i i i H A. JLJLJL-V tL JL V JL Ji its c. tLe tn le -1- vol, xxv. . ... . . -i 1 1 1 . 1 r t c 4 n i r v D c ft) 1'L Ji"J' Superintendent of Public i ,. i-'i-Miiklin count v will be s , i 1 ' . ' 1 1 ' v J l(nsiHii--? on tne seeouu murs lV,i l-Vbi'iiary, April, July, Sep-,n,.-v, ().;tol)L'i- and December, aiid 'II, till i'-" i.'i'i- '"Vi ' hi- III" pJli''' Ul fAitlllllUU cpjfll- niS i,, t.Mcli m tne ruonc racuoois i county, x will also be in .li.urj: on Saturday of each v, vu. an 1.1.11 public days, to attend t) ly ; I. u.-iiLieds connected with my D:.l.-'.'- LOUISBURG, N. CM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1805. NUMBER 1 GOOD ADVICE BTO COUNTRY PEOPLE. J. N. Harris, Snpt. professional cisiixls. ii. MA:W!iNBUKCi, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LDLI .DL'l'.O, ". C. Will jcu-tii-e in nil tlie Court of the State. M. ill. ii" A 1 I think it could be conclusively shown that it is not for the gen eral good of the country that men of means are forsaking their farms and gathering in the towns, but it is not for this class that; this re monstrance is given. As a pastor I am almost daily brought into contact with" families that have Within the past few weeks, or months, moved from the country to Charlotte, and in almost every instance the change has been for the worse. They hear of the cot ton mills ' and pant factories and other industries, offering employ ment to many operatives, and vjikui i vv'a:c.M;o'-iuties, uisutiia immediately a fever takes them to uf Nortli U iroluip, auJ Uie L. j move to town. 1 grant tnat their condition in the country is not a happy one; it may be they are in debt; farm products of all kinds are ruinously low, especially cot ton, and the prospect of bettering their condition is not encouraging. They become dispirited and de termine that they will try their Oi.ioe in Court House. COOKE & HON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Lui'ISBL'Kn, ". C. W;:j uen i tue couria 01 nusu, r huuui, can possibly live there, don't come to town. If yon don't haj much money, you can get some thing to eat, and have good fires, and your clothes won't cost half as much as in town. For your own interests you had better stay in the country. Dr. T. H.-Pritch-ard, in Char'otte Ob-erver. CHATS O.N STAMP TOPICS. BY LEWIS Q. QUACKEKBUSH. SjiALL TURKEYS. irr; : iiirt ill I tiistri.a Cotii'ts. .. E. MA LONE. T-v !oors l.el-w Ayeoeke & Co. '3 ,: ,, . ;i Ijoiut'ig i; O. L. Ellis. W. H. NICdOLSON, I'llXC ncixa PHYSICIAN, iUNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ii 1 luinstiking iitt'-ntion given to m i ou ocu men !.t it :-ast!i J to his h:in '.s. .0 n:lH-'.H. I U,..l, Ur;r. I.f ,.r , in a n V. ..'lit -f -.''lHtk-Ml-pU TvU "OD. JOtm I o-"vr, mon laav v.uvv, iv iuov u, wt'xim!&' wi j their corn ad forage, ,and in some i Manly, Winston, Ft.-oi.les li;uiK !i is. E T iylor, Pros Wako Yor- liull. K. W ' a r riinlKTltike. H. iu.se, oiiobil bhcrilf 's. -;. Si'Kl.'lLL, ATTi tRNEY-AT-LAW, ' L ifl-HrttS, x. o. a: ".i ! tii courts oi Eritukiin, "Vance, j..-. ;r:- n ,iu,l Wukrt .nintics, aldo r i '.'jrt of North Oaroliua. froiapt ii c .-.u to collections, &c. V. GL'Li.EY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, f::axklixtox, x. C. '..usiness iromptly attended to. is. H. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, L'ri:-B'."HG, X. C. ii'i M u;i str 'et. over Jones & Cooper's rti.i.SDN, A T T t P. N T. Y - A T- L A W, l i; tsB ;hg, x. c. M--s iu ai! courts. O;3oe in the Court . " . I'. :.- V: x, CP i-'StANKliIN - , p ! -, i.itv ni' -nM si O.entnl o.tice I'slmrjr over Jones i5 Ton-v r ctrire. I in , jit-'fessional services to the pulilic. .:' a r.i it' of the Oldest Dentil College .. i ... i ; . i v i .. u i i v,tn ye rs .i".i ... vi n . 1 i. i Why They Are Best For Early llar kct3 and Colu Climates. An experience of over 20 years raising turkeys, says a Vermont farmer, enables me to state posi tively that the medium sized bird is the one that can be raised here with the greatest profit. And what is true of Vermont is true of all sections of the country that have long cold winters and late springs. As a rule, turkeys com menca to lay in Vermont during the latter part, of March. Even if they commence earlier it is not safe to hatch the youngsters be fore the 20th of May, and there are more hatched iu June every year than in May. This gives Both Mrs. Garman'g house and the Kaneville PostoOice (neither of which are cf palatial dimension?) The million stamp fallacy is an ! are literally'hlled to overflowing old story to philatelists. Most of us are thoroughly familiar with the methods of that unique class of collectors whose only aim is quantity and whose goal is a good round million. Moat of us have, nevertheless, read with much in terest, all that the newspapers have lately had to say regarding Miss Edna R. Brown and her million stamp scheme. Her story is au unusually ro mantic one. It eeems that Miss Bro wn, who resides at Kaneville, ., 1 1 l 1 - 1. V.... Til- a ouiaii uttiuic. iu ionnern iin with letters; and unless the ava lanche of mail matter is oon checked, cancelled postage stamps will entirely fill every house "in Kaneville, and lie five feet deep on its streets before the opening of istrate for failing to send bis chil dren to school. lie stated that he J was unable to feed and cloth j them so that they could make a decent appearance in public This did not satisfy the judge, ' who ordered him to pay a fine o five shillings. Grainger pleaded that he did not have a penny. Upon this showing be was f-ent to three d SELL YOUR TOUACCO AT Pleasants' . I. . .: 1 r t v. . v i i county jai or wiree uav? snr sj. It na? not. Kapti i iiniii1 J i:wi i . i i When his term expired he was mail, owing to the fact that many of the letters have been found to turned out peniiiiesa and feeble ' into a terrible storm. He tried to ; walk to bis home, fourteen miles contain cmonev ordersand nostal . r -i t .i t j ! awav, atid after making half the notes for the aid of the enppled . ' 6 i rp. , . , , ., ! distance was picked up half frozen Kaneville 1 ostothce is being as- : v.. .i i i v i i 5ent hira to the workhouse, aud sisted by almost every able-bodied I i.!Ai ji puuu aiicr rritlliiitf n ua en : i.. L i lurauiiani. ana diisiupsa is nrar- uuis, wuB cugagea to oe marrieu ' frn. 1 . . . I - . . J 1 I . II . T" . - ticauy Btispenuea. uut an eiiort? t.;o New Warehouse, LOl'lSB L'R ('i, N. C. f.i. ; ' r ! to one John Garman. the village blacksmith of Kaneville. fiarmm, tu baudle this postal avalanche w il has a sister who for some years has been crippled, as the result cf m ex pnjiire. an injury to her spine; and early last fall a medical examination disclosed the fact that her afflic tion was curable, if she could be sent to a certain institution which makes a specially of treating such Kisrht lullar! in HH r'o-kot. i have to be abandoned if hicb- ! ; water mark in not soon cached. ' Some voung American, arabi The figures of a local mathematic-' t urns but handicapped by be.ng ian who estimates th'1 number of well born and ell cared fur, oiice stamps to be received at 12, Ot'o, - 1 said, " ;.e can't amount to any 518, 02:5,43b', 131,714, 70(J,0'.2 fur- 'thing in this country unl.-s he's nish, it is scarcely necessary to born in Ireland or bein- aj a say, scant comforU to the woe-be- : bootblack or a newsboy." Hi-i- i pn--H h r- I-.JUM1 ti an v Lu- tn t ii.- ti'. t W e n !i p in'j'i.fc. ar.'i inti-nd th.it ev-ry pile nt ymir tf.lm-ii pt:r i.n our rl)r fmll bnn' v-ry r.-Tit j? m worth. Hr.r.c v " i ' i r t i i . ' i . ( i t . ; : x . . i n . i . Mil uy i uu Ni' W 1 1 r-1. j 1 i pr; for it. I, II - wt a r,, LOUISBURG Carriage Shops, n mi ! i s. ;'ii 1 with the most ! -'r r.n-Mt3 Crown fill t'l'i Ip" i'y. iJ-'st of rn.-onsmen-'r.tios'rt s re 'So-'aM'.'. irt of .-. js r..H.. tf 1 1 1 v s lii it-jvi. K 's;. ' tfiillv, J. Kil.VAl'.D D 'd'jEH, D. D. S. 13 jntistry . ii A K ! E!)',VABD3- FtinEST, N. C. ;!.iir or. Mondny, Tues'lay ,)i!o a i-i; t !:h first Stni'lav iri.'il to do ail kinds of : ! li.liV Hotel. - iii m b'.ir cases their household"- effects are disposed of in order to get some thing with which to move to town Most of those thus affected are ten ants, but I have-known some per sons to leave farms which they ownad and move to town. They win come ouen, without auy engagement, for business, without any trade, and often without money, trusting to chance to obtain a subsistence. Now let me give some good and and sufficient reasons why all such persons should stay on their farms, bad as their condition there is. First: they can get something to eat in the country, and their house rent and fuel costs scarcely any thing: these are heavy items of expense in a town. You have to pay for every stick of wood, and j o't ' ;,:i.ier..tio-s yr-; even the piece of kindling with i ilfu! m um r, aft r tne I 1 which you start your meagre fire ; i you can't have a head of cabbage, a dish of turnip greens, much less a chicken, without paying for it, and house rent eat3 wages fear-full-. Not, all the factories have houses for their operatives, and if they do, the occupants have to pay something for them. Only this week. I found a family of five liv ing in one room, and I could stick my finger through some cf the cracks between the boards which enclosed it, and yet that family paid $2 a month for that miserable dwelling. And in many cases, the wages are low, very low. The same day that I visited this family I found another, where two chil dren, a girl about seventeen and a boy fourteen, worked all night in one of the cotton mills they are bright children, too, and their wages were, 12 cents, and the boy 15 cents a night that is, they made, if they kept well and could work regularly, $3.32 per week; $13.28 per month, and the whole family had to be supported on this, for the poor mother, who was anxious to take in washing, could not often get anything of that kind to do. They paid no house rent, but that is not enough to give them nutritious food, much less clothing. No wonder I found the whole family without shoes, and with very insufficient clothing. There is another thiug I wish you to consider I don't know why it is, but in a majority of cases, such as I have referred to above, the first information I have of these new comers, is that some of them are sick and all are destitute. But suppose you have children enough to support tho family, by working in a- cotton mill, and the the young turks 5.V to b months : cases. The charge for treatment in which to get their growth aud j at that institution, two hundred become fat enough for the j dollars, was however, wholly te Thanksgiving market. A flock j y0nd the means of the Garman of Narragansetts at tbis time, if j faniil-, and the matter would they have been properly cared j have been reluctantly dropped for, will dress from 10 to 12 had not Miss Brown com- to the pounds, according to the propor- , rescue and undertaken to raise tion of hens aud torn?, and will ! tbe money which was to restore look plump and clean, not pin- i her lover's sister to health and feathery. strength. The Thanksgiving market is : Sbe ba(1 hcard that a man in to the turkey raiser what the chi was to two eariy markets ai to mo i'"" hundred dollars for a nii T 1 i.11.. 1 racers, i nave repeuieu.y k,;uim, ceUetl gt s gone populace of Kaneville. We u nderstaini that thre are a number of people i n Franklin coun ty who, like a great ruany others, are fond of b'dng hnmbnggc-d. took a bite at the "stamp sell." trions exampies bar on! . s state ment. It is said that Iavid B Trut the People Let Congress trust the peo; ie. The government is their own ; it was ereat:d by them and for them, and they will maintain its cr dit if they shall be nermitted to do so. DENTIST, LonsiU'RG, N. C. :!! ov-r lbieket Store. ''.'i ! 1 1- I'liiituoie Dental College. y-t'n'ir years active experience, i r I i j. n:;-.TH specialty. Natural Mi r.-'.n.i'. -v and ut.w ones inserted in VKVTV Mi .VI'TES. Ail 'A"ik warranted. I. ii:!)uiir is my home "for better or '!" and yon will always find me t1- to (-..rivet at my own expense any Tii t ha may prove unsatisfactory. Very truly. It. E. KING, Dentist. turkeys to sell in Boston the week bofore Thanksgiving at 20 to 23 cents, while the week after they would drop 5 to 8 cents per pound and stay there. It doesn't need a magnifying glass to see the point. The Narragansetts or even the common tv.rkey will bring in more dollars at Thanks giving at the prices which rule then than their Mammoth breth ren will one or two months later nt the price which rules at that time. ion can-i The immediate ne--ds of the Believing that Treasury for the maintenance of the collecting of a million stamps, 1 the gold reserve should be m.-t bv th rough the svmpathetic pfTorts a pro.cpt issue of bond.- to of the public, formed both the : strengthen public credit. It has le.Mi demonstrated that the re- Hill, about whom we . . - c i - i o t , a y hear thes day?, a 'on i.c icut farmer's son, and when eleve;; years of age went t. Si racj" tn uiak" h;s fortui:e with - in hi pocket. He met Dean Richmond, I re s id-M. t f l he N' w Y- r'k n t ra , , and made a bu-ine-s that gentleman wl.i 1. in ore out i f a m u no tid e nt e . H i ; 1 b- cauie selling ca n . i y an 1 j ; train between New Albany. In fact, neer train nieribint on t H I: yo I'.iir. r:.-h. 1 want v t.a.n'. i ! r : . : rr. " ' : :r r a:,,i !' re T A vr. Cut: a: 1 V.i;. . i" J I . w :.t . a ; . S i pro; oiji :.e accep'. '. than r. a t rai n t . i-a r: fi : i I Lavr. ' - - '. P. - f pa an . ca;. h 'it. t : n u - d- r- '. w i. : n tr f ! . ex rs on Y th ?. n was tt.' p o- Yurk ('ei;tral Railroad surest and easiest method of securing the sum needed, she im mediately started the famous chain of letters which has since penetratnl to every corner of the United States. Most of my read- retired fr.un t h is 1 ul rat i ve em . e W Ml U' ; -y- i d v.irk a ' i n : u n r. ; . h ,.U' .en i Two Lives Saved. Mr?. Phoebe Thfimns, cf Junction City, lib, was told by her d ctors she had Consumption, and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Etreers. 139 Florida St. Kan Fran cisco, sntfered from a dreadful cold, approaching' Consumption, tried with out result everything' else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial b-.tUes peated issue of bonds is simply a makeshift, and some better reun-dy must be devised than the issue of bonds under existing laws to bait Bb Iner distrust in business circles. Let dred t ers are probably familiar w ith , the people b? permitted to take Augusta her plan. Mie started the ball . care of their nat iona 1 cred it . roiling by writing three 'e ters Congress should authorize a pop to as many friends, requesting ular loan large enough to meet all possible contingencies, and offer it to the peoi le. It should be made a basis of banking, but above all the loan should be offered th ha. . t r i . WII I. 1 Y ; : d H Some F.xr'mnc'-s. I Hurrah It of 1.1 U i each one to send her ten or more cancelled stamps, and to write three letters more to other persons These, in their turn, were to fol- dred people to hear h , ia. i-usta ! Rob is W hen l.e c Journal. The pr .mot-Ts f tl trust have the sincere s ID n. Ben Ti'.i man. called that he tried .e 1. ' i r ? v : ii . '. : a s . . . c - . I 'ar... ""'::. r . 1 A Y I.'' di. rn; t w . . i r'H! . 1 - K e y : . y o f be re. z- on- low the same mode of procedure, in such denominations as would thus making a continually in- invite investment from the masses, creasing chain of letters, not to Such a loan would rescu.- the gov be complete until the fiftieth let- ; eminent and the Treasury from : the manipulation of Wall street in South I'o-t. Car i n a. - -W a-i. i n i f th ter was written. onres tin i versa l YARBGROUGH & DAVIS, p. h anKQm Tns The simplicity of tbis system ! Kmblers and inspire was at once its strongest and its ; confidence throughout the land, weakest point. When once the Let Congress trust the people, chain had been started all that They are abundantly able to take Miss Brown had to do was to sit j care of the "e(lit of their nation, down and await results. Results' and they wiU Klacil7 Jo f f A writer in the Philadelphia j were not long incoming. Soon !aw makers will only give them Reoord tries to prove that Edar ! stamps began to pour in at a very ; tlie opportunity. r. m e presn t "sei f - ra a. ;e" do much of thev had let the raemter- boast i men. But 'h n j " b after con tra'.'t of th f h-in, v did:.' at Aye cke & Co's. Drug Store, lar size 50c. and $1.00. some one eise the wor might i.ave been considerably improved upon. Wilmington Star. Allan Poe didn't write "The Raven." Somebod3' will be try ing to prove that George "Wash ington wasn't tbe Father of His Country, or that Stonewall Jack son didn't make it hot for his rapid rate. The volume of Miss Brown's mail, of course increased, I and before very long a million j stamps had been received. I An attempt was then made to hunt up the Chicagoite who had 9 1 D m OF LOUISBURG. Ail viuik in our line done oahort tice, and satisfaction gaaranteed. - In ,e ,.ur r,MW shop (the old ten pin ".'') in j- -od shape and are better nre. ''I t bau eer to serve oar custo ms. J. M. C. HiLU THE TINNER, l"'"!'-'io'(l to iJo all kind of tin work, re A" work Ruaranteed. Place ''"'' "" M:itn f.'rwt in house recentlv 033ORN HOUSE, - u. OSUOIIN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. vroo-i accommodations for the" ia?eling public. STIU, AT THE BLUDGE. W-ACK-SMITHING. n a.'!-,. I ;irn w ,, i .. w i-L- i .'' finsi iu uo 1 ll'ili yOU Will 8e me OB -faUior non fin1 tin sinnlnnmaiit. Iurt- iou will find me on " J ' he soon becomes demoralized apd turns out a worthless loafer in less than a year. This is a serious matter, viewed from my stand point serious to us in town, who are being burdened with the sup port of such unfortunate families, and more serious to families them selves. I write at length about this matter and in the utmost cau dor anSkindness, and ey to peo ple living in the- country, if you h sun w,i-k. ' '-lilt S 1 j,. nfll,,. o, -.I, ""Miiv ' o v , 1 Maln street r ,o,Hi "V "-''''n't forget f hat I am also ;' 'i'- l', ; '''"' ?)lv &au such as putting ! . i 1 1 '. v a w Kuns wmcn 1 1 ten .iiiys' .'iiit'.-.i t ti'.i ...iii . ... 7"'vu Yours truly' A. T. NEAL M.. llMV, o vl, If'vl.. first.,.,. ED3E PAUSTIN STAR SHOP Louisburg, N. C. ru U if i. Alston and L. W. Ea-erton. ' '.""'lei.M. aiid flt.wl ;., i,.. .1 I ii.ii- . " "i' " cjtiuin, " ' ptar Barber Shop on Nash ' " 1 "" J" are pnttinsr on rio-hh mi-Mi " '-'.idially invite all who want u')Tk to pnmo tv i w.t 1 , . ' nidi riiuii. 't-'.iword " Politeness and ffood northern opponents. We once ', figured as prospective purchaser ; heard of a man who was so fond j but he wa; not to be found, and of dispute that when he was i Miss Brown was informed by drowned in a river floated up stream. his body Electric Bitterg. This remedy ia becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric bitters sing tne same song-of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt K'ueum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Elec tric Bitters Entire satisfaction guar anteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at Aycocke & Co's. Drug Store. .Prices of Cotton. The New Orleans Picayune takes the ground that reduced acreage of cotton will not settle the question. Prices can be in creased now only by convincing cotton consumers that the present abundant cotton yield is not to be followed by a crop equally as large. "We must learn," says tbe Picayune, "to produce cotton more cheaply and to free it from the burden of thaving to pay for all classes of supplies consumed in tbe cotton belt." others to whom she attempted to dispose of her accumulation that the lot was utterly valueless. Wholly discouraged she aban doned all hopes of turning h?r stamps to financial account. Not so the stouthearted blacksmith. He married Miss Brown in De cember, and then in hi9 turn at tempted to dispose of the mighty accumulation, but without suc cess. Tbis, however, was not the end of their troubles. The stamps kept on coming in in greater numbers than before; and each day's mail proved larger than that of the day previous. Soon instead of a million stamps, Mies Brown (now Mrs. Garman) found herself in possession of two mil lion of the same. The flood of letters kept on increasing, and before very long, she bad three million on hand. And .so effec tive has been the working of that ever widening chain that at the present moment, Mrs. Edna Brown Garman has on her bands almost nine million stamps; and is receiving daily about 18,000, letters containing on an average 180,000 stamps. Faith in The Dootor. j "One of the most remarkable i cases of faith I have ever seen," said a well-kuown physician re- j cently, "occurred when I was ai student in Philadelphia. I had a I patient, an Irishman, who had a : broken log. When the plaster j bandage was removed and a lighter one put in its place, I noticed that one of the pine went in with great difficulty, and I could not under- j stand it. A week afterward, in j removing tbis pin, I found it stuck j hard and fast, and I was forced to j remove it with forceps. What j was my astonishment on making j an examination to find that the ', pin had been run through the skin twice instead of through the cloth. 'Why, Tat,' eaid I, didn't yos ! know that pin was sticking in you?' 'To be sure, I did,' replied Pat. 'but 1 thought you knowed your business, and eo I hilt me tongue." I When Bby wJ ick. we rT h'r '"ji'-.-rU. ! When ai." wJ a Chiil. cn! f r 'ArtoriA. I Whrti tvrnj Kins clur. t--. 'art. (-.. I Whi tho hJ Cliikirea, b gr Uvcm Cori. r a r h- h: o.ak. aii he; 1- SHOE MAKING. -ks v ; r f Th ui..i-' I 1 y v : . r ': !fcT :.d i . : ' . , 1 1 . . u r k 1 r that; a:.-. i guar 1 n: Mak- and f - v o r ? 4 . . . M .ES WEST. When a man i? ordered to drink quinine and whisky, ;t5 dollars to doughnuts be forgeU the qrrnine oftener than bo does the wb:kr. Feed, Sale Livery STABLES. 'rii.. l . II C r ,fcunr.rt,T.ii- etv HAYES & PINNELL, Proprietors, LOUISBURG. N. C. (i(M)I) TEAMS AND: roI.ITK IHIVKR How it Works. Since New York and several other Btates have adopted the com pulsory system of education, it will be of interest to read the story of a rase under a similar law in England. llenry Grainger, of Sunderland, SPECIAL ATTL'NTL -N TO TH A V ELIV; MEN. A Tint i im: y iu ..oikh ai. i i ) V HOI1. TASTELESS LL run IS JUSTASCOOD FOR ADULTS. bad a large family and bad been WARRANTED. PRICE 50ct out of work for several months. He was in bad health and was utterly destitute. The unfortu nate was summoned before a m&g- Galatta. Iixa.. Not. K. tt3J Pvts MottV-too Oo. Fi. Loots, Uo. UwUmxnVT moid lui tcu. t) bril o 3BOVE-9 TASTTCLE- CirrfX. TON K ' ma bouctit lArf tmw atmady tho yxr. la 1,1 pir ii pvnaiic ot 1 rMni 10 U tSraf bouma. lu't Dfm mVl in anmrtm 1 hl ffT a aiTri mmiie Tfl '" 7 jut T""1 lour truly, lt,Cau A Co. Fir. Tailor Ma!c Cluthic. ' ). n-t-v '. ir 1: i t n i ;, ,r . I t , !(T'" tv '. r-.:.- r'SlnbKrt : n !. ! r ') '.t'r Ir l"n fjrT-.'l t ntj i.i i, - n.io' : j --. -.L- Zi 'mr . t ( n.i a-i - ni atr; , Klr,. ct r:7i K..t.r k Vliwr j FLOWERS- EUUS. ET d Hyacinth. Tnlipf. (Llnrc Srr! I -il nnd th-r builtK, for "ri'irif. Mtd early Sprmp Moon.incr. Itrf. i'tirnatiin and othr handDir. ut fi()fn, bouquet .iml florn! djjrTr Enlm. Epm., etc . for room drc j rntinp. Jnrdinn-, Knurv a!i!c(.ni rmm F1or Pot. l!oii, Mp:.r ! linn. KvfrjfiwM, IV-rnnand EnglifJi H. STEIN HET7. luiH-h, n. r Hume 113. ' s "S