VOL XXV. ) I THUG SCHOOL TEACHERS , i. t T., i . i : I r l-i!n rnnfcr will lio ji-jbur"- the second Thurs :((); uary, AprU, Jnly, Sep October and December, and " ,,'r,..-tfiree days, if necessary, rue iMirpo.se of examining appli- LU - ...:n Ka this rouur.y. wm atow iu 1,.i,.ipr oil OaLUluajf ui ccvU 1 i Li 1 pUDHC Utiy, nu Uiuueu. Hi)' . . n.,nlwultnil MTli-Vi TVI XT J.-N. Harris, Supt. THE WORLD'S NEED. B MASSKNBURO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. L jCI.-iBL'liG, N. C. ..11 IK.i I 'rt ii fto rf thd RtatA O.tH-e iu court tiouse. f M. COOKK & BON, ATTORNEY8-AT-LAW, L'lUISBL'KG, N. C . . i- . ........... A KTnatl HMti1rl1n F - l v- i U A' u reuand Wake eouuties, iilso the ,iii-t, of iVortnuaroiiup, ana ins u. rt"j. E. MALONE. ..,. two iloors below AycocKe & Co.'s i K. W stor-, ii ijoiuiug Ur. O. i-.- Ellis. Ii. NICHOLSON, s. sl'HL'ILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUEG, N. C. . .. U 1 1 1 TTMnAA tail atteii 1 tne couruj ui r rsu&mi, auvc. nti'iu given to collections, &o. PRACTICING! PHYSICIAN, LOUISBUHtt, N. c. P y. ub'LLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, KKANKLINTON, N. V. legal business promptly attended to. UiiS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, K. C. h;flce od Main scrjci. oyer joul-o ot vuuir a Jy M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBL'Ke, N. C. Brai:Uci'3 in all courts. Office loathe Court ' II. YARBOKOUQH, JR. V. AT'IOKNKY AT LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. i ,i ,. ,,n Moiid tloor of Koal building l,M Ml"' I. 1 ! " il business intrusted to liini i. . ;-. ri 1 1 t and careiul alteiitioli V. BK'KETT, noRNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOLISBCRB N. C. t'r.imiit an l ii.LiusUikiiig attention given to ery ua.it t i' intruste.l to his hands. ti.'fcr.s t.i ci!i:f J j.ticosh ph ;rJ. Hon. Jo'.m ii i ,. ivi .t. iV. mstoii, Hon J. O ... .'T-'-i. first N.-tiou-il B;vtiK of Win i : laiily. Winston, Peoples Bauk . h.- K Tiyl-r, Pros Wake - For ., . Hni E. W. riui- orlak. pi i 1 .ii i t H.juse. oiporit! Mvrift f. Dentistry, II EDWARDS- op WAKE FOREST, N. C. I'Aill visit L (!iilurir on Monilav, Taesdav I A'.-in.'s hiv follon'inx the first Sunday a. h ;n. ml !i pr'-uiirpil to do all kinds of HiUl work. lU'fii-in the Meiidows Hot"l. KM! ST, While the workof Christian Mis sions has been very large during the tast centnry and especially du ring the last half century in com parison to what had been done during- the eighteen centuries which preceded this, the efforts of the church have been and are dis gracefully small in view of her size and wealth, and the impera tive need of the world. Let every Christian rheart join in praise for what has been done; but leteach heart search and see if it has not occasion for tearful repentance for personal responsibility in what has not been done. The world's need. What words can adequately portray this need ? Look around you. How small a proportion of our own favored land of churches and open Bibles have found in Christ their all in all ! How stupendous the work of reach ing the faithless and the immoral in Christendom. In this work 130,000 ordained ministers and many thousands more of Christian teachers and other consecrated Christian workers, are laboring with increasing energv and sys tem. But how slow their progress! Outside of Christendom how vast the harvest and how few the labor ers! Less than one-third of the world's population are even" nomi nally Christian, jln this number are Protestants, Rcjmanists, Greeks, Armenians, Syrians, Malcbites, Copts, Abysinians and their ad herents. The religion of some of these, though called Christian, is scarcely to be distinguished from paganism, While of these even in our own civilized and Protestant land, uearly every one of whose inhabitants are counted ''Chris tians," bow few have a saving knowledge of Christ. After nearly nineteen centuries of Christiau preaching less than one-third 'of the world's inhabitants nominally Christians, and a vastly smaller proportion really Christians. But if we are appalled when we include in our consideration all the world, what shall we say if we look alone upon Africa or Asia? Of Africa's 170 millions, only 5 millions are nominally Christian. Only one nominal Christian to every 33 heathen. Of Asia's 832 millions, only 19 millions nominal Chris tians; only one to 43 heathen. 2ut with what agony must he, who often magnificent houses of wor ship shelter weekly a noble army of Christian worshippers among whom are numbered many of our wealthiest citizens, gave last, year Tor the salvation of the world outside of the United Stales, the extravagant sum of eleven cents per member. How ast, truly, is the liberality of this great peo ple I I do tiot single out my own church because it is of all men most disgracefully stingy, but because, though some olher churches excel us, the want of liberality of our branch of Christ's church is, all things considered, representative of that of all Chris tians in our State. But if the nation is disgraced by her con duct in this matter, if our beloved section is, alas ! even more culpa ble, how is it with the individ ual ? A few questions answered in the candor of truth to your own conscience, my brother, will decide your own case. Let us substitute for the usual term "missions' its equivalent "the salvation of the world." I wish the substitution were always made in your minds. Have you given as much for the salvation of the world as you have been forced to pay for the support of the government ? TJjen is Caesar more to you than Christ ? Have you giveu as much for the salva tion of the world as to adorn your own body ? Or to satisfy your appetite for luxuries of food ? Or even what you have wasted for tobacco, or snuff, or worse P Then are the cries of your lower nature, and eVen of your lowest nature, more to you than the vast unuttered and unutterable cry of the world's need ? If your own heart condemn you, shall not God, who is greater than your heart, who understands the length and breadth and depth of the need JT the sinning, dying world as only infinite mind can understand, shall not God con dtmti yon ? N. H D. W. LOUISBPRG, N. C, FBIDATjUPBIL 26, 1895. HEWS NOTES. wept over Jerusalem, look upon . EDWARD DUGGER D. D. S. China With nearly one-third of LOU la BUR i, N. C. the world in its bounds, it has less 'iraiuate of the oldest Dental College than 60,000 Protestant commuui the Wnrll. E Lrht years experience. . , . . . . .St. imnmv-d instrnmunt- 'lWh T CaiHS OD6 JTrOieStaUb VOriSliaU W I acted without pain. Artificial -teetb ith'iut plate. Satisfaction or money 'nrned. .v over Jones & CooDet's store. "If God taught the Old Testa ment missionary compassion, by calling to his attention that iu 'Ninevab, that great city there were 'more than six-score thou sand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand what thoughts must the census of India invpixe, which shows us living within its range almost as many children tinder five years of age (45,000,- 000) as there are men, women, and children in the whole Ger man Empire !" November 4th, 1794, under an impulse received from a .letter written by Carey, 8 clergymen in London met to consult concern iog a missionary organization. In due season the Londou Mis sionary Society was launched, and now, after a hundred years, it has 256 men and women in the field, 1734 native pastors, 125,000 in its schools, in its churches almost 100,000 members, and na tive Christians to the number of nearly 400,000. Says the Independent : "It is an interesting fact that the wife of Field-Marshal Oyama, Japa nese Secretary of War and Com mander of the Second Army iu Chi na, is that lovely and Christian lady, known in her girlhood in New Haven, where she was a member of the family of the late Dr. Leonard Bacon, and at Vassar College, where she was president of her class, as Miss Stemats Yamaka wa. We can testify from our own remembrance of h3r that she was an extremely lively girl." Jews From Aim: The American Bible Society has issued the entire Bible in Italian the first ever printed in the United States. Diodati's version is followed, and the book is iu 12ino form. Its price in cloth binding is 50 cents ; and in roan and roan gilt, 60 and -75 cents. The remains of Bishop Han nington have been fouud and re moved to the great Christian church at Mingo. The missionaries on the Upper Congo have reduced six dialects to writing. The open Bible will soon be read in the native lan guage of those darkened "sons of Ham." War Overruled. Some one has said that personal consecration should be spelled purse-and-all consecration The Christians of America give only one thirty-second part of .one per cent, of their means to foreign missions. Buddhism appears to be declin ing in Japan, there being in 1891 only 3,256 Buddhist temples, as against 3,737 in 1877 a lose of 400 in fourteen years. A Youug Men's Hindu Associa tion has been started in Mr.dras to rival the Y. M. C. A., and one of the local rajabs is said to have promised 5000 rupees for a build ing. Three members of ' the ruling family of China are said to be Elders in the Presbyterian church at Pekin, while others are promi nent workers in other Christian societies. There are niue thousand Mis sionaries in foreign lands, but there are a bnndred and thirty thousand ordained ministers at home serving an equal number. How vast the disproportion ! The following figures show the growth of the Protestant commu nicants in China. In 1842 there were 6 ; 1852, 350 ; 1865, 2,000 ; 1876 , 13,000 ; 1886, 28,000 ; 1889. 37.287 ; 1892, 50,000. Christians spent less than a mil lion dollars for the salvation of China last year. The worshippers of demons in that nation spent a hundred and thirty millions in sacrifices to their god. A very satisfactory explanation for the slowuessof the conversion of China. WfcMi Eby vma tick, w g htr CWarK Wbea stM vm ft Chad, ah crW for Caatort. Wha rt h4 CtOkirea, th gmv t NUMBER' 10. CALL AT THE -THE- "Central Saloon." Htrinit jopt wwirid a and frh sup ply of all bran.lo of tb bt hUkr from tb moat celebrated cnau nfartarera, it i no prepar ed to rire the pohli. iren eraliT I he adra&taga io both prira and qaahty - NATO AN GILMORErre biky 11) j rare old SlLTER SPRING Bye abUky tbre old ILouiSuUrg Bargain Store. Kor 8HOES and Gents Porni iug Goods also for. CLOTHING. Oar Goods are frwb and We carry a fiie line of lo and best COOPERS Corn whisky other brands of the vpry corn can always be bad. Also threp of the test brand. of Beer, Richmond Brewery, Standard Brewery of Baltimore, and the celebrated, Anhauser Busch "Foust Export." In addition the very txst Beer o:i draught, cool and fri5h. PICTURES. - AND FRAMES, And we are selling them at half price in LEI! MANS old ttsnd. SHOE MAKING. MOSES WEST holds forth i rear of Thomas' Drue Store. (oi WINES, CIGARS, & TOBACCO, i 'he alley ' when ho does ho H. 3EZj. IE. ZKZIUnTO-, DENTIST, LoriSBUIUJ, N. C. ofliiv ,At.r Jacket Store. h'iMduH'e Baltimore Dental College. 8,000 heathen. But not in "Dark est Africa," nor in Asia which is even darker, not in poor, humbled, cringing China is found the most appalling picture to him who lo'ves his fellow man, his fellow man across the seas as well as in his own country; this most discourag- f :i'y-t.)ur years active experience fc LM.., . , . . , ' j j : l , U -iu i-mmeu ana new ones inaeneu ixi . , f annu;. fVENTY MI TT Ed . loBBUCBB auu sciiiauucss ui All w. irk warranted. tian church. The indifference of Liomslmrg is my home "for better or ., . . iiP..i,tin." an.! you will always find me the great mass of "Christians a .y t c, rivet at my own eipense any t.o the world's need is astounding L .1 - . . . I -J tudt may prove unsatisfactory. V ery truly, K. E. KING, Dentist. YAR3GR9UGH & DAVIS, The Blacksmiths All The selfishness with which they lavish means on their bodies, .and sometimes squander them on their lusts, and dole out their pittance, their widow's mites, for the salva tion of the world, is appalling and disgraceful. - . worK in our line done on short nen is wild and my words exag iaf q rf i rn cr n o m.Tl have ,ur newTn7, oM tonriS gerated. Let us see, unristenaom M iu h hxI shane a.nd ar ht,ter -ova- canda 0 OOO missionaries to nreach hJ than ever to serve our.custo- . uni; Ainrr in heathen darkness, but keeps 130,000, more than 14 times as many to preach to her own people less than half in number. The vast Empire of China has one minister to 400,000 population; the Christians of the U. 8., support for themselves one fW Rverv 700 of DODulation. Is J. M. C. HILL, THR TIXVER. 1S prt-narp. to li all kind of tin work, re l,!rinir K- in ...i. a ui., If l " ui k uuiauifflu. now 1 O'lKlncRH on M-iin l.-ruot iii linnun fUnnt,lv Kll'iCfl by F. P.Li-riHl. STILL AT THE BRIDGE. LACK-SMITHING. hi'ra ' x auu vreuareu vo uu i . . -. . W.,rli I V. , .i ii 1 . A . J ...rt.finaf n I salhclinMR In Ii . ri "HUIC. 1 llll Will llllll U1B (III I -ius, sl ot the River bridge. Mala street' gniritual things ? But WOrSO --.u.unug, non-uorgji mat i am aiao i tjnriSlian UUlicu owiea cfJ"U11 Ten li . I u . T.T. 1. . . -1 1 UI VUO Mten a lU11 Deaoiati notc&ueaior ..,inuUwlJ aua irrcparcu w w Toars truly yond her borders' $7,000,000 per a 1 9frT a a. t. nbal annum: ber drinK Dili is $wu,vuv, IAMQND EDGE PALIST1N STAR SHOP- 000 annually. Is not this both Louisburg, N. C. appalling and disgraceful ? Bu The South e r,,, :A?dM to come nearer borne. ti "'i mieu u d in eieeaub i 'Wt. a:.r.J?rho.P. . m Methodist hurcb. one of the i llllll inn sin Mirny mnn i - ami tiior r. , i i..l.. J uiruuiunir nn niTIlL XI1UCI1 lirnui. y cord'aliy iavite all who want T K, Tr V)Tk to to their shop. work," i. aua gaua UrtTPRt and wealthiest m pur. flouthlaud. whose beautiful iift Says Dr. C. C. McCabe, of the Methodist Missionary Society : "Thirty-five years ago we had one convert in all our foreign fields ; now we have 130,000, aud they give $250,000 per annum or self-support. Mission work has been opened n Uganda, Africa, at the very place where Bishop Hannington was murdered. Luba, the chief of the district, offers, if the mis sionaries will locate in his capital, o build them a church. The missionaries of the Eng- ish Church Missionary Society n Uganda, Africa, report that the head wife of King Mwanga is preparing for baptism. "The king: himself, though at times be shows a real desire to be a Chris tian, stil I holds back and hesi tates to give up his besetting a sins. A commercial treaty has been made between British India and Thibet, and henceforth British subjects may reside in laiting, one of the cities of Thibet. The barriers will soon be broken down, aud the Bible and the mis sionaries will find an open path way to that hermit nation. Portions of Australia are even yet a mission field, but it is send ing missionaries to Ueylon,Lhina JflDan. and Africa. When the ..... gospel is kindled in neatnen lands it spreads its flame to other lands. Before anotber genera tion is ended, China, Japan, and Africa will be centers from which the gospel will extend to the re gions beyond. May not every Christian' .kindle a spark in some part of the heathen world ? Ex. Oue reason given for the suffer ance of vermin in Hindu bouses, is their superstitious and firmly' rooted belief in the transmigra tion of souls. A missionary was recently visiting a high-caste woman who bad lost ber child As she sat talking, a cockroach walked across lhe floor, and she : i & ' i v i : was auoufc iu urusu tuo mqcv away, when the - mother cried Don,t .harm it, 1 beg yoa ; my 1'ittle baby's soul is iu that cock roach; T Rev. Henry Loomis, Agt. American Bible Society, writes : "I received yesterday from the War Department permission to visit all the Cbinege prisoners in Japan, aud distribute Scriptures among thera. I am also promised access to all the hospitals and barracks in Tokyo where soldiers are quartered, with every oppor tunity to give them the Scrip tures. There are seventeen hun dred in the hospitals. I could not learn the exact number of soldiers, the estimate being all the way from forty to sixty thou sand. These men constitute the re- 8rve, wbicn has now been cabled out. They represent all classes of piople except the nobility, and come from every town and ham- et in the section of the country rom which they are drawn. They are young men, and the flower of Japan. They are free o consider religious subjects, and, to a large extent, are inter ested in knowing what Christi auity is. No such permission has been granted until recently. I shall probably now be able to get access to the whole army and navy or japan, lne opening presented for religious work in Tokyo and Hiroshima is the most remarkable I have ever heard of To God be all the praise." Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Head ache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent care and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches jiejfL to its influence. We unre all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give thia remedy a fair trial. In eases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cares by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few casta long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only fifty cents at Aycocke & Co's. Drag Store. ALL OF THE BEST GRADES. Mixd drinks are also made a specialty, as all my friends can testify. Will be glad to see all. Come and so top at the sam old stand in the "Middle of th Block." R. C. BATCUELOR, Manager. Louisburg. N C. making and r-nairim. and nar- 1 1 r r i p ' ante9 to'do work a? good aud cheaper than any Shoe-Maker in the State. Come and sw for yourself. R-spect fully, MOSES WEST. Feed, Sale I Livery STABLEB. NOTICE. Tlv and-relfmi having daly qnsllftM i Executor of ih lmt will an 1 liummi of Jere Prrrr. rVwu!, all persons hoiaiiia claim alnat th ntitc of thr aal 1 ririent ar hrrf.y nollOwd to Diraent Chr umr to na GOOD TEAMS AXI POLITE DRIVERS. A. C. ZoLLionrrKa, Kiddiss Paaar. Kt-atoia of itrrr Pirrr. Dec'd. April S. Vt. .NOTICE. By rtrta of the power wnUUie.j in Ji of trat xcatl l,j C. A. HJe an 1 Pattl Halo bla wife an.l rvonied lo too M. paje WI In the Rffriabr of Deola o.floe In franklin coanty. I ah vtl on Mon laj the lh ilajr of May IM, -Jl at paMir martlon to the blffhrat tra der for caah at tb Court Uoun iVjot In ta town or Loui.'.urK the tract of lanl de-yrtf-1 I In aal.1 deJ of truaf , altuaUxJ In Cypreaa Cre k I townablp. aiVolnmir th lan la of th Uloa i eaUte. Mallaun (alipper and oth-r, ma- I fine Ttilor Hade Clothing, kauuia i wo nunareo ana ninu-eo mem. W. M. Piuoi,TruaW April llh 189&- COMMLSfilONEB-S BALK. I By rtrtu- of a Jwrw of U- 8aperlor Court of Franklin County rnlerwl at January Term WJ In tbe eaa of K W Ttm triak-, I Truatee, et at, a N. B. Toana and wife. BetUe Younjt. I will on th lat Moo lay In ur. Jennie oi. uiyior ib trie ursv i for piym tit on or u f..rv the loth day of Arm . r i i 1 i-, or vnia nouce win i naVo In rar y person to go to a foreign land as a th.,r wrorery. an inM iSdS?! S the , i i i tAte will pleaae come forwarj and mikr lental missionary. She is tbe immediate a'ttktnmt. daughter of Rev. A. E. Taylor, a Methodist minister of Martinsville, Penn., and is working in Africa as a missionary and a dentist. She is tbs niece of BUbop Taylor. The American United Presby terian Mission in Egypt is doing such efficient work that a traveler, after passing up and dowu tbe Nile, said that one can scarcely enter a towu or village without liuding a well-constructed school bouse where the Arabs are taught, and they ire proud to say that their education began in the American mission schools. Re view of Missions. Bishop Galloway, of the M. E. Church, South, just back from Asia, returns profoundly impressed with the possibilities iu tbe East. Japan a new force, Korea under reconstruction, aud China humble and teachable as never before. Tbe Emperor in Pekin seeks in the Christian's Bible the hidden springs of .national power. Rev. 0. F. Reid, in Shanghai, has re ceived 150 probationers since Con ference. The oldest missionaries are unanimous in their opinion that the hour for China's redemp tion has come. HAYES & PINNELL, Propri.tor., LOUISBURG. N. C. SPECLKL ATTENTION TO TRAY ELINO MEN. A Fine line or Btooirji ai.wat ox HAND. April at the OoQrt Hooae door tn Loatatxir the right, UUe aayl InU-reat of tbe aald N B. ell at paNle auction to the hlgb-at U hie , At nttom made pnr I bare a?rd the aareory for the Royai tailor, of Chi. ijj Urfreat tailoring eatabli.bment in l'-fiitei State, andean fomi.h ynti rn .1 ,.ri notwp. anything yon wot in tae why f clothing Fit (rnaranteed F-aT tertaa. Call and my aample. Reati-tfony . Jo W. Kfo. of the firm Kica; t Mama loung and wife In and to a certain tract of la.id a-lJolnliig-Th- landa of A. H. Perry and Others, containing 800 arria. more or le. and Mnf the ume Un 1 delel .y Bryant Young to Wlnlf rV Young for llf-. mnain V r to Catherine, Virginia Aiolphu Yoang, et ai. For deacrlptVon book 71. page SJO and 40, Id offlre of Reglater of peoda TlRkU : Onthlrd dab. Tlirvw on all month crmlt with 8 per cent. In treat ThU Feb. , 1HB4. a W. Tim maLAKk, Tnuti. T. W. BicarrT.AttorTM y. Th above m1 postponed until the first Monday in May. FHANKLlTO HOTEL E. M. WARD, Prop'r. Good accommodatious. i.iit aervants, and the best fare Uie aiarket affords. Good Livery in connection with hotel RUFFIN & LEWIS, BLACKSMITHS We ar prepared to do all kinds of work in oar lin. Call to nre as at oar shop near the LooUbarg mills. FLOWERS, BULBS. ETC. Hyacinth. Tulips, f'hine Sarrl Lilies and other duIIw?, for Tintvr nnd early Spring blooming. Ror-. Carnation and other handsome t ct flower, bouquets and floral deign Palma, Fenn. etc , for room deot niting. Janiinerw. Fancy aDdcom mon Flower Pot. Howi, Msgno iiaj. Evergreen, Pecan and English Walnut trwH, et. H. STEINMETZ. Sleigh, N. C Thone 113. A . single missionary,- Titus Coan, in thirty years of labor in the Hawaiian Islands,1 himself received and baptized if, 960 per sons. These proved remarkably steadfast in the faith ; only one in sixty had afterward' to be disciplined. The Discovery Saved His Life. Mr. G. Gailloaette. Druggist, Bju versville. 111., says: " To Dr. Kinara New Discovery I owe my life Was taken with La Grippe and tried all tbe physicians for miles about, bat of no avail and was given op and'told I could not live. - Having Dr. King's New Dia eovory in my store I sent for a bottle and began its nse, and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was np and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or aonelwitboat it,' Get a free trial at Ajeocke & Co's. Drag Stor. IMS! f v iy-r j TASTELESS IH3DLL mm m IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRAflTED. PRICE 60ct. o alatia, Tuav Hot. m, ten Parta Vadlrfna Co.. St. Uaa, Mo-r.i.i-Wt ankl laa rear. 60 bottlia JBOVCS TA8XKLKKS fr"r T- TONRJ and aaec aoocbt threa groaa already UUa year, la all oar es of 1 rear, tn tb drum fcila m. barer aoM an anw-la that raa vorh nnlTaraala taolkta aa ruur Xo&lo. xovratraiy. HOTEL WOODARD. W. C. WOODUD, Prop., Roeky Mount N. C. Free Bai meet all trains. ll'm per day. TAR RIVER STOCK FARM OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, lN C. Good accommodations for tie traveling public. Town Election and Registration. There will bo an election on Monday the 6th day of May for Mayor and four Commissioner for the Towu of Ixxjisbarg. Tb Registration book is now open tit the office of Go. S. Baker. A new registration it not requiwci. ouly thoM who have become of age or moved in town since tbe last election are required to reg ister. Geo. S. Bakes, Registrar. Raise Year Bacon, Motion, Beef, Milk and Batter. Pure Bred Duroc J envy Pigs. Pure Bred Oxford down Backs. - Pure Bred Jersev Heifer and BULL CALVES. S40.000. Forty thousand dollars to Unn out on Town and County renlertale for a long or h6rt term at 6 pr cent, in amount to suit tbe bor rower. W.T. UTGHES. Looiaburg, N. C. NOTICE. Having qaaffflad aa A t. Marpby. aa) rtm.m notL&ed to taatae wayaamt at aorta koadtea; win per My cows have butter records of 20 pounds per week Beet Bui', Boar And Ram in America at tbe bead o! mv herds. My stock is reg istered. Write for what you want and I will supply you at reasonable price. W. L. McGHEE, Franklinton, N. C. . rohafrasoT t4 itfr i iaaa tr ial aJJ tr agalaa Lbm aaM aCjt tot pay i at am or hrtei- tkeh4ay of AvHI 1M. or tkla aoOev wU l plaa tag la Bar ot taear ly AprtltJLUaa. O. U Eaxaa. Aaa of iimmrs X. Marpy. Tobacco Plant Beds. J oat received om ear load ct Tot Fartilixr for plant brd a. 6re aa befoew j on bay yoor goano. W eaa aav yo bomj. Kiaar A llacoau THOMAR' CHILL PILLS will eradicate malaria and boild up tl- rervous system. Wte. box at Tbom as' Drug Store.

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