1 ' 0 I - f . ''.II . . : ' L 'I Li' VOL. XXIV. T 0 PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be i n Louisburg; on the second Thurs d ay of February, April, July. Sep te mber, October and December, and re main for three days, if necessary, fo r the purpose of examining appli ca nts to teach in the Public Schools of thin county. I will also be in Lo uisburg on Saturday of each 'eek, ana all public days, to attend to any business connected with my o ffice. J. N. Harris, Supt. Pi'ofossional r;ii-tlss. M. COOKE & BON, ATTORNEYS-A.T-LA.W, ' LOUISBUKO, N. C. Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Huprame Court of North Caroliup, and the U. U. Circuit aui District Courts. JQR. J. E. MALONE. orBce two doors below Aycocke & lrug store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. Co.'s yyR.. W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, U W. TlilSERLAKE, Hi. ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, LOUISBl'RG, X. C. Othco on Main atreut. F. S. SPRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-L A. W, LOC1SBCRO, N. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, Gnnvill!, Warren and Wake counties, a,lso 1 riti Hu(ir ;me Court of North Carolin;i. Prompt t'.i.'iitiou given to collections, &c. N. Y. GCLLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FKANKLISTON, N. C. All legal tiusiness promptly attended to. rIIOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, LOl'ISBURG, x. c. o !ir on M'tin stroet. over Jones & Cooper's sror w. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, LOCISBUBQ, N. C. Practices in all courts. Olfice in the Court ' House. Dentistry, -W. H. EDWARDS- OP1 WAKE FOREST, N. C. Will visit Ijonishnrg on Monday, Tuesday nil 'I Vi"lne.m!;i following tlit first Sunday in each mUiitii prepared to do ail kinds of Dental work. Odin- in th Meadows Hotel. DENTIST, L0UISBU11G, N. C. OfTifr- over Jacket Store. rvlunt Baltimore Dental College. Twenty-four years active, experience. ARTIFICIAL TEKTII A SPECIALTY. Natural ud new ones inserted in TVn.TV Mi.N'L'TES. All work warranted. Luui.sKu.nr my home "for better or wure" and you will always find me ready to c -rrect at my own expense any work that may prove unsatisfactory. Very truly. ll. E. KING, Dentist. YARBOBOUBH & DAVIS, Ilia Blacksmiths OF LOUISBURG. All work in onr line done on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. We have our new shop (the old ten pin alley) in g -ud shape and are better pre pared than ever to serve our custo mers. J. M. C. HILL, THE TINNER, Is prepared to do all kind of tin work, re p;iiriiiK. All work guaranteed. Place of liiimneHB ou Main street in house recently occupied by F. Parrish. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the raveling public. R. R. CROSSEN, FIRST CLASS PAINTER, LOCISETJRG, N. C. I wish to offer my services to the pub lic, and will say that I am prepared to do all kinds of house painting, grain ing &c. My work ia Louisburg speaks for itself, and 1 refer to all parties for whom I have worked. Old furniture maleiew. Give ine your patronage, and you slrill be pleased. STILL AT THE BRIDGE'. BLACK-SMITHING. Where I am well known an l prepared to do my sam! work. I hope you will see me as you havo done before. You will find me on tin- Eat siie of the River hridge. Main street' Louisburp, N. C. While I am tioiufc all Kinds of Wacksmithlng, don't forget fhat I am al30 pn-paaed lo repair your gun, sucu a puume on new locks &c. I have a few tcuns -which I have repaired that will be sold if not called for In ten days. Yours truly A. T. Neal RUFFIN & LEWIS, BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all kinds of work in ear line. Call to see us at our shop near the Louisburg mills. Eoyster, Park & Co., Contractors, o! Raleigh, N- C, do all kinds of building, &c, at prices to suit the times. If you intend building, write this firm. tf. Mill feed bran, oats and cotton seed meal for cows, at Crenshaw, Hicks & Allen's. A STATEMENT ACCORDING TO LAW OF THE AMOUNT OF EACH ACCOUNT CLAIMED AND .ALLOWED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, AND TO WHOM ALLOWED, BEGINNING ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN DE CEMBER 1893, AND ENDING THE FIRST MONDAY IN DE CEMBER 1894. 400 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 oOl 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 51(5 517 518 5 1 9 520 52 L 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 r.38 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 Aug. 6, 1394 Allen & Cram am't aec't filed for jail w K Martin do ro do do h e Hight guard 13 nights at jail J L Jackson Supt home aged and infirm 2d quarter H c Kearney am't acc't filed Mts E Dorspy Britton Mftdlin and wife Willis Mitchell S A nam!ett Mrs E Gupton E Gupton Matilda Edwards Nancy Bell John catlett Helen Rogers Mrs Joshua N'unn " Turner Medlin support Priecilla Young V H Perry and wife Chas. Harris " Geneva Faulkner " Mary Alley " Ellen Alley J M Terrell and children " Nancy Davis Ben Faulkners children " U B Alford Nancy Chavis " Priscilla Dorsey ' Caleb Pancy " Mary Jane Moye Nettie Faulkner's children " Georpe Southerlaud ' Lula Edwards " Amanda Bridges " - Elizabeth Bolton " John Powers ' i:ilen Medlin Mary A Minsa's daughter ' Starliu; Yarboro '' Ben Terrell " J H Gupton for Parrish children " Phillirt Mitchell Morc Coppedge " David Wilson " Jim Harris " Pennv Evans " rn-il-Ii Upchurch P:ttie Long Yiney Wright '' Gideon Perrv " Dillie Tucker Alcy Harris 2 " Horace Alston 1 " Isabella Foster 2 : 11 T Duke 1 Sept. 3. J T Harris repairing stock law fence Vv A Fuller ' Chavis bridge C 11 Pearce work on Cedar Creek bridge It I) Pernell board of prisoners in jail P F Evaii9 serving road notices on overseers W H Byrum work on Buffalo bridge II 8 Foster J. P. examining Macenaa Foster (lunatic) OLEllis.l.P. " ' J H Uzzell 5 days commissioner and 60 miles 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 5 6 5 566 567 56 S 569 570 571 572- 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 J H Alforri (iPOip,c Winston T S Collie 5 .T A Bart 4 H C Kearney 4 C K Cooke 4 W K Martin 5 W K Martin amount E S.ykes mnking coffin Cliae. Wigpins pauper Aycock & Co. am't acc't jail Aycock & Co. " " home aged and infirm J B Kturdivaiit serving 3 road uotices on overseers W Y Carih keeping rafts from Cb.avin bridge Aycock & Co. am't ucc't home aged and infirm Aytock & Co. " ' jail K D Pernell board of prisoners, etc W P Neal & Co. ain't acc't home aged and inSrra M P Davis " day8 committee ou st-ock law teuce W K Martin ain't acc't tiled W K Martin making up tax list, etc., in part W K Martin Oct. 1, W K Martin W K Martin " " " f-ill V K Martin making up abstracts by Townnhips and c.onr ensing same in part W K Martin making up abstracts by " ' condensing same in full J A Burt 5 barrels corn home aged and infirm A B Cooke .Jr.. serving 34- road notices on overseers Fratiklinton T. S. N W P Cooke shop work Lome aged and infirm ft K vv'oodlief work on Sims bridge W G Thomas am't acc't filed Dr I W Jackson duplicate order of No. 289 lor sup port of Toney Eaton, outside pauper A H Moore keeping rafts from Sims bridge 3d quarter John Gay timber, work, etc., on brid re over Kichland creek It S Foster 2 days committee ou High Tower bridge J H Bryan repairing Bass bridge near Centerville E J Lanier ' stock law fence W 8 Evans W B Conway " harness home, aged and infirm Ed Lancaster making molasses " Nov. 592 593 594 505 J L Jackson services 596 597 59S 599 600 601 602 603 f, 0-1 605 C06 607 608 609 Green & Yarboro '1 ' jail B B Map.snburg C. S. C. " " for court dockets, etc. Henderson Hazlewood cleaning up court house and court green Oct. court 1894 11 D Pernell board of prisoners, etc. Bob Denton repairing bridge over Shocco creek J A Burt 1 day committee on Shocco creek bridge Kenry Yarboro work on jail Frank. Henry and Reddin Perry repairing stock law fence W K Martin making up abstract for State auditor linted taxes G10 W K Martin am't acc't filed 611 Bailey Brothers building bridge over Tar river uibnrg in part 012 "Bailey Brothers do do do do fil?, d o' oo do " do do do !o do do do do do 015 do do do do do do 016 do do do do do do 617 018 019 62o G21 622 623 624 Moliie Jackson 3 mos. outside pauper Z T Oeekmore repairing stock law fence .1 R Alford 6 dajs committee letting bridges R 8 Foster registering namen in Hayesvile township 1894 AV T Clifton do do do Louisburg do do Bailey Brothers buildiug bridge over Tar River at Louisburg in part Bailev Brothers Louisburg in part Bailey Brotl era Louisburg in full Mrs E Dorsey 625 626 627 628 629 6.S0 631 632 633 e:34 G35 636 637 638 639 64o 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 65o Britton Medlin and wife WiOis Mitchell SAHatnlett Mrs E Gupton J E Gupton (lunatic) Matilda Edwards Nancy Bell Johu Catlett Helen Rogers Mrs Joshua Nunn W H Perry and wife Chas. Harris Geneva Faulkner Mary Alley Ellen Alley J M Terrell and children Nancy Davis "Ben Faulkner's children H B Alford Nancy Chavis Priscilla Dorsny Caleb Dancy Mary Jane Moye Nettie Faulkner's children George Southerland (CONTIJJED IX OUB NEXT.) 11 85 2 20 13 00 100 00 31 70 3 UO 6 OO 3 00 4 50 9 00 3 moB. outside pauper do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do (lunatic) 9 00 do do do 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 9 00 9 00 4 50 3 00 3 CO 3 00 6 00 4 50 6 00 6 00 oo ; 3 oo ; C 00 6 00 ; 3 00 j 6 00 ! c 00 i 9 (10 I i:o; yll 3 00 3 oo ; wool o 00 o ou i 3 uo 3 00 3 on 3 00 3 O0 3 00 4 "0 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 no Tpnac Alston Senon Foster r. oo i l oo j ?.'' 2 . i 0 3 30 '.j 00 nil 132 ;r,oj " 148 " " 144 " " 120 ofSccr to board sf rviees to board 17 20 1 1 lO s ,,u 10 00 17 vi clerk to board and 12 miles account filed 2 no I 1 00 I 2 yo i l) 2 -o 1 r.o 2." 20 in (il 3.r lo OO 1 n 20 1 00 00 too 00 100 00 42 GO 75 0O 75 00 is 7n lil 20 ., t 2 2" 2 3" 4 2 1 2" 1 ou 1 50 50 7 00 Supt. " " " 3d quarter 100 OO Blount Lankford whitewashing ' " " 4 00 John Staliings keeping raftd from Ferrall's bridge 2d and 31 quarter 5 00 R F Fuller guano home aged and infirm 1804 21 60 F ?J 'kVijigs keeping rafts from Anderson bridge 4th quarter 2 f0 J A Thomas am't acc't filed 23 C T Stokes 1 set double wagon harness home aged A infirm 20 40 Green & Yarbjro am't acc't, home aged and iufirm 3o 98 1 oo 53 30 6 00 5H 00 10 50 2 00 7 5o 4 40 75 00 19 50 435 00 10O 00 165 00 100 00 loo oo loo oo 3 oo 5 oo at 12 Oo 6 42 15 55 loo oo loo oo 13o oo 3 00 6 00 3 00 4 50 00 9 00 3 00 3 00 a oo 3 00 3 00 9 00 4 50 3 00 3 Oo 3 oo 6 oo 4 5o 6 oo 6-00 3 oo 3 oo do do do do do do do 3 mos. outside pan per do 3 oo 6 oo 6 oo 3 oo LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1894. WHAT S0I& POINTED PARAGRAPHS ABOUT DEBT PAYiNS. Some Questions' and Answers That Make Good Readinff The Rurht and Wrone Kind of Morality Un der Which Heading: do You Come" Gentle Reader ? WHAT SORT t, Whai sort of morality is that which satisfies a man in the non payment of a debt aalong as his creditors refrain from "dunning?" What sort of morality is that which satisfies itself Jr. the non payment of a debt because it is a small amount a tride ? What sort of morality is that which calls the attention of the creditor to an overcharge bat is silent about an undercharge ? What sort of morality is that which seeks to evade meeting his creditor lest he should be more plainly reminded of his indebt edness ? What sort of morality is that which satisfies itself in the non payment of a debt because the creditor is presumed by the debt- or not to need what the debt calls for ? What sort of morality is that which sntislie o useii in ine non- payment of a debt because cf a failure in farming or5ther enter- prise or undertaking ? What sort of morality is that , . . . . which gets offended when asked I to pay a debt which the debtor promised to pay long before the time of dunning ? WThat sort of morality is that which provides for his own wife and children by defrauding the wife and children of another man, dead or alive, to whom he I is justly indebted I for things i which have been used by the i debtor's family for their own ' enjovment or profit. What sort of morality is that which ignores moral oblipat ions as ta (lebt a,ld Pas 0Q,y when tbe i civil law comnels? j 4 ! What sort of morality" is that which lightens the obligation to nflTT inct. rlAKt in nrnnnrt inn t r I J J..IVV.V All l VJ'Vl UVll I the length of time since it I " , ! contracted ? was Iu short, what sort of morality is that which disregards the com- mand, Thou shalt not steal ? " Christian Neighbor. THE RIGHT SORT. 0 Lord give me grace to pay every cent 1 owe. 0 Lord give rue grace to pay J flrt cmlll fl rnnilli (b fift iliiai- . . j ui it i i i i w ' i . . i. o a i c w , L uv j need it most. 1 . r . O Lord, give me grace to give back to every man whatever he may have undercharged me, or i given me in mistake 0 Lord, give me grace to meet my creditors face to face, explain to them my circumstances, and satisfy them if I cannot pay them riow. 0 Lord, give me grace so that if my farming or other business is a failure I may diligently labor until everything is paid in full. 0 Lord, give me grace not to get offended when asked to pay au honest debt ; and that I may have some good reason for not paying it before. 0 Lord, give me grace that may rather see my own family eat bread alone than another man's butter ; that my family may go without shoes rather than wear those belonging to another's children. 0 Lord, give me grace and quicken my understanding of moral obligation as to a debt ; and, for Jesus' sake, keep me from the civil law. O Lord, give me grace and deepen the obligation, and my sense of sorrow, for the length of time I may be in debt. 0 Lord, give me grace to keep my books always balanced up ; tbat I may know how I stand with others, and how they stand with me. 0 Lord, give me grace to for give others their debts as thou hast forgiven me", 0 Lord, give me grace not to expect others to forgive me as I have forgiven them. O Lord, give me grac to under stand that I cannot take advan tage of the civil law against oth ers as they can against me. O Lord, give me always thy forgiviug spirit, and sustain roe in my contact with the harsh usages of the business world. W. Richards. Sincerity in Speech. The telling of little " white lies " is a fault which is growing to sad proportions in these days of complex social obligation, and the all-consumingdesire to appear other and better thn we really are. People who would shrink from telling an out and out false hood do not hesitate to convey a false impression which is equally misleading and amounts in the ! eud, to precisely the same as a bare-faced lie. How manv times i .1 r .i I ID a Uay OOeS IDe lOnglie t'l Uie weak-winded conforming man or woman etammer, " Yes, yes ! " to that to which they are consciou? their interlocutor expects assent ! " YOU ktlOW that poem of Cloilgh's I j a j ! vvuicti utrgiiis eu-atiu eu . .vuu the obliging listener, too weak to confess that he has never read a word of dough, atiSf ers, norv- ousiy Yes," and the title . white lie (why not black ?) is toid. Too late to call it back now. So the insincere man lets it go, and covers it up with others. It is a growing and dangerous ti-..vt'- t i habit, this insincerity in speech, j It gradually undermines the moral character ; it leads to de liberate falsehood, to wilful de ception, to the commission of small breaches of trust which may j he concealed by falsehood ; and, finally, if unchecked it leads to the commission of graver crimes the natural result of weakened : moral fiber. ! The true Christian must be absolutely sincere in word as well ! as iu deed and intent. It is not j ! 6:ife' even for politeness' sake, to 1 dall-v Nvilh tbe:ie liltle wblte lie3- Tell the truth, even though it makes you appear ungenerous, unsympathetic, or less well in- formed than your friend took for ; granted. You owe it to yourself, ; i and you owe it to others, to be as ; frank And sincere as your words j j imp'J tbat 'ou are- I)o ,lot ! " " wberi ?on mean "no." Be honest in speech, if vou hope to remain honest in ' heart.- . , , , .ion s iieram. liuckleu's Arnu a Salve The lnt snlve in th" orll fur r. j hrnst. firpii, ulc-rt. .-nit rr.'in:i. hor'fi, t'tt'r. rhiipi-! hiindf. rhilb!.tiri.. j in rn. ; 1 1 i all K ki n I u p t n 1 ns.a n -1 ;n ism 1 1 v I y j inri'H pilri or no pay. It im gnr ir. t-.l to ! give hatisfm tion nr im)iiv n'!uud-d. l'r .- 2 cntM per biix. r or M.ue t y I Liiiu.m 4 A vi oi ke. A goesip can do more with the tonmip in one week than the vie- ! j tim can do witlj bis eutire body j i m a year. I jf a star came down to r-arth. it wouldn't be there a day until puiut'uouy vtuui'i suv ii v tt-j uuiy a tallow candle. To decry the healer and his art and then to ride post haste for the physician upon approaching qualms is typical of humanity. A ilouseliuld ireasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharif, N. Y., says that h? always ktt-ps Dr. KiDkr's New Discovery in the honse and his family has always found the very bft results follow its use ; that he would not I without it, if procurable. . A. Dykeman )ratrist, Catskill. says that Dr. King's Ntw Discovery is undoubt edly the best Cough remedy ; that he has used it ia his family for eirfht years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at Aycooke & Co's. Dru Store. Regular sire 50c. and 1.00. When an idea once gets into the labyrinth of the brain there is no knowing what turn it may take or what developments may ensue. Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford. New Cawl. Wis., wis troubled with Neurahjia and Rheuma tism, his Stomach was dsordered, his LiTer was affected to an alarming degn e, appetite fell away, and he was Wrribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cared hia. Edward Shepherd, HarrisbarR, id., had a running sore on his leg of eight ears' stand inir. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seen boxen of Backlen's Arnica Salve, and hhj leg is pound and well. J ohn b"pea.ker, Cati w ba, O., had five large Fever sores on hia lei?, doctor said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Backlen's Arnica Slve cored him entirely. Sold by Ayeocki jfc Co., at their Drug Store. Imitation is the first attempt of the child at education. One can counterfeit almoet everything else but courage. Unravel an illusion and the threads will never bear reapin-ning. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria IIARPEK S WEKKLY. IN l&r. Harper's Weeklr i a pictorial hi'tory I of t!i timn. Il prpucnts inrt important event promptly, accurately, acd rlbau tivelv in illustration ft.d ocriptnre U-n of the highest ordrr. i The manner iu which, durin 1S94, it ! hn.s trei-d the ( hirago Rjilrajr f'tnkri and the hino-Japai)i-e War, and ih mi-tint of iiht it wt able to tariw ou Korex the mutant ttenUia wa direcleil to tliut liitle-k no w n country, are eiaju- Junon lUiyh. tne npui.hr.l wntcr.l anj ri-rrep-Jtidtnt, nil l.rei. Kent t. tl c ; M-rw f.f war, ami tin r.- j in-.i by c. I. ! Wel.J-.n. trie well-k.n..irn American artm, who ha. Wen ens,J to cpcriu 1 .ih ; -Mr. i.j i pn in sen in m; 1. 1 iur(" r j v er . i ev iuMve information in i : 1 ustration D'.inr.c lii" ev ry v I'.ii qn-li.r. w.ll he , ,4i.Mlau...l Hill. VI.' .P n ri A u ilK,,n( nr..m. , ........ . .. , 1h-c m thedit T.ai cuunnv an-1 . m nr, ,.a..h ,i(.,ljr.im:t. i-.tru,., the r.,e,. .iiiii womel. ho nrc nukini; hlst-Tv, jin.j nowerfnl and caustic political ort..iin, iMii'.uuir t he c harc t-rmtic Ii-a'.urin Tui. Huhv W-.rlii. willi it kerr. ani l.i.iJ- IV coi:ir.i-Ilt oil the in It.:- Jt. Jt rful J".v. w ui remain a tCkfuiar depart: Kietioti. Th..re be t-o I ri.ils. i'oth h 1 1. ili m ' '. v :l!ustra: i -lo- Kei i octail"-. , :trr.:i' r nii-ii - o; i.Jen iijy Mnni-y J. emkij. .imi i noiel of. New ork.' entitled Tlie .Mi ul lin F'.itli-T. i'V I'.r.iiol-'r M v w novi letts. .i:id man v i.ind .'.urn b Ulir wr- SvikI for Illustrate! Croipii luv Th Vii'ntni rf ;h Wis-k'.y yirln with th . first N'iml-r f r Junatr; of -.-h ye.-vr V. :. no t line l.t m-Mitioiio J. iu t r'.ptli i.i w ll I '. . (.in with th-- N uiiil- i currei.l at th- time of L r-o Ipt of 'P ler. Cloth ciu -i fir ach vo'itimi-. n'l'.t.t! f-.r I t tiMlnr. will t' (K-nt It iv,!:. ;.t!fci ( iiMint. iii ( wit it iv,::. ;. r.-..ll.t i tiu.... ii 1 lLl-I -lit i 'ii application RniittAiii-.-ii thoT.il.l t.' ma.l.- j V' it 'T.r Mu 1- y i r!er . .f Irft, to ivm 1 - n.r:- . f ; w Nflili'Ti a-"u- n -f ti l y f. r'..' m- nl w.thout th- '-iprv-n r 1-r . lifci Sj. h Hil'iiMIR-V HAIU'Kirs rKI'.lnIiK'Al.. H RFKR'S MAOZINK V O- harkkks wkk Kl.V 4 A K . 4 , HAKI'EK'xIiT.Vii l'K'il'LK 'ostM.-i Vp to &jl m: .-ri '-r n tK.. I'r.l- te i sut-r. i ar.aUA. an 1 Mexico. A l.!i--i IIAKPF.K A RR' 'TFTKR- Y. ' 1. .. N . ( it READ! FURNITURE I Store at i tlio old Hotel. Do you w ant t,' buy c 1 ; a I: rail ami s-- Low M i. , .1 . y I s-1!. I shall full lin- ot th.'s- avor to i :i: g m ni -. Oak and pi')p:ar suits ads, 'a;-h St amir T i Bureaus, ("hairs ot ail ! a,l' a,,l-vt h ' u 1 11 h :S ! "'"V I nriorsiK's oro- r-d, wl Kit.. s i r- d. Al so p;eur-- : rau: a : . v s : z . rpliol-'pring a::d r done in th- L--' mann i practn ;il workman. T-rms strictly rash. .i. v s ir.i.i ms I.ouisb 0 HAKl'KIl S HA.AK. IN l.C. I'! i:ui t ai; d r x ch: si v. 1-iirr ami i i-. 1 u i r In:! Wurth iiiii'lcN by S:wn nr mi im purlin t .vpi" w i-i k. .i'--nin kcrip'totK a fid d la. i v Ytv K.itbnne do I'dr-'. s.-ript ( li t- lat-t s u h-- inndr. ' nit r th f i Ksl:l')in, plsin dirrrl, liru.ar" .ire ;ivcn . ! triimiii ;ir- :uni nr.ir ..r t.f i l'. ilri-ii cl . hi. i-n. .i i T i k i v t r i il lid i j r 1 1 i n .id f N Yi-rk :i Mil' I fuil j.ar i.np'', i'ibrii' "1 .h- rutuci--' I hi Inn i c . t h in rt-c i'.i-s iirnrt n-;il uttentnm. T msn wh'i takr llari-rr's .Ijti r : prvtir fur i-rt-rv (ii-1-nsinn in life. r-ri- n . n. . i: iuform.tl, -.vtit-rv bia-.itiful dn -- site. An A iii? r lean ;Tial . I:"r Nvarrii'k.' Iliiualilr", ly Rlfi-cu ilarii.r.i; i'uvn, it stront: novel r.f Ai-n-rinn ):?-. partlv !.i;d !i Piiir.vlvui-.:.i uii J j.nrt'.v ; n ir.r ? will ornuiV l;ic l:l hall tl.,j vi.tr. Mv li'iy N ohndy , an i u t rin. I y p i n c r.nvrl, dv Mniirirn i M:ir k-ii . ' i i.r lrod'i V'i'-ii." "The (irvut.-r 1 r y . ' rto , (till ltfin UK vii. r. I'jifciiyi and cikI Chats. To thin ili- partu-.ent ;--p! rtjtur nl r. .r. Ir i r.ii t c hrr rl. arming it. -'Win' S i- arc I'oi'jj" in Now York Mioiftv. Answrrs to orrt-r.poi.df n t. .J imtioa" rct-i'-c tin" j't-rsk:"! atlepttoii : no rd it"r. and an- r.r.Wrpi ut ahe rarlii-st ro sililc dute afli-r their remt. frnd flr lllatratcd I ni- t uh. The volume of tii- lUjca oeyirn with the tlrst N umber for January of i-arh yrar When no time is mentioned, iubvn t. tion will hein with the ntiinuer current al time f receipt of order. Cloth C m-i for eAch vedume. tnitahle for binding, w ill he sent by mail, pot paid, on receipt of $l.iO each. TlUe-paffv aaU In Ji i'Et on application. Rernilbince should he insult by I'ci-Of-fice Money Order kt Draft, t-j avoid chance of lo. Newspr.pm ar not to copy thit adver tisement without the exprea order of IIaepek A Bkotjkkj. HARPER'S PERIODICA L8. HARrea's bazas 4 (V) UAHPEB a XAOAIIME $4 Oi) HllrES'l WEEKLY OO AKPSB'a TODSO rLOPLl J OO roatat F- to all aatrrltrs In Um t'nl ted gtctea, Cana4m axwl Mexico. add re m UAIIPER A BilOTIIERS. p. o. Box sta, n. r. cisy IS NUMBER 41 SELL YOUR TOBACCO AT- Pleasants' New Warehouse. LOUISBCRG, N. C. "ir facilities for falling TOOr to- bwvfor h ih prirt n re qu al to any hou?1 in the Stato. We have ample means. Hnd intend tbat everv pile oi ""lr to,,tt',ro Put on Hlir flo' - "- ' - " " 'i i u. iiriUK VDIir tohatTO to U," llZltl TTe will pay vou ,..,v Wart-huUHc lriiVSor tt W.IT. I'leahantsACo: I)ui-hurg, N. ('., Ang. 10th, LOUISBURG Carriage Shops, II. r. TAYLOR, rrnprUtor. Ii yonr C'arriae, P'Uggy, Wag on or anything m that line ceJs repairing and you want it dooe riciif. bring it To rr.f1, ar.d if yon want your I'arnapw or Buejrv re I .tint. . 1 in a nr-it-clari! manner, t'rinc ;t to pn ftUo. I have served my ' : m .r a t'.rst-cJass pain- 1 t r and s ( 1 o' ,i wr r K man. ran f fcr. lore L'hnrant-.- cHt!!actioii 111 all work '-ntrii'ied to m.-. I hv, a t;r.-t-c'.as K!ack smith in th- I. lack m:th -hop who ful ly und-r-taruis f-vrvth insr alont I t. . c- - .mm -no-infr a ::.g a .in buggy, pay to havf- jour up, so bring it rs- !! :r:on It d.i-c ::ot work Lotciv a.-ng t" n.- uh-r- i' WILL BE I'ONK KlLiHT, in; prices aru rea.-oiiatj.-. I n.ak-' Hu:r and Waeon? to 'T'i-r. If you want a pood Home MaI'K Muggy r Waco.n, p-ive mo your orders, and you shail hv what vou w ant. Thank::, pat rotiag mg t h- -a: V. ur.- g my indf for fhir i- pa-' and soiicit- ;n : ..tur-, I an, ry r- -i-ctfully, H. C. TAYLOR. nti-'i:. "' ; : ' ". n ;' attciH. el ' ' r"'" 1 ;"! -I leg hia ti4 ''''' t:i.u :r.r i; l nv. rl ; -r -r.a r i . : r.a,.;r.. ,-ftl,..t :U uid '' T ' ' ' ' r ;iaft! t.ti or ' , i nr'h.a n'tr ul : ' r i ..' t.-.r;r rworery. Thie 11 I. I'.i :ja. A'im'r. N i' ' . Nun with '.h DDJ. SHOE MAKING. M S:s WKST i.oMs forth in of liu.n.as' LrMk! trre. (on h- n.ak; unto- ' ii' M ; n ' ii r.ii ry ) wh-p- 1..- dvx-s shorf g and r-j.a; r: i.g, and guar- to W i h an r as good aud y Si.o-Maker - f -r y p'jrsf If. MoSIvS WKST. Feed, Sale Livery STABLES. HAYES & PINNELL, PrBprtetors, LOUISBURG. N. C. .StCOOD TEAMS AM): POLITE DKH'ERS. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TILIV ELINft MEN. A Fink line ok ijvg;ifj alw-jcv on n A ' i . Kine Tailor Made Clothing. At ih1odi made rm. I hare aNrarW1 ;he afcey fur tbe K.-ystl taiiorof ( biraro. litrfTkt to'lorin; ntAhiisbKert ia ti 0itl !MV. ar.drar, fornjh Trwioa aiort linttr. nny thing you waul id tH cr ri.. tbii.tr Kf gtjrttl. Ymj trcaaa. Call acil m t s.jitni.1 RwrTwrtfjIlT. of the flrai Jvitg 4 Maro. A Chance For Hustlfr". We wint (VTr-r,) ljT,. vld--a.k fnuser to rr;r-rct the Pbasiu Tinas in thia nd djoiin eonti, im cnnetion with th National Newant pT Tnion. Tbe work U new. pUc. nd very proCuble, reqoirin aeitber capital onr previous eirrieoe. It im worth lookinir after, and it jo vast r"l ron4 thing in tte way ct liLl, pleasant nd profitahl 'tnr!iytiveot it will pay joa to inten icatr thU at cae Tt-re n rarney j i uT hostler. VT.-4.! for f qU j articuUr- TmiNtttjilC(x. St. Loo La, Mo tvV-i'-:'' i il ll i !'

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