1 -'V ' 7 IV- - ' 0 e t; 10 ? - ;ssionul carets. ATTOliNEY AX LAW. - , . tijeiauatau Uourw 01 wobtate. SON, a AT T OB. N K 1 6-AT-L AW, iL'in attend ttie courts of Ataah, Franklin, r d.rrou uu vv 44Lt Li. ,i. J- i a l.llNK. two doors below Aycocke & Cos -'uw . .tm :. . p1 PRACTICING PHYSICIAN : F. ATTOHNBTATrLAW; . will attend the coorla' of franklin, Vance, but ktUiui court of AOrtu wuronua.' n-Oiupi HUJUUJii ,fiVeJ to COllWUOilB, sits. , , N. ATTOaXEY-AT-LAW, yKA-NKLIUXOir, H. C. legal '.lusmejs promptly attended to. . r i r o J- a TTfVftNRY-AT.T.AW. LDU1SBUKQ, N. 0. , Otflce on iliia street, over Jones & Cooper's ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBUK8, K. C. i Practices In all courts. Office in the Court II. YAKBOKOUOH, Ja. ATI ORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURa, N. C. Office on second lloor oi .Neal building Mum oircet. : All 1-j.m1 business intrusted to him will receive ioinj)t and caret ill attention. ,T. W. BICKETT, AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L-JUISBOHG N. C. Prompt an 1 p tiuHtakitij? attention iriven to evfcrv uiitwr lntrusteu to MB luuics. Kelers 10 umei j asiioeouepnjra, non. ioan Mtu iuix. Hun. Ho jt. w. Wiubton, Hon. J. C I Biit jii, Frets. First Na.tiouu.1 Bank of Win- I moo. Ul -ii 11 & Masily, Winstou, jfcoples Bnk I of jloiK.ie, Lh is. IS. Taylor, .Pros Wufce For ertCoil 'jri'. Hon. B. W. f nuoerlake. urtlu- lu Cuiirt House, opposite SheriiT'a ' Dentistry; V. H. EDWARDS OF WAKE FORE3T, N. C. Will v'wir Loni-i!nrg on Monday, Tuesday ami ttt-ni'M'i.i v toiiOA'iiir tne nrst Suucluy liiii-iicu i7i i:i r !i prepared to do all kinds of I ijf u t ; 1 1 work. i) :ii ! ovht ".Tonps & Cooper Store Inst iloor to I . is. Wilder hnw offl.-e 1) liXTIsr, J. EDWARD DUGGERD.D.S. LOiJl.BUitvT, IN'. O. ' Gniuate of the oldest Dental College hlnst imnr iwd instraiutfutH .Teeth vx Itracte.l wiMiout Dam. Artiacial' teeth hiili nt p a e. yatidfaetion or money Ittiuriied. . ' - . Office over Jones & Cooper8 stors. J. c. hill THE TINNER, isprpan.l to do all kind of tin woirC, re :inii' All work aruarantesd. Place ibasmert on id tin goreet in hon'se recently ''iipi-,1 by F. P.-irrisd. ' BUFFIN& LEWJS, BLACKSMITHS are Drenared to dn all kinds of Krk in our linH. Call tr rh nsu at. nnr fiopneirthe Loaisbarg mills. ' DR. DENTIST, LOUISBUKG, N. C. - j: 0!Bch ovjr AaftlsAt Stow nty-four years active-exuerience. PIFICIAL TP. pth removed aad new onea inserted in PENTSf MINUTES. , . AH work warranted. ' ' woisbiirtr is my hom "fnt hptt.pT or and vnn urill alwoira nr? tna P1! to correct at mv own eitiense anv nl il... . r . mdt may prove ansatisfactory. very traly. R. .B. KING " Dentist. ".4 YARB0ROU6H & DAVIS, The Blacksmiths OFLOUISBURG-, tbi AH Work in An cT,nwi jL and satisfaction gaaranteed; ilL, .a.ve 0ur new shop (the old-ten pin rju tuau ever to serve "our custo- silLL AT THE BRIDGE. mm fLack-smitiltng, trs!Lam,wellknown an3 prepared to do an h. - "ork. I h0D you will see me 7W li dUmu k ... .. . . Ptiku T ion wui imu me on Ftwlhi "Ue..of tae River bridecs. Main Btreef Wu,...r8' a-C. WhileInra7ioln.r-all kinda i J hln8. don't forget that I am . also rteTif,.trt?lUr70ar art such as patting I kf,c I have a few .irons -which ,1 tea Uat wlu be ld 11 not caUed for Yours truly WANT A HOUSE ? J. Lpviatm. ; nt . TT. before cotitrautinff. n Plana i '"cations and estimated made it-, b- ""'l If - . NEWS pFrTHE .WEEK. Happenlnffa of Interest In This and . In Other Countries. ' THKOtJGH THE SOUTH. ' . opeaicer Crisp 18 now in Sdotland. - - Iloridar ia being rapidly, settled by thrifty farmers. v , . Two-thirds of the South -Carolina convention will be Tillmanites. i , Foreign capital will build another silk, mill at Fredericksburg, VaT ;. ine xiiimamtes mrii v Zrr-A fi South Carolina - nominations on Tues day, ' . " , ' t - -v, John C. Black was " again -nominated by the democrats of CrawfordsviJle,Ga, for congress. J .... Tbere i gTft'lJFsat2'':l4on'at the fcireet cars or Atlanta jaisin- the fare to tbe'Expositiou to ten cents. ; m ; : J. Alldred's woolen mills, -Winston; $T. Cl were destroyed by fire. The Joss is 525,000, with no insurrnce. The -Southern Biblical Assembly has closed at Asheville., N. C. It Will meet there again next year. , The entire business portion of Pike ville, Tenn., was destroyed by fire. Loss $53,400; insurance $G0O. At Spring Valley, 111., Sheriff Clar, arrested over thirty of the men who ran the negroes from the mines. It is said that John H. Inman and others have secured the Eoane Iron Works, at Chattanooea for 816,000. The negroes of Mississippi will have eznioits at tne Atlanta Exposition from over half the counties in the state. Congressman Benton Miller, of the Fourth Tennessee District, is out in an interview favoring free silver at 16 to 1. . Hugh McNulty, a society swell, is in jail at Tampa, Fla. . He is wanted in Chattanooga, end a reward of 5100 has been paid to his captors. The supreme court of Georgia has affirmed the decision of the lower court holding that a "scalped" railroad tick et is good, and must be honored. William J. Urquhart, charged with the murder of John E. Ely, in Novem- 'ber 1870, has been sentenced to five years by the court at Suffolk, Va. T. Dabney Marshall and his three friends who killed R. T. Dihkins.near Jackson, Miss., confessed and were each sent to the penitentiary for life. The Atlanta Exposition authorities have requested all schools to give a weeks holiday during the fair that the boys and girls may take in the big show. The corn crop of tho United States is. estimated as the greatest ever produced; 3.000,(100,000 fetihel -against 1.200,000, 000 bushels last year. Thist 25 cents a bnsbei, is worth $500,000,000 to the country. The Dallas. Texas Athletic club has cleared and swept twelve acres of ground for the great Corbett-Fitzsim- mons fiith t. Seats will be prepared for 5i.279 people. Fifty .negroes who were "engaged in the Winston. N. C, riots a few days ago are in jail and true bills have been returned against parties connected wih the affair. Jim George beat the world's foot record t Sherbnrn, Texas, for a purse Of $1,000. The distance was 100 yards and he made it in 9 seconds. .The old time was 4-5 seconds. Bollworms in large numbers have made their appearance , in the Missis sippi delta, the greatest crop producing country oh earth, and the planters ap- prehend serious damage. ' Chief-Jastice Mclver, of South Caro lina's supreme court, has reversed the decision in the Sheoard case. Shepard "was fined S'-'OO and imprisonment in the penitentiary for six months for con- tempt Ot court iaciver says inai Judge Bennett, was without jurisdic tion in the matter. ! The contract has been let at Dallas, Tex., for the big amphitheater of the Florida Athletic Club, in which will - - . - . ... -r. . TI occur tne wroett-jjitsimmons muu The Missouri, Kansas and Texas- rail road has given a check of 3J0.0OO for 1,000 reserve seats. . 4 ' The Southern Freight Association has been organiedto regulate, and con trol rates over Southern freight lines. Its jurisdiction Will be from, the : Mis sissippi river to the Atlantic and Gulf, and will ; have three arbitrators to set tle matters in dispute. ' , The bull fights, which were to have taken place at the Mexican Village, at the Atlanta Exposition, have been de clared off in consequence of the disturb ance created by them.' ino exposition authorities put an end to them to shut off advese sensa tional talk. State Commissioner Mixson, of South f.hf olin. savs the dispensaries in that Btate have paid back 550.000, and "now the stock of liquors on hand is profit with licenses paid up and 52Q.000 cash on hand. He a'dds that hereafter, they will be run to supplyeitizens with pure liquors at coat. " , A.. RoliV & Co.. lictuor dealers: of MemDhis. have filed a bill against the defunct Shelby , County Bank, of. that city.. The bill alleges that deposits were received by them five minutes be- inr the bank closed its doors, amount ing to more than the bank .7 claimed to have on hand when it closed.,.. , i'" .- - Sam Lewis,' the murderer, wasv taken ffnm iail at Juno by a mob and hanged tiiexrranh noie in front of the court bouse and then riddled with bul lets Lewis waa a nativev of Vermont v.,, rfM tt a hre from the west. He boasted 4hat he had killed two 4 men in Montana and therein lexas. - , . Down at Dake Helena, Fla., a, newly-! born female infant was found on the Teramlaof the residence of Mr.t and M rs. W. W. Newton, a childless couple a few days since. The baby had re ceived no attention whatever since birth, and, was in a paper sack. Mr. Newton has offered a reward of 525 for Information :' concerning . the child's parentage, but as yet has received' no clew What disposition will.be made of the fouDdlipg is not kfaown.'Mr." and Xisi KewtonstiUhave it: . '- . Senator Maxey, of Texas, is dead. A Ge6rgia team will contest In the national rifle practice at Sea Girt, N. J. The government dry dock at Port Exyal, S.; CL.has been pronounced a success. i Liberty bell will leave , Philadel phia for Atlanta October "4, ; instead of September il as heretofore announced.' The Birmingham Ala., city council," by an .- unanimous yotc, exempted the plant of the new cotton mill. from taxa tion for aperipdof five years. The contest in Kentucky waxes warmer, many of the democrats saying another candidate should be pnt in the fieli on account of Hardin's financial viws-' .- . .. -.: - s ,. . . . - TnaouHHtaKKonm . -"Tiale tJnjversilywill send an. oxh ib.it tothe AtJaata Exposition.---' 7" ' . 1 Valkyrie III lias "arrived and ' is pre-' paring for . the : international cup con test. Mr. Andrew Pickens Calhoun and Miss Florida Lee were married in New York. Judge William Strong, ex-justice of the supreme court, died- in New York Monday. Senora Maria de Ruiz Burton, of San Francisco, died in New York. She was worth 515,000,000. Ex-Governor James E. Campbell has been nominated for governor by the democrats of Ohio. Several people lost their lives by a gas explosion at one of the Carnegie furnaces at Pittsbcrg Wednesday. The American liner has lowered her previous record, making the trip to Southampton in 6 days and 19 'hours and 53 minutes. The rope, of an elevator broke at Dtica, N. Y.. and six men were precipi tated sixty feet. Three will die and three will recover. " Thomas Havendon, the famous artist, of Norristown, Pa., was killed while at tempting to save a child from being run over by a locomotive. - General Michael Fitzgerald, who led the Coxey commonweal forces from Boston to Washington, has been taken to an asylum for the insane. The Civic Federation has obtained an injunction against the Chicago Fair Grounds association, restraing them from selling ar leasing privileges. A terrible storm in Pennsylvania did great damage Sunday. The disnsters from it at Pittsburg were numerous. besides the losses of a dozen lives. The American Publishers' Associa tion has opened correspondence with newspapers over the counjtry, with a view to holding a national convention to consider questions of the manufac ture of paper, in conseqaenee of the formation of the paper trust At Ocean City, Md.. Saturday seven lives paid the penalty of the overcrowd ing of a smill sail boat and the unreas onable fright of the women aboard. who.'y springiug to one ' side, when tbe little craft shipped some water, overturned it and threw its occupants into the water. The boat contained ten persons and out of these ten only three wer,e rescued when the boat cap- sizad THSOUOH TUE WEST. There are f43.779 iess cheep in Ohio this year than last. Ohio has declared for "sound money" ana jecrasKa ior iree suver. There were two train hold-ups in the northwest during the putit week. The large flat in Chicago in which was the famous Holmes Castle has been destroyed by fire. It is said that Senator Peffer, of Kansas, has renounced silver and will take the stump against its free coinage. The steamer City of Sheffield sunk near Cairo. The water barely covered her boiler and she will be raised with out difficulty. The new steel steamship Comanche of the Clyde Line has been launched at Philadelphia. She will be put on the Florida line. - Louis Grim, of - St. Louis, rode 450 miles and 1,700 .yards in twenty-four hours on his wheel, thereby beating the record for long distance rides. The police of Chicago allege to have information to verify the belief that the Holmes Castle, which was burned Sunday night was fired by incendia ries. - Rev. Dr.' W. L. Newlin, President of the Theological Seminary of the Meth odist CHurch, at Mexico City, is dead. H6 waa 80 years of age, and a native of Pennsylvania. ; Mrs. Henry. Moore, of Monroe Falls, O., has given birth to sixteen children in eighteen years, all at single births. Fourteen are now living and healthy Mrs.' Moore is thirtysix years old. . Over twenty-five ; people 'lost their lives in a- hotel fire. ! at . Denver, CoL, Monday. Many more were injured and as' many still missing and thought to have been burned also. - 1 Rev. Father Wilson, of Terre Haute, ind.. has announced that he does not approve of. bloomers for.-- women,- and that he will not- recognize! any female member of his flock if he meets her on the street clad in the bifurcated folly. - A destructive hall storm passed oyer Harvey county. Kansas, doing immense damage to the-crops. :'. Sugar cane is ruined and fruits of all kinds, especial ly peaches, which are , now;ipening, will be a total loss.' .-The corn ' crop is badly damaged.; - - : '. , - Forestsfires are . still raging in the northwest, where, there" being no rains at this season,, it is very dry. Two or three small towns have been wiped out by fire in Utah- and - Washington dur ingthe' past week.' V V. vv ? At Springfield." III.. Judge Newell' yesterday gave his opinion that the new law requiring the United States fiag to be placed, on the public - schools and buildings did not apply to schools or institutions under charge of religions ; denominations where religious instruc tion is imparted- He declared the seD te bill tc be aytcioasina. ,s v LOUISBURG, N. C, FEIDAY, AUGUST Parties implicated, in the Lniinr of the Bannock Indians will be brought to account.' - A di patch froxn Washing ton says tbe Judicial Department is now at work on the cases. . , -. . . Four cowboys startedCTrom the. '49 mining camp in . Chicago in a race to Atlanta, Ga.-.; Friendly rivalry ia tbe cause of. the , race or w muea. . The contest" is for a purse of 52,000, and i between. LL G. Payne and Harvey Campbell; representing ' tbe stockyards and -Henrico Sculttg, a Spaniard and Arthur Bingham, alias ''Billy, the Kid,", a Chilan, representing the 49 mining' camp.'. : v ' ." --1 . t , . ' . Shirishiroh Kurino, Japanese rnini3 ter toWashingtonr haj gmto MexTebr, ' . Secretary Hi wift wa ehtertal'iird' bythe -Keljo' Valley "club at Bar liar bor,Me. ' " . X, Laoei (Jommissioner Wright savs that the total cost of th e census will be about 510.500,000. The new battleship Texas has been put in commission and is considered tbe finest ship in our navy. The government will furnish , the stranded negroes with tents, cots and medicine at Eagle Pass, Texas. Civil service rules have been extendj ed to include all printers and pressmen in the executive department at Wash ington. Tbe bond syndicate has for the third time replenished the gold in the Uni ted States treasury, thus keeping tbe reserve intact. News reached Seattle Wash., that the Mr'iooner Walter Eirle, was wreck ed off Kodiatt Island and eighteen of the crew drowned. It now leaks out that the United States would have taken possession and closed the ports tt Havana had Spain not settled the Mora claim. Bids were opened at the. treasury de partment Wednesday for the heating apparatus of the Colnmbus, Go., pub lic building. The Dalton company of Chigago was the lowest bidder at 5007. Miss Mary Elizabeth Manning, the youngest daughter of the late secretary of the treasury. Daniel Manninsr. has become the-wife of Jules Von der Ou dermeaulan, of The .Hague, Holland. They were married Tuesday and will leave for Holland this woek. A London dispatch says at a meeting of members of Parliament favoring currency reform, it was resolved to form a Parliament Committee for the purpose of considering what measures win lie taken to establish a relative value between gold an i silver. It has been decided at Washington that General Ransom is debarred from holding the positiou as minister to ilexico, as he was a member of the senate when the salary was increased. He may be re-appointed, however, which would straighten matter out. The postotfice denartm'ent at "Wash- ington has made the annnal allowances for clerk hire in the following post offices, beginning August 1G: bt. Au gustine, Fin.; 51,200; Greenville. S. C, 5S00; Baton Rouge. La, SI. 800; Athens, Ga., 1.800; Charlotteville, Va., 52,500; Natchez. Miss;; 52.300; Bristol, Tenn, 51.SO0: Huntsville, Ala., 31,600. FOREIGN ITKS1. Baseball has been introduced in Ger many. Cardinal Gibbons and Bishop Hogan are on their way to America. Seventy alleged Nihilists have been arrested in Odessa, Germany. Mexican troops have been sent to Yn catain to campaign against rebelling Indians. The Egyptian council of ministers are making an effort to destroy tbe cotton.caterpillar. VCuban sympathizers in Mexico are raising and forwarding 52,000 per month to the insurgents. The Japanese have routed the Black Flags at Formosa and tho rebellion is said to be practically at an end. Two Americans, Fred and Ferdinand Kort, have been arrested in Germany for failing to perform military duty. ' Thos. B. White, an American civil engineer, was assassinated by an un known party near Champotan, Mexico. The complications in China grow more complicated and the Chinese con tinue to threaten the lives of loreign era. There is a cabinet crisis on in Japan. Count I to has refused the title of Mar quis. Yamagata has also declined tbe title.- ,- i An alliance of Russia, Germany, France, Great Britain and tho Unitod States is suggested to compel China to mend her ways. Private advices received in London indicate that Max Judd. consul general of the United States to Vienna, has been removed. ; The Pope has sent Manager Nlcala Averadi to Mexico .to settle disagree ments between the Bishops and the government. . - ' ' Methodist missionaries are being per secuted In Flaxacela, Mexico, and have complasned ;to the authorities. A re form club baa also been organized for better protection. : - At Colon' labor troubles have again broken out on the canal and the labor-, ers have gone - on a strike for an ad vance of ten cents ia their wages.. To guard against destruction soldiers have been stationed along the line of the canaLy''f ; ; -." '' ''.-: ; 7 . -. There are no 'American Christians in that part of Turkey between Sassoun and Mouse, where the Turkish officials are said to be 'driving the Christians out of -dieir houses and giving them to Kui-ds. Most of these Christians are Tnrkish subjects. I -, :. y Senor - Alvarez, mayor of Havana, ia out in a red-hot interview and boldly asserts that . Spain may get mad with this country. He says all the leaders of: the insurgents, except Macco, are Americana ; lie says Campos has uot retired from the captain-generajshln ct Cuba. - x 30, 1895 WheaBb7WMa(ck,vsTeIverOutrfai. . When tbe w a OtOd, she criod f or Cka&orta. . 'When she bocanMlIha, aha class toCMtarta. , Whoa the bad C3iQdreD,sh (aw then CuUrU. SCHOOL FQR'GIELS. i . . Missss Edith and Fannie' sYarbor-r -:- -::0Ugi)i Principals , v i" Th witawrsion irHl brghr b" Thnnulay the 5th o( September under tb mid tnaa agvoMiit. : ' ' J Charge for tntion very moderate. For farther particular apply to lady principal. ' lb NOTICE. By virtue of power veetd in me under an order of sale of the Superior Court of 1'ranklin county, I will on Tuesday tbe 22 d day of October 18U3. at the nurt IIou door iu Louisburg at public auction, to the highest bidder, sell for eah. one half undi vided interest in m certain tract or parcel of land, situated ia Franklin county. State of North Carolina, adjoining: the lauds of B. H. Strickland, Willis Joyner and others, containing: t wo huudml and ton sere more or lees, it being the piece of land known as the land t . Said tract of lend will be sur veyed and division made before the day of this sale. V. N. Fcllir, Administrator of Mabtha. E. H. Uchpmt. t The above tract of land Jeecribed is known as the Murph.v tract. CEDAR ROCK ACADEMY AND BUSINESS INSTITUTE, CEDAR ROCK. - - N. C. A first-class boarding school for hoys and girls. We jive in struetiou in an tne nrancnes or dinarily taught in academies and also offer excellent ad vantages in the study of Book Keeping, Mi.sic, (piano, organ, and guilar), and Art. A teacher has already been employed who will devote her whole time to the Art Department, if necessary. TbeMitsic Department is well supplied with the very best in struments and under the tuition of an excellent nd pains-takiug teacher. The position of Cedar Rock j vicinity in respect to health, morality and rehndment needs uo description or commendation at my bands to tbe people' of Franklin County. Board. 7.00 per month. Tui-' tiou, from $1.00 to $3.50 per mouth. Music $12 CO per term. (No extra charge for use of in struments.) We now have a strong and proficient teaching force and cun do you the very best work at rates named above. We wish to call your special at tention to the course we have for those desiring to teach either in public or private school. We di rect you-in the study of those branches absolutely necessary to public c school teaching. Onr school furnished eight leathers for the public schools of Franklin and adjoiuing counties the past spring, tbe majority of whom ob tained high markd on their cer tificates. A good, cheap school. Make np your mind to be with us next session. Young men and young ladies will not be allowed to board at tne same boarbing house as here tofore. The next session begins Au gust 19th, 1895. For further information and catalogue, address, W. A. Smith, B. A., Prin. FARMERS, Remember, Louisburg is the place to sell vour. Tobacco and HUGHES BROS., are the men to sell it for you. IGE. ICE. ICE, THE LOUISBURG. ICE COM- "',:. T PANT : . . Composed of R- T. Yarboro, J. II. Dppermau and W. J. Neal, are prepared to furnish the public with the very best manufactured ice, y ; . .'v.':-"- :-' ; AT r 'V Reasonable prices, delivered any where in town. ; ' .' ' . t Orders left with W.- J. Weal - or R. Y. Yarboro, will be promptly filled Those" desiring ice on Sunday should send to the ' boose early i the morning, or leave their orders Satnrdaj evenios. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - "to; ' . Who tnaj wib nice bamtoo- ing or Lair dreeing done, will do weu to call on W. 31. ALSTON Jk K W. EGKRTON, Ladi. lave your bai.g cot right. We fce Dr.- White new hair crower. Van's Mexican Hair It8torati?e, Ayer llair Vigorr Trieopheroua tur toe oair ana SKin, solhio to beat U to keep the hair from fali- -Dg- oot.' . y " -I History of the Last Legislature." Bay on. Only tea eenfs. A neat, attractive camrhlt ISO rxna with orosmebtti eorr. drotd to rhe reroM of tbe last IVcUUtore, th worn LgUltare, sar that of 1SCS ever aiwembled ia th State. ThU book givM iu record tUlnlv aad truthfullr. It give facts and. oame aad U tbvr- ongbly relUble. It baa been prepared by eome of th best Democratic writer ia tbe Bute. Every patriot, every citixea and every Democrat should have a copy. rnce iu mdu per copy, Txt pakl. Lower price by tbe bond red. II not on rale at bookstore or drugstore, aaares, . E. 31. DzzxLL, Printer and Binder. Raleigh. S. C. The books can be had of W. Q. THOMAS, Drugglat, LouUbarg, X. C, at 10 cenia a copy. LOUISBURG Carriage Shps, II. C. TAYLOR, Proprietor. ' If your Carriage, Buggy, Wag on or anything in thatliue Deed repairing and you want it done right, bring it to me, and if you want your Carriage or Buggy re painted in a first-claps manner. bring it to me also. I have serred ray time under a first-class pain ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurantee satisfaction in all work entrnsled to me. I have a first-class black smith in the black smith shop who ful lv understands everything about bis business, from shoeing horse to irioning a fine buggy. 9 . a it does not pay To nave your work botened up, so bring i along to me where it WILL BE UU.Ntv, Kiuiil, my prices ar reasonable. I make Buggies and Wagons to order. If you want a rood Homk Madk Buggy or Wagon, give me your orders, and you shall have what you want. Thanking my friends for thp'ir patronage in the past and solicit ing the same in future, I am, Yours very respectfully, II. C. TAYLOR. Build up Home. BY PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE MALLORY DURHAM CHE ROOT CO., OF DURHAM, - - N. C. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS AND CIGARROS As can be found on the market. Their leading brands are "BELLE OF DURHAM'' A dime Cigar for a nickle. Hand Havana filled. "JULE CARR" Named in honor of Col. J. 8. Carr, Pres. Black well Durham Tobacco Co., 5" cec.t Sumatra Wrapper 'BLACKWELLS DURHAM' N Named in honor of Col. W. T. Blackwell, father of Durham 5 cent SumatraW rapper. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. "OLD CHUK" CUE ROOTS, 5 for 10 cents.' The finest smoke - for the money. . i"0LD XORTH STATE" VJheroor, o tor o cents, a sure winner that always pleases. Stick to home and Bend ns jour orders. . I ISallorf Darhan Cberoot Co, DURHAM, N.C. Remember, when you sell your Tobacco at HCGHES Varo House, you have a crowd of hustling buyers to work for you," who have larpe orders for all prade of Tobacco and will rive you the highest market price for it. IlrjGUEs Bnos., Prop'ral NUMBER 23. CALL AT THE LoulsMrg- Bargain Store. Vcr SHOES and Genta Fornlab lug Goods also for. , f CLOTHING. . . " Oar Goods are"- fresh and Iai AV tarry fine line t PICTURES, -ANIV- FRAMES. And we are selling them at halt price in LEHilANS old stand. OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for tho traveling public HOTEL WOODARD W. C WoooikD, Prep, Eeky Ueuet, X. C Free Das isects sJJ tftlos. S3 per dr. At The E-kf L HED STAR DIAPER CLOTIL S7 la. 10 yds. fa pieer. 73 cUl per jiere. FicUbe. by in proved procees sad frve from all tm penile. oo-lrriUnt. Aa tisepUe. AbsorbesL DaraoU. AT THE EACKBT. EDWARD F. YAROBRQUEH. FIRE INSURANCE, iuisnrno. x. c - CKNTHAL HOTEL . I Mnsssonltirc Propr HENDERSON, N. a Good r mi lion . Iit sod sMotiv GooJ fart. Pe MrraasB. SHOE WAKING. MOSES WEST holds forth in rear of Thomas' Drug Store, (oat tho alley' where he does sbo making and rtpairing,and guar antees to do work a good and cheaper than any Shoe-Jiakec in the State. Come and see for yourself. Respect fully, MOSES WEST. CHICKEN CHOLERA Cnn be curwl by nsrar TH03J AK POULTRY TOVl)ER.bHaIaocTjw. norp nnd gape. Now is the time to xihe it. 25 cent a package. For Rale bv W. O THOMAS, Drpjgrirt, LouiAhwg; N. C NOTICE I I have decided to reduce BEES to 10 Hives. my Will sell remainder for $3.30 per hive, this includes top cm.. These bees are worth 15.00, for bee alone. Apply at once to A. D. ORE EN. FltANKLLNTON HOTEL FRA5KU.VTO,2r. C. ft A ilOBBS, Frp'r. Good accomodation fc4 the trarallac pnblie. Good Livery Attached. R. R. CROSSEN, FIRST CLASS PAINTER, LOCISBVBO, 3T.C. I wUh to offr my snleea to the pu lie. aad will aay that I am prepared do alt kioda of boose painting'. rra n Ing &e. My work ia Loaftmnr T i frr iulf, sad I refer to all pertW t whom I have worked.' Old fora'tar aadyoaaiiniwpleaaed. Frnttw University or Sorth Carolina. Compnj the Universitr, th rollf-re, the Law nxtd ifedknl School; end the Samroer Schorl for Teactwrn. Tot ion fGO. 3, Tearhem,. 4T1 ' Stodent. Addrvv Prwident Winston. Clmpd Hill, N. fl. for Catalogue nnd hnnbook. oa "Unirerwtj Education." SALE OF TALC1BLE LA50. Kr Haitasork b4 U.rrVl Italthrork. IiUsUlorraatVs CVn llow-dooria Uitsof Lemimhrnrr. rl-Ur. Antrwt 7h. m Jrsrt el U4 roaraioinjta.xts sow. or or Bti-i iwortra dajr rrrnrdi ig pook M rf 201, nc olS. FraakUa Co. J'r fsrt&rf psrtM-aUni rH on r md3rrm i.J.Tnxrv.a-Hicmw, S-i.Jt. . X - ...

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