V 4 .POL XXV. LODISBDRG.. (1, 'FrJDAY, 0P.T0RER 18, 1895. ITIIBKil .15. 1 1 i if and e tt n 8 ,nswt thai jgaodi PIUS at ever ), ATTOaSBT AT tAW. -iatlJasCa Coarte f ttw-SUte " 0jitt in Cart House. -tflLLlAJiS, iyr,r9 hta services to tbeeitkea n:klia and vicinity. fj-j & 80S. U i ATT JUNSTS-AT-IAIT, . i l0UI8B0B8f V. C. .t ' 1 ' ' -C- 1 ..... .A.irta of Waah. Franklin fH f evArrend Wafcfiooaaties.alsottJe ". Vi.irtjfc ,".,-. rf5..nlt WW M H03IE. - Philip Uenoy Satasjs. Swift) e a t.rt .-t 1. J. BiieilTi. ajone; wift r and Ti,. - . i -auuiier Vr" ST vu,! ""iw and over the TO WAKE A DEAD TOWN. meadow He taoye to vorli that ia ail hta own. , Some .. time eiuce a Tennessee gentleoau asked the Manufactnr er' Record of Baltimore, how"to wake np. a dead town." lie said bis lowV"had: manv natural ,U SSiiSITK bntfrom lack of energy He look with distrust on th ..,,J!: ' j i arid enternrieev ami hra noo"f th ; .4. - ,-. . iuucj auu v. wuv work of the never dying croakers, these adrautages were not utilized, and, Jecaase of this, the town like feundredsof others, was to all in: ients : and D-amoses dead. w- TKft Manufactorers Record published the letter and asked for fill crtrpa - - . NoiLOuoihifipenA-apmeIodj-.- - TLsre Im drepajjis Trinj;s a yfBl cry. And loosens hw over-fearfal breat " He i looks atthe aky with accustomed eye. -'- vrpuan'g Friend. THE YALDE OF JKEDIT. - - J. - SPEAKING SLIGHTINGLY OF T70- V An anecdote has, been recently ions as to.how to quicken into life told illustrating the benefit of mer dead towns thai are a ciirse P two aoo 7-:r...f Ue cKaracterwb ich'especiail 7 : 1 to-n.3l vea and the countrVAn 1) PBACTICIa HTSICtAN,' ' - LOUISBK,K.& ' w 1 there are a great'many uataral re epurces here that might be utilized to advantage, and there "is room yet for much -new life and enter- OSce on tin- in a time of financial 'epressienV Anaia!rla man;.wtote ; a -reply "and ijuf more value than gold or cou-1 tbrew otsome Veryralaable" sug- pouseaystne Month's ComnanionH suoiis on. ine fiubject.- ,The ;-Year Vtro a- r mm tr m a n To n aa i -Times takeslBome extracts from Mr V. ovatVaw-" iar Loudon -with nothing but a Ingestions mthehope that, they LouisBoae, k. c , j jpi ior securing subscriptions to 1 i",suenciai wxiouunurg; noi a-rtSS wakTS! SSiJS apromising business enterprise, that we hatTe a dead town herer but n to coliectloas, &c eminent banker who' was one of bis father's' oldest friends' 'He LouisBcite, s.a.1,,.- l needed credit, and could do'noth- MUn stroet. over Jonea wper- . . . - . . pri8e am5nff oup ,U;,,nRj Th Tn nimseitaudhis letter to the banker. "ver eays ; want to say who asked. him in bis nrivato offic; Ltbat never learned of a town that . i. I . . - . i There the EnglishnTan puts liis l1"1 waAe UP untl1 eve,y 'habi fnendTs:son thrbueu a searchiriff f .idw8h?pacrd,Hon. JohA kiiiihinniinh -tauio i Wi ' waJa f sornemauner usuallv bv aidin t. W. Winston, ttOn. J. v.. I nws nui i , - , , v . ra thy of confidenceand if his scheme some lactory enterprise, or through should receive favorable considera-1 Advertising and' continuous adver tiflu-VSatia'Ced-Witb the.result of ti8ib ;otfor. a weekfrbnt for m pBftdON, v-. " the interview the - eentlemau year8.n seiectea aaverusmg meai offered neither aid nor. the benefit um! 0!1 wedium coste money of his name bvTtakiug- shares iu. bu.t e .et wbftt pay.' for every .ut eurporaiion. ine vouti&r man t - s, - -w" Ewuut - J t. -i f-'- '.'-. 1 RATI il a fit fin IJ pa r Knrtham oru t- -. i cprcBc u icu , uub Bimuiv Baiu i .. ;. ""f- Meet meou ChanWat )new, ywg m itie bants and-safety. : -- - - - , 4 "t t t T J! i: i - x vaults uukuuijf 1 14 XIIU iauapuii8 UU in all large .cities.-'ouly:-waiting a favorable,; opporflmityi for- ipveat ment. 1 , But those; towns wanting financial aid mnst first show their own - confidence by led ingr bfl, LnoRSEr ano counstsllor axlaw L7 , ua,, tioit. W. Wiuswm, 0011. 0. v. fcl Klrst National Bank at Win- ;M, m,nn ' wit For. TTO II N K Y- AT-L AW' ? L' U I U KG , S. C rnwtiws in .ill courts. Oifloe m;.xae. uouri U. Y.VRBOROUQH, Ja. ATT M INKY AT L VW, r-OblSKURON. c 0;a-; t a tor or rteat, Oiujiuuis j-l Mf- ft. i ff.k! Ii'is.iic's in s:u"ist, o'clock to-morrow. V When ;they4met,a the city mag' trusted '' to him 1 niite took the tinknowu.y ouug jnan ;aretttta;(?KUOD-i r0,ii:'t-, K 4V, m .,J .iw..i illlMiiaMJ VJ .V IUi HUIA-. n ill IV vU . up and; doSva - in sight of every body,chaUixigjw ith .him pleasant Christian Work. : When "a young man habitually speaks" slightingly of wooen one may -feel reasonably sure that a moral blight Test8vnpoh Lis own character.-. A scathing rebuke was once conTeyed to a man' of this class,-.who, at a public dinner at which no ladies were present, was called upon to respond, to the toast of" "Woman." .lie dwelt, almost entirety upon tbe frailities of the 6ex, claiming that the best among them -are little better than the worst, the chief difference being iu their surroundings,. At' the concluiottjokhisepebj.-cna of the1 guests arose and sard: ' 'l truet the gentleman, in- the applications of hs remarks, refers to his own moth and - Bisters n ot ; ours. V This young: man in his low estimate of womed, unconsciously':, veriBed a sententious say fog by the author of 'Youthj'The, criterion f6f:a man's character is not in his creed reiigiousa intellectual or moral ; if is the degree of respect he baa for woman. '-.As a contrast'to the 1 ight and ; flippant' tone JwhitD too many joong men of the pres ent day; speak of " the other "sex, ia the noble tribute from an eminent clergyman, wlo says : am more gratpful to God'for the eensev that came to me through my rooiher and sisters brthe substantial integrity, purity and nobility of woman hood than' for almost any thing in th)a world frikMj LADIEt AfiD GCr4TLCr.Cn '.Don't ,T--. ' EDWARD DUGGERDD.iS; Gra-i tr-- ni ill 'i-ie.-tt Dental (Jojlegi t;iG W..ri 1. 15 ifrht years experwuee.' .asvtl i:u .ut pata. ArttfferK, tth irh 'tit plat,-, i&iwiactwn -or v raonej Office over Jones & Cooper's atora..? Dentistry lrj-audtheri said. "Good-dav ll i,"cu c-piwi-wn.iu. tu fi5., mow. .A.ei. uie wen your reauers mat agai n -.n and", w al k ed 2 together as )efore . " 'isvthexe snjrthing t can do for v nu askftd : thft lihatikivr.": with a shrewd' Bn.ile -'a few days - later lue - wwn, aor.swuy;ney--geTe Avnn min. In ih. tui. money la.iaciones tnat.naa w . '....J-, , ...,v. . .. .- -1 . , . w.T, .! H i i l -r OA rvrvrv nrv : RsUnfVnn; nWVrl c uvcr uw.uwempioy. 6 , F ttruB Christian Adroate, ! v'', Don't 6uub a boy because bis home is plain and unpretending. Abraham Lincoln's .early home was Don't Buub a: b by b e can so : b e wears shabby : . clothes. AVhen Edison: ibl great inveiilor, first euteredrBoston he; wore a pair of Then Baby wss sick, ir tvtT CastorU. When she ai a Chili, sha cried for OirfnrU. When sh9 tecsjns Hiss, sbo chut; to CasicrU. When lino hd C2iIIdm, she gy thara Cstaria. . ' ICHOCLJGR GIRLS. ' - .. Miss: Edith z:.i F2n:i3 Yzrtsr--V- - rxi:gbf Pn:.:!f:!s. : ': v Th nsxKwsslon will txsnn on Tbur!aj vas otn oi pepumoer vnar tae samo tnao- agrmeot. . . . Charges tor trtiov ti-jt modpraU. For fnrtBr particolars appl to.'th Yho may wish nice tbarapoo In qr hair dressing doue. will do well to call on W. M. ALSTON & L. 7. EGERTON. LaJtcs late your bang cut right. We have Dr. White new balr grower. Van's Mexican Ilair RtstoratiTe, Ayer'a Ilair Vigor, Tricopheroua FARulE 4 3 SALCOM to: DAVIS & i:i:;iT Fn;;::1:::: louisBuru, ir. a for the hair and kln, nothing to l VTo bavo fitted up in tip ln beat it to keep tbehairfroa fall-1 e'yleeSALOON in the builJ- Ing out. HOTEL WOODARD. W. C. Woo a IlD, Tr op., Hork Woont, N. C.' Free Tius nieeU 11 trsLci. ing oa Na? h Sln jost be low U. II. Taj lor i -Co'-,'and aro Dotr folly Equipped and prepared -to rij ply Ihe people of Louitlnarg and Franklin county tb"9 -KOTICE. University orJkorthCaroLtia. Comprises the University, th Schoo s. and the Summer Hchoo! . Carolina Choicest Liquors tor Teach trs. Br Tirtne of power rrottd in ra nador aa order of sale of tbs Burrior Coort o r raainncountT, i wm oa TuesJav tksS2di t,m r-i Ctnt. t rv-...K loiit ..u. ii 1 tavi:io, w.ucut. dooriu LonisbursratpMbJioanetioo.Uitnel 14V1UU 'ufsiuu.viuijw niu, i. wnest ouider. soil for cash, one flail nodi I v.t iOr vaiaiojru ana uaauDOOC on idl iuterest In a rvrtsin trart or norrel of iana. suaated in rautiiu coontr. btate- of North Carolina, adjoining tha lands of :.K. U. Htricklaud, vs iihs Jnvnr and 'others. containing t wo hundred and ten acres mors j or ls, it being: the pieca of laud ksotn - as thelood f . - iiaid tract of lani wiU be ear vred and division made before the do vf tuis sai. i ....... I-. ' W. N. FtrLLKB, Administrator of ' r v . ULBTH E. Jt. llCSPHT. ' t QTbs aboT" tract of land J escribed - ia known as the Murphy tract. . f Brandy, LutU 'Univeraity Education," - Aiiomas worcnouse is the placo for, hih prices. I.anre orders, . rirnty of Mcneyj V'olitfboiicst. treat ment. LOUISBURG Carriage Shops apple and pcicb, wincs,fr f ."Beer, and everything uau 'allykeptin a firit-ciasa ra loon. We desire to, bavo " yoa call and try onr . ; OLD : -v MONONGAHEL A Which we, are 'confident will . please the most fastidioas. Gi-; . it a trial and you will have iu other. We ere o!e areata r thia place for this reuowuml brand of whiskey, wbrch lwan remember end come to ui whin youtrantiL. - : r. . . FOR SALE. '. , - ' -Farm yaf 185 acres in Warren Co u n t y ; - ad j o i n i n g ; F r ankl i n County and Jying in the fork of Shocco and Fishing creeks, -of &' mile from Ransom's Bridge. Soil adapted to the . growth" of bright tobacco, cotton, grass, clover and peppermint. - Terms: Une hundred a rl nil nr a ' Viol and three.years. For further "" 'i"? -tv 1 fn calling in at any time. -' i Hinif i in h ii rn r i n km m Hnniir . .... v particulars apply to ; COABLES J. AlJBTOX, ; " II. a TAYLOR, Proprietor. ; If your Carriage," Baggy, Wag-1 on or anything in that Jme needi ALL CTHER BRAND3 0? STANDARD WHISKLE3 KEPT Oil HAND, -T.-ti . h. .it : i and: eighty-five I?r?r? n5lfn" , J f kept qSiet and orderly, and gci.. dance one, two L,?kb"!?.itJ? ' - d if 70;, en need have no heaitanry hrintr if tnwA 1. . T K . ... I J "... - ' uaiBcrucu I T-t.-r,- ..II Save KSnsoms Bridge, N. C. J ''?t"d ?vfi" -llh a poftlon y.urp.tron.. v S.., .r.n?."V! " fa . .ill mk. our . ,1 hri first-clu. black .mitb Yoort "di'W, Lire high and rest easy.J Call at VIS. Dr. ?. Elliar old otfice in tront of 1 in the black smith shop who fal- 'ouro-HomSe, and 8ee Uagsdale. Ill ly understands evervthine about) neranoM oai ipr" beeves, muttons, shoats his business, from . shoeing i yODWn,i nJC : there w ere 'raised - bon nsfts a en re- r . . - - . - .f-- .a. v r-. -Li winter,-; gaiiu; upwarua vt .i,uvju,uv;t in i o ft ly.tl w el "e to w u sH JW h at . d i d - J--r - ;V-t" t,J W. H. EDWIUDS-7-; OF WAKE FOREST,. N. O.- " visit Lj iihari? on MondftT,Tttsaday. M WeJawnlav foiiovritiir the tirat' Safluat- sach aiontii prL-uared to do U kinds ol work. "'Sw Offla- ovor J ..nes & . Coopers Stor kt djur to T. 13. Wilder Law oSl-e ' - ..-. - i weeKiv-nav-roil 01 kiuo.ikmi ann m&n. "i . noii t- unnerpiatia ine i -r ----- - ".v I.,? t'i ABaal oitputof products ex- reason-- wh but evervbodv seems I ;,r .. v. , . , - v. " I 4 : u. ' .. -1 r r . : . 1 to me.XhaveirOVi,,,'" ttmu,iU- "-.,P" siock. x .Know a small ..town ot re J. M. a. HILL, THE TINNER," " -C lspr!)i-.: l t ) Jo all k;n i of tin Work;-" re willingr to Ufsten ucue oeiier man x. ieareajrio ono has gnren me a singte rebu ff.- -The rieep ecti v e;a n d cord ial t per sonal cbn8ideration:fibown him by one of! the. most trustworthy, mon- eyed . men- iu. London, -put-tbeJ- - : 3,5CO souls which wanted a factory, and wanted it badly A,meeting of.businoss men was called; fifteen were present; out of the : fifteen a seu-constitutea v. committee was V"- y . ' - s i r i t ftwf uai o vv iuuuui . vm w .auaaa .... y.--'T.:t- - s -t -- I ejtlm rvocl fOH fl nfoo nf 1t list fifTavaA rnoee" iwo luierviewa on baninfSM n;i Vl.iin Siireab in house reeynt-ly street' Vgi the Douf t enub a boy be ca use of Jh e ignorarrce of "his parents. Shake 8pea"re the world's 'poet," was :the son of ,a.'man;. who was unable to write bis own name.t;? : ; ; :V- : D6nt5 snub a".' boy because he - rV... : .;. - - ' c nooses an numnje ., traae. Ane author e .;of 'Pilgrim's Progress" was a" tinkenS 'r-"t:'-f ---v': . Don't" snub "'a tboy ; becanse of physical disability . Milton -'was bl i nd and Iti tlo was deaf. - " Don't snub a boy who seems dull or stupid.-Hogarth, the celebrated painter and engraver; was slow at learning' and: did not derelop a9 soon as moist boys. 1 '"' .vl".'. ' Don't v snub - a. buy -because ; he ou nave oeeveg. rauiwjnB. enoats i nis nusiness. irom . shoe in or chickens, cow hides, and skins of j horse to irioning .a fioe tnezy. any Kind.. Me will not be nnderaold fltdoea-not pay to have yonr msan toil - TTrin oo ...uhf I Along to TQQ where it AY ILL BE C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, . Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for tie dealing:.' Thanking, my many :iuui, my prices ar traveling public fritnda for past' favors,-1 hope to I reasonable. J ,7 .1 ww,, , uierifr jrour traue iq ioe rutore. - . i ""be1" uv niu iuiuj JiwU li&ill ' A ItJUuu i.-: E. J. Exaanix.fe.v I order. If you want a good Home- 1 Tf .r; ,n II r tin rrrrv V rrnn rri m a I - " " 1 J i .ii i t o . ug. Ml, k AUUirciI your orucrB, anu you anau aavs N n kfOM. Mnt, tlnr, Jf.. epeciBcationa and estimates mail : BLACKSMITHS 'Vgave bim a standing which :TT- ir r " stutters. Demosthenes, the great several years of Mnercantile etrug-j : - . . 44 T -f., .Meet orator of -Greece, overcame j ft aiS rf an4 rv Hx II irinfia rT 1 . -I k iAt hAva aAntnvofl ,r, I.- -(. ....... . . . - . , hkinoariiae. fiaU r.i xia atoar 1 j. - .? - i three days every person able to buy whom we ,have with us as well as p near the Loaisburg mills.- PR. Credit is necessary bat character is better than credit, tt&G'j That 'is j;neces'saTy-T everywhere, asneci all v'l religious charact'err 1 which is Ithe. highest"; kind of per gonal' credit rYou-mighty get ftrifA from a few moments, con- UENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Over ll-lf-lrwt. S-rrA - - fiadaate Bjltiniore Dental College. .wiiiy-tonr vears active. nerine. HnnciAL TSSTH a hprct at.tv..'-" --Na t oral i a t 1? a ms T?ftt.rir.riild.- a i 7 . - . j.- . fBiBuwn-':."-".; . aiciunvi ana nnw nnt.i inrT.fii iu FWn MISUTBd. AH work warranted. WQwbarsr iav home "for better" or W a n,l vnn will 1tr4ia finrlv-mA i. ' . -i"-j ... - ry u correct at ray own expense any r' utAt may Drove nnHat.iafactorv. ' s Very truly, ri f, ; s ; .Dential. r- rv " the flea and serpent sis every town",) bought of these 100 lots, and raised $10,000 in easy payments. Two pears ago that to wn did not: circu late $1,000 - a month,-- including i atro.iT f nra i.r-Aair 4Yikr'ntit. nil t In v - . l mn Viaoa I ' r ' : , -. I watres over S3.000 per week -for an interview wuu B1UyCn,wM.. 1 1. i- - o,is.i nan, ana uouio eu.- . b&ndin. wbile- new stores and roHinna' aro rnmcr - nn nn AVflur people came mue. m. e - hand Moreover, ; every" man, bim, hoping by soaomg to oecom '..f..,'. tha efl harsh and stammering voice. ; : Don't sn ub auy. one.: fT6t alone that they may jfar outstrip you In the face of life, but because it. is neither kind nor right nor Chris tian, -v v : f.-- YARBQROUGH & tiAVIS.'i h BlacksiTii OF LOUISBURG; m Christians, and that brief personal interviews often led them to a reli- tjions life. ouch " is -the power ot all people eminent in good worss. Christ knew wbat'He was talking about when lie epoke of drawing Wilmington Star.. . - V;" v '-m Our tow us and cities have grown and millions have been expended npon 2 their "- improvement.-': Our schools and colleges have increased in a number - and - emciency. , onr public school systems have been f chil fostered for the education ro eial" effects of .the distribution of dr9 of both faces and ind nstrles of money,-ana opsone wanwog w K Tatioaeklnds,Whlen were unknown is idle.' - You say -yon can't 'do ihe game thing, and can't get the fac tory if von would f Yon can't do anything unless youtryi Cctlou Stales an i Ialema tional Eire- - - ' . . fliUUilf ..-. - ; -AILlNTAiGAn ' ; - ...... . SEABOARD Al R LINE. what you want. - Thanking my friends for their patronage in the past and solicit ing me same in iniure, i am. 1 vxonrs-very respeciiuny. - U. C. TAYLOR. V EST I B 6 LE LU.! i TED r T R Al li S B U i 1 1! 1 U D H 0 IT1 6 Dpoi .WiM H3 Ettra Fare is CHarei ; t - - LeV TVasolnirtonrD.: C. dailr. st ft.40 P. 11. npoa arrival of tba "Conrfeeeional Limited- from New Turk, nod reaca Atlan-. tf St 4:09 P. M Uis next day. K BY ' . . PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE A second trsrn, aita thronen ' sWpiotc I II 1 TT AY) V lTTil TT 111 ntlim at! HI II liliVJAX XUitllziiU UllJUls on burnt buildings, &c. SHOE MAKING. MOSES WEST hoidi forth rear. of Thomas' Drng Store, ( the ejley where he does tl making And repairipL'.and iru- an tees to do work as good , " cheaper than any Shoe-Mat ia the 6 tit e. . Come and see for yourself. " : , . -'Beapectfally, - ,v : V MOSES WEST. us. .;roote co., ears from New York, lea res 'Washington 4:10 A. arming at Atlanta OO A. M, tha next osjr. : - -."". ; Botb treane laart from the rennsjlrtinU railroad station and land casarairerea the Union Depot t Atlanta ta near the Expo- j O F DURHAM, ." '-" nnoa gronnoaaa inrongii paasaogers Tia i itn. Ar l . n fll . At rortemonth and Norfolk, Ta.. tba Alib IiLrt U t AU1 U K lN U 'Seaboard Air Lisa has other connections eqnally as importaat as those at Vahing ton, uameijr: f rom new lork ami rslisnH pbia, the Cape Charia Route; front Balti more, the Bay Line steamers; from Wash ington to Norfolk, and Washingtonsteam. era; , from - New York, the Old Doroiuion steamshiDs and from Boeton and ProTi- denc. the Uercbaats. and Itinera' Steam- FINE CIGAR8 CHEROOTS' i. ; AND CIGAEROS As can be found on'the market - : Their leading brands aro " CHICKEN, CHOLERA ' Can be cumlby nrcr TIIUM POULTRY 1WDER. Italsortti t C. ;BOCfeUidOArrs. o la tie t. to use it. 25 cents a package. xoreawrjv W.Q.tnOMAS.Dnjgst, : . Lnnlabursr, N. (". AS tt BULL OF DUIHlAiIn .NOTICE; l ' r I riave decidd to redare rr v BEES to lOIIives. v Will sell remainder for. 13 " W Work in nnr "Una Anna' tr olitvri and .V 1H . 'kf;' , w 8Q0P all meu unto Him," To live so that i onr ni, nnwon a n . , - - . m . . i .. . .. - - satisfaction eaaranteed. a word utterea in an - Tfa Jet a few that havemeans j join, hands and start the ball roll vs the tempted'is no dream,-but -a simple and hea'utiful possibility. (the old ten pint nv r rif ours may be of immeas b'L?: arable value to ' the unhappy ,aoc among ns twenty or even ten years ago, have sprung up ana are Hour 'As our farmers hare been branch. Some say they have no means.J j - out:inlo diversified agricul- ture,"Bo have our enterprising bus iness men been branching out into me; i .j - TILL AT THE BRTnfSE. MCK-SMITHING. ? A Sirinkliuff of $pice. 1 HKa... r wBf we" knon al pr pared to do !.. , 1 'wiM yoa win s8 me luf '..Mre. Yon will find me on yoa will s8 me as -iSrL811 fas Rirr brtlire. Miiu i.jp- While 1 tm aolnx all klaOs. diversified manufactures-creating a' demand : for." various : kinds of crude materials and giving employ ment.: to skilled labor in their re spective branches. r. : V : ' i With the exception of the rail- I 'fctolf lng' doa't torgM that I m also f i,. kr''1'ilr7car6"i0. 8ach as pnttitig h..". IaavCafow ubh which:! ka i, l v. wiu be soli K not caUed tor Yours traly A. T. Nbal fP ivr.. .... . - hendebson , -IT C C()mmodation.'. Good fare. Po lilt get ;y our advertisement started, announce to the world that your town is there, and- let every- gonl that enjoys the towns privi leges be instructed, to talk out in Insolvent is a lorig word used.to meeting, in'' the country , in other me ou . . . . j;: I i . l .: . . street- describe soon, wuu Muu. ciue, vryvucir, ;uul roads CDostructed moatof this has How to make the new dress : is awake, and that U is the place u by the energy Take the material lor two b-.ir w j V-' and money of our "own people, and make the sleeves ;jnen iae nuu .ut ,uut ,pD 10 !,;V.T wbich h&i aieo been largely in- Ihe material for one -sleeve ana ing ana xu.i oi pubu. - vested in the ; Construction :of our make the 'skirt. ; , rpne Toucher 4Mv word is iust railroads. Some outside capital, it Some people," remarked the a8 g00(j . ag Doto any day." is true, has teen invested iu man- . . i y e - "a m 1-1 iia co an - hi ft I mt rr . i J i - tr I ..f..t.'..!.n 1 iV.. nn(n..:rn. cannioai cuiei, ; o . k7- i xne unioucoeu inmiyj lea, uionutiug ouu vtucr oukcijjwccj, plate for a second supply, "have a ttata wbat's the trouble with your hbut the bulk of the capital in vested has come irora our own peo ple, the earnings of their, own I Children Ury lor htcner'S Wisteria' enterprise,-mdustry and energy mission in have .a missionary. life while others only note8. J!drcn Cry fcriichcrtJJt:r!i man Draeing-Roon, BnCet riteepia? Cere operated throuicU.-Irom Pdrtsrnontb to At lant witLontehange. Kacb of ttee rootee lakes the passenger Old Point ComXort and through Hampton lUadkv - . 'V.':V' KQCIPJI CRT. '' ''-. . Theee trafns are eompoee-J of the rand, eomest, Pullman . Drawing-Itoom, BuHrt Bleepinr Cars end Daj Coaches. The 0:4U P. hi. tmfnJThe Atlanta Special") Is ee tibuled from end .to end and is ofRaUTco Boun.raoaf VVasbixotoii to Arum wtTHotrr charo e - . - -porrraoF "i rsasri ivohq tbi uxk. ' The- ronte from Washington Is tbrocpb Frederlcksr.nrfc; Kichmond and PetersburK, Virginia, . Weldon. Ealeigb and Aonthera Pines. North Carolina. Chester, Hi n ton and Abbeville, Sontb Carolina and Clberton and Athens to Atlanta, Georgia. , r. .. . ". BATKa. . . v . T'.' . VExcnreion tickets ill be sold to Atlanta and return j - ti the Ueaboard Air "lJe, ae follows. .- - ' 1 On Tnesdsys and Thnrsdsy. September 17th to December 24th, inclu4re at f 14.00 from Washington, and f 12.00 from Port moath and Norfolk, limited to tea dajrs from date of eaJc. ' Daily, September 16th to December ICth. inclneire. at f 19.25 tnim Wejihicpton, and 17.35 from Portaraonth ad Norfolk, lim ited to twenty days from date of auhand Mt 26.25 from Washington and f 23 65 from Poitsmontii and Norfolk, good- not J January T, lbOd. -. . . - TBI KXPOS1T105 rnrpapprs. In some respects, aoy Exposition yet held in America Here yoa find, side by side, exhibits from Florid and AIU, California and Maine, the United Rtat?of America, and the United States ol Brnzi), Mexico and Canada, and so oa notil nearly ererr ciriliil nation on the iclobe is repre sented. On the .terraces are fonnd, amocfr runny other attractmns. Arwb, Cbiueee ant Mexican Tinaecsr-ehowinir iut how those peoples hare their "daily walk and.-fo?er- sation. Ask for tickets TiaTai Sxadoabd Air hrsz." l'nllmn Sleeping Car reeerrations will Ve mal and farther information famished npon a plication to any Agot ot the S-a-boaid ir Line, or to the nndtft nined. 11. W. H. tiiTta, T. J. ADERiCsr, .liScliin". Cueral l'u. A ;t. H St. Jobk: " yK--t'rtidfnt. Havana filled.. Named in - honor of CoL;J.' 8. " Carr, Pres. Blackwell Durham Tobacco Co., & ci.t ISumatr -Wrapper 'BUCKWELLS DURHAM' Named in honor of Col. W. T. - Blackwell. father of Durham 6 cent SumatraWrspper. LITTLE SADIE,. CUB AN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. OLD CHUNK" HEROOTS. 5 for 10 cents. The finest imoke . for the money. "Oil) NORTH STATE1 viieroo, a lor o cent, a sure winner that always presses. Stick to home and send us your orders. i!ali:r Curbs Ch:r::t Co. ' ' DURHAM, N. C. Thess bees aro. worth f 3.00. I. r bees alone. Apply at tnce tu A. D. GREEV. ' G. 21- 80BBS,"Frp'r. Good a ceo mods, tlo a for tba tratrlit c publie.' -.-- Uood urery ArUched. , . n. R. CROOGEN. . FIRST CLASS TAINTEn, I wisi t o offer nr en lee to tie r ". lie. tnd willasr tLsk I ia rrrrr-u ' do all kinds ol cucsw (aiatic. Rti. t - tnc c - ny orR la IxmUborir fcr ilrlf. and I rtfer to all rsrtlr t r whom i liRTw worxrxl. Gu xartiU--mJe nw. Glre ne toot ralrct-c and yoa shall t pleased. , IF YOU -is OFFER WITH HEADACHE NEURALGIA. TAKE Ilcracmbcr,.TrheQ 3011 soil your Tobacco at HUGHES Ware House, you have a crowd of hustling; buyers tto work for you, who have laifro onlerH for all" grades of Tobacco and will give you the highest market prico for it. IIugjcs Bnos., Propers. Siciloions1 THE GREATEST REUEDY - EARTH." For baU la LoIsliTr I r rr.o.TiioiL'.r rcrr-!j!ala -lustr a I j T. C. -JOIM iT ndattentire Mryaats.