84 he n ely c . C. 3 T R0 VOL. XXV. TV Superintendent of .Public i ... uVm'uliri pnnnf.v will a fc,.l()0l3 J1 i J K()UdLUrg UU LUC OCWItU XUUIO- b.iHK'1-. wuuuci .r I.L.- ... .tir.l IT j-r.t .-. HIT u,Llil IOI L'iree uujo, ti ucvcddoij , 1 ' . . MiinuiMA of exaininmer aDnli- jr I il' k o x ,nN to teacn in me ruuuu otuuuw tlll.s coanr.y. x wm iu ue iu ...mnui-u: oa Saturday of each , aii v badinedd connected with my ltKe' J. N. Harris, Supt. B. MASSENBURO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. L.OCISBUKU, N. C. W ill practice iu all the Courts of the State. u.nce iu Court Houae. , M- COO UK & HON, A T TO RN B YS-A.T-L A W, , - LO-UISBOBtt, V. C. Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, ' V V .fV. ..,.,,,.. .,.! f.h- II B oiftuil ' r ... . i kiur.rii'.r. i Vul rf H. J. K. M.A.LOJSB. ,1,,. two doors oeiow aycwcue . CO. '8 ru store, uajoiuiug uc. v. j... juu. a. W. H. NICHOLSON, paACTICINO PHYSICIAN, LouisBUKa, nr. c riliUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBUR8, N. C. a ui nftnd the courts of Franklin, Vance, rvilK W'arreu and Wake couutiea, aiso . . 1 vr.-tl-i i ii.Aliiiii Pfiimrit lie supreme uuun ui Uleuluu given 10 coueov-uuu, an.. y. UULLKY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FRASKUNTON, N. C. All legal business promptly attended to. HOU. B. WILDER, ATTO RNE Y-AT-L AW, LOUIHBUKO, N. C. Offli on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's V. M. FKlicjON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUKG, N. C. Practices iu all courts. Olflce In the Court Oil"- V. II. YARBOROUQH, Jk. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. 0:i'u-e on second tioor of Neal building All 1- fr;tl business intrusted to him i. iiciive prompt and caret u I at eiition. W.BICKETT, LOUISBJEO N. C. from pt and painstaking attention given to Ifti r.-rs to Cinef Ju.-itic.ieshpa.'ru, Hon. J ohn l-rv ui.iit r intrusted to nis nanus. iiniiK, ilo.i. liODt. W. Wlaston, Hon. J. L lu.t.iu. I'rs. First Nitttoaat Bauit of Wiu- iil & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank. U ihim", i. li us E. T ylor, Prea Wake For- V ,,oU , II. u. H. W. Tlinlrukt;. iu Cuurt House, opiOsite Sheriff's. Dentistry, -W. H. EDWARDS- op WAKE FOREST, N. C. Will vmit Louwhnrir on Monday, Tuesday , I Wciiusihi v following the first Sunday in i i t li prepared to do all kinds of n'.il u'ni'k. 'Mil t lie Meadows Hotel. k"tXTIT, EDWARD BUGGER D. D. S. LoUldlJURi, N. C. Graduate of the oldest Dental College the World. Eight 3Teara experience. improved instruments. leetn ex icteu without pain. Artificial teeth iili mt plate, (satisfaction or money 'urned. nfii-e over Jones & Coopei's store. DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. iOffl.-p over Jacket Store. i ruinate Baltimore Dental College. v"uty-tour years active experience. riFioi l teeth a specialtt. .Natural 'h removed and new onea inserted in SN'TY MINUTES. Ml work warranted. Lnuixburg is my home "for better or r" and you will always hnd me iy to correct at my own expense any f& mat may prove unsatisfactory. Very truly. E. E. KING, Dentist. YftRBOROUGH & DAVIS, lie Blacksmiths OF LOUISBURG. work in our line done on short r'ce, and ra.Hufa.At.inn rnflinteed. ' have our new shon fthe old ten pin rji in g od shape and are better pre- i"-u tnau ever to serve our custo- J. M. C. HILL THE TINNER, '.prepared to do all kind of tin work, re nnf. ic. All work guaranteed. Place 'UHineHH on Main ecreet in house recently 1 ui"ei tv r'. Hamuli. l9e0( I STILL AT TH) BRIDGE. LACK-SMITHING. I kere I ana well known unrl nnrmrMl tn do I m worn. 1 hone raa will see me as ' uav., ,ioue hefore you will find me on siae ot the River bridge. Main street ""'urn, N c. While I am tlolng all kinds ll'iae.l 'aCKs;nithinT r t oi- . r v J-vigut. JLJ-L-V a caua iov ! locks &c. I have a few irans which y 1 1 11.11 r v.ina rr t r anin mm nnmr ' 'Sp'lir.'.l t hit will h aslA It -.. .!! fn .... . " . Km wiu a uw w Yoars tralf A. X. JMSAIf m EOSE PALISTiN STAR SHOP- Loaisbarir, N. C. (. Pom... 1.1 i . 7 .'i. amiun H.nn i. w p.ohii linn. """"a ana ntted up in eteeant l)eir St.H.p RoKo. Oi - jl, ,u ' U'T are nuttinir on rin-ht mm Ht-0ln "uiaiijf IUVIU9 Itlt WUU, WBIUI r- 1 liev ...-.i;r.n. : :I ,i !rL.. . .-n uitr. a. 1 1 avrord i. " PoUtenaefii and o WITH VIOLETS; 1 tnA Ju u 'Tfea, of spring, tny dear, And the pulw of a warm, sweet day Thmifrh th wintriest mowinS in all the year May frown from yonr skies of gray. Just shnt your sweet eyes and dream, mv dear. J With the snnmeftt renm of sprinir And fancy the hoholink's not yon hear And the whirr of a robin's wing. And into yonr ear creeps the drowsy drone Of the bees in the clover-blnnm And yon tl ink. in your dreamChat the irrav old crone. .' Dame Nature, is at her loom;- While forward and back her shnttle flies 'Mid the rarest rose-tints f . Tone, And across the orchard a blackbird cries With the joy of life in his tune. p Then dream, with your sweet eyes shut, my dear, That my hand in your own is laid. And w seek together the yonth of the year In the sweet of the apple-bough's shade. And you shall know hevnnd "lonbt or fear Tn your dram. that I love but you But whether vnti dream or wjike.'my d,ear. The 'nve will be rl and true! Kate A. Bradley, in Detroit Free Press. AFTER THE BATTLE. One nieht, T saw a trajrfidv on the corner of Broadway and Honp ton street. A yonngr man, evi dentlv doubting as to which direc tion he hnd better take, his hat. lifted biirh eriougrh so you could se be bad an intelligent, forehead, stout cbest, and a robust develop ment. Splendid yonrlfir man. Cul tured yonngr man. Honored young man. Why did he stop there, while so manv were coing- up nnd down ? The fart is evAry roan has a p;ond anerpl and a bad antrel enn tendino; for the mastery of hip spirit, and there was a trood anp-el and a bad angel struggling with that vnntip man's sonl at the cor- ner of Broad wav and 'Houston ptreet. "Come with mp," paid the good angel ; "I will- take yon home; I will spread rov wings over yonr pillow; I will lovingly escort you all through life nridr super natural protection: I will bless everv cup you drink ont of, every conch yon rest on, every, doorstep yon pnter;I will consecrate yonr tears when you weep, vonr sweat when von toil, and at. last I will hand you ovpr yonr grave into the hand of the bright angel of a Christian resurrection. In answer to your father's petition and your mother's prayer I havp been sent Of the Lord OUt Of heaven to be your guardian spirit. Come with me," said the good angel in a voice of unearthly symphony. It was music like that which drops from a lnte of heaven when a seraph breathes on it. "No, no," said the bad angel ; "come with me; 1 have something better to been struck down by a thunder offer. The wines I ponr from bolt. When assistance arrived chalices of bewitching carousal ; the unfortunate man was found the danoe I lead is over floors tessel lated with unrestrained indnl gences ; there is no God to frown on T.ne terapies or sin wnere x wor- shiD. The skies are Italian. The paths I tread are throngh mead- ows, daisied and 'primrosed. Come with me." The young man hesitated at a time when hesitation was ruin, and the bad angel smote the good angel until it departed, spreading- wings through the starlight up- ward and awav until a door flashed nrwin in t.h stir and forever the j ail mi j. 1 l wings vanisnea. mai was roe turning point in that young man's history, for, the good angel 'flown, he hesitated no longer, but started on a pathway which is beautiful at the opening, bnt blasted at last. The bad angel, leading the way, opened gate after gate, and at each gate the road became rougher and the sky more lurid, and, what was more peculiar, as the gate slammed shut it came to with a that indicated that it would jar never open Past each nortal there was a a ond arir-wino-nf ItliUilip vra. avvuw apu O bolts, and the scenes on itber otrlo nf t.hp road chanced from car " W " - dens to deserts, andthe June air became a cutting December blast, and the bright wings of the bad o nncrfll turned to sackcloth, ana tne " O - .. -e 1 1 I. t Ln lvllr nSth eye. i nopeiess gnci, auu w - . xi .!. 1 J I A ,iV tDaiavaoe uu wine, poured forth bubblwg tears andfoaming bipod, and on the right side of the road there was a serDent, and the man said to the nd the w-iwer wm, "Tbir U ti serpent of stinging remorse.' ' On tbe leftside of the road there was a lion, and the- man- asked the bad angel, "What is that lion ?' and the answer was, 'That is the lion of all devonring despair." A vulture flew through the sky, and the man asked the bad angel, "What is that ml- tare?" and the answer was, "That is the vulture waiting for the carcasses of the slain." ... And then the man began to try to pull off him the folds of something that had wound him round and round. nd W n the bad angel, "What is it that twists me in this awful convul sion ?" and the answer was dies." And then the man aid to the bad angel, "What does all this mean? I trusted in what you said at the corner of Broad way and Houston street. I trusted it all, and why have you thus deceived me ?" Then the last deception fell off the charmer, and it said : "I was sent forth from the pit to destroy.your soul. I watched my chance for many a lone vear. When vnn ripsitntArl tbat R. ht Qn Broadway l gained my triumph. Now lou are here. Come let us fill these two chalices of fire and drink together to darkness and woe and death." fu i -n v j Ob, young man ! will the good angel sent forth by Christ or the bad angel sent forth by sin get the victory over your soul ? Their wings nr intArl.! Vi?d this moment above yon, contending ur jour uesuuy, as aoove ine Appennies eagle and condor titfbt mid-sky. This hour may decide your destiny. Rev. Dr. Talmage CURSED THE THUNDER. And Was Suddenly Stricken Down With Apoplexy. Some weeks ago a white man named Edward Eggleston, with out friends, was taken sick and having no place to go, was taken to the alrii8-bou8e. He was able to waifc about bis room and con. verge wjtn tno,e wh0 visited him and attended to his wants. On Saturday A rril 27t.Vi. "RIctctIa. , . .-jp..w ston was sitting in a chair in the door of his room, when a thunder storm came up. At every peal he was very profane and cursed the thunder. Suddenly Eggle- st0n toppled ovr from his chair and on the floor as though he had to have sustained a stroke of apo plexy. He was taken to his bed, where be lay until Monday night, when he breathed his last, never having: spoken a word from the moment of the attack. Eggleston was an Englishman by birth and had been in this commuuity about six years, and 6 BSk to have been a mill opera- tive. As stated above, he had no relatives in this citv, bnt it is re ported that he has a daughter living in England. Danville Register. ... , , . 'l4xrik I .ilr Wt vkl Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction Vyity, 1.11., ns iui uj ucr uucwi- sue " ' . J - hari CinonmnHnn anri that, thuisi nag no how for her, but two bottlesof Dr. Kine's New Diseoverv completely cured her and she says it saved tier life. Mr. Thos. Efrsrera, 139 Florida St. San Fran cisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, A.nnrr-rhinr Hnnanmntinn. tried with. out result everything else then bought one bott e of D r. King s New inscovery I mnr in f wn wppka was enrtd. H i.t naturally thankful. It is such results, ----- hD Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles Aycocke & Co's Drug Store. Regu- lar size 60c. and $1.00. What is lover it is a ieeung a at T m i - von don't want another follow I .a wg around her. I . ni J.J. T-tli-i. r. I I r.itririr. nu.iri J. Jnio. J fnd not Ispecial mention. All who have used r . i i . . d.'.. , tiam. c. f I ... i;nin nnt. I DrolIW, V putoa av. wvv 1 mnH it. ia nani nttxl to do B.1 1 tViaf , --"BitUira will. ear, - a . 1 A . A. 1 .ll !. I all diseases of the Liver ana Kianejs, I ill .mV mn -a Tlr.il a Salt RHanTTl -;- uWm drtw ltolaria ikom the ffeMrJi H! gjipation and Indigestion try Elec- trie Bitters Entire satisfaction g ar- Br4 Sto LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, MAT A LAW THAT CIOAK DEALERS ARE K0T UP ON. An exchange says, an np to date drummer to-day brought to light a section of the revenue law that is violated daily perhaps, by f - every cigar dealer in thevcity Calling at a cigar stand be asked for three for a quarter. The clerk rea'hfd in the show cise, Picked UP a handful of cigars and P.a"ed h?m nL "I,.COuld,mae that eot you $50, sad the drummer. "Don't you know that it is against the law to band out cigar-, except by the box ?" it is, but the clerk didn t know it. The law requires that the seller shall not touch a cigar, but baud out the box cpntaining them. The meaning of this' law no one knows, but it is the law all the same, and the fine for its violation is $50. Ready For Him. Some time ago an amorous young man sent a letter to a Ger man lady, and this postscript was added : "That ray darling make no mistake, remember that I will wear a light pair of trousers and a dark cutaway coat. In my riffht hand T will carrv a small cane, and in my left a cigar. "T. ? S' 8tatini? that his danerhter had given him authority to represent her at the appointed place at the tune ai"eeo- on- His postscript was as follows : ,,-p. . . , mishtakes. I vill be dreshd in mine shirt-sleeves; vill rear in mine right hand a glub ; in mine left band 1 vill vear a six-shooter You vill recognize me by de vay I bats you on de head a guople times twice mid de glub. Vait for me a; de corner, as I have somedings important to inform von mit. Your parent, Heinricb Muller The Tramp's Opportunity. Atlanta Constitution. Queer things happen in this world. A tramp took refuge in an old grave-yard in Georgia and prepared for a sound night's rest between two graves. About the hour when church-yards are sup posed to "yawn," he was awak- ened by a strange noise, and, on looklntf "P he discovered an- escaped convict in the actof fil.ng , ? up, me convici. in supersiuious terror, fell upou his knees, where. upou the tramp arrested him, delivered him over to the author ities at the camp near by, aud received a reward of $20. Can't Say She Didn't Warn Him. A bride who declared before marriage that her lover was working himself to death, now says, though she has been mar ried only two months, that her husband is killing himself by ciar emokinir and stavinc out late at night, and he can't say on his death bed that she never warned him. A Host That Chews lium. Greensboro Record. A pet dog that steals all the chewing gum he can find around is owned by a family in Greens boro. He has beeu watched to see what he did with it and it is claimed in all earnestness that he chews away for all the world like tVia Trr.ni. it larliAa (mm wVinm Ko INUUTV.. &. V V . . A X U w I steals it and that when he be- mn nnu it oo.n Knt i . . . . . i I ta -..if .fa f A rf uhth Ka atifttr . 1 " 10 ov-vcto it around on chairs like others who masticate it or leave it on the floor or c-round as the case mav be - n A Missing Link. Boon oonner. I A f .. Woman Gentleman Lady Maid Fellow Lad Lass Boy Girl Emerson says,- "All mankind loves a lover." That may be true, bnt wide observation has taught us that the love of all mankind is verv poor sooth nsc syrup soJonir as one little snip of a eeventeen- year-old girl says that she can be 1 if i ' Some people's religion consist Ureely in being shocked at I TCI ' 10,1 fcD,Jf " D""V othM people.8 condnct. They are alway8 ready to hold op their hands iholy horror at somebody else, bat seldom find time to in- vest i gate the wood pile which .ponsib.UVy ibew wn beutt. 24, 1895. WHAT SALT CAN DO. in whitewash makes Salt it stick. Salt pa s out a fire in the chim ' ney. Salt in solution inhaled cnrfi cold in th head. Salt used in sweeping carpet keeps out moths. Salt as a gargle will cure sore r-ess of the throat. Salt tbrwn on a coal fire which is low will revive tt. Salt and soda are excellent for bee stings and spider bites. Salt and vinegar will remove stains from discolored teacups. Salt in water is the best thing to clean willow ware and matting. Salt thrown on soot which hat fallen on the carpet will prevent stain. Salt on the fingers when clean ing fowls, meat, or fish will pre vent slipping. Salt put ou ink when freshly spuiea on a carpet win oelp iu removing the spot. Salt in the oven under baking tius will prevent their scorehiog on the bottom. Salt thrown on a coal fire when broiling steak will prevent blazing from the dripping fat When They Were Lads. Edison was famous for his in ventions when 23. Bacon was a member of Parlia ment at 23; at 2(5 one of its lead ers. Poe was a poet at 16, and at 34 he wrote "The Raven." He died at 38. Hayne when 22, had the best paying law practice iu South Car olina. Bryant wrote poetry at 9. At 18 his masterpiece, "Thanatopsis." was published. Choate entered college at 10. He began practicing law at 24, and at 30 was the peer of any practitioner. Longfellow's first poem was published at 13, and at 32 he was ranked wit'i our best poets. Sbakesp -are left school at 14, Clay at 14, John Bright at 25. Scott entered the fair realm of literature at 25. At 34 was the most popular author of the day. Byron's first poems appeared at 19. At 24 he reached the highest pinnacle of his literary fame. "Wilberforce entered Parliament at 21. William, of Orange, com manded the army on the French frontier at 22. Burn's first volume was publish ed at 27. At 30 critics conceded him to be the most richly endowed by nature of any poet. Napoleon at 27 commanded the army in Italy. At 35 was Emper or. Saw Waterloo at 46. Tennyson at 33 took that high stand among the poets tbat he held until his death. TASTELESS HULL IS JUST A3 COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE OOctr. O AU-TtX. Iixa KOT. M, 133 . PxU UaAetne Ov, B. Looia, lao. GrrUmen: Wa aotd laaayaar. SCO boU ot SBOVX'S TAflTKL-US ClIILi TONKJ and hav koosht Ur KTOaa aliaady thla raar. la ail cwr parteooa of 14 rra. tn tba 6cm boaJna . bava mw aoM an ajrUcfa that nva aoch ajUrataal aat taoOoa f9 ffocio. oora tralr, i Aaasx, Can m 00. Emm Wben Baby rJ tick, mv kcr WImq tb vm a ChDd, dbm cried far bMMbaauatltHA dog to -THE- ii Central Saloon." Harini jot rrcdTj a dw and frh jp pltofaJl bmada of tk brmt waiaki irom tar moat celebrated man-a(M-tiirra. it ia now prepar ed to RiTe th rxiblfc- gra- crallT tba advantaga in both prira and qnwntv. Drink 1 Nathan uh.more 7. whi.kr lo jrar. old. 8ILVER SPttLNQ Rja whiakjr thrw old. COOPERS Corn whisky and other brands of the very best 'jorn can always be had. Also ttiree of the best brands of Beer, Richmond Brewery, Standard Brewery of Baltimore, and the celebrated, Anhauser Busch "Foust Export." In addition the very best Beer on draught, cool and fresh. WINES, CIGARS, & TOBACCO, ALL OF THE BEST GRADES. Mixed drinks are also made a specialty, as all my friende can testify. Will be glad to see all. Come and see me at the same old stand in the "Middle of the Block." R. C. BATCHELOR, Manager. Louisburg, N C. NOTICE. The aodralgnod harlnc duly qualified aa Executors of Uis Uat will ana UwttniTil of Jere PrrrT, 1eraaed, all pei-too holding clilmi ginst the estate of th- Mia dcrwtoat ar hrret(7 riotltvd to prct the hdi to u for paymfnt on or before tbe 10th dy of April 18BA, or thla noUoc will be ptraded In tr "t their rerovery. Ail vn-raoaa lnctebtad to the '-tala will pleaae come forward tod fnM.e Immediate atUemenL A. C. ZoLUoorrBa, KiDDljra Fkrsy. Eircuton of Jerrr Hrrry. Dec'd. April 6. 19U6. NOTICE. I have thla day qualified aa administratrix poet th ratals of Bryant B. Bolton. (WajMl. Allp-Taona lnJelti to th estate o f Ue Mid dcrwdrat are notirVd to come f orwu-J and make altiriint with the tKterirred P- tlea holding claim njralDKl the estate of the d"0---nt, will prrsat them to th ixVr lmed on or before the Tth day cf Mar IMS, or thU notice will be, pleaad In bar of tb-ir rrcoTery, JXATTIB LOU BOLTO. Admx. Of B. Bolton, devjeaaod. F. 8. SPRriLL, Attorney. A Great Offer. The "TwicWwk" -dition of The New York World (form-rlv the Wwkly) ha provd a pbenomDal saco-ne. 'It la a Seni-Wtkly of aix pure, mailed 1 nfsdays and Friday; eight eolomna to tne pafe; forty-eight eolomna each issue. It eivefl the newa fallv half a wek ahead of any weekly paper, and, at the same time, retaioa all the liter ary, agricultural, mim.llany and other features which made THE WKKKLV WORLD so popular. et the price is ONLYONK DOLLAR A YKAR. F r sample copies address The World, N. Y. FUANKLLT0 HOTEL E. M. WARD, Prop'r. Good sccommodaaous. pulile serranta, and the bt fwe the market affords. Good Litery in connection with hotel RUFFIN & LEWIS, BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all kinds of work in oar hue. Call to see us at our shop near the Louisburg milla. HOTEL WO0DARD. W. 0. Wood a rd, Prop, Rocky Mount, N. C. Free Bnt reeeta all train . R' $2 per day. TAR RIVER STOCK FARM Raise Your Bacon, Motion, Beef, Milk and Batter. Pure Bred Duroc Jersey Pigs. Pure Bred Oxford down Bucks. Pure Bred Jersey Heifers and BULL CALVES. My cows hare butter records of 20 ponpda per week. Best Bull, Boar and Ram in America at tbe bead ol mv herds. My stock is reg istered. Write for what jou want and I will supply you at reasonable priCe,k W. L. McGHEE, Franklin ton, K. C. KUJIBKR 14. CALL AT THE Lonisburg Bargain Store. For SHOES and Gents Furaiih. iug Goods also for. CLOTHING. Oar Goods are fresh and We carry a fine line f low. PICTURES, AND FRAMES. And we are selling them at half price in LEHMAN'S old stand. SHOE MAKING. MOSES WEST holds forth in rear of ThomaV Drug Store, (on the alley' where be does sbo making and repairing, and guar antees to do work f good and cheaper than any Shoe-Makw in the State. Come and ee for yourself. Respectfully, MOSES WEST. Feed, Sale Livery STABLES. HAYlS & P1NNEIL, Proprietors, LOUISBURG. N. C. GOOD TEAMS AM POLITE DRIVERS, SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TR.W ELING MEN. A Fixe LI5E or bvotizs always OX HAXP. Fine Tailor Made Tlothinr. At caatom mad prir. I bare wrgM rh artx-T lor be RojaJ tllor of Oiw-m arvMt tajloncjr ntabliabinerrt in b 1'nitMl 8tat. andraa fomiah ynooa abort Dotir, aoTtbina' yoa want tn tba w nf Hotbina. Pit roaraoteed. Emit term. Call and to j aatopW. KwrTTnIIy . J no W. Kna, of the firm Kicg A llaaoa. FLOWERS, BULBS. ETC. Hvacinths. Tulip. Chinese jNcrHi Lilie nnd other bulba, for "A'intr and earlv Spring Moomine. Ilo. Carnation and other bandnome cu Bowers, boaquete and floral desijrrm. 1'alms, I-ern,etc., for room deco rating. Jardinern, aney a"adcom mon rlower Pot, Ro?j. )klagDe hah. i,vertTPtL, recanand EnglitTii N Qlnut trw-i. etc. II. STEINMET3L RAieigh.N.'C Phone 113. OSBORN HOUSE. a D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good tccota mcdatroriB for tbe traveling public. Town Elmion and Brsistratioc-. There f ill be an election on Monday the 6th day of May fT Mayor and four Commissioners for tbe Town xf Louisburg. Tbe Registration book is now open in the office of Geo. S. Baker. A new registration is not required, only those who have become of age or moved in town since tbe last ejection are required to reg ister. Geo. S- Baker, Registrar. S40.000. Forty tbonsand dollar to loan out on Tow-nd(junty real eta t for a longvrhort term at per cetrt, in amount to so it tbe bor rower. W.T. HCGHEtf. Louisburg, N. C. Tobacco Plant Beda. J oat rerelted om ear load 4f Tofcaeeo Fertilnr for plast beds. 8e nabefoi-. you bay your guano. W at job tnooey. Kinjr k Kaoa. THOMJU5 CHILL PILLS wi'l eradicate vaalaria and bxxRd np tne nervous ytn. wc, iox at Thovas' DrogStor. NOTICE. HartEf alte4 AAa)otratar No-a of Jaapev 4. Mary Br. H owUjt kta eatata ara cttfced lo ooee, and an pmou hotrng titdm tfalsaa tfaaaid eatat win rnmra tkeaa tor r.fwrml om or hrtoru tWfkwr of AveU lM.oc1kla DoUeawtB t i'eaia4 ta har of tWtr fwoTi O. L. rtlJa, A4BT 4m hernia mm t 1mtt I. Mnrhvc April W, 1364. i emw-t at t . f - H r. K : - :- 1 1 f 1 1