B. MASS EST EURO, - v ATTORNEY AT LAW.. ' LOPIaBOlMi, K.' ft ' , '"' - Will practice in all tie Courts of 'the State. Office la Coart House. " v - C. AL COOItB & SON, ' ATTOKSBTS-AT-I.AW, xoinsBU&a, hI"c- ;i -..-.- Will attend toe courts or Wash; -Franklin; Urauville, Warren and Wa.tte counties, also tlie lupreine Court or North Croliup, and tlie 0. J. Circuit anil District Coorta, - 1) E. J. E. JHALONE. Office two doors below Aycocke & drug- store, adjoining Dr. O. Jiuis. Co. 'a K. W. H. NICHOLSON, Pt ACTICINa PHYSICIAN, 'LOUISBCBS, N. a - i 1'. S. SPBUILL, ' ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, - -LOCISBG&S, h. c. :. '. Will attend the courts of Pranblln, Vance, Qrinvilie, Warren and Wake couaties, abto tiia Supreme Coart of North (Jaroliua. Prompt sttenuoa given to collections, &c. N. Y. QULLEY. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW. FAAKKUKTOM, JT, 0., ;? V All legal business promptly attended to. ITMI08. B. WILDER, - . ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, ; LOUISBUBe.'K. 0. . , - " : . Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's store. - ' . ' " . - ;i. w. M. PERSON, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW; LOOISBUBfl, K. C - , Practices in all courts. Office in the Court Bouse. ' - yy IL YARBO ROUGH, JE. ' ATI ORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURO, N. C. Office on second floor of Neal bnildiflg llaiu Street. . . All gal business intrusted to him v,ill receive prompt and careful attention. T. W. BICKETT, AT10BNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUWBUES W. 0. ' Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston. Glenn St Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake .Por ei Coll. ge, Hon. K. W. Timberlake. O.Boe iu Court House, opposite Sheriff's. Dentistry, : W. H. EDWARDS OF WAKE5 FOREST, N: C- VV ill visit Lfou'irthurg on Monda.V.Tnrsday air. i VHii,icHiiuv ioiiowinf;tae nrnt Sunday in e.u 'ii miifi th prepared to do all kinds of Dent il v((rlc. - Office over over Thomas' Drug? Store mxt- tln.ir to P. S SpraiH" Lnw.ofSrj I)KXTI" ST, J. EDWARD DDG6KR:IXJ.& LObTldBUiW, N. C. Gridii.ite of the oldest Dental College i:i tliH World. EurlH years exnerinnee. M nt, improved inHtrurants. Teeth ex - trtcfed without pain. ArtiQca 1 teeth with -.tit. plate. Satisfaction r money ft-: urned. Oilier over Jone & Cooper's store. FRANK ALSTON- COTTON BROKERS. . Farmers near Loviisburar and tbe Adioin I"-' counties would And it to, their interest to flend sainiiles oi their cotton before offer ing it for sale to Charjes J. Alston, Louis- up. in. U.. or to 0. J. N., 4 & IT rank ltou, Hemlersou. N. C. baverfi for cotton aillB. The Amebic ah Cottok Co. J- M. C. HILL,. THE TINNER, " v -'i, ' is prepared to do all kind of tin work; .re. Hiring, !ce. All work guaranteed. Plae' f busiueaa on Main ecreet in house recently feCUuied bv F. Parriwh. ... H- El. DExTIST, ' . LOUISBUSG, N. C. OfBcff over Racket Store. Graduate Baltimore Dental College. JfUnfrr t . .: . uj,-LUUI- years yactive experience. TIFICIAL TEETH A SPECIALTT. Natural ta removed aad new ones inserted, in BN'TT MINUTES. u work vcarrauted ' ' Lo uisburg is my home "for better or prae' dy to correct at xnjr own expense &ny auu you win always nna ine a mat may prove unsatisfactory. Very truly, T" - ' -R. Ei.IiING, ' , Dentist, MONO EDGE PALIST1N STAR SHO? Louisbarg, N. 0. , v essro. W. M. Alston Rnd Ti VrZV.crArf.nn' re remodeled ano fitted up in elegaut fe- tbeir Star RartMtr Slion on , Nanh et, and tuey are putting on right much r- iney cordially invite all who want F-Class work to onma t,rt .hp nhnn watchword is " Politeness ahd good YARB8R0UGH & DAVIS, w BlacksmifSis f OF L0UI8BDRG.-. ; ork in onr line done on . snort ahd satiRfaetinn Rye our new shop (the old ten pin 8uape.ana are Detter pre than ever to serve our custo- TILL AT THE BllIDGB,,-. - ACK-SMITIlilSrG; Kaiort Wenownand prepared to do IwAdm.ri hPe yu "w111 see me as l.7.?.?ue before. You will find me on liedfo"' T on tt0Teet fhatlam alao r kainiti.i" ""iu uoingau, sinaa Fiocks' Su, such as putting teoauL,..1 have a few guns which 1 vuav wui oe sold if not called for , .i' A,T. Neal I I -. i i - - I l. - " I , .. - V - J .. - . ' I . V -l . i. - I ; , . Ladies Home Journal, " ,.r have taken lately to calling those whom I love, ''angels.". Just think i hat -difference. it ; would make - in families "if Iriisbands Bhonld call thir wives, "and their wives their husbands, " angelsl- Of course, there might be a few ex ception where they'' tonld 'not do it. but they could then, think they -were fallen atigelsUhat could be restored; lifted up, and, perhaps, if we should, see the posible angel in them, and showed that we saw itit might help to Hfttheml : &hi really "w e ha ve an gels ; al 1 arou n d us, and we do'not see they are an gels till they leave H3, and then you hear a man speak of the wife t ;at is gone as vl xcy "angel wife." Oh, how glad she would have been to have been called that when here. Now I4iave uothi o g to say against the angels in Heav en, they always seem to me - li"ke grand relations I am yet to become acquainted withi but concerninc the angels that are in our homes and among our friends here I have sometbiijg to say, "We must, first of all, come to- see that they are angels. I remember in the long ago I had a friend who lived near ly opposite our little parsonage. One day I went over and the hus band of my friend came to the door, and heseeiued so glad to see me. MI would rather see you," he exclaimed, "than see an angel, fou an angel might "not know how to make gruel." His wife had been taken ill, and, as they say in $ew England, there was rro "help" in the house. . Oh, the an gets in our home ! Our angel children! And we have dear friends who are angels, but we mnt let them know we feel they are angels in ouf lives- : "We have somehow given the name of "min ister to onr pastor, and he ia our minister, or messenger," or anjrei (they are called angels in the Kew Testament,) but any one that min isters to us is a minister. We : are not apt to thiuk if we have good servants that we have angels in the kitchen; and maybe it would help them (for people in the kitch en need a little help for their hearts once in a while they have hearts;) at any rate I would like to see.th is tried in families; 1 think it would give new life to some peo ple to be called angels. Tbink of a tired mother (and, alas, there are many) finding the arm of a sou pr danghter slipping about her neck, and the voice so" dear to her whispering, "My ngel mother !" Oh, whdh you see that mother some day lying so still and. so cold and the memories rush in on you, of all she was and did for you, you will say as you look . at her calm face, "My angel mother!" Ah 1 tny dear boy, my dear ' girl, you are tob late, she Will not smile as she would have smiled if yon had Called her that in days gone by- your chance is gone. Many a mother (and father, too),is hungry once fin. while, v for , a Mov ing kls. Let me ask sonne of yon how long is it since you kissed your tnoiher ?t Ofr:course, when Jou went a.way ; on a journey and I wnen you retumea, nut l mean from .day to day. ' Maybe' that is one reason wiiy a baby, is such . a Godsend in a family there is some one to kiss; but you must not forget that no m an i s so big and no woman so old that the . baby is entirely gone out of them at least I bope not.;r;jI think the. rea- Lcon why-many: look forward tp see them home beyond the tide is that theytfeel it will be a land.ofJove and so they sing: - ,.x - - : ' Land of Love for thee 1 sigh, - -T; When will the moment coroe. - I . ,When 2 plia.ll lay my burden do wn, , And restr with thee at borne ?' :i Tbe end of life-is to be like unto Goa, and tbe-isonr-followiug God will be like unto H)m. Socrates. ' Life's evening, we may suredr.will ate its character frpm the day; that x. has precede , it. Shuttleworthi - ' u i. u rt,i t oco wuai u ,iww auu, uao?,ftrM us, set round with painand pleas ure, ylt is too strange for . sorrow; Vitus' too ..strange for joyi -Thoreau. By D.'L. Moody. '-.'.'; ; "Some years.ago,' as I was about f to, close a prayer ; meeting, ' a young man got up'and'nrged all those present 'who had not accept ed Christ, to do so that night; and in closing un his little speech, be said : "I once had a father; and mother that "cared' more for" my soul than for, anything else. At last my father died and when fathers-was dead ' and ; gone, my mother was more ' anxious than ever for me, . and sometimes "she wukl come and' p'ut jher -Ioviiig around my neck, and she ' would just pleadj with me to go to Christ. Shr used to tell tneafter toy father, was dead! that she was lonesome without having me a Christian, jl old her I sym pathized with her, but' declared I wanted to see a little of the world;-I did not want to. become a Christian in early life. Some times I would wake up past mid night, and-would hear a voice in my mother's chamber. I would hear that godly mother crying to. God for her boy. I .was verv dear to her. At last I, felt I must either become a Christian or go away from that mother's influence, and I ran away. Af ter I bad beeu gone a long -time I heard from home indirectly. I heard that my mother was sick. I knew that she was pining for me. I knew that her heart was broken on account of me and my wayward life. I thought I would go home and ask my mother to forgive me. My sec ond thought was: If I did, I would have to go and a be Chris tian. I could not stay under the same roof without becoming a Christian. My rebellions heart said: 'I will not go.' Whin I beard again, I heard my mother was wore,. Tho tbonjrht came: Suppose she should die. Sup pose I should never see that moth er again. T never could forgive myself.' I started home. There was" no train, to my native vil lage, I took the coach. I got in just after dark. The moon was shining. I had to go about a mile and a half to ray mother's honse, and on my way I thought I would get over the fence and go to the grave where my father was burieU, to see if there was new made grave. It might be that mother was gone. When I drew n.ear the grave, my heart began to beat more quickly, as . by the light of the moon. I saw. the new-made--grave. The whole story was told. The whole story was clear. My fcsainted mother was gone. It was a fresh-made (.grave, it naa just been dug For the first time in my life this question came stealing over me. Who was going to pray for my lost soul now ?' Father and mother both gone now. And young men, I would have given the world if I could have called that mother back and have put her arms, around my neck and heard her-breathe my name in prayer.- But her voice was silent forever. She was gone.? I knelt beside that" grave, saying that God might have mercy, on -me an that God jvould forgive me. And I did not leave that grave all night until the morning dawn. But before morning I believe" that God for Christ sake, had forgivT en my sins,7 and that iny mother's God had become my God. " But, young. men; I would never for give myself, I hever: can. I killed X hat .mother. I ' trampled ber prayers and her entreaties under my feet-. I broke" her hearjt and sent-.her to her: grave. '. Young man, if you have a godly . mother treat her kindly." - 1 v , J'f ; - i- .;vFrce Pills. ,. -.V; Send y onr address to H. E. . Back. en St Co.i Cbicag-Oy- and get a fre sample box of Dr' King's New Life iMlls. A trial will convince: you of their merits. 'J'hese uilts are easy in action and are nartiftnlarlv t-ffeetivi in th rninf fnn- r Kstipatipn and Sick "Headache. .For Ma reSl, aS"4 nr;a nnH T.iri frrnhlt t.hfV bava Kaon' proved invaluable. They are gcaran-. teed to be perfectly free trom every de leterious substance'. and. to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken ; by theic aetioh, but by giving: tone - to tomach and- bowels greatly invigorate the system. - Regular size 25c. per box, Sold by Aycocke &. o., Druggists. 5 Childrerk Cry for Pitcher's Castoria i . - Terrible Punisamcnt . of Fast GirL -Last summer there died inva hotel iu a? French-:clty a. young woman; friendless and alone." The morning " journals, off the " town briefly staled that she was a weal thy American," tberwicow of .a ., , . , .. ..... ........... ..- .. - . . - man who-was unhappily lost at sea. while on his-.way i io Enrope witb'bis wife!" She hac never re turned to her native coi.ntry;apd was now dead from a snddea'at tack of pneumohiaLi r -i ; . Be n eath' tbsehare.facts .lay a d om es tic t ra ge d y w h rch - h as - ik meaning profound enough: to jus tify its pnblicaffion. . v . The husband of hls woman was a young physician in New York; a man of scholarly habits, refined and almost morbidly sen sitive. He became suddenly deep ly attached to a young girl from one of the Western States who was visiting in the family of one of his friends. He followed her to ber home, married her, and tbeyxstartedon their wedding journey to Europe. On the steamer they met ono of ier school friends, a chattering, silly woman who knew every de tail of his wife's girlish history. Finding herself alone with him one evening ehe told them all to him, as a bit of idle fun. He listened in silence, and then sought bis wife iriher state room. "Is it a fact," he said "that yon were the belle of the wine sappers for two summers at Al- mont Springs ?" "Yes," she said laughing gai ly. "Who told you?" "And you were known as Mad cap Molly ?" "I suppose it is true-1 but " "Stop ! ;" I have been told tbat that you were engaged to two or three men at-once , before - y. knew me. They have your let ters full, I presume, of expres sions of regard. Don't tell me that that is true. My wifs ? Yon? She 1 egan to cry, terrified at his looks. "I suppose it is true. I only did as the other girls did. I was a little wild and thought less; but nobody could say a word agaiust my character." He stood a minute looking at her4 then turned and. wput on deck. The night was dark and stormy. He did not return. Search was made for him, but he could not be found. It was at first thought that he had fallen overboard. His wife iu her ago ny knew the truth. She remained abroad living in Paris and other capitals of Europe. The "wild" life of her girlhood had prepared ber for the depths of guilt which opened before her. She was a eady vic tim, and the friends who cared for ber were relieved when death put an eud to her follies and crimes. x . It is true that her husband was both weak and guilty in his death. If he bad not been mad dened by disappointment, he would have stood by her . to the end, and perhaps byv his-love have made her the women he had believed to.-her be. . But has any woman a right to inflict such a disappointment upon a man ? Has any girl who has made her person and her love tawdry and common in the eyes of a; dozen men through a. series of flirta tions, the right to play the part of a. pure innocent bride . in a sacred marriage ? The fast girl in a village looks upon these things as "fun" but she is playing withv fire which will leave scars upon ber asr long as life lasts. " . V r c , All Free. Those who have nsed Dr. King's New Discovery know its valoe, and thosw who have not. have now the' opportunity to try it . Free. Call . on the advertised Druggist and get a Trial Bottle Free Send your name and address to ELE. Bueklen & Co., Chicago, and get ft sam ple box of Dr. King's New. Life, Fil!s Free, as well as a crpy of Gnid to Health and Household instructor. Free. All of which is guaranteed to do yoti goodf and cost yoa nothing at Aycocke Co'a. Drug Store.- v ''.-. . . . ; Monroe Journal.'' ' '' ." '-.' v" :' -'.'A fellow these day s is in a pret ty bad rojw of stumps. If he de clares for free silver he is at once accused of trying to get on the papular side; if he goes; for -gold they say be has been - Vboright;" and if he says notbingeither way be is condemned as a stfaddler ! Whither, ah whither shall he fly ? ..-.. . When all of the woman - get to wearing bloomers, voting and run ning for office we ' may expect to bear matters discussed, after, this fashion tV.-' f : Female candidate-rJLadiesand gentlemen, I bad toped to conduct a ca m palgn f ree f rom personal i t i es.. But siuce tbe opposition has seen Ot to nominate against me my owu husband; I cannot, in justice either tomy friends or myself pass over in silica facts wbich.ottglic t 'r.blrttiSSiS' ther more, ladies and gentlemen, . I feel free to speak, inasmuch as my opponent has set the pace of vilifi catiouy saying that I have to have my dresses padded to make my shoulders tbe same height and use enough goods in tbe sleeves make a whole dress. I hereby charge him, and defy contro versial attempts on his part, with sleeping with his mouth open. (SenBation.) I leave this issue tq the-intelligeut voters of this coun ty." (Prolonged applause and chews.) Ex. FOUE EKlliHT PARAGRAPHS. Comments on Current Events In Wil mington Star. A company of British troops -at Windsor, Canada, recently refused to ride on a tug which carried the American flag. British troops never liked the American flag, for they have never run up against it without being made to feel. bad. Aconvict confined in tbe insane department of the Kausas peniten tiary respectfuly asks to be bauged. He isn't quite sure whether be is crazy or not, but argnes that if he is crazy he should be in au insaue asylum, aud if not crazy be should be bauged. It is figured out that New York ers 'spend $(5,500,000 for theatri cal and other amusements, and that the American people spend about 26,000,000 .ditto. This does not include what they spend in politics. Amusements come high, but tbe people must bave'era. A contemporary informs us that Governor Altgeld is strkiug for the U. S. Senate ond also has his eye on the Presidential cbair. There is nothing to prevent him from having his eye on it, bu inas much as be was born on the other side of the salt pond that's about all he ever can get on it. In Russia, if a man marries an heiress he ges no cbauce to own her money. There is no marriage settlements; ehe controls her pro? perty throughout life. This fi nancial independence of tbe wife has conduced greatly to happy marriages. It is believed that among the well to do people in Russia there are more hap py marriages than in most other countries. Women are employed In telegraph offices and post offices in Russia, because corporations find them more accurate in datails and more careful to please custo mers. Ex. lli 5r' t.i.-k-Wj f'ri'-V Ll-z- fASTELESS": wsmm !3 JUST A3 COOD FOR ADULTS, tVARSTANTED. PRICE GO ctsi - O alalia. Itia.rNoT.lG.ir33 Paria Medicine Co be LouU, aici. Gentlcracn: We Bold Izrt year, tTO bottles of SHOVE'S TASTIX&sS CiirLl. TO.MO and here boegbt tnro frro already IMj year. In all oar ex perience of 14 yenrs, la da Am , buRitia, tier never aokl an art Iclo thai fcnye Ricii'uiT.ul ii'a laciioa as yjcr Ionic - Xourt trolf, -i,sx. r, CAKa & Co. ' ' - " Baby vm afck, ( htr When Cm ra a OuU. she cried for Castor!,' -Wkn ah became lCm, ah cfec to Cteioria, WWd aba bad OXOrm, stw gx Quern I KOTJICE. HaTicir qnillV- ma a6mtouMA tv eui cf 3oflT.h A. fmon. decM4. aU per oos owing Jvl AUt ar rrnratd 1 mum ths aoiDR. aitd all , persona havtar-ttaliM 4rtJl aaiX Ut M IKa&( to t( tbam hrfory Um4th day Of J one l&e. or IU Jane 4 in. - NOTICE. . I bav thla-day ((oaUfied a administratrix upon lh evite of Bryant B. Boitoo. Mrttwd. AU persons lsJcb(d to tb estate of UmuM dord.-nt ar roU3.ri to cotDv forward aj)t make a.4Ueent ilh the aotcraiir rar tleahol.ung eUitna Sfrainat lh (uh of ttM deredent, will preat-nt tb-tn to th ' nndfr lrnd on or Iiore Ut 7th day ol May XSi, or this noUce wui bo plsadotl 1a bar of tbdr recovery, MAITT1 LOC BOLTO. A.&TBX Of a . B. Bolton, d ad. P. S. Srp.rilX, Attorney. NOTICE. Havlnr this dar onallfWid aa Ura of Ui-wll of W. D. Karl 6ral. ail per aona owlujf a.i 1 rlMt are rq orated to taake immediate aeUlement and aU praons bavlna; claim aiirtt the state of said den-dent ar noUlW to pr.- nt Utt-m before the tb day of June lixs, or this notioa wUl be pksad In bar of their recovery. Jobs R. Eiau W. O. Hroxa, Kxocntora. W. L PT5Ro, Attorney. June 4th. 13BX NOTICE OF SALE. In accord new with Internal Revenue Law I will tfell at Spring Hop N. C.. on Wednesday, J uly 3. ISOS.on Barrel Corn WbUkey, seized by J. A. Thorn Deputy Collector, from J. D. Leper. F. M. 8uno7fs. Collector 4th Dit. N. C. Ry J. A.Thpma. Deputy Col'r. A Great Offer. Tbe "Twice--Week" edition of The New York World (formerly tb Weekly) baa provrd a pbenomeoal auecess. It is a Serai-Wrklj of six page, mailed Tuesdays and Fridays ; eight cotacma to tbe page ; forty-eight column each iasue. It gives tbe news fully half a week ahead of anv weekly papr, md, at tbe same time, retains all the liter ary, agricultural, nruw-ellany and other futures which made THE WEEKLY WORLD so popular. Yet the price i ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. For sample copies address The World, . Y. XOTICK OP INCOKlOItATIQN. NORTH CAROLINA, Fkaxkuln County. In otHc Clerk Superior Court. Notice is hereby given of the incor poration of the oonguville Tolwicco WarehousH Company: that the named of the incorjKU-utors nrt B. If. Winston. II. B. Winston. C. S. Williams, C. A. Garner, J. W. Mitchell, T. G. Jordan, J. S. Timber ing, J. M. Winston, J. W. Duke, E. L. Allen, J. F. Mitchell, F.P. Pierce, S. E. Pearc, J. A. Williams, Perrv & Patterson, R. C. Underwood, J. W. Woodlief, T. L. Ko, S. P. Williams, M. A. Alford, I. G. Rid dick, E. L. Hicks, Andrew Willmina, J. W. Winston, P. R. Hatch, W. T. Young, and such others ns they moy associate with them; that the prin cipal place of business shall be in Youngsville, N. C., anl its general purpoe is to sell ami buy leaf to bacco; that the duration of the cor poration shall bothi.ty years; tbe capual 6oeki 1000 00 with privi le to increase to $10,000.00. di vided into one hundred shares of tbe par vulue of f 10.00. R. R. Harris, C. S. C. History of the Last Lej-lsUture. Ruy one. Only ten cents. A neat, attractive pamphlet 160 pages, with ornamental cover, devoted to tbe record of tbe laat Legielatore, tbe wont Legislature, save that of 1S63 ever aaaembled in tbe State. ThU book gives its record plainly and truthfully. It trivea facta and names and ia thor- fongbly reliable. It has been prepared oy urne ot toe Dest Democralic writer in the State. Every patriot, every citizen and every Democrat abould have a copy. Price 10 cent per copy, poet paid. Lower prices by the hundred. It Dot on m! at bookstore or drugstore, address, E. M. Uzznu Frtpter and Binder, Raleigh. N.C. Tb books can be had of W. G. THOMAS, Druggist, Loaiabnrg. N. C, at 10 cer.ta a copy. Ice Crenra Parlor. At th Va'rnent rwoeit of a great many of Louiaborg'a W-t people, w. bare fitted op aoitable ana compara tively comfortable rooms (ia connection with thfDrag Store) and ar now pre pared ' to furnish and diapens the BEST CREAil in firmt-elaw abipe. Ladiea and Gentlemen will always re ceive prompt and polite attention, as It is in charge of a flrst-!asa waitress. , - Very Rapetf oily. Has. W. O. Thcixas. House and Sign Tainting. Any on desiring Hoow painting. Sign painting or Drcvrative painting of any kind.' I ran guarantee good work and aatUfaction. Reference given if ' desired orders left, at Jones & Coopers will receive mj peraonal atten tion. - - .. - ... 3t - ' .H.E. Voaxxiy.- Jast Think ! : t. - ' - v . . ; " Yon can get a eompelte et of hi mens for 52-00 from Loaisbar Harness Company.- . Y : , - , Well, J. P." Winston has turned fool and bought ? 1.000 dollars worth ham. burg edgioc ?1,C00 dollars in panta 1,000 yards silk remnants and boas full of dress goods. He will sell these goods nearly one-half price. S00 am ple hats at half pVics. Everybody in Franklin county willdo well to eraraiae tLese goods. - tf. Louisuurg? Bargain Stork -. ; ' . t avasaaaaaBBBBSM ' - ' ' . - .,.'-'"' For SHOES and Gents FarnUlU V; ' ' ling Goods also for. v - ' "' 4 . ",.-; CLOTHING. Oor Goods are fresh and low;'? We wry a fin- line of . PICTURES. ; -AND FRAMES, And we are selling them at bdf prke In LEHMANS ' old stand. 0 Feed, Sale S Liverj' STABLES. HAYtS & PiKNElL, Proprletcre. LOUISBURQ. N, C. GOOD TEAMS AND POLITE DRIVERS. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAV ELI NO MEN. A Flne line or Bcccrxs always OS HA5D. Fine Tailor Made Crothtngr. At ru-tora mJ prieee, 1 ka-ra twrtd tl.a airrtiry for tb BoyaJ t Flora of Cbiraa-o lanreat taitorinc eetabliatRnettt Inlb KnitTrtat. aiHean 1jrMb yov oa akort notire. anythina- yoo want In rbe arajr l rli.thimr. Fix irnaraateel. Easy torma. Call ocJ see my sanrpW. Jao. W. Kro, o! tbe 8rm Kiog A Maroa. SHOE MAKING. MOSES WEST holds forth in rear of Thomas' Drug tore, (on tho alley where he does tho making and repairiug,atrd guar antees to do work a? good and cheaper than auy Shoe-Maker in the State. Come and see for yourself. Respectfully, MOSES WEST. RUFFIN & LEWIS, BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all kinds ct work in our line. Call to se ns at onr shop near the Lo a lab org mills. FL0WER& BULBS. ETC. Hyacinths, TxiHw Chinese Sacrvd Liliea and other bait, for "Ahrter and early Spring blooraiog. Rocvk, Carnation and otter handsome ret flowers, bouquets and Coral designs. Palms, Ferns, etc., for room deco rating. Jardiners, Fancy a Tad com mon Flower Pots, Roe, AUgno iiivs. Evergreens, Pecan and EnglUk Walnut trws, etc. . . H. STECaiETZ. Raleigh, N.C Phone 113. OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. OSBORN, ProprietOT, Oxford, C. Good a ceo m mod all oca for tbe traveling public. FUANKL13T02T HOTEL E. MWARD, Prop'r. Good accomrnodaaoos. ant scrvsrrt."" arid tbe bert fare tbe market aiTorUs. . . Good Livery la eoc&eetioti with fiotet ' HOTEL WOO OARD; W. C. Wood a xc. Prop, . Soeky XIovTnt, K. C- , Free Ber Meets all tr Aura. ; E"43 per day. , . V" S40.000. Forty thousand dollars to lor out on Town and Corxnty real estatr for a long or abort term at 0 prv ovnt, In amounts to suit, the bor rower. . ' ; W.T. HUGHES. , Looisbnrg, N. C. . Tobacco Plant Reds. . , ' J nut received one ear load of Tobsce Fertilizer for plant beds. See ns before yoa boy yocr guano. We ca o asvs yr- laoaey.-, . . Hing-fe Uxoa. . 8ometlnnr 5ew. - " The Orange Sherbert at Thocaaa Dreg ttre., - v