LOUISBURG. N. C, FRIDAY, JAKUARYf 10, 1896. KUMBEK47. , rrot"o8ioial cards. . . B. MA.8SENBUBG, . T-V A.TTORNKY AT LA.W. t' '"V-C A STATEMENT V. C y , Will practice la all the Coartoi the State Office la Court House. i - - ; 0. M. oOOKIi SON, A? TU SN &T8-A.T-L AW : LouuBuae, jr. a, v f ' Will attend tbe coorts of Hash., Franklla, jriuvllit), Warreaana Wake eouuttea, lo tbe Hupreuia Court of North CaroijUip, aaU the U. 3 Circuit ani Dlntrict Courts. Highest of all in Xeavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report: jyfL J. B. MALONB. - O'Uce two doors below Ayoocke it dm torn. JJviainx Dt O. L. KUis. . r Oo.'a L) tt. W. U. NICHOLSON, PRACTlCZNa PHYSICIAN, tOUISBUEO, 5. C. : A.OOORDING TQ. I.W OF THE AMOUNT OF EA.CH ACCOUNT CLAIMED AND ALLOWED BY THE BOARD. OF COUNT! COMMISSIONERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, AND TO, WHOM ALLOWED, BEGINNING ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN DE OKMBER 1894, AND ENDING THE FIRST MONDAY IN DE CEMBER 1895 V - 'J ' ' nONTlNUES. V. 8. gPKUILL, . iotnaoB( r Tr ' . : 4 Will aiteu't the corta of Pranklia, Tanoe, araiivlll-s Warreu aua Wake couutiee, aUo tuo Supreme Court of .North Carolina, l'ronipt att -utl a glvoa to coUectlous, Jfcc. riiHOS. B. WILDKK, AT rO ttXEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUKS, X. c. Oi'tee on Main straet, over Jones & Cooper's T. W. B1CKETT, ATTOftNBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LO'JISBUfte N. c. Fr(tapt anl plnstaiilng attention given to rvry uitter lntruatelto his htn is. ttef '.rs to Chief Ju8ticeShaphra. Hon. John Manning, Huu. Root. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Button, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston. Glenn & Unly, Wiuston, feoples Bunn (r Moarod, Chas. B. X ilor, Fres Wafee For es! College, Hon. B. W. 'Cim'oerlftke. O tli " in Court House, oppositi dherllT's. Ml HU M-4 634" 635 6 0 3T B38 6.3 (!40 041 642 H4S 641 ai,i (i-j.7 8-t H (.; (r1 August 5, 1893 ITrciHa Bpehurch ' PuttiM Long v -Viner Wriht v -GiB'Pprry--"" Dillie Tncker Maria Grven Crook Person ' Nat Strickland Jane Tfur net t Pen a Bailey Neptune Ballard Patienc Sridges Jake Neal 3 mos a " 8'-' If ! "S 8 3 3 8 8 " 3 3 3 2 outside pauper 4 U tpt. 2d, 1805 M. PERSON, ATTOB,NKY-A.T-LAW, LOUlSB4:Ua, N. C. fractices in all courts. OaGlce In the Court limine. nyy H. YARBOROUGH, Jk. AT'lOilN'EY ATLAW, LOUIBUaG, N. C. C:iU-e oa second floor of Neal building Mai. i Stivtt. All l'gnl business intrusted to him . lit receive pronqit andearelul attention. Dentistry, W. H. EDWARDS OF WAKE FOREST, N. C. Will visit Loj;Hburg on Monday, Tuesday and vVediiPHda.v foil owing the flrt Sunday in eiv:h raon to prepared to do all kinds of Dental work. Otflee over Jones & Cooper Store next door to T. B. Wilder Law offiVo J. M. C. HILL, THE TINNEJ1, Is prepared to do all kiud of tin work, re pairing. All work guaranteed. Placfc of l.isiriess on Haiti eoreeb in house recently om:upid bv K. Parrish. RUFF1N& LEWIS, BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all kinds of work in oa- line. Call to see us at our shop near the Loaisburg mills. DENTIST, LODISBURG, N. C. Ofltee over ilacket Sore. Graliite Baltimore Dental College. TVinty-foaf years active experience. ARTIFICIAL TESTH A SPECIALTY. Natural teeth rem ved and new ones inserted in TWEXTT MINUTES. All work warranted. Laiaburg is my home "for better or worw aaa you win always una me ready to correct at my own expense any work that may prove unsatisfactory. Very traly. R. E. KING, Ientist. YARB9B0UGH & DAVIS, The Blacksmiths ."-"OF LOUISBURG. All work in our line done on short notice, and satisfaction, gaaranteed.. We have eur new shop (the old ten pin illey) in g .xd sha pe and are better pre pared than ever to serve oar custo ovs. STILL AT THE BRIDGE. BLACK-SMITHING. Where I am well known and prepared to do my same work. I hope you will see me as f ou hava done before. You will find me on be Bast side of the River bridge, Main street' Loutsburir, N. C. White I am doing all klnda : of Macksinlthlng, don't forget fhM I am also ' prepiaed lo repair your gun, such as pa Win on new locks Jfcc I have a few sruns which have repaired that will be sold if not catted for in ten nays. . , Yours truly' A.T. NKAL CENTRAL, HOTEL .T I? MHSieii.tiiig7 Ir,oir' HENDERSON, N. C. s:r: -- ' ; ' Good accxmimodations. C Good fare; Po . lite and attentive servants. 661 ot9 070 671 672 373 62,4 H73 676 677 678 9 USD 63 L 682 683 684 085 686 687 6.8 689 690 691 692 693 694 69 696 697 698 399 700 )1 702 Oct. 7tb, 1S93 OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. OSBORN, "Proprietor, . 4 Oxford, N. C, Good accommodations for tbe raveling public. DO YOU WANT A HOUSE ? If bo yon wiU do-1 well Uf write, or see J.'Levister, at Louisbiirg, N. C, before contrautiry. ? Plans, epeciScations and estimates made on barnt baildiugs, &c. ' 7-1 2-2 m-. 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 26 727 723 729 730 731 732 T33 73 1 ,785 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 74. 747 748. 749 750 751 752 751 75 1 755 75 757 758 759 760' 761 762 763 764 765 760 767 7tW Nov. 4th. 1895 Money o Lend . " ' I am prepared to lend money on im ?rov ed real estate at 6 per cent, and on oDgiime. - '-' i f ' -j Not ,8-8ol : T. W. BiCKSTT,At tf. ; V 769 77o 771 772 773 774 775 770 777 C M 3ruard SoKfeitor fees State vg Willis Young April '95 It R Harris esc " " B B Maaseabnrg e s c " " Q C Kearnv Sheriff " " " Q L Ellis J P , ' W B Cates " " Herrod Fuller " " " Willis Cooke . B T Ayescue serving 4 road hotiees on overseers Geo 8 Baker, i P examination of Mrs Fannie Carmichael lunatic ' G L Aycocke, J P examination of Mrs Fannie Carmichael hi n a tic J A Burt 6 days commissioner and 184 miles J R Alford 6 " .. . .. 156 JnoC Winston 6 !" " 132 " T8Collip - 6 " "172 " J H Uisell 6 " " 70 " W K Martin clerk to board and 12 miles C K Cooke 5 days services to board " H C Kearney Sheriff 5 days officer to board R D Pernell board of prisoners etc W K Martin, amount account filed J L Jackson services Supt home aged and infirm 3d quarter in part J L Jnekson services Supt home aged and infirm 3d quarter in full W H Cates carrying Martha Holmes to jail ,Dr-R'P Floyd examination Martha Holmes lunatic Edvrards & Rroughton am't acc't for tax reeeipts H C Kearney.am't acc't filed S R Perry repairiug stock law fence Mitchell & Bunn W K" Martin making np tax list and making up taxes in part W K Martin making up tax list and making np taxes in part W K Martin making up tax list and making np faxes iq part W K Martin making up tax list and making up . taxes in part W K Martin making np tax list and making up taxes4n part W K Martin making tip tax iist and making up taxes in part W K Martin making up tax list and making up taxes in full W K Martin making up fence tax in part lull W K Martin making up abstracts by townshipB and condensing same in part W, K Martin making up abstracts by townships and condensing same in part . W K Martin making up abstracts by townships and condensing same in fnll - G W Ford am't aw't for home aged and infirm Alf Reathcock work on stock law fence A .F H Cpperman work on Fox Swamp bridgs Jones & Cooper am't acc't. home atced and infirm T D Fuller derange to wagon and harness from horse falHn g, through bridge' W H Catea conveying Fannie Carmichael to Asy at Rttleiglt R D Pernell board of prisoners, etc H D Egerton 5 days assesor in Sandy Creek town ship i895 J K Miller Snpt N C Asylnm for col traveling expan ses from Asylum t-o Franklin co (Wiley Dunston) W H Wood repairing: stock law fence Tom Creekmore work on stock law water prate Aycock & Co am't acc't home aged uud infirm " for jail ' J A Burt 2 days com. on W H AVton bridge Jack Gupton building bridge over Shocco creek J MO Hill work on pipe at ja'l 4 B Sturdivant serving 6 road notices on overseers W K Martin am't acc't filed " making up abstract of listed taxes for 1895 to State Auditor T S Collie 1 dav board education and 28 miles J A Burt 1 " " " 32 J R Alford 1 " " " 24 Jno C Winston 1 " " 20 JHCizelll " " 10 W K Martin 1 day clerk to board education C K Coooke 1 day service ' H C Kearney Sheriff 1 day officer board education J R Alford 1 days com. on utock law fence ' W K Martin ain't acc't for public school on file W G Thomas u filed for county Judge W A Hoke Judge S- .ial term Franklin Supe-. rior Court Oct. 1895 Jones & Cooper am't ' ce't home aged and infirm W J Neal i " " . W D Harris 12 dnys crier to Oct term 1895 J C Baker 5 days officer to grand jury Oct term 1893 HTC Kearney Sheriff am't arc't filed J L Hicks convejinf Thos Grady to jail R R Harris esc am't aec't filed H A Kearney conveying Thoa Gray to jail A H Moore keeping raft from Simm's bridge 3d quarter XV K Martin amJt acc't filed Hence Hatlewoodsei vant Oct term '95, & special term R D Pernell board of prisoners, etc W H Moore serving 4 notices on road overseers Edwards Sc. Broughton justice dockets I F Cooke & Co am't. acc't for jail Sheriff W H Smith conveying W H Slocum from Vance county to Louisburg jail T S Collie 2 days com. settlement with Sheriff 4 Treaa W N Fuller 2 " " . " '" . T H Whitaker work on Simms bridge and Canna- dy'a bridge TH Whftaker building JoynerV bridge over Tar river in part .'; ; T H Whitaker building Jovner's bridge over Tar river in part- payable Dec. 1 896 T H Whitaker building Joyners bridge over Tar river in fnll payable Dec. 1897 Alonta Loyd repairing stock law fence J D Hudson shop work for hom aged and infirm F M Wiggs keeping rafts from Anderson's bridge 4th quarter J H. Uzeell 3 days com. on Joyner's bridge TS Collie 2 4i Simm'g " J A Thomas amount account filed . Mrs E Dorsey 3 mes outride panper ' Brittoo Medlin and wife 3 mos outeine pauper Willis Mitchell 3 mos outside panper . HA Hamlett 3 mos outeide pauper Mrs E Gupton 3 mos outside pauper J E Gupton 3 tnos outside pauper lunatic Matilda, Edwards 3 mos outside pauper jphn ratlett 3 mos outside pauper Helen sogers 3 mos outeire pauper Mrs Joshua KUnn 8 mos outside pauper w b perry and wife.3 mos outside paupers chas Harris 3 mos outside pauper -eeneva raulkner 3 mos outide pauper Maryjklley 3 mos outside pauper , ' Ellen Alley 8 mos outside pauper, h b Alford 8 mow outside pauper priscillaDorsey 3 mos outside pan per' Caleb Dancy 3 mos ontside pauper ' ' Mary Jane uoye 3 mos untstde pauper nettie Faulkner children 3 mos onUide pauper luIr Edwards 8 mos outside pauper. - 'Amanda Bridges 3 mos outside pauper-: " - Elisabeth Bolton 3 mos outside pauper lunatic john powers 3 mos onteide pauper V " Ellen Medlin 8 mos outside pauper I "uf v . ; i- sarapliiua Minga 3 mos outside pauper. " ' -t' starling yarboro 3 mos outside pauper r - iBen Terrell 3 mos outside pauper . '. tphillis Mitchell 3 mos outside pauper :' .' . ! . . i- v'Mose-coppedge 8 mos outside pauper . -, t ' David wileon -8 mos outside pauper . ' penny Evans 3 mow outside pauper " ; " nrcilla rpcbuTch 8 mos outside pauper ' pattie Long 8 mos outside pauper Gideon Perry 3 mos outside pauper V ' ' 1 -I ' " t 1 " CSTIKRBOW 2J PAOCJ, - , 'ml ' ' " . V 1 ' - "- , . ' - " . ' r f"; - . " " ' ''-1? . " 3 00 aoo . 8 OO 8 oa 3 00 3 00 8 00 8 00 1 00 3 00 .800 3 00 2 oa 4 00 4 42 57 1 60 2 12 2 25 6 45 8 05 1 20 -;, ; . - the FARUERS. & U ER G HANTS BANK. Sunday Selections ; STATEMENT iTOentbe hearths rllgnt"' with hope all pleases nothing comes amiss. Koagers. i It is a great mercy to enjoy the Gospel of peace, bat a greater to enjoy the peace of the Gospel..- Dyer. ; Those that do the will of God heartily will do it speedily; while we" delay time is lost and tbe heart h ar d e n ed .-He n ry . Tbe Judge of all the earth will do right. No bureau being will suffer more than he deserves, or more than his own conscience will recognize as just. Charles Hodge. Every day is a little life, and our whole life is but a day repeated loereiore tnose iohi dare lose a day are dangerously prodigal; those that dare tnicpend it, des perate. Bishop Hall. "What a terrible thing it is for men to know all pcieuce and yet not understand the spiritual aritb metic of the words: Wbat is i man profited if he shall gain . the whole world and lose bis own soul ?' Dr. Hume. No quality will eer get a man more friends than a sincere ad miration of the qualities of others. It indicates generosity of nature, frankness, cordiality and cheerful recognition of oyer its. Dr. John son. Prayer is tbe breath of the -oul. ine soul that is to Uod prays, as the soul that is alive breathes. of physical death. Cessation of prayiug is evidence that tbe soul is dead. Is your 6oul dead T Christian Neighbor. 2 oo 2 oo 21 20 19 80 18 60 20 6C 15 50 12 60 10 00 10 00 41 70 25 46 50 00 50 00 3 80 5 00 14 80 21 71 2 00 1 50. 30 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 53 16 50 00 51)00 50 00 50 00 50 00 1 10 4L 57 5 00 7 25 42 20 Orricii of Register or Dbedsv Franklin County. Louisburg, N. C, Dec. 2, 1893. Pursuant to the provisions of section 713 of the ode the fol owing statement showing items and nature of all compensation audited by tbe Board of Commis sionejs of Franklin County to members thereof severally from December 1st, 1894, to November 30tb, 1895, both inclusive is sub mitted to the public : Number of meetings held 18. T. 8. COLLIE, Chairman. T. S. COLLIE, Chairman. Attended 17 meetings at Docs a general Banking business solicits deposits on time, .or subject to . checks RXalte Collections a Specialty. Returns promptly made at rea sonable rates. Deposits received in SAVING'S ; BANK, . m-jBnmsot 25 ' cents and upwards. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - Who may wish nice shampoo- ; ing or hair dressing- done, will d . veil to call on W. 11. ALSTON & I: E. THOMAS. Lad ie have yonr biiig "cut right.- "We .bare Dr. White, new hair grower. Van's Mexican Hair Restorative, i Ayer's Hslr Vijcor. Tricopheroni for tbe balr and skin, nothing te beat it to keep the hair from fall ing out. - -. '. ,'' OFFICERS. Wm BAILEY, President. BARROW, Cashier. DIBECTORS. J. S. $2 00 per dav $ 34 00 Traveled 480 miles at 5 cents per mile 24 00 $ 58 00 Wm. Bailey. Dr. A. C M. Cooke. W. J. Byerlv. HOTEL WOO DARD. W. C WooDAko, Ptojs , Rocky lloumt, N.C . -Fre B netts all tralaa, ?2 per dsy. J. S. Barrow B. Hawkins. W. T Hughes. J. B. Thomas. J. A. BURT. Attended 18 meetings $2 00 perday Traveled 568 miles at 5 ceuta per mile at 36 00 28 40 $ 64 40 1D0 oo 3 60 10 04 1 00 8 80 2 00 4 00 24 O0 1 50 1 HO 10 20 73100 8 40 3 80 8 20 8 00 2 50 2 00 2 00 2 OO 3 00 71 60 50 ioo;oo 41 73 85 40 24 00 10 00 ' '48 80 2 OO 127 70 2 00 . 2.50 11 80 15 00 91 40 1 20 10 80 5 05 4 48 4 0Q 4 00 22 35 .300 00 100 O0 100 00 18 00 7 80 J. R. ALFORD. Attended 18 meetings at $2 00 per day 36 00 Traveled 444 miles at 5 cents per mile 22 20 J. H. UZZELL. Attended 17 meetings $2 00 per day Traveled 180 miles at . cents per mile $ 58 20 at 34 00 9 00 $ 43 00 JNO. C. WINSTON. Attended 18 meetings at $2 00 per day 36 00 Traveled 372 miles at 5 cents per mile 18 60 LOUISBURG Carriage Shops, H. C. TAYLOR, Proprietor. It your Carriage, Buggy, Wag on or anything in that line needs repairing and you want it done rignt, bring it to me, a Lid it you want your Carnage or Buggy re painted in a first-class manner, bring it to me also. I hav6 served my time under a first-class pain ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurantee satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. I have a first-class black smith in tbe black smith shop who ful ly understands everything 4bout nia nusmess, trorn enoeing a horse to irioning a fine buggy. w . it does not pay to nave your work botcbed up, so bring it along to mn wh"re it WILL BE OJUiNH. Kiuni, my prices aw reasonable. I make Buggies and Wagons to order. If you want a good Home made Buggy or Wagon, give me your orders, aud you shall 'hav wnat you want. . Thanking nly friends for their patronage in tbe past and solicit ing the same in future, I am, Yours vry respectfully, H C. TAYLOR. Build up Home. FKAiKLllT0N HOTEL FRANKLINTON, X. C. . M. U0BBSt Frfr. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. SHOE MAKING. MOSES WEST holds forth ia rear of Thomas' Drug Store, (on he alley where he does shoe making and repairing, and guar antees to do work as good and cheaper than any Shoe-Maker in the State. Come and see for yourself. Respectfully, MOSES WTEST. NOTICE 1 I have decided to redarse ray BEES to 10 Hives. Will sell remainder for 3i per hive, this includes top case. These bees are worth $5.00, for bees alone. Apply at ouce to A. D. GREEN. R. R. CROSSEN. FIRST CLASS PAINTER, LorrrsBUHQ, n. c. T wtah to offer mr services to the trob )ir and will uv that I am tretred U do all kinds of house painting, grain. ing e. My work In Louisourg apen for itself, and I refer to all parties ft whom I have worked. Old farnitor made new. Give me tout paironagf and yon shall be pleased. Home . Tbe work of making home a hap py place does uot consist in pro- C 3 ; ' - r . ii viaing necessary coiuiori ; mere are expected to follow in the daily routine, and whatever trouble, extra pains or sacrifices they oc casion, it ie presumed, in every S 54 60 GEORGE WINSTON. Attended 1 meetiufir at $2 00 per day - 2 00 Tjaveled 28 miles at 5 cents per mile 1 40 0 &R.S CHHISTIH RICHMOND, Va. Prompt attention to orders aud sat election GUARANEED. TAKE NOTICE 1 Our hack is run to the depot BY- for the benefit of passen era who - w ntr. and while we do not wish PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE Jo b. di8coUno...u. .yon. , HALLO RY DURHAM CHER- fc- ,rX, wir t .. pay. . $3 40 Nounverified accounts audited. ROOTE CO. OF DURHAM, - - N HAYES & FULLER. C. I, W. K. Martin, officio to the Board Clerk and of Connty fi a i a a? reflated family, that its members ommiesioners, ao ereD7 ceruiy , a i t I uai iua uuto bccuuuib are a oe maae comiortaoie. rui may to be made happy there's the question. And now, as tbe win dows are closed, and tbe season draws toe lamiiy togetner more closefy, it is well to give a thought to one another's happiness. Sweet temper, sympathy aud unselfishness is the key that will open the sunny chamber and the clouds must float away. What ever may be tie wounds, the dis appointment or depressions, there true copy from the books in my office, and that the number of days and mileage credited to each Commissioner is true. W. K. MARTIN, r6 4t Clerk to Board Four But Successes. Raving the needed merit to make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following fonr remedies have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. Knurs rew Dis covery, tor consumption, coughs and colds, each bottle guaranteed Electric Bitters, the arreat remedy for Liver. Stomach and Kidneys, Bncklen's Ar- ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS .iND CIGARROS As can oe found on the market. Tbeir leading brands are "BULL OF DURHAM" FOR SAE. Farm of 1H5 acres in Warren Couuty adjoining Franklin County and lying in the torlc ot Shocco and Fishing creeks, of a mile irom K&usom 8 rnage. Soil adapted to the growth of bright tobacco, cotton, grass, A dime Cigar for a uickle. Hand clover and peppermint. Terms : nica Salve, the best in the world, and will come happiness and happi-1 Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a .! i. j At . penect pill. All these remedies are ness oi me Deal ina u mere is a hrnaranteed to do inst what is claimed kind of tender spirit in the home, fr them and the dealer whose name is UKuru ueniwiui wui uo ifiau w iei 250 6 00 4 00 32 75 8 00 6 00 3 00 4 50 9 00 . 900 300 3 00 8 00 00 13 00 4 50 3 OO , 800 8 00 6 00 3 00 8 00 COO 600 6 00 6 00 9 oo 1 8 oo -3oo ' 8 oo ' 8 oo ; 8 oo 8 6o .800 ! 3 00 I ftoo . Hoo 8 00 N 3 00 . a W the place wnere eacn one must go for rest. Is it . not often the yountr people's fault that borne lacks its sweetest attractions T Their surliness, bad temper and worse language chills all the household. Now, let them decide to make home what it ought to be its members tbU winter. yon more of of them. & Go's. Drog Store. Sold at Aycocke "Wife I wish you would put up that" curtain John. Jo on How much do you think I could get on i t? Excellencies of Salt. If the feet are tired or painful after lone- standing great relief can be had by bathing them in salt water. A handful of sail in a gallon of water ii tbe right propor tion. Have the water as hot as can comiortaoiy ne oorne. im merse the feet and : throw this water over the legs as .far as the knees with the bands. '. When tbe i water becomes too cool rub briskly with a flesh towel. The method if' used night and day will cure neuralgia of the feet. Carpets may be greatly bright ened by first sweeping thoroughly and then going over tnem witn clean cloth and clear salt weter. B&t as a toothpowder is better than almost anything ihat ran. be bought. . It keeps tbe teeth b'ril I liantly white and the gnms bard It May Do as Much for Yon. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving. 111., write that he had a severe Kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also his bladder was affected. lie tried many ao called Kidney cares bat without any good resalt. About a year ago he began the ase of Electric Bitters and found relief at once. B lee- trie Bitters ia especially adapted to the core of aHjKidiey and Liver troubles and gives almost instant ' relief. One trial will prove oar statement. ' Price only 50c. for large bottle. At Aycocke & Go's, Drag Store. ftever touched bim: "No, Mr. Jonee, I cannot be your wife, but I will.be a sister to yoa. . "Well, that's all right; that's what I wauted to ask; but I didn't', want to. be too abrupt about It. The Courier. Havana filled. JULE CARR Named in honor of Col. J. S, Carr, Pres. Blackwell Durham Tobacco Co., 5 ccct Sumatra Wrapper 'BLACKWELLS DURHAM Named in honor of Col. W. T. Blackwell, father of Durham 5 cent SumatraWrapper. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. "OLD CHUNK" HER OOTS, 5 for 10 cents. The finest smoke for tbe money. ,c0LD NORTH STATE" Uheroot, 3 tor o cents, a sure winner that always pleases. ... at a a Stick to noma and send us your orders. Mallcry Dnrhan Cheroot Co. ' DURHAM, N. C. woncB. Bv virtue of the powpr contained in a deed in trust exernted by Isa.lc Harris and wife to me. to secure his bond to me, as Guardian of the infant children-of Z. T. Terrell,' dated the 16th day of December, 1889, and registered in Franklin county, in book No. 82, pages 862 and 363; I shall sell at the Court . House door in Louisburg, N. C, nt a. . . ft ft 1 ft. ; t & tsj PUOIIC ttUCllOU IV iue DlKllWb UiU- der for cash, the tract of land on wbith the said Isaac Harris resides, situated in . Cypress Township, Franklin county North Carolina, adjoining the lands of L. S. Alford, Mrs. lteoecca Aiiord and otners, One hundred aud eighty-five dollars cash, balance one, two and three years. For further particulars apply to Charles J. Alsto, Ransoms Bridge, N. C Tnomas ismakiDg things nustle at his Warehouse, where tie takes as much are of every farmer's to bacco as if it was his o f n. . Backlen'a Arnica Salro. - mm ft . . . . . , i m .ft I ne Deal saive m.ioe wonu lor cun i i i j j w. braises, sores, nicer, salt . raenra. fever cuuwuumg w uuu"' l-! sores, tetter, ebapped hands, cbiioituns, corns, and allskineraptionsaidposiiitively It is gnaranteed to trive satisfaction or money refunded. Price cares piles or no pay. For ale by Thomas Jk 25 cents per box. Aycocke. -r:i aeveri. acres more or less. , Theaale will be made on Monday the 3rd of February, 1896. - - - : - This the 3d of Jan. 1896. R. R. Habbw, Trastee MILL WRIGHTING. To tbo wbo oa mills I am prepared te bnild or repair all kiada of mill asackinery and improve barra for making- Mice Boar. Uo woald rent a Dull tor !!. or work br rajroa if salted Addrw mm l iomgv rUU. K. L . tf L. E- BABTVOLOMrW. nuiLii pculut in) pet x?xi rui . tvutt Tiurm or TaoaorcaaxtD roru Pekia Dneka. WWte boTsod Torkey, Pig. eona. all Mod of Ra btatit. Unit F1m.re1r btteved Poland CUm, and Berkshire kon. reoiatered J my catU. and pare brd tein nitUe. rr&xr4 oiattr, 8rttr. act St. Brraarddoa. ioror birds, Caainy birds aad farrota. Cverjtblag oaally kept on first daaw atork farm, firreml . kinda of water fowl Wild gnaa, Braatw. 8win ftr. Of eh ww aeadle. 1b Oolde Rrtl Sftlvir, aad JapaMoa faa tall, lb Fount tritb eaetl aad ngr variety of fUtt at rewaonabla price. ; v 5ce Irrh egx od day oKJ aiwaya tm hand. Evry CK roarawterd to b ua repreaeated Will b - delivered every rooming. Enra foraettiBciroat tboroaaW brel atoek at 2 IH for tbirteen A" Ul of yoanj pedigreed fowla for bU at reae--onablepricea eoetddderiag; stock. Ia tU winter month, after . mtnraJ . raised rkk-keaa are icoae. to ere will be kept at aH . time Bk-afryiaajaiMchirkroa. Freh aaiUi aad batter aJ way on tiaod, aad will be o- lieered erery mornloa, if dWid- Two floe HoKeta ealrea for aala, on lR and one beiler ptka iraannaMa. WQl Ht ; aeleraey beifer.lncDilk tb aieter. aW oe U olftrhf cow rn milk. Wa offer a Si' opportarity for farmers to ins pro va tLnr rtoekl Tiwtora : alway welcoa rxer-t Banay, a ben Ponttry Yards aad rw not ': bonaeaalDLeeloerd. CaJloa. orwr1e . v.- ; . ' J A. UHEEf. . . . ; Loaiabaqc X C ' 1 1 . .A r

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