V VOL XXT.. ' ! . inu MKT" A.T LAW. r .,rue in l ta Coarw of ,X3ha State,; (,.n eln Court House. VlLLlAMS, UNKUNTON.N.C. v " -. services to the.-citi?sstf t A ,,oKK & SON, i..-'.i:-x:Jio,H..a v. , , the eoarts of Kasb,1 Pricklia, , " rcn and Waito counties also the " "- North Caroling, aad the- U. jiibtriet Courts.. ? ., ..-, j ALONE. jv3 below AycocKe & Co. 'a Aua EliJs.'""' " .. : . NICHOLSON... LCI I-jEtStt, S c. K J 1 0 UN SY-AX-LAW, ' i. .:;jsBj'R8. N. C. , -..jiirta or Franlsttn. Vance, ir is inJ Wa&A count-its, aiso ,'j.rt of NortbCAroliuiw Prompt cuiaatioosc- s, - - L r ro AfIiY ai-law, " LOUlSBUKfl, K. O. " ' jiko on Miu street, over Joaea Cooper'B It T. W. 3ICKSTT, LnOBSEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Uery matter Refers to Chlel J aswow Buepuer j, - -1 IUM lovw- " - unlne. Hon. Row. w. vvuuwu, ixuy. r v. K tfjnfijfc vfaaly, Winston Vwples 1 fclttoV. B Taylor. Vres Was tH.iMj unA r. w. Tlmberlake. - finiton frrts. First flnioiuu JJiiun. ui tuj For- w. M. PERSON, A.TTORKRYAT-LAW, a ' ; , LouisBuae, w. c. ' Pr.rf.ioe8 in all courts. Offlca Id WW court Hoa. U. YA-RBOROUOffJaT iV. ATTORNEY AT LAW, . -LOUISBUO, N. C. ' r ' 0ce on sccoud floor of Neal , building Main Street. , f t , , All ! g.il business intrusted to" lam sill receive prompt anacareiui ReuuB, to EMTI3T, .EDWARD DUG6ER.1). D. Sj t Graduate of th oldest Dental College- the World. Eitfht years experience., mi improved instrumental ". Teeth el tracted without pain. Artifleial teetn itb mt plaie. satisiacuan or monej rfturned. ' - ' - Office over Jones & Cocjpers - 8tor. '' Tti. t ' Dentistry, W. H. EDWARDS OF WAKE FOltEST, N. C.' ! V ill visit, Louixburg on Monday Tuesday in vvH.iupsi av foilowina tlie nrst unaay b e.n li mniith prepared to do all , kinds ol IU'DKU WOTi. I . ii .. . . i i 1. '.r i "..;! J .... Otfi uv.-.r .Tones & Cooper . Store pa ecu d'j-jr to T. B. Wilder Law of&Ve ..j J. TUG. TINNEXS i -J-,U to d all kind of tm work, re Al! work tmaranteed. , 'Pla i-i-'-'iohsi on Main sorest in house recently wujii.'i! bv r t'arnsli. RUFFIN & LEWIS, BLACKSMITHS art- prepared to do all. kinds -of. . - rs in our line. Call to see ua at-our Qr ir thu Louisbarg nulla. - 6. is. -s:iiro, DENTIST, 1, V; LOUISBUBQ, N.'a-J'JV" 0iB, owr Jacket Store'. " - : Graduate Baltimore . Dental ; Collette. iweutp-foar veara aetive- experience. iktificial testh k spkcialtt. Natural Seeth removed and new ones inserted in IWBNTY MINUTES; - - -.-.. .v All work warranted. ' 'V ; . Loaisburcr is my home "for better, or wsj" and von will al wars find me to correct at mv Own expense any ma', may prove unsawsiacwury. Very truly. -BB; KING1, . ' ' Dentist. YM1B0R0UGH &. DAVIS,. The BlacKsmitiis oflouisbdrg. r;- iw, and satisfaction guaranteed, worn in our line uouio i "9 nave our new sbop (the old ten pm Pred than ever to serve our, coato- erg. STILL AXTHE BRIDGE. BLACK-SMITHING. Wherfl T nm sail trnAnrn an TMrvUPWl t dO Xiwaawork. 1 nope roa will see me as Bv done before. Tou will find me on 7 &Mt 111 do n tV HI... h.l,1ra Maltl Street' kinds inds J rPd lo repair jrour gun. such as 7Bew look. in. . f h.wa a-nna am also l DUttlnir I hare a few iuns which I ;rthatwUltetold"ooiea" Tours truly CENTRAL HOTEL a P Mauaenburrr Propr HENDEKSOXT. H-O. accommodations.' tlotfd fare; Fo lite sad a tt entire servant .4 ,.f ., -I' ' ' .... - : : !?lare, n. a While I am doing all "Mlf.k.mlthl... hit I I ALL QUIET ALONG THE P0T01IAC. Afliet alone th Potomac to-night,- ' -iW hf and there a stray picket Is shot as he walks on his beat to and fro " wy rifleman hid in the thicket w,.- ! or two now and" then Aot an officer lost, only ode of the men , Moaning out all alone the death rattle. All quiet along the Potomac to-night " ' "Ibeu- teats m the rays of the clear autunfu moon , . x . And the light of the camp-fires gleaming. tromolons ih. as the ventu ?o.k ' t7 H , the fore8fc4eavc8 slowly is creepin. ' -k'ili8 "Pbow, with glittenng eyes, Vep gpard o'er the army while sleeping. There's-nly the sound of the lone sentrr'a r .- Aa he.fcramps trpmthe rock to the fountain: And . he -thinks of the two oo the low trundlo . Fac aw'Sy inthe cot oti the mountain - ? iismufket fU slackhis face dark and , gnflj. k - - - , y Grow gotitle with memorie tender. " ' V fie mutters a' player fotKhe child roa. Ami thetr'in other "May Heaven'.defend ,Tbi drawmg-his sleewroughly oVer his eyes. - "e dashes oil tears that are. welling.- : v And gathars his gun closer up ta his breast,- -Aij if to keep down the heart's swelling, passes the fountain, the blasted pine tree. ' And bis footstep lagging and weary.- " let onward he goes thro' the broad elt of Toward the shade of the forest dreary, ' Hark; was t ibe'night "-wind that rustlea the - leaves . . r.The moonliirht so wonTrniiBlv flAMnirf v looked like a rifle! Hal Marv sroo And his life-blood is ehhi nir n.n1 n!n.aliSnr : mi uiuuii nevma ,0 snine as DruEutlT - as ioen, . , . - , . t rbat uifi-bt. whpn t.blnA va. nn Leaped up to bis lips and .low murmured. TOWS - " r v . Where pledged to be eyer unbroken. ' s. Where soft falls the dew on the face of the - dead, - v"The icket'B" off nty forever. , . .LIVINfcr PEACEFULLY." ' Rev.' Geo. H." Hepworth in Hew, Tork Herald Let not your heart be troubled, -neither!-1 v ire uitum, on. uiU, UT.iZI t- .1 . w . ,:: Religion is not so much a theory of saWation, a means of reaching the other world iii safetv-. as it is a constant Bonrcerof comfort during the hardships -and perplexities of the present time' '- ,- The futur we may regard as assured and leave it to take care of itself. , - . Che dear Lord, who watches the Pa V.lg a"d;fl1: a?.d ho has giteajnssome faint glimpses of what is to be, 'will keen the wonaeruu promise, go xo pre pare: a place for you;' and we needi hare no disturbing thoughts; but, on the contrary perfect confidence. Our chief concern should be how to make the best and the most of this life, for if we are in the right now: we surely cannot go wrong hereafter. God has hidden certain benefits, in the experiences through wuich we are called to pass, and, it . ix 11 . .1 . . - w ...... ; . - u ... . :s. ,-.-: importanir mai as we go mrougu the experiences we find a way- to gather . the benefits. I am con vinced that no event-in our lives is withoftf ita purpose, .and; if our minds and hearts are .properly de veloped we ehall not only discover what that purpose -is,butt have cause for gratitude and f increased faith even. amid, sorrows and tears and bereavements. a - It should be oar aim, therefore, to live as peacef ullv as" possible- that is to sayj we should reduce the friction of life to ita minimum, and ' nothing -will serve this end excent a .bramfelt and heartfelt religion. Peacef ulness depends on interior auahlies more . than on environment and external circum stances. - , It Js possible H to . have every thing and at the same time to nracticallv -have notbine. It is also possible to travel a rugged and wearying path with a light heart. It does not follow that you are well off because you are rich, but you may ,r if you will, be well off i a snite of takin r cares and strange uncertainties. ? ; -Everything depends on your n -mA : dnA "ttnA rnr ?n- look at yourself. JLiyou can see a , - . . Lim mutMncr havnnd thA fttars when; you look forth, 1 and some- thing worth your attention when i you examine your uwu buui, jrwu have the firm foundations on wnicn to build a grand and glorious life TWrirnes .disclosed bv those two visions are beyond computation Sb w . - ..:.naoi tViot trniiT in lua cuusuiuueueoa j . - , - i a.. i i s t tiuy OUtreacneS iUC iiuiifco i"t that you are capable of appreciat- inn- the snirit of the Christ and of aftnronriatinff it in the economy t Ufa a a TIa rlpsired VOtt tO OO trim bftcome to a larce extent inde f what is called good or ill fortune. You have a priceless fort iii vbur heart which noth fit it r.n . nil rehase and of which no r onDing theft caa despoil you, for the most secure of all your- posses sions is the ideal which you hope Xo attain. : While it mi'bt be rash, to assert that yon can become wholly indifferent . to circum stances, it is safe to declare that it yoa b'aVe a comforting faith y oil can be infinitely happier as a poor man than yoa corild be with all the wealth of the world at command if you had no faith at all.' It is not the soft bed; which drives refresh- ing sleep, but a quiet conscience and a serene trust. We know this to our sorrow. It is what- yorr have jnvour heart and "not what you nave in your " pocket; " that makes .you,' enviable! ' A large 1 j&antt account nat a certain magic in it, but if yon hope to find there in the means of happiness you will be disappointed. The-necromancy of life has its sources In heartbeats. YoY.wrong yourself and waste both time and energy in accumu lation as the . sole aim of life;. It is impossible that God can hare so arranged the - world .that dollars will . buv whit th noor nafld an well as the ricb..The most de-lirl,?f; able things must be in reach of the multitude, and I am sure , that though you toil from day to day and bend toot shoulder to the bur ded of hardship, you ought to have, and you .can have great comforts and great joys." True religion., is thoroughly, democratic. - It favors no class, but gives as plentifully, to the unlettered 'as to the learned. The picture, of .an ideal life Which Christ offers us is whollv enticing and allurinir-a. Father wVia lUron. tn f J hrt , n TCldpr. BmtW wK'trftrl iY,a th nf .nnUK nrl rtn and who tells usow we may pos- sess our . souls in .peace ; a heaven in which; there will he no more partings, for in its wide territory there is no graveyard;' a host of angels with whom we may com municate, . and whose influence -is rond about' us from day to day. Can-any soul. ask fork.more?JwWhat id thPM aika that vnn run dMirAf Witt, k. ?tL. o e,ud 'equipped . for whatever exi gency may occur. I do; not -say that life will not still be a very serious business, taxing your re- sources at times to their .ntmost; but I 'venture to assure you that .... - . ... you wilfhave many comforts which can be 'earned, but , not bought. and, a certain quietness of - soul ; . , . ' which , be : alone can enjoy, who knows-what the present meansand who : eees the beckonincr - hand ot .1 ie future. -To rest calml'on ,the watchf nl r care Of .Providence even when the way is dark and stormy. to feel in the inner depths that the Hand which guides knows how to guidef to yield iu submissive res ignation to .whatever befalls, look- in e over to the mist covered fields of Paradise as the. refuge from crier and toil this is to lead a anr nrnfitiiKIa mrA vrv - r.rtmfort able life, one that will be a daily blessing unto yourself and an encouragement to every struggling soul in the world. " ' iThe Ubiquitous .Waist. r The fancy waist will be as im portant a feature of tho winter wardrobe as ever before, and the silks designed ' for them are of great beauty. Softly blended Persian v and "Oriental 'effects of color -will be most popular, and as they come in the richest silks they have not yet become common. Sometimes their rich color is sub dued by a drapery of plaited chif fon falling from a yoke of jet or lace pessementerie. From 'Re view of Fashions,' in Demorest's Magazine for November. As if we'oUdn't already have diseases enough in this country, the doctors have discovered another wriirh thev call the Railroad Kid ney, not, because it carries people nff. morRnftftdilvthan other dis- ..... Knt h-ra,ieitis contracted f rftn thfl fi n dust absorbed throuch t..i v. .-:i.n ine 8&1U IU (uunuuuug laiuyau riding. Seafaring " people and people who travel on canals are not subject to it. Children Cry fcr PitchcrfsJCtcrla. - L0UISBUR6, N; C, FRIDAY,4 1 OYE1IBER THE SODTnESX. EAlIw AY . ; EXPOSITION WOUK. CO.'S ; " VAtlakta,' Qa., September 20. Editor Manufacturers Record : -The Sootheru Railway has erected, doubtless the most classi cal building on the exposition grounds. It is a most beautiful and; symmetrical; production ana in iw pure wnne daintiness resembles a gem of most Drimant appearance and cnaste aesign. lis gnaea aone is sur mounted by. a heroic size female figure representing modern rail way progress, j .. .. - j" ' Its interior contains a' bureau of 0njaUoa under the a nspices of me passenger-department, and a similar -bureau., under theT auspices of the landiand immigration' de partment, and also contains an ex tiblt of fare and costly": selection of the.fine8t S the Sonth The building is set forth as an example of the best production of the architect, N Mr.1 . Bradford . L. Gilbert, and " it was constructed under the supervision of the man- Co: Even more ; than the Pennsyl vania Railroad was. to the. Centen nial Exposition ai Ph iladelpnia, and the . HI in ois " Central railroad was to the World's Fair, the South ern Bail way! is to the Cotton'States and ; Iuteriiational Exposition at Atlan ta Th i s great sy ste m reaches Atlanta from'all four points of the com paw," stretching out its immense rarm8ato the Potomac at; Washing lon and the Ohio river gateways &t Cincinnati, "Louisville, St. Louis, Memphis, Vicksburg and New)r- le&n8 and "aching dowa into the ?ntior rld ??d Ptrg as a network the entire Southern States, it brings directly Into the gates of ; Atlanta trade and travel from all quarters of the globe. '-XThe Southern Railway being the only line ;Of , transportation enter ing the - exposition grounds, it has undertaken to proudly assert its . o t"3 . r lt:i!i j i . . Boa u proviuea tne mosi ample and accommodating termi nal facilities, both in Lloyd Street Station, adjoining the; Matkham Hojiseand immediately opposite j - : - , . J 7, " V7 " " T: tion itself. . -. - , ' . oiithern -Rai way has ar- ged,aj system . of quick tra n 1 service oetween tne city ana tne J - - -.- - .. y giuuuug . oitbu . iuo ouuku una never -before Witnessed. .These trains are arranged so as to be run within three minutes of each other,' and afford a total carry ingeapacity of 20,000 an hour in each - direc tion, or total movement ; in , one hour of 40,000 people, should neces sities' require. - : "! '' v Vice-President Baldwin has im bued his entire staff, of subordi nates with a spirit of energy and enterprise in this undertaking " " . V . . ,y . successful of the kind ever knownt ' The passenger department of the Southern Railway has issued extensive and beautiful advertis ing matter of original and effec tive sort, and has participated very largely in the effort , so . success fully resulting in - arranging the lowest rates upon the most liberal basis ior the Atlanta Exposition ever' afforded any exposition t of this kind in the world. . . v The freight department has lent similar aid and enterprise in pro- 'vidinir for. the movement of the exhibits, and indeed the watch word throughout the entire South ern Railway system seems to be "the Atlanta Exposition must be an overwhelming success." The transportation department of the Southern Railway is doubt less as well oEcered as any railway in the United States. Most ample and extensive' train service has arranged by the transporta "on oeParimeuVfc0 w"u cv" body from every whera to Atlanta on tbia g.reat occasion ; I. W." AvEax. 7 .egro day at the Atlanta Expo -mon was the largest yet in point of attendance. I Qh!!ircn Cry f;r Fiber's Ca: 8, 1895. AS TOKE WSPAPES3. The Rer. T. Da Witt Talmace Has Been There and Knows. "One ot the great trials of the newspaper profession," says Itev. Dr. 1 . DdWitt Talmaseina recent sermon, "iathat its members are compelled to see more of the world thari anyotherprofeasion. Through every newspaper orace day niter day go all thevaoitiee that want to be puffed, all the revenge that want to be reaped, all the mistakes that' went to be corrected, all the dull speakers that want to be thought eloquent, all the meanness tuai wants to cet its wares noticed gratis in order to save the tax of the advertisinEr eolnmn,all the men who want to be set riirht who never were right, all the crack-brained pmiosopnerH. witu stones ,-tnia as their hair and as gloomy as their finger nails in the morning bereft of soap all the bores who come to stay five minutes but talk five hours. Through- the editonal and reportorial rooms all the follies and shame of the world are seen dav after day; and the temptation is neither to believe in God, men or women. 'It is. no surprise to me that in cms proiession there areBorae ukep tical men. L only wonder that newspaper men believe anything. Some men expect their wiyea to ouj a aouars worxn or stun witn a hundred cents and keep the change for pin money. When Baby was sick, we fe her Castorla. When she was a ChDd, she cried f or Castoria, When she became kOss, she clung Coatorla, Wbec she had Children, she gT thaat CsstorU. SCHOOL FOR GIBLS. : Hisses EdittTand Fannla .Yaibor- -tugu,' Principals.- ; ; ; - The next session will begin oa Thursday me oin oi oeptemuer unaer t tie same man agement, ; .' . . .... ' Charges for tution Very moderate.' For further 'particulars apply to 1 the iaay principals. . . .. t - - Cotloa Stales arii Interiialloiial Emo- SEABOARD AIR LINE. VESTIBULED LIMITED TRAINS Ml WMCullO Eltta Fore IS Chared- - j.. i Leare Washington. D. C dally, at 8.40 P. ItL. upon arriral ol the Congreaeional Ximited'' from New Turk, and reach Atlan ta at 4:09 P. uM the next dav. A second train, witn tbrougn aleepiag ears from New York, leares Washington at 4: A. M., arriTing at AUsnta 6:UU A. the next day. -- ' i Both trains leare xrom the rsonsiirania railroad station and. land passengers In the Union Depot at Atlanta. as near the Expo sition grounds as through passenger, via. A5T Jin. are landed. At Portsmouth and Norfolk, V., the Seaboard Air Line baa - other connections o a all r as Important aa those at Washing- ton, namely: rrom new iora ana raiiaan " W , V aT V 1 rkL II . 1.1 ohia. the Cape Charles Boate: from BaJU more, the Bar Line steamers; from Wasa- inirton to Norfolk', and Washington steam era: from New York, the Old Dominion ateamthlDs and rrom Boston as a rronr dne. the VIerchanU' and Itinera' Steam- hiDs. Close connection is made at the itmnmr .idee with through trains and Pull mat Drawing Boom. Buffet Sleeping Cars operated through from Portsmouth to At lanta without change. Each of tbeee route taka the. paeeenger ria Old Point Comfort and through uampion ttoaos. . These trafos are composed of the band- SOmeSb X Ulliuau lfiin iwuii Sleeping Cars aud Day Coaches. The 8:40 P. it. train ('.'The Atlanta 8pecialL Is rem- tibuled from end toeoa ana is owutid IOUD VKOU .WASHIJIOTO!! - TO ATLAJITA WITHOUT CHABOS. "v FOOTPSOF lTrBBKri.LOSa THIUXX. - The route from Washibgton is through TradaricksburK. lUchmond and Petersburg. Virginia, Weldon. Bal-lgh aud Southern PinesNorth Carolina, Chester, Clinton and AbbeVille, Sonth Carolina and Elbertoo and Athens to Atlanta,- ueorgta, . v. . -." . . ' mATca. -.Excursion ticketa will be sold to Atlanta and return, via the Beaboard Air Una, as On Tuesdays and Thursday. September 17th to December ?4tb, indumre atl4.uo from Washington, and 112.60 from Ports mouth and Norfolk, limited to ten days from date of sals. ' ' - TVa.il v. R-otember 16tb to December 15th. Inclusire, at $19 25 from Washington, and $17.35 fnm Portsmouth and Norfolk, lim ited to twenty days from data of sale; ad ot $2.35 from Washington and $J3 65 from Portsmouth and Norfolk, good until January 7,1890. , . -' ' thb nxrosmo surpasees. in some reepcts, any Expoeition yet held in America Here yon find, side by side, exhibit from Florid and Alaska, California aud Maine, the Cnited 8tates of America, and the United States of Brasil. Mexico and Canada, and so on until nearly erery cirilid nation on the globe is repre sented. On the terraces are found, among many other attractisns. Arab. Chinese and Mcxfcan Tillages, showing jut how those peoples hare their -daily walk and .conrer eat ion." ' .' . Ask for ticketa Tia'Taa Skaboabd Ajb Pullman Sleeping Car reserration wi.l be made aud further information furninhed upon arpltion to any Apent of the Sea board Air Line, or to the undersigned. II W. I). GljOTKS. T. J.ASPEEfOX, Traffic Manager. General Paw. Agt. E. Br. Jos; k Vice-I'resiJot. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ;o; Who may wieb nice shampoo ing or hair dressing done, will do well to call on W. II. ALSTON & L. W. EQERTON. Ladies bae your bang cut right. We have Dr. White new hair irrower. Aou , V0:" sioraure. for the hair and skin, notbintr to beat it to keep the hair from fall ing out. . HOTEL WOODARD, ( W. C. VooDASi, Prop , - . Be-ky Mount, N. C. Free Eos meets all trains. . " : ti per day. University of Sortb Carolina." Comnnaea the UnivereitT the College, "the ;Law - ani Ifeiiical Schools, and the"' 8ummer School for . Teachers. Tution G0S3 Teachers, 471 Students. Address President Winston. Chapel UU1, N. C, for Catalogue and handbook on j LOUISBURG Carriage1 Shops, : H..a TA&LOH, Proprietor. Tf your Catriage, Buggy, Wag on or anything in that line needt repairing and you want it done light, bring it to toe, and if you want your Carnage or Bugsry re painted in a first-class manner, bring it to me also. I have served my time under a first-class pain ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurantee satisfaction in all work entrusted, to me. I have a first-class black smith in the black smith shop who ful understands everything about his: business.- fronj shoeing a horse to irioning a fine tuggy. It does not pay to have yourfwe assure you we will make 01.4 work botched up, so. bring ifj along to me where -it WILL BE.f DONE RIGHT, my prices .sn' reasonable: ; - . ' I make Buggies and Wagons to order. If you want a good Home- Maps Buggy or Wagon, give me your orders, and you shall havr what you want. ' . - . Thanking my friends-for their patronage in the past aud solicit- mg ine same in xuinre, 1 am, - Vnn t vow a s rvaJ tn 1 1 v .r- II. C. -TAYLOR. Build up Home. by- WthONIZIN6HGUE'EflTERPRrSE MALLORY DURHAHZCI1ER- I . "1 ROOTE CO. OF DURHAM. - - N O. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS .AND CIGARROS As can oe found on the market. ' Their leading brands are "BULL OF DURHAM" A dime Cigar for a nickle. Hand - Ilavana filled. "JDLE CARE . Named n, honor of Col. J. 8, Carr, Pres. Blackwell Durham Tobacco Co., 5 cent Samatra Wrapper 4 'BUCKWELLS DUItHAli' Named in honor of Col. W. T. - Blackwell, father of Durham 5 cent SumatraWrapper. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. !'0LD CHUNK" HEROOTS, 5 for 10 cents. .The finest smoke . for the money. V "OLD NORTH STATE" Cheroot, 3 for 5 cents, a-sure winner that always pleases. . A . J J Mm mm ' Aa-aa Diicmruuuio .uubcuu ua Juul orders. ' , - .. ; n.t.. ; m 1 nl- Lid nif UUltiaa UQSIC31 UO. ... . " DURHAM,- N. C. - Tk'C NOTICE The tax books of the town of Louisburg has been placed iu my hands, and the taxes for 1803, are now doe. All those owing taxes will please settle the same nssoon as possible, and thereby save trou ble and costs. . - R. D. PcfXELL, ' Tax Collector. J D- a R. S- CHHI3TIVI RICHMOND, Va. Prorapt attention to orders and eutisctioa GUARANTEED. FARMERS SALOON Or S.S.DAVIS, Fr:;r!:::r,. LoiJiiminnu. it. a We have fil ted ui op in tip top Niuthebuild- 8ylea8ALOO ing on Naih 8tn justbe low D. IL Taylor & t . Co'e and are - now fully Equipped and prepared to sup ply the people of Lomaburg and Franklin county the Choicest Liqiiois . North Caroliii.Biandy,' bolK apple aud poach, wines,fm h 09 ' ally kept iri a first-class ta- loon.' We desire to harw wyoa call and try our - OLD- ( - MONONGAHELA xxxx Which we are confident will please the most fastidious. Give it a trial and you" will have.no other. We are sole agents at this place for this renowned brand of whiskey, which alwars remember and come to us. when jouwantiL ALL CTHER BRANDS OF STANDARD WHISKIES - KEPT ON HAND, Our place shall at all limes b kept quiet and orderly, and gen tlemen need have no hesitancy in tailing in at any time. Ko Rqwdyness will be permitted. . "Trusting that you will favor c with a portion of your patronagf . best effort to please you. . ;- Youn respect if ully. 8. S. DAVIS. OSBORN'HOUSEi 9 . . V' uaiiU f wpnewr, I - Oxford N C r - I uooa accommodations xor um traveling public- DO YOU WAN! A HOUSE V If so you will do well to write or see J. LevUter, -at . LoulsburirJ Nf C, before contracting. -Plani, speeifieatioDS and estimates mad on burnt buildings, sc. 7-12-3 m. SHOE MAKING. - MOSES WEST holds forth in rear of Thomas' DrugJStore, riA nil aw wl-ierA "Via Anem srt. making and repairingnd gvei a n fnn. twA.V mm - ma4 a. chesper than any &hoe-Mak in the State. . Come and see for yourself ' - . . Respectfully, MOSES WEST. .ma-cnoLEiLV . : Can be cured by using TIIOilA; POULTRT POWDER: It alaocur ; . both and oapcs. Now Is the tin.: to use it. '25 cents a package. - For sale br W. G. 1 IIOMA8. Droggiat, . ' Lonlaburg, N. C . ' , NOTICE I" . 1 bave decided to re a nee my BEES to 10 Hives. Will soil remainder for 'f 3,Su per hjve, this' includes top cae These bees are worth V.O0. foi bees alone, ' Apply at onca to , . A D. GREEN. FUANKLINT0N HOTEL ,C. JI- ' tiOBBS, Ftp'r. . Good aecotodatloa for tb travtliaf pnblie. , - ' I jxsm mmiwij a.mvmw. H - R. R. CROGSEN. ' FIRST. CLASS rAINTER LotnsBrao, 3. c - I wish to offer my errlre to He tiu I !?. andl will asw th.t I am rrerared U j do all kinds ot bouae paiBtin, gran. injr&e. My work lo LooUbnrc sprsK foriulf.andlr-ferto all partW ff whom I bar worked. Old furnlUr made new. Gircma roar ptro&4 and yoa ahall b plcaaed. IF YOU SUFFER WITH HEADACHE NEIURALGIA, TAKE - Stoilmans' IIca(M:aoy3 THE OBClVTEST REilEDI 1-. EARTH." ' For i.ole la Loci burg b r W. G. THOMAS AYCOCXEJLCO, Fcrtak ks Fraalillatoa by