ri :-.- -A. 1 - - it' - . -! - - "I at Ham Pi i J -U- . -l M M y ii ii ii " V' ; ( - - : MUIBUIlfn' re, FKIBAI, -JAlIUARYri 189G. , Vrjn KUiIBER49. ' li ? r i f 3-' r :wf i 'J S'i ' ,"';' i tv '.'(;'. - . st n -1? Kf,': it ... ':: .J a. mj n- MS ve or V ''''".'.? !'. ' . (V.- ' : ' ' '; s "si-.V - Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report O : CHRISTMAS DAY. TEOf-'-PURl , B. MSSENUURQ, ' ATTORXfeY'jA.T.t?'-.. 1 xnsB ja'Bj n.- CAROLINA CULLIXGS. News of the Week Gathered From all V ai-tsof fbAState;.j:; H Will practice ia .Ul the Coarta of the State ; Interesting u.aae m coart tiousa. -j M. CUUKK & SON, AX roRNJiiT8-A.T-LAW, LOUIMBUHO, K. C. Viil ittead the courts of Nash, Franklin,' iJr.mviUo, W' vrrouaua Waiocouuiies, alsdthe jivi.us 0 avt oi NyrtU Uaroliup, Mid the U. ! .jiroait iui Uiatrioi c'oatta. Of .alldar day in Christmas Day, Tkeir Oontrtn tmuc Adi1 yet the blftawxl Christ-Child comes And walk the sUunnjc wny. Which brings to simple fwrtblj home Heaven s light on Christmas Day. Then, deep in silent woods, the tree the hemlock piut, and fir i) K. J. K MALONK. two doors telow Aycocfee St Co.'s inirf store, adjoining Dr. O. l,. Uia. D K. W. II. NICHOLSON, - . PRAGTiCINa PHYSICIAN, t LO'JISBURO, X. C. V. ii. 6PRUILL, ATXORSET-AT-LAW, x.oci5Buae, n. c. ' Will atteai the courts of franklin, Vance, OmjivUi-), Warren .tui Wake counties, also tuu supreme Court of .Sortii Carolina, reompt aueuti jn iven to colleotioua, &c. ' "'VjAlIOS. B- WIt, ; ATTORXKY-AT-LiAW, LoCISBtJHG, S. C. : - OUce on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's Store. T. W. BICK1SXT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. :i.:uisB0Ka m.'. Prompt and painstaking attention given to wary mart r intrusted to hiH hns. Rof '.rs to 'Jtiief lustic ifihKD'n.'r 1. Hon. John Manning, Hon. ttotit. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. BdEtim, Pres. First N Clonal Bank of Win ( ton. 01:iin & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank o f Alouroq, IJhis. E. T lylor, Pres Wake Por w st iJoUegji, loa. Yj. W. riuitieriakn. . , " O ilo in C jurt Hou', opposite Shriif's. and Important Items From on r Exchanges Condensed for Busy Readers. Last year 21 cotton mills were built iu'tbis Sta$e. .. ; ... A. larw;e furniture and chair factory i to be-built at. Concord. A'police census jfives Durham's population as 11,700. Twelve students of the Univer sity have- been expelled for gam bling; and hazing. Morganton Hernld. The Goldeboro Headlight says: "We are soon, to have a smoking tobacco factory', The machinery Tias already arrived."" ' The twentieth annual State I Convention of the Youug Men's Christian Association of North Carolina will beheld Mjarch 19 to 22 atTJbarlotte. f ' : Governor Carr has oflFered a re ward of $200 for the conviction cf t-ie unknown persons who mur dered a white jaq fcnowntas tbfe i nrui to tn enmy wmtry-treeie',ii' And raft 8 breath oirnvrrr... ';' And far and near Kri Kringfe's feell V-"- -Their airy m osic. sh a kfW.v '' '"';Z. And daur-ing feet of boyfe.nd girls ' Hip. A sweeter joyonce mukf. r f . F The Christ-Child came tgfBAleb?m,- To Mary's hnppy bpenst, 'v-- - t And fonnd with:u her boidingrms . ' A warm encircling nest. And many a tinv ehernb rhild ' ' in mother s arms to-day bmiles like the Christ tbn nndefiled, On this dpar Christ mas Day. The Christ-Child's mother dimly saw The cross in faint ontlii: Above the baby. face that held Her Own in awe divine. Tbns over little Crndleheds rhe Bar-red paRsion-flower Its purplp sign of sorrow spreads In Iovo'b mostjrjatutons hour To Mary's lee the wise men brought i neir girrs oi gold una snice. The "Gloriu"' swept the midnight Bkies I o greet her PphtI of Price Aur down the ladder of the stars, Across the shining way. The anirpls watched the Christ-Child come That first dear Christmas Day. Of all dear days is Christmas Day, The very dearest dear. The crown and clasp and topmost sheaf ! ()I all the joyfnl year. Then dancing feet of hoys and girls . fjo gayly to and fro. And "Merry, merry Christmas" rings In all the winds that blow., . . r-? -v . Mrs Sangster, in Harper's "Round Table1. that it bears discouragement to him who hears it t 'A sentence u. the best; I I that coptajjiA. an jnuendaBnay: peace a5drpnw 1 - cause inre'eViP than- ranT he meas- j ored. If a rnau is trying v to getl oit of the pit such a sentence is like a heavy hand placed on his ehoujder pushing binjhack. Tp spVead'a rumor of evif concerning any, and especially concerning any twtmian, is to do an -act at which , - . the1 antfeUeep and on Vfhich the .verybaverrs frown. It is hard enough tto do t?ght under the best of circumstanc-ea,"aud- be who adds fib tbeifflcun v-v' tn;ft y. perch a ii c masff ut thereby .impossible to do right, and 8o seai"ihe-ioom of a struggling fellow cteAtti, Word are sometimes as light as thistle down in the wind, , but at other times they are as heavy as; lead, or they may even crush like an ava lanche. I say, therefore, that nothing in your possession should be- so care fully watched as "your lips. Do and say all you can to cheer, for God only knows the secrets of our lives, how much we need to hear such words and how much influ ence they may exert. But never, never, never, under any provoca tion, allow yourself to strengthen a rumor of scandal. If there is wrong iu any soul it will produce its own results, for the laws of the univefsVreirJj&rale; but if the y he THE WICKED TONGUE. Rev. Geo. U. Hepworth. in New York Herald. And their ton cue is deceitful in their month. Mieah vi., 12. The iipne thing tr be guarded most carefully" fs th tonjlne.! :pe Yv7. M.. PERSON,. AXXORNEY-AT-AW, ' L itllSBUHB, S. C. Praetloes in all courts. OUlce io the Court House. . II. "YARBOROTJOU, Jn. .'HORSEY AT LAW", LOUISBURQ, X. C. O'n ce on scconJ li ior of Jeal building SI m.-c rftret.' A'l-1 "jj":! 'busine-s- 4itrustt'd to him i? i.l recV-i i'c yirompc :ind cartiul attention. r ' " Dentistry.. 4 W. H. EDWAnDS- "nrnbrella man, in Warreu county, on the uight of January 2nd. The name of the murdered man is unknown. W. L. Yuiboyf a well known citizpn'of Vbrsythe county, has been pint on trial at. Winston, ur'day, charged with beiny; the father of his daughter's children. The rase is the worst ever tried in that town. Th Cleveland Star underst ands thai. Congres?ma!i Linnev, of the eighth district, will have V fight for re-nomination this year, lie did nut. go into the Hog Combine in the House and the hots are OF WAK3 FOREST, N. C. . Will visit LonisbUrg on Monday, Tuesday un I iV'rt Ins'lav follovvin tlie first Sunday iii ) i "i m .i jj' prepared to do ail kinds of D-.iral wo-ii. O lie.! over Jones & ' Cooper Store nest door to T. B. Wilder Law olfiVe , ,t EX SEXATOR BLAIR'S PLAN.' r -.' -"..' ; ''- ''( ..- : '- How the Race Problem is to Be Solved " by Universal Education. ' Ex-Sehator kenry W. Blair, of Massachusetts, delivered an ad dress yesterday before the Ijceum of the' Shi lob Baptist church (col ored) In which be'declared that the 1,000.000 negroes : in 'the Northern States were responsible for the present condition of the tiegroe8 in the South. He said tht in the 'Stites of Massacbu setjS, New York, New' Jersey, amt'Ohid; the negro wa3 the bal ance' "or,fcpcTWer?etween the two great' pVrties, a'nd'was in a posi tion to di(vtjJJo?Xhe-Re publican party as what shou).I-ie-i;s"attl-' tude toward the negroes of the South, and yet they bad not done so He said tnat the negrp dele gates to the next National Repub lican Convention should demand that the Republican party thould insert a plank iu its platform .favorable to national and State education, and if the party did not do so the negro 6honld n t support the party. He said that the delegates of color from the South could if tbey were united, say who should be thn next uom- v- " THE : .V FARMERS & MERCHANTS BAKU louis nunc, - . w. c. - Docs a general Banking business solicits deposits ou time or subject to checkd. Slake ClleUM Specialty. Returns promptly made at rea sonable rates. Deposits receied in SAVING'S BANK, in sums of 23 cents and upwards. OFF1CEI1S. " Wm BAILEY, President. J.-8. BARROW, Cashier. - OIBECTOns. Wm. Bailey. J. S. Barrow Dr. A. B. Hawkins. C. M. Cooke. W. T. Hughes W. J. Byerly, J. B. Tboruas LOUISBURG Carriage Shops LADIES AND GENTLEMEN . Who niay wish nfee shampoo Ing or hair dressing-'done. will ri well to call on W. 21;, ALSTON &1.E. THOMAS. Ladietae yonr baiijf cut right. AiV liave Dr. White new hair grower. VenV Mexican Hair Restorative, Ayer'a FUir Vigor, Trleopberotw fur the hair and skin, nothing im heat it to keep the hair from fall- ng out. . , :hoteu woodard, ,.W. c WooDAkmlp-, ?.o-ky Sloujit, N. C Free Bcs rnvrts I1 mlos. X C. J " 'cni:1lOERS;"Trptr? : God'aiecomodatioD for the traveling public. Good Litery AtUcbed. wrurf! nbtj there and by an wor 1 frjonl your mouth you' give th impression that it is there, you judge as you would not like to be judged, and yon would think it a tireat calamity if a like measure ceitfullftonghes have donff moi'd harm than all the wars that were ever waged. Cities have been ravaged by the sword, hut reputa tions are ravaged by the tongue. As a weapon of revenge, slander were meted out 10 you and gossip are surer than poison. Wfe'Khould be helpful, not hurt- They are more cunning than" the ful, to each other. Ir is one of the subtlest drug, and more effective, primary demands of the Christian for while3Ae"oSie produce -death; lel'-giou 'thatwe shalj love bur which is' a rffStte'r of very little neighbor, and where love is thpre consequence, the others result in is always pity for the falling, but despoiling a life, which is a matter never a word that shall make it of infinite moment. easy for them 1o slip furlherdown. Thre j nre . two orirdes which U)peu'your month tb. 'sa'y all the stand side by side at the head of J j;ood you can of every one jut seal dissatisiied because be is not able the list to speak pvil . of your your mouth' against the utterance H. C. TAYLOR, Proprietor. If your Carriage, Buggy, Wag on or anything in that hue need? repairing and you want it done right, bring it to me, tid if you want your Carriage or Bueav re- inee of the party, aud should sup- painted in a first-class manner, port no one wbooe altitude was bnns it to me also. I have served not favorable to the education not only of the negroes, bit of th whites of the South. He said that the fight for uni v jrsal education had just begun, and that uou it rested the super structure of the government. He claimed that the lynching, murdering, and burning of nig roes in the South was due to the fact that the masses wer igno rant and pnslaved. '"No force bill," said Le, an solve the problems that t-unfroi t the ngro; only universal eduen i m can. do it. When the natun s tall see to it that every one of us citizens is educated, then an t en only will the perpetuity of h government be established, aim the world re deemed. The oeeting was presided over by Mr. Thomas L. Jones, of the District bar, and the7 audience SHOE MAKING. MOSES WEST holds forth in rear of Thomas' Drug Store, (on the alley where hp does shon rraking and repairing, and guar antees to do work a? irrod aun cheaper than any Shoe-Maker in the State. Come and see for yourself. Respectfully, MOSES "WEST. of a sarcasm or a suspicion. Letjtbt,t KrePte(i the Sa iator was a it not. be said in that future when we shall 6ee face to face, instead J. O. H1LU THE TINKER, is preparfld to do alf kind of tiif work,' re p i irinijc. &e. All work guaranteed, l'lace oi' busiiiss on Alain street in lious? recently ocviois 1 hv F. farrisli. j s RUFFIN&, LEWIS BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all kinds of work ia oar line. Call to see as At our Hhop near the Loaisburg mills. DENTIST, , LOUISBURG, N.' C. Offlee over ilacket Store. Graduate Baltimore Dental College. artificial teeth a SPECIALTY. .Natural x ois s uone umuer me provisioua to set out t ue pie. ... neighbor and to listen to it. The The Greensboro Record hear listening ear and the rlandero,is t o vj: r ....... i- I Mia i. of 1 1 a lor niaiu'"1! vjaiaa, . . . . i x p liau liaan Tirnu.wtijl r v M Piar4 1 HoTton and Settle that, he shall o.iy upon wn,co toe rtevu oi inrougn a glass uarKiy, mat yon hav Congressman ' Shuiord's chiefly depends for the accomplish- pressed any soul back by an ungen piace it ne win turn m lively ior merit ot bis purposes, it von will erous utterance; lor wonls are Reed fr President aud Holton : vp, ,;m vnnr par nrl lt htin' rlnH I things, wnrds Aro niercitii word.. the tongue to fill it, heaven will words are blizzards that tear trees grow sad and the pit. will rejoice, j upbp the roots, words are jight One of the highest, virtues theluing bolts that strike sometimes heart, can cherish is the virtue of a I to kill dull ear when slander croaks. If you can say nothing good say Slander isriever hacked b y,,6. good i nothing-; at all. Remember the motive. It. is only a bas heart legend of the stranger who stood that can say base things. -The upkoown in the crowd that was homes are countless that bajt beehl curiously gaxing at a dead dog. wrecked by loose talk which "h&dTTbe poof creature had many blera i.eon till oaken kegs containing xxo e fOMndatio n than the.b?e ishesU and tbey were all euumer- 120 pounds and for each cask 840 h. . i.s .rj'Sjii-'it.J h;7witi v iw .... v.. v . I less lanric )l uils viriuii, l.mbu- obibku- w. uc iwacro uu, vut uiib as heard saying, "He enriches him, bnt makes ionieoWl back beautifully white teeth my time under a first-class pain ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurantee satisfaction in all work entrusied to me. I have a first-class black smith in the black smith shop who ful ly understands everything about bis business, from shoeing a horse to iriouing a fine buggy. It does not pay to have our work botched up, so bring it along to rae where it WILL BE DONE RIGHT, my prices ar reasonable. wbom l baTe moT I make Laggies and Wagons to i made nrw. Gie roe jour patrooAf order. If you want a ood Home- I nd be piasei. NOTICE I I have decided to rednre my BEES to 10 Hives. Will sell remainder for $3.54 per hive, this includes top case These bees are worth $5.00, for bees alone. Apply at once to A. D GREEN. R. R. CROSSEN. FIRST CLASS PAINTER. - LOCISBDHO, X. C. I wifh to offer ray eric to thepoV lie, and will say that I am prepared t. do all kinds of house painting, grata intr &c. Mr work in Lonisbarr rpeki for itself, and I refr to all parties fc- Old farmta ifnr.t' State chairman. Siguion, however, is represented as being coy. Th report of the State labor cbmnlssKiner contains an inter- esting stateuient. if? a new indus try in North Carolina. The roe of the female sturgeou is now "shiri;ed m larre Quantities to Russia and Germany from the great fisheries on Albemarle Sonud. The roes from three stur teeth removed and riv? Ones inserted in of a, b.v$X)JMq Legislature fpd-f i AV work warfaated 11 1 -t s U , i . iUit f f. uCi,!iiklri tiJJr, V V v T.Lisrtrtr i AiV brtraJi Vf A-ttirf 'hi5 Bcalpi--AsbeVilleCitin. is obtaine"d t the fishery The" commissioners l. 1 .. . i . J cuuiue coiiuty uac euicren nuuu i, a new and unique branch of bus- else poor indeert. As a general riney. lurueu in surpiise, ana a iness. It is the purchase of pan- thing, when one slyly distfleias Lwonran Whispered, "It must be the ther wolf, and wild-cat scalpSi ' TXimor n vonr ear. it is becanse Christ, for He alone tould say any- be hopes it is true. If the rule of7 thlQg ?0?d of dfef,d d.0-" The n, . ; - , T . v. example is worth following. Christ were followed, -Let hun And-how mnph better the world that is without sin Arriong i yom wonhl b if ,t lletf "of speaking The stockholders of the Wilson cast the first stone," slander would evib we should either utter words large aud enthusiastic one. Forty-five stars will hereafter appear on the American flag. Utah was formally admitted into the Uniou, by proclamation of the President, on the 4tb instant. Made Buggy or Wagon, givn me your orders, and you shall have what you want. Thanking my friends for their patronage in the past and solicit ing the same ju future, I am, Yours very respectfully, H. C. TAYLOR. Build up Home. BY- PATRQNIZIHB HOME ENTERPRISE1 iiarvelous Results. From a letter wriften by 17 J. Gan derman, of Dimondale, Micu., we are permitted to make this extract : I hae no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Di.coery, as the resalts wer almost marvelous in the case of my wife. Whilel was pastor of the Baptist Church at Hives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeed ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last boors with little in terruption and it seemed as if she could rrot survive them. A Iriena recom mended Dr. King's New Disroverv, it was quick in its work and highly patis- factory in results." Trial bott.es free at Aycocke & Co'. Drug Store. Regn ar size 50c and $1.03. worse aou you will always Una me ready to correct at my own expense any Cotton Mills have'declared a div- slink away and hideitself as did of praise and encouragement or worS ,uat may prove uusa. l'illLt :JA maintain a charitable silence. R. E. KING, , are now ruuuing on full time and . Dentist. V fcre tnrninout a quality Of yarns lue ,aen Li " which find a ready sale notwith- "How precious may a few words YAhuUnullbH Ob UAVlb, standing the many new mills be if rightly and opportunelj spp that have been :built,during the ast yearWiUou Advance Tjvo.F.uU JHoon3 in -December. New York "World. 1 lit. tf H 1 X 1l I ''All TWrrtlirTbSa H N VI A ken; i lAM iyHh, -nYceSt; V encouragement; it 'tbey have a , v . JUVAWU 1 V CUT Jl work ia Olir line, done on short Seaboard Air Line, as tnanv for .-ik J -.-.iJ i- .3 ' . nouaaa sausiact-ion guarwiwea. the Southern, 400 for the Cape We have our new shot) fthe old ten nin , ,r tlley) ingod shape and are betM rn e"5ns I'M pared tUau 3 ever to: serve onrcastxpn uea oraers ioriv tne oiuer u 'J$ ecaw liel Hdrk Ca,Rtfli gl nave maae l.vuu wneeis ior me til)(i thAm! What miraclefl thev - . - j warm and generous impulse be- , : Tm-.i. i I other since the beginning of the Christian era. December, 1895, mors. i j o . & r. s-caaisTiwi RICHMOND, Va. Prompt attention to orders ai.U sat sfaction GUARANEED. TAKE NOTICE I Our hack is rnn to the depot for the benefit of passengers wh and while we do not wish e pay, ana wnite we ao doi wiea MALLORY DURHAM. CHER- 10 h tTxXfT. V(iTV n respectfully ak that all KUU1L tU. heads" will either walk or OF DURHAM. - n c. rp-v- HAYES & FULLER. MILL WRIGHTING. Tn Krwu who enrn mills I co prpsrd bnild or repair all kindt of mill nhry and improT borrs for making nice Bon, also would n-nt a mill lor 1 or work kw atf it suited- Adirm ai iowsg- tUIb. M.C. . Teacher Now, Jimmy, what do we learn from the Mooroe doetriue ? Jimmy That the other fellow is wrong. Cleveland Plain Deal er. , ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS NTD C1GARROS As can oe found on the market. Their leading brands are "BULL OF DURHAM" A dime Cigar for a nickle. Hand numi POCLTIT ill STKI TIU Havana filled. . r. nMnrallirS JULECAIU; - . Named in honor of Col. J. 8. Pw P?' Tl-.Jl TSl Carr. Pres. lilackwell Durham pninH chm. and Berkshire bo. . I w- - - - . n.i ToDaCCO CO., 5 CtrCt Sumatra wriUrei Jer) rsttl. pur wo nj W licin CRlur. nwwM . rapper Rt twt,i doa. Morkina: tnnis, Cnary 'BLACKWELLS DURHAM' SJ .WrS.g Named in honor of Col. W. T. mrZXAncZ Blackwell, father of Durham siK-r and jDan f tsJL The' Fount with castle and any varieiy oi eis a .....).! i m Nice fr-slei oneway Ji cm tnri F. tt rar srsraTitrd to b wm STILL AT THE BRIDGE. BLACK-SILIHING. Alabama -uUnly nd; theon weYi sm'weii kiiwil5an(i pi-epsved to do j n U 8aui ' from near Gi bso'u S ta wa j nuia iu vuv o ! a i .1 nH also dreamed a dream: cries the hope- "' . , . " . ..! u .- v v I " ' - ueo 1 1111 youfcu at 'iw jbum i.u iumm. i , -v in t.hfi Stftt.ft. SHVfl the Atlantic 1 a nn a h.an him anH Mnlias r . i . Coast Line and the Norfolk d T md.mv dri3 thoueand, Westeru. Tbe iron comes .from T . eight hundred and ninety-six you can u iub eamo. t i L years changed that future Is and what f -p. . . - - - . . . '- . . 1 ill J . . . x. JJ 1 il li , iUD VVIIIWUCUt; VI liUC IQIbCICIIt Charcoal iron is used ior iresn inspirations are aaaea 10 tnat Specinen Cases. S. H. Clifford. New Cassel. Wis,. Wa' troubled with Neuralgia and Rleami tism, his Stomach was disordered, Uis Liverfwas affected to an alarming decree, appetite fell away, and be was terribly redact d in flesh" and fitieigthl Three bottles of Eleetr'c Bitters, cured, l tn "Edward Shepherd, Harrisbatg, III., bad a running sore on his leg ot eight years standing. Used three bottles of Electrio Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salv. and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Cataw ba. O.. had Te larire Fever sores on his 1 leg, doctors said be va incurable. One bottle Electnc Bitters- and one box Backlen'S Arnica t a've .curd him entirely. Sold by Aycocke' & Co., at their Drag Store. . mv same work. I hor von .will see me as I o the Bistsideoi LtheRiverhriage, Maitt LK, . tKW..ifcVv - !--. 4i of tbls kind happening in the same x)aisDarg,-. u. - wnne l ua aoiagau Kinase " iy . -r. - " .iwui jubi .k.o"" a "v ot DiacKsrnitning, aon x torg prepaaea lo repair your, gun on new iocks sc. i nave a n have repaired that vtlU be sold n ten drs. " , i i. yours truly I w a a as m 4 r v 4 V PIivibt uitfsf toe waooaraMiriiLipe ;,:--. i ow.,, v".,0" "ao are Jsuh - theerworks under 9 "". bt -widely noted, However, or it u notaiied.or fcontri . i says .ue uwy u, n won irqba.bly; 5 naypeen looked I wr i tonnff ein wuo.is-aouui to bi.eo i uuuu oy many as siguuic&ni. . . ice A. T. NKAL GKNTltAL- UOTKL -J JL Masaenburg j j j. a.-. i Onion Cough Syrup as,uo i.iiu uy .v.v.,- u - .-- . - - . .7- : iSSIM God's wiil'aVany coslto Wrselves 'f . ;- i l(" " ' ' K I . ' " "ttii iJicj iiiu nvi oiuuct ." A .111 il li V A a I ar Jl U - f -aa w W s v w i - - , . ..... . 'i . . t ' IT - - . wT :. ...... .I." : - t '. - ir-' V f t ? - i I , - a '.- 7 , form &ti im portant part,; is ( made Hesitation becomes hxea resolve, HENDEBSON. N; ' by taking one cupfuPo vinegar,- Vnd to .thft:; ninety, and nine iSs i5uHgtonif ews Good aceomm lite and attentive eervantj. cupful of shi Up oniona. SPut on - tbe stoie and' simmer about balf hoodred complele. -,. ;. ., . !?.an W ' .wa VTa OSBORN HOUSE, hoo or tn ....... iiw ,mwr!Kfi?ff!; got. V vinen remove - nuu eiraiu. ' . . ,h.;;vv. . - i was ,, a. ue w, uiuuu,., jl ub. iu; C. It OSBORN,. Proprietor, Take, a teaspoon ful of,i this ' fre. the bitterest, ana opposite toe pes ' ' ' -h,rTVl N f! ' qneutly -when troubled withVa, jieg '-'tibesVbft. What can: the mind .irMOTvto cotkh) and unless .very deep, rXaU r- ! - - MAA.4.M ; tA traveling public. seatedi "the congh wiUnot.; last i mortal eoul than a phras? so fr&med c .nts. . This was the last quarter. January 9ti89G. This man was so overcome that he got drunk. That was a; full moon. . When he sober be bad 'onTy:? i WeAtyfiVe got ling.. ' . " NOTICE. Bvvirttieinf' tbe norer contained in a dtdintrnat wntd. ,to n by Juo. W. PittmasfHnd P. S.'PittmAn. bis wife, on the 7 th day of Deeember 189J. I,wai imll at the Court House door in Louie-tire on Honda v the 10th day of Febroary 1896 at rwibUe snctlnu to tbe highest bidder for one fourth of tbe nrice casbu resilne on credit of ten months with latere, from day of sale, the followinsr tracts of land, to-wit: Fint. ,a tract of land lying bo 3r . Civer adjoining ,t he-lands ot J. H. Uppennan j L. T. Horton and others, containing 102 acres, . it being the tract JiottI to T. B. Uortoa - lo the divisioamons;tn:Bil,rM10l T.C Hor ton. . Second, n tract adjoiniz - tbe lands of Frank Ballard and otherflyinjr on Syca more creek and Eel root branch .and con taining 5tt acres. Third. ' the interest' 'of Patti S. Pittoan-it beisjr one-third, in the rPVerwioo in vno uwr iriwri vt aire. n""o Hoi ton. adioioins:. the lands of Patti R, Pittman ad others, ,lvln ?b tbe . Loais bnrtraod Nashv&le road.' rontainioir 11T acres more or lees.- The said deed in trust is registered in Book 97 pat. 43485. it 5 cent SumatraWrapper. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG- ARR0S, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. OLD CHUNK" HEROOTS. 5 for lOjceuts. The finest smoke for tne money. "OLD XORTII STATE" v v cneroot, 6 tor o cents, a sure winner that always pleases. Stick to home and send ns your orders.. i Maliory Qurhcin Cheroot. Co. DURHAM, X. C. NOTICE. Wnri Efirr rsr rnsrsi r.rvmntfd Will t delivsreo . . u morning. rgfr ior wiwdii. bred stock at 2.00 for thirteen. A IT-e lo of yooni pedigreed fowU lor sale at reas onable prices eonw-denug sroca. ia am winter month, after the nataral raised ' rhKkensa.re goo. there will be kept at aB , times aire frving site chiekena. Freh milk nr..) battr lwa on hand, aoa will be de- liven-d eTery mornion, if dired Two Ine Holstein calves for sate, one m snd cfne heifer pike reasonable, 'Will one Jersey heifer, in mifk tbis winter. one HolKtoin cow 4a rilt. We oSer opportooity for farmers to improve tbtr Mock. Visitors aJwavs sekoms. exeept Sunday. h-n Poultry Ysrdaaad pH stock houses will be eloped. Call M. jr writ to J A. GBEEX. Lsi-bunc If .C NOTICE. HaTinjc qnaMfied as Ad-oinirtrator of JL A.Kpred. all persons owtwr ni eiaie i n miVi MflDMl ll'lL aatl Mil. laima against bis estat- noti&d to toate paymetrt atwc. aid a3 t t -i L . I ttersona boldincrtaima ajruniSt bis etat jv virtue ui iub p-r TOUtainea ' - , ,k- inrtMmM.ts0r,Mon in a deed in trust execnted by Isaac I jannary tbe 8th 1897. o rnw boUc u Harris and wile to me, to secure his J t- pled bar of tuer rerovery. bond to me, as Guardian of tbe inhint children of Z. T. Terrell, dated the 16th day of Icemberf 18H9, and registered in Franklin county, iu boot No. 82, pagea 8C2 and 363T I hall sell at the Court House door in i-ooisbnrg, N. C.. tit JimMn Oth 1890. " O. L. TXLW. A , e4 K.A.t)PE0. FOR SALE. ;; Farm of 1S5 acre in" Warren County adjoining Prankliul public auction to the highest bid- County. Tid. lywg n th fork of v - -. der for cash, the tract of land on Shocco and . Fishing creek-, f . of which the eaid Isaac Harris resides, a' mile from Ransom's Bridgfe. situated in v. Cypress-., Township, Soil . adapted to (be growth". of ;V Franklin county North , Carol ine bright tobacco, cotton, gra'st, , ?dioT,n?the8f-?A,Lon3, Server nd peppermint. Terms: Mrp. , t " V i .11' One hundred . and i euhl vfire. J seven - acres mora or less. lneale' ... , - - f particaiirV apply lo1 ,'" '' ' '.V v -' . , CUACLES J. Al5TO. will be made on Monday the 3rd pf February, 18U6. v . , . r.y This tbe 3-Tof Jan. 1896. . . ; - f . i H. R. HAUEia, Trustee. Kacsorxs Bridge, N.C ;i-::i!,t?f . ;f'i .V " - r l V r- -c