- - " p 1 " '" " ' 1 f - -.- ' V - ' . " livV..:1' :: ---'----sg. mantr Acta of England A JJlOf , . ' ... e '. :..:' ------ rV'-v-.'-- ." I - .".w-'"v.. - . .4. THOMAS, Editor and Propria A forbid the notion tiat sbe .believes "-a 4 , . ber title beiflnqnestioii one year, w - 1 ?1.50 qoW demanded bj Eogland ot)V art month ; ' ' 75 i r Jcbt. chieflv becanselionie of ber Fmiut. Jaotaby. 3. , -V .i- t 1896. J i.rt?. Th United States bas snbjects nave eone.ano senea . on . i .' ' -I ' j . . - - JSEW YEAR. - $ ber dispnte V with I Veneznela- to Still being handled by the X uxvuu Best Whiskey T (.-.'. 8 t " . a- i i't ' mi ; m .. ' : i i .'''. ,;;, oiled by and - wefind oureelyet. or vJrtUaiiy 8ettle it by force. j usoerea inio; me year leyty. in Tiie Dnited States is eonipeued. many respects tbe yearjast closed I therefore, in defence of itiieifas it tor TniRWo- n l Prnfci4n cursions in South America, to find - . . i- . , i i j i . , , .. .. I out whfltDer iDo Jauu tmiuicu uy county. Many n e w buildings ?Dei L hmr tti hare been erected in Loaisburg; wbicb jt hag jot been tbe intention uu k uuiuoer oi g-oou people nave l 0f the United lawis w qwmru, r uorea mio our miasi, woiie ine f wDeiner ner o " " Tobacco Market bas grown and in- making since tbe Monroe doctrine creased, thereby giving the farmers United -States better adtantages for disposiug of tn . ww.ifrata this auestion - under tnftir nroniiolff. And oStincr mnpa I it . ..i.tmaa ia kurnnd' nnM employment to Ubor. And hiletion. TbUommission 10 oe nam- tne town folks seem to be in a bet- a ny lue rrewucu.ui u.0 xer ana mprnoptn conaniou, tne - i.tV?L-A .K.f if.un.nta.: i .u0 nu.D vvmi.jr entclaim is right, the Monroe to be m better spirits. Tbe farm- doctrine or American doctrine has ers generally; made c-ood crops, not been infringed. If it turns and are receivinir much better out that England has not the prop . av tit. a iJLiniH uuu. au Btwiuvt uu prices inan ast year. r r r .7 . ,j : . Letushooe that tbe vear 1896 7. j sf.:... k t wjll be as good to us as the one U.h Mrtnrno doctrine. au(t it would just closed. . '.nr be the duty of the United States to resist sucn euort witu i.s iun TTPISP SILVER TV nPUW I?VATB nnwr. I o x iV.I 17n The Now York World haa mn.fi a I . . . W a . w i (Ami hoa nnan r i cr n t. ann r. 1 1 l t. n h a canvass of the United 8tates Wor flurrv haa been for nothing. Senate, which show that at the None the less we are convinced lowest possible estimate of tbe free that the overwhelming demoustra- silver strength the Senate now uon cai,ea U6 u. 7"0iU.Bm . ..... . . i measacre. of patriotic determin- stands 40 absolutely for free and ation ' b J the intere8t8 of tbe unlimited silver coinage, 38 United States and the integrity of against, a aounuui and one seat I be Western hemisphere against vucant (Dupout, of Delaware, European agression, will prove to claimant). Utah will elect two be of inca cuable value. , s.-fa i t., ,v:u :n It is well for all the world to ""u"io " UBUUO' J I U'-U WUI IrTinm lAn.1 U - give the advocates of free silver tbe United States of North 48 out of 90 votes, with three America to the sister republics of doubtful. It is thought that two aonto America. of these are silver men; and if so, tbe number will be increased to 50. TREASURER'S REPORT. Showing receipts arid disbursraents 11 - j - Coins new secret oath-bound iut?AnKmmi' 21 ' political party is another scheme GENERAL COTTNTT Fnrn to delude the unsuspecting Demo- By bal. due Treasurer za crats from true principles of gov- To am't rec'd from ernment. We would sound a i. o. Kearney for. .oingagainstanPoUUcal oath- TtfSPta,n,M bound secret organizations, I H. C. Kearney' for county taxes 1,849 29 What a man does with wealth tr n tt .; . v. . . , .1 ivearueyior uepeuus upon nis laea oi nappi- cbuntv taiM - i - - ' w v ness. Those who draw prizes in To am't rec d from l.fa .oro ant tnanH taatalaeal ;f 11 KeamV IOr not viciously, not knowing that it To am't rec'd from ' requires as much talent to spend B, R. Fund 213 28 as to make. Kt f. rMa u i poor orders . , . ... ... a. in u um ireas- comea. Are me -reiormers- be- nrer to balance ginning tbu3 early to hedge on the silver question ? Statesville Landmark. f 41191 f411 91 COUNTY DEBT FUND. You may notice it whenever To am't rec'd H. C. W von will, hnt n.t timt m;t Kearney Sheriff 300 00 yl To am't rec'd H. C.; Democrats begin to endorse or ad- Kearney Sheriff 400 00 vocate any measure proposed b bSSs2S 4z the socalled "reformers" you BX Treas. com. 34 89 j t. ' ... . I DJ oonas and con- , . will discover them taking the pons paid Q nn back track. There is no such By am't due Fund to bal 303 55 thing jas consistency in the pro- 1 1,163 123 1,163 23 moteri and bosses of the "reform- COUNTY FENCE FUND. er9" and the sooner the people i'0"1 . 4. , discover this the better it will By paid fence1 orders 608 87 be. J eiates that this JVittcipie has Tfolited by Ed eland iu connection IIwitbgoeaqe.a" All that we 1' V n ft or 4 a tha f f aii tn. -..t.:.!. . years bas ceen m dispute betweeu To am't rec'd from 171.53 5,439 00 By Treas. cm, By am't paid coun- When silver is restored to its w.vi proper place and tbe coinage of, it urer to balance $T.32 is resumed, times will grow better . -' ; - but that is only a part of the fin- ; 5,725 17 $5,725 17 anciai reiorm neeaea. me neo- nnnwpv Pnno pmun i .. . " 1 I " a. JL Uill uu v wauv a sjivcr parwy nor a By bai due Treasurer ; 48 72 Duvor vauuiuato or ny omce. Toam'tredn.C. INo one idea men or parties, if vou Kearnev Sheriff 1 1 a tr w w -please. rrogresive farmer. ao am t rec d 13.. t- - I TT n, . .. ... I AL ClLLl u aW U BaiR form organ. From tbe tone of cotton from counts the Populist papers we had lands 107 73 thonfrht that fr nniiKioA t ift To am d rec d sale 1 11 j .i . I " woo x noo w sum an our ma ana inai Kir Treaa rnm-1 i o oi .. .. . - r a party with a solitary plank, and y paid county 81 92 350 35 63 65 vw t .. By amJv du roqd fro bal, , 276 0 WHAT THE VENEZDLA CASE ISJ "i'JJSS!!. Nw,York Son. Acorre8pondent asks for a state- To, am't due fund : 181 85 ment of the Venezuela case: Jl Areas-com; . . ;. r . ..-v - , i i v - w una . 0 UU Tnere re immenseignorance about t-i C - . Sf Sv VT the Monroe doctrine. Please set . . :v $ 181 85 $181 8. Stuarts;,Rock. v-Vf? 140 . i u9b uuw tn Monroe t-,S1'K"". vv. . . ktiW.voV.; -C-iril.-V w octruie jsjtransgssed preseurinstance. SYour Mascot ; A,vwii7 vr;Ma".irw '."BAaA.. ear's , TTi:-f pwwut lufvauco. i is iour mascot..- i ' nr - v . The gist of .the Monroe doctrine Ta am't rec'd H c ' - 16 tn the sentence: . An7 attemnt Kearney bhenff 1,715 441" ' -l.:t y' bybelurbSeanw their svstetn to knv tiortihn aF- tKu I X a i'JZ ; : .22 SALOON S. S. DAVIS, Proprietor, . That celebrated ' . 6ld ' ; MONOGOJlHELA;" xxx 1 ,. With which every body who h as tried it express so much satisfaction is kept constantly on ha.ndv, If tsU ha ve not given it a trial, w coc( aliy invite5y6tf td'do ' B'v?at nce. "One tried always used" his never failed hi a single instance, with this justlypopular whiskey. North' Carolina Brandy," both apple and peach, wines,f reeh Beer, and everything usu ally kept in a first-class sa loon. . .. We thank our friends fo their liberal patronage bith rto. shown ns and earnestly request a contin uance of the same. We shall en deaver to at all times give you en tire satif action. , Especially do we desireto state that on and after January 1, 1896 We will move our saloon to Main St., the stand now occupied by D. Bv, Taylor & Co., near the bridge, where with more commodious quar ters we will be better prepared- to serve you than before. S. S. DAVIS. TAYLOR'S PARLOR SALOON. Bargains! Bargains! Whereat? D. H. Taylor & Co. for cheap-Whiskeys, Brandies, Wines & Beers. Where" can yon get f Old home made corn whiskey at D. H. Taylor & Co., from one week to three years old, cheaper than ever before. Who keeps old R. A. STUARTS ROCK BRIDGE RYE WARRANTED 4 YEARS OLD. D. H. Taylor & Co. Who keeps old Virgioa Club, D. H. Taylor Co., and be also keeps the finest and cheapest home-made Brandy in town", other liquors of all kinds that is good, and cheaper than ever before. Special prices to all my customers, come one come all, polite and prompt attention and skillful, bar-tenders. We have also exclusive control of GrOLDEI OWIl " - AND GOKDONS BALTI MORE RYE Two deservedly popular brands of whiskey ; andi peferredJ b many of thej.besiiudgesof fine liquor. - --V. X ' - ' Is guaranteed: vpNire: s andv is prebt.bhtliidiiigjfiVBi- cmnii if.rirnnorrwfif iWav 'aa t - T o w " i "V , VUUUti J an1 tlin ..;...'a XJl'st" - , ' ; 4 85T -anohQ.residejiifysician of : 79 0(t ;Lti?bufg,Bad he- foHoyiug - 8 QC' teStii1adnia7 '&p. . X'EMATYNTr v 1": t. ,. A SliThe above iqridr "is" Sbld 'btily x : 'iPlorCoehMive Wr' v if -.j.-w? v. :-tr, S-,KS. I GREfi YOU OS SORE -o- ..... j- ii'life, and again thank you for your t - ' - - patronage. Ihope you have had a piieasant Christmas, and vye trust that ydu may have , :o: A Happy New Year, And that 1896 may bring you peace and prosperity, year. . And may flie "Shifting Sands of time" bring to all our patrons health, wealth and happiness in 1896. As heretofore it shall be our endeavo to give our customers "value received" in all dealings, Bespectfully, CRENSHAW HICKS & ALLEN. A happy and Prosperous New Year to all our friends and customers. Your friends Of course I shall ask for your trade in the coming year, assuring you that I shall appreciate it, as we have always done. With best wishes I am yours truly, W. G. THOMAS, Druggist, Erouisburg, N.: C. .9 'Ji t!!- OW-i -TJV- iia,ir" i ' I. f V : . . 1 1-. -'' f ' v ' . " t -tJl ' I . AYCOCKE & COMPANY, Druggists. touisburg Male Academy, :F0R:- OYS & YOUNG MEN.: -:WILL OPEN:- Mill' ID, Parenb, guardians, townspeoplo nd1 community the Aeademv B?7?ar pav"Dagf! ynr mptbyyour beartj cobperaUon, if l-.'i--l!!5??-'';aV thriving town. ; U your boy has.' bad 'Triidimentat ;( trtlninsend - bittfit ine opening. - Wa want him. noV? to "wortiWery iimited UmVor-ptepara- f . r. . -" '' . " . . . ' " - " r ; ..-.-,-' . . - - . . . ' ' - lyer'llCatO admits Witbont- exftminatton tn :.ttxm Hn Kdrth VJarolina and "Oolieffeff the Stated " Vv.V? i r " l? 1 - A. B. KIMBAW Pb. B. (U; N. C.,J Principal - - ;; " ' . -' - '- .- ' ' - ' " . . i ' " ; . -r-. . - - : 1 . ; . . ;.- . : - . ,. :s . , . ' .-. - , -..:-......-. -r. - 'f; 10

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