. vKrf-iA vs ' , v - r . . - - . - - v -.. - - . , ' . - ' VOL 15. 3 KBKBCSO, Mr He ;B', U. WILLIAMS, W ' , ' -'.' I. ; DirvTniA & SURGEON JLn AiFrtrii svles -the citkefis of a. But. G. tBCaN,K,C. -v. - t. " -r dti tJM im Nash. Franklin. AnHn, Warn and Wake eo untie , also the femti Crt of Morth Caroliup, ua tiie U. STcircait aadPlatrtctCQTU. ;- -, . - NICHOLSON, PBAXJTICINOPHYSCCIAIT-' LOUISBtJRO,. C - 8. SFKUlLL,? ATTORNBT-AT-LAW," J LOUISBOBa, W.-C,;.--. ' i Will attend the courts of Franklin; Vance, arauvilK Warren ana waKe coonues, alao the ctapreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt H0S. B. WILDBB, attobnbt-at-lAw Office on Main treet,; over Jonefl h Cooper' T. W. B1CKBTT, ATTORNEY AKD COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Prnmnt am J nntnstaklnir attention given to every matttT Intrusted to Ills hands. Refors to umex luuweBepaera, nun. .uau Manning. Hon. BOOL w, Winston, non. 4. L Bmlos. Pres. First National Bank of Win ston. GMtmn k Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank cf Mocroe, Chaa. B. Taylor, Pres Wake For est CoUige. Hon. & W. Timnerlake. Omoe id uoun ttooae, oppwsiie outarau. , SI. PERSON, ATTORNKT-AT-LAW, , . . r louisburs, ir..c ;, Practices In all coarta. Olfice in the Court Bouse. , ?:'r't' ' yy U. TARBOBOUQH, Ja. ATI ORXEY AT L AW, LOUISBUBO, N. C. Office on second floor of Neal boQding Main Street. AH legal business intrusted to him cill receive rompt and careful attention. J. EDWARD BUGGER D. D. S. LOUISBTJitO, N. V ; 1 Graduate of- the oldest Dfehfal Coilee in the World. Biffbc yeara experience. Most improved instruments Teeth ex tracted without pin. Artificial teeth with-iut plate. Satisfaction or- money returned. 1 Office orer Jones & Cooper's . stora. Dentistry. W. H. EDWARDS OP WAKE FOREST: N. C. Will visit Loninhurpron M6ndayv, Taesday ami WednPHda.v following the first -Sunday hi e.icli mouth prepared to do allkinde of Dental work. : v Offleo orer Jones & Cooper Store next door to T. B. Wilder .Law offlVe J. M. CJHILL, THE TINNER, in prepared to do all kind of tin work, re pairing, &c. AH work guaranteed. Place of beHixss on Main street ia house recently occupied bv P. Pa.rrish - v ; D asmm mama m m m 4 m . . msjsj m m W W A - r! - nwrr 'S a - - :U We are prepared to do all kinds of shop near the Loaisbarg mills.-vJ . ; wurn. ia our nne. vtu vw new us uui i ' 'DENTIST-:; L0tjMBUR6;:Nl I Office over Racket Store. . .' Graduate Baltimore Den t&L College. Twenty-font years- active'' exerieoee. AKTiriciAi. teeth A SFficiAtTT; v Natural teeth, removed and new ones inserted in TWHTTT liiJUT113.i't-: All work warranted. v Louisburg; is mjr home for better fit worse" and vou will always find me ready to correct at ray own, expense any wors that may prove unsatisfactory. . Very truly,. ' ' ' - A : Y Dentist. ; YARB0RQUGHMpl8 ami- v )--h :a v-? v The. Ci actai ihs OF LOUISBURG. All work hibur line1 done on short STIBBlmTHE.BRiDGEr c Where I ant well known and prepared to do y same werk? hope yoa will see me -a Vou hv ddiiA hefhen. Vou will find me on the Eist aldA n tfc sivnv hrlrto-A. Main street Louisbarg; N. a While I am doing all kinds of blacksraltalng.doa't forget fhat I am also mysaeu 10 repair roar ean, suca jw p"'"k on new lsnks an. f hare & few s-ans "which 1 hare repaired that wM. be sold if not called for ia ten &y. - f . -, , . - 7 ; ? ; -1 " ' . - A.T. NaAl. CENTHAL'i HOTEL' ..... . ,J'.. J.. - . i. .". !..,, ' ...-;..: . . Mil,;;. Tiurr . I SjCajsmetaburs - Propr HENDEHSOIT, II C.T - -Via if.:; ah .isr' .-"C Good accommodations. 3ood farei Po lite and attentive servants, c , ; aotice, aad ; satisfaction, gaaranteea. would rather forget. ; Yx :;:V,:;:: w have our new shop (the old sten, pin . T ''ill AeinyAn'i. Gni Uey) iagSl.shfpe $iiare br. 0Mm Vt. j, H pared 'task ever to serve "oar ' eusto- anvthibflrr ito bide behind,-, they maw,i ' . fit' ; y -V i ,n ii."'('' jrf,''. r 1. "U; -i -" ' ' - - .. ZH : : r vLAHENTt)? A LITTLE GIRL. brofhcT WjTUlie arad to T ' " wore n Vttle 4m fikw me. ' v : 1 . p1yei inrt.ijons tMflts the. Alia every t to , , - -But all tbow axni tlil times are rob- Wul tttraed into a j - . Hflrama fca mode Wm Vrttle mits, v Atif? cot egwlj his yellow curU . " . And WUrtbeni to mv annt: 1 a WfH.'ke was no pie wed. I believe ' atmner jumpcx witn joy; ' I mw(twn 1 didn't like . " Will tamed iuto atoy, " ." -' ' And now he plays with horrid top " I don't know how to sprn. - -7 And marbles that I try to shoot, . ' -Bnt never hit nor win; . . And leno-frosr I oan't ive a "backw nldke Charley',. Frank or Roy O, no one knowahow bad I feel Kmce Vrill has turned a boy.-: ii - 'X i have to weaclrocke jnet the samer - Ana now they're mostly white;. - t -I hrtVe to sit and jnst be (food. c. Bnt Will can tlimb and fljrht, " v v l But I tnnst keep my c'ressee nice, - And wear my hair, in curl. . . Aod worse Ot worsest thing of all- I hay to stay a girl. . "J " X " f' Exchange. j " i HERE TS A MODEL. Husbands May Be Fashion Themselves After This Style. Scene l.Frotitv parlor. Enter husband, trimming his cuffs with a pair of ecissors. r.' f "Wife 6ood. morning dear." ; Hnsband-?-MGood morning." ; j Wife "Do you wish anything?" Husband c No." ((Exit hnsband.) Scene 2--4Library. Bnter hus band sewing a button'on his vest. . Wife "What are" you doing, dear?" ; Husband "Nothing : 1 Wife- Why, yes yon are!" Husband4-"No, Fm not., -' (Exit husband.) Scene 3 Laundry. Husband washing a handkerchief. Enter wife. ' v . . -' Wife "Are you busy, my dear? Husband "No." Wife "Are you saw now?' ' Husband 'Positive " f (Exit wife.) Scene 4. -Breakfast room. En ter husband. -Wife "Aryou angry . because breakfast isn't ready love ? Hnsband "No." Wife 'Yef von are !" Hnsband "No; I'm not." Wife "But' -here comes your train, and, you will almost have to break yonr neck to tret it." (Exit husband.) cene H-Hall. Enter wife. Wife uGood-byp, dear." Husband "Good-bye." Wife "Are you -so very Jbun- ffry?" . '. Hinshand Nd, not very." Wife tYbure not in a gopd humor.' Hnsband "Yesi lam." Wife (with J melting x eyes)- t -i?-i.s i-- -ii.wa , ,x' a . t F - x7T - xPZ : v---:--r , n comes r , - , - - r Ht-iartartn YB. certain I Y.; taao itt ta aVirfl for U1 . , r " r..n monev " 5- KL.j'.'vf'i.Si:.!. u Pithy Points; Tmnbles. like babies, erow lar-: - . - . i. ger by nursing. - . - stmg from our impatience. jsven xoe mini wi uuuiu; atuu- ii fnmetimera.ered.a'-i mmfAnmMh' H:5:.T,? - A talent is perfected in solitude; a character,'in the streams of the world.' " - v' ' s Y Idlenesa is emptiness ; the tree in wnicu Bap.. Y. . . v - . :'. . .a. ' . s. auu - v mains iruuiess.; r; p-- y Knvv no man bis great memory, ne must reuicuiuoi: u.uv anvthini? Would Always be on the rum .: Upheld by the Bible. ;.Lewlirtoii' 'Jpteiisl. - 'Y -?Y - : iFatherTWhai qo you mean, sir, by bugging my. daughter ?V y V Jack Ford I was merely; obey-: Vng the Biblical injunction to "hold 1 W " . J fast that5 which is good i ,v ; curious. Gastonia Gasetlre.' "I , , It is said that dew wi it fom " '-'.W On SOme COlOrS. iVmie a yeuviw board twill be covered with dew, red or, black one beside it will be nerfectiv drv. " " ' -" - -r J ' , ; i Wliat Tfcey Bay About Kisses.' Tle gtTjtw1fo iK?ilI OTae orer a Kiss nasatleatjOBe thateheis wil line to eet rid of Dalian Nws. WU-!rd kis yon if I dared.4, She Wbat! y don't think? I'd strike a man, do you fV--Albany Freesian . - " ' ' ' - "What wonld yon dotniss, f I shbuW attempt to give y ou a kiss?" certainly, should '"Bet ray f face agalnsUt, sir!'tAlbany SUte.' r A, soatbside gi rl is i ndig ri an t because a young man kissed her when she " wasn't looking, It has since been;, found ont that she bad 6erjByeashat - - Ceewav:7 - . Mrs., McBride (entering, the kitchen) BridgetiSdidn't -I Isee that policeman kiss you. Bridget "Wl!t mum, sure an' yez wouldn't hev me lay meself opin to arrest for . resist in' an V officer,' mum."--New York Dispatch. V Magistrate "You are charged wun rushing up to this yotfug l1? ana Kissing ner against her win, ana 1 sentence you to." Prisoner "The charge is true, y'r honor; but she had been eating onions." Magistrate "Then sentence you to kiss her agaiu." New York Weekly. That Female Tyraut National Beview. She contradicts him at the head of his own table, interrupts his anecdotes .to set him right on an utterly unimportant little detail say, the date of a transaction, which he makes ;the 7th of Sep tember, and she asserts was the 8th; she interferes in all his arrangements, and questions his authority itrtbe stables, the fields the church, the consulting room she apportions his food and regu lates the amount of wine he may take; should 6be dislike the smell of tobacco, sbe will not allow him the "most transient whiff of the most refined cigarette, and, like tier brother with his Victim, she teaches the children to despise their father bv the frank contempt with which she treats bim, and the way in which she flouts his opinion and' denies his authority. If she be more affectionate than aggressive, she renders him ridic ulous by' her effusiveness. Like the "bammy, love" which roused Dean Allord's reprobation, she loads him. With Silly epithets Of endearment before folk, oppresses bim with personal attentions, and treats him' generally as a sick child nexdoor to an idiot. , All out of love and its unreason- u -J"U custody- ing tyranny, she takes, him into I VUOWUV i LUSJl- CLO X Li Ullf OV w wM a a n ae a t A ' life and allows him no kind of freedom. Robust and -vitrorous as -i. ik Wi- is, sne worries over nis neaun .- . - ttO VU"uu "w . wuu,,ou valid? in tbftlievdavnf bis matnr- " ' " " 7." ? . . .. " I rt.TT rnnn liner htm am it hA WArfl An octogenarian bordering on second a a v v trv1"! y -w ww w A!llLilj OV. .4:-ll Cuumuwu., duo, cuuHuuwijr , ue the expression, III U 11 -., , I Shall not allow I'm vTittahahn trt nn n, nfl eft?" nr. ;.TV;il .'minW.nr1 tV,?- does she confess his right to free t action, ooauu as no .is in uie cuains of .her tyrannous affeetion. endl she makes j him; what she has 1ai fann Adh m ; tft'hA n. haek. rinnnloaa valAtn dinari an 1 whom the 8Corches in fever and the east wind chills ; to pneumonia one who bai lost the fruit by fadding'! About the flower. v- - Y . I f The Editor and the Widower. J ' Y Y- -y-:-'- --: Y .. i saiisbary world. 2nd.. . . ! -t- YAbi4 1 appearea-in lhursaay s Stanly Enterprise : " Friday evening: there ; was .on board the Yadkin hearted : widower . of abont sixty summers : from ' nearf Salisbury "en ronte to see one of ; Norwood's .fair maidens. On; board the train go ing north Monday morning was the same gentleman with a down-cast expression n.e said some one cut tim out. xhe edi editor of the Enterprise was here ; to-day. The 'widower was too,looking for.the editor.; H bad his walking stick with him. .-The editor was spied by the widower rwhile he was on his way to the de p6t this, afternoon. The editor -?1V U. Is tr.AnoKt. Ka ahli to a ont bis paper next week . The widower also escaped without I ceivlug serious injuries. LOUISBURG; N. C, FHIDAY, KOVEilBlJR Aunt Malindy's Letter. Warrenton Record Mx, Dear Niece: I feel all tnck- ered.out . this morninl and v I'm afeerei I" can't write you a loni etter; but I'll do the - best I can, and write you a short note anyhow; What's on possib ul vi s o n boss i ble, you no. isot i ll oo ine test 1 can. Sense I've been a writ in ; to yon. I've 'had occashnn to teech: on, a good many things, and there lots more I d like to wnta about, but I aint got. time,, and v then' I'm eo badlytuckered"ythatt must rest. Maybe yon think; if funny that I ain't old like I be, by in by you'll no ait aoout it. - I'd like to write some letters that would stur up the young men of this naborhood and county, for they heed afurinT Some of em drinks licker, and they, orter quit it. And they can if they wanted But one thing I'm share of; the gals is largely respos erbnl for the way some of the boys is a gwineon ' There's Tim Quggle. aud Tabias Toper, who dri inks f rom week's end to week's end. ' Tbey. ia done to be drunkards aud sots; and yit they stands as well in sersiety as the, most pins, and best behaved boys in the naborhood, and sometimes I thinks the bigger rowdy a boy is the more poplar he is with the gals. Anyhow it looks that wayto your old Aunt Lindy I no I'm old and cau'tsee as good as lots of young gals, bat some things is mity plain even to my old eyes. As shure as you're bornd there's lots of. gala that likes the cumpany of a rowdy a hepe bette loan toey aoes inai oi a qecen young feller. Tain't so with all on e'm, and I'm powerful glad it ainJ But too many of 'em is that way And they is thev ones tbat encur rages .the drinkin fejlers. If the young wimmen would take the stand tbey.orter.it would do more good than aH the temperance ser cieties that was ever organized. gut they won't do it I wish you'd nnpozzle this puz zle for me. Why is it that people will make much of thedfunkto'sol, and often treat him better than they do the purest man in the na borhood, and osterize the barkeep- r ? Now to my way of tbinin the hark(ftnr and tha drunkard is W.h in th aama hoat. For to drink licker is as bad as to sell it. orln f I'm not makin au ltV& BOJIC1C, IUI kUC iAIIU UUOV A. bate the bizness, bnt be orter have jestiss, and if you give him the cold shoulder you orter . give the drunkard the Cold shoulder too.' I've heern it said that if church mBmWtwnnlrl nnitil-inkin liclcar i ' . - Rellin wonM be a verv onnrofitabnl - - . bizneSS. 1 don't, no Whether this -l . v j'vi'ii u.. 18 BO or uol x ciuuu isr .uu. v ri 10 fvl Tl i Fl I fllV' fine riavVB H SF1TJK nr I . ' W3 a cvnrcb rmembera bo when thev I " -V- r : rioraft from town dott't small f s , T . ia... i vu.i.oiiiiua. a vo u.s isa taiaa- 1 1 awn lniiiLiiB. a; aa wbu buia is SO. and theV orter be ashamed 8caellin like V a-whisky barrel is a mjty poor way ; to let their Jlte shine. It is" a' 8Candle, r'and the churches orter get rid of that kind - In these letters dear Sally, I've made lots of CapS. and lots Of peo - pie have jist bin afittin them en their " heads. I'm i mity sorry 'my caps fits any bodies',; heads, but I can't help it. .They are to blame for. bavin v them kind of heads. I t,n. t.A -.r wwuu ,. na- awwua .uv- r, 24tb, lJusiV.ai $14 J00 body, but I've bin a CUttin and from Washington, and $12.60 from Poie- i f . - , 1 t. . . mouth and Norfolk, limited tov tea days slash i n and. them what got in the from date of sak. - . - . way of my ax got cnt--that's 'all, and itwa$not my fault. 'ZtyXf- Fd like to rite more . about .the old times and the old-time people, bnt X can't do so no w.. We folks 4iat natuallv dote on the cast. I nrnAiWM. in some resnecia. anv ExpoeirJoa . - - - 1:1 4j. i-i,- ta ' like, to tell about it to ; P- But Im too hixzv to g. iJui 1 m wo nuzy w young about it now. There's lots more , . , , ., . . COQld tell, and I may QO it by in a - a a now, r, but y ou must come- and 1 e and we'll talk, and that's can t. write . any more letters bet - - j terlhan writin. I have one thing agio you. I rit you a lot of - ot snK sv anrl xma wnt anrl I givthem to tbat prtnter.man, and re - j he printed them, and you've had v'the people a Halki&about me, 29, 1805; and-mad' with rae, and some a cnssin me.' I don't think you orter done me so; but I don't hold it a gin you. You hurry up and marry that feller and ax me to he weddin, and all will be rite. But there is one thing I don't ike. Folks is a say in tbat I ain't Malindy Hnnter. Some says I'm one parson and some says I'm another, but you noee who I is; and that tiroueb I'd mitely tockeredout, lam as ever, . .'- -w - a ; J OUT AOV1U AQDt, . . , ' : : Maltndt. Huntsr. . . NoTB Bene: I hope to.be able 1 to rite you another letter, some- lme In the future, till then good by. 'Try and keep what Tve nt n this sub-rosy. ... m. it. NOTICE. Br. 'will of the Uta Juivt guut. deeuased I WUI sell to the highest bidder for eaah. st the Court Hcuse door la the town of Loulsharjr N. Ul. on Monday the 9th dar of December 180. at IS o'clock, M., the tract of laaa of bains 'altaated la Franktta eonnty, aajotnlng nd otifr, ana eoauining est acres, more or Title reserved ou uiesate naa Deeaeon- trmed, and the parchase pros paid la. October ZSUi, Jlim W. Snuirea. . v Sxetator FlilTLII PDOITRT in PET STCCI JUL twxktt vAuxncs or Vhobo0OKBekd FOWLS. Pekin Ducks. White holland Turkey. Phr. eons, all kinds of Rabbits, Guinea Pig; reg istered Poland China, and Berkshire bogs. registered Jersj eatue, and pure bred Hoi stein cattle, registered 'ojffter, 8etter, and St. Bernard dogs. JfockiDg birds. Cans ary birds and Parrot. Lverytbing kept oh a first class stock farm, kinds of water fowls Wild geese. van ally Several I 8wan Ac Of fish -we handle, the U olden Red. Silver, and Japanese fan tail. The Fount with castle and any variety of fish at reasonable price. Klot frea eggsone day old alwavs on hand. Evtry egg guaranteed to be as represented Will be dellrered , everv morning. Egtrs for setting, from thorough bred stock at $2.00 tor thirteen. A 1- lot of young pedigreed fowls for sale at reas onable prices ronsiddering stock. In the winter months, after the natural raised chickens are gone, there will be kept at all times nire frying aiae chickens. Fresh milk and butter always on band, and will be de livered every morning, H deeired. Two fine UoUtein calves for sale, one bull and one heifer price reasons ble WUI eeU one Holstein cow-in .Uk. We offer a fine unv rimrv uniw - in mill ldm wi ni.T uan , - . I - r 1 . .vi 1 . opportunity for farmers to improve their stock. Visitors al ay welcome, except y Tarda and bet stock Sunday, a hen Poultry house will be closed. Call . or write to J A. GREEN, Louisbarg, N. C. Cotton States ani international lijo- .ation, ATLANTA, 61., VIA THE SEABOARD AIR LINE. VESTIBULED LIMITED TRAINS Upon Mcli no Extra Fare is dand t Y-r. M. upon amvai oi ae congressional Limited'' from New York, and reach Atlan- A second train, with through sleeping ears from New York, leaves Washington at 4:10 A. M., arriving at Atlanta 5:40. A. VL. the next-da v. Both trains leave from the Pennsylvania I rail rood station a4 land passenger in the I aition arronnds as through passengers via "KSJSSSf" and Norfolk, the Seaboard, Air Line haa -other connections i HiTi pin t ae iiuinirwiii vuuvv k nwuiuic- ton. namdr: From New York andPhiiadel- t t a.1 u ffvw-U4- Vth U a 1 monL the Bar Line steamers: from Wash imrton to Norfolk, and W ashinirton steam- - rom New York, the Old Dominion ' ui ..4 tj.-a.. av.ii . paw4. I MftMIlFtUlaJa OI1U UVtU lAmrVH aaJa v v 'Smori.1 VTZ I .f.mM with ihivuiirK tmitnaMit Pall. ' o " oJrjr""Trj rZ" DUD lnWIU-wvuit vuue. mnu onerated through from Portsmouth to At- i . ' ... . - a , , lthoiite.hanF. of takes the passenger via Old Point Comfort These trains are composed of the hand- somest Pullman wing-Im. Bsnet I p. L train (-The Atlanta 8peclal") m vea- S .toI to ALairr tTHOTJT CHAKO. - f - - mm MsiaaMa a mow war w Z 7 1 Fredericksburg, Richmond and Petersburg. Vinrfnia. Weldon. Baleigh and Sontbsrn r : . : . Pine. North Uarolina, Chester, cuntoa ana Abbeville, booth Carolina and tibertoa aad Athena to Atlanta, Oeorgia."v: . ' . j- aires. Excursion Tcket wffl be sold to Atlanta and return, via the Beaboard Air line, a follows. I ln Tneedars and Thursday. Beptemiter Daily, eeptember lota to uecemoer.aoui, lnclusiv, at 1 19.25 from Washington, and $17.35 from Portsmouth and Norfolk, lim- ited to twentv davs from data of sale: and at $38.25 -from Washington and $'23 65 from Portsmouth and Norfolk, good natil January 7, 1896. -i ; .' -. -. - old tbc gxrosmos 4l, T ia America nere yoa sou, mmm v the by ,5d exUbit from Florida and Alaska, n,eroot a for 5 tell CaliJorila ad Maine, the United State of herOOt, I0T O CCniS, mii An)eric- and the Daited 8tate of Bmaii. I winner thalalways pi 'i irrr,, . - . -a .iA I Mexico and Caaada. and so oa sa til nearly , I crerj allium hvtm " " by. I nted. On the terraces are found, among many other attractian. jrao. vnines aao Mexican villages, showing just how those see people have their "daily walk and conver sation." - : f Y Ask for ticket via Tan BaaaoAas Liwa." ' - .' Pallman Sleeping Car reservations will be made and further information furnished let - apon application to any agensoi ineota board Air Line, or to the n ndersigned. II. W. B. Owrrca. T. J. Akdebscit TraJSe liana ser. General Pi and' f - C St. johx; THE r ; FARMERS & UERCHAIITS.BAIIL Does a general Banking business . solicits deposits on time ; 4 ' or subject to - - .-checks. ,. v . BXake GlleUs a r4alty. : Returns promptly made at rea- V aonkble rates. Deposits received in ' SAVING'S BANK, in 'turns 4 of 25 .centa and upwards. ! J. ': " ofticeb.; Wm BAILEY, President. ; J. S. BARROW, Cashier. . D1DECTOBS. Wm. Bailey. ' . " J. S. Barrow. Dr. A. B. Hswkius. C. M. Cooke. W. T. Hughes. W. J. Byerly, J. B. Thomas. Money to Lend . I am prepared to lend money oa Im- K roved real eUU at 0 per cent, aad cn ng Uom. , Nov Sm. ' T. W. BicxxTT.Att'v. c r TAX NOTIUE The. tax books ot the town of Louisbunr has been ' placed in my I hands, and the taxes for 1805, are now dne. All those owing - taxes will pleaee settle the same as soon ha nossible. and therebv aura tron- i ria and ftnta. B.D.JE.'XELL, Tax Collector, i LOUISBURG Carriage Shops, H. C TAYLOR, Proprietor. If your.Carrisge, Buggy, Wag- on or anything in that line need! rnaiririff and vou want it dona ... . . . . . m "gOtt bring It to IDe, and It T0U want your Carriage "or Boggy re- painted in,a first-class manner, L: : -1 T 1 1 Zl l-Z " 'Z-Z? "S i- uij iiuja uuuer a ui ainissa iiaiu- ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurautee satisfaction in all work entrusted tome. I have a first-class black smith in the black smith shop who ful ly understands everything about bis business, from shoeing a horse to irioning a fine buggy. It does not pay to have your work botched up. so bring it , - r j along to me where it WILL HE DONE RIGHT, my prices an reasonable. I make Buggies and Wagons to order. If you want s ood Home Made Buggy or Wagon, give me your orders, and you shall have what you want ThanVino- mv f rienda Tor f bir I : . , . s . v lDg the same in future, 1 am, very H. C. TAYLOR. Build up Home. BY-, i n TnnniTiiin iinnr ruirnnni p l rAlHUrtlllflU llUfcJL dtl I tnmiOt MALLORY DURHAM CHER- ROOTECOe. OF DURHAM. - -NO. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CHER00T8 AND CIGARROS v As can be found on the market. Their leading brands are "BULL OF DURHAM" - A dime Cigsr for a nickle. Hand Havana filled. JULE CARR m m ajh j m n I Namprl in honor Ot JOI. J. Carr, Pres. Black well Durham - Tobacco Co., 5 cent Bomatra Wrapper , UCKWELLS-DURIIAir Named in honor of CoL W. T. , Blackwell, father of Darbaxn 5 cent SumatraWrapper. ... - - . -t LITTLE SADIE. CUBAN CIG- ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENT8 "OLD CnnNK" HEROOTS, 6 for 10 cents. The finest smoke .v for the money. Ilri VADTIT CTITTII - a sure ways pleases.- Stick to bonis and send us-jour orders;. : ' liallsn Dcrhn C&sfcsl Co. DURHAM, N. C. Aia Thnm,iR iVflrphonse- thO DlaCO for hlCh pnCeS. il Mrncv.Politr.bouesr treat- r r . I W 9 - K0!1BEE4L LAD ICO AND GCrtTLCr.lEM '9X Who nay wlh nice shsrapoo-'. . log or hair drewing decs, will d well to call ou W. M. ALSTON & L. W. EGERTON. Ladle, bava your hang cujt right. We - have Dr. White new hair crower. Van's Mexican Hair Restorative, Ayer's Hair Vigor, Tricot herons for tb hair and akin, nothing te beat it to keep the hair from fall-" Ing out. .; ' . HOTEWOODARD. r . ; ' - Barky M aaai, N. C. ; ' Free Baa meets all trains, - ' -B t2 per daj, ' OSBQRNHOUSE. C. D. OSB0RN, Prop'rletov ; Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the j traveling public " - y - DO YOU VAHT.; A HOUSE? If so yon will do well to write, or see J. Levister, at 'Louliburr, N. C, before contractlngNPlatia, specifications and estimates&ade ou ourni nuiiainirt. kc . MOSES WEST holds fortbtn" rear of Thomas Drug 8toreV (on the'alley wharelie does shoe making and repairiug,and guar antees to do work as good rand V, cheaper than any Shoe-Maker v in the State.. .. Corns and see for yourself.. . Respectfully, ; . . t ' M03E3 WEST. CHICKEN CHOLERA Can be cured bv using THOMAl POULTRY POW DEIL Italsoeun. Botrr and OArcs. Now is the tin. to bee It laceuU a package. ,'ft? , rt- anuijao, UTVggimv, Louis burg, N. C. NOTICE I I have decided to red or my I uavo BEES to 10 Hives. Will sell remainder for 13.50 per hive, this includes top case These bees are worth 5iX), for bees alone. Apply at imc to A. D.GREEN. FllANKLLNTOX HOTEL FRAKLIXTOX, N. a C. M. EOBBS, Prp'r. Good accomodation f or tk trartljar pablie. Good TJrerj Attached. R. R. CROSSEN. FIRST CLASS PAINTER, LOUtSBUSO, X. c I with to offer my services to the pub V6 ??.WV' "7 prvparea I . for itaeir. ana l refer to au part Jew Ic whom I have worked. . Ola faraltarv made new. Giva me your palroaag aod yoa ahall pa pksued. ; , . , J D- & R. S- CHHlSTlAfl ' RICHMOND,' Va . Prompt attention to orders and sat alaction GUARANTEED: IFYOU -SUFFER, WITH - ... 1 , . ' J .- , HEADACHE NEURALGIA, -TAKE--.i !-- Head-Easy, THE GREATEST REMEDY ON V ;. EARTH." ' ; Foral in Louisburg by ; ' - : - t- W. 0. TU03iA3t . y y AiaxrEit Cp. ; For aalatm Franklin Ualy . J c y' - - TAKE .K0TICS3 Our baek U-run ta -the depot for tbe4eas3t c( paasenj-ers U pay, and while we o aot wi4 to be diexourteaoa in tijoqc w "Ur" iLU ,?c mVl llb m PJ tiayes. toller. dead er ' mniMvljn lal I buiu or repalraa kiada of mUl Jslfkiaeey ilia fmU rrml a aull tor 1 SVo. or work tnr Addm m at . Lwili ivis. X;C. Of X E HitraoLo Trtfimmin lUUlliailD