ices e us and e the m was newer ne1, of 'that isandrf finan- ?LUS. at h recent XXv. ual ctirds. LOUTSBURG, If. C:,; FRIDAY, AUGUST2, 1805. 'HEBE'S A HOW-D'YE-I DO. FORNEY AT LAW. I 1L'11 ' " . in court . i n T 4 TXT " m XT,. ..V. VaAnlrlln WtU CuxoUuy, and UW tf. j OiiiricL Court. KUJIBER21. below AycocKe tt Co. '8 .doors 1CTICINO PHYSICIAN, LOL'BL-BCl, N. C. ATTOBSEY-AT-LAW, J,0LISBL'KB, K. C. , - . the courts ui ruuu, i irreu BUU " Court of orth Carolina, prompt ATTORXEY-AT-LAW, " . 1 mA.NKUXTOS, N. C. LsiueBS promptly attended to. Lttorn2y-at-law, , LOl'lSBUKS, N. C in street, over Jones & Cooper's ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, LJL'ISBL'KU, N. C. I in ii courts. Office in tne court I luRBOROUQH, Jr. aiOUNEY AT LAW, LOCISBURQ, N. C. . .i . .. ..( Kn;ii;nn ct. business intrusted to him vc iiroiiijit anu careiui aneunuu. kltKETT, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. I31ISBIR8 N. C. ad painstaking attention given to 'chief J iwtice sh-phi;rd, Hon. John Ron. Hont. w. Winston, lion. j. u. fs. First National Bank ol Win 4 Mauly, Winston, Peoples Bank ib.u. t- r -yior, rre,8. wara rot- Uoii. E. W. TiuHeriaKe. urt House, opposite Snerllt a. entistry IX. II. EDW ARDS MVAKE FORE3T, N. C. on Monday .Tuesday itv foiiuwiiiir the first Sirnday Louimnir ;i; prepared CO do all kinds of Jonpn & Cooper Store in T. D. Wilder Law oifii-e APiDDUGGERD. D.S. H ioilJii i, N. (J. Thequestion-of bacteria, in the system as a source qfxdiseise is be-1 coming a serious one. The deep er we get into it the more we are in the dark; The more we learn about bacteria;, the more we - don't like , them. - Sometime. " ago. we were told that kissing was a fruit. f ul method of disseminating bac teria but; we were net to be scared ofiin tbatrway.. We are willing to some reforms," but "bacteria ; or no bacteria, we draw tbe line - at this one! ' We have been told that in drinking water we took; bacte ria iutd oar system by the handful and we-have taken a deep interest in, the movement looking to a' filter forour water'; system. t But now cornea a Professor -Lankestef, in Uhe ITew York Tribune;- and' dash es our fat in the fire again. The Tribune says : - - . 'The dlsease-induGirig -bacteria are taken into the system in va rious ways, but chiefly in food and drink,- Water perhaps is the commonest medium. It is the es pecial vehicle for the introduction of typhoid and cholera germs. People having regard for their welfare, therefore, when such plagues are rife, seek the purest water obtainable. In; this, how ever they sometimes erf. Profes sor Lankester tells ns that such bacteria will live and thrive and multiply iu the purest, even in distilled, water; provided, of course, that they once get into it. On the other hand, in ordinary river water,- turpid . and impure, they quickly perish. - The reason of this seeming anomaly is simple. The river water is swarming with other lacteria which are innocuous to man, but which are relentlessly hostile to the cholera and typhoid germs. This fact has, the profes sor says, been ascertai ned ? beyond dispute, and it seems to reveal a singularly beautiful and beneficent provision of nature for man's safe ty,, without which the lakes: and rivers of the world would soon be come hopelessly polluted and the THE COMLSa EXPOSITION ; AT AT . " LANTA. V 1 When Atlanta, that greatest city of tbe South, first ' talked of hav ing . another exposition'; people laughed at the. ddea. Whatl" they saidj wcau AtlautaV hope to hae a successful expositioh so soon after the great World's Fair,- aad at a time when the . business inter ests of the whole couutry are par alyzed! purely, no., other city would be so impudent! ;And i-nt pudent, indeed it - seemed. -But those who knew Atlanta felt per fectly assured that when, the test came, she would be found equal to all the demands made upon her. :iWe imagine ' that few people have any adeqnate idea of the .magnificent objecHesson iLaH awaits them when: they shall go to the Cotton States and Internation al Exposition nextf fall." There will be found alt the raised pro ducts not only of our own country, but of foreign lands, and the Ex position will, be, in the truest sense, international! . . Of the buildings, I cannot here speas at' length, it is enough to say. that they areTheantiful in themselves, aud admirably adapt ed to the purposes for which they were built. And to prove that the landscape gardening will be"com parable to that seen at the World's Fair, I have only to state that this work has been entrusted to the same artists who made Jackson Park 'a thing of beauty and a joy forever." T i 1 . it 1 . . . ino oiner city in ine ooutn.-is so well prepared to take care of large crowds as is Atlanta. In addition to the hotels already there, a num ber of handsome inns have been built for the exposition, and oth- ers are yet to be .completed. It is certaiuly true that the rail- Accepted 6n; the Spot. ' .-i. 'ill4 vlv:j.j,;: '.' She ?Yoa looked d isturbed He 'I am. ' White I was; on my way here I lost ' a valuable ring.'; ' . -- . : y.j ., - She ','Gracious, how did thai happen V '.. He VI don'J know. I put it in my pocket before I started : out, andrwhen I got here it was gone.". She MWaa.U a diamond V He--"Oh yes. A sbltai're, three and a half carats, aud." a perfect stone in every way.'. She "Oh, well, I wouldn't Ire. gret itv Yon;,may find it, yon know. - Bat if you ' dout, ' there's no use cry ing; over it.'. ; '. " '. He "That's trne. But I need ed that ring, and I may have trou- hle to replace it.l i .She (smilingly) Nonsense. If" she is a sensible girl, she will tell you she can get along without it." He 'Do you' really mean that? She "Why, of, course." He "Then, darling, will you be mine ? (Suddenly displaying the ring.) I did not lose it. It was ouly to test you." She r(f ailing iu his arms)-" Yes, dear. Aside. As if I didn't know what he kept his left hand iu his pocket for?" J;-- Lti .1 th oldest Dental College ravages oi diseases mcoraparaniy rll. KU'iH Vl'ars experience, ntnrn r?p.fw11rr ond Bft.ftn?vA fhnn v?d iusLruiueuts Teeth ti l, . ' - . lm at, pain. Artificial teeth a1' prfsem-. "These facts lead to a consider ation of tb qnestion of filtering water If done properly, such a progress is highly valuable. The the tinner, great filter beds of sand used by ii to i o all kind of tin work, re tbe London water comnanies trans- bati.iiatuion or money Jons & Cooper's stora. M. C. HSLU the Southern States. Indeed, so well is this recognized that for many years Atlanta has been called the "Gate City." lu addi tion to the many other roads- cen tering there, the Southern Rail way- (which, with its many branches, pierces nearly every part of the Soitb) passes within a ew feet of Exposition Park,' and during the great Fair" will run All work guaranteed. Plate Ion Main s.-reet in lioune recently f. rarriHli. ft. E. TCTTsTG-.- DENTIST, OULSBURG, N. C. baitiuicre Dental College. r years aetive experience. psntH a specialty. Natural "fl and new ones inserted in form foul water into anexception- ally wholesome supply. They vdo in is not mecnanicany, ny strain ing the water through minute in terstices, but they have what we might term an anticeptic, or even a biological, action. The lower lavers of sand become coated with jelly-like masses of bacteria that is. of the ordinary, putrefactive bacteria. A purist miflrht think these fouled the filters. On the their warranted i my home "for better or contrary, they gave them you will always find me rej efficiency. The water has to Hit at mv own pirwniu nnir 1 . "Ni e Verv trulv. E. E. KING, Dentist. Z.:? nefnolate throueh these-layers of noxious bacteria it may have con tained are1 infallibly destroyed. This is nt the case with the ordi nary domestic niter, except, per haps, with reference to typhoid germs. The latter may, be inter centecLand aestroyea. oo rar as all others are concerned, toe niter is more apt to fill the water with .1 M rr 5 them than to rid it of them. Pro- 1M. r" AT. tl T r.Bnm alio il a that OVOrV ALSTON- domefitic filterin which the; same tton brokers. . nTn?,r."u ..7;': n..t - i ana aeaiu.Butiuiu wo oi.Diim.ou wiaiRhur-r and t.h ndmin- . ... w i ,-re x iti. i-woni.i ..a :r sr:." .- tiouincr everv oav. ii uut, - wuu- iii ii tueir luirirou i cj PVH ot their cotton before offer- in & Week U Will become : a tegU i t-cVnJSS Ur nursery foracteria.- and in rson. r. k'm f.i.nn atodca thftiF tinmber . in the :tu tered' water a hundred foldf Now here's a bow-dy e no. Jac teria preving.npon bacteria," and for the life of us we don't know whether the particular bacteria .we imhihft are the variety we . fatten on, or the ones that , give us r the .TiftTArn'Years affo Lowell- said v m v ., w . in his Biglow papers: . ; . . i Grreat fleas have 1 ittl'e fleas TTnon their backs to bite'em And little fleashave lesser fleas ; ' i ' And so ad infinitum. - Tint- it. nAtfAi or.ciirred to us :.'that this - rule extended to bacteria. Prof. Lankester has opened , up a score of pathetic uncertainty, We will never know in fnture wheth er to welcome bacteriator to spew a. l "M4'f;:'n'-''inflnfh f TTnleRS inw you will see me as kuouuw - r-- - , . rloJth.Bi..J0.,1.y11 find me on ha conld furnish some, method of !c. wh,,:vi"a8AM? "H94 - Urr Vii conld onr frienas ana Mm The American Cotton Co. &OAVIS, is Slacksm LOUISBURG. ' IU nni 1 ; j i l 'mc uune on Hiiuri. . i . n .in i fiiin i n I shop (the old tea pin . ui.v fc V VX' A. IA s- c,r to serve our custo- : . y PosUiyeTroof. Irate .Merchant (pointing to ransacked., safe) I thought you said this safe was burglar-proof I Agent- Well, what more proof do you want . of . burglars than e-l The Discovery Saved Ills Life. '.. . Mr. G. G4illouBtte Draflrglat, Bei rsTille 11 L, safs : M.To Dr. Kinr New Diwcovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles aboot, bat of no fail and was girvn op and told I con Id not live. Haing Dr. King's Nw Dhr corory in mjr store I nt for m bottle and began its um,-and from the first done bogan to get better, and after cuing three bottles was op and about again. It is worth it-wrigbt in gold. We won't keep store or honwwithoat it," Gt a free trial at Ayeocke & Co's. Drag '.. j "Well' e&id Bill Yuss; "Pye ta;powder for my headache, ,a pellet for my liver, and a cap sule for my gouty foot. Now, what puzzles me is, how do the things know tbe right place to go to after they get inside t" Wrinkled. Ram's Horn. Curefor Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Head ache Electric Bitters has proTed to be the very best. It effects a permanent care and tbe most dreaded habitual sick uwuMura vioiu iaj ius inuaence. k nrtre allwho are afflicted to p roc a rear noitie, ana gi?e this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitaal constipation Electric Bitters cures by citing the needed tone to the bowels, and few case long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only fifty cents at AjcocKe & jo a. Drag store. Worry and the grave digger get on well together. When we, go out to meet trouble we never havea long walk. When the devil can't get behind the preacher in any other way he sometimes joins the- choir. Anyone can be pleasant to pleas ant people, bat it takes grace to be pleasant to unpleasant people. If you want to g-et in a crooked road facilities of Atlanta are supe- path) jllst follow the direction of a nor to those of any other tnty in corkscrew. Whm Baby wm sick, we bcr Wbem sb u a CtOd. staa crtod for Ckatoria. , - ""Ti-s trm-i" fr,i ib rtrrsi to fWnfto Wkesi she bad CbSUrm, tvVbm OMtori. CALL AT THE History of the Last Legislature. Bay one.- Only ten em U. s ' A neat, attractive pamphlet ICO turn. with ornamental euver, devoted to the record of tbe last Legislature, the worst Legislator, save that of 1&C3 ever assembled io tbe State. Thl book gives iu reenrd plainly and trothfnlly. It gives ficts and namen and la thor oughly rvlUble. It has bea prepared by sotn f the best Democratic writers la the blate. - 4 - Bvery -patriot, every elUwo aad every Democrat should have a eopy. - rrice Ifr cents per eopy, poet paid. Lower price by the hundred. II sot on sale at bookstore or - dragster. address, - , 1 .f . - . ' - B. II. Uxzma, . ; . . Printer and Binder! - Tb books an be had -of W. G. THOMAS, Druffisi. Loauburg, K. C, at 10 cents a eopy. Louistorg' Bargain For SHOES and Gents Farni&U . Jiug Goods also for." LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Who may wish nice shampoo ing or hair dressing done, will do well to call on W. M. ALSTON & L. W. EGERTON. Ladies have your bang cut right. We have lr. NY bite new bair irrower. Van's Mexican Hair Restorative, Ayer's Hair Vigor, Tricopberous for the hair and skin, nothing to beat it to keep the-hair from fall ng out. There are people who hate . a thief, who borrow books aud nev er return them. He who is searching for a wife without a fault should remember that the spouse he is seeking may be searching for a husband of the same sort. Tbe man that is only concerned to speak the truth is not apt to be University of North Carolina. Comprises the University, the College, the Law and Medical bchools, and the Summer School lor Teachers. Tntion $60. 35 Teachers, 471 Students. Address President Winston, Chapel Hill. N. C, for Catalogue and handbook on "university Education." NOTICE1 korth rutni.isi J Franklin ConntT.(In Superior Court J. K. Colli 8, ) t b. NOTICE. Alice Collins. ) The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as shore has been cornmeDid io the Superior Court of Franklin County. That this actio o is for divonw from the bonds of matrimouy. Aud the iMendent Alice Collins will farth er take notice that she is required to ap pear at the next term of the Suoerior Coert of said Coaury to be bold on ths 7th XI on day uftr the 1st Monday in September, it being the 21st day of October 1895. at the Court House of said county in Looisbnrg, i. I., and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action nr the Plaintiff J. K. Collins will apply to tbe court for the re- hpf demanded iu 8aid complaint. This 6th day July 1H5. R. R. HARRIS. Clerk Superior Court for Franklin Co. SOUTH CA llO LI 5 A Cote of Agriculture ail HscMc Arts. The oext session of this follv will begin September 5th. Examination st county seats fimt Saturday in August Young men deninng twhniral duration an unusually low cost will do well to appy for catalogs to CLOTHING. Oar Goods are fresh and loi We carry a fine lino of PICTURES. FRAMES. And we are selling them at half price in LEHMANS old sUnd. Feed, Sale 5 Livery STABLES. HAYtS & PINNELL, Proprletcr:, LOUISBURQ. N, C. GOOD TEA31S ANLV . POLITE DRIVERS. r-ia-i m. A.Q. HOLLADAT. Pr. RaMh. N into the Park itself. This great railway system operates about 11 as wel1 to take warning from 4.900 miles a larger number of Bllly as counsel rrom the wise. miles than is controlled (under single charter) by any other com pany in tbe world. The roadbed and equipment of this line is per- fect, and the service offered' is all that could be desired even by the most exacting traveler. The Atlanta Exposition will be of vital importance to the South as it will doubtless be the meaus of bringing into her borders both population and capital. North Carolina ought to have a credita ble exhibit, and every .North Car olinian who cati attend this expo sition ouerht to do so. I believe that those who go will come away A a n'f thft MOIH North StatA i, ii r prodigal might be reclaimed. proiiaer oi taeir eisier ovate 4ui - -1, , , - o x. Screwing her courag Georgia, and prouder of the South & . 6 in which they live.u-- Save Mv Boy. Among the many stories of Mr. Gladstone's kindness to the ser- vants and poor near him. few re veal tbe true greatness of the man than this : "In Mr. Gladstone's household atHawarden was an old woman servant who bad a son inclined to go wrong. The mother remon strated aud advised her boy, but all to no purpose ; he seemed de termined on a headlong course to rain. At last the mother in her desparation caught the idea that if she could persuade the Premier to take him in hand perhaps the J, H; Simmons. e to tbe sticking point tor what will a mother not do for a child ? she approached her- master, aud in trembling tones preferred her re When some people go to church,' I quest. they always think the preacher is 4Mr. Gladstone responded at shooting straight at the people in once ; and though) the' affairs of the next pew.- J the greatest kingdom in the world The man who spenls six nights Passed heavily upon' him,-: with out of the week away from - home genuine simplicity ot character he blames his wife because she don't bad the lad- sent to his study, raise the-boys right. . ' when he spoke tender . words of advice and v remonstrance; and A wise Aurora(Ill.) child ;whose eventually knelt down and prayed big sister is an ardent cyclist was to God to help him in the work of trying tov tell a visitor . what reformation and redemption. -The bloomers were.: Tbey are - just kindly action was effectual, and like nants he said, "onlv fatter.M the lad Was saved." , NOTICE. flnvinir this day quaHnel as Adminis trator of the estate of E. J. Pinneit. si! person owing said estate sr. reoutd to roase immeointe settiemt nt, and ail T- sons harinK claims niaiiiit estat of satd decedent art nntiSed to prewent tbem te- f ore the 1 1 Ah day of July 1894. or this notice willelead in bsrof their recovery. T A. T. Wilson. Admr. W. M. Pebson. Atty. Jury 11th 181. TAKE NOTICE I Onr hack is run to the depot for the benefit of passengers who pay, and while we do not wish to be discourteous to anyone we respectfully ask that all "dead heads" will either walk or SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAV ELING MEN. A Fixe le or bcogies always 05 BAXD. EDWARD F. YAROBROUEH. Build up Home. BY- PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE M.VLLORY DURHAM CHE ROOT CO., OF DURHAM. - - N. C. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS AND CIGARROS As can be found on the market. Their leading brands are "BELLE OF DURHAM" A dime Cigar for a nickle. Hand Havana filled. "JULE CARR" Named in honor of Col. J. 8. Carr, Pres. Blackwell Durham pay HAYES & PINNELL. FIRE INSURANCE, LOTJISDTJItO. X. C , CENTRAL HOTEL T I 31 ns smj ii tu rtr Pronr HENDEESON, N. C. Good aceommodationt. Good fare. Pe lite and attentive serrsats. SHOE MAKING. MOSES WEST holda forth ia rear of Thomas' Drug Store, (on the alley' where he does she NOTICE ! I have decided to reduce my BEES to 10 Hives. Will sell remainder for $3.50 per hive, this includes top case. These bees are worth $5.00, for bees alone. Apply at once to A. D. GREEN. ' LOUISBURG Carriage Shops, H. C. TAYLOR, Proprietor. If your Carriage, Buggy, Wag- J. P. Winston. J. P. WINSTON, has fast returned f mm Ttaltimnrw with ITmhntll. nd Parasols at HALF PRICE. Side Combe making and repainug.and guar- ies than halk rmUE. in fact a lot or antees to do work a jrood And iSIdSlTa?11150' 1 W nU a ?heaPer ,han an Shoe-Maker Tobacco Co., 5 cent Sumatra I on or anything m that line needi THE BRIDGE. K-SMITIIING. Kl'i vown and prepared to 'do in. fin a . . ""nut i vZllTPl tolV nhVoh are L,-- I have a fpw n.r. whi.,KD9 l .t t- - m? -triaTi V ''had I - mil. ru. On I .4 I M . i . 1 . . 4 " " " " ' Urt truly A. TL IfXAL "' said nothing . about Cbrouicte. it:-Augusta makes I mouth - Anna I. wonder. 'what Mr. Drooply down in the to-night?" :y-r "- Gay belle Force of 1 habit, I sup poses he's a dentist, ; you know.- Boston Conr'ier. THIS IS ' WHO: ( f!AKES v SELLS Lansing, Mich., hasa matrimonial Tj0Af plub whose members av intervals choose oueof their; number whose 3 i. i t 'S a ti naf moriid wit.Viin' a y J, . And n. ... :i reluNEFBiiWlTOH.rtY AT A I 1 1 r b r p kaau . . : - r ntLBuwjxflft., "'GALES J'MCZ UST. Wrapper 'BUCKWELLS DURHAM' Named in honor of Col. W. T. Blackwell, father of Durham 5 cent SumatraWranper LITTLE SADIE, . ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS, ' OLD CHUNK" CHEROOTS, 5 for 10 cents. The finest smoke for tne money. "OLD NORTH STATE" Cheroot, 3. for o cents, a sure . winner that always pleases.- Stick to home and send us "your orders.- . ... . Maflory ; Qurharn "Cheroot Co. K tiS'r DURHAM, N. C. - repairing and-you want it done right, bring it to me, aud if you want vour Carnage or Buggy re painted in a first-class manner, bring it to me also. I have served my time under a first-class paio- l I J T V ici.uuu ivuuu ww a. uiau, uu mc i c- i it t , f!TTH AN CIG-1 fore caurantee satisfaction in all 6 v Come and eee for yourself. Respectfully, MOSES WEST. FLOWERS, HUBS. ETC Hyacinths. Tuliw. Chinese Sacr4 Lilies and other bnlbs, for Winter and early Sprinir bloomine. Boees. Carnation and other handsome cut flowers, bouquets and floral deeign. raims, eras, etc., lor room deco rating. Jardiners, Fancy arjdcoro mon Flower Pots, Roees, Magno lias. Evergreens, Pecan and English ainui trees, etc. h. STEirarETZ. lUieigb, N. Phone 113. OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodatieos (or tbe work entrusted to me. I have a first-class black smith in the black smith shop who ful ly understands everything about a B m his ousiness. from snoeinjr a horse to iribaing a fine buggy. It doea not -pay to have your work . bofebed up, so bring it along to me where -it AVI LL BE HOTEL WOODARD. W.C Wood kx, Prep Koeky Meant, N. C. Free Bas sseeta all uaina. K $5 per day. .S40.000. Forty thousand dollars to Vwia' DONE RIGHT, my 'prices aro out on Town and County real esUt. reasonable. mr a long or nort term at tJ jxt I make Buggies and Wagons to cent, m amount to ana tiieboiv Mads Buggy or Wagon, give me your orders, and -you shall have what yon want : . Thanking my friends for their W.T. HUGHES. LouUburg, N. C ? RUFFIN & LEWIS. nn vnn wimt a unncc o . If so you will do well to write, nZ 8ame n future, I am,. or see-J. Levister, at, Hendersou xours Terir"Vr TJ H- " rnnfrartinfr' Plana' I . H. C. TAYLOR. XSef) wawaw . w a a s a iwhw crtAri tinnft Anil fHtimotAR mn.rlA on burnt buildings, &c. I . . UlUUlVL UllULJiA 7-1 2-2 m. - V ;-v, - I ; v-- - (Jan be cured by using TUUMAb' POULTRY POWDER. It alsoctrrea ! BLACrSlOTDS "We are prepared to io all aisda .r work la oar line. Call to eee ca ai our shop near the Loabbarg miH. At Tbe Racket. - v Just Think !.. " - - ' , li'iULiiti ruwwi. ac aisocrrrcs i AtKurAtt wiArajtciA7ra.Tlfa. - , i roup nnu gafeh. . xow is ne timei w y. in pew, ,a enis per pier., Toacangetacorapeltefletof harnessl -i, 1 finiob h inf r,r- ..Y -f. for $2.00 from Loaisburg Harness Com- 1 VoVeale bv - 7 & tr MtZjitfo Ilrriiu. A- V7- ' '';-. r'r. ' tafAR .t . , tiseptlc. At-orbeDr. Doratle. Children Ccy for Pitcher's CastorKi " ' . ' v- Looiburg n. c i-- .; attob EACKKr., J

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