I .V0LXXf' -A-.--7.vv? iTOinsmmc m nrimuv-,,r.-m.-,,,,n . VVV V " ' : " ' - " 1'rol ii i mill II in ill n - ,-- -v-.. r i JJ 10f 3 v... eep i an i.- befoei . ,.t' ree'eiv oy B. MA.S8EXBURG, 13. lOUISBCRfl, v;&f000i W'ili ir ictico ia alt the Courts of -thi State Oillce In Coart House. t ' ; , () ;. tflLLIAMS,'.;iV;v-.V n. i-tu&'--'.i!i'', ; i v lci an vsuaaEo;v Fit iXKLINTON.cV V otfrM hit services to tho cltur-ps" oi i. cooii & son- ' 0. fM .itwa.l tfte courts of ttoab, jfr.racnn; auufojirf 0 jui t of -.Vorth Car oluii,,aa tbu; IT. i circuit i District Coa.rU. fx; ktriii'.. j. Circuit R. J. J) oflse two doors below Ayeocfte CO.'B r vr iVifrtitiAv r VV v ; LOUiABOBtt, JTt C II'. AT TO ENBT-AT-LA W, Will atten 1 the coart of FraukUa, Vance, jfjinriln, Warren anU Wake couutaes, aiao ue japrjuie Coart of iVortn Uaroliua. i'rojuiit T. W.BIUKBTT, LnORN EY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Prompt na i p tinstiklne attention trlTen ta IITery ui.uicr iiiuuginj wj uis UiUIOS. i v Rt,f !M to unier j usiicrtsn.pnjrj, Hon.. John IHw line tioj. ttoot W. Wiuston. Hon. J. Cj. 8aitn, frus. First National Bank, of Win ido.i. uirtiiii u:iuiy, winaion, roopiea Bank IHa.Miru, ii ia. c. A.iyior, jrres wan or-nnjoil'g-, Hon. E. W. rimnerlakft. : ' OJioi; iu ujurt House, opposite iSni'ritt'B.- w. M. PERSON, ATTO RNKT-AT-LAW; J LOOISBURB, N. 0. . Prictlces in all courts. OiSce in tho ntiHrt h.; yarbohouoh.jb,,- ATIORNEY AT LAW, 0i5:e on second fltor of Neai bnililin AH I grtl business intrusted to Bthi Isiil rereive prompt and careful attention. vRVTtJT ' . .' , U.I k XO 1 .EDWARD DU6GEIllj!j)!si LOUlSBURti, .N: C;-"- -;':fi.;': (iradaate of the nl Jet Dnta 1 Co lg i 'Id. Kiirht vearH-eiDerien- i:nor v,"i uistnimuui'i iTWfKw. f 'I krH .iit plate. Satisfaction .wmfVnv J oter Jones & Cooper's tor. , -V. H. EDWARDS-Xi j 0P iV'AKE FOREST, N, Cj J W'tiliiHs.la.v following the firat;Sunday . ...:.(,u (rep:irea coao au kinds: of ''iital work. . .ivi; : sf door toT. B: Wilder Law offl-e. r - r t : : saaa v-a-w tlx rnaou. b. wiLDJsa, . s., Guu Ma.c&u dv w.w v i i , yuB Ok A)VpCI 8 f h402 THE TINNER,5 V 1 ' , g.pnparJ to do all kind of tin woikre mn, Jce. All work sniAriniW: :PIam 4U bin H K. O D : . "TT-, I UFFIN & liEVlISi BLACKSMITHS 5. J ' ' ..uv.. vat w ortj uj uur P Qar the Iaisbarg mills. ; ' ; c ; H-tro. -RT . Trx-rrr3. lNTIT:fp L0UISBORQK N?&ll:i m over Rartrtf QfrA Kv."i4 MteBaltinic;Detal:(fcnegeV??'. - ' .LiKv lion 7-four years active etperienW taa , G.: V wcultsbth A8PBdArr.:rNatnral- 42feJ'::$3:MM J J'arrow - - removed and new onea inaHrtd in "TV . X . 7 work warranted flwbarsr i m home ro correct 1 mav nrovrt nnaaf iafaikfvv J VV Very traly. r . r-; r, v - Tenti8t, V YARBOROUGH & DAVIS, v VJM l.( II INKI1 KIJ v ork in our'lfnB dona n ' aboW. ati(l satisfaction iraaranteed. iave cur new short the 6ld ten rin, k sha oeTand are better pre "iau ever tc serve -oar casto- f lLL AT THE BUIDGBi ACK-SMITHINa. I KIT0"1 I hooe voa will see me u r.i in..,. - - ... - . in7 iwu,re,J xou'Wia- una me on ibiri. the River prilge. Main atreet' 'ksmit k.- WbIle I am lln all kinila aTf 'thing, don't forget fhat I am also d d that wiU I "Old if nut called for Tours truly x- i?$ TKAlisHOTKlis w-'-t48&4 .will'- aiwaya find, me k-Vx&W&;W Rad "Rmi'A: 'm-S,:x at my own expense :ny" f 433 0Siixl)r. E S obU-'MSs& 'VM-.xfB Biacksmilhs acommodatios. Good fareV To UUi ndtentlTe-:secvaa.VV;Vi ACCOBDING TO LAW OF. THE ; i TAIN u ALLOWED BY THE BOARD OF COPNX ; COMMI88IONBRS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, AND, TO WHOM CBMBEE 1894, AND ENDING THE ? FIRST MONDAY IN DE a JCEMBER 1895 - ' ; - A""- ' - 319 ; li"aj 1895 D F Cooke 4 Co aid't M VllV.:; :?.' ;,-r:v.;.,-..;.-'J'. ': mil M a n .V-" Jons Littlpjohn 24 meals for jury April court 1895 - oo 553 S'iSIPPii K r1 2 days' committee on eedar creek bridges 335 - -:'-V-" Lo.uni oste. witueea fee,,State Vs.'Hilliard Foater tS?iBamnel Foster witnea fees State tb. Hihiitrd Foster"" !- St?1 Doiwy 3 moainitBide panper : : T.:: ; - ' ,'?.p?.Medlia and lV 1 1lia f ..1 J O . uiub i' ui u! uuMine pauper ' -a.?- . Helen Rogers 3 mos outside pamper -: "-; Mrs Joshua Nunn 8 mos outside pauper " -: "- W: a Perry and wife 3 moa Outside pauper ? i ' CJbaa Hams 3 mos outBide pauner; -' , - 3-iT.-v.: 345 . r . aijaiijo uiu uuibius pauper viK: ft vfnA1 W - mos outside pauper -v 22 "v"- J M Terreirs children 3 mos outside paupers ttvS.;SeJ Faulkner's children 3 mos outsidopiuper ; ?5 f M B Alford 3 mos outside pauDer , ' RiT.i,-,a-...r.v.:'-va a-. n. . r..-- , mo . ' . Caleb Daacjr 3 mos V 5 '' . Marj Jane Moye 3 mos outaide pauper -j. -fettie Faulkner's children 3 mos outside pauper George Southerland 3 mos outside pauper " j - Lula Edwards . ,3 ..' -, . , . . ':' . Amanda Bridges " 3 ' " " , " . ; 'Eljgabeth Bolton 3 , .' lunatie '- 'John Powers . 3 . " : r Ellen Medlin 8 . . v". 8araphina Minga 3 :f " i Starling Yarboro 3 ' . ' f Hen Terrell - . - 3 Parrisb children 3 .. '?.( piuilis Mitchell v;ri-;- aK - u i . : . Moses Coppedge 3 ; ' David Wilson - 3 , - &5 CO L . 362 33 - 3S4; 365Si y 36(j; 3U7 . 368 Vv,'. 3dd .. - 37i ; ; 321 V . 37i 37 A V'l.-. 374 v ; ;ivPenny Eana .Ts,! 3 ,5 r" ' ; ". Urciila Cpcbureb 3 mos outside pauper . .. ' - . Puttie Long 3 . - : - '''' Viney Vright 3 , . " ' - . -. Gideon Perrv ;; 3 V "- -.' ;v--)illiTockeftir:3ii'i'-- " - . 11 T Dnke 3 " . " . Maria tJreen 3 - . ' . :rook Persia . " -". . : Nat Strickland 3 " : " - - - lAaron Green- 3::-v'iNt-T- . ' : Jane Burnett's rbildreti 3 mos ontside paaper ; - ! 375. 370 877.. 378 j ; 37U 38U . v 881- 383 i ; 'a 384 r , 385 886 :. ! . V Kptune Ballard 1 no 37 ,?;;Cf5CU'BerBardriaiSrsfe'A ft. - it iiriitrris c a c. - c a c ' ; 3.:: 'BBMassenbargcsc feH C Kewrner dberiff 392', 893 ', 394 " 3t. 39 397-' 398 v; V-.'. . ? ? .r W U Person Ala vor - Jt S Foster J P " . ' ' Cv ?':'?vwPP Pearee JP:,5-VS.:,: ' ''ia'WVr .Wilder, i;, s - . . ' oVEUia,:K.:::-L .:" '' . . r. ' ' ; , ' ; . Isham Wilaon witness fees State ts' Turner Debuam i' April term!1895v;.; .:---i-r " v.-rvV1--";.- .. ' : - '" Betsey Perry witueas fees State vs Turner Debnam " ; : ; '. April term 95 , . wl ' '' Biody Green witness fees State va Turner Debnam .-.1 ; A wril trm '95- " - ,r '; C. HLjWiggina witness fees State ts Tnrner Debnam :!?x'Avx$tTm:'$h.x:-:. .'- ' ;v:.-v- ' -! ' ; . -& W B CteNrajr witness fees State a Willie Ricks April j " terul"9ii v' ;x-; s..t-;-:; v ,. ... - , Ett Woore witnesss fee State vs Willie Ricks Ai t2 term "95 400 401 403 J 404 405 4C6 407 40ft Tw Juuus Liebman . . .-?. . 1 C Tharrington ' .' . " N. ' J H Wester " " ' D L Kearney eohatable " , . Ann Davis witness ' ., Enoch Tharrington f,".' ":;X A.., , fvrs Alien w ngnt u ;:-:: .' .-''jj 1 CAlston --- f . ' f - : ''John Braneh ' A-CCooke , Lou Taylor " :. John Dement M A W ... J-- . ' r v 412 413 4u : . 416 417.;- 418-M-i..',' 419 42o;:?ix 42t:;:c.v'' ' Cbristiaa Williams ; Robert Nelson 'Jim Salomau , ' v Alien Kelley , ' Duncan Alston Simon Dailev ii Sheriff Arnngf on Sheriff Jees State vs A C Barton et al . " April term '95 y ' : . " ' ' V ' v Toos Hayla constable fees State vs Lee Hulett April term '95 - ' . ' ' Dock Leonard witness fees State. va Lee Hulett April term V tt Bartholomew ylfi .V-fc '? " ' V " .- ' ' . v . 422 4ft 421 425r , J H Hogwood ; i ; . 7 W P Neal A f!o 'MmM Br 3 Collins timber for 44T-,;'. ' 1 Li Aftun lui ya, -sj- wv'i vu, mw uci 448 r . v ; : , , , - George Winston work 4.1!.: slu'r-?'iJr E Jjnton reoairiiiiBr I one . iOOper am t 4-53 SJfS f ?y.'?3.y.: W T Barrow ..." .S:.---. 't-.:vfcrf . . " ; , i ' JS Barrow .-, ' ' u v " ''-'4 44lS:2nne'3dI5SSa.W9lev Burnett timber for Laurel bridge-x1:'mWMxyr' 2ffixXxixJ: Vf Winston conveying Baa bra. Goode to Jafli? -isi? Jt4.ASx':HVMnx n L Kearnev :- -.Alaton Davis . . , - tfWjfeiA-M 444ffil,.:ftffiJ A Thomas am't acc't fihLFi 4.4i - ' . . .1 ones & f ;ooner am t acc t nome aeea ana mnrm v .s s , 4 t '."".-,-.' . 5 :.. Georsre-W ronwar banliiis timber forJailiitiS5l An-l ifeSiSPAlt D Pernell board of prisoners etc':S;MiKl55f ' 453i''SSSSya? J. R Alfurd 3 dava commisaioner and 72 roiWfeSCW 44l:SiyWttlr,S ColUe 8 xamxMmxtii miles. W K Cooke dava service to board mKSM- '-sO 45.!?;fj . H C Kearney 3 days 400 : , 461 ? v .: : w K. Martin 3 days .it": amount ace ffledSIafES4110 ij L Jackson services Sapt home agedftnd infirm 2d quarter 100 00 462-::1f5f 463 ' .... m o ocrona umoerTOrossiay rou .. y. - . ... -.i:?:5Wr.v 464'1?i!,:T Barrow bnl eosC; ' V ,z-'?s " Cordis A. plttlo5' !;V4ri-s5 ; CIS ;. '.1.' , . :..Hnn IThoalap pnn.irinor B-nk ifkW team XX;Xi- L466.-?:'' ,;'w,. Ji-4 Peraon special 407, 48:. w p Na.l juror in tie X'XXf,xiX'X, C.I irV.. U VJ. W "w p Bridges r. ; 'j k r.nllie 4704;-V' ?J 471 -."vi ; j ;472 ; 478 IvIKirtlVS . '- " ' ' " 474.:- : , . - 476 - r . V 'V- S&Anthony Neai x:doS.:?-do xdo x - - do " H C Kearney Sheriff serving subpoenas incase of the death of Romas Neai Jv.V'V'- I' w h Kdwards repairing bridge over Lynches' creek' -- P G Alston 1150 feet timber lor uaes a onrge G H Joyner aawiug timber at joyera bridge :.;3fS; U H. Griffin work on 478. r :.: ' y jno E Gupton building Shocco bridge 50 . 4 ' ' - (COMTIKWKISEST WEEK) - AMOUNT OP EACH ACCOUNT v V acc't foriail S oo 2 40 2 40 3 011 3 00 8 00 4 50 wifo moa outside pauper . j ; uuLsiae pauper, . -r i os outainp pauper -. inos outside pauper - : 9 00 ; 9 00 3 00 3 00 : 8 00 3 00 X2 00 ....-,4 50 13 00 3 00 '8O0 : 400 iCOC eoo :-. 2 oo 8 t0 j 3 00 6 00 6 00 : . 8 00 600 . 6 00 9 00 3 00 OS M) 1 8 00 8 00 '3 00 3 00 8 00 3 00 . .3 00 ,3 00 3 00 300 9 00 , . 8 00 3 0O 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 a oo 3 00 3 OO 1 00 ,100 .12 50 ouTaiae pauper lunatic . f moa oiltaiHnnn.nnsi ' ' outside pan per f"" ootwde pauper j outside nnmr 52 41 ! - : 348 46 35 1 92- 4 95 180 1 12 177 2 50 2 50 -2 SO' 2 75 3 10 1 6;i 8 lo 2 9R 2!5 7 20 2 05 ,2 40 2 05 2 20 170 ,1 92 ti 80 2 40 2 05 2 55 2 55 2 20 8 30 3 2Q 30 Lee Hulien M -. .... . . . , Ellen Horner -, .1 ISO - ".-'..jiiv; v.. Reuben Goode " ' 8 80 195 1,95 ; ;. O'Brient t Nelson , 715 955 . 85 " 2 10 4 25 6 60 9 15 1 20 wzi 20 - , " .Winf .1 50 145 1000 110 2 85 05 80 1810 2 O0 3 00 19 00 1 no " ? hrannaffid and infirm bridge at Sandy Creek church . 300 i 7 43 . 6 50 V 7 92 KmHcM a Mi llllfltriB mill a,vs u. w on v ! ' at oefc. law fence .asWy acc c nome agea aa inarm 2131 - 50 88 90 0 60 1020 ; 90 i- f. 10 80 9 00 7 50 6 00 officer tp-board V v ; ; ; iw'iV B.OO " K'-V ;"6 00 clrk.totoam witaeaa I witueas fee State vs Winston & ; S 00 ' 8 80 ; io 00 coroner in case of the death of rase of the death of Ramus Neai 1 50 : .150 1 50 I 1 50 50 I 1 50 2 40 .12 50 II 50 vi- j 50 ; 20 00 tsaas a onnge . 9 50 tr'X- :. 0f HS?ng Power-iest U. S. Gov't Report stateivieNtK Ofpice op Reqisteb op D NTT. J uisbnrgvN; alikeand Pursftan ttfHpMWiis Wa ectioii 713 of Ite Code thd fol lowing statement showing'-items and nature of all com penstion r audited bv tho "R sioue J8 ' oi; ijranklm Uqun ty to members tbereof severally "from December 1st, 1 894, .to Novem ber 30th, 1895, botB inclusive is sub mitted to the public : Number "of Meetings held 18. T. iS. COLLIE, Chairman, v TS. COLLIE, Chairman. " Attended 17 - meetings at $2 00 per dav " $34 00 Traveled 480 rmiles at 5: " ' ceuts per mile : ; . 24 00 "r ;J: ;" -C". $'58 00 J. A. BURT. ; . Attended ,18 meetings at ' ; $2 00 per day 3Q00 Traveled 568 miles at 5 cents per mile 28 40 v-j" V $64 404 . J. R. ALFORD. Attended 18 meetings at $2 00 per day 36 00 Travelecl 444 miles at 5 - " fceuts per mile 22 20 $ 58'20 J. H. UZZELL. Attended 17 meetings at $2 00. per day , 34 00 Traveled 180 miles at 5 " cents per mile 9 00 JNO. C. WINSTON. ' Attpnded 18 meetings at $2 00 per day ' 3600 Traveled 372 miles at 5 cents p9r mile 18 60 : $ 54 60 GEORGE WINSTON. -Attended I' meeting at . $2 00 per day' 2 00 1 40 Taaveled 28 miles cents per mile at 5 $3 40 V No un verified accounts audited. I, W. K. Martin, Clerk aud officio to the .Board of County Commissioners, do hereby' certify that tbe above accounts are a true copy from the books in my office, and that the. . no mber - of days and mileage credited to each Commissioner is true. V W K. MARTIN, n6 4t - Clerk to Board V V Free Pills, x ' Send yonr address ' to H. E . Backlen & Co, Chicago, and get a free sample, bot of Dr King's New Life Pills. - A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy jn action and are particularly effective in the cure of Con st ipation and "Sick Headache. For Ma lar,ia'aad Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. ; They are . guaran teed to be perfectly free trom every de leterious subfltance and :i to be purely vegetable. -They ; do not weaken by their - action . but by. givroer tone .to 'Stomach and, bowels jgreatly invigorate j the system; 'Regular sizei25ec.per box; Sold by Aycocke & p., Druggists, i t-. s ''''"'"'"''''i' XX':-';X-':' By virtue of a deed of trust from' Jaa. L. Hicka and wife dated Sept. 1, 1894, and regis tered tn the office f the Register of Deeds of Franklin cOunty, In book so, page 39, 1 will sell by pabl lc auction for cash at the Court Uonae aoor in Louisourg, on Saturday December so, 1895. all that tract or paroel of land situate in Franklin county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of William A Person,' Benjamin Harris and others, containing Cfty acres' more or leas; being the land conveyed to James U Lasalter by deed from B. B. Maaeeobarg and Thomaa M. plttman. Commlaaionera, dated April 18, 1888, and registered in the office of the Regialr of Deeds of Frank Un county. In Ifook ;8; page 3SS. - . . This November SO, 1806. x-fx -x-i t-Xy.-x: yAi-x, ThombsM. PrraitAK. Truatee.1 NOTICE TJO . MERCHANTS - AD ''y.y OTBRDEALERS 8 All persons that are liab'e io.pay a tax on their purchases,' under, the lievenue laws of iS or th Carolina will take notice, that .until they pay their purchase taxes, they are do ing a business without license, and subject co indictment. Those liable win save iron Die-, ana expense; Dy attending to this at once. ' a ? -v Oct. 16tb, 1895: .. .- II. Q. Kearney, Sheriff. U A Big: Fire..: i V V- V : Extra Large and Extra Loud 'are the fire works j act received at Thomas' drag store. . - . '.; Hughes Bros sav thev don't Relieve, in premium , sales 'whee jusi one or two gets a,-premium.1 ucy. uciiHve in-; rewarding .all mey ao inisr so say all duiu. wun inem. , VThomas' - Warehouse is the place ; for . hisrh nritfis Larce orders, Plenty bf iy.uuj,iruiiLvuuilg8r. treat- ment..v r-- - V - V I FBAIXXII P0DL1SY, AID . PET ; SOCt FiSI. : ' ' ' xyx' 1 . ' : , . STWEHTT VAKIETIIS OK TnOBOUGUBBED 'x- ' .' fowls. '" . " . ' , Pekin Ducks, AVhite holland Turkey, Pig. eons, all kinds of Rabbits. Guinea filn r. latered Pohind China and Berkshire h'ojra rematered Jersj cattle, nnd pure bred Hol steiu cattle regwtered 'ointer,- Setter, and St. Bernard dogs. Mocking birds, Canary birds and Parrots. Everything usually kept on first class stock farm. Several K Wami'!l8-XY,,i . Brants, Swan 4c Of flah we handle, tbe Golden Red Silver,, and Japanese fan tail. The t ount with castle and any variety of fish at reasonable price. . . . Nice fresh eggs one day old alwava on band. Eviry egg guaranteed to be aa represented Will be delivered everv morning. Eggs for setting, from thorough bred stock at $2.00 for thirteen. A fl-e lot of yonng pedigreed fowls for sale at reas onable prices conaiddering stock. In the winter months, after the natural raised chicken are gone, there will be kept at all times nw-e frying size chickens. Freah milk and gutter always oa hand, and will be de limwvery morning, if desired. V Two line Holatein calves for sale, one bull and one heifsr price reasonable. "Will Bell one Jersey heifer, in milk this winter, also one Holatein cow in milk. We offer a fine opportunity for farmers to improve ' their atock. Visitors always welcome, except Sunday, a hen Poultry Yards and pet stock houses will be closed. Call in, or write to . '. s :. : J A. GREEN, - . . Loniaburg, N. C. Cotton States M Mpational Eipo sitiofl, ' ' ATLANTA, GA SEABOARD AIR LINE. VESTiBULED LIMITED TRAINS ten WMci no Extra Fare is Ciiarsel Leave Wnsbington, D. CL, daily, at 8.40 P M., upon arrival of the "Conirreaaional Limited!' from New York, and reach Atlan-1 te at 4:09 P. II., the next day;. . A second , train, 'with thro nab sleenimr cars from New York, leaves Washington at 4:10 A. Af ., arriving at Atlanta 5:20 A. M.. j tne next oay. . - A - Both, trains leave from the Pennsvlvania railroad station and land passengers in tbe ' uuioa Depot at Atlanta a near tbe Kx po sition gronnda as through passengers via asy line are landed.-.; '.- : At - Portsmouth and : NorfolkJ Val. the Seaboard Air Line has .'other connections equally as importapt as those at Washing ton", namely: From New York and Pbiladel- more, the Bay Line steamers; from Wash ington, to Norfolk, and VV aahinirton steam ers; from New York the Old Dominion steamships and from" Boston. and Provi dence, the Merchants' and Minera Steam ships. Close connection is made at the steamer sides with through trains and Pull man Drawing-Boom,' Buffet Sleeping Cars operated through from Portsmouth to At lanta withoutchange. Each of these rotttee takes the passenger via Old Poiut Comfort and throQgh Hampton Roads. " v ; , ' ;V----''V KQurPMEKTiV:',.- . ' t- These, trafna are composed of the hand somest uuman wrawmg-itoom, cunet Sleeping Cars and Day Coaches. The 8:40 P M. train ("The Atlanta Special") is vea tibuled from end to end and ia . operated soUd tbom WumoTos to Atlanta W1THOCT CHAHOB-5. '.iyir: VH'VI ZvA. ."V ! POINTS OF IXTEKKSi ilXJSO THE triXE. The route from "Washington is tbrouirh y redericksburg, Bichmond and Petersburg. ; irginia, Weldon, ' Kalelgh and Southern ines; North Carolina. Chester,' Clinton and ; - bbeville, South C arolina andElberton and i thens to Atlanta.Ueorgia.r ; i s , x:fi:- 1 ; Excursion tickets will be sold to Atlanta and return, ; via tbe Seaboard Air , Line, as foiiowa; ,x xxx:;ix. ; ....v. - On Tuesdays ' and Thursdays, September 17th to December 24th, inclusive at $14.00 from Washington, and S12.60 from Porte? mouth andNorfolk, limited to ten days from date of sale. x-; Daily, September 16th to December 15th. incluaive. at f 19 25 from Washington, and f 17.33 from Portsmouth and Norfolk, lim ited to twenty days from date of sale: and at $28.25 from Washington and $23 65 from Portsmouth and Norfolk, good until January 7, 1800.'. - . . . : .' : ; the Exposmoif , . . : surpasses, in some respects, any Exposition yet held in America - Here you and, side hr side, exhibits from Florida and Alaska, California aud Maine, the United States of America, and the United States of Braxil Mexico and Canada, and so on until nearly every civilited nation on the globe ia repre sented. On the terraces are found, among mauv other attractisns. Arab. Chinese and Mexfcan villages, showing just how those peoples have their "daily walk aad eonv sation." ' ' ." ' Ask for tickets viaTus Seaboard Aib Like." - ---- , y--, xxxl : . PoHra'an 'Sleeping Car reservations will be made and farther information tarnished upon application to any Agent ol theSea board Air Line, or to the undersigned. H: W. B. Gixm:K. T. J. Asdebscw, - ; Traffic Manager. - General Pass Agt.' . E. St. JOHir; - . , , - ; -' 1 ' Ykw-Pw-eadiart. ; Fire Works I Fire Works 1 : A large lot of fire-works of erery dt scnption at Ayeocke Si Lo a. : ' Vv:; THE . ; FAH !.! EH S i !.! f. G H A! ITS DAK X; LOCISaUHG, - ' N. C. ' Does a general Banking business i q solicits deposits on time . ; ' or subject to checks. ? . . v Gelleeuns a Specialty Returns promptly m ade at rea- : xfi x , sonable rates. ' ' - -Deposits received in i SAVING'S V: BANK, ;. .inV: sums o f 25 K cents and upwards. V-.'.::V.-r-"-'-::V-: tWii;BAILEY PresTdentV V J. S:BARR0W,Cashier.VV Wm. Bailey. : v ' J. S. Barrow Dr. A. B. Hawk 1 n s. C, M. Cooke. : ;Wi. T. Huehes. . j, uyeriy, ; - j. u. Thomas. MOney to Lend ' ' ap prepared to 'lend money :on firoved rea restate at 6 per cent. an one-time. i . .? . . inl and on JNov :8-3m.r - T. W. BiCKETT,Atty. ' TAX NOTICL VV Thextax books of the tinn A jjoui8Durtr nas been Pland in mv hands, and the taxes for 1895,' are now one.. All those owing taxes iu mease settle tbe same na soon as possible, and thereby save troti uie ana costs. t , R. D. PrxxELL, w ' Tax Collector LOUISBURG ge H. C. TATLOB, Proprietor. If your Carriage, Buggy, Wag on, or anything m that line need repairing and yon : want it.done right, bring ji to me, and 'if you want your Carriage or Buggy, re painted in a first-class manner, bring it to roe also. I have served my time under a first-class pain ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurantee satisfaction in all work entrusted tome. ; have. A tolASaiilaijijEtflith in the blacksmith shop who ful ly understands everything about his business, from shoeing a horse to irioning a fine tuggy. It does not pay to have your work botched up,' so bring it along to me-where it WILL BE DONE RIGHT, my prices aw reasonable., I make Buggies and Wagons to order. If you want a good Home made Buggy or Wagouv srive me 3'our orders; and you shall have what you want. - Thanking my friends for their patronage in the past and solicit- mg me same in future, l am, . xours very respectfully, V . H. C.TAYLOR. up VV ;.;:--BY-;- ;V."Vv; v PAT R 0 N 1 Z 1 N G HO M E ERTERPRISE MALLORY, DURHAM CHER- ; ; ; ROOTE CO OF DURHAM. - N C. ARE MANUFACTURING AS V FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS ' . iND CIGARR0S j " As can oe found on the market. ; Their leading brands are u,-- : "BULL OF. DUR1LJI'! A dime Cigar for;a n ickle. Hand VVV;Vi .'Havana filled, . Named m nonoV of ? Col: ' J. S. Carr, Pres. Black well Durham V ; Tobacco Co., 5 cer.t Sumatra Wrapper'r J 'BLACKWELLS CUmiAM' Named in hon or of ; Col.' W. T. '' Blackwell, father of Durham , '5 cent SumatraWraper. , : - LITTLE SADIE, CUBAtf CIG- ARR0S,"10 FOR 10 CENTS! , IrVT rv 1TTTTTT7"1 1 TTFTl A ATfl r5 for 10 centsV '.The finest smoke -VV-' V;foT;tne mdney.-vVy'.i'V "0D)0RTfl: Cheroot, 3 , for 5 .cents, a sure V winner that always, pleases. Stick to home and Bend us your :. orders. .- V. V'-V ' :' : Mallcrj . Dhn ' Chsroof Co.; -;',: V DURHAM, N. C. .; V J ,Tbere is no "lye" ia Capt. Waitfs fiore home made eorn whiskey. His just ikehesayk. , .; ' ' - ' r : ' Garna Shops Build Home AND GENTLCMEN Who nay vrisb nice 6hatnpoo ing or hairdressihe" done, will do well to call on W. 11. ALSTON & I. E. THOMAS. Ladies have your bang cut right. We have Dr. White new hair grower. .Van's 3Iexican Hair Restorative, AyerV Hair Vigor, Tricopherocs t for the hair and akin, nothing-; to b?at it to keep the hair from fall ing but. - f V' : -' - W HOTEL WOOD ARD. W. C rooDAXD, Prop : :.: Rocky MounCN. C. : Free Bns roects all trains." , B per day. r . . . .. V ril r-i 5SBOF;HOUSEx;t UrD. 0SB0RN, Proprietor, - V ft: vS x ford c- ' V "V i .' .Good accommodations for ths . traveling pnblic. . V : V V V .' CO YOU - WANT A :; HOUSE ? - Vlf eo yon Will do well to write," or see J. Levister, at Louivburg, ; N. (X, before contractirs. Plans, ; ; specifications and estimates cnado on burnt buildings. &c. V M2-2m. , ";V-VvV -'. VVVvf ,;. SHOE MAKING - V !V V MOSES WEST holds fortV in V reaf of ThomasDrug Store, on the alley where "he does shoe, ; '" making- and repairiuand guar- V antees to do wbrk s good arrd : cheaper than any . Shoe-Makr in the State. V " ; ; " Come and see' for yourself ' . Respectfully,' V- ; V -.MOSES, WEST. , f : CHICKEN CHOlERA : v ' Can be cured bv usinir THOf XSP POULTRY POWDER. It also cm roup and gapes. . Now. is the tim to use it. 25 cents a package. W. G THOMAS, Druggist, ' LoHisburg,N.C. . NOTICE I V I have decided to reduce mv BEES to 10 Hives. V : . Will sell remainder for 13.50 per hive, this includes top case. These bees are worth $5.00. ' for Dees aione. Apply at once to A. D.GREEN. f4(AAKLl.NT0N HOTEL y FRA2fKLINT0N,N. C ' ' C. M. ilOBBS, Frp'r. , Good accomodation for the traveling public. trood Livery AtUehed. R. R. CROSSE N. V FIRST CLASS PAINTER : . ix)t;i8bubo, x. c. , I wish to offer ray services to the puI lie, and will uv that I am prepared to . do all kinds of house painting-, grain e. My wort in Loutebur? speak a for itaelf. and I refer to all parties fc whom I hare worked. Old furnitn made new. : Give me your patronaga andyou ahal be pleased. x I D- & R. S- CHRISTIAN tl RICHMOND, Va:;;v.v Prompt attention ; to orders sxtt sat sfaction GUARANTEED. .. : ? IF YOU ', SUFFER WITH HEADACHE. V NEURALGIA. . TAKB . ' 'X; . 7 .- ...v...- : . ' peltate Stedmans ,iiuv v-v(:-;v.-V THE GREATEST REMEDY ON 'lfe V' 5 V&U EAllTH." - ; .i VFor sale io Loebburg hyV 'Vj V V V yyZK?-W& THOMAS VV V i l;iSvi":YO0CKE& C6i v V ForaoJelnFrankliabnaby -j - V. : 'j. Vv;.vvv -V-V'"& "ti -V'vv SVV'- S) V-VTT.' C.'! JOYNER.V -C V V TAKE -NOTICE ! VV Our back is run to the depot ' " V for the benefit of passengers who ' "V pay, and while we do not wish 5 V to be diseou'rteons to anyone' we. V- -respectfully ask that all , dead- . heads" will either walk or pay. .; ' nAYES & FULLER.' . V MILL WRISHTING. V - - . ., ...... ' . To these who own mfHa X aa prepared to baild or repair all kinds ef mill machinery and fanprow burrs for makreg nice Hoar, also wonld rent a mill lor 18b6, or work for wages if raited. Address me at Youngs villa. K. C. . ' ' , .- L. B. BAsrraoLOMXw. . , BRING US YOUR JOB PRINTING. . t ' '" X' : . -, - C'X' Ac

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