: j; , :; -;.;:aLL-; :1b ill: iJLJ;-; jh Ji Jj- - iy j V . . '. -v KDHBER39. B. ATTORNEY AT LAW. -L0UISB9M. X. p. i- Will practice in all the Coarts of the State umce in court House. - jg B. WILLIAMS, V PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, FRANKLINTON. N. C. V Off era his sen ices to the "citizens of FranKim ana vicinity. v T Zr H. UOOKB SON, C. ATTOENETS-AT-LAW, WU1 attend the eoarta of - Nuh; Vrni, l OriTlUe, Warreoand Wake coantle-.aTao the keeoantiee,alaothe Caroliuo. and the IL 4airem Court or urth 1 CUuait and District Court. 'in. . . jtt. JT. B. MALONS. Olfioe two doore belo Oinoe two aoore Tetow Areocke & Coa lrag atore, adjoining JOr. O. D R. WT H. NICK0L8OIT, , 47! f"V "t' st -4- tti ?v lovxsBvaeiv. a. ' ' ATTORNBy-AT-LAW,' L00ISBQB8 K. q. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, aranrille. Warren and Wake counties, alao Ue Supreme Court of North Carolina. Frompt MWUUUU 5 IV QU IU CUUWPIUI, SO,', fpHOS. B. WILDER, ' : 7 ATTORKRY-AT.LAW, Office on Main street. Over Jones a Copper's tore. . - . . --. . ; . . T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to nis hands. Beiera to Chief Joatiee Shepherd, Hon. John Manning. Hon. Robt W. Winston. Hon. J. C. Buxton, Frea. First- National Bank ' of Wlu ton, Olena a Sianlr, Winston, Feoples Bank ol Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Fres. Wake For eai uouege, uon. is. w. ximDenaKe. -Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. W. M. PBRSON, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, L0UISBDB4, jr. a v Practices in all courts. Office In the Bouse. - "W. H. YARB0R0UOH.JS. . ATI ORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURO, N. CI : Office on second floor of Neal building All lfgal business intrasted to him will receive prompt and eareful attention D ENTIST, J.EDWARD DUGGER D:D.S. louis ljuE t, n. o. Graduate of thu oldest Dental College in tne w ona. a ignt years experience. filoHt improved instruments .Teeth ex tracted without pain.- Artificial teeth without plate. Satisfaction or "money returnea. Office over Jones & Cooper's stow. W. H. EDWARDS OF WAKE FOREST, N. C. Will visit Louisburg on Monday, Tuesday and Wredntnda following the first Sunday in eacn month pre bared to do all kinds of 1 Dental work. ' : las Ottleu over Jones A CoopeF' Store next door to T. B. Wilder Law offii-e J. M O. HILL, THE .TINNER, Is prepared to do all kind of tin work, re piiirinK, c. All work guaranteed, lace of business on 11 ain sreet in house recently 1 occupied by F. Parrish. Rl lETtTIM JR I C1AIO : nur.PliVa LCWIO, blacksmiths . v We are prepared to do all kinds of work in onr line. Call to see na at our hop near the Loaisbarg mills. DR. 33. 33. DENTIST, ; v - LOUISBUEG, N. C. Office over Racket Store. Graduate Baltimore Dental College." Twenty-foar years active experience-: ARTIFICIAL TEETH A STECIAIVrT. Natnral testh removed and ntfw ones inserted in TWENTY MINUTES. " , - ' - All work warranted, r - U '. Louisbarir is my home "for better or "d you.wiU.alwaJ'nd'i ray to correct at my own expense any work that may prove uiisatisfactory. , Very traly. ; R. E. KING, s , Dentist. YARBOBQUBH. &; DAVIS, v The BlacksiAiths;" OP LOUISBURG. : .v .-.r ..'- t . s. i'V'.:.-"1- .'V V All work in our line done on short aotice, and satisfaction guaranteed. 'We have our new shop (the old tea pin "ley) in good, shape and arehetter pre pared than ever to serve tur eusto-aera- VNVA,V STILL AT THE BRIDGE.- V BLACK-SMITHING. Where I am well known and prepared to do T aame wort. . I hopeyoa will see me as TP done before. Toa will find me on the East aide ef the Kiver bridge, Blain street' toalabarg.N. C. , While I am doing all kinds MacUmUhtiig, ddn forget f hat l am also prepaaed lo repair rour gan, sach as putting w locks fccv' I have a-few tranr which I Pye repaired that wiU be said if not called for Utea daya. , - . - , - - , . . Yours truly " - ',.--,- A.T. NBii CENTKALl HQTKL' f P Hasaenbnrg Propr HENDERSON, IT.O. 1 Oeod aeeommodations. Good fare- lUe ami attentive servants. Ground the eolitaKr?hyr8weP.V And love was beaten hfrV- L -V ' -X . ? uce eacn irom each Have we been 1nut r j K rj if 1 OS orth P?!? of Wt and mind Leare we tw-i,..- c 'TT " From Life dark PV" na Tom Life dark I'tttLZ?' The iarrtnr-!S2ii5??.l,0P, bora; And tfironanSS-L5 'g Sweet Loreralk hainTS mM -.namoers joornaL A LETTER TER TOUfi CflILPBi;vV - - t . -,j--vj - - .- ' tateUyou somRthing of oi rVik.t t Atlanta. We Jeft bomat 4 o'clock on the morning of the 15th, reached . vpf ure arK cttavinfir tr - yiously - engaged board with Mrs. . . , ' -7-. ' minis ter who formerlv UvaA , T.ij Sill " . ." . " ;MOlUS' Vllle, we Went there imml.M. and were pleased to find Mr w.k. ster and a party of ladies and gu. tlemeni f rom ? Re i A i 1 1 n 7-. urn -rt. x. " vsMr HO. were Ore Oil Mfmm R c-rounda. hnt t 7"i. v.T!i electric cars soon took us through the., beautiful wide streets lined with .handsome reflidAni0a trA. . j . .... . . wiw the CentennW '"pMinui.'K'J1! k . w ,f a m aiacMu ci at sa s h. w-lts' vwenty-nve The wniKs ana grounds .are not an o-nnrt I am t P Kf i . . Wtr,.TnJvW.e' 'l 8 IR. - -,-?;."vm mure IMD toe cost Of -oinir tA . We SAW nnmnln'n. V ... IT . ujouCD I tnat weighed ovnt 5? on Am l -- ---- vv juuuo, watermelons, sevenfy.five or over. oranges and trrana frnit - as cantaloune " Tn?:?. " wasa tatue of Its wifa-in Wfc l salt that was firm tk . .x building has a great manv nice .rnV. if :"". !..;?... y display. The building devoted to ituo arws cuuiainea .elegant table- ware, jewelry, cut glass, fans, IZa'iVT y, trance and Italy. B. bought a Bohemian rose bnwl for pearl, of iignt green glass, decorated with gold and blue forget-me-uots, gen-1 uine. Bohemian, bought from a Carlsbad merchant. In the 'Cali fornia building-was the finest fmit and vegetables a ever saw, apples, peaches, pearsV graDes. oranges and lemons, i peaches measured ""cuty lucuca arouna, ana as Close All OrAntTA .Tarithnnf .inln n i diukio uicuiisu, auu woeai, wnite as rice. In the Government, building . is a beautiful display of live fish in water, in tbe Smithsonian depart- j meht were leaves from an orifrinal I AbrAnr hihla anH Vf T I .mv luai iu 4l4kUr B bible in a good State of preserva tin - ".IkTnmmS.' .fMm "D-J.- dummies from Egypt, wax figures showing the life and haV j. au - - - aau at uui 'jv w l a. aw sa. w "Kures snowing tne life and hah- jts of various Indian tribes, and horses and soldiers showing the equipments, dress of thearmrand navv. The-art hnilHino- Kan A- aomer; - and there was better arrangements for the display than ; "7at . t ,J - , I w. i. was -jeriectiy coarmea wun tue xiew xors and Jfennsvl-1 vaniaState buildintTS which were fitted np to show bow to economize. iii housekeeping. ; There were' many beautiful plants exhibited in the Florida plant system. China. Japan, Mexico, Gautemala, and other foreign countries chad good xni hif On tha ,nf f esty buitding was a splendid IMex- 7 1 . j . l a. " FW-J,1U icao band that,' performed, all the in 'the U. S."irave concerts nearlv all day. The grounds have a lake in the centre upon which float goo. doias propelled by electric wires, and at night the entire grounds, la tee and all are lighted by elec i.? . !a' " ll -.111-.. . " -4 use ana an are lighted i by elec- that thev throw "ont tha 'hnA nf I . : at.. K.-iJil- i.- ; r aio uuuuiue, .aua&iuK a scene as i haantifnl ne ina almnst imnrMn. 'I Vi.ir : TIT-, r. - a 1 wwa..v...a..: wuv. .liuvsff lUISKtUOD ta I. half day seeing thacity,- On our return we, met a party of a C. prearhers, giv ng a Synod at Rock m train Anrhin tA N P 'R,nftli same Train, coming to -DL U Hynod wi.Uor1ot;kr;h.r,eolTXr 'v 1 il - A 4. I . .-, AT - - i . . S W 1 at Roxboro.; ? He seems' in every respect ; as great a man as ' his brother' Rev. Dr. Morton at Hen-1 deraon." - ' - " ; X ' Plant a good man any where in this w.orld, and the devil will i ai med iately begin walki ng up and down in that neighborhood. and was not; so crowded. Instead iaem8e,?es and i eat 7 themselves er' lar? P&ges of the Philadel of three or four buildiqgs as at P. tQo color line beibg drawn in the phia cord ith bis advertise- . - " "' - Bridgeport (Ala.) Newe, j , ' r, Horrah for Jackeon ! . f . v - . r Hot wan njtafc. i . v Cooler weather '- ft" 3$-v V Summer'a oyer, . '. r:::C''i.v Let her go. -e.--:i: . A , B it waata to - 'f,V4 v. . j -. . ( , . Jack- ''i" .':'.! JLet It maw - "-iS-.'v ?V; .5-- 'i.- if Negro EquaUty ar5oritt Oxford Public Ledger HrThv.A.a, -,:v LTV; . , " ' suan Adro. vvb, wnica is -one of the ablest .w!!Y.f?-t.rporB vv in J 1 I cdnnt i-V- v Yil , . l"cv ' f e,Iftloas lapers . Jn the 1 H oeen , enowing Mff nortbrnjbaittbag. orjrooat tne negroes in laneaaee i that sdlrHoihpintnd xei icuof, Jins editor ?oa mopg;the AfetH- odl8t8 of the North, and,bas: no. oisSNorthern brethren 1 tBa ,vWitn theirr: neori. r..tts I . - ' - r, - -C . w un tney come in contact with each other in conference or other wase. Here is an; extract from What the Advocate had to ear last week : I ;e"Br"1 uiiy or aixtv col- ...J . - - : " v. m?n m tne next general con- feW ofthe Methodist Episcopal urch Nprtb.ql Some of them wll be men nf nnni,A..i uiuiai liuaraciflr. W9-i"-;:.kV, by t v . , - w v-cuamoers and dininp- mo mo nf ia Woi. j . . I "v'ulo uoeu vi at toe : iron At OiiaU we.noticed thai UU..T j . . ...... vtJO wiwou gnests 01' tne bousa at Which Wft TPcriataraA . - " T W and 'nndiannA1 : . ' ' yuoocBsiuu on one laro- taM.. xr v. ., . uw great ne lDron tne7 never crowd e1, i8hop Turner once said to Bishop Fitzgerald :v . - "In Boston I applaud me, especially if T bit the buV I have never slept in "j--'-oir ueas nor eaten at your tables Nor is there the remotest possibility thar"e;enx.the "most . - . . HTv" t 81Xty bretb' -x-. MO e,e6WU W oisnopric, secretaryship or important editor- ship. Sins of Omissiou or Commission. Westminister Review. While out for a walk one1 after noon from, say, London to Watford, I meet a man who I can plainly see is in the last stages of starvation ana ne also tells me be is. He asks me to help him, but I refuse, bntton nn'mD n! . . . ...... P?Per na ns Dody has been found A l - A W aa- . the ayside; that an inquest Vr bUO wJHlei "at an inquest has been held on it. and the inrw has decided that h iaA f i L:.. t t l.j .,v. , ,v . iun- . 4 uu ",evea mm Wben - ea me 10 ao 80 he mi8bt n9 W aed, or, at any rate, not so - ixJ o...at a . ifwvs owiuat ito tnat extent,was resnnnsihla fn : Vt. a-. . Aifi;u- vi.j a. t .... . . U:::rco? w Id any 8ane Per8nvwbo heard my conduct say that I had helped t kill him in the same sen saa if I nad done so by physical violencef wnnij . wuld an7 Bane policeman take me into ca8to7. and, ' if. he would, .j . . . .. would any, sane magistrate listen 'let me put the matter in another way. Is the sin, either in man's eyes or in Gods eyes,r of, say, not relieving the widow, as great as that of robbing the widowf Ms "not Ukin the .... ,,MU mm in i" in another and very differ- noa Tadinnt t nse?Is-not visiting those CHt SO 5v rv-a.v a, L !---JI t L. U.t a. - o, iridlreot,'of th.i,in.p,i.o'm .. - .j, ...i j. i !, n.Ti" taVaf T.r':"V 7 chapter of St. Matthew, it is' for 1 aB-aaaaW M.Ma T ? a I bvu -in- i gmiaion ;ana DOl 01 ftftmmfinn tt,.t i m u " aaaiawwaw m wmmib ajajli aV Ul 1 in S. SC n B Wl 1 cursed and consigned to "everlast-1 ing ntet prepared for the devil and his. angels.' If these words really mean what in our English transla- tion they appear to mean," why dpes onr.Lord usethem only in re- gard to those whose, sins are nega- tive? than .positive eins-sius s of wilful, selfish negligence rather than of wilful, aggressive wrong- doing, .- . . r . . . .; Children Cry wKPjtchcr'sCastorli une .o. our ; Btate ..exchanges pf luted the following'.bat we failed to write on the; clipping the name and cannot giro the proper credit "A merchant in PayetteTille other day; told the editor that the be naa never advertised in his life, and yetTie.waa doing a flourishing basineBs. I had alwara : bapn laagni'by newspapers' that if man i)MnH'.'l...i.' . i rr yu e-ujorHBone a go under. wm the Wilmington . Messenger I na iQ itobesonian kindly explain I : auairs o a neop&iter" -'(-' Alanj men do a good' business who" never; advertise.;' Bat others do a xnuchr larger business who do iaWNe w-York mcrchnt?: the late Alexander X btewart, advertised largely, He twenty or thirty millions of Itit. wiwlb of goods 'eVerj.year. Tbe UreTet advertising bonse probi aoiy in Wilmioffton ha rtnKi-i . w , . . w - 1 ies ln ltt ,a8t. six months. No - 1 doabt it would have got along and mad6 mney, but it is owned by enterpriai?g broad-gauged men. and they are not aatlsfiA with i r. . u. urws on tofrreaier. T; i . . . ...... BS in ew xorfc and. AtlanU Me'nd see a whole page filled hY bne house, and in AtlanU many houses taka n anfiu .'. I , w v kokv calu m,"D-fit' toof th. . ufc oi eooas. One of The Effects. I Hnri,- o ill ind that blows good to no one." This is true of the re cent financial stringency. ... People had so far left the legiti mate channels of industry in 1890 that it was not an uncommon thing to hear men say that'tbere was no longer a good living in the ordi nary pursuits of life such as agri culture, etc. The recent strin gency baa run these men back into agriculture as a matter of necessity, and the result has been very satis factory. It is, indeed, a matter of congratulation to notice the enor mous amount of farm land that is iow render cultivation, and the re newed interest and faith that is being manifested in agricultural pursuits is one of the most encour aging signs that we find to-day. a r. ... ... Alter it s ail boiled down we will find that the agricultural interests of the country is the nucleus around which the strength of the nation as a commercial and industrial fac tor must gather, nd when we lose sight of that fact woTJave lost sight oi tne central truth in the history of our country. ' . Willi we have not at command tbe' figures that will give us an exact estimate of the increase in the cultivation, of farm lands, still wo may judge to a great extent tTm m J.JT w iV! irrom observation and this wonM in j- .a : . - - dicate to us a very great increase. Managing a Daughter. LeaksviHe Herald. First You can't do it; the man who can must be more than mortal. SecondGive her her own way; it . will save her the trouble f tak ing it.-'V- y: . - . Third Pay for her dresses if yoa can afford it. ;Her dress-maker will sue if you do't. ... Ppurtb-'-If she jtakes a. fancy. to any nan yoa' dWt want her to marryj tell her your heart is set on WAit;i' v - shall-nevai mmv nv . !..;: v , , thefl fcTre e' free hand and she wonlrlnt . " T - " T . ". ffef 1" V". wot her to marry, kick Um ont of yoar hoa8et forbid the servant to "d spring gnns and bull-dogs all H mnVt1 V at. --. . mm.-. mm -M jfur grouuus, iocs ner in her room anil if " , - 1 at. DUD UJai A S nn 10u:- t have: to wait long a"e,r that tor the elopement. ; ; - Sxth-If she hasno voice eneour- a80 her to sing whenever you give partyi; It will attract attention, to .-her .andjgive your guests an exea8e 'o I complimenting her. Never oind the neighbors- : . ; Seventh If yoa are a poor man, ach your daughter how to dance and play the piano. She can learn cooking and dressmaking and those things after she is married. : " To Uet Eld of Fleas. St. Lonia TUrmMi. v. . 4-,.-- my house of flaaan. lYiirpimnnriimt writes, by sweeping the entire house ruui iop wj oottom m one day with AUiu iunu moue aay, Botfte IlPA Wnn M Tint Ka rrl V??&L ' '6wdOT Awards I . . -y." "? , ubq In the nursery with salt strewn over thefioor. -Thistreatment musthave i nave Just succeeded In 'riddm?!.. " X wiso.nice; anampoo- oeeu successtul. as 1 see none now. !n Z, '? UT 4roa ,au" arA -ra a.. ... 'llOgOUt. I and before, after trying everything else I had heard of, thay were very (uiuuyuig. X-l VA fliiman Alara"cTock. Chlc-ago Tribune. V Tl Thereis ona mnn nn tk Wrt-fi Side jrhd has built np a novel busi- ueoai , n can t De said that lie is growing rich at it,- but he makes a good living And hia honre of work are snort, nis . work is to awaken the newspaper carriers so that they can get downtown to lay in their ouyjnieo ana aeuver me papers to bucur custoioers oeiore tne breaktast nour.,; io get their supplies in tlm a. I . " iitaur ui vue earners nava te arnrt. downtown between two" end three o'clock in the morning. The papers are ready short! v aft thr o'clock, and to - tret his anrmli. early the carrier must be on hand so as to get liis order? reentered with thedwRvery clerk, for, to avoid trouble, carriers aresupolied with papers in the order in VhirJ. thv hayegiven their orders. Here lies a Do1gt, who dodged all good But never dwMt n.t After dodarina aU heeonlH.' . He couldn't dode the devfl." WlmBabrwassi-wecavvlOastarta. . When ihi wh a OM, ahe tried for Cfcatorl. When she became lOas. skat dnaj- to Caetoria. When sha had CSdldrea, aba gava than Oastoria. SCHOOL FOR GELS. Misses Edith and Fannie Yarbor - 7nnrk D.:..t..i. &u, riujupdlJ. vT!l!M,x.to',,io,, bKln on Tbnrsday i"?1" the same, mai- agement. Charges for tntion very moderate. For farther, particulars apply to lady principals. v tbe Cotton Stales anff Intgraaltoiial Expb-I xiBon, TXalNXA, Ql x VIA THX SEABOARD AIR LINE. VESTIBULEO LIU'lTED TRAINS Upoi VUfitio EitraFareis Clanei 'Leave "Washlnirtos. D. C, daflj, at .40 P. 11 ., npon arrival of tbe "ConirrMionaJ Limited" from New York, and reach Atlaa- t at r. tne next dav. A second train, with tbroogh slplor cars Trom New York, leaves 'Waahirurtoa m.t 4:10 A. M., arriving at Atlanta 5:20 A. M-. ura next aay. . . . Both trains leave from the Penasvlvania railroad station and land passengers la the Union Depot at Atlanta- as near the Expo sition gruQas as xnrongn paaseagera via Arr Hae are landed. At Portsmouth and Norfolk, Ta tbe Deaooara air um riiae other tnnpMoiia etjuouiy aa iiopixanc as inoee at waaning- ton, namely? r rom New lork aad Philadel phia, the Cape Charles Honte; from Balti more, the Bay Line steamers; from Wash ington to Norfolk, and Washington steam ers; from Near Turk, - the Old Dominion steamships and from Boston aad Provi dence, the Uerchanta' and Miners' 8team- ahipa. Gone connection - is made at the steamer aides with thronjrh trains aad PnD- man Drawing-Room; Bnffet Sleeping Cars opera tea in roar n rrom rortemonta to A lanta wtthoatchange.- ach of these roatee takes the passenger via Old Point Comiort ana urongh iiamptoq aoada. ..KQcimarr. . These trafns are composed of the band- eomeet . xnllmaa Drawtng-Boom, Bnffet Sleeping; Cava and Day Coaches. The 8:40 r. at. train "The Atlanta u Dedal"! to ves- tibnled from end to end and is oraaATXB solid raoMWAsansTok to Atlasta WITH0TJT CHAKAC. . . . . . ; . r - ronrra or arrsacsi aioaa rxa uxc. . The route from Washington is through Fredericksbanr. Wchmond aad Peterabnra-. Virginia. Weld on, Raleigh - aad Southern Pines. North Carolina. Cheater, Clinton and Abbeville, South Carolina and lbertoa aad Athens to Atlanta, (Jeorgia. .. ., Excursion tickets will be sold to Atlanta and return, via the Seaboard Air Line, aa lollOWS." '; -.-;'' - t ., On.Tneadaya and Thursdays, September 17th to December 34th, fnctusiveat $14.00 from Waahlngtoa, and 112.60 from Ports month and Norfolk, limited to tea day from date of sals. : . - r:i Ranamka. 1 AtJt iy Tlauita. 1 !! Inclusive, at $19.35 from Washington, aad $17.35 Irom Portsmouth and Norfolk. lim ited to twenty days from date of sale; and at $26.35 from Washington aad $23 5 from PorUinouth.and Norfolk, good antil January 7, 1890. 7 - .. . surpasses in some respects, anj Exposition yet neia in America. . nere yoa una, tuoe by side, exhibits trom Florida and Alaska, California aud Maine, the United States of America, and the United States of BraxO. bfexico and Canada, and so on until aeariy every civilised nation on the globe is repre sented. Un tne ter races are lonna, among manv other attractisns. Arab. Chinese aad Mexican villages, showing just how those peoples have their "daily walk and conver sation." ' - - ' : Ask for ticket via Ta Bkasoaxo Aa Pullman Sleepingr Car reservatlona will be made and further information furnished npon application to. any Agent of the 8ea- Doara Air itna. or uj uiv auruDu.. H W.B. Qlovbb, ;T. J-. Akdebhoii. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN to: wish nice ahi i ixrv I IDgor hair dresstog done, will do 'J1 9ea11 on ALSTON I I0 w. UUKKTOM. Ladles have 7r oang cut rigot. We have I rt ITl 1. I . - . . . I i HDIH saw nail irrnvar Van'. Mexican. Hair RsstSratlve! for the KaVrl AZ!??1 ,V 1 HOTEL VOODARO. x VT. C. VTooSAia, Prep, EoelryMoaL N.C. . frea Bus iatU al traiaa.' B- S3 per day.; - University of 5ortharoima,-; wrairmses tna LLniv-raif r . College, : the .Law and ; Medical Schools, and the Summer School J01" leachersv Tutioa f 60 S5 Teachers,' 471 . 8 tudenta. Addreas President Winston, Chapel Hill, . I Ior ataioene and handbook on I , JwTeiy.xXaUcauoa." LOUISBURG JL a TAYLOR, Proprietor. I t -A " I S"1 ' D?.Or Wag. oa F n7tning in that line needi repairing-and yoa want it donel right, bring it to me, and if you 1 Want VOnr Carriatra n nn w I Painted in a firatrlna imnni'' bring it to zee also. I have served my time under a first-class tain ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurantee satisfactiafa in all work entrusted to me. J hay. a firallaa. Mi jn the black .mith .howbo fol- Itdoea not pay to have your wore- Doicnea up, so bring. it along to me where it WILL BE ... . . reaon - bIe - I . I make Buggies and Warons to order. If you want a ood Hor- I Mape Buggy or Wazon. eive me vour ordor; and you shall have what you want. - Thanking my friends for thir patronage in the past and solicit- mg YouT,9eUVrtV.Illm . ll. u. TAYLOR. I Build up Home. BY PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE MALLORY DURLU11 CHER- ROOTE CO. OP DURHAM - - N C. ARE MANUFACTURING A8 r. FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS aiND CIGARROS As can oe found on the market. Their leading brands are "BULL OF DDRnAli" A dime Cigar for a Dickie? Hand Havana filled. - JOLECARR Named m honor of Col. J. 8. Carrf Pres. Black well Durham Tobacco Co., 5 cent Sumatra 'BLACDVELLS DURHAM1 Named in honor of CoL W. T. Black well, father of Durham 5 cent Sumatra Wrapper. - LITTLE SADIE, 'CUBAN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. "0LD: CHUNK" HEROOTS. 5,fpr 10 cents. The finest smoke for ,the money. . "OLll BORITI STATE!' Cheroot, 3 for 5 -cents, : a' sure winner, that always pleases. Stick to home and send us your v orders ' ' - k v , s . ' . . ) liailorj :; Darban Cheroot Co.' V'h : I)URHAM,N. C. ; s : -:: "Vr'TAX; notice v-v:;v-f.; - The tax books o! the town ol Louisburg has been placed hi my hands, and the taxes for 1895, are now due.- All those owing- taxes will please settle' the same as soon as pc&aibre, and thereby save trou ble ana coets. R. D. Pcrxxix, : i. - Tax Collector J;0& R.S- CHaiSTlAfl ; '' RICHMOND, Va., Prompt attention to orders andi Carriage Shops, 0 FARMERS .'; V V: SALOON :o: S. S. DAYIS, Ffc;ri2!:r, LOuLSBTJBO, 2f.. a W hare fitted DP in ,0P W aSAIOON iu the build- ingon Nash Stjuatbo- . ' low D, II. Taylor & -'"V .Go's., and are n&w fully Equipped and prepared fo ttjp- ply the people of Louiilrarg ; . and Franklin' county the Glioicest-I Quors North Carolina . Brandy, bofh1 , apple aud peacb, wines,freik Br, and everything era. . ally kept in a first-class 'sa loon. . We desire to have you call and try our - : ---OLD v MONONGAHELA : xxxx Which, we are confident will . please tbe most fastidious. Gjve it a trial and yoa will have no other. We are sola arrpnta at this place for - this ; renowned brand of whiskey, which always ' remember and come to o when you.want it. . . - f . ALL OTHER BRANDS OP STANDARD WHISKIES ' KEPT ON HAND, Our place shall at all timet b T,.C""- V.u 'J. M g-n- i. TSSlSTL rJ?-ti. & ...nr l.n .u. A ' t -' ,T Uiaa.9 our Dest effort to please you. Yonrs reipectifulhr ' ' y 6. 8. DAVIS.' OSBORINJ HOUSE, C. D. OSB0RN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. a Good aCCOmmodatlOTia tar lia trawMng' public..,. . - D0VY0U -WIN, , A HOUSED ' ' yoa wm ao wen to write. " . lAiHUr, at Loul.burr,. W C, before contractinir.; Plan. specifications and estimates made SHOE MAKING. MOSES WEST Holds forth -in rear of Thomas' Drug Store, (on' the alley where ha 3rva f?D? "itirinMd guar- ....tuUtfWWl jvs ffood inn 5heaP teaa ny Shoe-MaW ia iob oiaie. Come and see foryonrielf. Respectfully. MOSES WEST. CIUCKEX;. CHOLERA.. Can be cured by nsinr TH01fA. PODLTRI PODEBtww Borpand gapes. Now is the tim to ose it. S 5 cents a package. ' ' For sale by . - , . W. Q. f HOM AS, Druggist, -Louisburg.XC.. NOTICE I I have decided to reduce or BEES to 10 Hives. ' ;7 Will sell remainder ior $3.50 per hive, this includes "top case. These bees ar worth f5.00,' for bees alone. Apply at once' to " A. D.GREEN, HOTEL; FlU5iaaLKT0NfN.c.. C. M.':E0BBS, Frfr. Good aaeoraadatfrm fniV. Good Llrtry AtUched. - V He R. CROSSEN, ' ' " FIRST CLASS ; PAINTER, " I wyh to offer my serrioes to tie ptu- i1?rW?"ttIm P"Ta to do all kinds of ho use paintia. rafn. - rg,UrSTk la LoolsbriiTr rpeake for itaelf. and I refer to all partial U whom 'I hava worked. Old fornUoi -mada new. , (lire mm vnn . t . aaljoaliallb.pUaJ,. Z ' IF YOU SUPFEB WITII " HEADACHE neuralgia; Sfedmans' " Kcad-Easy, THE GREATEST REMEDY OX EARTH." - For sale in Louisburg b v W.O.TlioilAS AYCOCKE&CO. ForialeJaFrQiLatoahj T. C JOYISEH Trifle MansKer. General Pass. Aft. E. St. Joh. Tiee-Pident."' aatlslactioa G UARANTEED. -

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