I I : . I - I i " ' - ' ' v ' - . --fii-:.-"- ii. B jtisssNBcaa, . " "y. j"J ATTORNBT AT LAW.'" ' ' , iju a dlthe Court of th State O X'f is Court Howe. . , , v . a iN X- SOBGSON;- LOUBBURGN; FEIDAT, NOVEMBER 1, 1895. NUMBER 37, Uw ouwirLs lit ifTtuinlia, ,lJ 'VlJ .art of :forth erjUu, '-auu iae .a.. itotfMi OQArtM. : - I j.floe join tag ir. PRACTICING PHTSICIAK, LOUISBOKO, jr. c. 8. dFKUILi., ATTOaXEY-AT-LAW, - LOUISB0R8, H. O. anil attend the court .of Franklin, Fanca, .iiia wuTRn ana nuig cuuuunk aimj Saore'me Coart of North U&roliufk Prompt itUiBHU" 8'"" " 1 -nflOS- B. WILDER, ATTORNET-AT-tAW, 1 tooisBUKe, jr.. Office on Main street, oyer Jones Cooper's re. - THE OLD NOETH STATE FOREVER. CwUm Carolina! Hearen. blessing tteni Thoojch th scornei- mty neei- at 'and wit- Iittga'Cje.ajte her,- Onr fanrt. swell with la4n8 whenererwe Hiiriah! jlurrali! tW Old North State for fIb5 itarVan I tli'ood Old NortB State ! TioaTi obi eanes not others their merited oaj, whose same, stands foremost in Liber- ThoM ?h to trne to krself e'er to cronch to Who au yield to jast rale more f oyal sub- niission? .- . IfuiTrtUf Hurrah! the Old Norta Stsite' foV- ' ever! ' - - Unrra.hi Hurrah i the good Old North State 1 'Fheit let ait Who lnv os. Jove the land that :ikwliye in.- , rf t . , . AsJiappjf rjgkp s lwtr gidf-!nwren7 Where i'lentj? and Freedom Lore and Feace 4ntile before ue, ' s ' ' " i JUise albnd, rai8e together, the heart-thriil- : ingr.horasi tiurraul Hnrrahl the Oid North State fori everl -. .. ., t -: -, ;. Hun-ail Hurrah I the Rood Old North State! : bxenange. ASSOCIATES AND INTIM AJIES. T. W. BICKETT, ATTOai'EY AND COUNSELLOR ATL AW. LOUISBCKB S. C- A Yoaiig Man is Generally Jndsred by tue tympany be Keeps. Ooldeboro Headlight. , In oar fond attachment to the idea of .independence we forget ho very little there really is of it in the world. Boast as we may of being- self -centered and free from control, there is not one among us Promi and painstaking attention given to wh0 8 not denendent nnnn nttiArR rT matter intrasiea to nis nanus. . SeRown;.r c! f much that he has, and is and Buxtou, Pres. mrsi XNaiiona ow " aoes. ton, u t:nn aismiji , " - " j - iif Monroe, lum. e. . 1 Coll-K Hon. E. W. Timberlake. Office lu L Jiiri rxuunc, uiiyuuK kutc.u W. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBe, K. 0. pmctiee in all courts. Office in the Court House. IV. U. YARBOROUOH, Ja, ATTORNEY AT LAW, L'OGISBURO, N. C. Office on second floor of Neal building Main Jitret-c. ill l.o-il business intrusted to him till receive prompt and careful atteution. D ENTIST, Trtrrn nt Biorv araiienra J.EDWARD DUddKR D' D. O. takes the form of the seal. Oth LOUIS iiUii'.T, N. V. .. Graduaw of th oldest Dental College in the W'.trt I. E isfht years experience. Especially 4 is this true as regards character and . cond net. Those with whom wevmiugle are constantly moulding us into menta and moral forms resembling their own, and no possible effort or de termination on our part can pre vent it. It is true that each indi viduality is separate andMiffereut from all others, but all are being insensibly modified. by their asso ciations with each other. . There are different deerees o this influence. Some pereou$ are very susceptible. They take the as ...wax ers are more origiual" and less mobile ; yet, as e'veu the rock cannot resist .'- Against - slander, there is no de fense. It , starts- with a -, word with a shrug with , a : nod and very often with a smile. It" is a no .mere circumstances should "de cide a matter : sor fraught ? with important circumstauaes ; This responsibility needs jto.'be especially ' impressed upon . the yonug,.and those who have charge of tbem. Parents often etranelv li.V.ii:'J----J!L-iwi- - -4W j-.v overlook it, and permit as intimate 8preadin c'oDUgion. far and associates for their children those itj t,;-v J.,- i,. they would, bj .. cannot avoid: it is the. heart- very sorryv ,to see ; re-uplicited in Marching: dagger of the assassin ; tbem. In youth every influence is it the poisoned arroW whose v.jr , iui- wonnds. are incurable ; j it : is the ilated most easily., As years pass mortal 8liD o the deadly adder ; on principles: become fixed nd AAmntl k bbt!;fnle giySngThnch power Us preyi and ruid its sport.' -V of resistance;, but with the young ; The man who at that mMniirht this cannot beFireVthelbarent l ,v. u,u?. jvuya. does an injury ; he-burns the roof, for himself, proves his character pi,larf raiment; the - very shelter and orders bis conduct very largely from : th storm and tempest ; but r ' -uo iiu.ar, compan he doe8 an injn that can be re. i- llfllL. il 1 X V . I xwuB. . fv m mem Tie wrows on L.i.. Tk -jr.p. -iu jMBure. oi. beal and chilling blasts assail, but ucu DQ graauauy comes charit wiU the victim in to narrate of tliAlr nutnrA. If I . . , ... . . to hftr nwflllinc 'will, cri ft h 1 m i ttim o.o vn. : JJ t. LI - I 0 O . L v r" .-xu-- "uuraoie food to eat and raiment to put on; generous, mtell.gent, he will timelv aB8:at raiain,. grow insensibly to be the aame. If roof over the ashes of the old, and they are weak and shallow of apain 8it at our fireside and doubtful. honesty and lax princi- taste lhe frult of friendship and pies, pieasure-seeKing ana seinsn, nome But the man who circulates false so must we expect him to become - reports concerning a brother's char 'HviHu woumiuoui ui.buo- acter, who exposes every act of his mg is thrown upon the enticement ,.fe wbich may be presented to his oi an evil companion, Dut wno U st iiapr.)v'd instruments ieetn ex constaht action of the waves, without plate. Satisfaction or money neither can tbey wholly res'st the ivturnfd. Office over Jones & Coopers store Dentistfy perpetual influence of tbeir fellow men. It is true that occasionally one arises wno seems lo be so1 shall bear the blame-of choosing such companionship? We may not be able to resist the effect, but we need not have welcomed the cause. One who goes into a mala rial atmosphere and remains there, cannot help taking malaria into his system but why did he qonrt its baneful influence? So with a poisonous moral atmosphere ; we cannot withstand, it, but we can and ought to avoid it, Certainly tbere must be congeniality to make friendship possible. Yet a mutual interest in certain pursuits, or. a similarity of. opinions, or a unity in certain aims, is not suffi cient of itself to warrant that inti mate tie. UIYE SU5SET5E IK LIFE. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Goldsboro Headlight. ' " ' ; Many, people will keep their pleasant -thoughts, and kind words about a person until that person has passed beyond reach of bearing and cheer. Beautiful flowers r will then be brought to surround the bier with their fra grancea loving kindness, to be sure; - tender - and sympathetic. But how many people go through life .with little or no bright. cheerful, encouraging .words. He toils bard in lowly obscurity. He gives out his life freely and unstintedly - for another. Far better to let him - find the - warm breath of your love now while his heart beats and throbs with hope; let him eaten some ox the pert fume of those flowers while he.is living ; let him hear 'some kind thought yon may think of him ; and some encourging word, which may' nerve him to greater and nobler deeds before the pulse is still and the eyes closed forever. Sunshine in life is a great bles sing. The clouds are; heavy enough. When eternal rest comes, the dead have no need for earthly things. FARMERS : SALOON i :o:- - ' . as: , . . . -Who may wish nice shampoo ing or hair dressing done, will do well to call on W. M. ALSTON & L. W. EQBRTON. Ladies have your bang cut right. We have Dr. ; White new hair grower. Van Mexican Hair Restorative; Ayer's Ualr Vieor. TricoDheroua xor the hair and skin, nothing to I We have - titled np m up top beat it to keep the hair from fall- - title aoALOOri in the build- Among the articles on exhibi tion at a pure food show in Chica go was a 1,000 pound bar of soap. The Chicago peopte eat soap to aid Qigestiou and whet the appe tite. disadvantage; who goes to this and that brother, tells. them he is very tender of his brother's repu tation, enjoins upon them the strictest secrecy, and then fills their ears " with hearsays and rumors, and, what is worse, leav ing them to dwell upon the hints and suggestions of his own busy imagination. The man who thus filches from another his good name," does him an injustfee which neither industry nor charity nor time itself can repair. ThelffyoUt. When Baby was sick, fare her Csstorts. When she was a Child, she cried for Csstoria. When she became SOas, she dune to Csstoria. Wben shs bad Children, she gmvethete Osatoria. .SsS. DAVIS, Pft;rh!:rf; f MUISBTJBG, h: a Ing out. ,! v HOTEL WOODARD. , , W. C WCODA AD.'Prcp, ' - . Soeky llooat, N. C. Fres Ba meets all trains. B $1 per dr. low D. IL Tayl or - Co'a., and are i DOW folly t Equipped and prepared to trjp- ply the people of Loaiiburg , . : and Franklin county the , University of 5orth Carolina. . '. Comprised, "the Cnlversitri . the Colleire. tile "Law '.and -lledical bcttoots,andthe bummer bcliool I norxn .Carolina li randy, both for Teachers, - Tution 160. 35 apple aud wach: winei-fresk .CMGest Liaubis Teachers, 471 Students, Address President Winston. Chapel Hill, N. for Catalogue and handbook on University Education mi a I nomas warenouse is the place for high prices. LArgeu orders. Plenty of Mcnej, Politfonest treat-1 ment. LOUISBURG Carriage Shops, II. (X. TAYLOR, Proprietor. It" your Carriage, Buggy, Wag on or anything in that line needi repairing and you want it done right, bring it to me, and if you want your Carriage or Bugpy re- neinforl in a A ia f.nlaco m inna bring it tome also. I have served 7 Beer, and everything nra- ' ally kept in a first-clati aa , loon. We desire to bare you call and try onr OLD MONONGAHELA xxxx Wbich we -are con fident will please the most fastidious. Give , it a trial and yon will have do other. We are so!e agent at this place for this renowned brand of whUkey, which always remember and come to us when you want it. ALL OTHER BRAJiDS - OP 8TANDARD WHIriKlES KEPT ON HAND, Our place shall at all timet be kept quiet and orderly, and gen flexnen ueed have no hejitancy in calling in at any time. No The laws of God are inexorable. a ...... . For the physical world, as for man, he has established certain great Many parts of our nature need principles which are immutable. r I ITT. - !. At 1 - 4 1 ,., ;.. ; :Qf: tv VYDeu man violates iueu db iuva svmnatnv. but. m ministering to I 7 thftm. w mnt hWar of nrlmit. "ably pays the penalty, reaping ? - SCHOOL -TOR GIRLS. Misses Edith and Fannis Yarlror- 'cugh, Principals. The next session will begin on Thursdsy the 5th of September nndr the same man agement. Charges for tntion rery moderate. For further particulars apply to the lady principal. Trusting that yon will favor us with a portion of your patronage, we assure yon we will make our best effort to please you. Yours respectifully- 6 S. DAYI8. OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Cotton States ani MeriatiOEal Bxjo- W. H. EDWARDS- OF WAKE FOREST, N. C ting injurious influence upon other strong and self-poised that, while parts. It is character that should working powerfntty, upon tbebe the one indispensible founda- what he has sown. Nature's pro cesses are sometimes slow but the ultimate result is inevitably ATLANTA, OA., VIA. THE SEABOARD AIR LINE. community in some direction, he tion 0f onr intimacies : noon that wjought out. This, however, is u: w A IV ili r uaiioii i., .w. i - - I -r t ... . . a ... vm visit Louisburgon Monday, Tuesday receives but little impression from -innumerable structures of sympa- not lulanae? Ior a religious eaiio- w.i Wednesday following the first Sunday 4.a . Ua oiiLi. j j.t" ' I rial.savs the otatesville Landmark. tin All Emas oil""" " - : i tui anu iciiuh-icciiuki i iuuuai in each month prepared to i OfUtal work. Offlc- ovfr Jones & Cooper Store it door to T. B. Wilder Law offiVe J. M. C. HILL. THE TINNER, in nreoared to do all kind of tin rorfe, re pairinir. Jfcc. All work srnaranteed. fiacer f bminess on ilain 6ireet in house recently occupied bv P Prtrrish. 1 '' : before Jiiin, but is not himself car- interests aod aims, of tendeaness ried by any one. But this is the ani affection may be safely placed. great exception. ' Most of us are This is not, as may be enpposed, a hourly beings worked upon and merely self-regarding precaution. moulded by those with whom we Tt i self-orotective. but onlv in mingle, while we in turn are mod- that best sense which alone enables A.agasfs ick. Coming to look ifvinir and chanjrintf them by the g to b uf anv value at a.11 to oth- back' the heat of the month though but relates to the weather. Thus : Nobody can remember as hot a September as this has been. It set in just where August left off and "has even improved upon VESTIBULED LIMITED TRAINS Up Wild no Extra Fare is Ctarpi same silent influence. Much of this process is beyond our control. We find ourselves in RUFFIN& LEWIS, BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all. kinds of circumstances which we have not rhJ""0ar made, and surrounded by influ Leare Washington. D. C, daily, nt 8.40 P. M., upon arriral of the "Conjrresstonal Limited" from New York, and reach Atlan ta at 4:09 P. M.. the next day. A second train, with through sleeping cars from New York, leares Washington at 4:10 A. M., arriring at Atlanta f:10 X. M.. the next dsy Both trains leave from tne f ennsylTsnU railroad station and land passengers in the Union Depot at Atlanta as uearthe Expo- DENTIST, " LOUISBURG, N. C. OSce over Racket Store: 1. Graduate Kaltimorrt Dental College. iwenty-four veara active exDenence, UTiriciiL tbbth a 8PBCIALTT. Natural twth removed and nevf ones inserted in tWMTY MINUTES. All work warranted. Louisbure is mr home "for better or orse" and roa'will alwavs find me -a tiJ. 1 1J A ers. He who recklessly injures craorutUBrjf BiJUU,u " our his health does not thus nrove his Pmg. Why ? Because the --- -- I . , j i . i union iwpos at aiuai- utsru iipo- unselfishness; he simply curtails countr7 has been behind on heat. Bition groond.aa through paasenn via r i . . QnmA A.V. .m 4 V.. lA.tVA. 1 awy line are landed. his powers Of 'doing good, and he "V" 6 At Portsmouth and Norfolk, Ta., the t,s .vaMt0 kb Bureau gave OUt that tbere was a Seaboard Air Uae has ' other connections wno miures nis cnaracter Dv wet- i a - i n fmro.t tK-. .t waavi encellwhic welhaveot selected, coming evil influences is thereby deficiency in beat UP to tbat dat K?'Dtriiit Our nation Jour citv. our business, inflirtino- & gtill o-reater evil unon 01 great many aegrees. AniS -th -b a Untftetnwnr, from Wash- our relationship are fashioning us, Khe community.. To. protect' 0 d!aciencX haf to ba made P durM ,r?,,,ron, iTfSSi with 'or without our consent, own moral nature from everything ?g lDe 11 ine summer am JSi ETSTS SSS- my time under a first-class pa i li ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurantee satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. I have a first-class black smith in the black smith shop who ful ly understands everything about his business, from shoeing a horse to irioning a fine tuggy. It does not pay to have your work botched up, so bring it wongromewnere ill ur. Good arrommodationa for the -v i-w "w-1 -w tt rw . . i uj?i Li ttiutii, my prices aw traveling public. ft.. HOUSE ? If so you will do well to write, or see J. Leviiter, at Louisburg, N. C, before contracting. Plans, specifications and eatioatee made on burnt buildings, &c. 7-13 3 a. SHOE MAKING. MOSES WEST holds forth in rear of Thomas' Drug Store, (on the alley1' where he does shoe making and repairing,and guar antees to do work ar- good and cheaper than any Shoe-Make in the State. Come and see for yourself. Respectfully, MOSES WEST. . CHICKEN CHOLERA Can be cured by using THOMAS POULTRY POWDER. Italaocun bottp rind gapes. Now is the tim to use it. 25 cents a package. J For aal by V.O THOMAS, Druggist, Louis burg, N. C. NOTICE I I have decided to reduce , my BEES to 10 Hives. Will 811 remainder for-$3.50 I make Buggies and Wagons to 00 YOU WAWT A oraer. 11 you wane a gooa noxi Made Buggy or Wagon, give me your orders, and you shall have what you want. Thanking my friends for their I patronage in the past and solicit- ing ine same in iuinre, i am, " Yours very respectfully, H. C. TAYLOR. Build up Home. BY- PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE MALLORY DURHAM CHER ROOTE CO., OF DURHAM. - - N C. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS AND CIGARROS As can be found on the market. Their leading brands are "BULL OF DURHAM" Still, the'strongest influence of all which tends to pollute or to lower n even UP tbe Fal1 mnst' And V connection i. mW. at the A dime Cigar for a nickle. Hand per hivv this includes lop case. ... ' I I ... . .. m , .f..n.. Kith ihmnvll tn niud Pi 1. Uas.n. fillaH 1 Thl... luuil a w m4 W SK (VI iWnm i - - I iL:. u. l . i. i itoiunn sides witn tnrotiirn iramsaaa mil- ' ' ... T. I ' VW a.. m 1 LIMN IM Llin KXI1IHIIHLH1II 111 M. I 111 VI I . . M is one over wnicnwe may nave it, is one efficient means 01 pro- - : i man Drawiag-Boom, aune. Bleeping cars nmpnallv not Rntmnftr It la I oserated through from Portsmouth to At mncn i conxroi,- 'inis is .no one tecting ine moraiuy 01 society, xo y -r- jta withoatehange. Eachof tkeseroutee that comes from our chosen friends welcome those influences which wltn tne heat as Wltn tn0 wnfall : takes the vyOM Tciut Comfort ... . . . . . Trr ar.a Ana Brt n,nK .o. MO Wirougn ouj---u and intimates. Uut oi: tne large iit us into a .nigner spiiere ot m- rv "w" "r" . xwnruxxr .Li. v.rAnUaliA .A r-af;nr- nIKnn.a V.tV,,;A - . !nft;. I It QOeS not Come at One time It I Thee trafns are composed of the hand to correct at mv own exrenfle any nn n. cva iiriia.11v draw to our- Utn.nda.rd of virtue, which enrich 1 ran8t a- anotoer. lbOse, there- I ou,Dn- cars and Dar Coaches. The 8:40 work that may prove uosatUfactory.. ; from svmnthv our hearts and arouse our enthusi- fore - who bare been sweltering .- . ------ - I . . - .'. v; . m i....- i l.x a i , i: I durine oeDtemoer lu a neat tor i solid vbom WAsaiHoroa to atikta closely allied to us. We naturally to benefit not only ourselves, but W -a-ugusi gave an ft- 'fnn f tr.m' rheTiRh itheir UKa ftntirA rommnnitv in whio.h Wfl equal, can comior. inemseives wuii BOCieiv Buu atiuiiii wem iu uui vuu-' i uncii. but - surely Verv truly. R. E.KING, , : Dentist.: fidence. ? Insensibly, we, become assimilated to them. What to Read. YARBOROUGH & DAVIS, The Blacksmiths OF LOUISBURG; ; " All work in onr line dene on sliort I li- r f?izt -itt. xrt --.u 1 f.1.A iwocttor Ati i . . . . . a J t it ui iklDi cat a -. uiuu a a v v mi w w .. .. . . a a we Uve our new shop (the old tea pin greater degree Iban we suppose i-eacueH oy xampio uu snuiuiavea Prei than evr tarre'oiir CUStO-1 P0881Dl them. Havana filled. "JULE CARR" Named in honor of Col. J. S. Carr, Pres. Blackwell Durham Tobacco Co., o cttt Sumatra j .Wrapper BLACKWELLS DURILVM' Named in honor of Col. W. T.I Blackwell, father it Durham 5 cent SuuiatraWrapper. gotn only what belonged to Jb SADIE, CUBAN CIG-- SOUS FROM WASUIHOTOR TO WITHOUT CKAKBC . . I-OCVTS OF CTTKBES-l SU!TS THE UXS. The route from Washington is through the reflection that after all they yL ! have gotten Only what belonged to I Pines. North CaroHna, Chester, Cli Their fthonghts,v their, i Opinions J Cincinnati Commercial Gacette. their standards,' their manners and r Read history. Athens to Atlanta, Georgia. KATES.' People would soon 'get rich if j '.-Exmreion tkketa will be sold to Atlanta 1 TLsk U9 DfalKWU Air AjlDy M r. .It is the story of th'ey-got paid for all the useless toiown' of; human life. It things they say-and do: .; .'. to endeavor. 1 is truly said that man' is I :-v.3Joad..:V poetry.- It enrjehes tbe tn and Thursdays, September 17th to December 24 tb, inclusire at $14.00 Thfl rflviRioVi of thfk "RJKIa Wa from Washington, ana ia.eo iron fort Aoe revision ot me uioie nas i h;and jjoriolk iIBjtd.to tn days known by' the company. he keeps,' for he! grows more and more into STILL AT THE BRIDGE. w . ... i-, .-i a a v . ss ak v - , ii .La aa, a. i ' i r i a iw A M , i irimada. ortri rna -r nun uh im TOn l. ----- i - a - lit mind . with ideals that may become e to Toi - A . I A fV;;AYioae before. Tgu wUi-- Una me on. OQr social ana OUSinesa ifitervuuroc c JfSl c- WhiieiamTioingan kinds marked out -for " us by. circumr i been completed - by ; the . London committee which' has been engaged I inclusive, at fl95 from Washington, and nK- V -.), 1001 - . 1174 imm r un.nu)Hi sua iiwon, liar Upon the work 8ince 1881. -.-. it-d to twenty days tnm data of asU-; aud . ': ,i i 1 st S3 3.25 from Washington and tiS 63 A couniry cemecery oas me 'IOl- rom Portsmouth and Norfolk, good until January T, lowo. tbb sxroamos snroasaea, in some respecta. any Exposition . . m . r . . w a . et heia in Amenca iter you dds, aiue These bees art wcMh $-5X)0, for bees alonf. Apply at once to A. D. GREEN. FaMNKLlN'TON HOTEL FKA NKUXTOX, y." C. C. if. EOBBS, Frp'r. Good accomodation for tb trarelinf public. Ooud Llery Attacbed. -..-.. R. R. CROSSEN. FIRST CLASS PAINTER; LOVISBrBfj,-. c. ARROS,10FOR 10 CENTS. t to offer nramicei loth. l,0LD CHUNK" HEROOTS, . &AiiffleyiSfi The finest smoke I 0. iiir. d t rrVr to ail rrtu. - vbom I bare worked. Old f orsltorr mad new. Glv em rour ttro&a. tadyoa ahall twpWased. , - 5 for 10 cents. for tbe money. ' "OLD NORTH STATE" Sw locks c. I h&v a few nuns which 1 ?b rei4iri that wiU be sold If not called tor xourstruiy A. T. CKNTKAL HOTELS HENDERSONi N? C: ;, accommodafeions. Good fare. A' Read romance. '--The examnle of 4t broM r an imitation. ftna lowing notice ' over. , thej-gate : character., . -.,... stances.- our intimacies - are cer-i.;--iieaa science, v ll supplies mior- taiolv within onr choice, and we mRtion -tba t eouins for usefulness I s'A j gentleman" who discovered are responsible for whatever influ-1 toreTents tbe trinmDh of terror that elwas standing on a lady'a fmm H ut of mK. Daily, September 1BU to December 15tJi, UheTOOt. 3 lor O centi, a Ure . winner that always pleases. Stick to home and send us your ! orders. arisb ; areJburie J here.' Phila delphia Ledger.: et bv side, exhibits from Florida aad Alaska, California, ana Maine, ina uniiau scales 04 imrrira. and tne United stares of Brasil. I Mexico and Canada, and so on an til nearly obe is rep re- Uallory ?0nrban Chsroot Co. . DURHAM, N. C. . Remember, when yon sell sentad. On tba .terraaa found, amonfl VOUr ToDaCCO Ut HUUHho maul uw . vmu. .ri IVnm Mnnaa TTit-l hAra n epce tbey;exert upon our tuv, i - . T. . train hai the Drerence of miud to .,r, ..a1 onrl with whoo wei wisdom lo unaerstana ail . tnings, v 1 wu6 " I irrT'-.T" . cruwu ui uuauiui; uu ycio tu '""; vaj'.t . . V--- ' r.' . -..-...'. ' ,:l.v-.-".:'. - ----- i sauoa. . . . - - i . - - - rightly umaintainicivili and jevenl andortitode to endure air thi rigs. lDePowe.r w araw an angei irom Ask for ticket via T SaAaoaaD Anl worKlOr you, WQO nave kindly .reJatio is, we can eeiect Read the Bible. It irives prom. ;?e sties, i .nave pinnea one to tne TP,iman Bleeping Car reservation, win larffO orders lor all CTades compulsion inose . - - airnfrthflnl earth.' V -The lady excused him. be mad. and further intoraoo funu-h Tobacco and Will trive i aw t aw wm'w -r i ; i . nntt nrtniiffaiJ 11 ub m.b t aiipuc m a.nsa na a thft sonl. 1 ' - - - . ' - , - boara Air wue. or vu w. uworKgneu. . I YOU -tUW UllTUctJO UiULaCU -.i-.;.. t.'.--1' i j' i -i- ... - - . - u .7. n ..n , ... 1 - . a s n m 1 UeueralPaaaAgt.prit;u lurii. without . i,any whom we welcome to the bond of friendship No accident, j 11. w. a. UIOTEB, Tsafflc Liana ger. E. Sr. Johh; TicaPrMsideoi. Upgiics Bros., Prop'rs, IF YOU SUFFER . ttTTH . HEADACHE : NEURALGIA. TAKE . ; .v;. Stodmans1 ;.; ; - : Head-Easy, TOE GREATEST REMEDT ,-05 lUBTH.- For sale in Loulsbcrg br . : W. G. THOMAS . AYCOCSXACa. Torsale iaFraniliaton by