Jj- ' : LOUISBURG, N. C. FEIDAY; JUKE 7, 1895. ., . :;, v : V : , KUMBER16.- ' f0 PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS The Superintendent ol Public c,.hools of Franklin county t. will . be Loaisburg oa the second Thurs- day OI r cli uuj , -r-- i.r .i ...it .i tw Ann ihpr UC&OUer auu icu;uiuci auu i tel11 thraa Hn.v if nflrtPJWArr- I I fur Hie 0 y-v 1 I unti to teaon in iue ruunu ocuwois ' ... . iki:. j.i v" Louwourg oa Saturday- of each week, and all public days, to attend to u,u'y budiueai connected with my 0e' J. N. HABKI8, Supt. 1 "!. tY;-i.i 3tnA2. ft B. MASSBNBURG, ATTOBNET AT LAW. LUUISBUJM, V. O. WU1 practice i a ail the Court, of the State, O.ilce la Court House. ATTOHNBYS-AT-IW. Will attend tin courts of Naaii, Prankffn, 'T . ,.r . ..A .... a kAi..i.filiiitlAa ulniithu uoroaitf Ouri of North C&roUup, and tiie U. Sj. circuit aua UUtrtctrOoarta. K. MALOKE.- . . Hij tiro doors below Areoctce fc Co.'fil irarf store, adjoiuinij Ur. O. JU. Jillia. D B. w. H. NICaOLSOW, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBUBO, N. c. F. ShRUILL, ATTOaXBf -Aff-LAW, locisbues, y. c. win rten4 the courts of Franklin. Vance. arnDvill. Warreu ana wa&e oouuues, also Uio suyr :ine Court of jNorUi Odroliiia. Prompt N. Y. UULLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FKANKIJNTOSf, N. C. All legal business promptly attended to. rpHOo. a. wiLU&tk, I . TTAnVDV ATT A tTT L0U1SBURG, N. C. Ortlce on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, LOUI8BUK8, s. c. Practices ia all courts. Olflce In the Court I House. UL YARBOROUQH, Ja. ATTORNEY AT LAW, L0UI8BURQ, N. C. Office 011 secoud flour of iNeal building Ilium tilrvv I. All k?;tl business intrusted to him I . s 1 1 imive prompt unacareiui attentiou. r . IUCttiSTT, UTORNKY AND CODNSEIXOli AT LAW. L iL'ISBtJKS N. C. Prompt hikI jiainstiitilug attention given to it vry m.M r intrusted to nis nanuu. Maiiiiliiif. 1 ton. Hoot. W. Wiustou, Hon. J. 0' IBuitua, i'rcs. Kint iVdtional B.ink of VVln Mion. iti ;nu & Maul, Winston, Jfci'iJlea BauK luf ilo::rof, i h;is. E. Taylor, k'n Wake for- Itbtuoil iioa. K. VV. Uruberliikw. o lle lu Oou rt House, opposite Bhrtff's. Dentistry, W. H. EDWAHDS OP WAKE FOREST, N. T. Will visit LouiHburgr on Monday, Tuesday kail kTedntHiln v following the first Sunday i each mmitti prepared to do all kinds of lntal work. Office in the Meadows Hotel. 1. EDWARD DUGGER I). D. S LOUiriBaiitf, N. c. Graduate of the oldest-Dental College i ta vf orld. K lght years experwoae. Lost iraprued instruments Teeth x- hctd without paiu Artificial teeth itb'mt plate. Satisfaction or money letnrued. 02L'rt over Jones & Cooner's store. )R, iRj. :e. sziisra-. DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office over llacket Store. Graduate Baltimore Dental College. wenty-four years active experience. IHTIFICIAL TEBTH A SPECIALTY. f4tar&l etith removed and new ones inserted in IWEMTY MISUTE3. .' ' " ' '. All work warraated. Louisburff is m v home "for better or Ay to correct at my own expense Any I 9 nn vnn id you will always ana me "i& tuac iuay prove unsatisiaciory. . x r . j. . . , I Very truly. B. E KING, Dentist. YAKB0R0U6H & DAVIS, . The Blacksmii OF LOUISBURGf.' All work in our line done on short! iwice, aud satisfaction guaranteed. ve hive our uw shm r.hrt .old ten Din lley. V in g .H)d sha pe and are better pre- ta&a ever to serve oar icusto- J. M. C. HILL. THR TINNER, 'rPparedtodoallVindoftinwork. re "n8,&c. Ail work guaranteed. fW ooMBeM on Main eoreefe ia house reeeatly pied by F. Parrish - , 81 ILL AT THE B RIDGE . ; I A frir CliriWTTT'Km f e WOrk. i kope you wlil see me aa -uereiam well known and Trnard to do LSf1 sUe 01 the Elver bridge. Main atreet - (lonn hafn.A V.via will . flnl wnA An , (loriM hofAM V. vti will An11 wn An "ww.'o. p. vs ia itui UUU i M1V .vu. ir8'- C While I am Uol Uackamithin'cr rin. ka i .m. 'l i, t.i xaain sireev qiaae,! i . '1' "v' .V lacks ko. f have a fear nana -which I , """mi wiu u mu u uvb wuw v i Tours trmiy t i-. A. X. NA1 ; 4M0 EDSE PAL1ST1M STAB SHOP Loui8bnrjr. N. CJ . ' . v . v -""ir. w. m Aio . remodeled and fitted up in eleaa-nt S 8tar Barber Shop - on ; Nash Jle Th tbey rP1,.tti?on right much ians work to come to their -i ah op. , watchword i "Poiiteneas awl good (WHERE LOVE IS. A maiden asked if I could tell - , Where love is. k Ah, me, eairl I. that's hard to sir' " " ' Where love ia. Than - . ' . . .1- - "o wcii perplexing i?. question i?rave her soul was vexinir. ( i. ' "- " U.KTW uvo uj, A youth then bejrjred me just to say Where love is. Ah, no, said I, you'll flud the war '-v;; .: tier lure ut. Away he went hia heart reioteinur. Tne aoiig of bird bit courage voicing, X know kiud fate will lead him '--V Where lore in. They met, this youth and maiden fair, x ' There love in. , - l And ask no more, nor doubt nor eare. Where love i. And now with hands and hearts united Do oroTt and 0P' S' l - !. ' : A. SEORl-UI.SEiaiOK. SUDDEN DEATH COMPARED TO A v THIEF THAT COMES IN THE ; NIGHT. The Dread Messenger Treads Softly Until He Is Close at Hand--We are Admonished to be Beady When the Summons Uomes,in Whatever Fornf It May Appear. New York Herald. 4 v As a thief in the night II Peter, iii.,10. This is a vivid, alnioei a start ling, illustration of the way in which the inevitable sometimes steals upon us. After what man ner does the thief come atnight ? Is it not with exceeding stealth that he may cause no alarm, and with slippered feet and bated breath and cunning silence ? In like manner death treads softly until be is close at hand. In many cases it is not Jtnown that he is in the immediate vicinity until he lays his hand on some ones 6boulder aud whis pers "Cornel" Sometimes he clasps the heart with his icy fin gers and it at once ceaspsto beat, just as the old clock ceases to tick when you lay hold of the pendu lum. At othpr times a loved one lies on his couch for a few days, never dreaming that his work is done, but rather hoping that the morning will find h'ira ready to tajje up his task. Then all at once tnere are anxious faces and tearful eves, and before he can realize his situation his sonl has broken away from the bonds of mortality and he begins his flight into the air. How would, you wish to die, if the matter were left to your per sonal decision? It is a subject on which every one has bestowed more or less loouui tnoiign iew . 1 11 l .. il. t I ot ns. peruaps, nave reacnea a definite conclusion. With another and a better world in constant view ; with-the full consciousness that on the fnrther shore you will have an environment far superior to that afforded by the present life; with a profound faith that dear ones over there are waiting for you, .what seems the most de sirable -t means of exit from the nresent and entrance into the future ? roe laeai aeain is unaouoteuiy . j . m I that of old. If we had perfect J bodies, unhampered by inherited weakness, We should not die in youth or in middle life, but should retaio our faculties to the lasj; and take our leaveas the sun does when he sinks behind the bills. If the laws of nature were triumphant, if our ancestors had not left their diseases as" well as property to us as heirs, we might ' '1 , . , .1 ... be hale and strong until the coa ch juery gave. way. This is the kind of life and death indicated bv the plan of God, but that plan has been sadly interfered with. C.Att a 'Ufa niWdn1 lipH.Vixr tn the last, and such a death, simply falling asleep through weariness and waking up in Heaven, are rarely seen. : ' - . Many peo.nle bewatl the 8aden, s ,i,n5nti rrt tr.A b-. reavement but this is a. mistake, We must' thiuk of ourselves less and of tbera more. If one is to -take a journey,, ana tue , prepara- "on ,or uuicker the preparation is maae tuA Kottor for na all. . When we l ... ju tv0Volr niusi, say Kyuujo:j,auou. must cay gooaoye n .uauuouao.0 is better than a prolonged ,f are- 1 Well. IT, One JS caueu.awy uy a voice which cannot be disobeyed, i .. .alfiulilir hnM him Muy buuh . in a lingering embrace wnen lip - . .... ..r: I nan rt rr mfHiiM Miner ill if 1 6 f rpf 1 nZ lUCallO OUUCtiLlK J Ol U1IU4 1 O ' enaulo Vi US)- w . BUUUio uv dftath ' of Some member OtOUri household jwe need a stronger faith in two facts. After that, death is a mere incident, in the eareerof a soul, f and, though we may weep, we snail aiso rejoice at i the ffood fortune which has come C7 .-i, . . .. ....... to the dear one. n First, we must be sure that the end has not come and: never will' come : that all that has occurred t a change of residence, nothing more., .Ihe loss is ours, the jrain is theirs. They are being con gratulated on their arrival at the moment when We are in tears over their departure,;? They hare more friends ; on the ; other side than they can have on this, for this life is made up of many streams, but the other life 1 the ocean iu to which all streams, flow. If. therefore. Heaven and earth are I equal realities to us, we may aitrb aud weep,'but beneath?'our siirhs and tears we shall feel a sense of relief that though physical suffer ing may ? come to - us, none can reach them forever-more. ; - r- Second, such a faith must rest on the solid conviction that death makes no change in affection yor character, ; To-morrow 'we shall be ourselves, just, as we. are to day, and thf re can never om.' a morrow in whichlwe shall suffer loss of personal ldentity;S' - ? Let us take a stroug illustra tion. We have here a bottle of perfume with ati atomizer affixed. That bottle of perfume occupies a definite space and has definite characteristics. It has, so. to speak, an individuality., . , lu like manner a mau has defi nite peculiarities and occupies a definite space. He is himself alone and cannot share his iden tity with any other human being. If by miracle he were compelled to do this he would be that much less than himself and that much nearer to a uonenitv. Now squeeze the bulb and con tinue to do so until the bottle is empty. bat has happened ? The entire bottle of perfume is dissipated. Not an atom has been destroyed, because all atoms are indestructible, but yon have so scattered the perfume that no power can gather those particles togfttber again. The individu ality is gone forever, and, though the atoms still live, they live as atoms only, not as an aggregated mass of atoms, makiug a given quantity of perfume. Some will tfll us that is what occurs to ns at death. We are dissipated among the forces of the universe ; are immortal, to be sure, but immor tal only as force, not as individ uals. Christ taught otherwise namely, that we are personalities and shall remain such to the end of the world ; thai, death is not our atomizer and has no. uower whatever over character. Then we need not fnar death, but should be lad for those who have ijol away from the bodv. They are over yonder and our faces are turned ih the same di rection. Let death come how it will, it cannot disturb us. If it -comes suddenly all the better, for we shall be saved the pain of .lin .,, T... ... geriug niness. .bet it all be as God decrees, and as for us. we will be ready for the journey whenever we are summoned. Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Head ache E lectnc Bitters haa proved to be the very Dest. It effects a ierraannt cure and.the moa dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cares by giving the wv vvu w uiv wvwaa9 auu il vv i.aon long resist the use of this medicine Try it once. Large bottles only fifty cents at Aycocke & Co's. Drag Store. Too Many Idlers the Trouble. If yon ask a, man who is always grumbling about hard times and the high-handed manner in which the governmental affairs are run, what he has to sell or what he does to earn money, he will almost invariably answer, 'noth ing." ! If he has anything to ell it has probably been so little cared for till it is worthless and if he does anything, it is, geexally in such a mann,er that his .services j are never wanted .again. If dead i,eads and loafers would quit so uch mblinj.findidleiiei8ind1 go to work, times would, be de j cidedly better.' Ex. The Discovery Saved His Life. Mj.; a Gaillouette, Druggist, Bea- versvuie, -ill., aays : "io ir iving a jNew i;i8covery i owe my me. was I taken witl Wrlppe ana tried ail the pnysicians ior mues aoont, pa os no . ,j and WM U(,n ut) ud told j could . not iiVe. -Having Dr. King's JJw Dis- and began its ow. and from , the i first covory m ;mjrlBwro iwu. mi I 6"" "o...a I three bottles was op ana about again 1 it ia worth its .weight in gold. We I WUU I B.OCa OWIC VI UVUTO naauvuw u I Ant. free trial at Aveocke & Co'S. Druflr i I " - - . . . ,.;.-. .. Our Countay Cousins. Judge. Niece Did.you see tne obelisk in Central Park t V : ' ' : tt..-t- l v. T ua&n -11 . . . - - . - the animals. . . . - . - , Children Gry forPitcher's Castoriai - GRAND JDKY AFTEE JUDGE NOB- WOOD. Newt and Observer. '.' j As" stated in '. the Wilmington Messenger, Judge - vB. : Nor wood, a fusionist who was elected at the list election, was gloriously druulc when he turned upr at Lum hereon Mouday to hold court. .. Yesterday" several' gentlemen who have friends in Robeson re ceived letters, giving r particulars of this. "Honor's" jag and the subsequent: action of the grand jury, which has presented him to the sheriff for drunkenness. - ' y 'When the judge came in Mon day be was tight; by the -lime court . should have - convened VtighV was not a proper word, to Bx"presrhtsvonditionydfllnk, was the only: word that would do. So all day long the judge lay So his room at the hotel while the lawyers and solicitor were idle aud the witnesses, who had as sembled, drew their pay from the county. All that night Judge Norwood was in the hands of his friends, and Tuesday morning he was sit ting, unsteady it is true, but nevertheless there in the judicial chair. Court business grew mo notonous, however, nd large was the head of the judge. So after an hour's rigarmarole, court adjourned for the- dary. That after nooti the Judge drank again and on Wednesday the court was again idle. i mi i . inursaay morning mere was si ill no sign of the Judge, aud the lazy atmosphere of the court room grew oppressive. So Thurs day afternoon the grand jury concluded that it at least would do some work. The first busi ness was to present Judge Nor- - wood for drunkeuness. And still the Judge is jagged and no court is held. A Glimpse at the New Woman. One of our citizens who has just returned from a trip to New York, contributes the following interesting observation : "I saw a combination of the new woman and her various accompaniments at Central Park Sunday, the like of which it has nevftr been my misfortune to he boid, oue came upon me on a wheel, aud as 6be pedaled along the driveway I saw that she had on garments of the bloomer make. The air had gotten under them in some way, and swelled her ont like a balloon, which threatened o burst at every fresh gust of wind. While I was still gazing at this spectacle of femininity, I noted the si2e of her feet, and the shape of her ankles. Now I don't usually notice such details, but I defy any man, no matter how modest he may be, to pass over that girl's feet and ankles without a second glance. My modesty forbids my giving a de scription of either, but I will say that her ankles may have been mistaken for bicycle spokes but for the color of her stockings. 'Then I cast my eve upwards Horror of horrors 1 Here, indeed, was the climax. A pair of glasses were perched on a snub nose, which, like her cheeks, was I tanned and freckled from the .St -9 O ! . I sun, anu' a mass oi naming rou hair was made to look more fiery under a small white cap. Her was . a new woman -a woman of the period. God help the period, ana give me. a woman, old in ways, old in dress,- and, if neces sary, old in years, but spare me this monstrosity, wbomv some charitable soul has dared call woman." English Wonieu at the Forge; I All the Tear Bonnd. There was a long shed, with eight or ten forges in it, a worker j and a blower to each forge. Toil was being carried on. with fever ish energy under the eyes of the; master, who promenaded up and down. There were as many women as men... 1 be heat was! Mnt an j v .mail K.rlfab firl B- ""r suggestive of its extreme badness in mid-summer. At one forge one woman, aged j about 22, used ihe hammer .with her hands.worked the olivet ,with ber feet. -I tried to do as she did. She Bettled a nail in two or three blows. It cost me - seven.'. The force necessary to make the Oliver do its duty ; is vef y great. . 1 he whole power of the body must be concentrated upon the leg. mus- cies. . ; At one forge a man and wife were at work, both jnst over 20. I wondered what their home i;f--,. u r dav'a work. "A more jaded cenple one f;wliId uard imagine. THOUGHT IT WAS GABRIEL. An Old Colored Woman Haw tfiss Xo lan In Her Parachute.'. . " "A good one Is told by the Rec ord of an old colored woman living out near; ttys Greensboro water works who didn't know anything about the ballon ascenslou Satur day afternoon. ' " t , She went out in her yard, when she happened to glance up towards the sky and saw Mile. Nolan com ing along but she was still high up in the air andthe old woman could not distinguish the parachute.'. placing her arms akimbo she surveyed the thing a moment and remarked, '.Jf yonder donH cum a Wuudep'whur in de name of God it cum frum ? She, turned around as she spoke to one of ber children, and then again took a look at it. This time she saw the daring aeronaut. "Good God-a-mighty, Moria," she exclaimed, "if dar ain't a angel in it. It's Gabriel shore's you born and he's gwine to blow his trumpet, and when do, chil dren, sometbin' gwiue-to happen somthiu' dredful. You ni git ready an when he souu's de horn we'll all pray, for judgment day am right har." N About this time one of the "chil- lun' took in the situation and said : "Shucks, mam. it'e a oaman in a b'lun an she am gwine to lite rite on you ef you don't git outen deway. Taint no Gabriel and taint no horn dar. The old woman realised the sit uation and was greatly relieved, but she says she will never grow any more. "Fore tfod, she said. 'I tbot it wnx de angel Gabriel and de end uf de world had cum." A Puztler. "I see a monkey up a tree, ne sees me and gets behind the trunk of the tree. I start to go around bim and he keeps going around as I do, keeping the trunk of the i tree between him and me. I reach the place I started from, with the monkey still opposite on the tree. Have I also been around the monkey t A Bostou woman is quoted assaying: "1 tried it on my husband. I bad him for the mon key, and I took a whisk broom and went aronnd him, brushing his clothes. He kept turning around just as I did, and when I had been clear around I had only brushed one side of him and one leg of his pantaloons. Now, all the professors of Harvard Univer sity couldn't convince me that I had been around that man, and neither had the mau been around the monkey in the tree.' -Ex. People seldom kill themselves in the city of Brooklyn. "When they get tired of life they simply quite dodging trolley cars. Kan- Ba8 qh Journal If we were a young man we wouldn't fall in love with a ghl who loves a dog.--Atcbison Globe. TASTELESS MM P U U U 70 CD IS JUST AS GOOD FOR AOU LT3. WARRANTED. PRICE SOcts, Oalatia. IilaHdv,18.IS33. CBOVK'8 TA8TKLKSS CllVLL, TONBJ aoa bar k,rht ikna wtcmm alreadr Uila rat. In ail omr Mrtann of 14 TWtra. In tha Cron bnmlntum. too (aoUom aa fuax Ton to. -fcacr Aaxa r, Caaa a Co. trolT. 1 T JXlLl Wbesj Baby vm sfck, w gav Wboa sb was a C&Od, ah cried tor When aba beam Xka, A chm to THE ' ii Central Saloon." rJavtnTio'tmwd aw and frra wmp plyof all bmaO of the bmt vhUlk - irora Uir most cUbrATd mmm vfacrarm. it Is bow prvpar ' 4toaivthpaUUcv rah v J he ad vaau tc in both priea d Drit.it t j lO Trold. BILYTIt BFR1SQ Hy whUky the clOf i C00PER5 Corn whisky and other brands of the very best corn can alwavs be bad. Also three of the r est brands of Beer, Richmond Brewery, Standard Brewery of Baltimore, and the celebrated, Anhauser Busch "Foust Export." In addition the very best Beer on draught, cool and fresh. WINES, CIGARS, & T03ACC0, ALL OF THE BEST GRADES. Mixed drinks are also made a specialty, as all my friends can testify. Will be glad to see all. Come and eeo me at the same old stand in the "Middle of the Block." R. C. BATCHELOR, Manager. Louisburg, N. C. NOTICE. The andentjrned baring' Jaly qualified Extcatore oX ums Um will aa taaiu-&i ot Jew ferry. tWwaX. all proos boUla c Lai ma ifiut the caUle of to did drr. v-nt are bcreo7 noUOrd to praat Um same to oa tor payment oa or brt ore the 100a day of April LM, or this Botloe wUl tm pWakioa ux tr uf. tblr recovery . Ail TteHiM Uaaeutad to Uvn estate will pica cout forward aoi taak uamodlato atunnat. A. c. Zoujoovras, Kbpoiv r'saai. Eseeators of vrr lcrry, Uec'd. April t. lav. NOTICE. I have tfcla day qoaltaed aa admlnlatratrlx apou Um suu uf iryant B. Uoium. oeaj. Allpraooa inebtou to lhaeaUlaaf Ibaaald uaowlcut IN DoUJad to oOtM forward mm make otUetacal with Lha autrattMsa , iar ti aolOuif claliaa jrlust Vba uto of Um oecaMMit, vrlli prvmut iaaa u Um uoee. algma oa or before Um Tib uay ot May ba4, or ibka aoUce wUl tm plaiioii la bar ol ladr recortry, UATTlB UBS iJOlTO. Ad ml Of T. S. SrxriLV, Attorarr. MORTGAGE SALE. By Tlrtaa of a power of aala coataioM to a murt(rmfe dead DtaiM Um UU day of Peco- tr ldm. aojy icopv:i 10 ofoco 01 tUBimimr 01 Uwda fur rr.ick.lia Ooaoty in tuoa oe, pai 177. by K. It. HoraMa aoU lln to Um trutw of Wka Fortal coila, w will ooil In Um town of rraoailDtou. U. C-. ob lb UUi day of Jqim U. to Um hrbeat UdOer torh Um lot of land otcrliod (u aaia toorwrna daod. attaato in the town of JTraukilaioo. aiotiuar Lbe una ox i. u. Naauioo. u h. u. h. m.. and oUker com anility o&a arra bwn or mm. X. Y.Ocuir.iU'j. aUy it, NOTICE OF INCOHPOIIATIOX. N OUT II CAROLINA, 1 FttAXSXlN Col'NTY. I In otticw Clerk Superior Court. Notice is hereby given of the incor poration! the YoungsvilleTobacco Warehouse Company ; tnut toe name of the incorpurutoni are li. fl. Winston, II. 15. Winston, C. 8. Williams, C. A. Garner, J. W. Mitchell, T.O. Jordan, J.S. Timber- lake, J. M. Winston, J. W. Duke, E. L. Allen, J. F. Mitchell, F. P. 1'ieree, S. E. Pearw, J. A. VS'iUiams, Perry i Patterson, it. C. Underwood, J. W. Woodlief, T: L. Moaa, S. P. Williams, Mr A. Alford, I. G. Bid hick, E. L. Hicks, Andrew Williams, J. W. Winton, P. It. Hatch, W. T. Young, and such others as they may associate with them ; that tbe prin cipal plaee ot businfa shall be in loungsvuta, rt.L., and iU general purpose is to sell and buy leal to bacco; that tne d oration of tne cor poration shall bethLty years; the cap l ail socKw f luuo.uuwiin privi lege to increaae to f 10.0OO.O0, di vided into one nundrvu snare ot Um par value of $10.00. . v m m 4 li. it. UARSIS, U fc. U. STJSTEyaOHT BAND AO EH. OrroUra (. r LA. VUJ. T 1 rprtnc Odrw (. tbiU. r AUreatOffer. ' - . if The Twkse-a-Week' edition of Th Kew York World (formo rlf the Woeklj) baa proved a phenomenal aoecwaa. it w a 6mi-Weekly of six page, mailed Tuesdays sad Fridsya j vifht colomos to tbepagwj lortjigbl eoiomna caca iaaow. It girna the newt follr half a week ahead of any, wvekly papr, aao. at the satow time, rrtalna all tbw utrr- ary, agrieultoraL taiacllany- sad othr features which mad TUB WKKKLI WOULD ao popolir. lrttbo pric t ONLYtlNR DOLLAR A YKAR. For sample copies addrews The World, N. Y NOTICK OF 8EIZLUE. KotW fa horabv riraa of Um ariiora Bpriag Bope oa ly 4tK of Um fo 7iTJ'uZ: Lawa: Ona(l) barrel corn wbiatry. aboai lm karvbv notified to make ri aim withta ao dayafrota thM data aa rrqairtd by arrVMn 8eOK-tt.U.B- - F. U. Sumon, CoiMrtor . " ' 4th Uiatrkt. . ; By Ja. A. Tbomab. Deputy. ' May 17, 18V&. . " . . A Jttit Think! - - Too ran cvta voroplete art of htrsrae for ?2.00 from Loabharg liamesa Cow- CALL AT THE iLouisLiiig Bargain Store. For SHOES and Gents FurnUk. lag Goods also for, . CLOTHING. Oar Goods ar frtsb and hi We carry a fine !in of PJCTUR ESr 5 '-Hjso; -ASD FRAMES, And we are wiling them at half price Id LE II MANS old stand. SHOE MAKING, MOSES WEST holdf forth ia rear of Thomas Drug Store, (on' the alley where he does shoe making aad repairing, and guar an tees to do work a good and cheaper than any Shoe-Make in the State. Come and see for yourself." Respectfully, MOSES WEST. Feed, Sale ; Livery STABLE a HAYlS & PINNELU Periston, LOUISBURG. N0. GOOD TEAMS AND POLITE DRIVERS. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAY ELINO MEN. A Ftxi use or BTceira alvatv 05 BA.XD. Fine Tailor Made Cluthrtx. At roatoaa taada prh-w. 1 hav h airorr tor tka Rnya) tailor of Cllraan lnrl tailortec wtablwhaw la f 1m Knifed Htalea. and ran faralah ynwoa JoVv aotw. aaytbtef yrtj wAt ta tao wry riotafnjr. fit giaraatawj. YLmmj Urtsxa. Call aad tnj aaotplaa. BaatwrtTaTfy. Jao W. Crra. of tW 8m KiaC 4 Uo. FX0WEE1 BDLES. ETC Hyadntha, Tulipe, Chinee Bacrv Lilies and other bull, for t'inta and early Spring blooming. Roe-. Carnation and other handsome col flowers, bonqueto and floral design. Palms, Fern, etc.. for room dm rating. Jardiners, Fancy audcom mon Flower Pota, Roeeit, Msgno iias. ErergTrens, Pecan and Engliak Walnut trws. etc. II. STEirOIETZ. Saleigh, N. C Phone 113. OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. OSBORN, PrcprhWy, Ox ford, N a Goed accomnjodations for tl traveling public. FUANKLlaNTON BOTE!. E M. WARD, Projr. Good accrxsmodanosa. puiU servaouw and the best tare the natrktt tuforda. Good Livery la eoiraertlon wifYbofA RUFFIN & LEWIS, Wa are prepared eflo lU kiads r? work in oar line. Ql3 to are as at ottr ahop mxt Xh LooUtwrg milla. HOTEL WfjTOOATO. w.ti Wo0iu, Frae erky Moaa X. C. Frrt Br miU all train.' f3 pr day. at 1 - 1 Forty thousand doDarato tvn. out on Town and CountvrU t I for A Kmj"OT .DOTfc leTDl ax O f I rit. In ajtionnta to suit trie Tor- Lonf atmrg, N. C Tobacco rust Beds.' J ot ree1rd oae ear load t Toba w Fertilizer for plaat brda. Sm "u bvf ov yo buyyenrr gcaao, Wecaamve jot money. XJbx ft Haaoa. SotDethiBjrlfew. . Tha Xmo Arbrrt Dra Etov. . i St Tbocy a f7

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