices Louisburg T S Add Williams repairing Htoek la w fence G W Boone making one stock law gate J H Uzze'l 5 davf com and 50 miles T S Collie " ' " 140 J R Alfor J " " " 120 J A Burt " ' " 160 ' George Winston ' " " 140 " H C Kearney " " officer to hoard C K i.'ooke ' " service to board W K Martin " " clerk W K Mnrtin am't acc't fllpd ' Jos W Swansoa repairing stock law fen- e Frank (!"oley outside pauper C E Denton repairing stock law feuce and gate E .! Lanier making stock law gate J S Harris repairing " fence R N Edwards stripping tobacco home agd and infirm Nancy Davis outside pan per G H Joyner keeping rafts from Joyner's bridge 1st quarter S L Perry repairing stoek law fence D A Spivey Lit Alston splitting rails home agprl and infirm 5300 H A Kearney repairing bridge at High Tower W H Cates conveying Wiley Young to jail J A Thomas am't acc't filed J R Alford 7 days committee on fence J R Alford 1 " " " CSC report J A Burt 2 " " " fence J H Dzzell -7 " " making settlement with Sher iff and Treasurer and county officers 1 T S Collie 8 days making settlement with Sheriff and Treasurer and CSC report J N Harris repairing stock law fence W P Neal & Co am't aeeount filed heme aged and infirm George Winston 3 days committee on stock law fence Edmond Sykes repairing stock la w fence George Inscoe otrippinjr tobacco home uged and infirm J L Jackson am't acc't " ' R D Pernell board of prisoners, etc. V K Martin am't acc't filed J B Sturdivant serving 2 road notiees in Cedar Rock T S Mangum Massenburg drawing jury for 3 years W T Strickland repairing stock law fence J R Jones " " - John Sykes " " George Nicholson " " " w b Bowden " . L C Alston splitting rails home aged and infirm Henry Caudell repairing stock law fence Aycock & Co am't account home aged and infirm Aycock Co am't acc't filed for county T S Collie 3 days committee on stock law fence ' John Y Medlin repairing 6tock law fence x S H Horton w T Wilson " " C H Pearce making stock law-gate A J P Harris repairing stock law fence A J P Harris repairing stock law fence ' J E woodard Solicitors fees April Term 1894 ' B B Massenburg CSC H C Kearney Sheriff ) L Ellis J p " R A Speed G B H StaUinga " " " K S Foster " ' " " t a Thomas Mayors " " " " j h cheeves J p " " " ' " Ew Morris 1 h Harper constable " " " " wj Johnson H A Kearney " joe Beckham do do do dodo j h Harper wit fees State vs. jack perry April Term 1894 Returning home at the close- of daj. Who gently chides mj long delay And by my side delights to stay f Who seta for me my easy chir. Prepares the room with neatent care, And lays my slippers ready there? Who regulates the evening fire. And piles the blazing fael higher. And bids me draw my chair still nigher? When sickness comes to rack ray frame, And grief disturbes my trouble brain, Who sympathizes with my pain? Nobody. Republicans Stand by the Trusts. There are thirty-five Democrats in the United States iSenate who stand for tariff reform. There are nine Democrats who are trai tors to their party and to the peo ple. The nine traitors would not have the power to put one nickle in the treasury of a thieving tariff trust were it not for the fact that thirty-eight Republican Senators stand in solid phalanx in defense of tbe trusts. Yet the Republi can press is trying to make party capital out of the situation. Chi cago Herald. foreign contract labor for Ameri can labor, disturbances that have been moat frequent and most troublesome while the party of protection was in the full flush of power T Why have wages been so steadily rednced in iudustries most highly protected ? Louis ville Courier-Journal. BETTER TDAS COTTON. UfcTTLNU EVEN. Original Observations. A Orocer Who Had the Tables Turned on Him. The wholesale grocer had the self made man's reverence for the excellent habit of pu-nctuality. He was always at bis desfc when theclock struck 8, and he expected his young men to be ad prompt as he was. His favorite clerk was some what of an amateur eport, and 8 o'clock in the morning was often Necessity is the mother of in vetition. Tbe necesaitiea of onr farmers will compel them to find another money crop more profit able than cotton. No one crop iB likely to supplant cotton, but a variety of agricultural products must and will. With cotton at 5 cents no farmer in North Caro lina can get along unless be makes what he consumes at home. Tbe only salvation for our people ia to make everything they con-ame at home. But the qnestion arises, how are clothing and education to be provided, and debts to be paid ? Thi9 is indeed a perplexing ques tion which time alone can fully answer. At this juncture, we SELL YOUPv TOBACCQ -AT- Pleasants' New Warehouse! LOUISBURG, N. a Our tarHitw" Tar KlHnff ycmrt bnccofor bih prior firejUH toany bono? in the Strtt. hart arnpH would unhesitatingly advise our I nwris, and interwl that er-ry pi) rt , - . . . ., I Tonr tobwro put on oar floor bnB farmer friends to give more atten- - lnn? rVery t orth BHnff vour toban-o to us. nnd will py you New Wart-hou.' price for it- Seems as if a waltz should be written, on waist paper. The surest way to eradicate the j bad is to cultivate the good. That is a very stingy man who will not enjoy a joke r.t his own expense. People may think it is tough when they pay 20 cents a pound fqr beefsteak but its sometimes aipo fnr l.i rnnifurt TTia l charmini persottaltty , uudoubted i . , ,11 tt-i-i 0 r hogs, and e-peciallv hogs. While business abilities and success as a 1 ... , , .. , . cotton is quoted at 4 and 5 cents salesman placed him high in the 1 , , . , . . .. estimation of bis employer, who , ,. , n , i , i leading markets at 12 and Ki. overlooked his slight but frequent .. .; B cents. There is no question at digressions from the straight . ... . ,, I fc these prices which pavs better. tath of punctuality oftenrr than . . . ' , r ' At iiresint prices hogs are a good ; he did with the other clerks aud t j , money crop. j ea estntn. jeTe j? an object leon which j But the favorite presumed too' . ... , . , . , , ,. - . . 1 j ,, , we none will be studied carefully far, and the old man was 1 . ' 1 r Til-. ! obliged to take him severely to Dy our larmers. in camng alien- . tas4c. "If you are not on time ; tion to it the Atlanta Constitution . tomorrow," said the w bolesale ?a vs : grocer at the end of the lecture. ; farro?r in Dalton, C,i., re W H. Pi.easaxts A Co: Ivouisburs, N . Ang. 10th, '94. LOUISBURG Carriage Strops, H. r. TAYLOR, Pn-rr'wtor. j It your Carriaz, B'iKfry, Wag . on 0- any'hmp :n i'a! !'.!) nds , r-pairnig and y.i want it done r:ih rr:nj ;t tn rc. and if you I will send a cab for von and , 4 . . . . . .vo"r arr:a,? or Hug(jy r- 1.1 ceniiy rresenieu io cuecus at a , TvainfH in rr it.a rrnr.r charge the expense to you. 3 ' paiina in a ur't-ciaa tnannr. The next morning was the l,anlc- ne was f,,r a l ale oI , bring it to a!o. I have served morning after a prolonged game 1 cott on amounting to $23; the . ray time und-r a rirt-c!ass pain- of nennv anle.andthe favorite nar fnr tnm.!l Knn n,! tr and wod workman, can tbere- clerk did not roll out 01 bel until couts. "Yes, w k a Williams do Doreej Merritt do Bettie Merritt do Doze Merritt do H B ar-ier do M Hale do Abe Kearney do wm Davis ' do Nellio Davis do j j Kearney do j a Moore do Delia Stokes do w i Johnson do D L Kearney . do Ghns. Harris do wiflie Patterson do jam 08 Diekersou do . EM Hale do iohn place do Mat Eaton do Bob Minora do j o Davis do , A T Davis" do T j Harris do P j Dement . do . HollinRsworth j T Leonard - do Hollinfrsworth w m stone - " do TO Moore do do do do do do do Edward Murray do do do do do do do do do do do do Mark Hazlewood do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do xdo do do do Lanra McKnight do do joe sills - iio do do do do do do do Braxton Bragg do do do do do do do ,8am Coaltrain do do do do do do do Abby and Charity Neal do do do do do do do do, do do do do do do do do do o do do Mose west do do ' do do do" do do do do do do do do, do do. do do do do do do do Calvin white do ' do do do do do do do do do Tliad & Bettie Williams do do Nick Gupton and T A do do do do ': do do do do do do do do do Aloma Harris do do do do do do do F M wiggs. keeping rafts from Anderson bridge see jpnd quarter . ; . . ((COKTOPEI) IK OVM SXT.) n no 16 h:J 4 95 1 40 J 25 sr. G4 05 i:j 15 21 liA 8 1 50 20 50 2 00 12 50 17 00 10 00 00 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 G'J 25 7 40 2 00 1 1 09 G 00 20 71 21 79 2 50 2 50 3 50 3 24 12 04 5 00 2 00 33 85 14 00 2 00 4 00 14 00 16 00 9 00 16 20 6 00 15 00 3 50 8 93 53 05 14 30 J0 2 50 8 39 8 00 33 75 5 41 2 50 2 17 9 00 4 10 50 G 00 15 76 5 45 10 49 1 00 G 29 8 27 5 00 69 15 b 25 36 1 50 1 60 87 1 65 1 50 3 45 2 00 4 10 2 05 1 50 1 60 1 60 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 60 1 60 2 25 1 50 1 00 3 90 3 05 2 60 2 60 160 ' 1 60 1 55 1 55 1 10 1 20 2 70 1 60 1 85 1 77 135 2 55 2 35 8 80 8 80 2 50 tougher when they only pay ten 8 o'jlock. lie had forgotten the lecture and was idling with hie J 1 j ,r if .. 1.,.. - u mpr hniil,l i'n in for 1b rntfnn t j . ., ;6econucujox luurc ucu &uau: p. i niu uuLioseu 10 lltr , , , -.11 i v uiarying lurru., baiuoia , and the otlice boy, with a broad bpraggins. "1 m j 1st thatopposed grin, jumped out and rati to it that if my girls can't marry j the step". neonle of thir nwn spy. tl.c I Grabhinc another man's hat needn.t marry at ail, and that's , fore paurantf--' -at iffact ion iu all j work entrud to mf. ' I h-,v a f.rst-c'.ass black -mith in thn Mark m:'h shop who ful- will find that : '.v und-r'tands vrvthing about 11 t it i comnaratively ea-v to raise 1,8 nu?!:,, :ron- ,loe'K up 1 , , , , tinr-o to a tine tuggy. v no5 ami market hem at a cooo 1 1, , ,1 h 1' dcK no. av tn have voar proni, wnne nis nve ceni co:ion)Work boVbd up. so bring it ! and forgetting that he still had eimply plunges him deeper in 1 a! all about it." hi? si in re rs on, the yoiiiii man rushed out of the back door. Some one has discovered that through the alley and caught a women are partial to. racking I The cab cauie back without chairs because they hav3 arm.-. him' for e liaii reached the office 1 t .-41 nr.-t, ana tne n ior can hire was We embrace the onnortunitv to 1 . ' v . charged up agaiutt him. The PUCCess of the new rule ment. ami th i .,- nla'm lav-iiuu ia iu uc utnveu iroiu ie j pasfa the wholesale grocers ex ing hutffired by the arm? of a chair i pectaiions. The call has never when thousands of willing hands i he"u se,,t aK'itl embrace the opportunity to say we don't see how much satis- 1 1 . u e 0 1 . Twenty-five dollar- for a bale of cotton, and $20 for two small hog? 1 There is a whole volume of economics in this brief announce- and fetrong arms of the 'masculiae gender are anxiously seeking employment all over the country- Orangp (Va ) Observer. A Word About Wheat. There is much diversity of opinion as to the advisability of sowing this crop. It is known to be expensive, through the cotton belt is uncertain, but to main tain the equilibrium of tbe farm, to work on the principle that a farmer should raise everything for home consumption, it is well to plant enough for the immediate family wants, even though the apparent cost is greater than the market quotations. In estiraat ing the cost the Southern Cultiva tor thinks that we are apt to loose Bight of the benefit of the straw as food and bedding for 6tock and the residue of vegetable matter left in the land in the stubble and roots. Wheat likes high, dry and strong red soils and a clean, fine firm seed bed. To secure the lat ter the land should bethoroogbly plowed, rolled and harrowed several times, if necessary and it is better to concentrate the manure and the work than to go on the extensive plan. In the former case should disaster over take the crop, the amount of seed lost ie smaller, and the manure aud thorough preparation con tribute more certainly to the in crease of any succeeding crop. that it requires no comment. f.i t i iikr v. uuvii 3 inn 111 11 au luii- or the fivontp clerk, and now that rule ia posted Kr a11(l it looks very much like on the walls of the ofhee. : King Hog. A few days ago the wholesale Yet there is a way to restore grocer overslept hims-lf. His ; cottoM-B kingship." Georgia's desk was unopened when the 1 . ... . . rt 11 ui u n-u 1 K 1 present crop will brine f Jo.OoO,. clock marked o. 1 he usual rive ' fe ' minutes grace was given. As the 00- :s'ow "'PP"se we manufac- belated grocer was hurry ing down . tured all this cotton? It would his front steps the cab drew up i then bring ua $103, (K0,0K) ! and the oflice boy atepped to the Tl),nk of what mean. If sidewalk. The clerks had hard , , ,, , , . , f , . the south sells the raw material work to keep their facea straight when the "old man" entered the of her gr-at sUfle it will yi-ld office at 8:30 o'clock. He said her less than onr.-fourth of what nothing, but when the cashier ' it will brnlf if it is all manufac- presented him with his weekly ture1 here at home. nersonal account he O. K.'d the 1 ,, . A. A. t ... f . , . 1 I his, then, is the winnink' item " to cab hire (or being late, ! fe S2." with somethine like a m ild Po1 ic5" Let ,,a diversify our to m nhre it ILL tit. DON K RIGHT, mv nrwrea aro reasonable. I make Bupgi'-s and Wgon to ordr. I f you ant a good IIovie Hufrgy or Vi;"ii, pive m y..ur or.l:s. and you shall have w h at you want. Thaiikin my fr;end for their patronas- 1:1 the past and eolicit-th- same i:i future, I am, Yours very respectfully, II. TAYLOR. N TK k:. lUtr; h . iiy ;ii:iij 1 mi nutM- r .U tK-n r.r. with th ill antsd. c Z.v-. I Trrr-!' ivil dic(!.u m1( no' hv ) ni.n p it mn' at 01m, ttd tr- '! v 1 in ' r v .v. Mth I - ; '!:3; t b .4 ! .r tise1 on or 1 ".' nrth.i toty will griu. Chicago Record crops and raise bogs enough for Four bur Successes. Having th needed merit to make good If the American laborer has ap proximately received his share of the product of bis labor through tbe operation of the tariff, why have we these exhibitions of or ganized vagabondage under Coxey, Kelly and others, while the country a8H ,whole has gron richer ? What is the meaning of the presence in-this country of thousands of Hungarians, Italians Poles and other foreign laborers of the cheapest class? Wby tbds home use and for outside markets. Then, let us manufacture every all the advertising claimed for th.-m, the 1 Dale ot cotton right here in this following four rniKiie have reached a , region, pbenommal sale, Dr. King's New Dia- I covery, for consumption. Coughs and 1 NN hen we get on this line Colds, each bottle guaranteed L l.-ctrie , wjU not be another cerlod of hard Bitters, the trreat remedy for L' ver, . . Stomach and Kidneys, Hucklen's Ar-itimes in the south for a century nica alve, lue best in tne world, ana , to come. Dr. Kiug's New Life Pill, which are a I perfect pill. All these remedies are i ore factone; ami more bogs ' I. V.l l 1 Alai r. TV U. ri. N . .n .th k SHOE MAKING. MOSKS WKST holds forth in rear of Thomas' Irug ttore, (on the alpj) where he do shoe making and repair ing, and guar antees tr. do work a? good and ohep.-r than any Shoe-Maker in tl,.- State. Come and pep for yourself. R-pfct fully, MOSES WEST. i Feed, Sale Livery STABLES. these are what we Mecklenburg Times. Trofessional Consolation. guaranteed to do iut what is claimed 1 these are what we need !- for them and the daler whose Dame m attached herewith will be t;lad to tell you more of of them. Sold at Aycocke & Co's. Drag Store. " T?o;l n. 1V.1I lf rr, l a iu 1 1 j a r r, k v 1 f 1 ci i iv. uj t- ' tn fv-o t 11 la t a t- Atl came across a queer sort of J HAYES & PINNELL, Proprietory LOUISBURG. N. C. industry the other day." " What was it? " " Well, some doctors had a boy and a girl under the influence of chloroform and transferred tbe skin from the boy's chin to that of the girl, and vice versa. They said that when the girl grew up she'd have whiskers." " What on earth was the object?" Manufacturing bearded ladies for country fairs." Pick Me Up. labor riots, caused by reductions ol wages, or efforts to substitute ilarve.oas Results. From a letter written by Rer J. Gun derma n, of Diioondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract : I have do hesitation in recomroeuding Dr. King's New Discovery, as ttra rosulta were almost marvelous ia tb case of my wife. Whib I was pastor of the Baptist Chorch at Rirea Jaoction she was brought down with Pneumonia sccewed ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last boors with little in terruption and it seemed as if she could not sur-ive tbera. A friend recom mended Dr. Kinsr's Xiw T)inenrerT. it constant suceesshn of strikes and was quick in its work sad highly satis factory. In resells." Trial bottles free at Aycocke & Co'. Drag Store. Eego lar size 50c. and ?l.bQ. v Patient (very excitedly) Am I going to recover T Doctor No, not exactly, but well, after long consultation we find that your disease is entirely new, and if the autopsy should prove the fact, we have decidd to name it after you. Tit Bits. GOOD TEAMS AND" POLITE DRIVERS. Dear to Him. Chappie (who has not been across) My deah boy, youab boots aw- in a howwible condi- 1 tion. Chollie (who ha-) My deah fellaw, that tnud is fwom .tbe stweets of deah old Lunnou. In dianapolis Journal. Backlen's Arnica Salre. Th beat sslve in tbe world for rata, braise, sore, nicer, salt rbentn. ferer -kkvs, tetter, r hepped sods, rbilblaia. corns, and all skin eraptioiM,ajilpoaeitirvl cares piW or' no pay. It ia mare, ate to girs aatiafakioa or money refvwded. PrW 23 eenU per box. For sale by Tboaaa t Ajcoeke, SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAV ELING MEN. A Fixe use of bcogie alwah ox OAXT). Fin Tailor Xade Clothing. At m-tom raa4 prw-e I kare ewered th aicnrv for tbe Rojal tailor of flatcartx. Ur(r-t tajlorio-r establish aot in tae l'ott.! iftatM. ad ro hirnwb yon on abort notirv. aaythlng yon wast in tbe way of rlotbinff. Pit traarant.. Caay ter-na. Call S4ad see my umpW. io. W. Kf. of tbe firm Kjog A alacoa. A Chance For Hu-tler. 1 We want several U-e. wide-awmie ea a i er to rprr-nt the FKArars Tinxs in tbi and aijialo coast!, -B oaneetioo with the National 5ewepav per Union. The work is new. fepaLir, and eery proStable, requiring -neither capital nr preeino. esrwrienee. It Is worth looking af'er. and if yon want a real good thin ia the way ot light, pleasant aai proAUbb- ernpkrytwejit it will pay yon to taveatlgate IbU at onee. Theia ie money ia it for hostlers. Writ for roll to THtJfATtO-IAtCiX.. Si. Ionia, Ho. M 'e. I

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