VOL XX V. ,-,, ri AC S OL TEA CHERS ' The Superintendent of Public ;,.;, , :)is oi Eranklin county will be ju'l.D.ii.-burg on the second Thurs U'V ; Kt'Druury, April, July, Sep t.'ihu'i', October and December, and ca for three days, if necessary, ti; 1 ,, purpose of examining appli to t.eacn in the Public Schools u; - t;ns canary. I will also be in 1;;i isi ca on Saturday of each B ,1:1 j all public days, to attend a.n bjjiacd connecced with my lO.tl'V. J. N. II ARRIS. Snnt, J 7 3 eioiiotml Oitrd. 13. MASSIiNBURO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will ir ft i-e iu all the Courts of the State. .;ire iu Court House. u , '1 11 I K A; Si I.V .' 1, j ji. 1 LOLISBUHO, N. C. W,;i f.tten 1 the courts of Nash, Franklin, , a,( ui : District Courts. i.viiiuors Duiow AycocRe & .: . t .joiiiing Ui'. 0. L. iiliis. CO. '8 It. W. U. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOCISilL'KU, N. J. . Si'Kl'ILL, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, S. C. Will itt-n I t lie courts of Franklin, Vance, mm'.;;--, w.irreu aua wane counties, also -a, 'i- Coart of North oaroliua. froiapt , ii'i ;i (,'ivi'u to collections, &c. V 1 . Ubljl'Ul- ATTORXEY-AT-LAW, F n a: SK LINTON, N. c. L- il business promptly attended to. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOI'ISUCRG, X. C. on M iiu street, over Jones & Cooper's M. fbiiSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L'K'ImBUHO, N. C. ' wtl-in all courts. Office la the Court H. VARBO ROUGH, Jit. A! lollNEY AT LAW, LOUiSKUUG, N. C. " ' ii -. eiid llw or oi 2veal building mi1' i l' I liuine-s intrusted to him ii and care! ul attention. V. '. UU'XETT, AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. h; t mi I i':im.- L ukmg attention given to I v nil ruhte.i to liis h.imis. 1-1 .; aslic h-ph- vd. Hon. John .1. ilii t. V. V. iiisluii, Hon. J. C- . r -1. r'l.st N . tion.il Buuk of Win ii n: . ;.uny, Winston, ftiples B:tllk .s 1 r yi.ir, i'r.-s VV uive 1'or- "i - . i; ''i. 1.. V,'. liml.erlake. 1.. i '.. 1 1 H.)usn, oppo-.-ite t-hriil's. Dentistry, . ii. kdwards- 111' WAKE FOREST, N. C. " l..:!i:uir-jf on Monday, Tuesday in-- i.i f,liowiiijr the first Sunday - .: !. -i, .1 p:vjiared to do ail kinds of 1 ! .'. . 1 1 :; . !!i 1 ! M'-.nloivs H otel. EwWARI) DUGGER D. 1). S. LoriSiiul.T, N. (J. Ira-iii.ve of the oldest Dental Colleere " Wnrl 1. Ki-'nt years experience. i:n ; T' iv il instruments. Teeth ex "i wii limit paia. Artificial teeth ii' plate. Satisfaction or money rnt'd. "ver Jones Si Cooper's store. .0 DENTIST, LOriSliCKG, N. C. "wr ilacket Store. 'i i tv Baltimore Dental College. I'y-tuiir vears aef.ive evneriene.e. ui. tkkth a specialty. Natural "iti'iwd and new ones inserted in TV MI.N'LTEri. work warranted. 'lisburs? is my home "Cor better or .ina you will always nnu me 1 1 ci.rrect at my own expense any tint may prove unsatisfactory. Very truly. R. E. KING, Dentist. nAKBOHOUGH Sl DAVIS, ilacksmilhs OF LOUISBURG. ork in our line done on short and satisfaction eraaranteed. IV' 1 . 1 1 r ner uh.n 4-ik fiin vi-r m H "'d shape aad are better pre- uiau ever to serve our "custo . O. HILU THK T1NNE11, PPilrwl ti) do a,l khifl of tin wnrfe. r (t1'. All work- (rimpuntAaH asa v on M.uii Kti-eefc in house recently r. l'iU-rislu lLL AT THE BRIDGE. ACK-SMITHING. F" 1 am 'lone Iforft. Y.-ii mm fin.i . Jl - i llOliv Vrtn will qaa m oa ,r''V ,,the River bridge. Main street' wUe I am aoinjr all kinds Mm I'unug, clou.t forgtjt fnal t am also r' P.n-yollr gUI1( ga(.n pattiug . ; 1 . C . 1 havti a f L'w kuds -which 1 10. win be sold if not called for Yours truly A. T. NBA! jNa PALISTIM STAR SHOP. Louisburg, N. C. LLW. .M- Alston and L. W. Errt.rin. heir a'"1 fitteu UP Q eiegant 111 'ti"V ri- nntt; :u u "'v i iirdiiillv inritn oil ...... 4. pKM . i m HMU n(IU9 I "'IK TH it,ia t...: -t. Jl'-liv.on .iw p..i: i .... j i UHU'llUilJUiU iJOOU LIFE ASD LOVE. It B9 live while thp I eart is li2-htw.t Let lave while the heart setroJe And laugb while the day i8 briKhttg' And quicken the moru with Itns uiourn for uo joy Bntasted, ' Let us fenvy no bliss oue bv, ihe pleasuMjitigraeped is wasted lo-morrow we die, we die f ' Let Tis quaB from the crystal showine 1 he wme on the lwade.i nai Let us gather the fruitne glu'winir iu!l ripe on the ImiKHno- nm. to To-morrow the'bowl is shattered -ru?E.r:Ier U"S ? f 1.' - - Al 1 . KlUf! II Ull) is withered and whMjim To-mor. ow we die, w aie ! ' To-day is for lore and kisses, With life at its golden prime, A century's wealth;of blisses i We reap in a moment's time. The heart keeps time $ the measure While the harp o' loVe rings high, ' To-day is for love and pleasure, To-morrow. we die, we die I A New Philosophy of Life. The feminine half of the smart social Nvorld has bad discovered for its diversion, by a clever Ger man woman who visited New York in the spring, a brand new philosophy of life and how to live by it. It was no novel thing when the German lady said that the face reflects the condition of the mind, aud that boredom, or bad temper, grief, jealousy, ett, hurry pn old age, wrinkles, and white hair,and so break bright lives long before their prime. So long, says this gentle philosopher, as a woman's mind remains clear, clean, aud cheerful, so long will she 'be fair to others and lovely to herself. The secret is to find the antidotes for these mental poisons, and treat oneself to the corrective influence ; and there you have the true elixir of life. Of course, this new teacher has found the hidden antidotes ; and in a course of little drawing-room lectures ebe explained what they were and how to receive them. Supposing your keenest distress is caused by bitter jealousy ; the study and cultivation of flowers lias, in severest attacks of this pas sion, a most soothing ii-fluence, that will, if pursued, in time con quer the greeu-eved monster. For t'rief in bereaverueut, court chil ciren, enter into their games, amuse, delight, instruct, or com fort them, and the sorrow promptly grows softer. For ill temper, she recommends poetry, Tennyson, Lony fe'.lo .v, Jean Ingelow, and otters of gentle song. The anti dote lor boredom is dancing, and for envy is music. The list is long, aud the disciples of the new cult, are many ; oddly enough an eminent divine who attended one of the lectures says that in spite of the absurdity of many of the argu ments the whole theory is correct, for in occupation is found the most wholesorare solace of the mind.- From "Society Fads," in Defor ests Magazine for June. An Accommodation Train. Judge. In a certain state in the south there is a railroad which is leased for one cent a year and which has only one train which makes up in accommodation what it lacks in regularity. It stops anywhere and everywhere. At a certain crossing it always stopped to take a dozen eggs which a widow sent to town every day. One morning the wid ow cama out and said : "I'm mighty sorry, Mr. Conduc tor, but I've got only eleven this morning." "Nevef mind, madam," he re plied cheerfully; "we'll wait." mm f fj San El! ! IS JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED.: PRICE 50cts. ; GA2.ATIA, ILLS.. NOT.'lG, 1S33. Paria Medicine Co., fit. Umia, Mo. : ' Gentlemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles o SHOVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIO and hnye Action your l'onto. JVnnrs tniW. SOUTHWARD HO! Charlotte News. Young man, go West, was con sidered good advice thirty years ago, but not so now. A wonder ful change has taken place. The eyes of the agricultural and com mercial world are turning South ward. Even the West itself i8 contributing its full quota of citi zens in the tide of immigration setting n towards the South. Quite a number of Western farmers have already loeated in our State, and many others are prospecting in tbis section, or are iu correspondence with the De partment of Agriculture, with a view of locating here. It is not strange that, farmprs from the North and West should come to tbis section. Indeed it is strange that their coming has been de layed so long, and can only be accounted for on the supposition that they are ignorant of the cli matic and other advantages of our section. The panic and other causes have so reduced prices that the West is unable to compete with the South, hence the tide of immigration has been turned in this direction. A study of exist ing conditions will convince the most skeptical that the turning of the tide is due to natural advantages here aud is not spas modic but permanent. What is going on in the agri cultural world has its counterpart in the cotton milling business. The best informed mill men admit that this section can distauce all competitors in-the manufacture of the coarser cotton fabrics. Then- why not the finer? All that is needed is the inachinery and labor and money will secure both of these. That man is a laggard who has not discovered that the South has entered upon a new era. Her growth and prosperity within the next ten years, we predict, will be phenomenal. Sor will it be spasmodic. It will t,e steady and continuous. Only this morn ing we were in conversation with an intelligent Kew Engender who helieves that the So ith has already entered upon the dawn of a prosperous day, and that this fact is being realized elsewhere. We are rejoiced at these things, and while we are odd to have th,e energy and brains and money of other sections, we want our own people to grasp the situation, keep in the front, ran' of euter prie and progress, and reap a fair share of the le wards that are sure to come. For Johnny's Mother. If you would retain Johnny's respect, don't allow him to get the idea that he must show more pjlitene&s to a granger than he does to you. Good manners is not something that is put on and off like a Sunday garment. Johnny must make tbem a part of himself, or they do him little good and you little credit. A great deal has been said re cently about deceiving children, but not too much, for many pareuts good people too think nothing of telling their little ones little "white lies." Don't do it, as you value your child's future. Don't be afraid to let JohnuyH have all the fresh air he can pos sibly get. Johnny's little sister, too, needs plenty of out-doof exercise, and cannot grow up into the healthy woman you want her to be, unless she gets it. Remember that Johnny's sleep ing room indeed every sleeping room in the house needs au abundance of fresh air. Arrange ments should be made to allow a little outside air into the rooms at all times. Provide a separate bed for Johnny; don't allow him to sleep with other children or with older persons. Johnuy's mind is very suscept ible to impressions. A wise mother can mould it, or at least direct it in the right way. You can interest him in the good, the beautiful and the true if you will only take the pains and. use your womanly tacts. Don't, in yoor efforts to make a nice boy of Johuny, make him a prig. Teach him to be kind and gentle without being effemi nate, to be courageous for the right, without being "preachy," and in all things to be uoble and honorable. ; . Apparently many of the yonng people of to-day read -the . good old Adage backward, "something after this fashion : "Shame the troth and tell the devils ; lOUEBUBG, ia, FRIDAY, MAY AN EDITOR'S PLAIN r. Sompterville Fla., Tidetle. Editing a paper is Indeed a pleasant thing, if ii contains too much political matter people won't have it. If it contains too little they won't have it at all. If the type is large it does not contain euough reading matter, and if the type is smaller can't. read it. If we put in few jokes the? 6ay we are an old fossil. If we publish original matter, they condemn us for uot giving selections; if we give them selec tions people say we are lazy. If we give a man a complimentary notice, we are. censured fer being partfal ; if we do, not, all hands say we are a bore. If we insert an article which pleases the ladies, men are jeal ous ; if we do not cater to their wishes, the paper is not fit to be seen in the house. If we attend church, thpy say it is only for effect ; if we do not they denounce us as deceitful and desperately wicked. If we speak well of an act, folks say we dare not do otherwise. If we censure, they call U3 traitors. If we protect the inno cent from scandalmongers, they say we are bought ofF ; if we don't, we ought to be di-alt with. If we remain in our ofTire and attend to our business, folks say we are too proud to mingle with our fellows ; if wo go out a bit. Ibey say we had better stay at home and get on with our office work. If we cannot pay our debts promptly folks say we are not to be trusted ; if we do thev wonder where we got out money. Hard on George. Fliegende Bluetter. George My dear Miss Laura, the highest wish I have in life is to marry Laura (interrupting him) Yon had better ppeak to my mother. - George Oh, thanks. I never before thought I had any chance. Laura I know she would like to marry again. She Had Her Doubts. TeXns S if t i ri frs . Mis Highkicker Are these diamonds fal?e ? "No, indeed, they are as true a9 my love for you," replied Johnny Masher. kiIs that so? Then I guess I had better have them eximined by an expert. The Iioad to Fortune. HarjHr's Bazar. Oh, lie was h poyerty-strinken nude, V'lio''l sqn.-indered his patrimoi.y : Bat he mannered to livcin very pood style By vinitiDp South land for awhile, And gertiup some matrimony. " The Worst of It. Detroit Tribane "Matrimony is a game of cards, with the chances all one way," she observed, after deep thought." 4iYes?" "Yes. A woman has a heart, and a man takes it with a dia mond, and after that her hand is his, and besides, he can beat her with a club." Being Honest About It Soinerville Journal. Nell Do you know, I -was all alone in the conservatory for ten minutes with that fascinating Charlie- Fullerton last evening, aud was so afraid ! Belle So afraid of what ? Afraid he was going to propose to you ? Nell No; afraid he wasn't. That Was Different. Life. She (tenderly)Sometimes I I wonder why you love me. He (assentingly) So do I. She (indignantly) Sir ! He (explanatorily) I mean, why you love ine. Perfectly Respectable. ii. T. Weekly. Mrs. De Fasluon Who is this Mrs. Newcomer vrho has moved into the boose next door to you ? Is she respectable ? Mrs. De Style Oh, perfectly. She married fur money. A woman without jealousy is like a ball without elasticity. The fish which escapes from the hook seems always the largest. Who steals, goods i 8 called a hief; who steals dominions, a ruler, v Seeking information is a mo ment's shame ; but not to learn is surely lusting'shame. 31, 15. N HOW TO TELL GOOD BEEF. The best beef comes from a heifer or yonng steer anywhere from three to eeven Cr eight years of age. After tbis age the aui. raal is known as a cow or an ox, and if it has been well cared for and is well fed it may for two or three years yet furnish fairly good meat, but not the best. According to age the meat be comes coarser, tougher, and dark er, until it is finally unfit for use on a refined tible. Good beef should "be smooth grained, elastic, and juicy, but never wet. To tell whether it is frnsb. or not, pressjigaii! it with the finger, and if it is elastic and resumed its place quickly it is fresh; if the dent made by the finger remains, or if it is slippery or wet, avoid it, for it is already iu the first stages of decay and is unwholesome. The mistake of getting meat that is too old is of ten made by those who like what we call a high flavor. As a mat ter of fact, beef that has a very high flavor bas begun to decay, n rl not. nnlu luiiennniu n ri H unfit to eat. but the idea of it is disagreeable to people of fastidi- ous tastes, or would be if it were called bv its right name. The color as well as the texture of beef vanes with age. A good young beef should have the lean a dark and rather dingy red when first cut, changing in a few minutes to a bright, clear red, as red as a cherry. The older th animal was when killed the darker and less clear the lean meat will be. When it is pale and pinkish it is immature. The fat should be a liirht straw-color. the suet, or kidney fat, being somewhat brighter than the fat of the muscle. The texture of good beef i smooth and close-grained, and when cold should appear marbb d "Jill Ckl'. u nun lb ( O r i j i' an- looking, or stringy, or rough, it . . . T , . , . is too oM. The fat should not be solid aud hard like that, of mut ton, but should be tlak, and the suet should be so dry that it will crumble. When the fat is oily or dull in color, the teef is sur to be of bad quality. From "Hints Concerning Marketing," in Demorest's Magazine for June. It May Do as liucli tor You. Mr. Fred Millar, f Irvine, III., writes that he had a icrr Kidney trouble f.r J .... ninny yar-, with sewre psms in his bad; and a No his bladder was afTVct-d. He tried many so called Kidney curvs but without any good result. About s i i ... . year at,-, he be-aa the use of hWXTW Hitters and found relief at once. 1-. No- trie Hitters is especially adapted to the t 1 1 i - l " 1 I . n cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles Hud gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our Statement. Price ..n r r.Oc for n rcre bott e At Avcwke & Co's. Driiff IS'cre. j - Why One (Jrows Stout. There is such a thing as a pby- CI llot 1 L U I aJ-a v-a. vy j preserve the body in a comfort- able state it is quite necessary that the income should not p,. that tbe income sbould not ex- 1 t : . .1 ueeu iuc uiutu in any gieai. ue- " J gree. VVoen It does, toe result . . . is an accumulation of adipose t.isstiP. in ofKer wnrd. fat Pt ... , 18 the KUrolllS from fOOd taken luto the body iu exxess of the average consumption. It usually 1 is deposited about tbe waist and hips. Why ? Because muscular activity reduces flesh, and tbe muscles of the abdomen aud hips being but little used, the fat accumulates there ; when if tbe whole of the muscles were used regularly the fat would be dis tributed equally over the body. The muscles, then, are not only the means of keeping the body in health, but also, if properly trained, preserve its symmetry. From "The Bones and Muscles; Their Relation to Symmetry aud Deformity," in Demorest's Mag- Knights of the Maccabees. The State Comnwnder writes as from Lincoln, Neb., aa follow : " After try ia other medicines for what seemed to b a very obstinale coagb in our two children' w tried Dr. King's New Dis covery and at the end of two days the cough entirely left them. We will not be- without it herwafter. as oar experi ence proves that itenres wher all o&her remedies fail. Sigd F W. 6u?eos, State Com. Why not gie this grwat medicine a trial, as it isguaranUrexfand trial bottles are frets at Ayeockt & Co a. Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and ?1. Oat of Sight. K an sa City Jon rn aL He sneered at vegetarians In days gone by 'twas wrong. Ho now perceives their arguments Are logical and strong. In confidence 111 tell yon why He altered his belief He couldn't stretch his salary Up to the price of beef. : Negligence looks at the battle j field, then makes its arrows. Vhea Baby waa sick. w st her CVutorte. VTtiea he u a Cklld, tint crieJ for CaxtorU. VTben aha became alias, abe dua; to CaMorta. When ah bad Cbiklren, the gmvetbeia Oactotia. -THE- Central Saloon." Having jot rH-:r(Ki a new nd frh aup pl.V ot all Urnn.jA of tb bft bik-a from tlif Hi out celebrated tuuu !act!;riTA. it i not prepar ed u K've the pu'..li- p?n emllr the artrMtnge in both price aad qnil.tv Drink ! NATHAN G1LMOKE rre whuWT i vp(ir oi.i. sihvnn SI'KINU Kje hit,kjr thrw old. . COOPERS Corn whisky and other brands of the v.-ry Ix-sl corn can alwavi be had. i Also three of the r est brands of Beer, Richmond Brewery, Mandard Brewery of Baltimore, and the celebrated. Anhauser i Lu?c "Foust Export In addition the verv best IWr . on draught, cool and fresh. , 1 ES, CIGARS, & TOBACCO, ALL OF THE BEST GRADES. MixM drinks are also n.ad- a specialty, as all my frimde can I testify. Will be glad to see all. j Come and s-o nie at the same ; old stand in the "Middle of the Block." R. C. BATCH E L )R, Manager. Louisburg, N. C. j NoTK'K Th nn i.-niiM hnvm '.u:r .j-jva.i m "f ,xh" Usl u,,i " 1 -i-"t i 'ims nK-i"t th- .-ute ..f ui.- n-u i o.-.-.n fi T Ji tyi:V't't ' ui: or tr ir' t !- 10; li . y , f April y- th:n,.u m i- ri -.!.. i in t.,r . t th-ir re every. A!i i- rir;n Hil.-M.-l t.' tfi mlite will pi. .iiw n.uie fr-ri iiuk llUill" .liU .Itl- llli'Dt. A ('. Z LLivrrEK. Kfitm vi '!.;. si . I'tivutora vt J rrr r". Try. lev April 5. IKS. NuT in; I have this rtsj- q i 'mhiJitrtrU uj-on tile -.Ul'' of brr.ut li li t..n. . .-.-. . Ail p-rna In l.-i.t- i to tb- nute f ihr Mt .)-.l.-nt are ii'-"tl.1.-l tn io:u' f"rwr j an I m.'.fcf -Itl "nriit with lh un .Tiiijri.l 1'ar tl. liol ' liUtan (rtti!l th-- .-v- uf th . nt. w ill irv.-iit th m to ih un r nitric '. on .r Tfor-th- 7ih.L-jr r.f M''l-;'. orthi.i notl-- w ill I pie v.i In tr of ttj.tr nsrov.-rj. ,, ,. M . . i 11. tic! .on. a- M. Y . s. Sphcili., Att.mi y - - - IORTGJF SLF I I Uyvirt:i' ofAiwr-fiii-rontiin-I tn mortK nivl. lh- litl, .Uy f li, .rn i it iv4. :uiy r-i r m . :v.; of H-mi-r .f 1 7 f'r-.nk"" 'onry jn i-.k " . ji i ) i . oy K. I llolins nil 1 I f . to t he t rut of K,)r.,t c.,,,, . ,ii tu town of Krnk.tnton. N c , on th- nit, st of June W'i, to thf li'.-h t I l l'l. r f ,r. jh tl,' '. '"""KNire :iu.u.. iu i n- i own or Y r ''k'lnt.i'i. .il'liiinc in- inn i c i i. m. Mnunt.in. ice H. (. il K . and oth'-r eontilr.ln? oti.. i-'' tn..r- or TRLSTKt WAKE Kt)ftrr 0LLrX.K N. Y U'.'LLtv, Att y kliy IJ, i-j j HALI-; or V.L! ahi.k i:kai. i t) w,,l of . ere erry ,i.'. l ,in.l I .r ra- pnr. ' pTtJi iii ,s;'"'- Rt t.,"the , uux lf.i.,.-r. t thet,nrt H..u. ,i,,n , I.ouinbtlrir N (' t)m nml.Tiu.1 U. .1 , . , ' , ; e I erty tK-loniriiiir to t he eetate of Jere I'errv 'l?-en-,j . wtuulfin r raukhn t'ounty, the j j KAine tMMtig it follow : I one tra-t of land sit ante ;n Franklin I County. ftdjoiuinR the ands..f W H l'leaw- , : an ts. ( t s . r onl. M rs. A . ( ' Zollirofl-r and I ""r". rontauunp 1 ,100 nrre.morv orle One tra-t of bind adjoimntr the lsr.tf. ol 1 Charley IVrry and others, containiUK 11 J acren mim- or W. Onetra.-t of Ian 1 adioininc the lan.5 of ! I ' tlHr"" lerrJ,1SDj others, containing ei I rt cren mor or m One trn-t of land situate in Franklin County. udjoininR the land, of L. H. Alford and othem, containing 100 arres, more or leee. ne tract of land in Dunn's Township, on Crooked Creek, coctaj utn 1 OO srrm, mure or lees. Jn tract of land ailjoinintr the fund, of J. P. TimUrlake and other, known o. G ALLOW A V pJac, cxiatairing loo acren. more or len. tne trart ot land aiiotninp the liin.l. of ' Mrs. VV. H. Nicholson and others, contain inn 125 acres. moN or ftut. i One undivide-i half interest io nJ l'rite Hone and lot near the Dpotin Ixuiburg. knowo as the Cooke & I'erry pnie house. To town pjt Hitutte in looiaburs, N. C.. on Nash .Street, and being part of the old Perry Comet.d One undmde.1 hall interest in oae engine, cotton irin and pre, which is now situate on the land owned by Miea Stella Perrv, and know as the -ld Red. ling Plm-e;" the other hall iuteixt being oned by Henry Perry. Also at same time and plac will sell two shaeee of stork io Kaleigh & Gaston Kail road ( o. Term, of Sale: One-lonrth eaah : balance fn enaaJ instalmetitji Jai.aarr 1st. 1 MM and Jan uary 1st. tH)7. deferred aTnientr to enrrj interest at six per cent from da.) of sale. Plot of a bo re landa will be shown on naj of sale. For further information opplr to (. M. Cooke Eq at Looistatrg. N. t'., or to the nndersi-bed at Henderson, .V C. R Pebt, A. C. ZoLurorrtB. Execwtom of Jere Perry, dee'd. Tbis May lat, tSUi, A Great Offer. Tbe "Twice-a-Week" edition of Tbe New York World (formerly the Weekly bas proved a phenomenal saecess. It U a Semi-Weekly of sir' pa$ est mailed Taesdsys and Fridays ; eight eolomnt to the page.; forty-eight otumna eaeb iasne. It given tbe news folly half a week ahead of anf weekly- Paper, and. at tbe same time, retains all the liter ary, agricultural, misveUasy and othei features which made THE WEEKLY WORLD mn popolar. Yet the oriee i. ONLY ONB DOLLAR A YBAU.V Fo ttmple copies tirea. The World, NT. NUMBER 15. CALL AT THE Louisburg Bargain Store. For SHOES and Gents Furnish, ing Goods also for. CLOTHING. Oar Goods are fresh and loi We carry a fine line of PICTURES, AND FRAMES. i ! And we are selling them at half 1 price in LEI1MANS ! ; oin fiaua. SHOE MAKING MOSES WEST holds foth in ( -n . , u' 1 ,in ,n r of Thomas Drug Stow, (on u'- un-y wnere ne does snr- Leaking rtiul r-pairing,and guar antees to do work as good aud cheaper than any Shoe-Makr in ' h" St-1. Con.e and fw for yourself. Respect fully, MOSES WEST. Feed, Sale Livery STABLE S. HAYlS & Plh'NELL, Proprietor:, LOUISBURG. Nt C. CUOI) TKAMS AXm POLITE DRIVERS. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAV EL ING MEN. A Eink ijsr. or ON MAM). IU .-t71L Al.WAtS Fine Tailor Made Clothinc. Kr i-ntom msde rir-tr-- I it. Menr4 'ie ik-rn.-T for the f!i t1 t n li. . -. of Vh ir x l-ir: tji L.ntc -rf'iihn-.et:t in 1 r r-. Sf:,t.. ari'lfin fnrr:'. yr on horr r.o-ir-,. nny r iinr T(.q rv' ip th- w n T of r,,.T'.:!ic V:' ct; m n t I F!aT terra. Cn.l .'i'i m uinfl'i 'to W Kito. ot the flrra K;r.ir 4 VlnB. FLOWERS- EULES, ETC Hvfinnth.s. Tulip. Oiin S(r1 Lilies nnd other bull, Inr 'Aintr and early Spring blooming. l!of-. ("anmtion and other haiuisoroe rat - paJlrt, Eern.etC.. for room Jardin.-rn. Ennrv mdrom- i mon Mower 1'ots, Mngno iias. Evergreens. I'evminnd Vzli ii- i e " " ainut trw etc . STEINMETZ. ibileigh, N. C Phone 113. OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. OS BORN, Proprietot, Oxford, J. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. FKANKLINTON HOTEL E. M- WARD, Prop'r. Good accommoilaBOfis. ..nte serrtniA. and the trt Uvre Uie Oi&rket affords. Ciri Livery in conception -with hotel RUFFIN & LEWIS. BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do sll kind's rf work in onr line. Call to n at our hop neir the IvaisburmiUV HOTEL WOODARD. VV. r. WooikD, Trop., Korky Mount, N". C. Free Cot tueru all traiefc. 2 per dsy . SAO.OOO. Forty thousand dollnrs to 'onn out on Town and( ouuty realmtate for a long or Abort term at 0 per rat, in amounts to unit tbe bor rower. W. T. HUG HEX. LouUbnrg, N. C. Tobacco Plant Beds. J nt received ooe car load of Toberco ertilixrr for plant beds, bee os before oo boy yoor gas no. We ran aare yoa noney. KJng & llaeoa. TnOXLVS CHILL PILLS will radicate malaria and build up the lervoos nyatera. 50c box at faoUAs' lrog Store.

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