o : .- . .J- --; i. -' ' iiiii mMB in'.,,," ' ' THE LANGUAGE FOR CONFEDER ATE MOLES. B. " ...AniriiTiVTinr Will practice in ill the CeBrte of the State Ofllce la Coast Heusev WILLIAMS, , ,.'.', " piisiciaw &. surgeon, FR VtfKLINTOX. N. C , Offers kis services toMfea citize-as of Franklin and vicinity.- Alt INClDSJrT IS THE CAMPAIGNS OF STOWEWATX J ACKSOX AS TOLD BY HIS ABUT. 8EPTEM- LOUKBURG, XG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1895. NUMBER -K 0. M. COOKB SON, A.TTORNBYS.AT-LAW, TiU :te i ike cearts at STaso, Franklin, afinrlUe, Warren and Wake eoanties, also the L nreaie C jart of North Caroliup, and the U. cireait auJ District Courts. .. ft a. j. B. MALONB. mflcfl two aoora ueiew arcocu titg storu, adjoining J)r.O Ellis." A ' Co.'s D' F. PRACTICING PHYSICIAJjy LOtriSBUSS, Jf. O.. i : ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, ; LOCISBUBd, , C J . WW attend the courts" of Franklin, Vance, arlQTiiJ Warrea and Wake eoauties, also the Supreme Court of No'rta Carolina. Prompt tttentidn givento collections, &c B. WILDER, f 'S' -. ATTOKNBY-AT-LA.W - - LO0ISBOEO, N. C 1 jjr ' . ' Oflee on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's itore. ' ' - - T. W. BIOKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBURe S. 0. ' " J Prompt an l palnsUklng attention given to erery raatt 'r intrustei to nls halt Is Eufirs to Chief nstlcs Shepa-ard, Hon.-John Minaing, Hon. RoiJt W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Barton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston. Ole.iu & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas, B. Tylor, Ptes Wake 'For est Coll 'g. Hon. K W. Timberlake. Oiflce in Court Hoase, opposite Sheriff's. W. M. PERSON, ATTORNRY-AT-LAW, .v . L0DISBUK8.il. 0. - Pnctices In all courts. ' Office In the Court Boiue. . . t . AV. II. YARBOROtrCtH, Ja. ATI ORNEY AT LAW, LOtjISBORQ, N. C. - 0ce on secoud floor of Neal bnUding Main Street. ' ' rc-J- AH l pil business intrnsted to him vriil receive prompt and careful attention. D E.TI3T, Index: Appeal. . - 7 When Sharpsburgs Woy flgat was o'er KUia-v, m uie irf iBia sher; - - -s And we, who bore the battle's brunt. - vv.aiujjnuu ur train lb Iront. ; " Xbif- tua ha d Pa86eJ into tie tid. " ' Which recent rains made swift and wide- ' ' he armv halted on .h hnnt. The thirsty mnles all stopped to drink. ; The ford was rocky, wide and deep. The mules -were tired, and needed Bleepf v " The wajrons laden down with jrrain: - v w vuii mem nroagn, a mighty strain. The flay was hot; the water cool; Those war-worn old Confederate mules; ' And when their drivers 'tri a tntinJn. . L Why not a single mule will badge. - i r? The teamsters ply their whips and shout; nuv a. rsiuie ream goes out; ; :' 1 n. mKui, m rk, Tnat river then. Filled full of mules, and shouts, and men. ' Pome wounded soldier say their prayers; Vv Murinj uiBueu leaiDsxer swearer ; -The army srazes on: armnllpd . v At Stonewall Jackswn's corps train stalled; The men kept halted in the rear - urow Tire I, and seek the cause toiear, - ' The answer comes." Whv ! Rlma t.ho r.nv t : 'kY Stonewall Jackson's mules have struckl' While some are vexed an others iaugh, ' ' '; Comes Jackson with the general staff, - ami orgers uo ine train's reliei. y.,-;; His doughty Quarter Master Chief T - This major, a Virginian old, : I" loud of voice, in battle bold; " ' t And. every friend tliia tribntii cnVoa ;"--a!i- Can outs wear any man that lives. . J ' . " " "i' ' The major spurs into the tide; ' " Up t o theTmin we see him ride; Tv ' - He cusses, storms, and sweats, as well, ' - Raises, in short, a little helL - ; . . The teamstera, reassured , join in; " ' L 5 i ney nu roxomacs vale with din; They shout, and yell, and swear; tie true! " Uutil the very-air is blue. - -. " The teamsters swear; the army cheers; And though one scarce can hear one's eare, - nign over every otner noise, , , Resounds the major's thundering voice. " Mules nnderstud him, it appears, , -v - or every mule pncRs up his ears; "'f ! And while the drivers shout and roar. The train moves onward to the shore. Now. as the major splashps out,: - 1 , l ne army greets him with a shout: - ' . And to the hief, who sits unhorsed Beports he "Sirl The train has crosed," As Stonewall Jackson raised bis head . "Thanks! Major! for your helpl'lhe saidf v "But general orders Wo 4- - -"Forbid all swearing in this corps!"' ? ; ; The dauntless major made replyi 1 " - "Sir: None respects you" more-than II" ' But when our mules von would command. You must. use wurds mules understand !" -, The general staff sit roand the while,-. Anc listen with a quiet smile; . :i 'p Slowly the army passes o'er; And Stonewall Jackson said no more. ' ' ' - -, Hexbt H. Habjuson. ; J. EDWARD DOGGER D. D. S; LOUISBlIR'ir,. N. C. - ' -Gradaate of the oMst Dental Cjlleg ia the vv.trll. Eirbt years experience. Most improved iastruiuents -.Tjtliex-tracwl without pain. Artificial t teeth witiioiit plate. Satisfactiuao money returned. . " r , xt"1 Othce over J ones & UooperBstora.-; Dentistry, ; W. H. EDWARDS : OF WAKE FOREST; N. C. Will visit Loainburg on Monday, Tuesday and WttJnesdav following the first Sunday in t ick month prepared to do all kinds of Dental work. ' .-t-'i&SS :;;sbv; Olflco over Jones -Cooper Store ncit door to T. B. Wilder Law .pfflVe J. M. C. hill;; THE TINNIER, ' ' , 1 i Drenarea ao an Kini ot mn worK. re i - i i - ' pairing 4c. All work guaranteed. " Place CariBo nioney IS pieuuiui mis year afe tbirtyfie TOU A PHILOSOPHICAL VIEW OF THE , - HARD TIMES QBSTJIOS- -" . Fairbrothr Writes Tt.'-" - KnoxTOle (Tenn ) Tribune. - ' - Tbe lesson of the hard times, so called; the scarcity of money; the almost impossible chance to eeenre creditor a loan .for the-working man . and clerk; the man of small means nas certainty naa a sani tary effect.' Experience is a 'dear get a- real fat article it will last longer,, and then f it was a razor backed hog you can use the hide to grease yonr hair and shoes, thns saving the expense of shoe polish and cosmetics! It has shown us that -coffee more than once a day has a bad effect on . the nervous system and in some cases' men have actually" Trefased to ' drink coffee at all. The chip pile which was never thought of in good times has furnished fire wood for six months ami" thus cleaned up the place; improving the appearance of the wood yard ten fold. - - v I- talked with , a man the other aay wbo was, sixty-one years of age, and he wildly Tpsisted. that he was not old, -He was nearly lwice as old -as myself,? and , I toortght sixty was getting pretty well along on the turnpikfl. When we were arout 'eighteenJnsi as we - were starting out, as 1 might say in the world, how old 'sixty seemed then. Bbt I find as. I go along and7 feel the weight ofthirty-five- summers auu see.'ineir -empty-nanded re turns,: for the most part that age after all -is but a mere matter of thought.. Really I feel no older now than I felt at twenty, A few gray hairs brought about by some unnatural cause, no doubt, remind me when I cast a- glance in the mirror that I am getting along, but in-"feeling -.1 am no older: But pretty soon I will be: VWe all wil be. Only, ten "or fifteen years and time flies when we pass the thirti eth ' mile-6tone and a cane wil perhaps be essential to me, and . know that -glasses will be needed foe - my sight, ; and ;I expect tha work will tell upon me. Then how hard one should work ; when he finally realizes and admits thaLhe is growing old, to gather a compe tency; to lay up a few shining dot lars here on earth for those days of rheumatism; those days' of useless nes&in the field of toil; so that no matter how much out of sorts one may findneself, he can say; I am paying the bills; 1 am inthe charge of 'no ohe bnt mv . nurse and - he is compensated. i,Yonng men shonld be careful of that near future." The great future is - also to . be looked after, but that requires but ' moral courage and' then s that ' patV is smooth;'-' But-, tbe gathering and Mora mi STAR. AiLBITIONS AEH GROWTH. Path of Trne Advancemerit. Harper's Bazar. ' ' There . are . such degrees and grades in everything that one is sometimes tempted to think nature does not look altogether with repro bation on the , pretensions of the climber, or, at any rate, on those who aspire towards eminence of one sort or another. For aspira tion seems to - be a "normal state. The first cell nesds add. another to itself, and become a finer thing than the single cells swimming round in an unchanged condition. The mineral musWieeds . disiute grate . and becomethe vegetable ; the vegetable here-and there as pires to become the. animal, scien tists telling ns v of certain ones which move and 'breath and. have their being - after the nature of animals; there are cerUin of the Orchids which, jrthey . do not as pire to be bees and butterflies yet have all the appearance-; of such effort; and certainly.' it is to be hoped of: man himself that aspires to the plane of.angelsl r " Why, then, should we look with scorn on the attempts! of individi uals to lift themselves' in the social scale? jVWby should not the young tyro' in art look jkt the. one . whom Du Maurier describes as the rea aristocrat,' with the determination some day to be bis fellow f - AVby should not (he young girl look on the ; grand dame- and.: resolve to model. herself, oq,. that . !adys per fections fiWhyenonid not toe new poet: be filled. with divine' despair oyer the music of .Milton, yet pou out his - own song with; an effor the while to draw into himself the higher inspiration? It is all.in the line of ' development, of evolution U-the desire of the moth for the star, 4he wish to reach tbe heights which we feel belou g to ns, how ever humble and , common - we may be, and ".which. ;e ventnally-in - thei eternal years of God, ercito be ours; We do hot associate this desire of the. moth for the star wtth.Mrs. .Wilfefr's delight-ia the confusion of the neighbors;-but after a very poor and dim fashion,, perhaps, it was there, for it was tbe desire to have the; neighbors think she was garnering of dollars, the one thing j all she. fancied ;it might be 'fine to NOTICE. Ty-vlrtne of the power eontsloed in tlin wl l of the Uto Jamea Stmnfr, tlcoeswod I wta e l t-t the hifrh-it UJr for r&, at lh OoDrtnoaw door Inthe tovaol Lualsbarjjr N. C, ou Monday thebth day of IWBbt!r I 1SJ5, at 1J o-tlo. a, M.. the ttvt ef Ur4 tf 1 which the ealJ Jm Btracge last rrfU ted, It bei-ig sttatM in ifnDkUn eoaiity, adjrtlnlnif ine lan m ouimt w.Mranro. C IX. btranjra n J oIdtb, and conlalixln 4j acrv. Boor or Bsa. Title raurv4 till tUo aiuo boa been eon. rmad, au1 the parshaae prloa tai4 tn. Ooiotxa- 2SU1. 10J6. j jAXsa W. 8rt ". . ' . Executor THE , - - NOTICE. In obedlenee to the laJrm-Mit of thePnrW rlor Court of Pranklln eouoty. Ttukle at April term ism. in ine case 01 u.-ttie v. Wilder, (or , ber-if. aoU as e-uardlaaaf Martha . Mann, ana r. si. tzgvnoo. ASAnrsr W. S. Fuller adn of Gao. W. Hlne. IT. A. Eloea.W. W. Ulnand other, hcira at law of Geo. W. Htnea. I hall mcll at the Court 1 Howe door In Loalabnrg. on Monday tha in I dy of Dee. IS, the tr. t of land situated In LTrpreae Creek Townsbtp. sill eoanry. on wbtch thelats Oea.W. lllnea reaiiled at tha Irroeof his death, adiolnlnr the lands of the eaute or aiaaiaon uniiwpper. J. w. vick and others, and sntpoed to contain about 170 acres, aiao another tract of land known aa the Baldy lilnee ' tract. a1Vlnlnjr the aioraaatd tract, and tantad as followa, to-wlt t On the North ty the Madtson Culprppr lands, and the tract former! T belooclnff to D. A. SiJvfT. oa the Kaat ty the old BU-hlor tract, on the South by th first oeecrlbed tract, and on the west ry the lands or eoaan r. Buuinfre. and containing Jifi acrs more or less. The aale will oe at pai-iio ancuon xor one-ionna of toe prioe enah. net .'aeon rredltof twHve months, with ln"r-st from day of sale. The lands will be aui 1 I led luto several amaUe tracts to suit pari taaaers. - . - ; ' tr- tt. vjoojta, l omT. Oct 13, ... . - - r FARMERS & LIEEOHAIiTS BAIL Locisucnc, - - re. c r- Does a general Banking business BoliCits deposits on time or subject to checks. Hak ColleeUeM SpeeiaJtf . . Returns promptly made - " eonable rates. at rea- Deposits received inxSVIKG'S B'ANK, -m. sums of 25 - cents and upwards. ''.-C- - - - ? -- ' " . OFFICZUS.- Wk BAILEY, President.. . J. S. BARROW, Cashier. Wd. Bailey. - J. 8. Barrov. Dr. A. B.Hawkius, a M. Cooke. ' W.T. Hughes. W. J. Byerly, I : J. B. Thomas. Honey to Lend - " . ' ' . ' I Bra prepered to lend money on Im- proTed real eatau at 6 per cent, and oa T. W. Biacrrr.Att v. loot? time. Nov -S-3ai. TAX NOTICE ; .The tax. books of the town of Louisburg has been placed in my hands, nnd the taxes (or 1805, are now due. All those owing; taxes will please settle the same as soon nuiimi pcultjt nu m . JTocr rm TWEHTT VAKIXTHa OF TBOBOCQBBBED ' Pekin Docks, White holland Turkey. PLr- eons, all kinds of Rabbits, Gninea Pigs, reg istered Poland China and Berkshire hogs. registered Jerej cattle, and. pare bred lioi stein cattle, regietered 'ointer. Setter, and St. Bernard dog. Mocking birds, Canary birds and Parrots. LrerytbiBe nsually Lkeptona first class stock farm. Several kinds ol water fowls 1 lid geeee, 15 rants, Swan Ae. Qi fish we handle, the QuVlen Red. Silver, and Japanese fan tail. -The Fount with castle and any variety of fish at reason able price. -Nice fresh eggs one day old always on hand. Eviry ejrar traaranteed' to be as represented Will be . delivered everr us possible, and thereby &&VS tTOU mornipg. : Egjrs for setting, from thorough Rntl coat i bred stock at S3.00 for thirteen. Afl-elot W9Uaro' n" - . - fit rnnnir udlnwl tnmlm tnr iTnlm .t .' . ' . - A. V. A 121 ! Litis. - onable prices ronsidderiBS stock. In tbe . :' . i Tax Collector. winter months, after tbe natural raised chickens are gone, there will be kept at all times nice frying sise chickens. ' Freuh milk and butter always oa hand, and will be de livered very morning, if deal red, . : Two She Holstein calves for sale, on bull and one better price reasonable. Will sell one Jersey beifer, in milk tbia winter, also one Holetein cow in milk. We offer a fine opportunity for farmers to improve their stock. YiMitors always welcome, except Sunday, hen Poultry 'Yards and pet stock Bouses wui be closed, .uaii an, or write to --.'-;.- J A. GREEN, ' '-V, V. - ; LonUburjr, N. C Cotton Slates ani lateniatiqiial Emo- . : '; Sltp,-'- . . r -V ATLAHTA, CA-v.v -l - LADICG Af.'D CZriTLCT.'SETI Whotaay iish tilre tlarspco itjg or hair dressing dcue, will do well to can on W. 11. ALSTON c 1. YT, "CGCnTOt. Lctdicahat S your banjr cut rigtt. We have Dr. Wbits new Lair crower. Van's Mexican Ilalr Restorative, Ayer's Hair Vipor, TrIcnpLeroM for the hair and tiin, tjotbirg- t beat it to keep tbe hair from fall ing out. HOTEL VVOCCARD, f W. C WoODAK,rrcp " Roy UMJE.'C. Frf Baa meets sll tr aim, . P ti per T- OSBORN HOUSE. VC. D.OSBOSN,-Projktor, . - : ; Oxford, N.C. - - a Good ctomcaodatrccB fcr the traveling public. ' , DO YOU. YAHT A HOUSE? - If so yoa will do well to'wrlte, I or see J. lVevister, at LoaUburg, N. C, before contracting.' Plans, specificatrerrs and cetimatn mads on burnt build logs, zc. 7-1 -a m. - SHOE MAKIHQ. : MOSES WEST holda rortb. ia rear of Thomas' Dreg Store, (oa the alley where he does ihoe making And repairing, and guar antees to do work a good and cheaper than any Shoe-Maker in the State. --'.. . Come and see for yourself. " Respect fully, . I MOSES WEST. " LOUISBURG Carnage Shops VIA TBB SEABOARD AIR LINE. VESTIBULED LIMITED TRAINS Dbqu fficluo Extra Farei CliaiiBl be, ajcid that' is the first step - usu ally in becoming all that it is fine to be. Wben Kora leaves' the work1 ; Leave Washington, D. C, dsUy; at A-40 P. M unon arrival of tbe ConaTessioaal Limited' from New Turk, and reach Atlan- o( baainega on Main street in h&use .recently occupied by r . farnsh... - needful in old age, should be com-, menced now. Put away a . few teacher. But from 7all thlS'pOV- Uft-r. wie f Pnt trim In tirnnertv" erty and inconvenience sorne good PntHherrrat-work oni intere t if ;-II La. ini.lif ll.l k. "i :'. ' - . . .... ... -t . ' ' . . . tuuoi, wins,. ,i.u nothing else; but see to it from the even although you find the tela- ears from New York, leave. Knna rv star. Ae a'r vtAi tifrll T ia 10 VACliri . .: - f 11 : . ' ". J , " 1 :""" L - " " ' - ' " are J tionsuip was very distant, you can paying a debt to your older sell, not Dut regard Kindly toe amoi- and lay np sv;:treasure on earth as tiou . .that. will let. her try to do well as in heaven v Money is your I nothing" unworthy of the sister-in- best friend. Yon do not want tro law : of tha'. sister-in-law of ;the .. H. C. TAYLOR, Proprietor. r - If your Carriage, Baggy, Wag on or anything in that line needi repairing and you want it done right, bring it to me, and if yon want your Carriage or Buggy re painted ia a first-class manner, bring it tome also. . I -have served, my time under a first-class pain ter.aad wood workman, can there fore gauranteo satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. I have a first-claaa black rmith in the black smith shop who ful ly understands everything about his business, from ' shoeing a horse to irioning a fine buggy. It d3es not pay to have your work botched np, so bring it along to' me where it WILL BE DONE RIGHT, my pria jlts reasonable. " - -'- I make Buggies and Wagons -to order. If yoa want a .rood 11cm x- . w r ; i. W Ia . fnn.l 4 V, I... r.tntl. I mt. A:09 P. kl the Mtxt dav. . i 111 ABB aJuKKY OT 1 IkvQ, fTlVB) mo . -1; , . ' 1 - A aecosd train, with tbronrh sWpiBX I -rn nrrTere and 'wftrt ariail riavs 1 mad w a -S mm W m i . : I I vvwa wwavsiBtMi mmm w . . - SriSFZE what yoa want. - . j a yos aban bs puaaeq. CHICKEN CHOLERA . Can be cured br tislcg TllOif AS POULTRY PONDER, It also cares rocp and gapes. Now is the time to use it. 23 cents a package. 1 For sale by W. G. THOMAS, Druggist, " ' Louiaburg, N. C. . NOTICE I ' I have decided to redaceTniy ; BEES to 10 Hives. Will sell remainder for 13.50 per hive, this includes top case. These bees axe .worth $5.00, for - , bees alone.' Apply at cnce.to . A. D. GREEN. x Fll'XXKLlNTON WILL FIUNKLINTOX, N. C. rC. 'H. ilOBBS, Frp'r. . " Good aeeomodaUoa forth travcllaf pnblle. "" . ' - ' . Good Urery Attached. : R..R. CROSSEN. FIRST CLASS PAINTER, . . . - LOUISBCHO, 3f."C ,'' I with to offer my aerrk to tha pl lit-. aod will mv that I ara fYvpared to do all klada of boase palntls. jrraio lag ttc II J work ia Looiafatrrjr rpka for Itself, and I refer to all parties Hr whom 1 bare worked. Old f ornlturv . made' new. Gits taa yoor patronA it may not be - next,, and accordingly- suggests that the old prov- 4:10 A. at arriving at AflaaU the next day. Thank in mv friends for their Both trains leave from the Peniveylvanla irt triA Mnfi lJt.l the r r, " r v i " RUFFIN & LEWIS, erb of the rainy day should not go blacksmiths ' , t?'"" unobserved. ' It has told the clerk We are prepared to do all kinds of thafpositions arenotas plentiful wors ia our line. Call to see as at our shop near the Louisburg mills. , raiiroao iwiop ana iwun"i i t A. i . - Union Depot at AUsntBf-as near the txpo-i lug toe same m luiurv, a a-uj, ; - Yours very respectfully, - H. C. TAYLOR. DENTIST, v r LOUISBURG, N. C., 0(Bee over Racket Store."" . -6 rad uate Ba Itimore . Den tal College. Twenty-four years active experience. ARTIFICIAL TEETH A spBCiALTf.uviriataral teeth removed and new ones inserted in TWENTT MINUTES. - All work warranted. - ' Loai8barjr is my home "for better or worse" and yoa will always find me feAdy to correct at my own expense any ork that may prove unsatisfactory.'" . ' -Very troly. . B. E. KING, .f . ' . Dentist. YARB0RO0GH fir DAVIS, The Blac'ismiiliS OF iiduiSBDRG., i : or-as- permanent one year as an other, and that; hard times cheap- sition grbondsas through paa inters via r line are landed. .- At Portamonth and' Norfolk, Va, the Seaboard Air Hum has other connect loos mnch of it, but enongh money, to sister-in-law of the priest, let AiXSSX tide you over , thosedays which mestie. matters suffer, from her jphiavthe Cape Charles Bow; from Baiu- -V ,i - V " ' a. ii ' t .'-' . , , I mors, the Bay Line stea mere; Iroai Wasa- come to all when we are totter me I absence, on this esDecial occasion 1 niw &nd waahimrtosateasa. , T- a. a . w i - sj s luatVN w .w - e CUB wVaXLTCSI a at Li ICUUWvO DAIwllwOi I w e a w .a a mwr ; -a I , am m a. iVaw wtaw I mTWl irOIQ Ivl av. tuv wiw ''v - : i '" - . 4 i- - uvu v w v . w . m vi a i bb . ii in i aaw w m mf " has taught the greatest lesson that cange much Dieasnpe- anfi when But in fact all ambitions are there, is no tnena on.earm '. use wfl la awn for lhe laHt time, w growth ' The climbing olant feela can indeed, pull. the drapery of our J a suppdrt in its neighborhood, and conch about ns and enjoy, pleasant pats out its tendrils and clasps it, dreams. How humiliating to the I and straightens itself for further who has had nlentv to find lencrth of stem, instead of idle wan-1 t , . aqcrruaxT. aldering on the air: and ambitions . These trafas ar m posed foftb band- . - - ' . i aarimAaic ariiiirnfa.il iraw nirmjuiut auut v Build up Homo. J D &B. S-CHRISTIAN money, ancr xnav ii yon nave uoiu of some to hold on is the proper caper. . It has suggested to the frugal , housewife ;; that ;while she thought she had always been care steamships and from BosVq and Prort denee. the MerchanU' and Misers' Steam hirw noM eon section is made at the steamer sides with thronh trains asd Pall- man Drawing-Boom, BoOe tUeeptng cars o Derated throagh from Porta tneath to At lanta wit boa tenants, tacnoiuewnwiw takes the passenger via Old Point Comfort and throagh ilemptoa Roads. . ." . : man himself ill and in a hospital- ful ,and watchful -ot;tne .grocer 6 I eonnttr. charce. How mnch morel and aeoirations are "like the claiD I tsiaenin Cars and Day Coaches. The8:40 PATRONIZING HOHE ENTERPRISE MALIORT DURHAM; C11ER-I .R00TE.CO- OF DURHAM. - . - N C. RICHM0ND,Va. Prompt attention to orders eat atactica GUARANTEED. anl All work in vour line done on short aotice, and - satisfaction gnaranteed. snd hntcher's bills-that-she has about cut them in two during the depression , an d so far as she is concerned all -have had enough to eat. .Her dresses. ands her coil dren's clothing were apt to las longer and by' a little fixing which she wunld not have thought of du ring -good times, made them, all look as well as new. during hard humiliating to die and be dumped I of that tendril,' the push of. that into: a. potter's rfield no one I after yon had. been so much, v Say, Pat, what is your position on tllis money question.'' - '. i . "Well, be gorry, I can explain it to yon in ; a very few words. When I have got plenty of gold I am a gold bug, when I have silver and no gold I-am for: free silver andwhen I-.have nather'T am a mere. STILL AT THE B RIDGE . BLACK-SMITHING, back Where I am well known and prepared to do my suss work. : I hopo you will see me as yoa hava done before. You will find me on toe East side of the River bridge. Main Btreet sbarg, N. C. While I am doing all kinds times. She will remember these We have our new shot) fthe old ten Din 4t.;nra wrtAtt times are cood if she illey) iag shape and are better pre-, v. nri;t. - .nd a little bank PoP and don't you forget it.Cle inm waa ever to serve our coato- account will be thesiesult. t nas tana Tit men that a false shirt bo- som with a porous plaster.. on the is as good as a regulation shirt. It has shown him that to reverse Tiis cuffs is "proper because then the laundry man earns : bis money.- u n lauguv mm ma homespun ,tobacco is more healthy than the manufactured article, and that too much whiskey is not good for the stomach. It has sug gested to. many people that dope is abetter article of diet than' butter and that corn pone beats flour which has had the life cooked out of it at the mill. Sow bosom is better then fresh -beef, -cod if vou 1 Children Cry TcrPitcbcPs Castcrh of blacksmlthlng, don't forget f hat l am sIbo prepaaed lo repair your gun, such as putting oq new locks fce.. I have a few guns which I ftave renalred that will ha It not called for in ten days. , - i' .Yours truly . , A. T. NBAt CENTHAL HOTEL J a? Massonbur Propr HENDEP.SOIT. IT; C ' -A " Qood accommodations. Good fare. Po lite and attentive .servants. burne Chronicle. - -c. '- 1 i We. thought from - the -returns that there were a good many. fools loose in tb is country' on election day.'Two of them made a wager in New.Yoirk wliich was somewhat unique. One was a Protestant, the other a Catholics Toe stake was not very large; it was only their religion, for neither of them had much to shuck. The wager provided, that the one whose party wa3 beaten shonld renounce his re ligion and embrace the religion of the other fellow. Wil. Starr- sap into higher '.light. .IN ora a pride in her connection makes her cultivate in herself the manners of her superiors, if nothing more, and when she has children it makes her strive to give theln the education which levels .tipward.' JAnd ' the paiuter's aod the po-at's ambition, even" when it ismerely the poor and personal desire .to excel,, is better than sluggish content,, for the effort opens up a thousand ave- n,nes " that may be followed up if one will. To be devoid of ambi tion is to sink. ' To have ambition and to exercise it is to rise by so much, even a low ambition being better in its effect on character than no ambition at all; for if the unworthy ambition is merely tbe desire of the unworthy nature, it is still the desire to ris8 from a low estate to one that is better and therefore, higher, and is perhaps the first step of that poor nature in the path of trjje advancement. 1 Children Ccy ler -PltchciCIi The Atlanta 8 pedal") Istc tibaled from end to end and U or bated: wud raoM Wabbixotoji; to. Atuabta WTTHOCT CBABAB. , " . ' ' - ' - -' ronrra ov cttbbbbi uova rtt una. Tbe route from Washington la throng Fredericksburg, Richmond and Petersburg. virin; Waldon. RaJalarb and Southern Pines. North Carolina. Chester, CUatoa and AbbevilK South CaroUna and Elbertoa aad Athens to Atlanta, ueorgia. .'. ' .' ' BATBB. rclnn rlcketa will be sold to Atlanta and return, via the Seaboard Air line, as . iinTnaedava snd Thursdays, 8eptemoer I Named, in bonor Of Col. J. 8. 17th to December Z4th, tecioaivs at i. w rH Waahlnirt4in. and S1J.60 from Porte- moutb and Norfolk, limited to ten days from date of sale. . ra;i. ReDtember 16th to December l&th. win.ire. at ai9 25 from Waabioeton. aod S 17.35 from Portsmouth and Norfolk, lim- ifcl tn twentv dsvs from date Of sale: and at $2.25 from Washington and f 23 65 from Portsmouth and Norfolk, good until January 7,1898 - . ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CUKROOTS .iND CIGARROS As can oe found on the mark - Their.leading brands aro- -"BOLL OF DURIIAIT . A dime Cigar fdr a nickle. Hand HaVana filled.. . : : ' MULE CARR ;." if too bufpek wrra ; HEADACHE : NEURALGIA. TAKE ex. StGdmans IIoai-Easy, -tb uroamos nnrpssees. In some respe-ta, anj Ezpoeition yet held in America Here yoa find, side by side, exhibiu from FloridA and Alaska, rjdilornia aud Maine, the United States of America, and the United States of Brazil. tlAxico and Cnnada, aBd so on until nearly every eiTiliied nation on the globe is repre sented. On the .terraces are found, among many other attractisne. Arab. Chines aad Mexican villages,-showing jnat how those peoples have their "daily walk and eonrer Ask for ticket via " l ai aeaboabd ara Ll!B." Pullman Sleeping Car reerratlone will be made and farther information farninhed upon application to any Agnt cf the Sea board Air LiuS. or to the nndersi trne.!. II W. B. Glovkb. T. J. AnDEBscjr, Traffic Mann pt. General Paes. A gt. E. St. Johs; TMe-rireidec. Carr, Pres. Blackwell Durham Tobacco Co., 5 cent Sumatra Wrapper . BLACKWELXS DURHAM Named in honor of Col. .W- T. " Blackwell, father of Durham , 5 cent SumatraWrapper. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG ARROS; 10 FOR 10 CENTS. it -THE GREATEST REUEDX ON ' EARTH." i . - - . For sals In Louisburg by , W. G. THOMAS AYCOCKE&CD. . ForaaJaiaFranklJatoahy T. a tfOTNEB. TAKE Our haqV ia N0TIC2 I run to lbs depot for tbe beneSt of pissengers who rar. and while we do not wish OLD CHUNK" HEROOTS tobediscourteen. tn tniycne ws ' ' rej-rctfulT sak-thtt all 'dead- O lor AU CCIllB. A uc uueeb oiuwo for the money. p "OLD NORTH STATE". s s nexus pav; -will Titter . wait cr HAYE3 ts FULLER, Cheroot. 3 for 5 cents, a trare winner that always pleases. Stick to home andsead us jour orders. ; Ciirtini C-.mt Co -t ea, I I j)UHHAiLXa 'PATRON'S I NOTICE. All Medical ETTLs -are dee 1st, cX November.' Ple.ise call on or before that dute cod -eet tie. I- ''Rf?f?pxtrally, DR. J. U. ilALONE.

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