-(? PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS, The Superintendent of .:, Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisborg on the second Thurs day of February, April, July,: Sep tenber, October and December, and rtiu.iia for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining appli cants to teach in the Public Schools of tii is county. I will also be in Lonnburg on Saturday, of each w .vk, and all public days, to attend t any busineas connected witttf my o.lioe. I . JJ N. Habbis, Supt. . 110 fcti sessional ; cavcl. 13. B. MA.SSENBUBO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. r " ' Will practice in all the Courtg of "the State. oalce in Court House: : iL COOKK & SON, AT rOHNBYS-AT-LAW, LU JISBOBO, K. C, - - "A .: Will attend the courts of. Nash, Franklin, UiMiiville, vVarrouan-i Was.ecoauUe8, also the supreme Ojartol North Caruluip, and the IT. j circuit aui Distriot UourtSi.r' ' , 1. i) a. J. B. MALONJS. uJm two doors oeiow AycocKe s drag stare, adjoining Or. O. Ju. liUis. Co.'s R. V. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICINQ PHYSICIAN, LouisBuae, v. c. . 8. 8PRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOOISBtJRG, H. 0. ' Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, Qr mviil;, Warren and Wake counties, tdso tl:o supreme Court of North Caroiiua. .Prompt attjuiiuu given to coUectioiis, Sta. N. T. OULLKYr ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FHANKLIXTOH, N. a All legal business promptly attended to. ; T 1H0S. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBG, N, C O tiee on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's Sturc. ; M. PEUSON, ATTORNKY-ATLAW, LUUISBUEG, N. C Practices in all courts. Office In the Court House. . yT II. YARBOROUGH, JB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURO, N. C. OfTice on second floor of Neal bnilding Ham Street. ' . - All . tral business intrusted to him will recejve prompt and caretul attention T. m V. BICKETT, ATH.'RJfEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L-JJISBoBO N. C , Frorapt and painstiking attention given to ev 'i-y matt' r iiitrosteTlto hihanvls. - Keters to chief J asticehh -ph :ri. Hon. J ohn M.u ,iny, Hon. ltoht W. Winston, lion. J. C B it.ni. Pres. First National Bank of Win b ni,oieuu& Manly, Winston, -Peoples B.'ink ul Uu.jrue, CU is. E T ylor, Pres Wake For ec c.il . g. , Hon. E. W. Ximi erlake. , o .io- in Court House, opposite Siiertlfs. Dentistry, W. H.ED W ARDS- OF WAKE F0RE3T, N. C. Will visit Loniwhurg on Monday, Tuesday a; i .VeJupslav following the first Snnday in f.irh m-iitb prepared to do all Kfuds 01 bi'iira! work. Oiiicj in the Meadows Uotel. D .1. EDWARD DUGGERDD. S- LOU W BUB i, N. C i - o 1 . i o i i k t r na n .tuar i ion in i i ifii ihitm i , t 1 m . 11 .T rt.11 1 i i Ml, ;,t.i if t r Tma mi urn L-vTtinnn i ",a l" Yl in I (ir mm in, Li w v t. .7 r-' a aw I M-Mt improved instrumsnta. Teeth f tnu::"i without pain. Artificial teeta i . . . . .... I with . ut plate. Satisfaction or money . T if, r.,..v. tQ 1 -i 13 JRj. IB. ZEIIInQ-- DENTIST, LOUISBURG. N C. Office over Racket Store. 1 - (irid iate Baltimore Dental College. TAvuty-four years active experience. Airrmoi vL teeth a specialty. Natural tveth removed aud new ones inserted, in TWENTY MIXCTES. " i : i l J - '' worn -warrauieu. -. y L uisburtr is my home "for better or 1 w rse ' auo you will always nna me V " ... . J I re:i.iy- to correct at my own expense to correct at mv own expense any w.jrk that may prove unsatisfactory, ..Very truly. R. E. KING, Dentist. YAK60B3U6H & DAVIS, The Blacks OF LOUISBURG. All work in our line done 611 short nonce, ana sausiacuoa guaraiiuct. Ve have cur new shop (the old ten pin lev) ineod shape and are better pre- 'tiu mail ovot iiu pciic uers. J. M. C. HILL, THE TINNERr-.'V;; ' Is nrftnnrpd to Ao all kind of tin work," re tairinir. All irnrk cniaranteed. . Place f business on Main street in Jiooae recently on upied by F. Parnuh. ' ' " I STILL AT THE BRIDGrE.. BLACK-SMITHINGt Where I am well known and ureparedtO '4o mysinidwork. I hope Toa will see -ma-as pe you wm see ma .You win nnd me on tverbrtW. Mala street Fou iiavj aoae belore, t h : Bast side of the River Loui3l)urg, N. C. While I am doing ot bUu&siatthlni K? .11. 7iAiMM nil lrlnria prcp.xaed io rep; f f aaafe4u wW On Ilpar lnrka JbA b w,; repiirad that will be sold If not called for la ten days. .. ;;.,-.jf.A?.Ti"jraAii; DIAMOND EDSE PAUSTIH STAB SHOP. Ijoniahnrcr. N. C.'?feWa;wtt Messrs. W. M. Alston and L. W; Eirton, have remodeled and - fitted UD in eleeant St vie. thir St.nr vTtnihsi Shnrt-S Oft NftBTl fiyreet, and they are putting on rigntmncni etyie. rney cordially invite all wuo wane first-class work tn'(nnin ta' -their shop iiipir watenwordu miths "77 EEPINGUPTHE BLUFF.: v New York World. V . - V y. I With ft high and ffirgbtr air Tw Pne-between ber flnKPrs . Ten to one that she can -arry AtTner pa reels in her mnff. lon tinagioe BUe'a been buying; She is keeping np the bluff. 1 7 -v ' When you. see a.ti5i. ! ' Standing jnst outside "of rsrt r : : "SJr a"gtnp.that is lender - 'P; ? iu i necnime ot many bpJls. - aTr ne8 dining A ; Where g he a hd taioM 1. That is part of the profession. V When the crirl heltind VOU With ft-man nu - ; iaat its hard to keep on Dont be fresh and wink bo rndelr, I : Or Jan ?h sljrlj up voor cuff; . " . Se may wear a eealakin nlr"er. " ' u si o w(hur "P i wnn. - . When the eirl that; Teiis yon that it is not right - f 'one oiways wanting kisRes : Ana a-squeozinjc lur eo tlarht. Don't get scared abont yonr manners; KeBt assnred they're right enough; She is not od Dosed to kinKM- She's jnst keeping a p the bluJf. ' When yon'reitting with a paTty R mnd the table in a. rimr. And your hand shows fonr good aces -TLuu u nuuutrj King. Don'tneeleet to bet vonrmonw. - Tho' yonr lnck is rnnning tough. x or me cnances are you 11 win it Just by keeoinc no the Hnff. . Judge Hot. v We have no ,right to judge oth- ers until we know all of the r.ir. cumatances that influence their conduct. In many cases we might act like those we condemn under like circumstances. A young man employed - In a -' - , printing office m one of our large cities 'incurred the ridicule of the other compositors, on account of bis poor1 clothes and unsocial be- havioT. 0u several occasions snb scription LVvX Tf lyl n - 111 rnr 1 I.HI 1 I .. him for various objects, butane re , . - i fsed to give his money. - One day a compositor asked"B1m to contribute for a picnic party, but. was politely, refused. 'You are the most niggardly rr an ever employed in this ofEce' said the compositor, angrily 'Stop,"said the young map, choking with fueling. Yon have insulted me." The other compositors gathpred around the excited men. The young man looked at them for a few minutes with a faniishfid lonk and a strauge fire in his large pye. "Yon little . know," he 6aid, "how unjustly you have been, treat ing me and accusing me. For more than a year I have been starving myself to save money enough to send my poor blind sister to Paris. to be treated by a ftSanS't." I have always done my duty in . . . mm this office, and Have minded mv i . ' f ' , a own business. ; I am sacrincmg .-. m every miner in nie ior anotner. Wontd either of voir do as much ? VWUIUOUYV.IC VIV wvCi lie had been ludeed without a knowledge of circumstances. Be slow to censure and condemn We cannot read the heatts of oth ers, and, in many cases, to know all is to.forgive all. 'Judge not, that ye be not judged."; IJ g- An interesting; insight into the wavfl of the ultra new woman was " -.-- , . ... . . inmiBne oy mesinuuuy iu a London court of Mrs. Beauclerk, a. stock broker. Mrs. Beauclerk tes tified that she employed her bus- J !. lia.nfliu hntlhif thanii. t. .. -:- . missed him from her employ last i e -.t "-'v-dsr:. It.. tions ot duty, wnenever sne.wen j . - r-.i. . , .oui, u0c v-u w. private office. 'Do yon mean to say," asked the Solicitor-Generali f - oa h trian pou h ; " A"- " ""V T" TV .4T f von saw the man .yon bad sworn, to honor ; and obey writing Tfi - a . a yonr private room you would be jjj so hard-hearted as ' to say, "Out von cro u go ?' " VI should, certainly," was the answer. Ex - Two Sides to the. Medal. Washington Postv . c "Rvprv bod v knows .the ! woman -s whdaays societyas such aibore i-. . . . . . Ai j... n I for. .in point of fact, she .does not .1v T un ar.rOM her I CTf 1 H DUll b lllUVUt J r " o f rJend'a house the other day and marked her languid air, The uoaa war indiscreet enonsh to i.e f er to it. and even" th e .teacups 'sbuddewdljwl woman's reply. . ' '-v.; . vii' it .m i oVk - iravin-o ':p.aii: a art t.l rftSOme. .J;:ivSt!t'j Ob 1", . responded ; tne : nostess, - t i ,i ilijt tlS I, Am :tb nch JhlOrft' tirO- a ..ottra tbemiV . . guiue u." . - - ?And tnejteacupsj scorcyuo AN ACCOMMODATING HOTEL. , . The following example .ofAmer ican.? 'humor" ' appears on the back of an' elaborately ornameuted card setting forth, the merits of a Vstf ictly first-class a hotel iu California '. v:-' -For: the . information of the crowds who intend, visiting this resort during ; the coming " season we .desire to p&y that . the Lake- .u n.r ; vui v - accommodating house: on this mundane sphere. ; Cats, ; dogs, monkeys and parrots are allowed inmenonse wnupux extra cnarffe. Muepeciai cows are aept. so all ' " - , w 1 nets maw have fresh rftam t oil hours of the day. - . -t Guests have- not to wipe, their I feieCwhenh'ey.xomeiallihVy: i t I vwwws m www- v m waw 1IUIICI V&w fuS."" ide, or some of the plants them. cu SI selves and eet Dostajre at the W . . I free; can bring snakes, W A l i: J - j it 1 uuiueu luaus, luarus, aim viuer icu ttuiuiais in lu iuh ouuse. anui i i .1 . i . the manaeer or clerk will skiu and prepare them free' of charge. If you don't pav your bill at tne end or toe wees; it makes no matter, as we are related toKotha- child. We furnish a oiano. cork- screw, and sewing-machine to eac tfnest. . If yonr children dig" ,es in lDP piasiering, or mase flags out of the curtains, it's all right, as it doesn't cost anything for repairs. For ladies who want' to wash an( co0 in te rooms, we reserve our bt8t 8,,lt Ple"7 f rbn water bags and meiicines of all UtiiUy from pius to sarsaparilla. free to all. Our chamber-maids were selected in France for their beauty, and brought over in three ships. They are always willing :. . . . - . : in niiT.Tnn inn 1 an 1 pr rdurs. eomni J. I 1 1 m J .1 I lueir Uttir, auu meuu kueiruresseB for sweet charity's sake. "Our waiters will serve meals J at any hour in the day for a kind word and a smile, ion can take yon any Kina oi liniment or poultice, dav or night. "ion can do, in fact, anything yon want to; but not more than six gents are allowed to sleep on tbd hilliard table at onre. "Anyone breaking the rules of the bouse can receive a free mes sage treatment with a club by leaving notice at the office. Where The Bad Eggs fid. Considerably over 1,000,000 dozen decked and pungent eggs . reach New York City every year, What becotfies.of them ? If yoil ask a man he will smile and say that he does not know, but lb at Bnlfiimfij wnotArl. That ia true. " '""'" " 1 All the bad e2e;s are sold. Some go to the tanneries to help pnt an J extra polish on lealher. A larger number of them are sold to tne tiret coffee roasting establish- s , rvu 4v A.r-a ments. There the odoriferous contents are used to put an oily gloss on the roasted coffee bean, Thus eventually the egg that is cast out by 'the exchange jobber lt j the consumer. Probably toe un- snsnectiua consumer, judging by C Jm 4 ti f ha ofn r fx r rt ai I its looks, congratulates himself n Retting a pound of coffee of cilia ,BVrSTlfm auu. tltuunoa vt aroma and navor. rrobaoiy ne nas.--Ex. Getting Shet of a Bore. XVlCUO.ru JJl tlioicjr uucnuau, while visiting, feeling rather wearv and wishing to rest, was! 1 f.11ii..nAat wh vr a .. i .. j i- ... ... . . did not admire; U he did not I wish to accompany her for a walk. Glancing: pntof the wind dow, attZiA.iiziiA "Tr W 1 ouriiuau IFUHVU 1 . i . .. cloudy. We shall be caugbt in ' . m.a ,u.a1 awtile - Shortlr the sun came tUU, IBIUi it- v v .... ..shall w I LUIUUV U aillJ -.av - w i . ?,t . .;Mt:-i . hM Pflrftd "Whxr. res: so - aasd cheridan it : has . . n , ,fo 0e bnt uaol cleared;nt enough for one, ,bnt not enoughvfor two." YOU go. Argonant. Japanese- Proyerbs. D?trot Free Press. I . v .a ''. jt -t-iA A WOmau wm i I : - elo , ,ut - tongue Can Slay -a giant. t. a three-inch ;-.-- - - - . : ' a a - W . Doubting minds wU ever bring: a ewarm of demQns.v - - , Patience isjtne ropeoi auvauco ment i a al) lines of life. cannot see the Himalayas. ; Everybody, has eight eyes for his neighbors business.. v When : the sense of shame 18 lost, advancementceases. ; Genius hears" one -: individual then comprehends ten. : LOULSBURG, N. C, FIUDAY, MAY THE HOSE AND TI1E TH0E5. Hhe was no longer a rosebud.' ; Indeed she. was In full bloom j and bad been bo throogh'sereral seasons. . But she h"ad- money, , and he I loved her. -: - , . : , , . JIow)ftei men do that way I Ob, money, thou art a honey I 8o m time - wore on: and she J"""--- throbbe.d norland more, until he Btled' its throbbing by apropos- ing to her. t ... : ' - TTft was so sure of har: at her , . " ' 7 7 . " tim of life, that anTthino- hnt i ' . " I prompt acceptance never occurred to b,m. ' ""T'-v' T I spirit sttrronndine them. pi,la surprise, wen to near ner v'7vf 0b"r! bimMor his kindness, but m m ... really she must decliue. . 440b, why, wbyf" be pleaded . . - I in heartbroken tones. m I "i.-n i j t , ,, i. . -V"" uu" 1WTO you' 8116 aD8wered 7u can. learn to love me," he said coaxingiy. "I think not," she persisted. un, yes, yon can," he ex claimed, grabbing at 'her lily white hand. 0ne is never too old to learn, you know." w , .... I now ne ever escaped alive it is no part oi tue chroniclers busi- I ness to explain. This is no detective tale. Driving a Bargain. The mean man occasionally overreaches himself iu a way that is delightful to thoae who 1 r n 1 . uave uu nets tur aiiuy peupie. v - - journal tells a story of one of this J I, ! c,a8S OI persons, tvuico is most amusing. The man went into a butcher's shop, and inquired the have that for notniug, replied the unicner, a more 3r less generous person. The cu6tompr was elightly dea nd migj,ed the an8Wer. 'Can't yon take 'Something off that ?" he asked, never suppos ing that the butcher had offered to give him what he wanted. uo. yes.' replied tne outcner, with a smile. f!all it twopence." And the mean man paid the I. m . m . al twopence ior tne gut, and de- parted, thinking how clever he was. The Foundation Stone of Success. AUO ODe Sreat ra,e OI ouames? mi. e i is that of honesty, absolute and unqualified honesty, writes Ed ward w Bok in tbe May L'adies T . . . , , Home Journal. All the rules of ... . . business are worthless if they are not founded on that one and only foundation stone to true commer- .- i - c gs Honestv is nof alone the best policy in business ; j n it is the one and only policy. Upon it, and upon it alone can a good reputation be built, and a man in business without a repu tation for honesty might just as well stop. Any deviation from the rule . of .honesty in bnsinesB may bring temporary gain, bnt it invariably means permanent loss. On the other hand a strict . n - linnit rtltw I ' f m a v moon o umnnrorv loaa. hnt -y. Tt- neniain. All Free. .- Those whohae tised Dr. King's New Discoveryknowitsyaloeiand those who have-not, nave now tne opportnnuy to 24. m I AVt , T n rZ." u i Zi; . T.t.i the advertised Ilflen Bottle Free. Send yonr name and address to H. B. Backlen & Co., Chicago, and get a Min- i i tv . vi - xr Y ir- r;n- l..". .GaMe"i; pie I Healtli and Household Instructor. Ere. All of whlah is smarm teed to. do you good and cost you nothing at Ayeocke ! &Co's. Drag Store. Some women, when they, have I nnthinff ii 4a hiI riowri on . riP Free Pills. .- Send vonr address to H. E." Backlen & Co., Chicago, and get a free aample box of -Dr King's New Life Pills. A trist will convince VOU of their merits. These pills are easy In action wd are i particnlarly effective in the core of Con- j laria and Liver troubles they have been atinatlnn nrt HinK HpaOACDe. HOT tLB' proved invaluable. They . gnann- feterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by -L11! the gystem. Berular sixe 2Se. per box. i Soli by Ayeocke & Co Druggists. 17, 1895. - COURTESY At HOME. . No pleaeanter eight is there than a. f amlly of ycrffCg folks who are quick; to perform little acta of mU tention toward their, elders. The placing of the big armchair in a warm .place for mamma, runnlntr for a footstool for aantyt hunting up papa's spectacles, and scores of little deed?, .show unBupprt&sed """Jf urw. jjoui mamma never returns a. smiling TFank you, jdear ;" if papa's Just what I'was; wanting, Snsie," does not h.u.. - i,.t f, itm. luuivaiD umm luviutig BkKUklUU .-t.. -,n . wu dropjhe; habit. Little people are imitative creatures , and quickly go, if when he mother' spool of C0U", 1U fm ter lap tb. ftb Btoop9to pick it np bright eyes will see the act and Quick minds make a nota of it. Sriim'hu.i ' : ti.i muioauu "Ujoa wuro UU1CS.IT fcOBU y pweepf, can children be Uugbt . .... to speak kindly to each other, to acknowledge favors, to be gentle and unselfish, to be thoughtful and considerate of the comfort of the family. The boys, with in ward pride of their father's coorU ou8 demeanor, will be chivalrous and helpful to their own young ... sisters X the "girls, imitating tbeir mother, will be -rentle and natint. ' n I - even when biz brothers are noisy and heedless. In the home where true courtesy prevails, it seems to meet yon on the very threshold. Yon feel the kindly weUome on entering. No angry voices are beard upstairs. No sullen chil- dren are sent from the room. No peremptory orders are given to .1 J 1 - cover iao aeiinqueocies oi oouse keeping or servants. A delight- ful atmosphere pervades the house unmistakable, yet Indescribable. H agsinfirocie ties. Over in Missouri, it is said, they have introduced hugging societies to swell the church treasuries, and a Missouri paper gives the follow ing scaled? prices: Girls under 16, 15 cents for a hug of two min utes or 10 cents for a short sqneete; from 1Q to 20 centa . from 20 to 03. 75 cents: school marms. 40 C8nu : widows, according to looks. from 20 ceuta to SI ; old maids, 3 ;ents a piece or two for a nickel and no limit of time. Editors pay in advertising, but are not allowed to participate until everybody else is through. Ex. Bits of 1 ruth. is very hard to admit that a man younger than yourself has more sense. In the bright lexicon of the gro cer, even all-spice is adulterated until it is not all spice. .. The man who becomes a success ful hypocrite has to work at it every day in the week. Sheriff advice to a merchant "Don't advertise and I'll do the 1 rest. I A Mexico merchant sends circo- lar8 through the mail in the heart I of a corn cob. 111 TASTELESS nn n n IS JUSTASCOOO FOR ADULTS.. WAR RAT JTE D. PRICE GO cte. ? - G4ia-riA.ruj..2?ov.v.i3i iwivK-M TASTELESS CillXX. TON W and haT iii ii MiliMilrlhliTur lnallmrcx- MrimM of 14 Tan. la thm Arvm bmluf. , TrollBaBrti')taaAtavaaaca aalvnali a .mi. Tntild. . Yontnlr. L ME a CbOA, ah crtod tar 1m, bm dome to had ChDdrM, -THE Central Saloon". Hartac lQt mT a amd frrh nn. ply of all brand of lb bt kiakk . from the moat rrWbrmtad maa . w1artarrrs.lt W cow prrpar- ed to jdr Om mLIW co- wailr tbatadvaaUv ia both prW aad - qosbly. Drk I .NATHAN (JILMOE Err. vaUkr 1 yraraovd. SILVER - -- SPELNO By a kiss; tbtM old. COOPERS Corn whisky and other brands of the very best corq can always be bad. Also three of the best brands of Beer, Richmond Brewery, Standard Brewery of Baltimore, aud the celebrated, Anhauser Busch 4,Fou8t Export." In addition the very best Beer on draught, cool and fresh. WINES, CIGARS, & TOBACCO, ALL OF THE BEST GRADES. Mixed driuks are also made a specialty, as all my friends can testify. Will be glad to see all. Come and seo me at tho same old stand in the "Middle of the Block." B. C. BATCHELOR, Manager. Louisburg, N C. NOTICE. Tfca B4er1rn4 barlor duty qtutlSmi Eini(ort of UM last Ui aad Idlinnnl o( rro rrrrr, omuM, ail proo aoVUba 1 ctelma tfiliut the eatata of ui-1 drnteit aro brretJ oofldnl to prvoeot tH sw to as for piymrit oo or brfore Ibe )0Lb 4a r af kprU iw. or thU doUob wlU tm rUM la 4 i tbsir recorery. AH pt-rvons iaAmlAmi to Uw i rMaxa wiu pir m cotaa rorwrl aad mak namedLue aXUetaeat. . A. C. Zniuwmi, kao Pit. Kratora of Jerry Perry, IeC(. Apr!) I. ISC. I this day qaJlVl aa tmlnUtntiix Ail p-raons tnileUd to ta MtaXvof Um Mil dioVtit are aoUSl to ctxam fortrmrd ni poo U nut of Urraat B. BolUm. i!wum4. milt aiutment wita lb Bkeni!pr4 pr- ' Ueaaoitli&a; cUlmamln tharu of tfc iwwBt. wui pAviit tana to la aar ljfnJ oo or brfor th Ttb Jar of Msr WPS. or this do lice will tw plaadad la bar of th.tr rotoTery, i Mattt. Lou B-tioa. Atms of a Bottoo, aeoeaaed. r. 8. MrariLL, attonx-y. A Ur eat Offer. The 4Twie-a-Wek" edition of Th New lork Warld (fortnrl? th Werklj) bas proTt a phenomenal Qcra, It ia a Semi-Weekly of ii para, malUd iuctjjjjiuu rrHiaja; vioi coiamaa to tberaga; rortr-eiht eolamD each lasae. It rl tb news follr hilf a week ahead of tnv weeklr paper, and. t to same time, retalos all the liter ary, tfrricaltoral, tnUcellany and other latores wbieh madeTHK WKSKLY WORLD ao popolar. Yrt the price la ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. For ample copies address The World, N. Y. FUANKLLNTON HOTEL E. M. WARD, Prop'r. Good accomroodanooa. ni tervtota, and tne best fare the market . affords. Good Livery in connection with hotel RUFFIN & LEWIS. BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all kinds of work in onr line. Call to aee as at oar shop near the Loo. lab org mills. HOTEL WO0DARD, W. C. WOODAXP, Prop, Eorky Mount, N. C. Free Bos meets sll train. H $2 per dsy. TAR RIVER STOCK FARM Raise Yonr Bacon, Matlcor Besf, Uilklvid Batter. Pure Bred Duroc Jersey Pigs. Pure Bred Oxford down Bucks BOLL CALVES. -w - My cowa have butter riorda of 20 pounds per week. " Beat Boll, Boar and Ram in America at the head of my herds. . My stock U reg istered. Write for what yon want and I will supply yon at reasonable prices. ','..-.: .".'.' --' V. r r, W.L. McGHEE, t ,r-.- FranklintonfcN.C. CALL AT THE L0uisto"T Bargain . -. store,-;;;: For SHOES and Genti ForpUh. lng Goods also for. CLOTHING. Oor Goods are fresh and We carry a fine tine d PICTURES. -A5D FRAMES. low. And we are selling them at half price in LEHMANS old stand. 8HOE MAKING, MOSES WEST holds forth ra rear of ThomaV Drug Store, (on the alley' where he does shoe making and repairing,and guar antees to do work as good and cheaper than any Shoe-Maker in the State. Come and see for yourself. Respectfully, MOSES WEST. Feed, Sale Livery STABLES. HAYiS & PINNEll. Propriilorf, LOU1SBURQ, N, C. GOOD TEAMS AXK POLITE DRTVER5. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAV EUNO MEN. A FtXE LDtC OP BCGGITS ALWAVS O.X UAXD. . Fine Tailor Vade Clothier. At ro.tora nad prirwa. I hr wwrrf lb Kvwy forth BovaJ ikirof OWm larprat tailoring atabliahsst la tW rniid tiatM. adraa fsnsWIi yo om abort aottr. aBTtktaa vow waat la ta y nf c3 aad mj mbj4m. rioftirc. tit rasraatawd. aay Eeptranv. Jyto W. fr-, of the firm kUac 4 Maeoa. FLOim BOLES, ETC Hyacinths, Tulipe, Chinee Sacred Liliee and other bulbe, for Winter and early Spring bloorointr. Rose. Carnation and other bandaoroe rot flow ers, booqueteand floral dealgna. t'aims, reruj, etc, ior room deco rating. Jardinera, Fancy asdeom mon Flower Pots, Roeee, Magn iiaa. Evergreens, Pecan end English ainux trrew. etc H. STEn.'KETZ. Raleigh, N. C Phone 113. OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, ii. C. Good accommodations for the traveling pnblic. Town Election and Racist ration There will be an election on Monday the 6th day of May f. Mayor and four Commiisionera for tbe Town of Louisburg. Tbe Registration book is now open rm tbe office of Geo. 8. Baker.- A new registratios is not required, only those' who bare become of age or moved in town since tho last election are required to reg ister. Geo. 8. Baxir, Regis trar. SAO.OOCX. . . Forty thousand dollars to foaa out on Town and County real estate lor a lon or abort term . at 6 per cent, in amounts to suit Che 'box- rower. W. T. 11 LU LIES. Loniaburg, N. C Tobacco Plant beda. 4 oat received oa ear load -oTTohc FertUUer for plant beds.' tttiu m THOMAS CHILL PJT-LS wfl eradicate 'malaria and btCd np tl- nervous eystem. COc, iox at TnoyA Drug Store. NOTICK. txm of Ja9t J. Mart-br. sM rrrt mm rutr kla acit rawou4 V a it ptnarat it Ha via aasQfal ss Ateisbtnlav a. a4 I Vr b m jMrmrat it rw. w4 aJl p. om rrr M-'rt IK eiiir ef AyrU uua.rKi SoUoa wta bp-vj let at ci tka.v O. Im XXJJr. A Ibst 6m mi mom ... clJaapcy J.xrpr. .ArrniI.tSBa, - - n t 1 , wort,"