1 ? X :. . rTT- i f. W t'-A - V TTTV-r ' it -tv -t- t, . . , - , . -. - ... . . . : . VOL XX?. i-ottertsioiicili carets." B. ilASSENBURQ, i , ) 15. I ATTORNEY AT LAW. , - WLIJBCBfl, K. C, V 5 ? Will practice iu n tne.Uoarts of the State ooloe in Court House." COOKER BOS,, C. LOtlSBUKtf, H. . f ; ! , -WiU attend tue courts of Nash, Franklin, jvriil- . .. .. V.iwf tl I ! LPllllltflk. 'llttt 1.11.4 ll. D J. ii- jjiil.4jWA.iB j,uo0 - .... ,., .1... I VI I IIHlia BnKV IT w w . tro doors CO.'S A-icao-soN, 1)' .B. VV. H practicing physician, Louisuuae, K. c i ATTORNEY-AT-tA'StC'gx . ; VVlll attend the 9CUTT1dt'Ttt5e " jjrouiy vJvari of Jionil uaroiiUA, zpomyl iiwuau b-ivou co oouecUoim, c ! y ,. IV. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, v ''', All leg il basiuesH promptly attended to. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ... , i . LOUiSBUKtt, X. O. ' :.' once on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's jtor.;. ' -: M. iriiiiiiON, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W, . LOUISBuHtt, N. C. Practices in all courts. Oiflce in the Court Holing- YARBOKOUOH, JK. ; ATIORN-Y AT LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C Office on second Jdoor of Heal building Jlai'i oirui-.t. Ml Kl'iI business intrusted to him v.ui rttcive proiupi and caretul attentiou T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LJCISBJKO N. C. Prompt and painstaking attention given to every ui.ux.t iutroBted to his hands. Hefrirs to unief J uatice bhplicri, Hon. John M iuiiiii. tlou. Root. w. WiuBton, Hon. J. C. K uLua. t'res. r'irst National Bank of Win tun. Ul tan Sc .Manly, Winston, feopie Bank u( Alcjur.)rt, uh .s. E. Taylor, Fres. Wake l?or 3t CoHt'tr.-, Hon. K W. Tiinberlake. u.lic' iu Court Hooae, opposite Sheriff's. Dentistry, AY. H. EDWARDS WAXE FOREST, N. C. - o Wi',1 visit LouiHburg on Monday, Tuesday ami AV iiiPs iav following the tirst Sunday in e.u :i j. out;, prepared to do all kinds of Dnlllill WUl'K. .. . h.r.f- (xpr Jones & Cooper Store n st door to T. B. Wildf-r Law ofSj-e 1)' EN'i'iisT, J. EDWARD DUGGERJD.iJ. S. LDUidBUUvx, N. 0. , Graduate of the oldest Dental College i i th- vVoi ld. Eight years experience. M ist, improved instruments Teeth ex tracted without pain." Artificial teeth will) 'tit plate. Satisfaction or money returned. . . Office over Jones a Cooperfs 'stors. J. M. C. HILL, THE TINNER, is prp r?J to-do all kind of tin work, . re piMnnir. Jcc. All work euarantaed. . Place' ol b'jrt.tiess on M vin sordefc in house recently oci:;i)inl Uv F. arrish. : R U F F i M & L E WiSj BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all kinds of work in our line. Call to see us at our shop near the Loaisburg mills. im. ir,. in. iisrc3-, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N, C. ' : . OfBw over Racket Store. '. Grilite Baltimore Den tAl College, Tweaty.four years active experience. AHriFici.vL teeth a specialty. Natural th removed and new one3 inserted in TffBXTV MINUTES. ' ''- ' . All work warranted. L misbarg is my home "for better or rHe" and you will always find me reaay to correct a ray own expense any uri tnat may prove unsatistactory. Very truly. E. E. KING, . Dentist. YftRBOflOUGH & DAVIS, " The iliacksrii'nlis OP LOUISBLTRG. All work in our line done on short Notice, and satisfaction v guaranteed. e nave our new shop (the. old tea pin llley) in KCH)d shane and are better pre- Pwd than ever .to serve; oux , casta. Biers. -,'. STILL AT THE BRIDGE. . BLACK-SMITHING. "here I am well known and prepared to do tl ra ; work. I hope you will see me bs Ik. ilttV'' "one before. You will find me on LVnJT1 aWc o' tie River bridge. Main str r?? sb.Msr , N. C. Whllft lainiloinsrall kli "iacksinithin. don't forawt fhat I am also on MpttTi '? rPalr your gon, such as puttl Z" 'WW lock Urn f h.n. w mna .whicl tn tlre?aired th'at will be sold if not (Jailed for Yours truly' ; , . A. T. N4AL ho . . .. - YOU WANT A - HOUSE ? SO VOn nrill An tit all tnnmifA J v ,1 III UV If VII VIS . .... w "T RAO I T, . r TT. J. 1 S V- before contractinff. .Plans specifications and estimates made NEWS OR .THE WEEK. KapperOriss of Interest In' This and ' la. Other Countries. THROUGH THE SOUTH. ' ' , Speaker Crisp is tow in Scotland Two-thirds of the South Carolina convention will ba Tillma oites. . - t The Tillmanites easily carried the South Carolina hominaitiona . nn TnW day.- - Gen. M. W. Hansom has been recom- oned by President Gleveland as minister to Mexico. - r The crops in MississiPDi ' were ' never better, except in cotton which is at-' tacked by boll worms.". ' ; . -The large1 flat in : Chicago in which was. the famous Holmes Castle has been destroyed by fire.". . -,' - i: ,- - There M great iisitisfaconi at ; the to the Exposition to ten cents. It is said that? John IL " Inman and ftb ers have secured : the Roane : Iron Works, at Chattanooea for 816,000. v The negroes of -Mississippi will have exhibits at the Atlanta Exposition from over half the counties in the state, ! tiibertv bell will leave Philadel phia for Atlanta. October 4, . instead .of SeDtember 11 as heretofore announced. Congressman Benton ; Miller, of the Fourth Tennessee District, is out in an interview f avorinjr free silver at 16 to 1. Mr. Hugh A. Haralson, 4tyears old, died at the residence of . General John li. Gordon, at Kirkwood. on last Fridav merninff, . 0 ' '.! : J1''' The steamer City of Sheffield sun near Cairo. - .The water barely -covered her boiler and shS will be raised with out difficulty. . : At Bay Creek church, Palmico coun ty, N. C, recentlyMr. George Wheeler kneeled to pray, and died while in that attitade. . - Hufh McNn ty, a society' swell, is in jail at Tampa, Fla. He is wanted in Chattanooga, and a reward of SI 00 has been paid to his captors. , The race for the pennant has nar rowed down to three clubs, Evatisville." Nashville and Atlanta, who are separa ted only by a few points. The clerk of the national house of representatives has opened papers in the contest case of Coleman-Buck, of -the Second Louisiana district. Ex-County Treasurer J. A. Mason, of DeKalb county, Ga.. has been indicted for emlwzzement. fHe is charged with being: 25,000 short in accounts. . Adolf Guafero and Augustine Tielbe,. Cubans, .fought, witn dirtcs at Tampa, Fla.; " Saturday night. Guafero was killed and the murderer escaped. ' ; The supreme court of Georgia-has affirmed the decision: of- the lovter court holding that a "scalped" railroad tick et is good, and must be honored. The Atlanta Exposition authorities have requested all schooia to give a weeks holiday during the fair that the boys and girls may take in the big show. Fifty negroes who were engaged in the Winston. Is. C, riots a few days ago are in jail and true bills have been returned atravnst parties connected with the affair; . ,'. ... .: Boll worms in large numbers have made their appearance in the Missis sippi deltav the gi-a test crop producing country on earth, and the planters ap prehend serious damage. A young man named Davis, of Rock .' Hill, S. C. who was married about a week ago to Miss Evans, of that place, committed suicide Thursday, by shoot ing himself in the temple. Cause not Stated. The Corn crop of the United States is estimated as the greatest ever produced; 2,000,000,000 bushels against 1,200,000, 000 bushels-last year. This at 25 cents a bushel'- is worth 5500,000,000 to the country. ' ., The ' Southern Freight Association has been brganied to regulate, and con trol rates-over Southern freight lines. Its jurisdiction will be from the Mis sissippi river to the Atlantic and Gulf, and will " have three arbitrators to set tle natters in dispute. a The, bull fisrhls. which ; were to have taken place at the Mexican "Village, at the Atlanta Exposition, have been de clared off in consequence of the disturb ance created by - them.' The exposition authorities put an end to them to shut off adverse sensational talk. The dedication orders for the ex ercises at Chickamauga National Park have been issued bysecretary Herbert. The exercises "will v take ; place from September 10 to 20 and the governors "at several state3 will be present ;and participate in them.. ' 1 ; " ; At Winston. N. C, the jury returned a verdict of guilty asraiust seventeen of .the negro rioters who . have been on trial here for several days. All were sentenced to the cpunty roads the three leaders for twelve months. eleven for four months : and . three for three months. ; rv -v State Commissioner, Mixson, of South Cnrolina. says the dispensaries in that state have paid back' 850.000, and now the stock of li'quprs on nana is proht with licenses paid up and . $20,000 cash on hand. I He adds that hereafter they will be run to supply citizens with pure liquors at cost. ' . -, Tjouis Gervais, at New Orleans, shot his. sweetheart and her father i because the pirl would not marry him. : He also knocked the sister of the young, laay down. " After completing his - work Gervais .jnmpened . into a cistern to drown himself," but weakened", and swam out, and was arrested. . ' " Mrs. Noel the first woman; cyclist to appear on the streets of Little Rock, Ark., in bloomers, was arrested by the police. The arrest is -based on, a city ordinance prohibiting "indecent appar el." The case was dismissed, the judge holdings that; she did not ;frij?i.ten horses and that her clothes were suit be to her business. ' . : . C . ;louisburg. ..The Birmingham! Ala., city council, i by an unanimous yote, exempted the plant of the new cotton raill from taxa tion for a period of ;fiye years. ''. it -V ; .The contest i in " -Kentucky - waxes warmer, many of the democrats saying another candidate should be put itt the field on account ' of Hardin's financial views. - - - - r, The Georgia Grand Lodge of Odd Fel lows at Griffin, elected the following officers; Grand Master,' A. N. Manucey, Savannah: Deputy Grand Master. A. L. Knotz. Atlanta; Grand Senior, Warden, C . H. (. Brand, Lawrenceville; Grand Secretary, J. a Deitz,s Macon; Grand Treasurer, IJ.'C, Tyson, Savannah; rep resentative to Grand Lodge, R. T.1 Dan iel, 4 The Grand Lodge will meet in- Atlanta.-; The date for the - annual meet ng. was changed from August, to May.' I TnuoUOlX THE KOB1H. Jtae - vaikyne ena Defender., are ready jTor the International vcup races. The - Valkyrie "; end - Defender Knights Templar is in session in Bo- tonj Mass.. - - . - : ' .. Senora Alaria de Ruiz Burton, of San ' Francisco, died in 'New York. She was worth 515,006,000". . v v Ex-Governor James 1 E. Campbell has been nominated If or governor by. the democrats of Ohio. . ' ' Tater is so scarje1n the coal regions of Tamaqua, Pa., that the mines were forced to shut down. : :- Twenty-five ' buildings " burned at Kingston, N. ,Y., Tuesday. ' Loss 8125,-; 000: insurance $60,000. . Two men were killed and. three se riously wounded by a gas explosion in a. mine at A shland. Pa,, Saturday. Cardinal Gibbons arrived at. Balti more from his European trip Saturday. Two thousand people met him at the Camden station. In sections of the north and north west they are suffering greatly for want of rain. It is said the erop3 will be badly damaged. A terrible storm in Pennsylvania did great damage Sunday. Toe disasters irom if at Pittsburg were numerous, besides the losses of a dozen lives.' The fifteenth annual reunion of the Old Time Telegraphers - and tJnited -States.-Military Telegraph' borps will take place in .New-York September 11, 12 and 13. The programme of the ar rangement includes elaborate provi sions for the entertainment of mem bers, who como from every section of the United States and Canada. TnitocoH tux: west. The window glass pool has again ad- vancod prices 15,per cent. Ohio has declared for "sound money" and Nebraska for free silver. There were two train hold-ups in the northwest during the past week. A mob .took ' four prisoners from Yreca, Cal., jail Monday night and lynched them. It is reported that the whites arc ag;du at fault, having killed fifteen of tuo Bannock Indians. A congregation in Indiana was pois oned, it is thought bv bug poison, or from cooking potatoes in a brass kettle. The Princeton students got into trouble in Wyoming for shooting 'ante lope in violation of the law. The. new steel steamship Comanche of the Clyde Line has been launched at Philadelphia. .She will be put on the Florida line. News reached Seattle Wash., that the schooner Walter Earle, was wreck ed o3, Kodiatt Island and eighteen of the crew drowned. The strike of the garment workers at Boston is practically dver, fully two thirds of the bosses having acceded to the demands of the union. Loui8Grim, of St Louis, rode 450 miles and 1,703 yards in twenty -four hours on his wheel, thereby beating the record for long distance rides. Two women have been nominated by the republicans of Utah, for the leg islature, which will name the first two United States senators the state will have. - Rain fell heavily in northern Indiana Counties,: breaking a drouth which threatened to ruin an immense crop of corn. The storm was the first in nearly two months. Over twenty-five people lost their lives in a hotel fire at Denver, Col., Monday. - Many more were injured and as many still missing and thought to have been burned also. ; A real bull fight took place Sunday in Colorado, after, the Mexican regu lation s. ilt was described as a cruel af fair and the participants were .placed under arrest for it. T 'At Minneapolis, . Minn., Mies . Lora Perkins has been arrested on a "Charge of killing her sister Mrs. Lola Hawkins, by-setting her on fire on August 9th for the sake of 7.000 life insurance. ' Parties implicated in the killing of the Bannock Indians will be brought to account. A dipatchfrom Washing ton says the Judicial Department is now at work on the cases. 1 - r " The canal commissioners who are digging the big ditch : at Chicago are running short of :, funded and the men are inpatient for their pay,' ' They will issue $2,000,000 in warrantajwhich will be on the jnarket shortly. r , At Springfield, HL, Judge Newell yesterday gave his opinion that the new law requiring the United States flajr to be placed on the public schools and buildings did not apply to : schools or institutions under charge of religious denominations where religious instruc tion is imparted. He declared the sep ate bill to be a vicious one. :; .." . ' . ' , : Four cowboys started, from the 49 mining - camp , in : Chicago in a race to Atlanta,- Ga. Friendly rivafry is the cause of -the race of 900 miles. The contest is - for a purse of $2,000, and is between' H. . G. : Payne and ' Harvey Campbell representing, the stockyards and Henrico Scultig, , a Spaniard and Arthur Bingham, alias "Eilly the Kidr" a Chilan, "representing the '49 raining csmp. "r . . ... n.-c.,fridat, September -t AT TVAMIirtltiTO ; ' - Shirishiroh Knrino, Japanese minis tcr to Washington, has gone to Mexico. Eicretary" Herbert : was entertained by the . Kebo Valley club at Bar Har- :bor, Ke;:;',,-.;1. ". -; ;t!- , ' Che United States trearurv berrun he payment ' of adjusted refund in- . come tax claims, ;i C fr, Civil service rules have been extend ed to include all printers and pressmen in the. executive department at Wash ington." ' ( ; . -"'"v. ,. j- ' The bond syndicate has for the third time replenished 'the gold in the Uni ted States treasury, thus keeping the reserve latact. , 4 ; 'v ".; ;',!..':-.' ? It has been de"cidei to name the next three gunboats v-the ; Nashville. , the Wilmington and the Helena, in honor to those cities. ..' , '.-:. ' '- .. : ,, Tt now leaks out . that '- the ' United States would have taken possession and closed the ports at Havana' had Spain -ot settled the UxiOSimtr i"4 t "The government ;ts making arrange ments ? to transfer money', from the sub-treasury at New York to New Or leans to handle the cot ton crop. . Ji"- 'JSecretary Morton has issued a call for a road parliament to be held in At lanta, October 17th, 19th and 19tb, under the auspices of the Cotton States and International exposition. Bids were opened at the treasury de partment. Wed nesday for 'the heating apparatus of the Columbus, Ga., pub lic building The Dalton company of Chigago waS the lowest bidder at 3697 Grand Master Workman Sovereign says the bank note boycot will be on, in fact. September 2. He calls on all or ganizations to help in the fight, saying it will eucouragc the silver move and wipe out the national bank monopoly. Miss Mary Elizabeth Manning, the youugest daughter of the late secretary of the treasury, Daniel Manning, has become the wife of Jules Von der Ou dermeaulan, of The Hague, Holland. They were mnrried Tuesday and wUl leave for Holland this week. -. . A London dispatch, says at a meeting of members of Parliament favoring currency reform, it was resolved to form a Parliament Committee for the purpose of considering what measure can be taken to establish a relative value between gold and silver. ' A Washington dispatch " says: The board designated to examine the dry docks at Port Royal, S. C, has reported to the navy department that the dock has not proven satisfactory, and recom mend that it be not, accepted by the department. The contractors will be given an opportunity to make it come up to requirements. rinKtGM ITEM. Baseball has been introduced' in Oer many. Cardinal Gibbons and Bishop Hogan are on their w.ayt9 America. It is feared that cholera is in become epidemic in Corea, as several cases have been reported. Cuban sympathizers in Mexico are raising and forwarding S'-.C-OO per mouth to the insnrgeuts. . The Japanese have routed the Black Flags at Formosa and the rebellion is said to be practically at an end. The Chinese government has settled clains of France for outrages on French missionaries at Szechcun. Thos. B. White, an American civil engineer, was assassinated by an un known party near Champotan, Mexico. The complications in China grow more complicated and the Chinese con tinue to threaten the lives of foreign ers. Private advices received in London indicate that Max Judd, consul general of the United States to Vienna, has been removed. The Pope has sent Manager Nicala Averadi to Mexico to settle disagree ments between the Bishops and the government The troubles between Peru and Bo livia have been settled by the question of the saluting the Peruvian flag by Bolivia by arbitration. Princess Colon a. nee McKay, was given the custody of her children, but on the condition that she pay the foreign Prince 60,000 francs annually. . An infernal machine was sent Baron Rothschild through the mails, at Paris. It was opened by, his clerk, who was dangerously wounded. A dangerous anarchist has been making trouble at : Rome, declaring he would emulate the example of Presi dent Carnot's murderer. He was lock ed Up.- ,'' v-' . Methodist missionaries are being per secuted in Flaxacela, Mexico, and have complasned to the authorities.. A re form club has also been organized for better protection. " - - ' ;' . ' .The English house of commons has signified its intention to keep up the efforts already . becun to establish a parcels post: service between the Uni ted States and Great Britain. r; ; .- :: At Colon - labor troubles have again broken out on the canal and the labor ers have: gonej on a strike for an ad- ' Vance of ten cents in their wages. ..To guard against destruction soldiers have been' stationed along the line of the can aL li' ' " ;' There are no American Christians in that part of Turkey between Sassoun and Mouse, where the Turkish officials are said to be - driving- the Christians out of their houses and giving them o -Kurds. - Most of these Christians' are Turkish subjects.; 'Yv. t';- -.. V'-V;." A dispatch to the ' London Times con firms the report of the appointment of Lin Ping Chang as Imperial High Com missioner ' to investigate; Chinese -outrages " on missionaries.' Neithor Eng land nor the United States has a , good opinion of Liu's.' investigations and he .has been asked to vacate." f, ; The treasury' department has de clined to admit free, of duty the clothes and swords of the Duke of Wellington, worn by him at " Waterloo, ' and Napo leon's hat and sword, worn by him on the same occasion. The intention of 'the importer was to exhibit them in this country for pay. , . ' " . - g, im. WleaEaby w i sick, w (v? ber Gu Aorta. When she was a C& Dd, she cried f or C aorta. . 'When she became Xlss, s chmg to Castorta. hen chs hiul Children, she cw Uxxn Cu&orta, -.".SCHGOL FORGim.;;:..-; Misses Edith and Fannie Yarbor 'rvV ougb, Principals, " Thm next session will begin on Thursday ths 5th of September undr the same, mas- agemeut.-. . y . ... i , '- ' .. ChargM for tution very xnodVrats.! - --For Tortbr particulars - apply. t ,th lady principals - . i '. :.. ' ' :; V NOTICE. . By virtue of power verted in ms under an order of sale of tbs furerior Court" of Franklin county, I will on Tuesday the 23d day of October 1805. at thsourt Hoose door iu Lou is bo rg at public aactios, t tb highest bidder. eU for cash, one halt undi vided intersMt in a rertajn trace or parcel oi land, situated in Frauklin county, State of North Carolina, adjoining ths lands ol K. H. S tries land, Willm Joyner and others, containing two hundred and ten acres mort or less, it being the piece of land known as the land t . Said tract of land will bs sur veyed and division made befor the day of this sale. . W. N. Fullcr. Administrator of Maktua E. H. Mcrphy. t The above tract of land described . is knowh as the Murphy tract. CEDAR ROCK ACADEMY AND BUSINESS INSTITUTE, CEDAR ROCK. - - A first-class boarding N.C. SCOOO' for boys and girls. we give in- . stmctiou in all tbo branches Or- dinarily taught in academies and also offer excellent ad vantages in the study of Book keeping, Music, (piano, organ, and guitar), and Art. A teacher has already been employed who will devote her whole time to tbe Art Department, if necessary. The Music Department is well supplied with the very best in struments and under the tuition of an excellent and pains-takiug teacher. Tbe position of Cedar .Rock vicinity in respect to health, morality and refundment needs no description or commendation at my hands to tbe people of Franklin Couuty. Board.$7.qp per month. Tui tion, from $1.00 to $3.50 per month. Music $12 50 per lerm. (No extra charge for nse of in struments.) We now have a strong and proficient teaching force and can do you tbe very best work at rates named above. x We wish to call your epeeial at tention. to the coarse we have for those deBiring to teach either in public or private school. We di rect you in tbe study of those branches absolutely necessary to public school teaching. Our school furnished 'eight teachers for the public schools of Franklin and adjoiuing counties tbe past spring, the majority of whom ob tained high marka on their cer tificates. A good, cheap school. Make up your mind to be with us next session. Young men and young ladies will not be allowed to board at tne same boarbing house as here tofore. The next session begins An gust 19tb, 1895. . For further information and catalogue, address, W. A. Smith, B. A., Prin.' . FARMERS, Remember, Louisburg is the place to sell your Tobacco and HUGHES BROS,, are. the men to sell it for you. IGE. ICE. VICE. ti THE UISBURG ice com: PANY, Composed of R. -T. Yarboro, J. H. upperman ana vt . w. neai, are are prepared to furnish ", the public with the very best manufactured iceOy s;;.;: " . V:, J'-,? ; yty'y;.j.'-;-y:k.'-' "v';'' ;: ; ,".';; .-; . : T.:.;;;i.-:'':-r; Reasonable prices, delivered, any where in town. .-V i - Orders left with w. J.- JNeal or R. Y. Yarboro, will be promptly filled. Those' desiring ice on Sunday should send to the boose early in the rnorning,: or leave theirorders Saturday evening.:; LADIES AND GENTLEMEN " Who may wish olce shampoo ing or hair dressing doue, will do well to call on W. II. ALSTON & L. W EGERTON. Ladies bave your bantj cut right. Wo hate Dr. WbiU now ,halr crower. Van'a Mexican Hair Resloratlte, Ayet'a IIairVi(;or, Tricopberous for the Lair and skin, nothing to beat It to keep the bait from fait. ng oat.-' . : : : ; History or the Last Legialatnrt Boy one. -Only ten ernts. I A neat, attractive pamphlet ICQ page. wlta ornmnfHitsI cover, dwoied to th record of th last Legiaiatore, the worst Legislator. sar that of 1SCS ever assembled lo the' State, This book fives iu retrd pUIaly sod truthfully, l gives facts-aad-uaoMa sod is tbvr oagbly rvlisble. . It has ben crecsrd by some of ths bet Democratic writers la the SUte. E very . patriot, every eUUen and every Democrat should have a copy. Price 10 cents per copy, post paid. Lower prices by the hundred. IJ not on sale at bookstore ' or drugstore. aaaress, E. W. UZZELL, Printer and Binder, Raleigh, N.C. Th books eaa be had of W. G. THOJIAS. Druggist, Loaisburg, N. C, st 10 cents a copy. LOUISBURG Carriage Shops, H. C. TAxXOR, Proprietor. If your Carriage, Baggy. Wag on or anything in that line needt repairing and you want it done right, bring it to rae, and if yon want your Carriage or Buggy re painiea in a nrst-ciass manner, bring it to me also. I have served v , I m v tim unrlor a flratoloo rvi. . I I J - -- p ter and wood workman, can there fnre irAnrint PO Rot iafartimi in all l o .... . work entrusted to me. I have a first-class black smith in the black smith shop who ful ly understands everything about nis nusinees, irom snoring a horse to irioning a fine tuggy It does not pay to have you work botched up, so brini; it along to me where it WILL BE jjvnz' imam, my prices aw reasonable. . I make Buggies and Wagons to order. If you want a ooq Home Made Buggy or Wagon, give me your orders, and you 6hall have what you want. Thanking my friends for their patronage in the past and solicit mg tbe same in future, I am, Yours very respectfully, II. C. TAYLOR. up Home. BY- PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE MALLORY DURHAM CHE ROOT CO., OF DURHAM. - - N C. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINK CIGARS CHEROOTS AND CIGARROS As can be found on the market. Their leading brands are opnr nr Tmrm t Ain A dime Cigar for a nickle. Hand Havana filled. "JULE CARR" Named n honor of Col. J. 8. Carr, Pres. Blackwell Durham Tobacco, Co-5 cect Sumatra Wrapper BLACKVELXS DURILVJ1' Named in honor of Col. W. T 'Blackwell, father of Darham 5 cent Sumatra Wrapper LITTLE SADIE. CUBAN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENT8. !vU) CHUK" CHEROOTS, 5 for 10 cents. for the money. ' "OLD NORTH STATED . ... Cheroot, 3 for - 5 cent, a sure ... winner that always pleases. J Stick to home and send us your i . ujucib.. - . - , ; . ; L!aIIorj : Durham Cttsrcot ;CV ; DURHAM, N. ; Remember, "when you sell your Tobacco at HUGHES WaiB House, you - Dave a crowd of hustling buyers to work for you, who have large orders for all grades Of Tobacco and Will give JOU the highest market price for it. " - V HUGHES mcus., nvFo. Build CALL AT LouiSuiirg- Bargain : Store. " For SHOES and Oenfa Famlsl- iug Goods also fcr. ' CLOTHING. Oar Goods ar freeh and low.' We carry a fine lioe of PICTURES, -AXD ... FRAMES. And we are selline them at balf price In LEU MANS old stand. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Ox ford, N. C. Good accommodations for Urt traveling public. HOTEL WOODARD W. C. WoODAkD, Prop Boeky UoBt,X. C. Free Bat neett sll trains. ?2 per sy. At The Racket. RKDSTAR DIAPER CLOTIL 57 la. 10 yds. in piw. 75 rents per pUr. ... , , . , , "riV'?3lat 'IT - - w- - " ws-e m mmm w S tiseptic Absorbent. Doraole. . AT THE BACKS T. EDWARD F. YAROBROUBH. FIRE INSURANCE,' LOUISBURO. x. q CENTJtAL HOTEL J" I 3Inentui-G7 Propr HENDERSON. N. a Good seeomniodstiona. God fr v liu sodstUntiT Mrvmats. SHOE MAKING. MOSES WEST holds forth in rear of Thomas Drug Store,, (on the alley" where he does shoe making and repairing, and guar antees to do wdrk as fl-ood and cheaper than any Shoe-Maker in the State. Come and see for yourself. ' Respectfully, MOSES WEST. CHICKEN CnOLERA Can be cured br using THOMAS POULTRY POWDER, It also rare bocp nnd gapes. Now is the tim to use it. 25 cents a nacksxr. For sale by W. O. THOMAS, Druggist, Louisburg, N. C. NOTICE ! I have decided to re dare my BEES to 10 Hives. Will sell remainder for '13.50 Pr h,TS hi includes top ca. These bees are worth 5XX), for? Dees aione. Apply at once to A. D. GREEN. FlUxNKLi.NTON HOTEL FRANKLLNTON, N. a G. Af. BOBBS, Frp'r. : Good secomodsUon f or the travelisjr public. . Good Livery AtUched. R. R. CROSSEN. FIRST CLASS, PAINTER, LoursDrBo, x a. . I wish to offr my nervices to thepul lie, end will say that I am prepared to TIia finest smoke 1 ao " vaaM ol doom paiotiag, grain Trlfi268t imke i My -rk i Louburg ior iweir. ana i reier to iu psrtlee ICT .whom I. have worked. ' Old faroltorw made .new. Give me rar patnm sw, ' nd yoa shall be plesed., c : ' .- University of Jorth Carolnuu Comprises tbe Universitr, the College, the Law nnd Jiedkl Schools, and the Summer School for Teachers. .Totion C0." '35 Teachers, 471 Student. Address President Winston, Chapel UUU N. -C, for Catalocie and handbook oa ; "University Kd a cation." ..... ,i SALE OF VALUABLE LASD. Br virta of Uortzsg dWd rxscutwi sr.y . Hshbeock and tlsrrVs Hsitheork. 1 will for rash at th Cosrl novmaoor miiM tow ot JjmUborg. vm WdD-ly, Aiiot 2tb. strict of Ul rotioiojc icm, mrsm cr 4m. BsM nnrta-sg dcly r -orded la B- L5 nit. 381. Biwtfi otaci, Frsskhs Co. farther psrt)nlAr esJl ma or ndjw, J. J.TiLCXV. Mortrvw, w Jk Zm

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