YUL. AJVV : LOUISBURG." N. C FIUDAY, JANUARY 17i 1896. NUMBER 48. l'rot'essional card B. B. M&8SBNBURO, ATTORNEY AT, LAW. LOUISB JK9, R. 0. Will practice In all the Court of the State Ojflce in Co art Hoase. 0. 1 L COOKii A SON, ATTORJIETS-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBfl, X. C r' " Will attend the court of Noah, Franklin, OrauriUe, Warren and' Wake counties, also the upr me Onrtoi North Carollnp, and the U. L Circuit and District Courts. R. J. ii. MALOHE. Oifloe two doors twlow Arcocke & drarf atoro, a ijoiulng Dr. O. L. Kills. Co. 'a D B. W. It. NICHOLSON, PRACTICISO PHYSICIAN, L0UI9BUE6, N. 0. i S. SPRU1LL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LocisBoaer, n. c. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, a ran villi, warren and waie vouutlea, ib the riupr-jtae Court of North Carolina. i"rompt Attehtiou given to collections, ttc. A CHRISTMAS AT HOME. - Oh, let's all go to the Cbristmat tree And gee the vonnir folks In mwir rW ' With paper rnr8 and powder wads Ail grouped around in little squads. Xow we jo ia and leave onr colt And leave the bovs in a gloat. w nen, km we near the toy jrou mac mane tne horse brpak loose and runv When we set back, of Tlie horrf- wan gon?, also the cab . wnac win,! do and me so sad? Wueueoiue onesaW. "Tbeyregone.bjgrab.' And then tnv brain began to whirl; And me afoot with my beet girl. But that ail happens in the life Of one who wants himself a wife. So when I think how that horse flew It jrets me a.' most in a stew, To think the hoys yonng in life Will disturb a man that wants a wife. Bat all is right, 'tie over now. And leaves no wrinkle on my Brow, For I am young and feeling fine And think' I'll get my wife in time. . ' Exchange. rpHOS. B. WILDKR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUIHBURO N. C. Ollce on Main stroet. over Jonos & Cooper's (tore. T. W. BICKETT, a fact; -the only way for them to meet as they had ouce been wont to do was for him to get alt he J could and for her never to spend more than he got. ' Mrs. Buckle said that, so far from taking any offence, she was glad that Mr. Tongue had exr pressed himself with so much candor.- And she would be sure to think over what he-had said; it seemed to her that, there might be some force in it. a Mr. Tongue was about to tbank Mrs. Buckle for her gracious recep tion of the views he had advanced. when she resumed by saying that since tbey were talking very freely together (though in a perfectly Highest of all in Leavening TPower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Buckle and Tongue Meet -THE FARMERS & UERCHAHTS BANK. ABSmjyiTEE PURE d'd wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy it ate of matrimony ?' etc. SJbebeard him answer, in a voice , that seemed to her as lacking the tone The Bights of Husbands. nf flfriBirtn I wtlll? ,(' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOCISBURfl K. C. Prompt an:l painstaklag attention given to every ui.ittt-r Intrusted to his han ia. Kef-irs to Chief Justice Sh-;pherd. Hon. John Manning, Hou. Root. W. Winston, lion. J. C. Buxtou, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston. Glrtiin & rdanly, Wiuston, Peoples Bind of Monroe, Uhaa E T iylor, Pres Wake For ast College, Hon. E. W. Tlmoerlaki. O flue in Court Housft, oppostt-j Sh.-.rilf's. w M. PERSON, ATTORNEY- AT-L AW, LOUISBJilO, S. C. Pr:iittice3 In all courts. OiBee in tho Court fJOrtS'J. II. YARBOROUQH, Jr. ATI OUN EY AT. I. W, LOCISBURG, N. C. OfUee on necou.l floor of JSeal buildi;: M htn-i-.t. All I gi) lusine-s intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. Dentistry, -W. H. EDWARDS- OP WAKE FOREST, N. C. Will visit Loaixburg on Monday, Tuesday ami Wed nesday following the first Sunday in each month prepared to do all kinds of Dental work. )fleo over Jones & Cooper Store next door to T. B. Wilder I.nw offi.-e J. M. C. HILL. THE TINXER, in prepared to ilo all kin:l of tin work, re p.iiriii, &!-. All work guaranteed. Place of b'lsitifdrt on Si tin 6ureet in house recently oven pie t ov r . rarrinu. RUFFSN& LEWIS, BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all kinds of work ia oar line. Call to see us at our shop uear the Liouiaburg mills. DENTIST, LOUISBDRG, N. C. 0(Be over Racket Store. Graduate Baltimore Dental College. Taty-four years active experience. ARTIFICIAL T35TII A SPECIALTY. Natural teeth removed and new ones inserted in TWENTY MINUTES. All work warranted. L juiaburef is my home "for better or worse" and you will always find me ready to correct at my owu expense"any work that may prove unsatisfactory. Very truly. H. E. KING, Dentist. YARBOROUG H & DAVIS, The Blacksmiths OF L0UISBUR&. A HINT FOR THE NEW YEAR. Biblical Recorder. The importance and saccess-of a m-fiing do not necessarily depend upon the number of people pres ent. Some of the m ost 'in teres ting and profitable bave needed the at tendance of only two. The' formed a sufficient party. More would havo been a crowd. So it was at tn: roeent. ujemorable meeting- of Buckle and Tongue, or, to put it more politely, of Mrs. Buckle and Mr. Tongue. Though they have long had cer tain business interests iu'eommon. a considerable time had elapsed sine th3 had had a chance to confer t ether about their affairs. And, owjng to a number of circum stances, th nieetiug with which we ar now concerned was not brought about without some diffi cnlty. Many serions obstacles had to be overcome. And, though in former times they had had fre quent meetings which they still remembered with pleasure, much persuasion was required on this occasion to briug them together. This was due iu part to the dis tance that separated them and in part to tbo lapse of time since their last meeting. When, however, Mr. Tongue and Mrs. Buckle had met and had spent some time iri talking over money matters and other business in-which they were both interested, they found each other's company so pleasant that by and by tbey began to converse together about how they might have more frequent meetings. It was in the course of this col loquy that Mrs. Buckle begged to remind Mr. Tongue that their fail ure to meet iu so long a time had ail been due to lack of ready money ; and that it was his part in the business to see to it that this was provided Mr. Tongue regretted that he had not been able to furnish more ready money. Times had been j bard, business slow, profits small. out be really bad done his best He admitted that it was his part to make collections and supply the cash. After all, however, be did not think that heought to bear al as candid as Mr Tongue had been. 8he was clear in her own mind that be ought to have taken her more fully into his confidence about their business matters. She had not been iuformed about that income; if she had been, she did not think that the expenses would have exceeded it. Mr. Tougue very freely admitted that he had made a mistake in not. letting Mrs. Buckle know just bow their affairs stood. But he prom ised that, thereafter, be would keep her notified as to how they were prospering. Then Mrs. Buckle assured him that if he would keep to his prom ise she, for her part, would see to it that the spendings should never be more than the revenues, whether these should be small or great. Then they entered upon other conversation with which we have no concern. her heroism. The clergyman had scarcely ended his repetition of the question, "Wilt thou bave this man .to thy wedded hus band ?"etc, before she augwered distinctly and clearly enough to be heard by all the guests occu pying the pews nparest to the chancel, "No, sir!" At the same moment, with drawing her gloved band from the arm of her discarded lover, she stood directly facing him, and with melodramatic 'manner, with equal clearnessand distinct ness exclaimed,1 "Oh, hoir-nwk ward, awkward!" Can the reader blame her for thus avoidiug what in all proba- bii'ity would have becomeo her a wretched married life if she, to, had answered the clergyman, "I will?" LonsnuBO, - . K. C P. S. Since this narrative was written we have learned from good authority that as a result of their colloquy, buckle and tongue now meet at the end of every month. SHE MADBAMISSTEP. Butler of North Carolina. It is a divine privilege to be head of a family, and a man baa no rigbt to abuse tbat privilege. He bay no right to ill nse or neglect the woman who took him for better or worse," He has no right to scold aud terrify his children. He has no right to quarrel with his daily bread. He has no right to expect a game dinner dietfrom a kidney stew allowance. He has no right to give his wife $2 a week pin mouey and expect her to pay the gas bill and keep herself and the chil dren well dressed. He has no riirht to save his jfood manners and good humor for company. He has no right to come borne with a batcbet cast of counte nance and murder the innocent pleasures of the little uofortu- uates who call him father. He has a right to remember that he owes his family every thing, and that to deserve tbe respect aud love of his boys and girls and the consideration and loyalty of bis wife is glory enough for any man. A Drop of Water. Docs a peueral Banking business solicits deposits on time , . or subject to chncka Mk Collection a Specialty. Returns promptly made at rea sonable rates. Deposits received in SAVING'S BANK, in sums of 25 cents and upwards OFFICERS. Wm BAILEY, President. J. S. BARROW, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Wm. Bailey. J. S. Barrow. Dr. A. B. Hawkins, a M. Cooke. W. T. Hughes. W. J. Byerly. J. B. Thomas. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Who msy witb nlee- shampoo ing or hair drewingMoue, will do well to call on W. M. ALSTON & I. E.THOMAS. Ladies bave your bai g cut right. We'hsve Dr. Woite oew ttatr grower. Van's Mexican Hair Restorative, Ayer's Hair Vigor, Tricopberonp for the hair and skin, nothing to beat it to keep the hair from fait ing out. All work in our line flone on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. We have oar new shop (the old ten pin tllckTrfin i a Vi a T-viA Qfirl n vtk Kiif -f ot ymli oared than ever to serve our custo- i the t'ame; tbat Mrs. Buckle, also, Serg- , should bear her share of responsi i bi'iity for the infrequent meetings STILL AT THE BRIDGE. BLACK-SMITHING. Mrs. Buckle insisted that she Where I am well known and prepared to do 1 tJ""a" ' ahbioBw7AlliSS meoan I remarks, and urged that he should the East side of the River bridge. Main street' Louisbarg, N. C. While 1 am doing all kinds of blackstnlthlng, don't forget fhat I am also prepared lo repair your gun, such as patting on new locks &c. I have, a few euns which I have repaired that will be sold If not called for in ten days. Yonrs truly' A. T. Nbai. CENTRAL BOTE! J I? Massonburg Propiv HENDERSON, N. C. Good accommodations. Good fare; Po lito and attentive servants. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN,; Proprietor, h Oxford.iN. C. Good accommodations for the raveli ng public. 1 . j DO YOU WANT A HOUSE? If so yon will do well to write, or see J. Levi6ter,h at Louiburg, N. C, before contractirg. Plans, specifications and estimates, made on burnt buildings, &c. 7-12-2 m. . ' J r Money to Lend j.., I am prepared to lend money on im proved real eatate ati 6 per cent, and on longf tim'e.. -I. make his meaning plainer. Mr. Tongue felt great reluctance m going into the matter for fear of giving offence, which he was i far from wishing to do. But. hav ing said as much as he had, per haps he ought to say more.' Mrs. Buckle must remember that most of the money had been paid out by ber; . that when expenses were made smaller money went farther;- that if her wants had been oore moderate, even the reduced income would nave been sufficient, and they could have met as in the good bid times. . . Mrs. Buckle supposed that she was to infer from whfct be had said that outgo had as much to do with their meeting as income. : Mr. Tongue thanked ber for ex pressing his notion so much more neatly and tersely than he" could have done it himself He " had always admired the quickness with which the feminin e m ind would catch an idea.' He hoped that she would not i think : hard of him for his plain ipeechV-It was, however, It Was Just Before th Weddinjr and Postponed Forever the Ceremony. New York World. The following storv may illus trate womanly heroism : A fine span of prancing steeds, reined in by a dexterous coachman, stood in front, of a fashionable church. The footman had obsequiously opened and bpld the door of the carriage, and the bride and groom, the for mer calm and placid as the surface of an Alpine lake, while in the latter's physiogomy there was a decisive suggestion of mental dis turbance bad stopped out and were ascending tbe broad granite steps leading into the auditorium. By a misstep occasioned by some entauglement of her nether gar ments such as only women can ex plain, of whose pedal extremities the natural functions are thus not infrequently and sometimes inex plicably interfered with, she (the bride) stumbled, and but for the support of his (the groom's) arm would have fallen. But the "bear" or "beast," as some feminine readers of this true story will call him, on helping her o stand nprigbtly looked at her ebukingly and opened his lips only to say grnffly, "Oh, how awk ward, awkwardl" accentuating the word as if all his previous concep tions of her loveliness had now and forever disappeared. She was wounded deeply, not by the simple, accidental misstep that had nearly prostrated her, but by his lance- ike expression. It wag but a ehort walk from its doorway up through the center aisle to the chancel of tbe church, but the bride moving leisurely to ward it with her ill grained escort, was looking far beyond chancel and officiating priest and decora tive garlands. The train of thought which her betrothed had occasioned fyhie tart rebuke, "Ob, how awkward, awkward!" extend ed far into the future. If he could Memphis (Tenn.) Commercial. Marion Butler of North Caro lina turned loose in the senate yesterday. We venture the asser tion that no man tbat ever eat in tbat body bad so hrra a grip on fame as Marion Butler. Butlor reminds you of Daniel Webster. He is so different. We seriously doubt whether there is any liv j ing thintr, from a man to a bacil lus, that has as little sense as Miriou Butler ef North Carolina. Tbis is why he will be so famous. Peffer of Kansas got mighty sbortweigbt when be laid in bis brain supply, but Peffer i to Marion Butler as Jove is to a worm. Yrft tbis thing can open its mouth and talk for hours on a stretch, and at a distance of a hundred yards looks almost human. The way North Carolina happened to send this freak of nature to the senate was thi& : A motion was pending to send him to a dime museum; somebody in a spirit of fun moved to strike HOTEL WOODARD, W. C Wood AkD, Prop, Rcx-ky Mount N. C. Free Bus meet all train a. !'- ?2 per day. oat "dime museum" and insett "United States senate," and the legislature being drunk and Pop ulite to boot, adopted the amend ment, tabled a motion to recon sider and let it go at that. But ler will do much to promote the gayety of nations while be is there. He is a fountain of folly that is 'never at rest and never goes dry. He is a spouting gey ser of hot mud that will attract visitors from the uttermost parts of the earth. Men whose rich bachelor uncles bad died and willed their property to an or phanasylum; men whose mothers- in-law have come to spend, the summer with them; hen-pecked husbauds, undertakers, English men and all kinds of solemn and sunless natures have been known to look on Mariou Butler and laugh joyously. North Carolina has been noted for its humor, but tbe broadest joke it ever sprung on the convulsed and hilarious earth is its freak senator, the thing with the form of a man, the voice of an ass aud the brain of a bird. Tbe water which is now in the oce-jn aud in tbe river has been many times in theekv. Tbe his tory of a single drop taken out of a glass of water is really a roman tic ooe. No traveler has ever ac complished such distances in bis life. That particle may have re fleeted the palm trees of coral is lands and has caught the sun ray in tbe arch tbat spans a cloud clearing away from the valleys of Cumberland or California. It may bave been carried by tbe Gulf Stream from the 6hores o Florida and Cuba, to be turned into a crystal of ice besides tbe precipices of Spitzbergeu. It uiav have hovered over tbe streets of London, and have formed a part of murky fog, and have glis teued on tbe young grass blade of April in Irish tields. It has been lifted up to heaven and sailed iu great wool-pack clouds across tbe sky, forming part of a cloud mountain echoing with thunder. It has bung in a tieecy veil many miles above tbe earth at tbe close of long seasons of still weather. It has descended many times over in showers to refresh the earth, and has sparkled aud bubbled in mosey fountains in every country in Europe. And it baa returned to its native Bkies, having accomplished its purpose, to be stored ouce again with elec tricity to give it new life-produ cing qualities and equip it as heaven's messenger to earth ouce more. Cbas, S. LOUISBURG Carriage Shops, II. C. TAYLOR, Proprietor. It your Carriage, Buggy, Wag on or anything in that hue needs repairing and you want it done right, bring it to me, and if you want your Carnage or Buggy re painted in a first-class manner, bring it to me also. I have served my time under a first-class pain ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurantee satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. I have a first-class black smith in the black smith shop who ful ly understands everything about his business, from shoeing a horse to irioning a fine buggy. It does not pay to have your work botched up, so bring it along to me whre it WILL BE DONE RIGHT, my prices aro reasonable. I make Buggies and Wagons to order. If you want a good Home Made Buggy or Wagon, give me your orders, and you shall have what you want. Thanking my friends for their j patrouage in the past and solicit ing the eame in future, I am, Yours very respectfully, H. C TAYLOR. FliAMkLlNTON I10TJSL FRANKL15TON. C. G. if- HOBBS, Frfr. Gi accomodation for th"U-ivll& public. . Good Livry AtUched. SHOE MAKING. MOSES WEST holds forth in rear of Thomas' Drug Store, (on the alley where he does shoe making and repairing, and guar antees to do work as good and cheaper than any Shoe-Maker in the State. Come and see for yourself. Respectfully, MOSES WEST. 1 1 Build up Home. Greensboro Record. Tune "Alas and Did,' Ac Six young girls sat in a row. thn8 ruthlessly injnre a trustfnH And promised him with sad Intent, The Girl3 and How They Fell. woman's feelings in the most bliss ful hour of hJr life, . what would probably be his treatment of her after marriage ? ; , ' - Her mind was made up before she reached ; tbe chancel railing. She stood there without a tremor. Sb heard the officiating clergy man askithe' bridegroom," . "Wilt To dance not evermore. The new star in tbe constella tion Centaurus, which was dis covered December tbe 12th, was discovered by a woman, Mrs. Fleming. It is a fixed star. She fixed it. Wil. Star. The Discovery Saved His Life. Mr. G. Gaillouette, Druzsrist, Bea- versville. 111., says: "To Dr. Kins' New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and trk-d all tbe physicians for mi lea about, bat of no avail and was given np and tola I coald not live. Ha?mr Ur. Kind's INew uw- covory in my store I fient for a bottle and began its am, and from the first dose began to get better, and after using threw bottles was' np and about again. It is worth its weizht in cold. We won t keep store or hoase without it, Get a free trial at Aycocke & Co a. Drng Store. by PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE MALLORY DURHAM CHER ROOTE CO. OF DURHAM. - - N C. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS, CHEROOTS .iND CIGARROS As can oe found on the market. Their leading brands are "BULL OF DURHAM" A dime Cigar for a nickle. Hand Havana filled. JULECARR Named in honor of Col. J. S. Carr, Pres. Black well Durham "Tobacco Co., 5 cent Sumatra Wrapper 'BLACKWELLS DURHAM' Named in honor of Col. W. T. Blackwell, father of Durham 5 cent Sumatra Wrapper. LITTLE "SADIE, CUBAN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. 'OLD CHUM" H1RC0TS, 5 for 10 cents. The finest smoke for tbe money. "OLD NORTH STATE" Cheroot. 6 tor o cent, a sure winner that always pleases. Stick to home and send us your orders. Mallorj Durbam Cbercot Co. DURHAM, N. C. NOTICE I I have decided to reduce my BEES to 10 Hives. . Will sell remainder for $3.50 per hive, this includes top case. These bees are worth $5.00, for bees alone. Apply at once to A.'D GREEN. R. R. CROSSEN. FIRST CLASS PAINTER, LOUISBCHO, N. C. I wish tn offr my services to the pub lie, and will say that I am prepared t. do all kinds of hoase p&iating, grata ing &c. My work in Louisbnrp spka for itself, and I ref?r to all partiea fc whom I have worked. Old farnitarr made ntw. Give ra year patronage and yoo shall be pleased. J D & R. S- CHRISTIAN dlejale - rDCcr$ RICHMOND, Va. Prompt attpntion to orders el1 Siil staction ULAHANEtU. TAKE NOTICE ! Our back is run to the depot for tbe benefit of passengers pay, and while we do not wish to be discourteous to anyone we respectfully ask that all 'dead heads" will either walk or "pav." HAYES & FULLER. FOR SAE. Farm of 185 acres in Warren County adjoining Franklin County and lying in the fork of Shocco and Fishing creeks, of a mile from Ransom's Bridge. Soil adapted to the growth of bright tobacco, cotton, gra8! clover and peppermiut. Terms: One hundred and eighty-fire dollars cash, balance one, two and three years. For further particulars apply to Charles J. Alston, Ransoms Bridge, N. C The little queen of tbe Nether lands entered upon ber 16th year a few days ago, and in honor of the occasion, but to the great re gret of her subjects, introduced a momentous- change she began to wear her hair .in the fashion of youug women. Last nltclit they sat in another row And moaned and moaned in pain. f .i And -vowed they'd dance, they'd dance "again, .- " . ' , ' ' " If all tbe world fell low. : - : And tbey did. r - ; , 'And ' ye.sball hear "of ' wars and rumors of, wars; see that ye bo not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the MILL WRIGHTINQ. To thoM who own mills I am prepared to build or repair all kinds of mill mactuoery and improTp burrs for making nice floaa, aUo oold rent a mill lor 16, or wort ttor wajr i' suited. Adcree m at luaage- Tille. S. C. tf !. fc- Babtbolomcw. Flilllil P0CJLTST AI3 PET STOCI fill thou have tbia woman to thy-wed--end is not yet." -Matt. ;24C Curd for Headache. . . Asa remedy for all forms of Head' ache Electrio Bitters bas proved to b the very best. It effects a permanent care and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We arc all who are afflicted to procore a bottle, and give this -remedy a fair trial. ;' Ia cases of habitual constipation Bleetrie . Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist, the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only "fifty bents at Aycocke it Co's..Irag' Store. NOTICE. Bv virtue ol the power contained in a deed in trust executed by Isaac Harris and wife to me, to secure his bond to me as Guardian of tbe infant children of Z. T. Terrell, dated the 16th day of December, 1RR9, and registered in Franklin countr, in book No. 82, pages 362 and 363. I hall sell at the Court House door in Louisburg, N. C, nt public auction to the bizhvst bid der for caslthe tract of land on which the said Isaac Harris resides, situated in Cypress Township, Franklin county North Cnrobna, adjoining the lands ol L. S. Alford, Mrs. Rebecca Altord and others, containing one hundred and thirty tvren acres more or less. Tbe sale will be made on Monday the 3rd of Februarr, 1896. . - - V." . This the 3d of Jan. 1896. . . .. Hajhss, Trostea. ' TWKSTT VARIETIES Of TOBrOBB FOWL. Pekin Docks. White holland Turkey, Pit eons, all kinds of Babbits. Guinea Pi-.rr-ietered Poland China, and Berkshire hogs, reitered Jersj 'cattle, od pure brd Hol steiu cttttJe. registered 'oinler. Setter, and St. BTpanl dojrs. Hoekioit birds, Caaary lrde and Parrot. Everything aoan kept ob a first class stock farm. BeraraJ kinds of water fowls Wild geese, Krat, Swaa Ac Of fish we handle, tfe Gold Red Silver, and Japanese faa tail. Tbe Foant with eartte and any variety of flak at rensonabla price. Nice fresh es one day old always oa hand. Evt rj ex re are reed to b as repreftented TTU1 be delivered every marning. Ears for setting, from Uioroaaa bred etock at 2.00 for thirteen. A C-e krt efjooDfi- pedigreed tU tor eaU at reas onable prices roDKidderiRg stock. In tb winter taontha. after the natural TsiseW chickens are bod, there wifl be' kept at all - tiroes DK-e trying sue ebirkma. rreD nua and bo tree alwaj on hand. d wfJl be dv-' livei-ed every Baorrinj, if derired Two fln Hnlntein eabrsa for aula. cn baH sad one beifer pnra reasonable. "TVUT sWl oue Jersey heifer, ia milk thie winter, ale- uoe Holeteis cow id Bi(1k.fWw otfer tlaa opportnnity for farmer to" uaprovt thetr stock. Vinitorw aletT s4roe. except fti&ndaj, aho Ponitry Tarda and pet stock, btrasea will bedoaed. Tfl 9 .txwlfts to i A. UKEEN. ' . LrOHixburir, K.C , . NOTICE. . ; . Jimivg qoalrfied aaadminleTestor of X A.peeC.all i notr&ed to nal nersaoa hukJi wlU present tbtnlor paytsetKvtror befora - Janaary tbe 8th 1597. 'or this aotker l bepW-ad In bar of thier recorafy. , . - ' Jaaoary fith 18. ' , . - O.I..FXLW.sd: V . s ofiJt.A.8PBErJU- ' aaimefl aaaaromiFTTwecFr n a - perswiowiua: bia ewtata.ara. oake pTwct at one, and att finarclaiaa asafast'kis eatata . -. -f- ,4 -- r ti A',

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