rot'ei"11111 cards s. MA811110' 13. ATTORNEY AX tAyp"- Pi S ...Mi nractice i i iu ail tne Court of the State. ualce in Court House. COOKB 80S, ,; LUUI3HUK8, N. 0. -, ' - -Tf oriii attend tne courts of Nash Franklin. " .,in, i mud Wane uoauUtte.iu Urn viU". .... .. .Vurr.n ilimiiiuu. mill LM.t . -jiiirt Vj JIA' v v ' : ' - WK ?.f, n., DifltnoC Oourld. s - - Cut : "T . flce two doom bdow Aycocka ft Co.' 1 PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Tl 8. 011"" f C a TTO Ii!ff E Y-AT-LA W. f t J I L i ...jui'ii.i. . - WU1 attend the courts of franklin ."Tauce, f' r,ayriuiu Co art of iNortn CaroUua. rtpmpfc N. ATTOENSY-AT-LAW, All legal busiueaa promptly attended to. I ATTORNBY-AT-LAW. i nnisnnim. w rt ) . ' ! , t. ' ..i Office on Maiu street, over Jones ft Cooler's liore. 1 1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUKB, . O. prai ticea in all courts. Office In the Court U. YARBOROUOH, Jb. ATTORNEY AT JAW. LOUISBURQ, N, a j . Office on second floor of Neal boilding til l.fitl business intrusted to him j i i. en receive prompt anuuareiui unenuuii. j W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLORAT LAW. LOUI3BDB8 N. X- PromDt anil painstakine attention given to every miitt. r intrusted to his hands, aaers to chief J ostico shjpluxu, Hon. John Minuliiir. Hou. Hobt. VV. WiustOQ, Hon. J. C. Buxwu, i'rva. First National Bank of ;Wim ttuu. Ulo'nn & Manly, Wiuston, Peoples Banfe of iljiiroe, ciias. E. 'fAyior, Fres. Wuko i"or &it Cull gf , Hon. E. W. Tunherlake. Oice iu court tLouse, opposite auerui s. Dentistry, W. H. EDWARDS OF WAKE FOREST, N. C. Wiil visit LcKiiburg on Monday, Taesday sin! iVtsdiiemia v following the first' Sunday insai -h month prepared to do all kinds oi Lv:it.i! win k. ... . iiH;:i; over Jones & Cooper; Store ivxt door to 1 . It. Wililer Uw otar D E."T1T, J. EDWARD DUGGERD.DS. LUul.313cJli'x, N. 0. Graduate of thri oldest Dental Col leg i.i tue V rl J. E ifrbt years experience. MoU improved instruments Teeth ex traced without pain. Artificial -teeth witlMut plate. Satisfaction - 4r money Munied. Ofice over Jones & Cooper's stora. j7m. c. hilu THE TINNER, is prppared to do all kind of, tin work, re pairing, &c All work guaranteed. Plaee oi DoatnoKD on Main ecreet in house ,reeeniy own pied bv F. Parriuh. 'v.. RUFFIN& BLACKSMITHS 'r, A i ITT S V it ' We are TDrDared to do all kinds of work in our line. Call to see us at our shop near th Louisburg mills. ev uxxj. tO hj 1. 1N1 L -r DENTIST, . : LOUISBURG, N; c. ; Office, over Racket Store. - '. Graduate Haltimnr Tlnntnl fVlloO'i Twenty-four years active experience. WTIPICUL TEBTH A SPECIALTY. - Natural "wth removed and new ones inserted in tWKSTY MINUTES. .. AH work warranted. . Louisburcr is mv home "for better or "orse" and you will always flndjine to correct, at m v inwn.tnHniu n v ..i: . . r ..,.-r-r- , mat may prove unsatisfactory. Very truly, R. E. KING, -Dentist. YARBOROKGH & DAVIS, The Biacksft)itti OF LOUISBURG, All work i and satisfaction ' guaranteed, .n a .ve our new shop (the old ten pin ""J ing.xod shape and are better pre ftta tnu ever to serve ; our s custo- 8TILL AT THE BRIDGET KJ LACK-SMITHING. ;am , " Knwn ana prepareato ao e R,&.?J??ae .ef ore. You wUl find me on . VAn will au m AM wirtst; MJ,tne River bridge. Malt) street rZtX' X-.C. While I am Xloine aU klndi Ik ten that U. be sold If not called for Yours truly A. T. Naax YOU WANT A HOUSE ? If 0 von mill 4 t..... j J. Levister, at Henderson iwn efor6 contractintr.- Plans; . m ill iiu n nil aas n 1 a Ln ncationa and estimates made i it n .i . 1 hue JrepiaTrtT ltnin?. don't forget that I am also NEWS OP, THE WEEK! Happenings of Interest In TMa and i s1 taf Countries. THEO0GQ TBB lOtTB. J ' Bey. H. H. Parks, a prominent dirine of Georgia, is dead. ? North Carolina wants the Liberty bell to pass throtjjfh that state. - : ' :-r .The Georgia' state ajrricnltnral socie ty fneeta at Cumberland next week. a It is said Senator Tillmahof 5onth Carolina, has presidental aspirations. Makinjr a newspaper will .be one of the features of theAtlanta Exposition.. Justice Jackson's burial'trvrli--rlliiv. nf i Belle -Meade, near Nashville, Monday. f A state convention to discuss " the sil ver question is talked of in North r, olina. " 1 , - Key Weist, Flavj i to dsauo sSoO.000 worth of bonds' .fo build evailroad to Key LarKO. m Thirteen defendants were bound over in the insurance fraud -cases '' atJJeau- fort, N. C. , ' r ! A railroad contractor Bays he has the mythical Brown Allen located t a cross, tie camp ia Florida. ; . Rev. , E. a Mayj , one of the oldest lresbyterian ' ministers in the south, died in Savannah,- affed .78. , -,.rThe boycott against the Louisville and Nashville will be, continued by the Southern Grocer's Association. Texas fever, ' a disease' common to cattle, is . racing- In .Tennessee. It is also prevalent at Huntington, Pa. The railroads have adoptde thfc rate of one cent, a mile to . the Cotton States and International Exposition. The Huhtsville, Ala., soap factory is making; an excellent article of softp and turnlnjr out about 8,000 pounds a day." It is said the Populists are making every effort to have Senators Butler' and Tillman to speak in Monroe on the 22nd. The jail at Elizabeth, Bladen county, N. C., was entered Saturday night and the prisoners, two in number, were lib erated. V; '""v Senator-elect Tillman expotmded his dispensary law at Asbury Park, N. J. "He divided honors with ' Mayor "Strong, of New York- , The North Carolina state farmers allaince met at Cary Tuesday. Con gressman Sibley of New York, discus- J sed the silver question. , The Newport News Cotton Manufac turing Co., has been incorporated at Richmend, Va. Capital stock over 625.000 and under 500,000. The navnl evolution extending from Hampton Roads, Va., to Halifax, Nova Scotia,' will- be the grandest' ever at tempted by this country. - - - '. Negroes have asked that Gus Fam- bles fare like Mrs. Noble and be given a new trial "The governor has granted both a respite for sixtv days. A'big wheat convention will meet in Nashville September 3 and 4. It will compose growers and milters of the Southern Millers Association. j . Ca t tain Joseph P. Johnson, of Bir mingham, will be the orator of the day at the grrnd exconfed crate re-union in Hartselle'Ala., on September 4th. The ' Brunswick Terminal Railroad was sold under foreclosure proceedings for 850,000. It was bought by J. B. Cnrr and H. R. Steele, of New York. W. B. 'Wright, of San Antonio, Texas, s dead. HeWas a member of the first Confederate Congress and .afterwards a major On the Staff -of Jefferson Davis. The : tax returns of Geaoirgia for 1894 showed a falling off of $28,000,000 from 189S. Thisvear they promise to fall 'off 820,000,000 from the returns ef last 't-Mrr.-i--'- -v M.r. James K. Windham who lives about "two miles" troLamitr S.C.,lost a barn of tobacco last week. Mr. L. L. Rose near him also had the same mis fortunes . . .. The Roanoke iron furnace and roll- ingthill at Roanoke, ,Va.', how' in the hands of a receiver, will , oe leasea oy responsible parties and stared up on" full time. , . The Henderson Cotton Mills were re organized at Henderson N. O., 1 with a capital of . $100,000. $80000 of which were at once suoscrioea. xj. i. uwper is nresident. " ;,", ' iTbe conditioned the -cotton crop is Sou .h' Carolina IS not promising..; x uero are Complaints of shedding leaves and shapes. The corn acreage is tne lar gest in years. v . Jim ' George f beat the - world's iioot record" at Sherburn, Texas, for a pUrse of $1,000. - The distance was 100 yards and he made it in 9fi seconds, xne oia time was 9 4-5 seconds.. . -; - t A ninety ear-oia negro.' gin namea iClaretta Noah Avery is causina' , sen- fearion bv her preaching- at Darlington, ' n ; Tier sermons are "remarkable and she is drawing large crowds. : . The thermometer reached 108 at Par fcersburir W. Vaw. - Saturday ' Gover nor McCorkle was 4 reviewing1 the state militia and there were twenty-eight prostrations in the first regiment. L iThere are 120 patients m the small TlfTKWlU U Ulir.uv '. O- ' Bjfg-le Pass, Tex. and deaths average five a day. Three nunarea ana inirty five in all are in the camp.. - y- nnAlc Hill S.Cse'etion seems to be a success .and the farmers ork Wneh encouraged. ;. -Messrs Gerome and Mobly are now; curing , their crop rin Vulva ten craders from North Carolina to handle it at an earlyday.' S" AttorneyrM. Michelson who has held all-kinds of - positions : from f that of a 'nPt. to that of a preacher, ran away vinrida to esi2ape anest for a sec ,A of orirerv. He s was arrested W Alabama and taken back to confront nis crimes. ' on, A 1 nbama contract to furnish. Japan with 30,000-tons of iron follows ti,i.1tlv after tne j recenu - i"r"u- umlnt - of Oho iron to I England. This Alabama shipment will be the i.,.ef Stit1 order ever sent out of the country, - . i " .v. i Hon. Baseom lilvriek.l of 'Amieua, Ua.. is dead vv:t.S--i -r-The Virginia editors have decided to visit the Atlanta Exposition in a body, October 10th,' - - Secretary Hoke Proith has told the Baltimore Manufacturer's Record that the south is the place- to improve one's fortune..; 1 :; J i Th Refdsyille Beview says that CoL 1 Julian 8. Carr is athe leader the North Carolina 7 d emocraev j needs., i It J nbmi-' nates him fori Governor. '.'.' .'.r Cent a mile'tickets has been- adopted, by the Chicago and jOhio River Asso ciation to the Atlanta Exposition.- Ten days will be the limit of the ticket. - - , V In the state of ' 6onth Carolina ! the; first Monday in September' is : a legal . holiday, set aside for the observance of Labor Day, . It will be? generally . ob served, - ; Jifv ' tJi j-, - '-y -. -:i r " "Chairman 4 Smith, of ; the council's committee of the exposition, 'oi IPhlla- delphia, isays. Liberty : Belh U the prop erty or the country, and " will ;be sent to Atlanta.. r : The peanut crop ' is likely to be a lit tle hort this -year. (Tennessee wOl probably produce an average : crop,: but in both Virginia and North Carolina the acreage., in peanuts is 10.o 5.per cent, less than 'last year. - '' THROUGH THE HOIiTH. George P. Root, music composer, of Chicago, is dead, A $400,000 fire happened in Phila- deJphia Menday.j Rome's Khight't iff I ! '7 Khight't of Templars will at tend, the triennial conclave at Boston. Mrs. Talmage left $156,000 worth, of property which she willed Dr. Tal mape. , , . . . v , ! New' York had a 500,000 fire Sunday by which 500 peopie were -thrown out of work. " . -1 . 5 .' . . Corbett has married again, after the courts granting his wife a divorce, and saying she could marry but he must not .-" ft-' Senator, Bill Chandler, of New Hamp shire, has written an article endorsing the administration of President Cleve land. . New. York democrats are not ready to accept Mr. Whitney's declaration to try for the democratic nomination for president. The Catholic Total Abstinence con. vention adjourned after the 1,200 dele gates had renewed, their . pledges on their knees. -Congressman Murphy, of Illinois, ia In Washington - ana - says Morrison is the most prominent democratic candi date for president. The Baldwin and Westinghouse en gine houses have consolidated, owing, it is said, because elect ricity is taking- the place of steam power. Mrs. Barnirm, the widow of the ores i bhowman,marriea Detncm uamas-jtsey. distinguished Greek. They will make their home in Greece. A passemrer on the the Ward Line steamer from Havana is hld in Is'ew York quarrantine for developments of what seems to be yellow fever. The jCnmet Weavers of Philadelphia have refusea to return to work. It is said they are considering starting a co operative mill With the assistance of outside aid. May Reeves, 19 years old, of CaldJ well, N. J., ran away from borne and was married in New Jersey to Robert Hern. May's big brother was so en raged that he too eloped with Malinda Arens just for spite. THROUGH THE WEST, The emrr.erOTJ is said" to be the heav iest ever produced in Kansas. Four people were cremated by the burnintf of a'hotel at Pendleton, Ore gon, ' Millions of feet of lumber are being Consumed by forest names at the north west Forest fires are raging- and the in habitants are pray ins- for rain near Whatcom, wasn. - The Iowa Liberal League, organized to oppose prohibi ton," is in session at Marshall town - Senora ' Ruiz Burton, of San Francisor'diedih NewY6rk. ! She was Worth $15,000,600. ) - Prof. Tyndall, the mind reader, pro poses to be buried alive for ten days at Santa Barbara, Cat A new free silver party has been or ganized in Kansas and is styled "The Independent Americans.". Berney Bird, of St. Paul broke the twenty-nine mile bicycle record at Min- An important casebefbre the cour o i -C . a'. W' Hi a . claims is the claim of the Choc taws and Chicasaws against the Wichitas. Mayor Adolph Sutro, of San Fran cisco, has given the ' State University thirteen acres of land for building- pur poses. "Leroy Cardiff, a- nine-year old boy of Warsaw Indiana, ; committed 'suicide because he 'was taunted about the sen sational divorce suit of his parents. - A bloody battle between the McGurt brothers and Walker brothers occurred at Nootawa, L T. I There were two on each sideband when' the smoke cleared away all the -.participats were fottnd to be-morU;woueLi.; A t. Pttfxnna.- ITan.: the Indenendent American party, the latest political or ernization ? in - Kansas, nominated a county ticket V;The new party believes in the . free and unlimited coinage of American silver and America lor Amer icans. vjyl'-iHi i . Twehtvvfive head of cattle ! were kill- ed by lightning at Topeka, Kah ?They were beinir driven down a lane inclosed with bkrhed wira';feneel twhiri iHc-hW v.;nff sfrnolf tliA . Wire and followed th circuit; f.killinsr every steer1 crowded againt the fence. The American ' Publishers" Associa tion has opened correspondence with newspapers over the country, with, a view to holding a.r national , convention to consider questions ; of . the. manufac; ture of' paoeri in conseq aence of the formation of the paper trust ' r Frank Pixleyj ; a .veteran .journalist, died at San Francisco. " ; i ' '. ,---.-'--..,. f j ? '- ' ' Black rust is ruining1 - hundreds of Selds of spring' wheat In Northwestern Kansas;. ty.' ,,-.;';-'y'f. i v - Every substation in the ; Boston Pos tal District is to be connected with the Central Postoffice by pnuematic tubea C. H. Hendershot, a prominent .attor ney,: and son.' of Judge uendersbot, committed j suicide, in Iowa, from re morse from7 being- detected -in a $7,000, forgery. ";-.'-.; .y;::i'-". ; -; t ? A ' j. Three British' bicycle' tourists were arrested in Lincoln, ; Nebraska, -tpr fast riding in the city, and fined.' They, refused-to pay, the fine and, were sent" to the ' workhouse, 'where' they refuse to work,- They are still bald. : - t - AT VASHIHGTok ,; -j Justice Jackson, of the U. SL supreme court; Is'deadV -Avi- 4 ':i -4 ' " ' '. A jPstrnaster General Wflseala it Long-' Beach for his health;. r A navif test has shown aluminum to be unfit for nse Iu salt water. ' ' i - Thirty-three thousand more t troops v are to, be sent to Cuba by Spain. . The government is raising reindeer in Alaska to be used in, the postal ser vice. - : x The production of antimony in the United States last year is valued at $45,000. There was $12,000,000 worth of coke manufactured in the United Sta tea last year, , The state department has decided to bring the family of ex-Consul Waller back to America. Label Commissioner Wright says that the total coat of the census will be about $10,500,000. Vice-President Stevenson and party has arrived at Vancouver B. C, on his way to Alaska for recreation. The government will furnish the stranded negroes with tents, cots and medicine at Eagle Pass, Texas. A demand ia to be made on Cons-res a next session for legislation providing better protection for forest reserves. When t,hownthe dispatch relating to the gold reserve while at Dulnth. Minn., Secretary Carlisle said: "The people need have no apprehension as to the gold reserve. The treasury depart ment will take care of that. Every thing in that regard is all right." . rOREIQN ITKM.. San Salvador is quieting down.' The Japanese are winning- in For- mosa. , It is said that Russia has very poor crop prospects- Yellow fever is playing havoc with Spanish troops. The idea of annexing Cuba is gaining A groundJn Mexico.- Gladstone says Turkey is the worst government ever known. A late census shows that Berlin, Gor- many, is at a stand suil. The American mission school in Tar- sua was attacked by a mob. Seventy" alleged Nihilists have been arrested in Odessa, Germany. The International Arbitration Con gress met at Brcsaels Wednesday. l;razil is negotiating a commercial treaty with the United States of Amer ica. Reports from the cotton crop in Northern Mexico .indicate fine pros pecta. President Dies, of Mexico, aayslCor- bett and Fitzsimmons can't fight in Mexico. Five of the' participants In the Khu Chung, China, attacks on missionaries have been arrested Passengers from Cuba say General Compos has resigned and recommends Cuba's having home rule. The London Poet praised the Ameri can navy and says it is . more homoge nous than any other power. ; Brazil is negotiating a commercial treattv with ike United States, aavs a dispatch from'Tlio de Janerio... Thos. B White, an American civil engineer, was assassinated by an un known party pear ioatnpotan, Mexico. There is a Cabinet crisis - on in Japan. Count 1 to has' refused the title of Mar quia. Yamagata has also declined the title. The International peace convention is in session in Brussels. ' Sixty dele gates representing fourteen countries are present. Lucie n Bonapate Wyse is dead at Paris. He was a noted eneineer and traveler and t wrote! several books of I KfK ia Sop th AmerlcaJ ;' IJ'-. . - rrincecolonna, husband or Mrs. J. W. Mackay's daughter, obtained pos session of bis two boys and the matter is in the Naples court again. Reports from Constantinople say that American missionaries have . been at tacked at Massoran. but how many, if any, were killed could not oe learned. A explosion occurred yesterday in the laboratory, of" the Telf th 1 Weliko luzkv regiment a,t St. Petersburg-. Two officers and three, soldiers were killed. -- A dispatch from Mexieo ; City quotes I Viscount Cornly as 'savinrf- that New iYork capitalists i have , subscribed $1. 55d.OOOto theekico National Exposi- I tlon. Advices from Lima, Pern, state that Senor Nicola Perola" has been elected President; Senor Bellnghurat, First Vice-President, and ' Senor Augnsto Seminoro, Second Vice-President. : , ,. " The trustees, of the American Insti tute i at Tarsn&t As'a, have sent an appeal to Secretary OlneV, - prayjng hthat ahis government i protect , their l.liveaahd property from the mobs and I thugs of that country. -7 j "i Taking his inspiration from that Hue in a letter of President Cleveland a few days ago, which reads, -."Life is ope grand -sweet song," Edward Deering has written some pretty verses, which he has set to music.-: He presented the president with . a . copy of the first one from the press, receiving a kind letter f thanks. - When Baby was sick, w cave aer Castor!, When i aha was a Child, aha cried for Cttttoria.' 'When she became IQaa, she du&i to CaatorU. 'When aha had ChUdraB,abe gavetham Caatori. L!iss8i Edith and Fannia ; Tartar- ifM cugu,- Principals; : The next session wOl begin os Thnraday the 5th of September uudor the same man- agement.-,-, . v . . .v ."" Charge for tation very.modrat. For rorthfi particular', apply ,t "'. thi lady principal." ' - ; ' . . V NOTICE., -, t By virtue of powsrvftated la mt under an order oi sale ' of tba Superior Court of Franklin cooaty, I wiTlx)nTntday tba 22d day of October 1 803. at the nnrt House door iu Lonlsborjr at pnblic aoctioo. to the highest biddsr. sell for cash, one half nndi vided interest ia a certain tract or parcel of land, situated ia Franklin county, Stat of North Carolina,' adjoining the lands of R. H. Strickland, Willis Jovntrin and otbars, eontainlnz two hoodmd and Lm acres taor orIMa,itMdngtbpieoaof landkaowa t he land t ; Bald tract of land will be rnr- rveyed and' diviaion made before th day of inis saie. -W. K. Fcllkr. Administrator of Mabtha E. H. MtraritT. : t The above tract of land Jeacribad ia known aa tha tfurphv tract. CEDAR ROCK ACADEMY AND. BUSINESS INSTITUTE, CEDAR ROCK. - - N. C. A first-class boarding acbool for boys aud girls. We give in struction in all tbe branches or dinarily taught in .academies and also offer excellent ad vantages in the study of Book Keeping, music, (piano, organ, and gnitar), aud Art. A teacher ha? already been employed who will devote her whole time to tbe Art Department, if necessary The Music Department is well supplied with the very best in struments and under the tuition of an excellent and pains-takiug teacher. . The position of Cedar Rock vicinity in respect - to health, morality andreflndment needs no description or commendation j at my hands to the people of Franklin County. Board. $7.00 per month. Tui tion, from $1.00 to $3.60 per mouth. Music 912 50 per term. (No extra charge for use of in struments.) We now have a strong and proficient teaching force and can do yon the very best work at rates named above. We wish to call your special at tention to the course we have for those desiring to teach either in public or private school. We di rect you in the study of those branches absolutely necessary to public school teaching. Oar school furnished eight teasbers for the public schools of Franklin and adjoining counties the past spring, tbe majority of whom ob tained high markd on their cer tificates. A good, cheap school. Make up your mind to be with as next session. y Young men and young ladies will not be allowed to board at tne same boarbing house as here tofore. The next session begins Au gust 19tb, 1895. For further information and catalogue, address, W. A. Smith, B. A., Prin. FARMERS, , Remember, Louisburg "ia the place to sell -vour Tobacco and HUGHES BROS., are the men to sell it for you. IGE. ICE. ICE. THE LOUISBURG . ICE COM .1- PANY, t- Composed of R. Y. Yarboro, J. H. Upperman and W. J.'Keal, . 'are prepared to furnish, the public with the very best manufactured ice,v; -.., ," l -AT- - i Reasonable prices, delivered any where in town, i . . r Urders; leitwitn .Ws . J. JNear or R. Y. Yarboro, will be "promptly filled.' Those. . devribg 'ice ou Sunday should send to the house early in the morning, or leave Ubeir orders Saturday evening. LADIES .AND. GENTLEMEN - - - ''.'.' to; ' t . Who may wish nice aDampoo Ing or bair dressing done, will do wen to call on W. M. ALSTON & L. W. EGKRTQN. Ladles bare your ban g cnt right. W tave Dr.VWMte- new hair Van's Mexican Hair Restorative. A TT-i. T( m . . o ixajr vigor, xricopnsrous for, the hair and akin, notbini? to oeat. it o seep in riair from fall- ng oat. ; . ; ; . History of the Last Lecialatare. . , Boy one. Only ten eeats. " A nest, attractive raphletlMcafee. with ornameoUl cover, devoted, to the record of the last LrriaUture. the vorat Legislature, save that , of - 18C$- aver assembled in tb SUte.. This book gives it record plainly sod truthfully. U gives faets sod name and is thor oughly reliable. - It has been: prvparad by some of the best Democratie writers la the Bute. " . . - Every, patriot, every eitlzea and every Democrat should have a eopy. race io rents per copy, post paid. Lower prices by the hand red. II not on sale at bookstore or draratnra. adaress, E. M. Czzstx, Printer and Binder, Raleigh, N. C. tusiT: at 10 cents a copy. LOUISBURG Carriage Sip, II. C. TAYLOR, Proprietor. If your Carriage, Buggy, Wag on or anything in that line needt repairing and you want it done right, bring it to me, and if you want your Carriage or Buggy re- A pamtea in a nrst-ciass manner, bring it to me also. I have served my time under a first-class pain ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurantee satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. I have a first-class black smith in the black smith shop who ful ly understands everything about his business, from shoeing horse to irioning a fine ruggr It does not pay to have you work botched up, so bring it along to me where it WILL BE DONE j RIGHT, my prices aw reasonable. I make Buggies and Wagons to order. If you want a .rood Home Made Buggy or Wagon, give me your orders, and you shall have what you want. Thanking my friends for their patronage in the pant and solicit ing me same in. iuiare, i am, Yours very reepectfully, H. C.TAYLOR. Build up Home. BY- PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE . . . . . ' MALLORY DURIT1M CHE ROOT CO., OF DURHAM. - - N. C. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS AND CIGARROS As can be found on tho market. Their leading brands are "BELLE OF DURHAM" A dime Cigar for a uicjtle. Hand Havana filled. ULECARR" Named m honor of Col. J. 8. Carr, Pres. Black well Durham . Tobacco Co., 5 cent' Sumatra Wrapper 'BLACKWELLS DURHAM' Named in honor of Col. W. T. Blackwell, father of Durham 5 cent SamatraWrapper. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. 'OLD CHUNK" CHEROOTS, 5 for 10 cents. The finest smoke for tne money. OLD NORTH STATE5 i cneroot, 3 for o cents, . sure winner that always pleases. buck to home ana send us your I orders. . .- :.y 1 : liallory Darhaiq Chereot Co. ,;'DUBILUI, N. Cm i V-V- Remember, when you 811 your Tobacco at HUGHES Ware House, you have a crowd of huutling buyers to work for r you, who v have 1 larre orders for all- gradea of Tobacco-ana win give vou the , hirrhest market price for it. . . ' v JIogIies Bcos., Prop'rs. ;:; KUMBER27.. CALL AT THE. Louisburg.-, Bargain - - : iStore. -1 Vot SHOES and Genti FornhV- . ;y ng Goods also for.! , 'I - CLOTHING. Oar Gooder, are , frtab and low. ."We carry a fine line of i RICXUREtS- AM -FRAMES. And we areselUofr them at half ' price In LEHMAN 3 ' ' -old aUad" ' qsBORN house. C. D. OSBORN," Proprietor, Oiford.N. C. ' Good accommodations for the traveling public. HOTEL WOODARD. Vf. C Wood asp, Prej 4 Reeay ifauEf, if. C. Free Eaa meets aU trains. jt ja pr day. At The Racket. RED STAR DIAPE R CLOTH. 77 la. 10 yds. U pkf, 73 cvatr per tWr. FinUbed by Improved proeetM im frvw from all impurities. hoo-irriUat. Aa tistfptie. Absorbent. Doraele. AT TUB RACKET. EDWARD F. YAROBROUBH. ; FIRE INSURANCE, LOUIfOlUUO. N. CL CBNTKAL HOTEL mJ I MnwHcnburir Pronr HENDERSON. N. a Good od tioaa. Gxi fara. Te lita aadatUatlve rvaats. SHOE MAKIpTgu MOSES WEST holds forth in rear of ThoaW DfVg Store, (on the alley where be does sbo making and repairing, end guar antees to do work, a good and cheaper than any Shoe-Maker in the State. Come and see for yourself. Respectfully, MOSES WEST. CHICKEN' CHOLERA Can be cured bv nsini? "THOMAS POULTRY POWDER. It nJeocr-v- roup And GArx. Now ie -the trpn to use it. 23 cents a pack a ire. For sale by W. G. THOMAS, DrogsUt, Loaisburg-.N.C. NOTICE I Thave decided to red ore my BEES to 10 Hives. Will sell remainder for $3 CO per hive, this includes top case. These bees are worth 15.00. for bees alone. Apply at once to A. D. GREEN. rUANKLLNTON HOTEL ITUNKLlNTOy, N. C. H. 4. E0BBS, Frp'T. Good aeoraodiUon for the traveller public. - Good Livery Attached. R R. CR03SEN. FIRST CLASS PAINTER, i-ortssro,'ar.'c. . . ' I with to offr tar serviees to the lie, and will mt that I an prepared f do all kind of aoeae paiatlngv. ftrafa tag s. uy work ia Loeuerg- p-aiui for Itself, aad 1 refer to aU perti-M Cor rhota I have worked. Okl foraUayw taade new. Give tne year patrorsig and yoa ahaQ be pleased.' - t UnlTerxlty of S'brth Carolina.' Comprises the Universitv. the Collar, the Law and Medical Schools; and. the Sara mer 8cLont for. Teacbrrs. Totien &0. Z Teachers, ATI Studenti. Addea President Winston, Chapel HIJL .V C for Catalotrue and handbook oa University EdqcatiovJ . , , r- : BALE OP VALCABLE LAXD. By virta of UerUaee vnratftf 1 nehy K. Ilaltbcura and nU Barrwt II aitaewk. led! mrli tor tut at Ux Ce it Hoaaoor m taetatra oi Loetaberf. tat W4aodar. Aareat aU. avtrrt of let d eoataiaiax SSV aerva. vbo-w or Irw. r uS aortracvdalr rrtonS4 la Boos 6S; rr 261. Ejirr oBe: Frsi.kUa Co.. l.r fortbrr partVatara d on w adrvaa. - .J.TllOJtT. MartacM, fioaaaas Laraaia to. 5. C. . -9-3-3. v N