, . - u: 1 I y .1 ,. y- - o Borne BURG, J. ATTORN BY AT LA.W. V ; a Ml"- rne ti,e m all the Coarta of the State W"l in Court H0O9e. - ' the OA i COOKE S D".;.. ;Jgv . . r.T . ."-i-V -ii.. . LOUISBUBG, If. U -J i tud coarta of Nah. yranklin, ffifflistn Ooarta. - ,V v.. : tion If doors l)(tofAAW)J, luo" iioiuing ur. v, u.ju.,: Ug PRACTICING. PHT8Iaisrg . LouisBcae, k. to.' ; ?-&jjkyg ATTO RNET-At-LAW, Cv ..tend the courts Ol mnwio, it suoe, CSoiwne Court of ortU Oaroluut .TrojnpU I. GULL"- .;-.;vS. a ttorN-EY-AT-LAW. - i v " - ... t- -. t iflltgil business proinpUy attended frx j gOS. B. WILDER, " ATTORNEY-AT-LA-, '-' , LOU1SBCBO, S. C .--';. Main street, over Joaet & Cpopfg 0icen ttore. ji. FEKSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, - " - LOUISBOBfl, H. C. . .mim m all coorta. Office in the Court E TAR BOROUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW : LOUISBURG, N. a . - : Office on secoud floor of Neal bnilding hliiu Street. hi i. inl business intrusted : to mm bill receive prompt auuvuiui akuuuu T. W. BICKETT, InOBSEY AND COUNSELLOB AT LAW. DL'ISBQKfl N. C Piompt and painstaking attention given to kerr matter intrusted to dm nanas. Ri?(t!ni to Chief J ostice Sheph -srd, Hon. John li.nintr. Hon. Kort. w. Wiuston, Hon. J. C. fc,.tt.in. fres First jsatton-u iJana, ; or w ln- iti.,1 en -un & Uuly. Wioston, Peoples Bank ( Monroe, Unas. a. l iyior, rres wajte- ror Offlce lu Court nouse, upyuiws oucriu a, Dentistry, 'V. H EDWAUD3 . OF W.VKE FOREST, N. C. , Will visit Loiiwhurg on Monday, laef day Sad We iiiH-i.i v ff)tk)wiin the first tianjaj n eoj'tt month prepared to do ail kinds ot IVnral work. . . e , Vfii- ovit .Tones &' Cooper store mt door to T. 3- Wilder Law offire - -.-t- D UNTI3T, J. EDWARD BUGGER D. D. S. GraJJa'e of the oldest Dental Colleg ia the Wurl 1. Kirht years experifnee.- Ho4 iinumwd instruments Teeth x trcu?:l without pain. Artificial teeth without plate. Satisfaction, or money returned. ' - Office over Jones & Cooper8 stora. J. M. C. HILL, THE TINNER, ! h prepared tr do all kind oi tin work, re Wnni, ie. All work zuaranteed. Place ol basinet on i iin Sureet in house recently oecapid bv V . Parrrnh. - t . -1 Xi r. t RUFFIN & LEWIS," BLACKSMITHS " '--" We are preoared to do all kinds of wurn m our line, uall to see as at oar top near the Lonisburg mills. - - IB. tKZIZt5TC3-, DENTIST, . V, LOUISBURG, Ni C." OlEee over Racket Store. - tiradinte Ba ltimore Dental : College. twenty-tour years active experience utipicial teeth a 8PECIALTT. , Natural wth removed and new ones inserted in "MTI MINUTES. " " ' - - AH work warranted.T "'Tf'1 ouisburg is my home .'for better or "rse and you will always find me 'wij, to correct at my own expense any mac may prove unsatisfactory, ' Very trnly. f. R. E. KING, " ' Dentist. YARBOROUGH & DAVIS, The BlacKsiilis OF LOUISBUEG. r: All work in our line, doire on short wce, and satisfaction guaranteed " uave oar new shot the old ten pin W m g Aod shape and are better pre rre1 tuan ever to serve'-our custo- STILL AT THE BRIDGE. BLACK-SMITIIING. t J!e 1 am well known and pWoared to do Sihr' orK- I hops ron wUI see me as Rt '1?ne be'ore. You wul ftnd ice on loBtahM1'10' the Rw lWWge. Main street b?u g WhllelamTlolnfraH hinds acKsmithing, don t format that I am also o ne i . "-"Pair your gnn, such as putting ten daireJ that wU1 110111 u not for . Yora traly A. T. NBAL WANT " A 1 HOUSE ? g0 Y011 trill An wall n writp. v 8e J Levister, at Henderson De K befre contrat;tnS- Plans, nh ?lflcatl08 and estimates made n22,7tbuUaingsl&c.. DO YOU If FANCY CHEESES. of the Choice Varteti.. How They Are Made. Among the cheeses with -which epicure rounds off his dinner ! an chief favorites are.tw Rtiifn Edam, C3amemhert, Munster, Roq-ae-fort, de .Brie, Limburger, d'Isigny, Neufchatel, Schloss aiidGorgdnzola.' Of these delectable qualities all ex cept the Roquefort are. the produc oi trio American dairy. vv itn complacency the diner out regards his plate of frontage, flatter- ujs nimseu tnaii-eomethmg inex plicable in'tho air or soil of the con tinent has surcharged the cheese be fore him with peculiar richness Thi3,.he . supposes,' was made in Switzerland from " the milk, of the goat and that' ripened into- tooths someness tinder a warm Italian sky. The truth.is that even the Lirobur ger has most likely' traveled jio-fiir ther.ta . .reach hi h.btel,' cottage r or mansion than from the town of Ant-, werp in the state of New York, v -; In this favored region, where the grass is crisp and rich and fine heads iof Jersey cattle dot the landscape, is to be found one of the largest cheese lactones In tnis country, t v , -It is true the manager has served tAn apprenticeship in the factories of the old world, and the ' success x- of the production here rests upon the quality, of ! the milk and the method of its manipulation. The process by which each varied purveying a bmited - ?-l"V I.Charles Darwin pointed oat that m ty is made is 'essentially the same as those Of every other.; The differ ence consists in .the extra amount of cream incorporated with the milk, in the amount of time occupied in the curing and other details, such as the pressure under ; which the - curd is placed. . - v " ' r- . " - : in au cases tne mus is ' more or less'heated";rennet is introduced to coagulate, the "curd is carefully cut into dice, 4 drained of its whov through linen or cotton cloths, salt- ed, pressed; arranged on shelves, kept at a given temperature, turned rubbed and cured" for a certain length of time. J ; - ' f .Take, for" instance, from age de Brie " , 1 - -. " " s; After-the curd has stood. four hours it is dipped into tin rings, which are placed on small cane mats, from which the whey drains until it 3ias shrunken to. fit a smaller ring. in two montn.s or . turning ana ruD- .: ,...-- - - ........ . bing tho do Brie is fit for tha mar ket. Much in the same manner are made the dTsigny and the Cam em- bert. For the latter cream is added to tho fresh milk to mako it richer, ana tne process jdi curing goes on more slowly. - . - " " ; In the - case of the cheeses named tho milk i3 kept at about 60 degrees. In-the - Munster, : Limburger and somer others milk and. rennet : are heated in huge copper kettles to 85 degrees, after which the curd i3 cut into cubes and heated to 110 degrees for one and 125 for the other. Italian 'cream cheesey or Philadel- Bhia cream, ia made from sweet cream instead of. milk , 25eufchatel is : made from mheated -'milk, and the'eurd is subjected .to ; little press- tirev? vlt is tneu . out nne- oy a:;ma- nTiinft. 'salted and racked.: also bv inachinery. ; 'But iittlo of Jfche Neuf chatel is imported, and that in win ter. - - Clubhouse cheese, which i3 sold in small1 glass jars, is simply cream cheese run through a sausage grinds er and - Btuffer, with the addition of a. small auantitv of butter. The Urofit on this kind of cSeese is im roense. ' .- .T- ' Roquefort cheese it is impossible to mako outside of the place from 'Which is derived its name.-: Cheeses are thero cured in a caye having a" peculiarly sof t dry air, which gives them a qualUy that can be obtained bv no other method. From' tho whov. buttermilk and skimmedinilk of ckeoso factories 13 Obtained that sugar of milk so much used in the manufacture of medi'ci ual tablets. New York Home Jour rial. ;,--r t : 'i'. He Escaped,;: Two men were out shooting. "One had a license, the other hadn't.?' -A keeper approached, and the one that had a license ranaway. , The keeper was a good . runner, and an exciting chase ensued over a mile and a half of nice plowed field. At last the keeper got up to the run away; ,"ow, sir, whereas your license?' . - It was produced5 VThen why did you run away?' . "Oh I'm fond of exercise," an- swered the ' man, ' but don't you think you'd better ask my friend if he has one?" . ; . Tlie friend was .then about two miles off, and the keeper only whis nnfl wmt on his way a sadder and a wiser man. London Tit-Bits. An EnTclope For Her Telegram. Aunt Miranda went up to:the telf e'iTaph olSco at the hotel,, and after laboriously writing out a telegram asked tho operator f or an en velope. - ' We're not allowed to give out the company's envelopes. What do you want it for?" "Why, to put the message in of course. Mine came in an envelope." Chautauqna As33mhly Uerald. . LOUISBURG, ANIMAL VISION. Only One Bird Whose Sight la Better . Than That of Man. '', Birds are commonlv credited xrith extraordi Circumstances lend aid. to the devel- vpiiicuii ui jiio .menxai lactors m their . case. The usual distance a wmcn i terrestrial species ' -use their eyes i3 limited by the ground hori zon - But in the case of - the soaring birds, such as vultures and eagles,' tne Jborizon. the natural liinit of eighjb, - i3; enormously " extended, Macgillivray .early' notc-that; though birds of prey have orbits of great Biz9rVthe : eyeball of the com mon buzzard" '-bein if 11-8 ', inches -in diameterthey do not, as a; rule, soar when seeking their prey. ;Th& eagle when , hunting: flies low," just as do the pparrowhawk and tbe hen harrier. " c. . . " . : Yet':1 the.; vultures and condors. birds whichr admittedly do s6ar when uum- - wiuu. vy mzu -a - carcass was covered with canvas and some offal placedjppan.Jt,The.yriH.urc3 saw this,' descended and -ate . it and then sat on. the covered nortion within a few inches of a putrid carr jsass. . Yhen a. hole was mada m the covering, they saw and attacked the food below.; But the rapid congre gation of vultures from a distance to a carcass is' probably duo to their watching their neighbors each "of a level; country the height of sky commonly noticed by a mounted man is not 'more than 15 degrees1 above the horizon, and a vulture on the wing at the height off between 3,000 feet and 4, 000. feet would protv ably be two miles distant and invis- i .. "l"1? uoa rapiuiy and appear to have .come -from be- v ;: nt! . . i --ji . i . . rjf uxiu una ioUqD ui hulls cm &igufcvura perhaps-hovering vertically over the hunter when he killed his game. . : Thero remains one undoubted in stance in which .bird vision is far keener than that of man. The great gray shrike, Lanius excubitor, y; is habitually .used by the men -who catch falcons at Vamensward to give notice of . the approach of . a . hawk. The bird sees it ' far sooner than the men, and at once, gives notice of its approach."" This is a single instance in which the specialized acuteness of sight may be due to the fact that the bird in question much resembles in color the pigqdna.which are' tho f alcon s favorite food. But ilopg sight does not seem common ;properr ry of bird vision The gannels, which catch fishatsea, descendfrom a considerable height, but they kill their prey 011 the surface Of the wa ter or near it. Noct-urnal birds and animals,' though able to seo "with lit tie light, havo no enhanced powers When the flight i3 morei powerful, andvthose animals which," like doer, feed bynight or day indifferently have - only developed a keenness 01 vision from constant fear and Iig ilance. ; 'Horses and1 cattle, v which have the same power of sight, by nighty ;have never increased, their visual range: iDogV habitually rely on another1 sense, that of scent, in preference to their eyes -and - will walk over" a dead third whiletheir "brain is intent on ; discovering its place by scent alono. Weasels when hunting will run up to a human be ing who imitates the squeak of a rabbit and peer up at him to discov er1 -where the" sound comc3 from. The smallnes3 of the eye limits its powers, Just as -the best telescope has usually the largest object glass, so the; largest eyei will probably be the best organ of ' sight, and ; in the : absence of any extraordinary devel-. : cpment3 iH the size of ! ttie . organ itself in animals their power of . vis ion must, in the absence of evidence to the 'contrary,.be supposed ; to be proportionately - limited. Iiondon Spectator. VTJistancea'at Sea. i-Z?-W--l-t.Z'' That man was laughed at who, on his first voyage, said that the ocean did not look so largo rs he 'supposed it would, bnt he was not. alone in ex periencing disappointment. The bor izon at sea gives no idea of the lim itless wator beyond. Asea captain. declares that : the average landsman cannot see inore than ten miles from" the ship in any direction, -and it would have to be a mountain or some stationary object for him to ba able to distinguish it -The masta of J a ship nreaidj to be visible- to the naked eye not more tnan;nye nines. Brooklyn Eagle. ; : r; -. ' - '. - . He Was Mistaken. ; :. . "All is over between us, ' said the ( young man who had found a richer girl ana was trying -.to laso leaveoi his bid love" "You are mistaken, replied she. ' r "All : i3 not over. - In fact, my breach of promise suit has not yet begun.", , '.-: r': . . - ' " He postponed the transfer of . his affections. LoT?.'lau Tit-Bits. - Ko Extension.'JvV'. : '. . t '- 'Is the wind due east or duo west today?" asked an evasive creditor by way of changing" the' subject of hisdebt - - : 'Itsdue now, and you'd better hustle to raise it,'' was the - unfeel ing reply. Detroit Free Press. - N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER A SUBSTITUTE FOR R1CE.THROWING. Cimfetti lUned at en English Weddlos in . - - Flace of the Grain. . ilost of us who have had anything to do with weddings have had expe riences of - the direful eiTect3 of the showers of rice which mark the de parture of the bride and bridegroom. Thero are few young couples who have not entered jupon their honey, moon in actual physical pain, thanks to the stony grains which have stung their eyes and oars and have found their way into . their clothes and down their, necks. Worso disasters even than this have followed the use of i rice as a sign of the good will of their, friends, and serious ' accidents have , hot infrequently occurred ' in consequence of the reckless shower ing" of these' grains. The horses have been scared, and this in some cases has led to theoverturning'.cf Ithe ie A .v-.'Lv. rarriage and the severainjury of its affairs; but until lately ".nothing has taken the place of rice. ;Rose petals and -small flowers -have -bcen-triod, but they have many disadvantages. notably that' of becoming .crushed to pulp and leaving "unsightly7 stains on the carpets of the house. Shreds of . colorcsd paper have occasionally been uped, but in these there is some thing too suggestive ofthe schooV boy's "hare and hounds" to -excite "much, interest. --.1 'J '.tsV-'.i' ;v'At a. recent fashionable J double wedding at the "West End cbnsidenw ble admiration was : caused among the; guests bythe distribution . of confetti as a , substitute for -the of fending rice. They were such as are used at Eastbourne - and tho Riviera for the battles of flowers and on sim ilar occasions. ! For .the bcnefit of readers' aa are , unacquainted Ut nnrifnM T mnciv, as tiny paper wafers prlncipally'gold and silver, with a - few colored ones intermixed by. way of adding to the ; effect j The progress of each bride down the staircase to the r carriage on this particular occasion was made in a shower of gold and silver sure iy quite as goou an omen xor.ner iu ture prosperity as could possibly be afforded., by the prosaip grains oi rioe.;.;The effect of, tho myriads oi sparkling ; confetti was absolutely charming and fairylito as they flut tered to the groundlthe sun catch ing thom as they fell. : Certainly they clung about tho.dressoi of the newly married couples, but they did no harm and were soon ''shaken off. In the house aa they; fell; on. the floral. tloooraUons and sparkled among the roses and ferns they pro duced a 2 result that is well worthy of noto by those Whose business it is to provide novelties for functions of this sort. As fortjae horses, they were sublimely' unconscious of the tiny gold and silver'" pieces with which their backs had been "sprin kled by the time they started. - . . It is not surprising to hear that the introduction of these confetti at the'" Eastbourno fetes has - caused their. manufacture to be measured literally by the , ton, and wh en once they are brought" into use ; at wed dings tens of tons will be mentioned mT connection with them,' and many a happy pair; when they begin their new life, will no longer have occa sion to exclaim, VSave us - from our friends I" London Queen. " ! ; The Mahsnris of India. ' 1 They are 'a lean, wiry, keen vis tiged people, with a peculiarly wolf ish hunted expression, due : proba bly to poor . feeding and the Bharp- ness of - the - struggle for existence, from' which no , section of the tribe is exempt.. -The Mahsud is a verita ble Ifchmaelite. - His hand is against every man, and every man's hand is against hinC Though collectively thieves and "robbers by hereditary oalling,Wiui the Gumal pass just Bouth of them as a happy hunting ground throughout the winter, they have some; virtues which civilized man frequently wants. They are - individually brave and fearless of death,' and they are very oarticular about the honor "of their women.1 A ; faithless wife -has her noso out off, and sometimes her lips slit as well.- The adulterer, if he can be caught, is either, killed or has a foot or leg loppod off. Our officers, by the way; in the late expedition were struck by the number of maim ed men they saw in Mahsudland. On inquiry they found that the leg less ones were pnly local Don Juans, who had. been i tf iod and convicted for loving ' "not wisely, but tod well. Blackwood's Magazina The largest cannon in the world was taken by the English when In dia was conquered. The cannon was cast about the year 1500 and was the work of a chief named . Chuleby Koomy Khan of Abmednuggur. The inside of the big gun wa? fitted out with seats and is a favorite place for English officers to go for a quiet Sleep.-:';; - ' " ': ' """" OTerplayed It. - Mrs. Ford-John.you were drink ing last night. .I noticed it ia your conversation. Mr. Ford In my conversation? "Yes. You were so painfully cor rect in your pronunciation."-Cincinnati Tribune. . 13, 1805. When Baby was sick, we rT her CastorU. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Whea ahe became Him, she cfamj to Cutoria. When she had Children, she fc-ave them CastorU. ' ; . ECHCQL FOR GIELS. Misses Ki'ft' 2:1 F2r.ni3 Ysrtcr cughf Principals. ,-; :' T1e next session will begin oo Tbarsday the 5th of September under tbe same man agement. , . . : ... , . . Charges for tntion very moderate. - For farther part icnlars apply to the lady principnla. " : notice. -. , .. , - ; ; By Tlrtoe of power Tested In me ander an order of salr -of - tbe- Supdrior Conrt ' of r'ranklin county, I will oa Tnesday the 22d day of October 1 803, at the ioort House door iu Loniaborjr at pabJic aoctioa. to the highest bidder, tell for eaab. one half nodi Tided interest in a certain tract or parcel of -land, situated in Frank lia county,' State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of B. II. Strickland, Willis Joyner and others. containing two hundred and ten acres more or Ws, it being the piece of land known . as thelaad t ; Said tract of land will be snr- Tered and dlviaion made before the day of xaia aaie. , , - - ; !. W N. Foxlm, Administrator of " ; : r ; Uabtua E. M. Mppmt.' t The a bore tract of land J escribed ia known as the Mnrphy tract. . . . .' CEDAR ROCK .'ACADEMY, i AND ' BUSINESS INSTITUTE, CEDAR ROCK, - - N. C. , A', first-class boarding ecboo for boys and girls.. We give iaV struction in all tne branches or dinarilv . tausht in . academies and also offer ' excellent ad tantages in the study of Book keeping, Music, (piano, organ, and guitar), and Art. A teacher has already been employed who will derote her whole time to the Art Department, if, necessary.' Tbe Music Department is v well snpplied with the ery " besW in struments and under the , tuition of an excellent and pains-takiug teacher.-;-- v" -: ' - The - position of Cedar Rock Vicinity in respect to . health, morality ' and refindoent needs no description or eoraxnendation at my hands to the' people of Franklin County : I ; . . V Board.$7.00 per month; Tui tion, from $1.00 - to $3.50 per month. ; Music $12.50 per term. (No 'fextra charge for use of in struments.) : We now have a strong and proficient teaching force and can do you tbe very, best work at rates named above. ; ' r; ' ; We "wish to call y onr special at tention to the course we hare .for thoseTdesiring to teach either; in public or pritate Bchooir We di rect you in the study of those branches, absolutely necessary to public: Bchool -teaching. Ottr school furnished - eieht teachers for the public schools of Franklin and adjoining counties-the -past 6pring, the majority of whom ob tained Men mark on ibeir cer- tincates. A eood.- cbeap ecbool Make up your mind to be with us next session. Young men and young ladies will not be allowed o board at tne same boarbing house as here tofore. r - .- .'lc '." - The next session begins -' Au eustI9tb, 1805. f ! ' . For further information and catalogue, -.address,: . 1 W. A, Surra, B. A., Prin , FARMERS, Remember, Louisburg ia the place to sell" your Tobacco ; and HUGHES BROS.,, are the meiL-to sell it for you. ; IGE. ICE. ICE. THE LOUISBURG ICE COM PANY, Cpmposed of R. Y. Yarboro, J. IT. upperman and W. J. Iteal,. are prepared to furnish tLe public with the very best manufacturecn ice, -"'" . '". Reasonable prices, delivered any where in town. - , Orders left with W. J. . Iieal er R. Y. Yarboro, will be promptly filled. . Those desiring ice on Sunday should pend to the hoose earlv in the morninir, or leave UbeLr orders Saturday evening. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :o: Who tnay wish nice ebarnpoo log or hairdressing done, will do well 10 call on W. M. ALSTON & L. V7. EGERTON. Ladies bate your bang cut right. We bare lir. Uinta new hair erower. Van's Mexican Hair RestcratiTe, u o mir igor, . iricopDerons for tbe hair and akin, nothing to beat it to keep the hair from fall- ig out, 4 - - . : HOTEL WOODARD. C WoODAkD.rrop " f , Boeky Uonnt, N. C. . Trtt Cat meets all trains. . !"- 2 per day. TTnivprsItY of Xnrth Hamlina. . Comprises the University, the College, tbe Law and Medical Schools, and the ' Summer tScbool for Teachers; Tution. :TG0. 33 Teachers,-471' Students. ,Addre?3 President Winston, Chapel Hill, N. C, for Catalogue and handbook, on "Cmversitv Edncntion . - inomas w nreuonse . js tho place : for hih" prices Laie orders- Plenty of M c ney , Politf ones t ,trea t- LOUISBURG ;; H. a TAYLOR, Proprietor. ' If your Carriage, Buggy, "Wag on or anything in that line needi repairing and you want it done right, bring it to me, and if yon want your carriage or liuggy re. Tm infa1 In m. 43 ro f ka n ntAw bring it to me also. I have served my time tinder a first-clas pain ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurantee satisfaction' in all work entrusted to me. :" I have a first-class black smith in the black smith shop who ful- y. understands everything about nis nuiines?. . from thoeintr horse to irioning a fine tcejrv. it does not pay . to have -your work botched up, so brinK it helone to me where it WILL BEfl DONE RIGUT, my prices aru reasonable."" " " I make Buggies n& Wagons to order. . If yon Kant a good Hons Madk Boggy, or Wagon, gi v roe your orders, and yon shall -have what you want.- " . -. Thanking my friends for their patronage in the past and solicit ing tbe same in" fut are, I am, . . .- -YoursTery respectfully, -H. C.TAYLOR. Build up Home. BY - PATRONIZING H01JE ENTERPRISE MALLORY DURIIAM'CIIER- R00TE CO!, OF DURHAM. - - N C. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS AND CIGARROS : - As can be found on the market. Their leading brands are "BULL OF DUIUIAM" A dime Cigar for a nickle. Hand Havana filled. V : "JULE CARR" Named m ionor of Col. J. 8. Carr, Pres. Blackwell Durham Tobacco Co., 5 cent Sumatra, Wrapper . BLVCKmSI)UMAMl Named in honor of 'Col. W. T. Blackwell, father of Durham , 5 cent SumatraWrapper LrrriE sadie. cuban cig- ARR0S, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. 'OLD CHUNK1!-CHEROOTS, 5 for 10 cents. The finest smoke for tne money. "OLD NORTH STATE" Cheroot, 3 lor o cents, & sure winner that always pleases. m i Stick to borne and send us orders. - " your L!i!!:rj Co. DURHAM, N. C. Remember, when you Ml your Tobacco at HUGHES Waro House, you have a crowd of, fiustling buyers to work for you, who have kirpre orders for all grade of Tobacco and will givf vou the highest market price for it. IIcguxs Bnos., Prop'rs. Garria Shops NUMBER;-)'). NEW- SAL O O IM :o: DAVIS & HIGHT'Ff:;ri:::rs,;. LOULSBURO, 1L C We bare fittetTuTi int in tor style aSALOON in th build ing on Nsh St., jaat to low p.U. Tavlortt Co's., and are 1 .'bow fallv Equipped and prepared to sup- py the people of Louisburg tnd Franklin county tbe -Choicest Lipdis ; NoTth - Carolina" Brandy, bdh' -'." apple and peach, wines,fresii Bt od every thing usu. .. V Jlj kept ia a firitclti ts- loon. "We desire to ' hate" . -you call and try our. " ' V --OLD '-r ; : MONONG AH EL& ' 1 xxxx Which ne are' confident wilt please the most fastidious. .Give it a trial and you will have na other. We are' so!e agents, at this place for this renowned brand of whiskey, which always remember and come to us whea- you want it. ALL CTHER BRANDS OF STANDARD WHISKIES 1 KEPT ON HAND, . ' Our place shall stall times' kept quiet and orderly, and ge- tlemen need have no hesitancy, in calling in at any time. No Rowdy ness will be permitted..' 4 Trusting that yon will favor ns with s portion of your patronage,' we assure yon we will . make ,oux best effort to please you, Yours respect i fully, - T DAVIo & IIIQHT. . ' RESTAURANT. - , - - -" T" ; . . . . .On Septemberlst, we will opoii ; first-class. Restaurant in the basement under D. H. Tsjlors & Co., where yon can get a good meal at an hours, oa the "Earo- pean plan' . '. - r - ' DAVIS & HIOHT. QSBORN HOUSF,- C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, . Oxford, N. a - . . Good accommoda!:cns for ib traveling public. - ' EDWARD F.YAROBROUEH. FIRE INSURANCE, CENTltAL HOTEL J I Mnascnbnrg Propr' nUNTJEHSON. N. a r , . '..',... ; . i v" ' doo4 awoBmestlsBs. Qao4 far; . 1 ; lite aadatUaUvt errnU. . . 'SHOE MAKINQ. . .'MOSES WEST holds forth .iu-: rear of Thomas Drug Store, (om the alley where be does shoe making and repairiti;, and guar antees to do work as good and cheaper than any Shoe-Make; in the State. v. - . Come and for yourself. ' , Respectfully, "-' - .MOSES WESTV ' '. '!; CHICKEN CHOLERA - Can be cored bv nc THOMAS POULTRY IX)VlIIIL ItaLsocuree bocp and Garca. Now la the time to use it. 25 cents a package. ' For sale bv : W. G. THOMAS, Dn:Tt, ' Lru"u4nrg, N. C. NOTICE t : I have decided to redure mt BEES to 10 Hives. Will sell remainder for per hive, this includes top caw These bocs are worth 5.00, for bees alone. Apply at ence to A. D. "GREEN. . FRANKLLNTON HOTEL C. if. ' E03BS, Frp'r. Good aoroiaodtUca fjr lea trartUra Good Urrry Attsc'L4fl. " n. r. cnocGEr.. FIRST CW&J FAINTER, ixrrisrriru, w.c I wi-b to cZ-t xr.y avikfi to li 'k. ana iilur tLt I ia rrrrirri la io all kir. !s cf b..xiw paistic .-, prtif in. &.C. llf w-rk ia IjohIzt r;- Ala tor llae'.f.'as.l I r.Tr to -all r j r:, f. r Lea I Lat wcrkrJ. VI 1 fcrtlicr raa le trw. Gite raa yoor jalr. t ax! j-oa kL&U be fkuJ.

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