VOL XXV. lomil e 11111. : LOUISBURG, N; C, FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1805. v KUSBKR-JX HATTERAS. U. Chilli C SOS, ' V' a r i'OiiNE JT5-A.T-LAW, f L.J'JISBJU, K. 0. ,tti;ii i luo counts ux ssaaa, rranKun, i ,ri,:a,ula V d&cjAJUuUeeV&liiU Ui r.u" ' .i ,.itii i:.li-.1iiiii- iiu.i ill.? ii. a.."-- . Will ir ATTORNEY A.T LAW. , ' 1iiil ilK'tttt, C. ' , ;, -e in ..ii Hie Couru of the State. w .ice ui Court jiouse. , , ' a. i .11 i ilbU'Ut COlUtS. CO. '8 u. :icuoLsoiV, FRAC TICINa PHYSICIAN, A 1'TUa.VEY-AT-LAW, LJi.K-iBUi'.e, . C. Will iitten i lae courts tfraiikliu, Vance, A 1TORNE Y-AT.-LAW, i ll..-i.LlJ VitX, j. O. Ail it,' ii I'u.suioas promptly uiienaea to. UllS. if. .V'il.iJiiH, ATTOHNJSY-AT-LAW, LOUI.SBUKG, K. C ".' OUce oa Main stret-t, over Jones & Cooper's V. The wini-kirife from tbe North cam down. Nor stopped rivtr. mount or town But like a boisterous Kodutplaj. ' " Kemtlfa bounding oa his way, . Hf hok. $ne Iake' and tor wood , Ana flapped his wings in merrv mood Nor furld them, till he spied afar ' ' The white caps flash ooiHattera bj ' n Where tierce Atlanticland rd bowls O er hidden Bands, and treacherous shoals. ,' He paused, then wreathed his horn of cloud And blew defiance long and loud,: -Co rue ud I Come nn 1 - thnn riA -. 1 hat rulebt the southern 6ea Tin I, iiKbtuinir e.ved iitiH fhnnn. Come wrestle here with me, ' ' . " ; As tosHfth thoa the tangled cane .'11 burl thee o'er the boihug main, v - ; 'The nnirrv heavens hnno- rlnrt anA iii - : Like Arctic night ou hrtla's hill; The mermaids "porting on tiie wares Affrighted fle to coral avea'" The billow checked its cuiitng crest, ARdtremblmjr sank sudden mit Ali oeeau stilled its lieaTing breast. : , ; Reflected darkuesss weird and - dread, ' Aa iacy ulaio t9 waters snreaii. ' Souti)ti Ws'wiit iif was dead ''&nid' fins elemeutar lull When xiMture died and death lav dull As though itself was sieeiiii2 there. Becalmed upon that dismui flood : Ten fatahvessels idly stoor . And not a timber creaked Save when some sailor in that night. borne Bearaau g roping for the light, nose up una simeked. They crieLlike child rei) lost and lorn JhI Lord deliver while you may, . Swtej Jesus drive this gloom away Forever fled Oh! lively day , - . Oh! that I were mver boru'' For stoutest souls were terror-thrilled And warmest hearts were horror-chilled. - ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, pri',ti,,,"s iii all courts, thiloe tn the Court V. U. VAllBoRUUUa, J a. A l IOilXEY AT LAW, LfLISBURQ, N. Cv ofi'i, '' mi vccoiia iluyr ui xSeal building .1. 1 .NIVcl. A.i i yd business intrusted to' hini nr. nc roiiijit and carciul atteution. r iRNEV AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L JUUJxUi S. C. j'.-uiiilit aii'l ii.tiastjJiiug altention given to urv ui..a r uiiriuuiu iaj ius nanus. Ii.icis i.it;un;f Juticjblii-pJijra,lJon. John l.ii.iii.i , 1 u. iij.,t. VV. liiSluli. UuU J. C. lutji., r i. rn-st iutiuii.i,l KaUK of Win- i.iii . '.l.bily, Vv l union, uplcd BtUK .ii mr v. inn. i..yior, trus Wuke Jbor .''.l ili'u. . VV. AiuiieriiiK. in ( ni t liuuse, oiuiorutu iShrtrltl's. Dentistry, W. II. EDWARDS or WXiili FOKE3T, N. C. i v.-i- I..i:iik.i!ii uu jttoudav. TuescTav Come up! Come np thou torrid god Ho, 'lightninir eyed and thunder-shod Come wrestle here with me. . - what earthly difference iiV goin to make whether silver is ciirrency or anything else;.. How- are lyoo goiD to git silver ef it is made le al tender? Ef silver. - wifs ez plenty ez bricks, wat bev joof ot to git any uv it with?"- Troo;G.; W.,' wuz my answer; "but can't4yoo see that to bev sil ver wood releeve the dettor class? Eveu now, afore it is legal tender, it's only wuth 92 cents on the -dollar, and wheu the couutry is flood id with'it; it will go till lower. Then we or sich uv us ez hev property to raise money on kiu payoff " Eggsactly so," retorts BascomjJ :you kin ay uae for the good hon- istJiKker ilv mine, wlcV yoa "hev cbnsoomed," in. coin wich is lees than the dollar yoo promised. All rite. But look here come in hre all uvyoo, I want yoo silver men to know exactly wat you are rush "in' into." And this feeud led us into the back room that back room wich contains the subsistence uv the Corners. There, in long- rows, wuz submitted." That I:' . -i Bascom's and tyrant bez us. ' i Uv course we can't stand HVker diluted in that manner? , Wo .are williti ennff to diloot tbe .currency with wich we pay .for likker, but we want out likker fall - strength; We coodu't help it but "that uite wesigued and' sent to our. ; Repre sentative a remonstrance ainst tbe bilver billl The Corners is uqw Jut a honest currency". : Wood, O wnod, that we bed some uv it. Petsoleum V . .... . . . .-r ,. , . j. ; . ".Fiuauaeer. ; Bascom's stocki There, in barrils lj piled one on top nv another, wuz 1"Waat?cribi",Wered l0' 1 Cme it0m tbe d5sbns -wbisky uv. Looisville, iy different ages, rangin' from To drive thee cowering to thy home And melt its walis of frozen foam From every isle and mountain dell, From plains of pathless chaperej, From tide-bnilt bars where sea birds dwell lie drew his luried legions forth -And sprang to meet the white-plumed NorthJ Cpn mortal tongue in song convey ' Tbe fnry of that fearful ffay. How ships were -splintered at a blow Sails shivered into shreds of snow And seamen hurled to death below Then sped like hurnessed.stt-eds afar -That drag a shattered battle car- "Amid, the midnight din of war. " False Hat.terasI when the cyclone came Thy waves leaped up in wild acclaim And ran and wrecked, yon argosy For e'er nine B.tuk. one loue hull stands Embedded in thj yellow sands An hundred hearts in death stilled And its ribs with corpses filled Aiv now caressed by thee Smile on. smile u thou watery hell And cast thoe skullH upon thy f-hore The Htiiliir's widow knows thee wi-Il His chihirei! teg from door to t'oor , And shiver vthilst they strive ti tell How thou hutit robbed the wittthed poor. She Po yoti.'make" Iov to every girl you Jcnow as you do to me ? Young Lawyer My dear y'ottug lady you should notak a question that would tend to in- criminate the wituess. . ; ' ; .. i. TheDiscovery Sayed Ilia Life." .Mr? Qc. Gaillodette, Drqpgist, Brti ver8TilU", 111., aa jr : " To Dr. Kins;' New Disoovr7 -1 owe my lif. taken with La Grippe and tried all th physicians for mUj about, bat of no avail and wan given op and told I eon Id not live. Having Dr. King's Isew Din corory in my store I sent for a bottln and : began its am, and frtn the first dse bpin to gvt better, and after axing thrw bottles wm op and about again. It is worth, its w-it:ht in frold. ,Wh won't Veep store or house without It," Met a free trial at Aycocke & Co' a. Drug Store. , -. . . . - . ' i "A.S-1 Jxir. '"iJuniin, r saia vue aoc- aford F.xpr?s; :i f4 4or, ar he lef t bis patient to epeak v ' i ... ... lloine Happiness. : ; i - v. J v i'l T, .!. v. folio iug tae titftt danuay j , , , , , iMvpareu to do all kiuus of Ton lifeless sknll shall speak for me, .;. 1 i hiwUolgitha uf thejsea; -.T over Thomas-' Drug Store. 1. "h'n iir'wo, .vm. adventure nweet, i - S .Sijr-nd.H lW otibe Rvl ae.ftl Walter Kaleigh's fleet - - - ' - And here my scattered bones have lain "'And blJiiBd lor ages by the mam r ! i I'A) . D DUGGER D.D. S. ''I I 111-' ui tin-? oldest Dental Col lecrt " 'i i i. H jiti yearn experience. v I njir iid 1, J si runic-'iVt!tll eX- ic r 1 niM.piii )am. Ariifi:.-iat it.etii ' ,; i'l'i"'. b;tiioiai:iiou or oioiiey ".ii.- Jones & Cooper's stora. J. But in v v.ereliere. strange folk hve criie I ill peopled now is my stranger home, EliouuJ) are Oil! heed the trr.v Ye vh'.t.e wiu-'ed straniier Hrtilins bv The bark that lingers on this wave Will Hnd its stniUns but a arnve Tjien tardy mariner turn nnd flee A myriad wrecks are on thv lee With swelitnu; sail and slapin mast On! ship, s.-ti) on. Oh! snip, fitu fust Until Goljiathtt's qnic-ksand past ihou j-umebt the opt-u sea it last. 1 C. HILL, THE TINNEIt, i-pr.. II .Minn ir.-d to do all kind of tin work, re All work guaranteed. Place on Aliiin hii-eet in bouse recently "l"-'l I'V f. i'lUTMn. tt. IB. KZIZlnTG-. DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. OffidH over- llacket. fifnrfi (irailuate iJiltiinore Dental College. -uty-tmir year.s active experience. pinaAL ts i'.th a specialty. Natural. f"'1 ifii iveij and new ohes inserted in rvE.vrv .M1.LTE8. Ali Wiirl; v. ern-nt-art i Miisbur;' is in v home "for hetter or "f" and you will always lind me I correct at mv own exnenae fin v '"k mat may prove unsatisfactory. V ery truly. E. E. KING, Dentist. C J. L F & RANK ALSTON COTTON BROKERS. fiiniicrrt npsir T.nninhiiro- And the ndioin nun i, s would had it to their lutfi-est ""'"I -iiiinples ot their cotton before offer- Ki' I'n mile to Charles J. Alston, L.oui8- w"ii, Hi-uderMon. N. C... buvers for cotton The Avebicaji Cottox Co. NASBY OM SILVER. The followino; letter, was writ ten by Petroleum V. Nasby on the silver question and appeared in the Toledo Blade in ' January, 1878. It is an. interesting docu ment in view of the recent Demo cratic convention in Kentucky : ConfedritX Roads, (Wich is in the State of Kentucky) Jan. 22, 1877 I ain't so certin that I want the silver bill to pass es I wus. The that uv two weeks old to that wich hedjist left the still, and was scarcely ooid yit. There it lay, and ez nqy eye ranged affectionate ly over it, I felt ef I cood hev the drinkin uv all iJiat likker I wood be run tent to lay down and die when tbe last drop wuzgoue. Bascom pointed to an immense tank wich he haiLejretid within a lew aays, wud a pipe ruuuiuir in from the roof. "I sha'n't raise the price uv lik ker iti cousekence uv bein paid for it in a depreshiatid currencyl" sed he. v I fell on Bascom's neck, in an extacy uv dejitn, while the 'others KDoutid, "Rah for BuhcoiuI' "G. W.,!' I reiuarkt, while tears suffi)osed my eyes, '! never placed you much below the "ainjeli, but this jsjeneioiis act has hitstid you a tin ini red per cent, in my estima shun. Bless you, G. W., bless yoo." ' "But I'll tell voo wat I shell do. Do yoo see that tank?" gpd be. "May I ask wat that is for?." 1 sed. "That tank wHl fill with rane water," sed he. "The moment yoo git to paying- me in silvpr, I shell takeout uv eech uv tbem hajrils jist egg-sactly three and one-iifth gall oils uv likker, and FILL IT WITH WATER." "Merciful hevings!" we all ex claimed, "and your likker so weak now!" "And when silver"' gits down to seventy-live cents on the dollar, I shel take out twenty-five per cent The true home, is the happiest place on earth. Around it cluster the sweetest memories of life. As far as this life goes ir can reach no furtner than the ideal home. It is the inspiration of patriotism and has prompted men to deeds of dur ing that read like romance. It. is related by a Southern writer that iu some of the battles in the rich Shenandoah valley the youug Vir giuians "fought like mad meu" agaiust fearful odds. They were in sight of their lovely homes and faced lire and ball and shell to protect them from the invader. That was patriotism that com manded the admiration of the world, but the thought of home was at the bottom of it. lu these rapid days is not the home idea too ofteu lost sight of? Is this uot especially tbe case iu the great cities of this country? New York has its gilded and gor geous palaces and it has its myr iads of tenement houses, hut neith er are paradises in which angels might dwell. There is less real home life to the square inch u that island than any other city in America. In summer many of itb abodes are veritable hells and at night the poorer inhabitants have to flee to the parks in search of comfort atrd 'health? They spend to her husband, "h aw afraid your wife's mind is gone. Hus band (in no way startled) I am not surprised, for she has been giving me a piece of it almost eyery-day since we married, and that's fifteen years ago. Cure for Headache. As a remedv for all forma of Head ache Electric Bitter has proved to be the very best. It effects a rTiuanat enre nnrt. thn mfHt. dreaded habi'nal -i-k headaches yield to its influence. We ortfe all who are afflicUrd to procorear bottle, and give this r-roedy a fair trial, la case of habitual constipation Klwtric Hitters cores by giving the needed tone to tbe bowels, and few cases Ion;? resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Lare bottles only fifty cents at Aycocke & Co"s. Drag Store. Whea Baby wmj rick, w gv her Outorl y Wboa b vaa a Chad, k2m cried tor OMtorU. Wbca & became SUaa, she cfcmx UyCmatorl. i Wfea ah fct Children, ih tv than Omoc14. NOTICE. Having' quail Cod a administrator ot tW esUU or Jiwepa K Person, otx-v-wJ. all pr. mDaolo(MU tta rr tvnawfat to BviUa I ho a unit.- ud all persons bavin rltltH against al4 stat are noUSed to prrnt tbem tief ofs Uo 4U dy nf Jqm kK. or tula notice vrbi be yk-nd In tr of UMir recovery. - W. M. Kaw,. A.dm r. C M. Ctvm ud P. & bracux, AU-y. Janeitik):ai. , A Great Offer. The "racier--WW a edition of Tb New York World (formerlr tht WeeVIr) has provt a phenomenal sacow. It a bcrai-Wetftly ui sii.. rava, mailed TiKmdays atui Fridays; right column tu.tbe pag i fortv-eigbt olomn fco ia. It rifea tbtf oea follr half a wevk ahead of aar weeklr paprr. and. at the same time, retain" all the libr ary, agricaitoral, miscllaoy and tthr fatntvs which roadtfTHK WSEaLl WORLD mo popalar. Ye the priori ONLY ONK DOLLAR A YEAH. Fr sample copies addrvteiTlra World. J. Y. CALL AT THE Loiiistor Bargain Store. For SHOES and Genti FnrnUW Jug Goods aUo for." : CLOTHING. Oar Goods ar frwb 4tid low V carry a fin tine of ' ' ' PICTURES.' -AND- FRAMES, University of North Carolina. Comprises the University, the Colleje, the Law and Medical Schools, and the Summer School for T.eachcrs. Tution 00. 35 Teachers, 471 Students. Address President Winston. Chapel Hill, N. C, for Catalogue and handbook on "University Education." NOTIOT! NORTH PAUfLIXA, ) . c r . Franklin Conuty.f In Pr'r Court J. K. Collins, ) V R. ' ALICC CoLLIXB. I NOTICE. ice Crenra Parlor. At tliH etrnt rqtit of a gTeat many of Lotmbarg s brt people, w Lave fitted op aaitaole and com par lively comfortable roomi (in connection with tbn Drag Store) and are now pre parrd to famish and dipfnm tbe BEST CRKAM in flrnt-claiw nbape. iadive and Gentlemen will alware re ceive prompt and poliu attention, as ft is in charge of a tint-class wsitrM. Very hVspectfully, Mas. W. G. THoitaa. History of the Last Legislature. Hay one. Onlr ten cents. A nat. attractive namiiblet ISO pages. with orna mental cvrr, devoted to th record of the l&nt Legialatare, the worst Legiltore, Mate that of 18S -eer Hfemb!ed in the ttate. Thi bk gives its record plainly and tratbfolly. It gives facts and nam- and is thor oughly reliable. It has beo prepared by woine of the best Democratic writers in tbe State. Every patriot, every citizen and every Dt-mocrat should have a copy. Price 10 cents per c-py. post paid. Lower prices by the hondred.x It hot on sale at bueltstor or drogstore, address, P. M. Tzzr.LL, Printer and Hinder, Haleigh. N. C. Th books can be bad of W. O. THOMAS, Drutrgis Lonieburg. N. C. at 10 cents a Copy. XOTICK OF IXCOItl'OnATIOX, Th l-I(-i)dHnt BhoTP nonnl will toko noti that an JWtion eatitletl n adore Uii. twen rnminriiwt in tbe Superior Coort of Franklin County. Thutthi" artion i tor divon-e from tlir- IhibiIm of tnatriuioiiy. And the iMenrfeiit A lice t:illins will furth- VORTII rTlOT.TA I er take noti th:it che is require.! to np- i'o.vi ivI'aiatv I pear at the next term of the Suoerior Court , T L .r of .! Couiitv u, lw hel.l .n tl.e 7tb Mon- In ofticr Cierk buperior t ourt. rtuv after the'lKt Monday in September, it Not ice is hereby riven of the incor tneir aays iryiTSjf to Keep soul ana , i,oing the 2lHt day of October IH'... at nonitionofthe YounrrwvilleTolwiccti bodv toirether. The rich are b.isi- V-'r. Commmv: that the ' - I l.. niKI UllvvtT itr uriu ill v i t;., tn o...r,...iut Plaint in aid action or the Plaintiff J. k. name of the incorrMimtora are II w j ...a, - t(1Hi)i( to lhp,.oort tur Lhe r(. lL u-in9lou IL u; Winston. C. S. ore weaiiu. i uere is proonuiy iirfiiniiiuiiiM in mm rompwiuu 1 bl tt II day JUiy U. H. OAHUIS. Clerk Saperior Court for Franklin Co. IV more weaitu. 1 here no more real happiness within tbe palace j:ate t.ha,u in the tenement. Iu the' pursuit of amhitiun's dream, which, with the average 'American, is to make money, too many fwret the ties of bOme. It was not always thus and will not be so always. We will et over it after awhile under better laws. Then the wealth of the country will be more evenly distributed and the great middle class will be built up. There will be fewer millionaires and paupers; less grasping, less greed, more content ment, more of the spirit of home life and more real homes lac. is tue iiimg" aon i wors ez i; -y wljiskjr and m her up with sposed it wood, and I ain't clear twenty.fiVe per cent uv water. And rri t ? . i ' onio it. xaere is suitie principles crt ,imL.ni Tft t,n,t. -),uu I 01 s La VI we us a ajuvAWf ui J v v a in these finansbel questions -wich . iigt in t f0uer currencv, and requires a grate deel uv thought, uotbin shorter. If silver goes up I and tbere is uuderlyiqg principles i . n &dd wbi8ky etre-sackly in wicb a man nas got to understand afore he is competent to set hisself up ez authority. One thing I am certin uv, Bas com ain't no firiaiiseer, nor never will be and I told him so. . "Wat is a finanseerF" asked ;he. 4A tinanseerj'sed I, assooming the look uv Dan'l Webster, "is a man wich kin pay his debts with nothiu a man wicb kin git suth- in with nothin.".-' The Corners, thenr is full., of Williums, C. A. Garner, J.' Mitchell, T. (. Jordun.J.S. Timber- lake, J. M. Winston, J. W. Duke, K L. Allen, J. F. Mitchell, F. I. I'ierw H. E. Tfarce, J. A. Williams, Perrv & Patteriion. II. C. Lnderwood, J V. Woodlief, T. L. Moo, S. I. Williams, M. A. Alford, 1. . Hid dick, K. L. Hickn, Andrew WillianiH, ,1. W. Winton, 1. K. Hatch, V. T. Younjr.and nuch others a they may Build up Home. BY- PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE MALL0RY DURHAM CHE ROOT CO., OF DURHAM. - - N. C . . nar vulue ot JH.U. ARE MANUr'AUHUlt as Harrw. C. S. C. And we Are selling tbem at baJt price in LEIIMANS old stand. Feed, Salei LiYerj. STABLES. HAYtS & PiNNEli, PropThtCR, LOUISBURG. O. GOOD TEAMS AM) POLITE DRIVERS. Special attention to trav ELTNG MEN, A FrtE llse or bcgoies axwats OX HAND. EDWARD F. YAROBROUGH. FIRE INSURANCE, LOCISDCRO, X- c CENTRAL HOTEL HENDEHSON. N.a Good eoia4x)itiont. G4 far. Tv lii aod alfeatir awrrsata. SHOE MAKING. MOSES WEST bold forth i rrar of Tbomaa Drug Store, (on ii8SOCJHce wun mem;tuui tue pr.- . ,. . . . . . cipal place of huxine hhnll I In . . J . . . , YSunLville. N C. ,nd its peneral making d repairnikacd purpose is to m-ll and boy Icalio- anteea to do work a Rood an bacco; that the dnration of the cor- cheaper than any Sboe-Maker norat'on shall be tin. ty yenrw; the I iu the fctate. capital Kocin 10(0 (K) with privi- j Come and e foryooraelf. leire to incrvaw to $10,000 00, di vided into on hundred share of the IUepecl fully, MOSES WEST. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. de YAhBOROUGft & DAVIS, The Blacksmiths OF LOUISBURG. ." : AU work in nnr Hn rlnne on bort Pallet', and un tJvf .i.,riin trna rAntWl h)i-u i n... u 4. . . i.-ui uev suiiu I ulio uiu icu uui lley) iu u ,x.l shan rt.nd are better t)re- ld thau ever to servos our -eastp' rW"- ..-.- -. 'i' i-.i-f J,--:-, : STILL AT THE BRIDGE. , : lack-smithing; I "here I am well known and prepared ta do FjVh.m, worh- 1 hopttyou will see me as IUU Will UIIU U1C WI Main stM-t Uolnsr all kinds farsrt lhat I am also - ... .ii,u.. winn Loi,f f "" of th Hlver bridge, tj? 1,lur.. N. C. While I am tioln hn n.1,' il? '"-Pwf yonr gait; such a putting new lo -kg te f h f f . whl,.h T pfene(Uygia that 111 1)6,101(1 itwt ca?leU lor Yoora truly T. TSsal proporshen. You fellers - wich work for wagis may swet, but I won't." ' "But yoo'l increase the size n yoor glassee?" sed Ii "Not anj'. But you may drink twice as many tiroes to, git the same amount uv drunk ez before by -ay in for each drink." Aud Bascomi stalked hawtily back and toolfc his posishen behind his bar. ' Ther wuz consternashnn in the finauseers,' he reruarkt, bitterly, Corners sich ez I bev never seen'., castiu a casual glance at his slate Ther WU!B a hurried cousultashuu wicb wuz jut lull enou - to turn t th r)eekin5 houee. and I seiest- over and begin on ; tbe totber side; a th t . gmanciuate ourselves But he basuVany uvrtbe science tha doniinyri uv this tyrant uv it. l.wuzargooiug.wuu mm bygtartiu a Kr0Cery nr our owm the other day in favor uv- mr no- 0Q tbs j()illVst0ck principle, icb shun uya leather currency, though . Pll to. pnrh , man Hi,rPd I told him silver was much the contribit tea dollars to the catd- aame thing, and for example, 1 tal 6tock wich woud be ennff, to would assootu tuai silver wuz to De a b or twd for a; hegiiiuin the currency uvbeucBer. , . r lWUi; enthusiastic .till , "o on 1 yu ee' Jia8COm come to ' balot inir for the mlu that ef I bed twict as much moneyi I cdod drink tw ict as? much & w his-? keyi and pay fcrit?'' yi - 'IIow much is twict nothin?" wuz the unfeelin anser -uv. the -tyraut who holds the destinies jiv the Corners in hi3 hands. "That's wpt yoor capitle bez bin ever sense I kuowd yoo.". Chimmie "Wot's wid yer" , Chounie "I'm sick. . Da doc tor says I've got au ulster in me t'roat." FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS AND C1GARROS As can bo found on the market. Their leading brands are "BELLE OF DURHAM" matter A dime Cigar for a nickle. Hand Havana filled. "JULE CARR''- LOUISBURG Carriage Shops, II. C. TAYLOR, Proprietor. Named in honor of Col. J. S. Carr, Pres. Blackwell Durham Tobacco Co., 5 , cent . Sumatra Wrapper t ) FL0WEE1 BD1BL ETC- HyacintlM, Tulit,Chinw Sacred lilies and other bulb, tor Y Inter and early Spring- Moomisft. Ro, Camat ka.aad other Uadaoza rvt flower, bJoquUaud floral design. I'olms, Fernj, elc, for roota deco ratiDr. Jartiiaern, Vaacy andcom tooa Flower J'ou, Roaea, Mag-no. iia. Evergreeoiiv 1'eca.nasd Esgliah Walnut trw, etc n. STEKOIETZ. lUWgii, N. C rhonell3. . PORTER'S fiHTlSEPTIC HEALING OIL 'blacKavells durilym Named in honor of Col. W "Parson," said be, "Idou't; see & to come to: balotinr for the m k eep. the pi ace, wh en it wuz found lUBbiu uv my .wiug cuuhpu - yoo uanimously , ez I eggspected to r be that every man bad votid for his self. - Ea not a; bouI uv 'em woiild . :-Y. a;-i:; -.;Sii - recede, the . scheme , wuz' blocked rite there, and finally Ihed to; be abandon ed and we wen t . bacs ' to If your Carriage, Boggy, Wag on or anything m that line needi repairing and you want it dODe QSBORN HOUSE. rignr, oring it it iue, uu it jwu want your Carriage or Buggy re- c. D. OQBOR, Proprietor, painted in a first-class manner,! briniz it tome aleo. I have served Oxford. N. C- Blackwell, lather of Durbani mv t;me under a fiwtlass pain- 5 cent SumatraW rapper. ter and wood workman, can there- '1LE GALL ak j fc- a3 '.1 'tP Good aceemBodatirss for tbe ' ' tttttvqaTiTP riTBAV PIP,. fore gaurantee satisfaction in all traveling pttblic. tZTTSj- LITTLK SADIE, CUBAN CH- work eutrusled to me. - ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. i have a first-class black ftnitb HOTEL WOODARD, ''OLD CHUNK" CHEROOTS, j" ibtdTXta!i " R.m. T',aRnt.mnl-fl bis businps?, fronc ?hcmg a Koky Uut. I?. C f.(h.,nno. horse to inoning fine ruggy. 1U1 iuc uiyf". t A For Barb Wire Cuts. Scratches, Saddle and Collar Galls, Cracked Heel Burns, Old Sores, Cuts, Boils, Bruises, Plica and all kinds Of inflammation on man or beast. Cures tch and tlangc. v . TitSoi; Ctt cr Sua tCJ tent autta tfu ttofl aUtsatnA - ". - . Be prep ared for accidents by keeping it fa yonr house or stable. AllOrugglststen Hon ocuartn'.eo. tit Can, Ko Pay.;. Price 5 eta. and $uoo. .- Ifjrotir Druggist Joes net keep it aeod a s; ct, in oa tago stamps and we will scad jtXo.joi by mail. ; ".,t'-' :?- Pmri,Tenn.,Jn. 80th, 1634. V Trfllri T hmn im) Pnw't Ati U'sllar OH lor liarnsM and tddleGmlW. 8cratc)MMad Crb W tro Co with perfect .ti.fmctioD, and I baartU raoommaut it to all Uvary and btockmrn. . .v..: ..,,,-; ... C B. IEVr5E, Unry aad Tead Slafcls. DA3Y busneo.",.'- ii 4 OerHnetImplitlttJkawora r fwhrt AotWp tia HMliaa OIL My baby barnrd a few nwit hi mgo, and after trrlnf? U other remedie I applied your HV and thm first application ere ralief.and ta a few dy the. jorav aa well. I alw aied the oil on my rrock and and thai it U the bast remedy tor thla parpoea laat 1 hae rnrxuaL , Yoon , ..CI. luirwii. ; - farta, Tenn-, Janaerr 8. 1S94 ; '"T '.;' " niCFAcrcaao : ' ; PARIS MEDICINE CO.; ; ' f.'i;.;-r-- . -'- . - Sir. XXCIS, 3SO. ForSale and Guarantcsl bj Dealers. It does not pay to have yoor I Trt R iaeta,ll tralatv "nm KORTII STATE" botched up, so bring it g-giprsT.. : - VLV JU1U11 olAl Li Li to me where it WILL BE - - Cheroot, 3 for '5 cent,; a sure jjQNE RIGHT, my pricea aro ' t- reasonable. r t r ml uu 1 u a u niiii J cau wi m winner that way 8 pleases Stick' to iiotne and send us your ' orders. ;.;. v. . Mallory .Durham Chercot Co. j' : -T)URHAM.N. C. " - t n a Ttr - M i rat on mill huh4)iimi ,x hb T Z r. J I w long or lOwrt term : at per order. If you want a oodIIoiiE-1 iQ fTmoonUto anrt tbe bor M ade Buggy or Wagon, ptvo me . . y. t. HCGUES. your orders, and yoa shall nave l LouUburg, N. C- what vou want. . Thanking my friends for their D ICrrirl X, A CTfJICS D0 iY0U WANT ' A - HOUSE ? CZllZ S,T .7 " ' - v ,Yours very reprt fully, : . .Ml tm,m - ' U C T1014- wr la oar llo. Call to anw m' or Slop rar Ur liOUaoot; tat us. . ' If so yo'ti will do well to write, or se'J. L1ister,s at illeodorsou N. .C; be ore contract! tig . PIau speeifical ions and estimates made oti bnrnt buildings, &c. . ' 7-12-2 m.;,. -JW ,' '::? , ; .CHICKEN CIlOLERxV . Cnn be cured by using THOMAS' POULTHY rOWDEiU It alocnn JustThin-cl 't. ; ' Yna can Tt a corapelte wt of barrio for $2.00 f i oia Louisbarg uariuna Oom- tnro nnrt (JAPES. AoW 18 the time I J"- Tw, to use it. , T- ceuta ri package. ; .inorh yoa-rrriuat. t.O,TU0WAS,lrt3gglst. I ; , ATTllK ItACTET-l .Lauiburg, N. C At Tte RAciLet. r. - t BED STAR DIAFBT5 CLOTH, 57 la. 75 ewBta jtmr eWf. JLTTIU5 UACXET. M. r i -. 7