j r - " -' - -- i . -' - i , ' ' VOL XXV, tionl cai-ds, AN 11 ' ' w r, ATTORNJit AT LAW ; bOCHBUK, JL OV arm DrwU- in th Courts o the Stat 0 aw la Court House.' ' The WILLIAMS, R. w physician & surgeon,' : . t " .. e . FRVNitLINTON.N.C i, - - ' ' Offers his services tothe citizens, of gkiucinity--" ' ' . H. oookb fc son.; ; - : . V' AXTyBJSBYS-At-LAW, )' touisBUBe, m. a ' - - ' ' -,n, .ttftiid the coarts of Naah, Franklin, ,, SrLrren and Vake eouutiea, alao the 8f La r Vart of North CaroliUis and tne D. New all R. W. H PRA.CTICINO PHYSICIAN, " . , ATTORfJBY-AT-LAW. . - cm dtiead the coarta of .Franklin, Vance, Will l4l:u.. wiVi ..nnnMaa alan warren nuu wvvin I Korrcoartof NortfiCaroUoa, prompt jJfcjBU'J" S" ? I H08. B. vviL,ut., A.TTO RNB Y-AT-L AW, 1 , LOUISBOBe, K. 0. r-1 Oflce on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's Itore. T. W. BICKBTT, jttOBSEY AND COUNSBLLOU AT LAW. Prompt an l painstaking attention given to J aatt-r iutrustea to hamta.; - " to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. Johtt ..r " nn'iL W. Wiitston. Hon. J. C. SSS."pi. First NatlonBankof lion. u. a. " y- -- WiLkA Vnrwl itcoU. K '. Hoa. E. W. Tlmberlake. ; Wee & Court House, oppoalteBherig's.' W. M. PERSON, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, v , LOCISBURO, K. 0. Pmrtices la all courts. OiQce in the Court U. Y.RB0ROCaH, JB.. ATI ORNEY AT LAW, r., ; , " LOUISBDRQ, N. C. 1 Office on secoua noor vuuug Min Street. ,-y.Xvi til l, cr il business intrusted :to him rill receive prompt and careful attention. D EXTHT, J. EDWARD DUGGERD: D;S; Grsd'iate of the oldest DntlColleg ia tin Wurl I. E isbt yeara experience. Mitt improv-d instr.anient Xtflh x : trtcrd without paid. Artificial ' teeth iti..ui plat. Satisfaction r: inoBjr returned. Office oer Jone& Cooper: iBtora. I Dentistry. OF WAKE FOREST, N. C." - ,-' Will visit Louisbnrir on MoBday.Tneaday I an J Wrt.ln'-s'iav follo wing the first Sunday inea(!h montli prepared to do all. kinds oi Uentnl worK. - - ' - - , Offiia; over Jones. & Cooper: Store lt duor to T. B. Wilder Law offle - J. M. C. HILU THE TINNEBi - is ppftpir-J to do all kiad of tin work re' innn. Jc.;. All work guaranteed. - rlace ol bamnesi u;i Main sCreeb in house recently Mcupiftil by F. P.-irriah. , , ., ,- s. RUFFIN& LEWIS, BLACKSMITHS ' , ' We are prepared to do all kinds of worn in our liue. Call to see as. at oar tup near the Loaisburg mills. - t dentist, : ?,: LOUISBURG, NJ-'a' Office over Racket Store, i- -' " ' Iwenty.foar years active experience Uhtificul tebth a spkcialty. Natural teeth removed and new ones inserted in TW8.XTY MINUTES. J V. AU work warranted. ' ' ' - ' Loaiabnro' U mv hnmel WnT. ftfpr or r" and yoa wiinal ways find me rawy to correct at my own exriense any ts taat may prove, nnsatisfactory. e Very truly. , Dentist.' YARB0R8UGH &DAVIS,' .' The Blacksmiths OF LOUISBURG. , . ; All Wort in rnr t?Ti flnTi "h'ort !tice. and BaMafanMKn ' JrnTMiftflr Je have our new shop (the old ten pin in U Vid h ana an A am hotter TtrA. fd thaa ever to serve our eusto- STILL AT THE BRIDGE BLACK-SMITH! NG. wtere j am wel, knowT1 an4" prepared to vuauwori. I hoD voa will see me Vh( do ttvjaoue before. - You wUI find me n X..,?rN-C. While I amdolng all kinds Rsinitiiiag, don't forget fhut am alao -vwsuio ruDAir ronp irnn. or.h as Dflttln . ww locks 4o. - I h a. t w rana wnlch . ky, rUi,4lP roar oraa. a TQ rt'n i i , i . i . . . . . . . . . ' . .n.. j o repaired ten dayg. " 1 -i mai will ne sola u not caueu iur Your truly . A.T. NAL ANTRAL; HOTEL Massenbnrg Propr r HENDEESON. -IT- C aceommodationg. -Good fare; To '."'i 'i'i r-'- ' "f ;t'j-'X''"'-'.1- I r - j t . . . . lite and attentive, aerranta. UNCANNY GCCITPATmK. j GRAPPLING FOR BOMfis' OP THE DROWSED AT SEW YORK-. East River's Dead EecovprPd h uoatract rncea Kceived for Look In? Up Bodies. ,.;"-, - York Mercury. : ' Grappling for tlie bodies of the- dtovned Ja uot a ery attractive I method of getting a .living, but j vuiMiut omave cuuose an occn i pation these limes, and it-the bod-' ies of the" dead can heln tnin the living alivp, the end seems to justify the means. At least. this ntr alive: ;rthe"nd RAm A is the philosophic reasoning of Mr. Edward Reardtwh5isknown along the : rirer-r front as the waters t ofthBaHivrl&f a claimed a victim aud ; the sorrow." ig ' friendatkwkiiVtttrecaveirftlie remains. Mr. lleardoii is an ex: 1 pert at recovering drowned' bodies, and well he may be; for he has put in a lifetime at .the "business, and his father . before him carried on the sam unsavory frade. ' . ' These included' rescuing, mis- guided . .animals who , had fallen overboard from, boats, fishing up old 'iron. , old roDe t and anchors. and search ing the river for float ingcorpses.' y ' " 1 A Mercury reporter who discov ered Mr. Reardon" sitting on the string piece of the pier, one day last week found him 'iu a rather despondent mood. Business was dull and many' ojpjie old branches J oi tne business bad. become a, dead I leuer oy reason ot tbe tailing on in ine . rates.- uearaon baa just thrown upa job in disgnst. e was bired by tlie father of a child w no was drowned wbile piaying w.. v. worutw, uouy. air a.vain .searcn xtear don had resigned in ' favor of a rival, Vwho , found, the body , near where the child fell into the river. There ain't nothing in the bns-i iness nowadays, said'Mr:' Rear- don.v.Lme was - when it was worth' aTnanV while to' go out on the river nights on the chance of pxtillg .Up noaling j-bodies. At that time I was paid $10 apiece for every body I brought ashore. ;This money was paid., by the Coroner, whogot- $25 for ; bis inquest fee, and after paying: me he still had $15 clear profit on the transaction. By and by, the Coroners concluded that' they were paying too much for corpses and cut tbe rate to $$, A man has to live, so even at this OW price I was glad tO.0 fishing I or the drowned, bulTthe Coroners I pot another -fit of meanness and cut I fates altogether,: refusing to pay anything at all for the recov ery of bodies.- Since that time he river has kept its dead so far; as I am concernedtinless I. have a con tract beforehand. 1 -: r " My y usual' price for - finding a I body v is $25. If make a contract j before-hand; and whether it takes me a day or a month to find a body I stick at it-nhtilmy grappling iroh shobkauip; what . l am after. The Jbogest time it ever took me to find a: body was nine days..: I re member being hired by' the falher of; i vomif felldw named -; Galla- f gher. Toung - Gallagher walked I overooara one nigntr-iruia tuo pici i at the foot of Market street.; ; Hi8 father, as ,e very body does under these ' circumstances' if ,.tbey T can afford it, sent for me.t- ; I searched the river for nine daysand hooked J no nothing ' but' barrel "staves , and old iron.' After grappling tor tnis length of time, I sat down in tbe boat and thought matters out. After watching the current care fully vand studying the i ' docks Jn the vicinity I concluded that there was room enough for the body, to have been washed under one of the docks. I got the pole tongs "and began searching underneath the dock and very soon found tbe body, - It' is part of my business, to makea study of the currents of the river, andMt is only by the most rareful calculatioiT'that the loca- tion can be bit upon. Occasion- ally a body can be found quite near where the drowning took place, but as a general thing" Ibe- ert nn; a. distance off. glU B a bjiv juv . In all, I must have rescued at least a hundred bodies in the river. :4When there is nothing to do in the. body-grappling .business I go out- grappling for anything I ? can pick up. " This includes old "iron (which used to fetch a good price. at doesn't no v lost anchors: boxea or barrels from ships, and any th in g an d -07erything that the river contains that will : fetch a One day I was h ired by a j man who had accidentally dropped , ; j grPinff ron fetched i t : o p i n about half- an hour and I srot S10 the joK A?At $another" time I t was sent fot . to rescue a horse; scamg;hor8si8a the ordinary run of business, but Ij: uno!ertvok the j bb. " ,The horse hM r!??r r?r i some;-reason -best known to nijnseif, bad unfastened.ibe -traces t,u? 1Ck urop mio nnewaier. The? animal wal.??tiinto,.; n.ver and 1 c&ngt him and hauled n,m poara wiii ' my rope and I had to have five assistants on that job,and , we git $2 apiece when the money was divided up. Pretty cheaP -or rescuing a horse ali ve."- Original Observations.;; Orange (Va.) Observer. 4"' ',Vv: '. ." -1 ' A. close friend is very often the one who never lends a cent.' . . : v Horse flesh is becoming popular a an article of human - food. On this question we vote Vneigh.' : "'There has been 8 great deal said about bloomers, but na man ; has yet dared to say there was nothing m tbem. Au;Orange girl went back on herbow - Ieggedbean because she 8aid 8h'e didn't like to waltz .in brackets.",, , ' . Tne American Defender beat ihft t?.,,,,,,- !n.tl, Wflt yacht race,' and the British are not Dunraven yet;: ' I : - .. Childhood is the nursery rhyme, yonth the ? loy e ballad ," triidd le" age the prose, and old age thebiauk verse in a mau's book of lifer. A. Nevida hunter 'spent ' throe mnnt.lt a ! nnk in or . fnr - otti xr lionr . . . ana me man 8 relatives spent three . months looking for him. They thiuk Ihe must have found the bear.. : . There are - pictures in " every heart--portraits of people who have attracted your utteuUon and filled "your life with I love. ' These are faces' ever fresh .and fairr soft," sweet and sunny, to whom you are iuenuciiywiy rawu- oy , ma iurco .f personal magneMsm, ' and they aP neJ pe ;pomeraiea irom me galiefy .of the hearts v- Jefferson's Ten KuleSi-- 1. Takei things always "by;;ihe smooth handle.' ' rl - - li'-. 2. Never spend your money be f0re yon have earpecfiL.- ' ''J ; - 8: We seldom repent of having Uaten toojittle. ' -r 4. . Pride tests more than .bun ger, thirst and cold; - , i 1,5, Nothing .is troublesome that We do willingly. Never put off till "to-morrow what you can do,to-day." ; " 7. Never buy what you do not want because it is cheap. mucu paiu mo . oviih have cost ns that have never hap pened; c, JR--f n r :" . .TO. When, angry, connt ten ' be fore" you speak? if very;-angry, count one bundred.rEx. v Depends Upon The Edict of fashion. Charlotle OLserver. - -- s. The bloomer v; discussion - has reached North Carolina. : This paper does not propose to take any nart in it. WThether the' women j wear bloomers or not ia their busi J Qes8 and that of theirhusbands, fathers mothers and brothers. Be Bides, if they, make np their mindB to wear them all sbeol can't- stop them, and remonstrances from the I pfess and public wouli be. so much time, space, breath and labor wasted. - The individeal who sets himself up: to fight fashion has i jo'b'on bis bands, and may con ciQde at the outset that he is wag- jug a losing fight. If Dame Fash ion savs bloomers, it will be I - bloomers j if she doesn't,, it won't And that settles it. LOUISBURG, N. a, : FRIDAY, OCTOBER "WlIOCOXFCSr.DIT? A; Premium Offered the Author of the - Poem Entitled the Separation. Peteinbarg (Va..-) Indet-Appcal . Some time. ago a letter cane to roe from an old chum of mine iu literature. We had been students together in the Latin Quarter of Paris,; France, and bad imagined ourselves endowed with unusual literary, powers. . So like ma'oy other 'Bobemiaus," we let our fanciful dreams make us believe that (here were "millions" in tlje fudft . ftf nup rrirt(n nrnfAnsinn. That is, supposing'that anything realistic or businesslike was pro fessed therein whfch there a not, and nothing.but. hope' re mained in the dregs of our fortune- telling cups of French coffee and so forth I '. '! ' ; " L : :' " ' .- The - letter intimated that my friend . had seen some years ago a newspaper notice or advertisemeni to the effect that an eccentricyonng widower a New York millionaire, on whom the words and sentiment of - a certain song, had ! made ;,'a deeply sensitive - impression ; '' so much so .": that he bad made public his desire to reward the author of the verses with a -f large sum of morieywhen the author's identity was duly established.-; The notice stated that the first 'line of the 'melody'.', was ' 'Th etar which .lately enone so briglit" Now the song in question, be its merits i what they nay, was com posed by me and tbe words ;'iu epired', by the unexpected death of a beautiful young lady to whoo I was engaged. ; It first appeared in print, over . my name in ;1856, : in the Petersburg (Va.) Expressi oa "which 'L. rwas 'then , editorially employed, andit . w as; copied ' by several other publications. v v Therefore; if thevVniilltohaire' be still at large in bis libejal fpir- it, the donation-; of : his wealth, offered to the composer of the song; votild never come more beneficially to the purpose' than at , present to he author, .'; Ftak5 P'MAkoart-, Here are the. verses as priute.d:: ' : The Separation f Tbe tar which lately shone so bright," - ! Ia seen no more on high ; .' - The silver moon -lair qneen of niKht-. " ; :lsclomled m tbe sky, ' " . " The feathered war biers m the groTe ;" . .- fo more their wrood-notes raise : The crystal water o( the fount . 'P ; .No. in ore iu beauty plays. For thon art gone my dn fond lore, . 't " Now all to me is doomr r . :" And all my earthly joys with thee, ( Are buned to tue tomb I .: Thy voice that in tie lonely hour .' -.; O01 twihtrht. charmed mine ear. ' , That voice is mate or heard alone, i,r-'- In some more happy sphere. .- . i Thine eyes that with their luster mads - This cbeerlera eartn seem uriKnt. Those eyes are dim and clouded now, ' And ail is endless mgnu i 5" - . Sines thon art gone, my only love ; V And all tome is gloom, v Zr.'rJ".- ' For all my earthly joys with thee . A;. :" i ,-Jkt9 punea in; tbe tomb.. ; ij-.j ; .- - My soul id sad, the evening ray.--- : ' : . - ; - In silence wears nwar,, , No hope have I wherewith to cheer " - -".: - The slow-Tetnrning day; . x , ;- " The oeanty of each festive scene . ; . " With thee my lovs has died. -" r; And all that conld my senses rharm, '.: . :-' ; uaa nown. wun tnee-my bride, i , : : - For thon art my early lore' . . 1 ' ;X. . - . Unhappy is my doom. - :: Since all that I on earth enjoyed 1 -Ij c: is wiuerea in ins wmo. . , - . . , . .-t : - Frakc O'lf AHOST. " : Hannibal, MiBsOnri, Aagnst 24, 1695. ; 'Sir. O'Mahony will be remem bered by old Peteroburgera as one of ; the. principals in an exciting shooting affair in; this city ;taany years ago. The - other principal was Mr. ; A.-1?. CrnUhfield, editor of the Express, who.was resenting a slanderous report concerning his family. ; Had Mr. "Crutch field's aim been better" there would now be no one to receive the million aire s donation, assuming as a fact the existence of such. a f oof of a millionaire.) : Temporary k-insanity is often cured by an acquittal.- I - "Biirley "Are you a -married w w . v man ??... Ashley -"No'," thank for tune." Why thank fortune f "I'm a widower.'. , Yon were always a" fanlt-find er." growled the - wife.- Yes, dear," responded the husband, meekly ; "I found yon." ' lie will be heard from In this world . The mother proudly said. He was. Be mowed the lawn each morn ' Ere folks were out pf bed Tommy's Pop Well, my. boy, bow high are you in 'school ?' Tommy "Oh, I'm 'way np. , My class is on the top floor. 11, 1895.: "Thea Baby was sick, w gmve her Cutorla, When sb was a CSitM. sbe eried for r-rf"r1y When the became SQas, she clung to Castor!. When abe bad CtHdren, site ts Usm CaatorU. ; SCHOOL FOR G1ELS. - ' Uissas Edith zzi F2l3." Yaitbr- ;. " rtt'&h, Principals. The next- session will bf(da oa ThnrsdsT the 5th of September coder tbe same man agement. r Chargsior tution Tery moderate. : For further Dartumlara acnlr to tlia lady primipnln. - . , . By virtue of power Tested in at under an order of sale -of tbe superior Losrt o Franklin eonnty, I will oaTueIay tbe22d day of October .18U5, at tit JoartlloBse door Iu Liomsbarjr at public auction, U the fiurheet bidder, sell for cash, oae ball nodi ided interest in a-certaio tract or parcel of land, situated in Franklin county, btate of North Carolina, adjoining tbs lands oi II H. ctricsland, Willis Joynw and others. containing t wo hundred and tu acres mors or less, it being the piece of laud known as the land t baid tract of laut will be ssr Teyed and diriaion made before the day of this sale,;' ': , - W. N. FcLtxa. Administrator or-5 ..- MikthaH Ji.McsPHr. ' t The above - tract of land Jescribed . is" known as the Murphy tract. -; I6E- IGE. ICE. THE LOUISBURG ICE : COM- PANY, Composed of R. T.-Yarboro,-J. Hi Upperman and W J. 1 Neal, are prepared to furnish ' the : public with the very best manufactured ICQ, - : i.-r-;- "jr.:" Reasonable prices, delivered any where in town. : , , Orders ieft with W. . J. Neal or Rl; Y. Yarboro, .will be promptly filiect;:-i;;Tho8d'- desiring ice on Siinday should send to the house early in the- morning, or leave their orders' Saturday evening'. Cotton States ani Meniatioial Eipo: f- ' ' ": - - : . i . . - ";; ' ' V1ATH '- ' SEABOARD AIR LINE. YESTIBtiLED : LIMITED TRAINS D50I TCciiio Extra Fare Is Qarpi ' Leave' Washington; D. C, dally; st 8.40 P. upon arrival 01 ths "lxnKresstonaJ Limited'' from New Turk, and reach Atlan ta at 4:09 Y. 11., tbs next day. - A second train, with through sleeping cars from New York, leaves Washington at 4:10 A. at., arriving at Atlanta euio A. M.. the next day. - . .' - Rotb trains leave from the Pennsylvania roil toad station and laad passengers in th Duion Depot at Atlanta as Dearths Expo sition grounds as through passengers via akt line are landed. " At Portsmouth and Norfolk, Ta.; tbs Seaboard Air June has other connect Ions equally as important as tnose at Wasbing ton. namely: From Sew York and Philadel phia, the. Cape Charles Route; I row Balti more, the Bay Line steamers: !rom Wash- inrton to Norfolk, and IV ashhiKton steam ere; from New York, the Old Dominion steamships and from Boston and Provi dence, the merchants', and Miners' Steam ships. Goes connection is mad at the steamer sides with through trains and Pstt man Drawing-Room, Buffet cUeeping TJars operated through from Portsmouth to At lanta withontehange. 'Each of ttese route takes the passenger via Old Point Comfort and tnronttgh Hampton lloads. Thee trafna ar composed of th hand somest Pullman Drawing-Boom, Buffet Sleeping Cars and Day Coacbea. The 8:40 P. M. train C'Th Atlanta Spedal"! lVi tibnled from end to end and is opxkatkd soud raou WAsmiraTOS to Atlasta riTHOUT CHAKOE. ?..;.' V ronrrs or irrcBKsr aloxo tbc uxs." The rout from Washington ia thronsh Fredericksburg, Uichmond and Petersbarg. Virginia. Weldon, Raleigh and Southern Pines. North Carolina, Chester, Clinton and Abbeville, Sonth Carolina and Elberton and Athens to Atlanta, Ueorgt. .. . 'J xcnrsion tickets will be sol J to Atlanta and return, via tbe Seaboard Air Line, as follows. - - On Tuesdays and Thursdays, September 17th to December 24lb, iscinttive at I14.UU from Washington, and $1.60 from Ports mouth and Norfolk, limited to ten days from date o sale. Dailv. September 16th to December 15th incluoive. at f 19.25 from Washington, and $17.35 from Portsmouth and Norfolk, lim ited to twenty days Irom date ot sale: snd at $2G.25 iroiu Washington ami 23 65 from Portsmouth and Norfolk good until January 7, 1806. THC EXPOSITION surnssees. in some res pert, any Exposition yet held in America Here you flsd, eiJ hx side, exhibits from Florida and Alaska, California and Maine, the United States of America, and tbe United btate of unvxil Mexico and Canada, and so tin until nearly every civiliel nation 00 the globe ia repre sented. On tha terraces ar found, among man v other attractiana. Arab. Cbinese am Mexican villages, showing juat how tbos peoples have their "daily walk and convert satlon." - ' Aek for tickets via "Tbs Skaboabd At Link." Pullman Sloping Car reservations sill be made aud further information farniahed npon applieution to any Agent of th Sea board Air Line, or to the nn.leraigned. II. W.rl.-GlOVKR, T. J. AsnEEsoirr" TraEc Manasor. General i'au. Agt. i ' . H. St. Johx; - Vice-P-resiifaK LADIES AND GcriTLnncri "Who may wish nice shampoo ing or hair dressing doue. will do tvelltocall on W. II. ALSTON & L. W. EGERTON. Ladies have your bang cut right. Vt6 have Dr. White new hair grower. Vana Mexican Hair Restorative, Ayer's HalrVi Ror, Trlcbpherons for the hir and skin, nothing to beat it to keep the hair froia fall ing out. - . - HOTEL WOODARD, . V W. WojODAk, Frsp Eocky Ho not, N. C. " Tree Bus meets all tralaa. University of Xortb Carolina. Compne3 ,the- Cniveraitr the fYillpfw ' tlA" t Ijiw'nnrl XffvMjtl Bchoola. and, the .Summer - School I . o. . . " for Teachtra? Tntion SCO. 65 Teachers, 471 Students. Address j i-restaeni inston, cnapei uui, . 1 W a 1 a AT - TV' at 13 , ior uata,ogue ana nanaoooic on Mm m -a ft w a a I -Thomas -Warehouse iai the place for hip;h prices Iarce - orders, - rlfnty of Hf.n, DnlUr i.a. Mcney.LoIitr.hou trpa t- monr . j.. - I ment. LOUISBURG n. C. TAYLOB, Proprietor. vlf your Carriage; Buggy, Wag on or anytbine in that line need! repairiugand you want it done right, bting.it to me, and if yon want your Carriafe or Buggy re. Eainted in a firsUclass manner, ring it to me also. I have Bftrred my time under a fifst-class nain- ter and wood workman, can there-1 fore gaurantee satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. I have a firsUclass black smith in the black smith shop who ful ly understands everything about A h nis-. nusiness, irom Bnoeinir a horse to irioning a fineburtry It does not pay to have your worK . botched up, so brintf;it along to me where - it WILL BE DONE RIGHT, my prices ; aw reasonable. , . I make Buggies and Wagons to order.--If you want a good Home- Made Buggy or agon, give me your orders,-and. you shall have what you want. Thanking my friends for their patronage in the past and solicit ing me same in iuiure, 1 am, xoura very respectfully, H. C.TAYLOR. Build up Home.. -iY PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE ilMoRfkRnM CHER- ROOTE CO., O F DURHAM - - N O. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS 1:-;'nT AND CIGARROS As can be. found on the market. .Their leading brands are BULL OF DURHAM!! iS" Ior a nicxie. nana TIae.n. filing . "JULECARR", Earned n-honor of Col. J. 8. Carr, Pred." Black well Durham . Tobacco Ca, 5 cfect Sumatra Wrapper . . - 1 'BLACKWELLS DUR1LV11' Named in honor of Col. W. T. Blackwell, father of Durham 5 cent Sumatra Wrapper. . - . LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENT8. ' OLD CHUNK" CHEROOTS, 5 for 10 cents. The finest smoke , for the money. "OLD NORTH STATE". Am ' m " a neraor,o xor . o cenns.a sure winner that always pleases. Stick to home and send us your orders. . I.!allcry "Durban' C!::rc:t 3. DURHAM, N. C. Ilcmeinbcr, when vou 4511 your Tobacco ut HUGHES Ware House, 3'oti have a Iarpe orders for all grades ui aouucvo ana win give r ni ... you tho highest market! price for it. IIughcs Br.os.f rrori'rg. Carriage Shops FARIVlERS SALOON DAVIS t 'iOT F:;r;:::;s, LOUISBUBO, C. IrtebaTe 'filled un in tir style iSALOONtu tbe baildi ' ihg on Nash 8tn jaat 14 ;t low D. II. Taylor U '.,; Co's., and are' . . no TV fully '-" ' Equipped and prepared to tap- ply the people of Ixmisburg . - and Franklin county tLa -Clioicest Mquor 5 lr.t . . "rui Carolina lirandy. toin pplaud peacbl wineg,fref"d Ber, and every thlnjr utu aJlv Kent in a firL-Isaa as. . h " w - loon. . We desire to . btrtf - y OLD ifONONGAHELA xxxx 'mica wb are coauaeni .wm the most fastidious. Giv T 1 , , . rrrt. t 1 z? 1 . a it a mai ana you win nave no other.. We are sole agents at this . place for. this renowned brand of whiikey, which -alwavs remember and come to us wliets.- joawantiL . s.,. ALL OTHER BRANDS OF ' 8TANDARD WHISKIES . 1 KEPT ON HANT " ; - .:V.. i.. - -Oar place shall at all times bA kent nnietanrl nrdVlr. and cen . tlemen need have no hesitancy in calling in at any time No Rowdynesa will be permitted, Trestinff that voti will favor us ; with a portion of jourpatronag, we assure you we will make ouf best effort to plea Be you , - i Yours reipectif ully, "f . " V - 8. B. DAYJfS. OSBORN HOUSE, C D. OSBORN, Proprietor, I-'- ''.Oxford, N.C. t -Good accommodations for. thfe traveling public . r ; EDWAROF. YAROBROUEH. FIRE INSURANCE, lAltiaUUJUi, Xy' i SHOE MAKING. , . MOSES WrEST holda forth ih rear of Thomas, Drug Store, (crt the alley where . he , does sho making and repairing, and guaf' antees to do work at rood an.) cheaper than - any 6hoe-3Iaktr iu lueoiaie. - - - Come and see for yourself. - Respectfully, . ;,; ' - ; r ' . . MOSES WEST. jCIIICKEN : CHOLERA; Can be cured br nsinrr THOiilr? POULTRY POWDER. ItaUoairra bocp and gapes. Now is the Urns to use it.- 25 cent a package.. xorsajeoy .r . ... ; ,W.Q. THOMAS, DrtsggiaV ' . Looiabnrg,y.C ; NOTICE! " I nate decided to reduce mr TTJV0..TTf ucco 10 lunires. - Will sell remaTrJder for I3.W Theaa htn a nril, ; hn - r. I. . . beet alone. Apply at once to A. D.GREEN. FItANKLLNTO.N U0TLi G. if. WBBS, fi$t:. , Good acoomodttion for tt tratellc poJblJe. - .... V Uooa Livery Attached. - . - v. B. R. CROSSEN ;' . FIRST CLASS PAINTER,' ' . ' LOtnSBCBO, x. c V v t 1 wish to offer mv service to lh TWf lia, and will as v that I am prepared do all kinds ot hoc painting-, fcrab lag Ac My work la LouUbnrg rprst M for Itaelf. and I rvfrr to aU rartia f r whom I have worked. Old fnrai:ni- oaia new. Given yrTriroLa.'- and yoa ahall be p Leased. IF. YOU SUFFER WITH v HEADACHE on " WEURALGIAj TAKE- Stcimans1 floaO-Eacy, EAP.TU.' For saJata LouU by . W.G.THOifAS . AY(xx:Ki:ico dorsal In FrarAKntonl y