UHT) VOL. XXY. lro c'essional - cards 15. ATTORNEY AT LAW. j: , . ' X Will practice iu all the Court of the State." lyjice la Court House.' Vffef ,y L COOKS & 60S, , j ...'J ATruBNByS-AT-LAW, r-; Will attend the courts of Nash, franklin, Qi-Autrilio, wfarrxsuaua WuaticouuUtti., matrUie a Cuv a iiict COOrta. ? J) g. J. K MA.UXSB. ...due two doors below Aycoc&e & Co.'j durf wre, aojoiJiflg -Dr. O. a A.iua. R. W. H. NICHOLSON, PUACTICINO PHYSICIAN,' WOISBiUM, . V r. S. SPHUILL, ATTOajJEYATJ-LAW,' LOUUBJ&U, K. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, arauvilis, vvajrivja uj Woke coULUUea, aim tue oayfeine Court of ittortn Caroliua. .f ro.cajt N ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FKAHKLINTON, N. U. All legal business promptly attended to. mHOA B. WXLDiSft, A ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUIS3USO, N. C. ' Office on Main stroet, over Jones & Cooper's Store. M. fKKSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LoOISBUBfi, N. C. Practices in all courts. Office in the Court Boifcie. U. YAB.BOKOUQH, Jk. ATI ORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBDRQ, N. C. Office on second floor of JSeal building Jlaiu Street. All K'tl business intrusted to him vnl receive prompt and careial attention. T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISB0EG K, 0. Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to kis hands. Refers to Chief J ustieetjliepiidrd; Hon. John Manulng, Hon. Robt: W. Wiuston, Hon, J. C. Buxtou, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston, (ileun & Manly, Winston. Peoples Bank of Monroe, ch is. K. Taylor, Pres. Wake, For est Ooll.-ge, Hon. E. W. Tiinberlabe. O.tlce iu Court House, opposite Sheriff's. Dentistry, , W. H. EDWARDS OF WAKE FOREST, N. C. Will visit LouiHbnrg on Monday, Tuesday ami VV'wliiPKclnv follort'iri the flrat Sunday in eai li mouth prepared to do all kinds of llcuhil work. Oiliw ovr ione'& Cue per1 Store Dcit iloor to T.3- Wilder Law oifiVe D EX VIST, J. EDWARD DUGGERD.D.S. Graduate of the oldest Dental College in tue World. Eirht years experience. Most improved in.strume.nts Tleetb. ex tracted without paitt. Artificial teeth without plate. Satisfaction or money returned. Office over Jones & Cooper's' stor. J. M. C. HILU THE TINNEBrf u prpaVed to d o all kind of tin work, re pairing, c. All work guaranteed. ' Place of business on Main eia-eet in house recently occupied by P. Parrwli. dr. r. : DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office over Racket Store. Graduate Baltimore Dental College. Tweuty-four years active experience. ARTIFICIAL TBETH A SPECIALTY. Natural teeth removed and new ones inserted in tWBNTY MINUTES. All work warranted. Louisbur is my home "for better or wjrse" and you will always find me ready to correct at my own expense any ork that may prove unsatisfactory. Very truly. ' E. E.'EING, . Dentist. C J. N. F & FRANK ALSTON. COTTON BROKERS. . FdftnerH npar Louisbnrsr and the adjoin "!.' n tis would find it to their Interest wnd samples ol t4ieir cotton before offer '"Kit for sale to Charles J. Alston,. Louis-V"7- N- U.. or to C. J. N., F. & Frank Alston, Henderson, N. C.j bnyers for cotton Hilln ' , Thb American Cotton Co. YARBOBOUGH & DAVIS, The Blacksmiths oflouisburg! All wnrV in A ' illnti imc uuuo ouvii "C uave onr now axr 1 A nlA an J lllaV , , """f Vu" 1 mJ ,g oa 8aa p and are Detter pre- rrtd than utra .. A,,ct-n ers. ever to serve ; our Custo- 8TILL AT THE BRIDGE. BLACE-SMITillNQ. 'Cel!!1,1 nown an P'epawdto do r.ohav.Svi0Peytt wid see me as sat-ri "c.,niore. xou win una me on LoaUb' 8'd0' the River bridge, Main street' I M IW'"'.- while I am doing all kinds Kw,aa,n 'thlnf' don't forget I hat I am also ? new i !lr,;Pair 70ttr gnti, such as patting rerenwr5' A a few jruns which I 14 ayg 1 wiu old not called for Yours truly -A. T. Nbai, v This query ba8 always been' an swered ia e negative, bat Mrs.r Potter Palmer thinks the girls are uowadays deciding in the affirma tive. Mrs. Paimer i& the !; second most popular and : widely'rvkuown w9man in America, and her obser va5ion8 are not idle words, but are entitled to be taken seriously. We quote: ji rrl- .. "Why,, if this tendency increases,-the hst: thing , WeL kno the young women will be compelled to make proposals of marriage or re sue,pTiv;ewmQ dangerously hiar it already. The half concealed seeking, the man agement, the tait,'tbe V ingenuity, the leading, arer now all in the hands of the girls and their' moth ers. Nothing remains but for them to seize a fitting moment, to kneel at the young man's feet, declare undying love and propose matri mony. It makey heart sick within me to hear girls telephon ing for young men, begging for their company at tennis, or in a drive, or out boating-r-mere devi ces and pretexts for getting at the young man himself. The girls are just as sweet and lovely as ev er, but there is a revolution in so cial conditions. I say it with pain that the tendency of what is known as our higher society is to wards the European system. Some of the principal phases of Europe an society are abhorrent. It will be a sad day for America when they are adopted here and al ready they are much imitated, es pecially in the east. Are wir well to do young men in the first stages of the European process ? Do they believe their early manhood should be devoted to roaming and license, and that matrimony should come only with weariness? I hope not." Ex. Love Makin? Is Out of the Question When Riding on a Wheel. If the virtuons lady who fears that bicycling is 'demoralizing to young couples knew how hard it is to converse even with one's com panion on a bicycle, to say noth ing of gazing into his eyes, and if she were aware that one squeeze of the hand might result in a dan gerdtis sorueriault over a rearing bicycle, and that only experts can ride jiear enough together to be very confidential, and then only wheto both wheels are geared ex actly alike, and that the attention of both tete-a-teters is even . then concentrated on keeping pedalg from clashing, she would realize that a bicycle trip discounts walk ing, driving, horeback riding, or even sitting in a room,, for diffi culties in the way of spooning. The only way to indulge in a des perate flirtation when bicyclings says the Philadelphia Times, is to get off your wheel, and even a lady of great religious ferocity combined: with suspicions intelli gence, dOeSi not have to be told that it is not jiecessary to buy a bicycle nor, indeed, bire one for the sake of sitting On a bench by the lake with a loved'one or wan dering through secluded paths of the park. It is a great deal easier to flirt at tenmS or badminton or golf or croquet And far easier to keep one's temper. Ex. A Pair of Them. - - He was an oldish man, - with a good-natured face and a weed on his bat and he sat down in a Ba ker street car beside another ? old ish man, witb a goodnatured face and ayweed on iiis hat." They looked upN at each other and smiled and the first comer querrfed : ; Wife.Itake it? "Tes, and you?" : rThe same . 'BadisVt?:' 'Very bad.' J ' "Bnt time -" r i- Time is a great' healer.". : . -And in due timkboth of nsr- t And be winked And, a woman across the aisle, with a" faint s.how of mourning on looked out of window and sighed and said: . Yes, of course, 'the - old repro bate! "Detroit Free Press. Truth is Highty, &c" ! :v.; : "Speai:in of snakes," remarked the man with a timothy straw iu i nis moaib, in tne bearing of a Star writer, "did you ever bear of the blue, snake of Florida V - ? ' Nobody had, and the man pro ceeded, 'v ;': " " "Well," he said, with the air of a witness who was giving testi mony uMer a stack of Bibles as high as a bouse, "the blue snake is the astonisher of the world when you get on to bis fine points. Wherri run a truck , patch some yarsS'grj:I ibad ; omeexprience with one ofr them. .One ol their peculiar ways is to go straight for anything that they are going to tackle, and all Samhill can't stop 'cm or turn 'em to one side or t'other. When they see it and take a notion to go for it, they go for it aiid get there or bust a hame string tryiu'. "Another thing about 'em is that when they strike anything it swells to such a size that you wouldn't believe me if I told you. Well, I was workin' in the field one day with a nigger, and nig gers are scared to death of blue snakes, when he give a yell, 'Blue suake, and went flying'. Ididu't know which way the dern snake was comin', so I took after the nig ger and we went out of that field like two streaks of lightening leav ing our hoes stauding up in the furrow. What become -of the snake I don't know, and I didu't go back to see till next morning, and, by gum, what I found there surprised me about as much as anything I had met up with in Florida. The snake had hit my hoe handle plumb in the center, and it had swelled up so .that I got a thousand shingles, ten thousand feet of weather bqardin', four cords of firewood, a hundred feuce rails, enough floorin' for the Baptist chuTch and five hundred barrel staves out of it." The listeners expressed their dis belief vigorously. 'And," concluded the man with the timothy straw in his mouth," when he could be heard, "that hoe handle was still swellin' when we got it to the saw mill." Ex. He Will Succeed."" Like his brother of the north, the southern small boy is capable of much. A writer in the New York Home Journal says that upon her arrival in a southern town her cabman was a small boy,, aged about nine. The .cab bad two seats, and the boy told her that if during her Btay she wanted a car riage, she could get him any time by inquiring for Jackson's express price, six bits anhour. "Are you Jackson ?" I asked. "Yes, ma'am," said the express man politely, and with great dig nity. Then, lapsing into boyish ness, he added! "You see, this used to be our carriage. But papa died, and mamma isn't strong and there isn't much money and" Something certainly filled the boy's throaty for his voice broke, and hastily becoming a cabman again, he tightened the reins and iudulged in a flourish of the whip: But after a little he turned about and added : "It's a real comfort, INthink, to earn your living." Ex : "How do you like your vnew neighbor, Mr. Sook ?" 'He's a most charming man. , Wby,v last evening be listened to me explain my evolution theories for t two hours and never chipped in a word." - .' . ::yr.':'. Hobson "Don't you think that Marti n girl is f rightfully j doll f " Johnson Well, ) hardly. . .You shold have seen the way she cut me on the avenue yesterday.".. - x 1 - THIS 13 -V T:i V; AND 'SELlS!J TANDAR JCAlB; FREE BOOK ANL t .PRICE LIST . ,eIOriEiiAHT0IM I . - P 53 - S v ; v LOTJISBURG, K FRIDAY, AUGUST New Cannon That CaK Destroy a Ship -t . ; v Ten Xiles Distant i Maxi, tthe-gttnmaker. 'and j Dr. bchupphaus, the gunpowder expert, have invented a new can non and ; torpedo powder "which will knock all modern war, vessels to pieces ' like eggshells; ; This big gun will throw a' huge, can non ball full, of explosives ten miles, and when it strikes it will smash into kindling' wood every thing .within hundreds of feet ' In fact, this neW terrory doesn't "even.have to hit ajjarship tc do .this. -If the shot lands inv th -water near by it will sink ship and 'stun everybody on board from the force of the explosion. The discovery is called ''the Maxim-Schupphaus system of throwing aerial torpedoes from guns by means of a special pow der which starts the projectile with a low pressure and increases its velocity by keeping the pres sures well up throughout the whole length of the gun." Pat ents on the system have been taken out in Hie United States andEuropean conntries. The special powder employed is almost pure gun-cotton, com pounded with a small percent, of nitroglycerine as to possess none of the disadvantages of nitrogly cerine powders, and preserved from decomposition through a slight admixture of urea. It is perfectly safe to handle, and can be beaten with a heavy hammer on an anvil without exploding. Ex. Disease as a Mental Stimulant. Infectious disease, especially when accompanied by high fever has been found in many cases of mental diseases to leave the patient witb greatly improved mental powers. Dr. Wagner von. Kauregg, professor of mental dis eases at the University of Vienn has been experimenting in pro ducing high fever artifically in insane patients by the injection of Dr. Kock's tuberculiue. He asserts that though the mental improvement that follows each injection rapidly declines; there is a steady and lasting clearing of the patient's mind. A case is cited wherea high fever following transfusion of blood resulted in a complete cure of melancholia. Ex. CEDAR ROCK ACADEMY AND BUSINESS INSTITUTE, CEDAR ROCK. - - N. C. A first-class boarding school for boys and girls. We give in struction in all the branches or dinarily taught in academies and also offer excellent ad vantages in the study of Book keeping, Mii6c, (piano, organ, and guitar), and Art. A teacher has already been employed who will devote her, whole time to the Art Department, if necessary. The Music Department is weil supplied with the very best in struments and under the tuition of an excellent and pains-taking teacher. The position of Cedar Rock vicinity in respect to health, morality and retiudroent needs no description or' commendation at my hands to the people of Franklin Cob uty. Board. $7.00 per month. Tui tion,, from $1.00 to $3.50 per month, '-j "Music $12.50 per term. (No extra. "charge-for use of in struments.) We now have a strong and proficient teaching force and can do you the very best work at rates named above. ' : ?v We wish to call yjonr special at tention to the course we have fop those desiring to teach either in public or private Bchool. ' We di rect you in the study of those branches absolutely necessary to public school teachings Our school : furnished eight leathers for the public schools of Franklin and adjoiuing counties the past spring, the majority of whom ob tained high markd on their cer tificates. A good, "cheap school. Make np-ybur mind to be:with us next session.'vV.;.-,,;-;;-''.. Young men and young ladies will not be allowed to. board at tne 8ajme boarbing house as here tofore...:' '';;;:'.;:;i; .i-Si?'-, .The next session begins - Au gust 19th, 1895. - . . , ,: For further " i n formation and catalogue, address, ; : V W.' A. Suxn, B. A., Prin. 16, 1805. When Baby was rick, wgv her Castor!. .. When ate was a ChUd, she cried for Caatori. ; When tha becair IT Via, ahe chin? to Castor!. Wfeea h bad Children, ahe g thorn Caatorl. 8 ALE OF VALUABLE LAND. By virtue of Uortgagv deed executed to me by . Ualtbcock and wife Harriet Haitbcoek.1 will aell for eaah at the Court House door in the town of . Lou is burg, oo Wednesday, An gust 23th, a tract of land containing 88 acre, more or Ihw. Said mortgage duly recorded in Book 83. page 261, Registers office. Franklin Co. For further particulars call oo or address, J. J.Tillkt. Uortgaw, Bobama, Durham Co., N. C 8-?-3t. .... DO YOU VVANT A- HOUSE? If so yon will do well to- write, or see J. Levister, at Henderson N. C, before contracting. Plans, specifications and estimates made on burnt buildings, &c. 7-12-2 m. . J. P. Wiustou. J. P. WINSTON, has iast returned from Baltimore with 300 Umbrellas and Parasola at HALF PRICE. Side Comb less than HALF PRICE, in fact a lot of KVKRY-THINO. T hnnrht nt. the dollar. University of North Carolina. Comprises the University, the College, the Law and Medical Schools, and the Summer School for Teachers. Tution fCO. 35 Teachers, 471 Students. Address President Winston, Chapel Hill. N C, for Catalogue and handbook on University Education." R. R. CR03SEN. FIRST CLASS PAINTER, LOCI8BURQ, N. C. I wish to offer my services to the tnl- 11c, and will say that I am prepared to do all kinds of boose painting, grain ing &c. My work in Lonisbnrg speaks for itself, and I refer to all parties for whom I have worked. Old furnitare made new. Gie me vour Datronatre. and you shall be pleased. IMOTICEl NORTH CAROLLNA, T Frankhn County, la Sopenor Court J. K. Colujis, ") v. s. I NOTICE. Alice Collins. ) The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as a bo re has been commenced in the Superior Court of Franklin County. Tbutthis action is for divorce from the bonds of matr)tnooy. And thedfendeut Alice Collins will furth er take notice that she is required to ap pear at the next term of the Superior Court of said County to bo held on the 7th Mon day after toe 1st Monday in September, it being the 21st day of October 1895. at the Court House of said county iu Louisburg, N. C, and answer or demur to tiie com plaint in said action or the PluintifT J. K. Collins will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in Said complaint. This 6th day July 1895. It. It. C ARRIS. Clerk Superior Court! or Franklin Co. Build up Home. BY PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE MALLORY DURHAM CHE ROOT CO., OF DURHAM. - - N. C. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS AND CIGARROS As can be found on the market. Their leading brands are "BELLE OF DURHAM" A dime Cigar for a nickle. Hand Havana filled. "JULE CARR" Named in honor of Col. J. S. Carr, Pres. Blackwill Durham Tobacco Co., 5 cect Sumatra Wrapper 'BUCKWELLS DURHAM1 Named in honor of Col. W. T. Blackwell, father of Durham 5 cent Sumatra Wrapper. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. "OLD CHUNK" CHEROOTS, 5. for 10 cents. The finest smoke for the money. , "OLD NORTH STATE" Cheroot, 3 for 5 cents, a sure winner that always pleases. Stick to borne and send us your v orders'. ; i '- ' Malfory Ourhaa Cberoot Co. .' ; V durham, n. a ' : ; Seed Irish Potatoes, , : -'. , Choice Seed Irish Potatoes for aeeood crop. Plant now, secure them from W. G. Thomas' Drug Store. Company, shipped more than wo or dered will clone out 60 Bbls lima ei ceedingly low for cash. - BARROW& HARRIS, 4000 yards of dress gqoda at 8 and 10 cents per yard, your choice at 5 cents per yard for tne next 20 days at J. P. WINSTON. tXf. ," An investment of 50 cents, will care y oar CHILLS, or money refunded, it W.G.THOiLAS.' Land For Rsnt. 1896. several nriA- lwn - t Mv i kUI CO horse farm8,belonging to tha estate or T, Terrell.-whlcb, if no rented privately before the 17th day of Angust will be rented onA,? :l,da Put,ic1J. to the high- aif KM1.. -. . t wr - """"u"i fc kuo ) vxuri House uoor in juouiebnrg, N. C. O. L. ELLIS, Admr. of Z. T. TERRELL. Jnly.23lb 1S95. 3. . NOTICE 1 x uno ueciuu 10 reduce m v BEES to 10 Hives. 3 t Will sell remainder for $3.50 CarblV. thin inlno These bees are'" tcdrtb, $5.00, fox Dees ajone. Apply at once to A.D.GREEN. FKANKLlKTOxN HOTEL FRANKLINTON, K. C. U. A. HO BBS, Frp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling Good Livery Attached. NORTH CAUOLINA Collfie cf Ajjicnltnre aM HecSaiic Arts. The next session of this College will bria wmwr jid. x.xaminattooe at count v oaiuruay in Augnat. Y ounce uiro arainoir a terbnieai educatioa an unusually low cost will do well to appy for catalogue to A. Q. HOLLA DAT, Prea. 7-12-1 m. Raleiftb. N. C. NOTICE. Harinjr this day qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of . J. Pionell. all DAMAnfl A.in.. . n ; .1 . . - . ... f " " jj rKiave nrt JW1 Q to make immediate settlement. And all per sons bavinff claims ayaanst estate of said decedent are notified to prent tbem b. i inoiun ojr ol July 1886, or this notice will plead in bar of their nwovery. A. T. Wilsox, Admr. VT. U. Pebso. Atty. July 11th 1MU5. TAKE NOTICE ! Onr hack is run to the depot for the benefit of passengers who pay, and while We do not wish to be discourteous to anyone we respectfully ask that all dead heads" will either walk or "pay." HAYES & P1NNELL. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Who may wish nice shampoo ing or hair dressing doue, will do well to call on W. M. ALSTON & L. W. EGERTON. Ladi es bave your bang cut right. We have Dr. White new hair crower. Van's Mexican Hair Restorative, Ayer's Hair Vigor, Tricopherons for the hair and ekin, nothing to beat it to keep the hair from fall ng out. History of the Last Legislature. Buy one. Only ten eenta. A neat, attractive pamphlet 160 pagea, with ornamental cover devoted to the record of the last Legislature, the worst Legislature, save that of 1866 ever assembled in the Stat. ThU book gives its record plainly and truthfully. It gives facts and names and is thor oughly reliable. It baa been prepared by some of the best Democratic writers ia the State. Every patriot, every citizen and every Democrat should have a copy. Price 10 aents per copy, post paid. Lower prices by the hundred. I! not on sale at bookstore or drugstore, address, E. M. Uzzell, Printer and Binder, Raleigh, N. C. The books can be had of -W. Q. THOMAS, Druggist, Loubborg, N. C. at 10 cents a copy. LOUISBURG Carriage Shops, H. a TAYLOR, Proprietor. If your Carriage, Buggy, Wag on or anything in that line needs repairing end yon want it done right, bring it to me, and if you want your Carriage or Buggy re painted in a first-class manner, bring it to me also. I bave wrred my time under a first-class pain ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurantee satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. I have a first-class black smith in the black smith shop who ful ly nnderstandseverything about his business, from shoeing a horse- to irioning a fine buggy. It does not pay, to have your work botched up, so bring it along to me where it WILL BE DONE RIGHT, toy. prices aw reasonable.' fw ." I make Buggies and Wagons to order. If you want a ood Home Madx Buggy or" Wagon, give me your orders, and you shall htvs what you want. Thanking my friends for their patronage in the past and solicit ing the same in future, I am, -Yours very respectfully, -. H. C. TAYLOR. TIIOJJAS Fig Laxative a substitute for pills, pleasant, safe and effectual, 23 centa, at TLomas Dreg Store. CALL AT THE LouisMrr Bargain Store. For 8H0ES and Gents" Furnlja .iug Goods also for. .. CLOTHING. Oar Goods are fresh and low. - We carrpa fine line f ' ' PICTURES. -AND- FRAMES. And we are selling them at half price in LEHMANS old stand.'-- Feed, Sale Livery STABLE Se HAYlS & P1HKELL, Proprietor.. LOU1SBURQ. N, C. GOOD TEAMS AXB . POLITE DRIVERS. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAV ELING MEN. A FCTB LA5E OF BCGCTES ALWATt OH HAXD. OSBORN HOUSE,. C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C.' Good accommodations for tbe traveling public. HOTEL WOODARD. W. c. Wood a an, Pror, Eoeky Uouat, y. C. Free Bos meets all trains. R' S3 per day. S40.000. Forty thousand dollars to Man out on Town and County real eetate foralongorMborttenn at 6 per cent, in amounts to suit the bor rower. W. T. HUGHES. Louisburg, N. C. RUFFIN & LEWIS. BLACKSMITHS "We are crenared tt T! work in our line. Call to see us at one shop near the Loai&barg mJIla. At The RackeT " RED STAR DIAPER CLOTH, 7 la, 10 yds. ia piece. 75 eears per pUce. Finished be fmcrovM) rwn mJ r-. 1 rota all iiapunties, Non-lrriUat. Aa- i"cFwt- awfwav iurioie. AT THB BACKET. EDWARD F. YAROBROUGft. FIRE INSURANCE, LOCISIUTRu, N. CL CENTRAL HOTEL J I Jlnaaonburj; Propr HEUDEHSON. N.C Good aceemraodaUeas. Geed fari IV lite aodattcatire werraata. EOWEES, B0LE3. ETC. ; Hvacinths. Tnlina. Orfnhaa fitia Lilies and otiw hnll r , and early Spring blooming. Rosea, Carnation and other handsome-cot nowers, Donqnets and floral design. Palms, Ferns, wtc, forxootn deco rating. Jardioera, Fancy andcom- iias. Evergreens; Pecan and Enrrilsk . 11 iuuuiivrcn,CK. . . IL STLTiaiETZ. Saleigb,X.C PhoirellS. , ...... t SHOE MAKING. M0SE8 WEST holds forth in . rear of Thomas Drog Store, cm the alley where be does shoo making and rtpiruig,aod guar antees to do work ai cood ina cheaper than any Bhoe-Makr . in the State. Come and see for yocrseJf. Respectfnlfy, : MOSES WEST. , ClIICKDi . CHOLERA Can bo cured br nsin THOlf AS. POULTRY POWDER. Itabocu boct and gapes. Now U th taa to use it. '25 cents a rackare. For sale br . . W.G.TIIOJiAS, Drogptt " i Loaiaburg, N.C,

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