VOL XXY.::: jr fosstonal cards. ATTORNEY AT LAW. id anil Dric m -..-.r .... t .irK rnnMa at th Rt.Atft OiHce In Court House. Still B. WILLIAMS," w . .- PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, - FRA.SKLINTOS.N.G. " r" 0fer, his services to the citizen of grinklin and vicinity. . , l cooks sow -, ' - ', A.xTOBSBTS-AT-I.AWfU ? ' , LOOISBOEa, So, . " r.n attend the court of. Nash, Franklin Sirwnand Wakewuutles, alsotue ara ii court of North CaralUipran4 thu U. . - The A , ..it. . - ; two doori oelor Ayeocke" & Co.'s D p R ACTICIHO: ?HTSICIAN,: F. 3. srnu"i - 8PKUILW ATtCmNBY-AT-LAW, ' will atten i tue uoutvb v Wiu jiw , Wake counties, alao . ... - i Af HiV11ii TanftA S,saore'me Court of SortU Carolina. Frompt t(.;QUUU gi v - : ' , ydOA B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT.LAWt- OiUce on main su-uefc. v r.-. ... ... - m.wa ?A... flrtAAMi'B gtor. . r ' -' f . nnni'MVt.''' i. " ,'1 Prampt and PJWAte6?0 ererj r.,.i.,knnh;,. Hon John " jn RnntL'W. Winston. lion-J. C4 rair& fw ??.r. '"v w;ilk;:n Offlca ifi Court House, opposite Sheriff W. M. PBRSOi ATTORXRY-AT-LAW-'V - L')UISB'JKa, S. C' PMrtinea in all courts, i Offlce in ; tno court Bouse. , i - .AY. i .v ATTORNEY ATI, VW; LOUiafeURO, sr. C. - --, Ofifice on second floor of Keal bnllding ir.,;,. xtr-ft. A'l 1- jral business :.intrnsted . to hiitf l will leceive prompt ana careruj iHufr r - D EXriST, t rnr i TVT ntfnr"l7r t H Q t'- d.LVU ALUXAiuvjvj'. tcljarcb bas one thetworld aVrtat L0feFAvr:: lira.iiiawoi.-ioviiwflw t in me wori'i. ; . ivfJw y1' cajjci i-uv.5. i Must im K.jved ia4trdCQInt)i Twjtli t?cJ.'a witu nit plate. satidlaciJu-oi vmonej retnrned. -""" ' -j". Office over Jones & Cooper s stora. , Deritistry; W. H. EDWARDS OF WAKE FOR JSTTT; C. - Will Tl ait. T.onialmrff on Mandav.Tuesdav tml WH.lnfHd.-iv lot owinu; Inesdav following the 6rt Sunday id each month prepared to do all. kinda of Upntul work Offlcu over Jones Cooper.. &tore next door to T. B. Wilder Lane offi-e J. M. O- HILLi THE TItfNElC.- ; in prrtp xreil to do aHHttn J of tin work, -re pinn, sc. All work suaranteea.:. .. ace ""v ol biirtinci on Main eiireetin hott3T occupied dv r . rarnsh. RUFFIN& LEWIS; BLAOKSMItH S ; ? We are prepared to do all kinds v.of Work in oarJiae." Call to se as at oar lop near the Loaisburg mills. k- Da. DENTIST "- . -LOUlSBDilG, N..C.;r i OfBcft over ilacket,Store. . uraauate ua itimore JLeaiai jouege. Twenty-fonr . years " active experience. Artificial tbbth a spaciALTY--Kataral. teth removed and new ones inserted in twsm mixotesJ " , ; - " All work warranted.,' T-' ..'.10f religion "which Christ taught n,jU' .f ,,.-in nii "? uU r. e. king;- v Dentist. 'ffe,,-..-..,. YARBOROUGIrrS. DAVIS, The Blacllsmifiis OP LOUISBURG. .:, All work ia our line done on short otice, and satisfaction v ffoaranteedr e have oar new shop (the old tea pitt mey; in goa shape ana are oecter pre pared tb.au ever -to serve oar custo- mera- . '',:.,?- - v .V- 8TILL AT;THE BRIDGE. BLACK-SMITHING. : Where I am well known anl prepared to dO: jTsian wont. I hopo yoawiil setj me as roahavo doae before. You will Hud me on s But side of the River bri.lge. Main street waUb ir,, N. C-Wnile I am uoing all kinrta bUekdiaithlng, don't forgot fh;vt I am also 10 rjpur yonr gnu, sucu puiuu R ne lo jks -1 havd a jw gnns which I Jre repajrd that wiU he sold i not called for wn days. ' Y--Yottrs trnly ' - . . , v- - A.T. NBAL "central- hotel J p Massonbnrg Propr HENDERSON.; IX. C wood accommodations. Good fare. r-o lit aad iittenti ve (aervauts. , ready to correct at my own expense any eei(n? profligate into whose ork that may prove unsatisfactory.-" , , ' - . .' ' - vaonl-a breath from heaven had A BALLADE OF PROPOSAL. ..Ulonio L. Rice, in the New Bohemian.) Red-tetter days in oil non'. Che surely are. and as for me, - my existence !r unni . - Ooilver ail upon thsea -':'' Of recollection t,h hii i. brighter as the days recede. ' - r or aii in world was full of jrlee ' hen I proposed and ehe agreed. - ' .- V," . , ....7"- - .. . . . r October's early frost bad Bipped f uo uuwern onae rupset lea. intlkiuaid thronirh tha And homeward flw the laden bee; ' V ,OP tTrUiF H5, of biSfa degree, holy culm had then decreed , irVTofaH t0 turret, stream and tree, ' ' " . hen I proposed and she agreed. - , ' - - - , " - -- ' That night the rasping katrdidet, ' - By Luna's silver Nile bo free,- -- Were building np their pyramids " -t ' Of song, in ncbest minstrelsy; ' . -' - I knelt, like any votary v At Mecca's" shrine, to intercede v And catch her words of nvlody . --When I proposed and she agreed, i . " Z . . - L'ENYOI. ' " , .- Tradition's golden Sla ?ree", V if- "' And set with worth and daring deexi, Has nothing like the mystery ' -. Wlien 1 proposed and sb agreed. '; " -f 5 THE CONVERTED MAN. Rev. Geo, HHepworth. in New"' York Herald. , . Ye mast be born again. John jil 7.- x A It is t absolutely necessary to; a man e spiritual f welfare that he should be converted. .;It is an old fashioned word, but ' stripped ' of certain"; abnses rand f. errors " w hich have been connected . with : i t h as the: Tight ring.1 . To be converted, is simply, to be turned, tow ard .God,' and - the' con - verted man is one who deliberately comes to the conclusion that it is to obeyGod's laws . than to breafc them. -AVith that.deftni tion the s word-has a "peculiar sig-. nificance. - Whether heterdox, wealt' -admit that the mental struggle which ends in the conviction ' that " faith in and sub mission to a superintending Provi deuce-wilt' produce higher results than uncontrolled selfishness is a struggle- - whica ? every : man ? who lives OUgDt,tO matce. rf Here IS DO .v- - - . -f - s - tbis;sliKe"cf,tiprovided we looh; at' it in broadband generous way. - uv 'fc'r.csstuu ri mai, ,. vue into , that - - ,. ,- and every nne knows when he has - - - L "a:- gene-wroug- w iar ua uB gone8aysito himself 'on s sonjei Oscasioni -V i his Eitm, oi nie;-is j leadine-Vme- into the- bramble I i . . ; f. ' - "F-" ttUl ,UDUluJ' " " j i and by God's: help?keep.?it,V that! . ueip Kep, 11, . uiai. en"a step of -infinite o ' himself," .and its .x- niences are not to be tn air nasj; ta&en importance to " F ' M . . reckoned.. v nether we are pagan or prie?t,w hate ver; -.theological ifiewswe entertain; we say beartiy that he has done well. iBU. 70. Ml ..-.,,., assenting.to this or that belief be is thereby :and ffbm that instant a saved soul yoa -make religion ; a j -ir-tr AY.ar-rei Afai V1 i mnnrt ? 1 tft '"J it au element wnicn renaerB . 11 . . -.- . ! r . ... a eveii'ridieiiloiiB, for,-after all; reli-l gion is tbe sturdiest, the' manliest osi straightforward thing in aby WhAii 1 hAiiril nn AVftne 1st fiaV: to - entered, "You believe that Christ .lipd - for "von ?, Then von - are sayed;. I-shuddered. ..That" poor fellow had-a nobler-impulse. He wanted 5 to unstrap - the burden from his shonrders" andi thereafter look the stars intbe facei Biit he knew that no amount. of: believing would blot ouf his sins and make a jo ttuu uioBrii m - -, new,ma ui uiut,. .vu,. Ane preacner was telling him about something ? : w o - - . . maeical, whereas he Was too well awarethat the dark life behind r,im wn nn awful fact, and that if v,ia fnt..rA was 'to-be i. bright he .vrjroltt -uu.y uGtenr cagte distinction, and places man injf froraHtlUphirosophy and man -to decider at some'iamctnre 1 ort hla wn UALhiminmHf i colnmon -sense:"-. 1 whether' he" will sacrifice for the lhe cburcb, like. charitysnffer- If & marr who is eoiuoAwron'e-l rii?hVor simnlvive & selUsh life; eth-loogr and is kind. It tales ' J . i -t ... 1 i I poorr oirn wifh it nnd tinn tn. I take th namencrer Tin Old 1 oiut Lomlort the world: ...There- isv no-.necrp. morrow ;wiu, mi. your, urea soui da; jn? .... . mancy about . if, and 'At you put! from the worn out body-and lead t44fvvk ...uhu v--;'v' : ' "'- mto it It Ceases to ne me Kinu you into eieruai ugut. . church IS tbe foe Of human daverr -omest Pullman .Drawing-ltooni. Buffet m,rtt.hHckleonthearmorand-mkkeMallier C0Qia embrace tier lor ex- t...i. v r- t,aEtx, an a torn uo g ui . v . uuuojr u w,nn.Mifl went out into the nteht, and Heaven knows what v a v ,-.-.. has become of him. There is no magic in the sew birth, but there is glory, peace, happiness and Jin'al victory; It. is discouraging to a man to be .told that everything will go well with him after his conversion, for that cannot be true until the laws oTthe universe are repealed, and if you -deceiTe hia on that point his last condition "may be worse tban his first. It is eafest to tSlf the truth always. - , ' . ' '':.. Xei me illustrate. Yon are diU sipated and e?il minded. You are Bailing. your craft in danger ous seas and among icebergs and ice floes. :; Suppose -yoa awaken to the fact tbat.you are wasting your self:and iuiperilling everything a man ought Id hold dear.- You say 1 sbali never get to Ihe other side on this coarse, I will 6trike fori the open sea.'1 You' have certainly been converted, but your convert sion aoes , not -remove icebergs. You must get away from them by carefully trimming- your sails and coustant, watchful care. When nt - i v"v' last you are in clear water the voy- age, is still. Before you, and it is folly to tellvyou ;that the friendly Cyrus 'Thompson,, who, onforlu winds will " waft yon to your jour- natelyrhappens! to be President of Tinir'a end onH tKa ni,a l 1 rise up against you; .The life of a Christian is a life of work, and it wui ue uuuis iub cuurcqvara gate swings ou its Titnges But -the change in you is' Vome: -'-j , thing wonderful; both the mental and.the spiritual change are fayor- able and stimulating., .The .con- ciousnessthat you have taken GodV'aytbeyonV.Vay works - ' -J . ? - curious effects in your soul. Your whole outlook is different, and. the new-man As quite pnlike-the old man The heart" that knows it is" right isVnot like the -heart .that knows it is wroag. -The peace- that Fpa8seth uudefstanding is its guest, wuustj. uauy ueueciicnou. inspires and ennobles. ; ' -t' 'nrl ' t. V a V Moreover, when a man has tak en . . - ' , . r . . . , that step the-whole spirit of, the universe is. with hi'm. IIe is Jn accord with the :natur6-"of ;things and feelV God's actual and literal "rm "t presence. The dear; Lord 'said, -I w ..vw jwu, o come, -xxeaven oecomes a leaiuy, and the'snuifs'of the denarted lift him nDlesthestumhlefobiS hurt: , - ' If the Jatter, heVplays on a harp - x. ' 1 wuu oroaen siniigs ; u me jormcr, be is a warrior with mailed Armors but still a- warrior.: ' i he ngnt is before' hfro. and he must do him. the hattlftl',:Dn; not , . ... . - . ;1 " "U'"1U6 to do, for he has everything to do ; 10 uu, jpr ue uas everytping 10 uo, but he will doil with anew spirit and a new courage.- . - - j -'-" ' , f Oar. days are burdensonte and Lc - . r - - j. . - duties are neavy. iio;uing can change that v-But if yon f eel that yqh are I in God's service you can bear with less friction and- endure - ;l .Itt--l.ring resignation." . While there is no magic in religion, yet the difference between religion and irreligion: is so "great that in I t.hrt 5 nnn iflssft.' von haVA nnlv.- tbft . - j - - T .. z 1. - r . . 1 a a. 1 poorcompauiousnip oTonr,aouoi8f'n,ark'ed and in the other tbe constant, com panyf the angels, who will help f yoir to-day , to overcome" ' and to- Holding For a Rise Washington Post - "rTY-rTonD-rpMrn - Jix ongreaam ' ' .... -y." f. ... j. - :" ' "'' ' ' ' an Men uaoie, oi, uao .i.o uu..Kui,cr u has tbe making of a great financier : in her. One day ner lather called her to him. My dear.V said he, - J - i -..." .' m f -i v . a man , W this room 'full of gold if he .would sell little brother; Now that means , , . .'V ' - - gold enough to fill this room -from wall to wall and from floor to ceil incr, Tf hpII litflA hrothftr fnr , ... ! , 4 , :, . . , 6 -. - it.t t .k. l - i,n knm . tl . -ri. -i is " " , --Y-".r" Th4 trains are composed of tha hanrt- J sum a soaii D9 ni?-pnyt0 - . t ' ii ' j ; everything in the world you wani. Shall I sell Mm f -No. papa" hanswereu iu u.i-.c g.r urompu, . S a 1 L. a and, then . before - Ler delighted i Dressing so mieh unselfish affec- .- lin she went on: Keep him I & TW in . a bigger. :ueii oe worm more "Did you sayt sir," said the ex 1cited statesman,. 'tbat it wasan impossibility for me tc-tell T ': .it 'in' ' ; 1 ..ti 4ti." the truth?" ."No, sir," replied;: other, "L merely said it was improbability." . . ' the an iidren Cry fLPitc-r?Js.C":1cJia; ' Children Cry-' for Pitchers Csstcrh LODISBURG," N. C, FRIDAY, OniODKll : CHURCir IlEFORnERS. SEVERE REBUKE TO THOSE V7H0 ASSAIL IT. A Kentncty Paper IIa3 its Say oil the Subject PaysJIts licrccta to Pres ident Thompson an 1 Senator Butlef . Ail Caused by the Eecent Remark ' bf.the Forney and tL2 Course of the Latter. ,, ' ' , Louisville Home and Farm. ' Home and FartiLetands for good humor, cheerfulness and common sense in politics, and in every- tD,,n- else tit eyeu intor our Lnd verbal anse5. ; . .. -Only a little, tbongb, for busy, honest, and upright, men, tbougb truest, often serousro still .as ?;?i-'"'H"0 u 1U" Jcnned to resort to tardords. - iflnt North lllit - excited by the utterances of Dr. the . North Carolina iwnu,. voiuijua yuiwcts illianii.' f :. ' -.V-.--, " h In1 a recent' nnnWh Tlr Thompson,-who has a great many ptaus lur reiorinmg society wmcn aono commend memseives to lre mas3 zens, grew angry, and turned on the church as ' the ceut of oppo- iIU6rCi.:!i?:,-'-; H-' fv?; The church says i her 'Stands on tne side of human slavery.' J Tboapson,Jr -fortunate etiongb or nu fortunate enough, to haye-inis conflict ; with the church a: newspaper owned by Marion fButler, who ;1ast "year, sKpped into - the :TJuited : States fltler J8 : V J atlrtt8ferUon un)es3 be knows what he,is saying.-. lie attacked iuo vrgauucu uuurcu.'nuu oui Christianity, and heL will whip If there is a contest - The trulh .is ,:w ? , , - on. the siaar of what he aid.":r :i;It is n6t strange, that infidels and anarchists, from Itfgersoll to Bntler and . Thompson, attack the church, but they; have, even when combined: no power permanently toJnjure the church. ; - ; lu imin, ine ennrcn. tneorcan- izea . vorisiiau ,i;uuTcii,-i8" Jue great :defender.of the poor, the helper of the needy; be eustainer. 1 oi nose xast clown. It abo isie r,cn4 na P00 " breaks down the wall of selfish. J ness and- makes the ichnlaYworM kin.' r. It restrains the power of f ine dod, ana. teaches patience to : thevmuTtitude-faud to, those-in I - I . '1 0t possible to exaggerate I tbe-beneficent, influences of the j church on, mankind; .In just so church on, mankind. - In just so far as tbe civiiization,of this day is .broader, more generous, mft-e gentle, more kindtv: in ''a word. - I-! 1 more humane: lust in. so far as it -eachea tha mflssM rtWr tl,n th classes, modern civiliration o w e its snperiority: to the civilization oi,nciet reeee and Kome and I..t J ni..." i . Vfl t: it J rlf, tthe uhriatian chdrch. , X -While . it ir trne that man v crimes have adifferent stages of J history been commit ted : in : tbe J name of the church : while it is true tha i . savage brutality has some of; its' pages, still We have DUl to Compare the con- ditlou of the mul Ultitnde ,t0-dav with its coud ition two thousand Wfs?, hn progfe8f; 1nu- tut. mi .irr iBsauu - .I.n.".. . H-UH,..H, I w " uvafcjs Ai j j iuu iu auv Law - Af thfl r,ninnfltA" .immunthlA. -v . t-T-- '..T .7 liMgovcrucu iucii ua uo ujar- , chist8 of Korope aQd Am foe'alike tolhose-who tn America . a na,l tKa j French revolution infp a carnival of 'blood and to those .i who in v. : 1 America tn.dav would "ovflrthrow U. est.blied . order that tb.y mav lor a moment ne eminent.- a a i a We know nothino- of the Dr. trnu - - ' it ti . llbompRou, but from this ntter- - ance he is a type of men we know ! v.".:t. . . r : l i r ,u ,uo vty pruiaioui reiurui 1 ers or agitators. 'who. iennrant i ers, or agitators, wno, ig ; . ' r -o ... rr ,e ment,; self controlr-seek , in the name of liberty to subject others to their will. ; ; . ; ,, . " J " These mn do 'the cause of the people infinite harm. We mean they delay the coming of the time when, the ordinary comforts of till I life - will be within tbe reach of every sober and industrious man aud woman. That is . what " civilization is bringing us. Looking back we realize that much LaB been done lathis directiou, and more and better things await ns, the mul titude receiving an ever increas ing proportion of an ever increas ing product. - 25,K9j. That is material clvllir on, and material prosperity bai a tendency todeadeu men's sympa thies and to harden their heart. The church comes teaching that all men are brother; the children of a common father, who says: 'Inasmuch as ye do it nuto them, you do it unto me. and at the bridal and at the grave, softens all the hard Hues of life, puts courage into tbe heartaof those who are disturbed, and gives strength to those tho are weak,, puting an everlasting arm under those who have fought the good fight and kept tbe faith. ; Men" and womeu, wherever you are, distrust the man Vrbo in the name of any cause tries to advance it by attacking the church". ' . When EAy was sick, gr her CutorU. . When th u a dGd, be cried for CSutorU. When she bec&sM Kiss, chicj to Ctari. Wben the had CLfUIrep, she tare Utem CkftorU. SCHOOL- FOR GIRLS. Misses Edith and Fannfi Yarbor-i v v; rxuh, Princtpalsi : ; The next eenslon will begin on Thnrsdsy the 5th of September nndur tbe same man agement. - - ' ,"jm ; Chargeafor tution very" moderate. For further particular. oddI. to the I .1 I ! . I Dr urt yon ri h5rtoni vtr hirfoa' n n I ttVina rt AnV Win Hflwill nnr.hdnnripr.ftM - So the church, with ts teach. AZ'. n v T i-vuiuju-, .i. u j f t - j , Ayer s llair ikot, TricopLero is . logs, and jts instilQtionaand ila for tbs hair and skiiVnotbing to behave f.tJfd ur in- tip tr customs; with sermons, songs and bpat it to k the hair froia fall- J 1? aS.MX)0:i intl.rlmlJ. prayers; the church at the tritiai ln otl. r in? on ah imt O "v wM r ; i T i. UJ"UUC Rowdynss wU! b permitted. OAV E : MONEY- bniVra IAV' 8"Td Trusting that rou lwxll.faVor t:t - ... . - - my time under a firat-class paiu- :.u w,fi; ....-.. Live high and rest easy.-Call ot J.nrll wnrkm.n r.nhp. with a portion of yourpatronag . ElhV old offlce in front of r.rnrnn( V.t;.f.;ti; ln In we reyoa we will make cur House, and seeTtainidAle. If VZlZ?ZZi" T- Vj " " T . I tet effort to please you, , have. beeves, muttons, ahoats n rt c"'u. . V . , , ' V Youfi rMitifnllT. in rJrst-clasa beef and in fact rneouUyod?r8lods erprything about nf nil kinrl.4 ' nnrl vrnrnintH us iru I bis business. -, from shoein r a I frienda.for past - favors. I Jiope to j merit your trade to tne future. : . :' ;' 7 ' E.'J."lUo8DALtf. ; Cotton States api.Iitoatol Eijj- . ATZ.AXTA, CA.. : ?-'.'.VvtiTB ? '. " ' J. t ? .-. . - j ',. -. . SEABOARD AIR LINE. VESTIBULED LIMITED TRAINS Upon TOcl no Extra Fare Is Clanel Leave Washington, D. C, daily, at 8.40 "P. Mnpoa arriralofth CongrMional Limited from New York, and reach Atlan W at 4;09 P. the noxt day. 1 A second train, 'with tbroagh WnJnjr cars from New York, kar Vabingtoo at 4:10 A. M.. arrirlng at Atlanta (:iU.A. tbenxtudy Both traiusleav from the P,Bn.?fr.ni -..:- .1 .. ...... -.J. U Union Depot at Atlanta esfear th Lipo itiun groonds aa through pauengvrs .via ajiy nne are laudM. v - - . - ciLFr,u 2?'Ati,rOF DURHAM. - - N O. rqually as important aa those at Vahtog 1 Phi ton. nameiy: rrom nfw iote ana raiiaar - tha Bay LiMStoaar: from Wash - gton to Norfolk, and Uashlnjrt on tea - rs; from Ne York, the Old Dominion I steamships and from Bot-on and Prori - Lri' Vr,Z J steamer aides with thronffh traias and Full- man "rawlog-iuom, tinu meepiog ra Uurr&Leu luruuau tivui a vimuiuwh v lantaantboatcnangB. aacnoi iteeroow-t ptr;.? I ti baled from end to end anti m ortiiTiv nui.-.MBll WABHISOTO!! ' I " WITHOITT CHAHn :. to Atiusta 'I roixT of uiterksi ilosotbsuxc. .. from Washington J. throoah I Frederickstmrfr, Kichmond and Peterebarg. Virginia. Weldon. lJiKa ana ctoainero j Abbevilia, South Carolina i I Athen. to Atlanta, Oeorgi I "it - . katkj. and Clberton and , " 22S& SSiA ,A""" i fiinw I On Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8eplmber 17th to December 24tb,acroiv at 1 4.uo fPoni Waehinton. and sia.eo from Forti- month and itonoik, 1 irom oaie 01 - Dailr. September 16th to December 15th Inrlnnive. attl0 25 from WahinBUn. and v : "r. v- ..n. i $ I Mo Trota roniaiuoia nnu ivpiiuh, nui itlnTiMitilvii Imm iliita of nb: aud ited to twenty uays irom iiava oi o"; ui at a:;j23 from Wa.hingtou and tw . . the kxroeiTio . snrpaefi. In some repN ta, anj Exnotion yet hold in America ner yon nua, ewe by aide, exhibit from Florida ami Alaska, California atd Maine, the United BtAWaot Amerit-a, and the lluited States ot Uraid. Mexico and Canada, aod o on antil nr!y every ciriliieJ nation on the elube ia repre sented. On fhs tcrraren are lonnd, among many other attrnctisfe. Arab. CUlncec and peoT'What''f 'JaiIr kand conrer- rKntion." " Mnili-iin Tiliiure. slion in2 met now tuoe Ask fortk-keta via "Tbe Seaboiko Aia Pullman Sleeping Car fwrTotiosv m i,l be rna-le and farther information fai"aihed upon application to any AKnt of tketft-a-board Air Liun. or to the nii.1i-t.usl. II W. H. Glotkb, T. J. AsocoC!, Traffic lilanasr. " General 1'iuta. A gt. U. Sr. Johs; . - Yree-PrwiJent. ... JJJ H'ijl.- Ch'JJrcnCry fcr Pitchers Cxtcria' Hvjuls Bko., Prop'r. LADICG AND GENTLC.V.EN Vho may wish nice Lararro ing or hair dreMiig doue, ill do well to call on W. M. ALSTON & I. W. EGKUTON. Ln !if 3 tare your bang cut right.. We have Dr. Wbitfl new hair 'rofr. Van's ileiican Hair Hectoratife, HOTEL VOODARD, V. C. Wood t kt, lrop , Rurky Moumt Jf. C. , - Free ru fufU all trtlaa. K i pr day. ' UniTersity of .North Carulica. Comprises th Uaivertsity. the Co!etr', tie 'Law ' and Mfdi-1 Schools, and the Fummcr School for Teachers. Tutioa G(. S5 Teachers, 471 Stodnt. AtMrws 1 President Winston. Chapil UVA, N. j for Cataloqrue ur,d handbook on ! "University Education." , Thomas Warehouse is thft place for hih prices. Lanro orders. Plenty: of Mcney, Politylioue8t troa t men't. :, .'-" ; LOUiSBURG Carriage. Shops,. '. II. TAYLOR, Proprietor. - If your Carriage, "Buggy, Wag on or anything in that line nredt repairing and you want it done Ngbti brng it to ICC, and if YOa : r .1 in the black smith shop who ful work botched- up, s bring it alonj; to me where it WILL BE DON'RIGIIT, my prices aw reasonable. , " ' : I make Buggies and W.gona to order. If you want a iood IIoue- Made Buggy or Wagon, give me your orders, and you shall havr what you want. Thanking my friends for their patronage in the past and solicit. ing tbe same m future, I am, . .Yonra very respectfully, ;'. V U. C. TAYLOR. Build i up Horns.: PATRONIZING J10ME ENTERPRISE ATT HP V 1V1TTHT A M PI! FR. tLUlUiWl ViiUik ROOTE CO., 1 iPP 'MAN ITFACTU KING AS l - FLNE CIGARS CLIEROOTS J ; AND CIGARROS 1 As can be,found on tbe market, h Their Jeadin g brands are "BULL OF DURHAM A"fn1A f!inr fnr a nirtle. Hand Ilavana filled. "JULE CAltlT . - ' , ' . . . Named4 in honor of - Col. J. 8. ' Carr. Pres. Black well Durham Ji Tobacco .Co.; 5 epet Sumatra ! Wrapper ; , : ' ,t . i'BLACKWtLIxS DDRILUl1 Named in honor of Col. W; . T. Blackwcll, father of Durham - 5 cent SomatraWrapper.- " LITTLE SADIE, CUBAX CIG AHP.0S, 10 FOR 10 CENTS., ,f0LD CH0NKn HEROOTS, 5forlOcenta. TLe finest smoke . for the xaoney. - ir n VADTII CTlTril ulj; nuniu juul r . Cheroot, 3 for 5 cenfn, a sure winner that always pl.asea. re Stick to home aud ednd ur your orders. - . r U'llsij Xarlna ChrcsLCo. - DURHAM, N. C. Jtcracmber, when ,vou bII vour TobdCCfl Ut HIRiHKS lr.. Ware House, you nave a croX cl of hustling huyH to work for you, who have laro orders for all graded ot Tobacco and will give you 'tliH highest market I price for it. l . I r J 1 1 I .ii'l.ll 1 FARMERS SALOON :o: S.'S. DAVIS, Fi:-:::::?, louisBur.a, a low jj. u. i ay lor r Co'., a:id are , now fall Equipped and prej ir J l& tup . ply the prop! ct IlouUburg and Franklitv-county the Choipest Liquors . I'orth Carolina Hiarulr, ilh apple and pi-acb, uir.'a.fr"?! . Beer, . and everyihicg utu ally kept in a iTral cJiss la . loon. We desire 'lo hr . yoa call and try "cur - : - OLD ' " , jrONONGAIIELA. , XXXX ' "Which we aro cenfident will please the most fatiidioas. Give it a trial and ypu will have no other. Wo ars io'e agents at this place for this iruowLcd brand of wlmkey, which alwavi remember and, cotne to us hen you want it. ALL CTHEU BRANDS 0? - STANDARD WHISKIES KEITONUAND, . Our place sLall at all times Li .. . . I J 1 J j .1 t,.v t...:i'A.. . . v ufi tt tiw wv uuiiuiv; OSBOPN HQUSP v J ' I orutu v Good! accommodations ' fcr il traveling pobli:. UU YCU VI AWT A HOUSE ? . If.so yn will do well to write, ' or see JLovister, at Louiburrv N. C.before contracting. Plans specifications and eatiniates mad tm burnt balldiok's, &c. 7 13-2 SHOE MAKING. : T " MOSES WEST holds forth in rearof Thomas Drug Store, (on tha alley where he (foes shoe -making and repairing, and guar antees to do work t good an4 cheaper than . any Shoe-Maktt in the Strife. . " Come and e-eo for yourself. v - Respect fully, " ' - - - MOSES WEST. , ; ; CHICKEN CHOLERA Can U cnml bv using TH0WA5 POULTRY POWDER. ItnUocnrt Borpand OAPts.- Now la tha tin tonaeiL. 25 cents a package. i or sale nv W.G.tHOMAS, Drugs. . "" 't ' LrmlAburgy . ... - NOTICE I. . -. . I have decided to redare inr BEES to lOUives. " ...... . . Will sell remainder for 130 P' nive, thiaincludts top case. lucsa uws sin worm o.W, IC-T bees alone. Apply at cnceMo A. D. GREEK. FUANKLLNTO.N II0TKL FHAN K LI N TON", X. C. . C7U- HOBBS, hj.'T. - Gaol aeeoraodatioa f .r tta tratfUrg pnblk. Uood Livery AtUeoe-3. R. RCnOSSEN, . FIRST CLASS PAINTER, I tfc?er ray aertlcrt to tit rcV. lie. and tl say that 1 ia 4.retarr4 to do all kinds ct hoc- ainuc, gram ng Jlc My work in Lcufbcr,? yalka for itarlf. and I rrfr to atl rsrt.'- f.-r hora I har wcrkr-i. Oil fartl'.cns oa.t a-tr. Git ne year j!rciie, and yvo sbU b pleased. IF YOU SUFFER WITH HEADACHE OR NEURALGIA. TAKE SiGiImanG5 ' Head-Easy, THE GREATEST HEILEDY EARTH r For pale i.i Lot:LbtfT by "VV.O. TI10MAS. AYfCCr'.EiCa For IarVar.fe'r.t. ;r. lr .T. C Jci.N. I - - J. O. XJX to. .

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