ul. jvjxi. - . - ----- - r lro fesssionaiv cards. New ATTORNEY AT LAW; . , " LolilaBUJtU, . C. , unti oractice ia ail the doartg of the State. ouice in Court House. .. C LOW Ok VV,, ATT JBXJS YS-AT-LAW, .bus LoUlMBUKU, N, 0. "V Will attend tue uourts of JVaah, Franklin, n iviiio vVd.rr.jua.ua vVueuuuuia, aisotue '(jjurioJliSioriuUiroimvi i-iu me. -u. j Circiiit auu JJiatrioi Cooiia. H. J iS. ALALOiiK u ... tarn (i(i(ir ijkiuw o.uui;ilb ok. Co.'a H. vV. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, HJtflSBUBO, A 0. . ATTO&NEY-AT-XAW( , W ill attend the courts ol Jfranklin? VaBCei 1 Lue japrtoie Court ot orlii uaroilu. rroiuib h,wuujj iveu to cmievuous, cu. V. Uu'LLKY. A TTOftNEY-AT-LAW, FKASKLlNrO-V, a. o. All lgal ijLiamesa promptly attended to. mam B. WIL1XBK, . - 5 ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, f L0CI8BUH9, JS. C. Office on Main street, over Jones te Cooper's tore. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, LUCISBUK8, N. C. - Practices In all courts. Office in the Court Houn. -.r, U. YARBOKOUOH, JB, V . ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C." Office on second Huor of Keal building Main Street. All lg"l business intrusted to him wni receive prompt and careful attention. T. m W. BICKETT, Ai' lORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUBG S. C. Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to his hanis. Refers to Chief J ustieo &h -tpheru, Hon. John Mituiunir, ion. koui. w. vviusion, a.on. J. t. Buxton, Vr 'S- First National Bank, of Win slou, Ui.jnii & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank yf Monroe, chas. E. Taylor, Jfres. Wake For est Coll i'tj .-, uon. K W. 'iimteriake. Ortice lu Court H.ouse, opposite SShertfT's. Dentistry, W. H. EDWARDS- of wake forest, n. c. I Will visit Louixburgon Monday, inewlay i'i iipsilii i fnl nvvincr the nrtr. Snnnxr I iiiirii month prepared to do ail kinds of D'Mitnl work i i '1,9.'.. ovpr .Tones & Cooper Store OMt iloor to T. B. Wilder Law effit-e 1) E.YriiT, J. EDWARD BUGGER D. i). S. LuUidiiUiiix, N. U. Graduate of the oldest Dental College in t'ue W.irli. Eiirht years experience. .ui in. mu Jfinfu luatiiu uieuui xcciu : .A 'iv... i. I traced without pain. Artificial teeth wiih.iut plate Satisfaction or money retunifd. Uffiw over Jon e8 & Cooper's Rtor J. M. C. HILU THE TINNER, is prepared to do all kind of tin work, re pinriiij, dee. ah worit fruaranteea. rjace 01 liuHiiifHH on Main ecreefc in house recently occupied bv F. Parrisli. IDS,, tt. DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. 0!lcft over Racket Store. UraJaate Baltimore Dental College. Tws.H7-foar vear9 active experience. iKTiFici.vL tebth a spbcialty. Natural tenth removed and new ones inserted, in TWKXTY MIXUTES. All work warranted. Loamburg is my home "for better or Worse' and van will alwavs find me ready to correet at mv own expense anv work that may prove unsatisfactory. - Very truly. R. E. KING, , Dentist. mm k C. J. N. F & FRANK ALSTON. COTTON BBOKUiKS. - . I r . , . jit.- r rariripru nmp T.nn uhnrir atlfl the adtOin-I- injconiitips would find it to their interest i? it for sale to Charles J. Alston, Louis- n..u.i Niuiuieii ill lueir iuiiiiuu wimc r Ah"?HtX& Uisiis. -.. r -a- ., Tbb American Cottok Co. YAR60R0UGH & DAVIS, , The Blacksmiths OF LOUISBURG: " au work in onr line done on snort we, aal satisfaction goaranteed. we have ear new shoo the old tea pin tlley) m sood shane and are better pre- PJjd than ever to serve our custo-1 STILL AT THE BRIDGE. BLACK-SMITHING. Where I am well known and prepared to do J.ou havd done befora. You will find me on j iuc wort i oom tod win see uo m the E,st aide of the River bridge. Main street' Louwimrg, n. c. while iam uoing ail kinoa hrldire. Main Street i '"lulnl8- aon tiorgev xiiai. i j-.-i-a.vBu 10 repair your gnu, sucn as P",lu o new locks &c I have a few irons which I In t! re.Pairedtaat wlU be sold If not called for A BLESSED FAITH. York Herald; And the voice which ' i heard from ieaven pake unto me aaln. BevelaUons, x. 8. before the first voyage of Cbl lam- this whole hemisphef Was v to ioe people ot , Spam a mjth, a dream a possible every tbiijfgi but a practical nothing. It was a very agreeable subject for discussion among scholars and thy perhaps fouud good reasons both for be lieving and foe disbelieving in its existence. As a theory this wes tern laud occupied a more or ; less prominent position in all the 'uni versities of Euroj-e, and a good deal of serious thought was devot f eu iu li oy ine learuea. - isut if one of the merchants of I Madrid had been asked to invest his mon ey in some commercial ventnre the profits of which defended upon the discovery of what." is now known as the two Americas he would have laughed at the scheme as the financial operation of a mad man. When, however, Columbus re turned from that voyage with the trophies he had' gathered, and proved beyond the reach of a doubt that there was a great stretch of territory on this side of the Atlantic to balance an equal extent of land on the 'other side, scholarship was hushed Jnto ad miring silence and merchants were eager to invest whole fortunes in speculation. It is impossible for a cautions man to make practical nse of a statement which may not be true. This rule, which is so constantly illustrated in our everyday busi ness life, is equally applicable to what concerns us spiritually. Do. you have grave misgivings as to whether there is any heaven from which a voice can come to your annl nr haMavino- in anmn Tomnta ' resrion where the sbirits of the de parted dwell, do you doubt their ability either to communicate with you or to influence you ? Then you are in the position of the Ma drid merchant who could not in vest money in a country whose ex istenre he knew nothing about Srwjakiut? with norfect frankness. r r we declare that this life is all you nave, practically, lor you neither realize the future n,or, are you in any way affected by it. On the other hand, suppose you are convinced as nrmiy as vjomm- hms was when bft lifted his eyes from the acres of seaweed that floated by and saw the thin line of land on the horizon's edge that heaven is literallv within an arm's leu 3th; that Jacob's ladder is not a mvtn but a tact: tnat in every an s nie mere is jnsu ucu ' 11 , L 1- a ladder, and that messengers are constantly ascending and descend ing, what results would naturally follow ? You would be as willing toi make nee , of these truths for your Spiritual comfort, sustenance and encouragement as the Madrid merchant was to invest, his money when the Spanish caravels came to anchor with their treasure in the hold. What you need, therefore, to make you in everyway larger and happier is a strong faith in? God's actnal.nearness. So-long as He is fn inaccessible possibility, a Be- mr wdu luuuueiB uuui Kjiuan. a 0 . . t . noarv mi III Ui lb. uao r uiaoici ... n uu ""f J . Qa8 g-JverKyOU a day S work to do . .. .... . . ana Will damn ; jpoil aiv- eveniiue unless it is Wholly done and done -AmnA on lnnrr will trrtnr Annl be lonely and your , love of holy thingsHbufn like, a flickering ta per; so long will your religion have in it a demoralizing- element of fear and; so ";long; will . your prayers represent a perfunctory service, without heart, or peace of mind, or tne ecstacv oi-; a uibsbov - V; couiiuuu.un. , . , , ; r -Rrit when God is to your , sou 8UllSbiue is W the wheat field, or the dew drops are to." the flowers; when you not only Sknow that he is. but . that be is your rof II T A on A streueth in ' timo o trouble: that his love 'for ry0U ' IS O - J - : - ...... ...... - . . . u..An(l flU rtt.her loves: tUat U1S svmpathy ' and pity ,are ? deeper 7 T. -C - ... - T : v - v - g-l than tnOSO Ol your ciubcdii , . , . " tten you know and. whatever ils may. befall you, .you know4 beyond all perad ven ture, that a mighty hand is lead. ing you and an almighty arm .will A sf a ti A The joy of such a faith is' dim ply unspeakable. What . wealth cannot bestow it generouslyv gives. You may be despondent, but you are not without hope. TTTm may weep, but your tears are unming led with ' despair. Trials " may come and your shoulders . grow weary of the heavy burden, but you have something within, which distrust and doubt, though in the environment ot Paradise, canuot enjoy. - JTrue religion, , the .-- religion which holds. this life in one hand ana immortality in toe otner, is the best fortune that ever fell, to the lot of mortal' man. Assent to whatever creed you will, go to whatever church you please, wor ship God with pomp and ceremo ny or in the utter simplicity which disdains all forms- these are mat ters of secondary consequeuce; they are only incidents which de pend on your temperament or your surroundings. They are nothing absolutely nothing and in tneir use yon snouia nave en- tire persouai ireeaom. xui un derneath all other things you must have that kind of religion which enables yon to say, "And the voice which I heard from heav en spake to me agaiu," for that and that alone will satisfy the lodgings of the soul, fit your frail body with divine armor for the battle of life, and prepare you for that eternity in which worship is neither form nor ceremouy, but only love pure, unselfish, divine love. Study and Learn. Norfolk-Landmark. It is impossible to settle the' ques tions involved in the present debate over money in a dogmatic way. As sertion is not argument any more than mere dictum is logic. f here are but two ways of reaching the minds of men so as to convince .them. One is by presenting facts which are ad- mitted to exist or can be shows to exist' and using thfim as apostulate for sound reasoning, thus impress- ng the intelligent understanding and eading it to the right conclusion, The other is by waiting for the ,e- suit of experience. With the convic- tion 01 experience may come great pain and hardship. With the con viction of reason and the lesson of history, which are but the story of experience already recorded, may come the happiest consequences. When men have reached the stage of civilization that they will accept and act upon the lesson of already recorded experience, and not insist upon trying the whole thing pver again for themselves, there will be more nope lor tne world, on its own ii . . ii l t merits, tnan tnere naa ever Deen oe- ore. xiie uuuii uucsuou iiiuoii in: solved in one of the two way men tioned' A little careful study wilh a calm mind and without prejudice, mav do it. The alternative is to earn through experience which mav come through bitter experience, to bllow the application of a wrong system of coinage. A Shorthaad Joke. Lawiey (expert shorthand repor ter) I say. James, the boy from the newspaper office has called for the report of that lecture. Is it finished ? James a novice) All but a short sentence in the middle of it, and I can't for the life of me make out from my notes what, it is. Lawiey Oh, just put in "great applause" and let it go. James acts on the suggestion, and the lecture is' sent for publi cation with the doctored part readin g: 'B)ri ends, ?j will d e- tain1 you but a few moments long- err (Great applause).- Tid-Bits. In Smoky Chicago. , : "Uncle George," eaid the-little boyirom the country, fare those the building .they . call skyscrap. h. They are,' Tommy," . answered hia-city. uncle. iV - : :. Tomm y s took a comprehensive look over-head. . - : . : ; The r sky does : need scraping here pretty .bad, don't it. f;-Uncle George?'. lie rejoined. Pittsburg 'Bulletin, - ..'.. ; LODISBURG; N. C.; FRIDAY.-AUGl'ST STRANGE, BUT TRUE. Four Drummers .Tell, the Nature of ETenn M irror. . :- , - ' ,The following true story is , re lated by oue of tht. participants in the remarkable incident . Not long since in a certain New England city, four cdminercial travellers met for the first time, at the table. With that geoial bon homie peculiar to the cr$ft, ; they were soon engaged in coniersatiou. In a few . moments one , of them said : . .. ' V ; ' .f Gentlemen, suppose we begin, being all strangers, with . the gentlemau opposite me, .r intro duce oureelve and our lirm'ff bosU ness.' " This was unanimously agreed to. SatdNo. 1: 'I atn- . and I represent the house of X. Y. R., selling glass bottles." Said No. 2 : "Well, gentlemen, perhaps it is no chance that I come next, for I represent P. D. Q.t I am , and I sell the stuff that goes into the bottles. I sell wines and liquors," There was a moment's silence as No. 4 said: "That, ireutleineo. Hn..an, i;ffl u M- w " ...onuo, uui naps mere is a fatality about this. I am . of the firm Of W. U. S.. dealers m undertakers goods." No. 4 uow remained silent and sngested that it would be well not to pursue the subject further, and that it had been well never to hate started it. After much urging to complete the chain he said : "Gentlemen, it is indeed a fatality. I am , of D. E. B., and I am taking or ders for grave stones." Was there ever a temperance lecture com pressed into so few lines as thii? i Cigarette Smoking. Dr. C. A. Clinton, of the San Francisco Board of Education, has made a special study of the effect of cigarette smoking among the public-school chi'ldrenof that city, a,m "P653 . : 1 1 : 41. e l Mowing unmisiaKaoie language: A good deal has been said about the evils of cigarette smok- ing, but one-half the troth has never been told : I have watched this thing for a Ion time, and I can 6ay calmly and deliberately that I believe cigarette smokintr , , i. i i. is as bad a habit as opium smoking. I am talking now of boys, remem ber The effect upon crown men is, of course, not so 'marked." A cigarette fiend will lie and steal just as a morphine or opium fiend will lie and steal. Cigarette smoking blunts tbe.whole moral nature. It has an appalling effect upon the system. It. first stirriu- iate8 and then stupefies the nerves. I t kwo :frt .,1Riniinn i T. - . , , . 4t i a viara i.iim iii aii riTM hi h i i l. bib a. ibm "b'-"" " b"" heart, and it sends them to the , - - inoAm a aa1bi tm T n w w-v ktvBiwi a n 8everal bo78 ecbools, and 1 am often called in to prescribe for palpitation of the heart. In nine eases ont of ten it is caused by the cigarette habit. Every physician knows the cigarette heart. I have seen the bright boys turned into dunces, and straight forward hon est boys made into miserable cow ards, by cigarette smoking. 1 am not exaggerating. 1 am speaking , the truth, that every physician and nearly every teach er knows." ' Good Enough of its Kind. Extract from a Turkish News paper. His Serene Highness has been pleased to wat-ch the eclipse, and has directed the Lord Cham berlain to express his entire satis faction with the . magnificent" per formance. -Tit-Bits. THIS IS At tt TREE BOOK AN rRlCE UST i . ...... . ..i.. ... VHO. ( MAKES AND V 5ELU5 ; . .- ........ 5 .v TANDAf. ,v 9, IS)5. . - - - ' I - '. -Vhea Baby w sfct, -v fm ber Castori. Vvhea ibs was aCMld, Bh cried for Oatoria. When shebecame Wm, the cluhg to Caatoria. Wtex aha bad CfcQdreo, aba gav thea Caatori. SALE OF VALUABLE LA5D. Br virtue of Mortfcayr ded excntd to mbr. K.. Ilaitbcock.aud rU UarrWt H aitbeock. 1 will mU for eaah at tha Cnirt llouaw doorTn the town ot Louis burg'. o Wednesday,- August 2dth. a tract of land containing 88 arrca, mora or Wa. - Bald mortgage duly rreordtd In Book 85. page 381, Register offio. Franklin Co. For farther particulars call on or addrraa, . J. JTillkt. Mortgaav, Bobsjaa, Durham CoK.C 8-2-3t ? . . : ; CHICKEN .CHOLERA . Can be cured by using THOMAS' POULTRY POWDElt. It olsocurea roup and gapes. Now is the time to nse it. 25 cents a package. "For sale by W. (J. THOMAS, Druggist, S Liouisburg, N. Co DO YOU WANT A HOUSE? If so yon will do well to write, or see J. Levister, at Ilendersou N. C, before contracting. Plans, specifications and estimates made. on burnt buildings, &c. 7-1 2-a m. J.' P. Winston. J. P. WINSTON-, bus lout returned from Baltimore with 300 UmbivllAH and I Parasols at HALF PRICE. Side Comba I 1 a. I it i t nrttin m . . m It" V rnii!., in laci a ioi ol KVERY-THLNQ. I booirht R5 cnta on " oouar. ITnivpraltv of Vnrth Parnlina Comprises the University, the egf ' th TWo and ,,ca for Teacbt-rs. Tution 60. 35 Teachers, 471 Students. Address President Vinston. Chapel Hill, N C, for Catalogue and handbook on "University Education." R. R. CROSSEN, FIRST CLASS PAINTER, LOL'ISBUHO, X. C I wish to offer my services to the no- lie, and will say that I am tretared to do all kinds of hoase paintine. (Train ing &c. My work in LonisborK' speaks for itself, and 1 refer to all parties for whom I have worked. Old forniture made new. Give me your patronaee. and yoa shall be pleased. NOTICE! NORTH CAROLINA, ) , Franklin County. S la oaVr,r J. K. Collins, ) V 8. Alice Colli.hs. i NOTICE. The defendant above Darned will take notice that an action entitled as abora has been coiuTnen-'d in th Hapenor Court of Franklin County. That this artion is for oivorw from the bonds ol matrimony. Aui the drfendent Alice Collins will rarth er take notice that she is required to ap pear at the next term of the SuDwior t-ourt of said County to bo held on the 7th Mon day after the 1st Monday Ln September, it beiair the 21st day of October 1895. at the Court House of said county in Louiaburg, N. C, and answer or demur to tl com- plaint in said action or the Flaintis J. K. Collins will apply to the court for tha re- I-" demauded in Said complaint. This6thday July 1893. K. K. UAUK1S. Clerk Superior Court for Franklin Co. Build up Home. BY- PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE MALLORY DURHAM CHE ROOT CO., OF DURHAM, - - N. C. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS AND CIGARR0S As can be found on the market. Their leading brands are "BELLE OF DURHAM" A dime Cigar for a nickle. Hand Havana filled. "JULE CARR" Named in honor of Col. J. 8 Carr, Pres. Black well Durham Tobacco Co., 5 cect Sumatra Wrapper 'BUCIWELLS DURHAM1 Named in honor of Col. W. T Black we 11, father of Durham 5 cent SumatraWrapper. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG- ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. -"OLD CHUNK" CHEROOTS. V T ' 5 for 10 cents. The finest smoke for the money. . "OLD NORTH STATE" . Cheroot; 3 for 5 cents, & sure winner that always pleases. ; Stick to home and send us your orders. - V; A : " "I W-t 1 ... Company shipped more than ' we or- I dered. will close oat 60 BbU lime ex ceediaglr low for cash. ' '. Laai For Beat..,:.; I hYd for rent, for the rear 1890, several one, two and three borsa farms, belonging to the eatata of Z. T. Terrell, which, if not rented privately before the 37th day of August will be rented on that day publicly, to the high est oiaaer, at the . Court House aoor in Louisbnrg, N. C , O. JL. ELLIS, Admr." of Z. T. TERRELL. July 25ih 1625. . v 3-w ' NOTICE I I have decided to reduce my BEES to 10 Hives. Will sell remainder for S3J0 per hive, this includes top 'case. These bees are worth1 $5.00, for pees alone. Apply at once to - -A: D, GREENr FUAIVKLITO.N HOTEL FRANKLLNTON, N. C. E. A. BOBBS, Frp'r: Good accomodation for the traveling puoiie. Good Livery Attached. nobth cauoiaNA Collfiie of Ixricnltnre ail Msc!i2ilc Arts, The next aeastoo of this CoIVg arul bgiu 8vtrabr 5th. Examinatinaa at rooaty aeataflmt Saturday in August. Yoang men dninng a tachnral edocatioa ao unuaually low coat will do wU to appy for catalog to A. Q. HOLLA DAT, Pres. Raleiirb. K. 7-13-1 ra. NOTICE. Having; thla day qualified aa Admlaia. t rat or of tha estate of E. J. rinall. all persons owing said estate art reoaested to make immediate settlement, a ad all rr- sona baring claims agaioat estate of aaid dnredent are notified to pctaeot them be fore the 1 1th day of July 1806. or thla notice wiU plaad in bar of their rmrrrj. A. T. Wilsos, Admr. W. M. Pkksow, Atty. July 11th 18U5. TAKE NOTICE ! Onr hack is run to the depot for the benefit of passengers who pay, and while we do not wish to be discourteous to anyone we respectfully ask that all "dead heads" will either walk or pay." HAYES & PINNELLr LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Who may wish nice shampoo ing or hair dressing done, will do well to call on W. M. ALSTON 3fc L. W. EGERTON. Ladies have your ban? cut right. We have Dr. White new hair erower. Van's Mexican Hair Restorative, Ayer s Hair V igor, Tricopberous for the bair and skin, nothing to beat it to keep the hair from fall- ng out. History of the Last Legislature. Bay one. Only ten eenU. A neat, attractive pamphlet 160 Dare. with ornamental cover, devoted to the record of the Lint Legislature, the worst Legislature, save toai or lt&S ever assembled in the State. This book gives its record plainly and truthfully. it gives tacts ana name and is thor oughly reliable. It baa ben prepared by some of the best Democratic writers m tbe State. Every patriot, every eitbea and every Democrat should have a copy. rnee iu cents per copy, post paid Lower price by tbe hundred. II not on sale at bookstore or drugstore. aaareaa, E. M. UixxLt, Printer and Binder. Ealelgb. 5. C. Tbe books can be bad of W. G THOMAS, Druggia LooUbarg, N. C. at 10 cent copy. LOUISBURG Carriage Shops, H. C. TAtLOE. Proprietor. If vour Carriage, Buggy, Wag on or anything in that line needi repairing and you want it done right, bring it to me, and if yon want .your Carriage or Buggy re painted in a first-class manner, bring it to me also. I have served my time under a first-class pain ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurantee satisfaction in all work entrusted tome. I have a first-class black smith in tbe blacksmith shop who ful. ly understands everything about his business, from shoeing a horse to irioning a fine tuggy. It does not pay to have your work botched up, so bring it along to me where it WILL BE DONE RIGHT, my prices sjm reasonable. " I make Buggies and Wagons to order. If you want a good Home Made Boggy or Wagon. give me your orders, and yod shall , have what you "want. ' -' Thanking my friends for their patronage in the past and solicit ing' the same n future, I am, f . Yours very respectfully, - H. C.TAYLOR. Seed Irish Potatoes, ; . - - Choice Seed Irish Potato? for second crop. Plant now, see a re the a froa W. G. Thomas Drag Btore. . KUilBER 25. CALL AT THE LouisMrr Bargain . Store.; For 8H0E3 and Gents 'FarnUV 'lug Goods also fer. 1 CLOTHING. Oar Goods are fresh atvd lot We carry a fine line of PICTURES. FRAMES. And we are selling tuem at halt price In LEHMANS old stand. Feed, Sale S Laverj STABLES. HAYtS & P1NNELL) Prcpliltfl, LOUI8BURQ. N. O. GOOD TEAMS AND-' ' POLITE DRIVERS. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TEA? ELINO MEN. t A Fl5E U5K OF BUOOIXa ALWA1B OX HARD. OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodattooe for the traveling public. HOTEL WOODARD.' W. C WooDAU, Praps Itoeky Mst,N.C. Tree Bas aata all Uaiaa. -62 per day. SO.OOO. Forty thouaaad dollars to loan out on Town and County real carta 1 9 for a long or hort terra ' at 8 prr cent, in amounts to suit tbe . bor rower. V. T. HCGUES. Looiabarg, N. C. RUFFIN & LEWIS. BLACKSMITai We are prepared to do all klnda at work in our I roe. Call to ee aa at oar shop near tbe Lrtulaburg cilia. At The Backet. BED STAR DIAPER CLOTH. 17 Is. 10 yds la pie. 73 cents par pi. Flalabed by Improved proceea aad fre from all hnpuritW. Nclrrttaat, Aa tlaeptie. Absorbent. Darabka, AT THE RACIST. 4000 yards of dm goods at H and 10 cents per yard, toot ebolc at 5 cents per vardfortae ext 20 days at J. P. "WISSTOS. U. EOWARD F. YARQBBOOBH. FIRE INSURANCE, ixyTjiKirL'iia. x. c CENTKAL HOTEL T I Mnstsaonljui-c Irtpar HENBETRSOKv N. C Oood aceasiadaUoaa. OeW fari Po lite a ad tltitfr nMEEi BEEl ETC.- ; Hyaciatha,TaUrj,Ctm68yNfc! Lilies and -oUter bnlba," lor VUrur and early Spring blooming. Rot Carnation and other baQdsome ctC flowers, bouquets and floraMeslgnsw Palms, Perns, etc., for room deco rating. Jardiaers, Faocytxkoru moo Flower Pota, Roeea, JXsgn iiaa, Evergreeas, Pecan a od Ecgiili Walnct trwa, etc. , , , H. STEraiETZ. , IUletgb,N.C Phone 113. . V; , ..- ' 'SHOE.MAKINQ.. MOSES WEST holds forth Sa rear of Thomas' Drug Store, oai the alley where be -does -ehue making and repair! ng, and oar antees to do work as good au4 cheaper than any Sboe-Uskor in the State. Ceme and see for yourself. -.Respectfully, r ' MOSES WEST. - Yours truly4 A.T. Nbai mac passe bu uuusiBu"'a r- X

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