A A I S : il y ee :e vol ny 11..t5'''?; cards. : No ti e iu aU the Courts of thaStat O.'lce I 111 VM e ww . ..v.;"' ..VlLUAMS, PHYSIC1AIN B OU-U.Vi!AyjL, , FU.NKWKTOSJ. S.Gf - , V ' JpraflkH" and vicinity x COOKB & SOU. -- IS., ; A A.TroRNBx"S-AT-LAW, LUUISBUKO. C. ., ; , ...... fh .-ourta of Nash.' FraakUn; iUu, vi' irwuia VVakecountiea, also the 1 L, two .loora M5lOW. ATCOCfee & Co.' 0lflc two i fcllig r v. H. fliuaouswjji.v PRACTICINQ PHTSICIAK, vi b. ox . , - ATrORNfBT-AT-LA.Wt- . - rm atten I the courts of Franklin, Vance, Will M1".. UI.W Mnntlu Ulan F8? ,,,. ..1. to coUections. Sec. - - - v ,ll:uu b"" r ... - .; .' - B. WILUBR, A.TTORNEY-AT-LAW, . , LOUISBUHe, H. 0. r , Oflce on M dn atr jjt. ov Jones ft COpper'4 V. 13ICKETT, p,nmnt m l pafnafiklngf attontJon given -to rv m it t r Intruste.l to hi hrui is M-m to Ciiiof Justisesnapnwa, Aon. -onu R'1 W Winston- Hoft." J.-C: P?:"pro virt National Bmkbf WIr- ion. ui i" :""' t .jjsiit- .r.z- , Ch w. B. r tyior, rres vr.wau.tay oflcc iu Cart noose, opposttaliir -jgfe L CISBOfTti 5. IfcffyMjS pmrtltfes In all toarts. . Oifice In tha Court Bowe. V. II. YARSOROtJQUl, 33., ; ATI ORNKY- AT IVA Vr: - OSSce nn second ti or oi Keal boilding .ain Sti t-t. ' f ' A'l 1 ir A business intrusted ( to him ... H A.t 8-Jl f It I llttillltWllv' till Ic.'l'lvc prt'iiipi. nuu LAiciui m-wvo. ) :x :i !T, J.EDWARD DUGGERD. ttS. Gnd iav of the oldest Dental CjI leg tV 'V .:! I. Eiitht years experJrt5 ;' i:tiur .v-d instruments - Mrt.u -i n mi- pbttf . aatistaction orjnocej Office uf r Jones & CiKipft's Htor., Dentistry;';' W. H EDWARDS 0? WAXE FQ.3EST, N, C Will visit I.ouis'mrff on SIondaviTnesday ku l VVh.jtiph 1j following the firtrt- Saiday m eoi-li month prepared to do ail Kinua I 'iitiil work. Office ovfr Jones & Cooper Store kt door to T. B. Wilder Law otfiVe-r " d. M. C. HILL, 1 . THE TINNER, ' J isprppare l to 1.) all kind of tin work,'-re irin in. All work guaranteed. -Place WbasinMs o:i Main surdebin house recently pccnpicd bv F. PurriHli.v --v-w , ? PUFFIN & LEWIS. BLACKSMITHS ' . ' We are pr -pared to d all kinds of ork in our line. Call to see as at:6qr PP ntiar the Loaisbar mills. 1- DENTIST, - i i- LOUWBDBG, N. C;--C" - Offiuft over lticket Store.' iV Grid iate liaitimore Dentar College. enty-four yeara active experience. kSriFiciL TS3TU a BPwmAt.TT. Natnral lHth 1 J . .. . . 2 ... J ft? ptESTY MIXUTE3. . All work warranted. -." - - uoaiMDnrtr h m v hnmet "for hpfter .or purse" " ' . .. .Mi'-. .1 . -v.-:-. .1 nuu yuu win , always nnui, uis reiy to c irrect at inv own ei Dense ant M. that may prove nnaatisfactory. Very truly." V - R. E. KING,. : ; Dentist. - YARB0R0IT6H fiTUAVIS, The BSaclismitSis 0 LOUISBDRG. : . ' .v 111 . '-J.-.; ; . I ' Ah Work in atii liniv Anna rtn . aTiovf Jjtiw, and satisfaction, eoaranteed. ilL ve our new 8P (the old tea pin "ty) 111 fe nrl tilinna anil s u Kat t S'l moL thau ever to serve our custo- gait fin4 WILL AT THE BRIDGE BLACK-SMTHING. Tittme 1 am we known and prepared to do ronKT-.' ""r- i nope you win see me as fo p 7 7?Qe Mfore. - Tou will find me on 1 lS' uon Iorsu inn urn i" Wn. i ' rt,Palr your gunj such patlng r 'Kv locks f k.-. nrhiii T TO , . ' XV imTlininW KUI1 w. v a Lttea that wm ,old lf m 041164 or Tours tralr v - - A-T. NiAL YOU WANT - A- HOUSE ? If w n id . weeej Levister. at Henderson . before contracting. Plans ideations and estimates made building,; &c. . LOYJi. IS A GOD; T. ) Ifove is. no bird th; t nests and flies , , f iNor rohu taut buds and blooms and ttar that sV.nes und disappeais, ' - waa Kat the, afar, - - -Makes in uric of. th larks dw - Love Mis the rose what perfumes 'are. -..... Aud lights and feeds the deathless fire. Liweda no joy that (iieth apace " With the delight of clear embrace; ' - Love is do feast of wine and bread Rfldryuu-afced and goid-barvp&ti-d, - Love, is titfod "-.ope touch divine- A-On .hands that clunaisdlips that kissed, Has turned life's common lireod and wine . luto the iJuly Eucharist. - , " Mpcksvhle JSews, TOVVXASD COUNTRY. 8-otland Neck Democrat." . Iu raany resject8 there is very little difference between the -life f the; farmer, or the .countryman generally ; an'd'tbeViife.pC- the in habitants oi our-fTdrth Carolina towns. And yet lu some respects there' is some difference. , - -' ' -For instance the farmer has many privileges that the )inhabi-, tants of oven small towns do : not enjoy. He can have his orchards his stock, his milk aud butter his poultry and" garden products,, and many things which'the, people of the towfdoJ not have. .In this he is fortunate, aud the towns-people should not envy, him., because he has what they nave not.' V". Ou Hhe-other hand vthe towns peoplehave sbm'e; advantages over the country people the-: way Vof scliltch .audtsotoe .othet jtbi'n Bui j the countryeople eba notn vy Jthe ,tow.u ffPahr whPle the hiugi,isbflut Bnallidwhat-re wishto say iff this i--XteiierownBrpeoie. 00 1 co trhtry.pe.0 pie i; envy;. ac h other, nor be ioim iral -4 he-on e to wards , the tiler;, for there is need for tliB work and sphere of all. . .There is sometimes a disposition oii;the -yart ofttheconntry. people to , feel jealans -when the '.town Nourishes but ittoiight not to be so. Whenever, towns: flourish the country will npuribh, Every ex tra dollar '.made and- accumulated u the towns - makes a new - chance of the country man to sell more readily - what be may4 bring to njarletr - Aud so the country peo pie, the farmers are as much ben efitted by -the prosperity of -the towns as are the to w ns-people.. ; Political excitement being rat a low ebb -it is now ;an opportune time -to" ' conwderv these :;7?tbifig8. There are seasons when some men, purely for' political; purposes,-eek to stir up hatred; of the country - people towards; taes towns-people. Such men's .meanuess is too. detest-. able to be named.;-'.::;:;"-'v'''' ;'Let " th e to w unlove tb e country, and the co untrv love the to wn, and we shall be more, con ten ted, m'0re nanfnlanil:lia rTl kv-lif 1 1 Vi d 1 S' uopi ui i vt 'Uj a . u Ir Mayer Lehman, of , I4hinau Bros., Newyorklhusjspe the South:" r Si2r'?SSt . I;real ly ;th i nkr jh e South is in a bette r condition no wiin-every .res pect 4hantbe most' sanguine; Jare willing to concede; " The people, in the Nortb I have observed, have great hopes for Ihe South and ;its prosperity. The South, you might say, is jnst'rnpw awakening , from a , lethargy which sthe depressed state of affairs that swept over the conntry two y ears ago Jef t her in It i a encou rag in g to note the acti v- ity that is characterizing the man ufacturing ; interests (throughout Ala bam a especi al Iy, and the Sou th generally.- .Birmingham,- Annis ton, SbefBeld, the Decaturs and otheNorth Alabama towns,"which suffered ; from thQ depression, are showing' wonderful si g ns of re viv ificiition. Furnaces, foundries, workshops and all kinds of indus tries, large and small, are resum. Ine. ' The as;ricultnral towns are also.showing marked improvement in Imsiness, This . state of affairs will increase as the wave of conn dence accelerates. In fact,'! it is tha result of colifidence in Ihia sec tion's possibilities "Ex. - f CJimatic Co-Opcration. Vashinjrton Star,? is. . Well,'' said the man who fixes nn tbfl weather -.bulletin, -.."there's one thing to be said to my credit anvhow.'' , ' - What is. that?' inquired the assistant. ;My reports haven't been dry reading for .a 'long time NOFDSIOX Staterifki Landmark; .- - , The Democrata of lSTorth Carolina are not goiu into any fusien witli the Fopuligts. tSelf-constitnted IcadersSuay make suh a: trade if they are a mind to, bnt when vot ing time conies, the boys won't be there. The -Democratic party is everlastingly right in its priuci-. pies an 1 its theory of government and the people Vbo are in it for other reasons tban the oSces have absolute confidence iu its power of rpcopefation: They do hot dTTubt tbat the.Popuii&ts'.who have left it will iu time rettirn to it; and they are not going tcvdelay ".the retiirn 6X--these wanderers' by going over to therp or corjeediug to them or one momeut thatjthey are right I'd their " preseut , wayward course. Let it bevunderstood, once-for all that the North' Carolina Democracy isgoing. into 'no fusion with- any party. The leaders who" trade . it off.cannot deliver the goods". - The men who compose this party, who .believe. in it, who love it for what it is, and; for the enemies it has made, are., acenstomod to "defeat, but .they do not , kn o w what dis-. honor is. They haye ' enlisted Jn the "service ofth is party notfor one; cam paign with" what' it U io'he e put of it, 'but' th ey are in for war and propose to Continuelfight irig fortiheyarte ing tor, and not f or something .-," The Giri That Eyerylody ; tikes. . Wilmington Star. c,--;. ."-; jgunavjB;undoubtedl(y.met dis- agreeabldirls;hofwjlbouto o inari aye5i.ro Kiri. io ,avoia. -i uave vou ever met the girl th at you as. well a s every bodyx else, liked ? -You are u ui or iuu a te 11 . y ou u a ve, n o i met h r?S-.S;tS She is the girl: who is- pot to o br ig hiJaKf oodWfo I jb e? ?abl e i to. una joy ana pleasure an ; over me "--'-ijaft .t-:-c:-"-;v - - -' r-.i ,c -W OtldX'M'J?T?-L- oe is. ine giriwno jtppreciaies the : fact that she can not al w ays nave the ..rst-choice;pf re vwy thing m tne : wor ia$ifA: s..f She- is the girl who. is not aggres sive and does not find joy in.incit- ing aggressive peopjg::iV She Js the girl who never causes pai n w i th a thoughtless tongue," She is Ihe girl who,- whether It is warm or cold, clear or stormy, u f i d s no fa u j t : wi th ; t jh i e w ea t h er , She isithe girl" who, when yoii. invite her to any- place, compli ments ybo '"by;lookiBg.herbest,';';- ;Sbe is the girl who makes this world a pleasapt place. because she is so 'pleasant hlrsel fVnd 5 J3r5Vu 6y '$. s when . you come to think -of it, isn't she .the girl who; makes you feel she Hkes y ip u and therefor e y ou like her ? 'it-,.- . ''""-. .---Trs". ' i',' fill j r ' 'v'"'' , H'fira H.tMI 'J IIIKT.lttH. . - . ' Bams Horn. " ' Truth ! loves to JbA looked in the face."" ."The wrong - side is ever the sad dest side":ft'i':; r Mathers haye tanghV inef world b ow-1 o pra y; ; JNo young, 'man takes fhia firs drink', alone. If you don't; kil your besetting sin it will kill yort .r A hypocrite never fooFs anybody as bad as he does hi mself. ' By ways leading to bell jare very close together in a-great city . E v e ry man who lives right h el ps to make unwritten laws for the good of others. ' r. There may be ; as m uch. sel fi sh ness in giving something as there is in robbing a bank. The father should fear to walk where it would not be safe for -his children to travel.1 - Anybody can be pleasant to pleasant people, but it takes grace to beipleasant to unpleasant pep pie. ' The Classes and the Masses.' New York World. :. .. . Dickens There isjno such thin as social equality. Did yon - eve know place where - everybody was on a dead levl f : Wickens Yes, iu the cemetery LOUISBURG, C, FRIDAY , OOiUBEIt ECLES f OK SCCCCSorULFAHlILNll North Carolina Farmer. ' 'l' TTevtr ch te land cn creil- Mt, unle?s it be. in a. new 'country n which values rise rapidly. : 2.-Keep tio more i live stock than you an keep in good condition. 3. Never allow your stock to suffer from cold ' by, housing-them n-' open " buildings. Comfortable quarters saves one-fourth of the feed.v-.'j.. ';-' . - " - - - - - ,' V 4 If your farm Is s6 large that you cannot .cultivate all of.it to advantage, nor keep it' well fenced, ell a part of it and put the money on interest, lou . .will, save a great deat of, care jindzsake more money than -if .all of it be 'planted and poorly cultivated.!. v ; 5,' Look w el I , to your "orchard s, remembering that costs no more o make apples at. 50 cents a bushel than .those "that'sell for 12 cents. . ' r 6. ; Keep - noqe but ' the best im plements, of w'Vich - you can take good care. Vbn not in use keep diem ; from ' exposure to- .weather and rogues.-:. 'Sl'A- v i 7.; Always,v keep, .stable or lot work on i hand for a rainy day. For this rjLorpose it is better to pro vide a suitable- ;. workshop with an abundance 'of suitable tools Rainy days Z property e employed would result in the' greatest profit Good : farmers never , w inTackVfor work. , v-; ;.- -'j..- .. . . . . f. .' . . . . . i r . . . .. - ! '.8: When a piece of-work needs to be f done, do'itnowj Hud when you do it, do it well ..'-'" '. What Woman Can Do. i k. or . if. i- , Durham San.' i. - -. ; . She can look like an angel under a shaded lamp and ' cheese " cloth draperies. i- "She can endure more discomfort for a longer period than an .able bodied -man, -i and ' remember;' it longer. ' ; . . ' , .'. -: ' . " She cariewathebef tody ; in" woolens t and sealskins, and have only a rim of fold, jef on her bead, cold in tho bitterest weather." " - She will go iptobysterics over a mouse and 'walk Tinder the nose of a prancing team' of horses without getting ;hurL!,;. She can make a man six.' feet two. feel too. small to live by s'sim- She can accuse a man" so confl- dently that be makes a clean breast oi uis Buoncouiings, supposing sue knows what she is talkiug about, when she la'TOtilv o-neRitio. j . bbe nas-been Known to deliver a curtainlecture that "beat all the sermons in the world" for, teaching and: long suffering..--" : Sbe can tell vto .a T justwhat is lolan4eteettH:with-a baby 'stare of innocence thajt would do credit to a five year old. : ; She can make . the fortunes V of doctors, lawyers f and dry . goods tterchants'-;: 'JX- ' .'. She can throw a ball with, a curve th at will defeat any catch inJ ine country. - i ; v ;' -:. IShe ;;can be too 'smooth and sweet f orv any thin g, - i I -lef t . aloh e w i th the woman shcrhates, while a man under ithej same ;; circumstances Would .get : hi mself v arrested for --. J - .v V " . i. . v , - . 'w' :v .. assault and battery.: r ; ; ; After Yotl, "Wilmington Star.. y :'y$i'7: 7 -V f A well known J barrister relates the. fpllpwing. story. with great gusto.- -Some time : ago he had under cross-examination a youth from the country who rejoiced in the name of Samson, and - whose replies were provocative of much fiHghter in the courti 'Sr. I Aud so," questioned the' bar rister, Vyou wish the court to be lieve that you are a peacefully dis posed' and inoffensive kind of person?" . And that yon have no desire to follow in the steps of your illus trious , namesake and" smite the .Pbilistinesf7i-'-"vvxr:v;.;-V.: " No I've nctranswered' the witness, and if- I had thedesire I ain't got the. power a: present " 'Thep yon think you would be unable .-to cope s'jccessfnlly . with 1,000 enemies and, utterly rout them with the jawbone of an ass?" 44 Well," answered : the ruflled Samson, I might have a try when you have done with the weapon." 4, im Then Eaby wu aide, w jj-r hrr CaalorS. When Cie was a (iiU, crioj for Ci-rl When stva became XI Las, she dun; to CaNtori. . SCHCOL JORGIMx; - . lilssss Eiilh zzi h: YarLcr- 'j'CLiS,; PiI::I;2ls. . Th t aeMion VJlbejrin on Tliaradaj the 5th ot September undr tb iton mau-aRement- , . Charge for tntloa very modra t. ' For; farther particulars ap7)r to the lady priiM-tpjihi. - - . 1 - " . notice. . :v; By virtue of power veeted in me voder an order of aale : of the Uuinor Court o franklin coOaty, t will on rueJay, tb 22J day of October 1 803, at th Jourt IWo door iu Loaibarr at public auetloa, W tke highest bidder, sell for cab. one half undi vided Interent in a rertalu tract or parcel of land, situated in Franklin couoty, tttate of north Carolina, ad.oininy the lands of U. Id. Strickland, Willi Joyner- and other, containing two hundred and tea acre mom or I, it being the piece of laud known as the land t ." tiftid tract of land mil be sur veyed and division made before the day of this aale. .- - - .- . t - . , .'.' VY. N.'Foxlcs, Administrator of " . .' . Uabtha. K. li. ktuarur. T The above tract of land iascri bed , la known as the ilurphy tract. , . 1GE. - ICE. ICE. f.-A- I'Ai. t . . ' -1 . .... , THB ' LOUIS B UR G ICE COM :.PANYf :..;:.iW;r:,: - '.' t ' ' r '" -' - ' Composed 0CJL-4. Yarboro, J. JX Upperman and W. J. v Neal, 'are prepared. to ..Jfurnish: the public with the very best manufactured -AT- Reasonable prices," delivered any where in town.; V.1 '.''' Orders left with W. ;j; JNeal or R. Y.-Yarboro, will ber promptly filled." Those, "desiring.- ice on Sunday should send to the ,hoose j earlxin the- mofnlrrg," -or leave ineir oraers Duviiruay eveumg.- Cpttea States. ani.IiteriatW Eni MV:- :,Siti811,Ti;:c':. ' - ATluaNTA, CA., -,', .-. :.. via ths) . -.. . ; ; SEABOARD AIR LINE. ; YESTIBULED ; LIMITED TRAINS OjoaMcliiD Eitra Fare is'Cliariei Leava TTaabington. D C. daily, at 8.40 P M-, apon arrival of the "ConirreMioaAl T t.:A1 V . U nit 4:09 P. Jdtha next day. - . A second train, with through sleeping; ears from New-York, leave Washihfttoa at 4-.10 A. X., arriving at AUaati 3:2o JL. U. the next l ay:- ' --.. Both trains leave from the Pennsylvania railroad station and land passengers in the union uepoc at Atlanta as Dearth Expo sition grounds as through passenger via AST line are Jaodod. .,. . ; -.f At Portsmouth and Norfolk, Ta., tba oeaooara Air unt uas otner connertioos equally aa important as those at Washing ton, namely: From New York and Philadel phia; the Cape Charles Boute; from Balti more, the Bay Line steamers; from Wash ington to- iiorfouc. and V ashimrton steam enr from New York, the. Old Dominion eteamsbipa and from Boston and Provlr dence. the Aterehanta' and Miners' Steam- sbiDa. ; tlow ronnernon Is made at the steamer sides who throntrh trains and Pull mat OrawiBg-Jloom, Buffet ileepiag Cars operauu rnrougu irom fortamoutb to At lanta witnoutchangv.- tacb of ttese route take the passenger via Old Point Comfort ana tnrongn Hampton itoads. These trnfnaar composed ol th hand aomest. Pullman ' Drawing?-Boom. Buffet Sleeping Car and Day Coaches. The 8:40 P. M. train (Tb. Atlanta Special") is fe tibuled from end to end and is opbbatkd SOUD . PROU YASBiaOTO!l , TO ATUUTTA WITHOUT CBAXO& . i . ; , ' , 1 POINTS OP IPTE1EST ALOXO THC LHTK. The rout from Washington la through redencksburg. Kicnmond and fetersbunr, Yirginia, Weldon, KaJelgh. and. Southern Pines. North Carolina. Chester, Clinton and Abbeville, South Carolina and Elberton and Athens to Atlanta, Georgia. , . ' : i' . . -'- BAvss.i : v Exe umion tickets will b sold to Atlanta and return, via the Seaboard .Air Line, a "ollows.- On Tuesdays and Thursdays, September 17th to December 24th. iiwlonive as I14.00 from Washington, and f l J.OOLfroni Ports month and Norfolk, limited to .ten days from date of sale. . ' Daily, September 16th to "Decern her 15th. inclusive, at $19 25 from Washington, and 917.33 from Portsmouth and Norfolk, lim ited to twenty days from date of slf, and nt $23 25 from Washington and $23 65 from Portsmouth and Norfolk. good until January .7, llS3. -t J . ; ) , - . ' - tbi iirosmox - . surpasses. In some respects, anj Exposition yet held in America Here. yon find, )' hy side, exhibits from Florida and Alalia California aud Maine, the. United State of America, and the United State of Braxil Mexico and Canada, and so on nntil neariy every cirilixed nation on the globe is repre sented. On the trrrareii are found, tunong many other attractisns. Arab. Chintz and Mexican villages, showing just how those peoples have their "daily walk and con ver nation.!' . ... . Ask for tickets via ""The Seaboabo Aia Line." . ... . .-: Pullman Sleeping Car reservations will be made and further information famUhed opon application to any Agent ot the S?a board Air Line, or to the undesigned. U W. D. Clovkx, T. J. AKDEaaea TraCc Manoger. - General Pass. AjtL t. rT. joh.t; Yice-Pr'dot. LADIES AND CEfiTLCMS.fi -:o:- WLo tn&y wisb nic fLampoo Ing or Lairdrfin dwuf, trill da welt to call on V, M. ALSTON & L. W. EGERTO:;. Ladies Lave your ling cut ri-ht. .We lave ur. wluq nw tair crowerTl "V . Van a Mexican Hair Restorative, Ayer a ilair i.or, Tricopberous for th5 hair &t;J skin, notbinjf to beat it to keep the hair from fall- nr out. . - - . HOTELWOODARD. ' ; W. C. Wood a wr. Prop, J , P.ikjr Wo'unt. N.'C. Fre r A lueeti ill I riiua, ! . 2 per c"t. ' Diversity of North Carolina. Comprises the ITniversitr. the Oolkge", the Law and Medical bchoola, and tha bjmmer School ?r. Teachers.' Totion SCO. 55 Teachers, 471 Students A dlres Preident v inston. Chapel Hil. N. C-, for Catalo'ue und handbook on "University LJucution." .Thomas Wo rehouse is tho place vfor -high prices. hnrjro onlera, l'lrnty of Mcnoy. L'olitfhpDcst troat- ' : LOUISBURG Carriage Shops;- f'v V-: .i : -:-.f- ;.l n. a TATLOIL Proprietor.? . A If yonr Carriage, BagitTi Wa'jr, on or anything in thatJine needi repairing ana you. want undone- rigui, prmg to me, ana il fou want your Carriage or Buejtt re painted .in afirst-ctas8t manner, bring it to me also.. I have perved my' time tinder a first-class pain ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurautee satisfaction in all work entrusted to me.., ... I have a first-clas black emifh in the blacksmith shop who ful ly understands "everything, about bis . business, ;from:,1shoeing..,a hortje'to irionine. a fiba; tuKzy. It does not pay ?to have- your ,wqrK .botched-' qp,. so bring it alone lo me where .it WILL BE DONE RIGHT,-, iny 'prices i aw reasonable. ..--,- , .... 1 make Buggies aod.Wajoiis.to order. ; If y&U "wantaood II o.iZr Madb Buggy, or Wagon, .give roo your. orders, ana you shall. Jaavc what you wants J.. Thanking my friends fortheir patronage in the past and solicit ing me same, in iuinre, i am, . Yours very mpect fully, ",.; ; : H. C. TAYLOR. Build up ; Home, Ky BY i: -, ' .' . -i ' - ...... , . , f PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE MALIORY DURLI AM ' CHER R00TECO., OF DURHAM.' - - N C. - -if'.-..-. '..(.. "' . . ARE MANUFACTURING A.S FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS t - AND CIGARROS " As can be found on the -market . . . . . . . Their leading brands are -' t- "BOLL OF DOBIIAJI''- A dime Cigar for a uickle. Iland . Havana filled. V; JDIE CARR';:!. r Named in honor' of Col.; J;:8 t Carr, Pres-Blackwell Durham ": Tobacco Co., 5 CfeLt ,Bumatra I : wrapper . ,i . j..., 'BUCKWELXS DURILVM' Named in honor of. Col. W, T ; Blackwell, father of Durham j 5 cent Sumatra Wrapper.. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN .CltV ARR03, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. ' OLD. CHDNK". CHEROOTS, 5 for 10 cents. ' The finest smoke . ; . " for the money. : - "OLD NORTH STATE1? Y: Cheroot, 3 for 5 centa, a iure winner that always pleases. ; Stick to home and send'us yonr ; orders. . .. . n , Mallorj Dcrha Cfcsrcsf Co; .'.; DURIIA1I. N. c.- i . . . . . . . . . . ttemember, when you sell yonr Tobacco atfiunnES Ware House, you harp, a crowd of hustling buyers to work for you, who have larger orders for all grades of Tobacco and. will give you tho highest market price for it. . Ilccncs Bros., Prop'n?- VITirTi'' :v- 3 A L O C W DAVIS & I.OT'Fr:;;::.:::, ; LouiEBur.o, u. a We have fitted tin in lip Irr? BijrioaiortjAJu. miuetuua in? cn Naih 6ln jnst 1-e-low D. II. Tay lor fc Co's., and are now fully Equiprwxl and prepared lo rap piy iLe pripie of lxtnsturg and Frankhu county tL-5 Clioicest. LlQubr o North Carolina Biandr. both apple and peach, wlns.frfi a ...Beer, and everything. usa- ally kept in a first-ciais aa- . Joon. We desire to hart you. call and try ourr , " ' ' . ,V OLD . INrONONGAHELAJ WhichVwe" are confident "win,.. please the most fastidious. Give it a trial and you will have no other- We are solo agents at 6 this placo, for this, renowned i brand of wbiekeyi which alwara k reuTember.aud .come to vs whea 4 4" youkantit. ALL CTHER BRANDS' OP ' , STANDARD WHISKIES : I ' KEPT ON HAND, ' . i Our place shall at all,times kept quiet'and'orderly, and gen tlemen need have co hesitancy H rn callingin at any .time. No" Rowdyness will be permitted. . Trusting that yon will favor us , ; with .'a portion of yourpatronag, we assure you we will make our best effort to please you, ? ; '-' ' Yours reipeetifuilyi jv V 1 vDAYI8& H1GHT' ...-""!.; iv-V.' Vv H RESTAURANT. On September 1st, we will opon "a; first-class .Restaurant In tha basement under D. H. Tajlora & Co., where you can get a good meal al' all hours, On tha Esrt pean plan " .'-''' - - t' ...r DAtlS L HIGHT. - OSBORN HOUSE,' a.D.SBORN, Proprietor, - ;:7v::;oxford,Nva. - Good accommodations for the traveling public. r . EDWARD F. YAROBROUEH. FIRE ItlSURAtlGE, ' ilocxspcRo. y. c , . GliNTltAL -HOTEL. T P 3Inacnburc: Propr i HE1TOEHS0N, N. C. - v . . . -; '- hvV;. . -.- i . Good accommodations., Good far. F lit and atUatiro servtaU. SHOE MAKING. . MOSES WEST holds forth:in -rear of Thomas' Drug Store, (on the alley. where he does . shoe making and'repairing,nd guar-. " antees to do work as cood and 1 cheaper Mhaa '.any .Shoe-Maker, in ibebtate.. 4 ... " Come"and fee for yourself... ' ' ; ,R?f pect fully, , :.. V- MOSES WEST.: - . XHICKExV.XIiOLERA Can be cured bv naing" TI101IAS' POULTRY POWDER. It oLxocnrw roup and gapes. - Now U the- time to ns it. 1 25 cents, a package. ... For aale by . . ;V. G .THOMAS, Dirpwt. ' " . ; ' Louisburg, N. C. ' -NOTICE f - I have decided to redcre"rar ' BEES to lOHivrs.r - '. "."Will sell remainder" for $3X0 , per hive, this includes top a?. These bc?s are worth fo.CO, ior bees alone. Apply at once "to A. D.GREEN. FHANKLKNTON 110TKJL, ' ' . ' FI1AKU5T0X.N. c. ' C. 110BRS, IiJfr. Good eeomJitioo for IL traTelIt.5'"" pnUic. - " - - - ' .- Good Lirery AttsebevL f --. n. n. crogshn. . . FIRST. CL.S3 PAINTE1 I w!h to t ier toy service to tie r zl. lie. and will sat that I an rej-trvU to do all kiois c Loss yin:ir,r, frn i r incr &;. My work ia Loci.bcr? ta1i for itAr'.f. aal I rrf-r to all iirti-i ftp hom I Late worked Cli fcrri'.c: cK-ie new.' (xe me rr, anijoasLiiuri.i-i. - s V H 4 A

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