Metiiodist Church Directory. duHdav Sehol at 9:30 A. M. Geo. d. Uakek. Supt. Preaching at ii A. M., and 7 P. 61., ewry tiuuday. Prayer meeting Wednesday niht. (x. F. Smith, Pastor. B. R MASSES BURU, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will i)r.ictl;fi iu Ml the Courts of thj Stite O.Hce in Court, House. I. (JuOriiS & 80.S, AT 1'URNiS 18- AX-U v . yVil) itttetiJ tae courts of iNasa, irantllii, Cfrj.aviU-, W arreuciua v'n,n.e coaiities, also llid H aprj.uu Joai-t of iNortti Curoimy, ,:ua wile U. L'. Circuit ivu i jJiLrici, Coui ta. 1) ii. J. h. AixiLu-i ii. Mice ivro uoots oVlow AyoocKe & Co.'b LOUlSBJitG, n. c. S. rix'U.UlLU v AT r O it N h, i - AT-L A W , liOUIatfJiiii, Hi U. vVill attend tu courts of Fraafcllu, Vance, Gruvili-j, vVa,rrju uui Waiid counties, uao tns Suyrjuie Court of .xortu C&roliuA. x-'rotuui aUnutiju giveu to collections, so. 'I B. WILDER, AT TO dNE Y-AT-LA W, LOU1SBUKO, S. C. OJlce oq Main street, over Jones & Cooper's tore. T. W. BICKBTT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LoUISB JBQ N. C. Pronipt au J p-iiustifciag attention given to ever untter iatruatel to his hanua. Refers to Chief J antic jShdpUira, Hon. John Miinuliig, iou. Hoot.- W. Wiustou, Hon. J. C. Buxton, f res. lirst National Bank of Win tou, Uieun & Manly, Wiuston, Peoples Bans, of Monroe, Ohas. E. Taylor, f res Wake for est College, Hon. E. W. f iinuerlake. O.llcu iu Court House, opposite Sheriff's. yy M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAV?, LoUISBUKO, Jf. c. Practices in all courts. Office in the Court House. "W. H. YARBO ROUGH, Ja. ATI ORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURO, N. C. Office on second floor of Neal building jVLtin Street. Ill lt-gal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and earetul attention. Dentistry, W. H. EDWARDS OF WAKE FOREST, N. C. W ill visit Louis'ourg on Monday, Tuesday i.l V.,.l,esda.v following the first Sunday .Jif.ii .n,.i.t-l, - .1 J 11 ,!! w .),! iit-SiIH V lol o wintr r.He lii-nf. Sum r n if icli tnonth ureDared to do all kimls .if Iti'iiral work. O J -i; over Jones & Cooper Store ne x r iloar to T. B. Wilder Law omVe J. M. e. HILU THE TINNER, if prepared to do all kind of tin work, re ( nring. Ac. All work guaranteed. Place o' u istiiesrf on Main street in house recently oc-upied bv F. Parrisli. RUFFIN & LEWIS BLACKSMITHS We. are prepared to do all kinds of work iu our line. Call to ae as at our shop near the Loaisburg mills. dentist louis burg, n. c. Office oyer Racket Store. Grid rite Baltimore Dental College. Ttf-iuty-i'oar years active experience. AitriFiciAL tektk a sphcialty. Natural tet,u removed aud new ona inserted in T'A'UNry MINUTES. All work warranted. L )iiisbtirfr in tny home "for better or wur?" and yoa will always find me re-vly to correct at my &wn expense any work that may prove unsatisfactory. Very truly. R. E. KING, Dentist. YA immu Si DAVIS, Tiie Blacksmiths OF LOUISBCJRG. All work in our line done on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. W4 have onr now ihAn r.riu nlA t-an nin illey) in gcod shape and are better pre- jreu man ever to serve oar custo mers. STILL AT THE BRIDGE. BLACK-SMITHING. w nere i am well known and prepared to do my sanai work. I hope yoa will see me as you navj none oefore. You will find me on till' KmF il.ta nrtk. Dl...hJ. u.l. - 4.L Loulsburg, N. C. While I am doing U kinds of bl&cksmltaing, don't forget fhat t am also BrDaaeil In rimir T.iri r Olin l, .-! am nntllno till l(,lra mrn f I.A. h ive rep itred that will be sold If not called for Yours truly A.. T. Nral CKNTKAL HOTEL I Ifissen.burg Propr HENDERSON, N- C. Good accommodations. Good fare. Po lite aud attentive servants. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor,- Oiford. N. n Good accommodations for the i i traveling public. 00 YOU WAST A HOUSE? If eo you will do well to write, or see J. Levister. at Louinb C, before coutractir. Plans, specifications and esti mates made u burnt buildius, Ac. 'IP I SHOULD LOSE YOU." Frlttk L.. Staktok. If I should lose you. sweetheart, And alone be doo trier to tread The Wack and gloomy way, With its flowers drooped 'and dead, X would fel one sweet emotion. Thufc would quicken love anew nT?M be tDat Go1'8 own basing Made me happy once with youl H 1 should lose .von, sweetheart. .And the sonis yoa san to me Vere '.ut tiie faii.test echo . rooi the lansr of me.Tjorv, The w-ould clicpr. and,Jje my mueic . lw .u (iuys when lovftia: j-re I wouM listen, aud in dreaming, i -nee more, sweetheart, be with you If I shonlH lose von. Bweetheart, Ami tr touch of tender lips lf ler.ind me in the future As. t tie wery waiting slips, I would kisH the rose yon ave me, GaymeiTuwDed with sparkling dew And its fragrance would, forever, ' Briuff siveet thoughts to me of you. VVbica Boy Was Polite ? Politeness is a mark of good breeding. There is something of refinement about it, and is to be cultivated. There is a politeness that .6 natural; it is horu of kind ness arid a willingness to oblige. There is another politeness that is on the surface only, and has very little? depth: and yet even that kind of politeness is better than none at all. A yentlemau tells of once wit nessing au example of each kind. A. well-dressed boy passed me on the street one day and as he did so be lifted his hat to a lady with all the gracefulness of a courtier. "What a polite little fellow he is !" I thought. Bnt before he had walked haif a dozen yards I was forced to chauge niy opiuion of him. An pld lady slipped and fell. She did not hurt herself, but she hid a basket, and its contents were scattered all around her. The boy I bad thought so polite laughed at her and went on his way. A poorly-clad news-boy ran to her assistance. 4 am glad you aren't hurt, aunty," be cheerily said, as be helped her to pick up the scattered wares. Which boy was really polite? Sural tr ,ua h,A v . i u &Urel? toe kind, cheerilll, helpfu 1 boy I Ex. Result of Hasty Marriage. The alleged preacher who last year married a vomitr Ralemb iiri at Salisbury after turee Uua ac quaintance is m jail iu Iowa. H came here aud aided somewhat in conducting services at toe Metho dist ouuicu. A Baptist pastor tells iue be got au inkling as to the young man's true character and would uot permit him to preach iu his church. The mau is charged with oigamy aud horse-stealiug. The wite is here with her parents and great sympathy is felt lor her. Raieigh Cor. VViimiugton Mes senger. This is one of mauy instances where youug and light-headed girls have foolishly married impos ter8, who were floating around from place to place fleeing from justice. Some of these men are bright and have a very good ad dress. They acquire considerable kuowledge from travel aud are often entertaining in conversation aud understand bow to make them selves attractive in the eyes of some girls. These girls tbiuk it roman tic to marry after a short acquain tance. They fail to take into con sideration the character of the mau whom tbey are about to choose as a partuer for life. Separation and disgrace follow marriage aud the youug womau whose life has beeu blighted, is forced to speud the re mainder of her days iu brooding over hasty action. She realizes when it is too late what a fatal blunder she baa made. Friends extend their sympathy, but this fails to remove the bitter paug from the heart of tbe unfortunate youug woman wbose life has been almost crushed out by the heavy blow. Sanford Express. A California preacher and doc tor, has iuveuted a. scalloped com muniou creep by which every member can drink through a dif ferent scallop. Scalloped commu- nion may become fashionable. . Woold Do His Fart. , Editor Yes, we need a man. Do you know bow to run a newspaper? Applicant No, sir; but I'm wil ling to learn. I've been in the business over ten years, -Puck. IX)UISBURG, HOUSEHOLD. ALCOHOL FOR GRASS STAINS. j It is claimed that alcohol will immediately remove grata stains from any white material. New York Recorder. NEW USB FOB GLYCERIN. In rave of illness, when the burn ng thirst of the patieut cannot be assuaged by water or cracked ice, it is said a teaspoonful of glycerin will afford prompt and com para tively'long relief. New York Re corder. LAMP BURNERS. At least once a mouth lamp bur- ners should be boiled in strong soapy water; lamp wicks should as often be washed iu soap suds; lamp chimneys shoul i uot be washed, but moisted with cream, apd polished with paper. A cloth and kerosene gives a good bright surface. FLOWER HINT8. Always pnll the leaves off tbe stalks of flowers before puttiutr them in water those which would be in the water, not those above it, and with flowers from any hard-stalked sort of shrub the bark should be peeled off as well as the leaves. The flower lives ever so much loDger if these precautions are taken. A scrap of charcoal in the water is also a great preserva tive. New York Recorder. SOFT GINGER COOKIES. One cup molasses; oue sugar; one-half cup shortening; two eggs, one tablespoon ciunamoo; oue table-s-poon ginger; one tablespoon soda; two table-spoou vinegar. SCALLOPED POTATOES. Cut raw potatoes into round, thin slices, put layers of potatoes, butter, salt and pepper, and add milk enough to nearly cover them. Bake about au hour aad abalf. SUET PUDDING, Four cups flour; one cup sugar; who vuy vuvppeu raisins; one cup suet; one sour milk; one teaspoou soda; steam two hours in a tin with a spout. Seave with a hard sauce of butter and suar rubbed to a cream aud flavored with vanilla. VEGETABLE SOCP. ' Chop fine one medium-sized cab bage and two or three good-sized ripe tomatoes or a half can of canned tomatoes; add a half can of sweet corn; boil together until quite done; dress with salt, pepper, butter and milk, using enough milk or water, as you like, to make the soup. CREAM PUFP8. One cup hot water; one-half cop butter; boil; while boiliug stir in one cup dry flour; stir into a smooth paste; when cold stir in three un beaten eggs; add a pinch of soda and stir tire minutes; drop on but tered tins and lake in a quick oven. Filling: One and one half cups milk; three-fourths cup sugar; one egg; two tablespoons corn starch; flavor with lemon or vanilla. TO MAKE LIGHT BREAD. Make tbe sponge in the evening, to rise uutil morning. Put a half gallon fresh buttermilk in a sauce pan, let come to a boil; grate and stir in one pint of potatoes while the milk is boiling; set aside until cool; sift in flour enough to make a thin batter, add half teacup of yeast, and stir well. In the morn ing stir in all the flour that yoa can with a spoon, salt to ta&te, let rise, work down, let rise again, make into loaves, let rise, and bake SO minutes in a moderate oven. Grease the tops of loaves, while hot, with butter. Let cool in pans. A story comes froo High Shoals, 14 miles from Athens, Ga., that Wo. Hoguewood was stricken dumb Sunday while jeering at re ligion. He had been a member of the Church but became an unbe liever and never lost an opportu. nity to sneer at religion. A Meth odist revival was in progress and Sunday afternoon while . Hogue wood was in the midst of a tirade against holy things he suddenly became dumb and has not snoken since. Ex. The Senatorial raeein Mississip pi is lively. There are seven aspi rants Spencer, Money, McLauriu, Hooker, Stone, Low ry and Joho 'Allen. Ex, N. C, FRD)AY,'FEBRUARY CAROLINA CULLLWS. (SEWS OF THE WEEK GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS i) THE STATE. Interesting and Important Items t rom Our Exchanges Condensed For Busy Readers. A large cotton mill is nearing completion at FayeUeville. It wifl be under the control of Mr. Walter riolt. The last Legislature made a law requiring a three inch board on top of all barbed wire fences along a roadway, as a protection "to stock. The law went into effect January 1st. The Greensboro Record says thnt the Seventh DayAdrentist. who observe Saturday instead of Sun day, havebeen indicted for mowing, burning brush, splitting wood, etc., on Sunday. In the case of T. H. .Martin, an alderman and prominent tobacco dealer of Durham, N. C, who was charged with hirine:A. A. Latta. an employe, to burn his (Martin's) prize house there, the grand jury failed to find a true bill. Concord Times: A very peculiar case of poisoning occurred in Salis bury on Tuesday. Mr. John L. Shayer was engaged in clearing away the debris of the Gaskill to bacco factory fire and from inhaling the fumes hewas taken violently ill. Ha is thought to be out of danger, although he is yet a very sick man. Joe White was sentenced at the last term of Cumberland Court to twenty-five years in the penitenti ary for the murder of Henry Good man. A compromise of murder in the second degree was agreed upon by the attorneys and the judge or dered the jury to return such a ver dict, and then gave White the sen tence above stated: A correspondent writing from Fayetteville to the North Carolina Christian Advocate says of the Board of Stewards of Hay street Methodittt church The Bonrd of Stewards at Hay Street Church is a live institution. Last Conference year, two weeks before its close, the Oi i . i ... otewarcM naa paid in full every Claim against them, t nd carried ... . over besides a balance into the Treasury f-r the current yeur. And all this without a single extra as sessment, and with comparatfve ease. Lieut. Francis Winslow, comman der of theNorth CarolinaNaval Re serves, reports that the monitor Nantucket, at Wilmington, in ten days has been put in good fighting shape, as far as her machinery is concerned; that the engines are ser viceable, and that the turret re volves properly. All this work was done by the naval reserves alone, but it is paid for by the Govern ment. The Durham Sun says a man named Burton, blind from birth, living in Person county, just across the Durham line runs a siore and tends to it all by himself. He can wait on a customer with ease, can tell exactly how much money you give him and always gives the cor rect change. He also keeps a lot of hogs and attends to them himself He is a bachelor. Knights of the Maccabees. The State Ctfmmander writes os from Lincoln, Neb., aa follows : " After try ing other medtcioefl for what txmed to be a very obstinal eoogh in our two children we tried Dr. King's New Dis covery and at tbe end of two days the cough entirely left them. We will not b without it hereafter, as our experi ence Droves that it cure where all other remedies fail. -Signed F C. Stevens Stat Com. Why not give this great medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed, trial bottles aw free at Ayrock & Co's. Drag Store. Regalar sixe 60c and $1. Couldn't Do Anything ? Teddie Tackle Do you mean to say Sapper couldn't get into col lege? Ed. Endrush Yes; perfect chump. Couldn't play football or baseball; couldn't row, cquldn'trun, couldn't play tennis, couldn't even pass the exams. Brooklyn Life. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of CanajoharW, N. jays that he always keeps Dr. Kinir's New Discovery in the honse and his family has always found the very best result follow its am ; that he woold not be without it, ir procurable. G. A. Dykeman. Druggist, CatakilL says that Dr. King's New Discoverv is undoubt edly the best Cough remedy j that he has used It in his family for eUrht years, and it has never failed to do all that i claimed f or it. Why not tryareroedr so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at Ayooeke & Co's. Drug 8 to re. Regular aise 60c. and $1.00. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor!' 7, 1896. WASHINGTON NEWS. HAPPENINGS AROUND THE NA TIONS CAPITAL.CITV The annual Pension bill as it has reached the Senate from the House, carries a total appropriation of $141,325,820, of which sum $140, 000.000 the same amount ns last year is for the pensioners, and the remainder for expenses of adminis tration. Since Secretary Morton assum ed charge of the Department of Agriculture, he baa saved out of the money appropriated by Con gress for the support of that de partment $1,430,000, and a con siderable sum will be added to that amouut at the close of tbe curreut fiscal year. Tbe House Committee on Agriculture has decided to utilize this money by erecting a uew building for the Agricultural Department which has outgrown the one it now occupies, which was built when the department was only a small bureau of tbe Interior Depart ment. It is proposed that work on the new buildidg shall begiu early in the coiniDg fiecal year. Senator George, of Mississip pi, who will after March 4th, 1897, be succeeded in the Senate by RepreseutatiAe H. D Money, says of Mr. Money: "I know him well and have kuown him siuce his boyhood. He has been my neighbor for mauy years. Our intercourse and communications on political subjects have been irequent and confidential. I have had opportunity to judge i ! the man from every point of view. ITT m . i . . tie is ol uublemiebed honor and of tbe strictest integrity- His native ability is of the best, and his courage, moral and physical, unquestioned. He had my sym pathy in his race for the Senate, although I took no etep to secure his election." Before Subscribing for a Magazine SEETHE BEST, DEMOREST'S AN UNPARALLELED OFFER. Demorest's Cut Paper Pattern! are the most practical oq . be market. They re of any tire that so; meuilv r of a house hold could reqnire. In en h copv of the Magazine i printed a ciupon eniiUimr tae (worth and rrgularlr told for S5c.) or an r ! ......... I . i uui uci u. pmicru inr lour CCQU tacfl to cover packtge und postage. hen the value ol the pniterna-u couiiden-d the nubscriber actually pe!s Demorest's Magazine Free And what a maaxine 41 i! Fru lRo it will be more brilliant than ever before. ew management, new method, new ideal. Each copy comaint an exquinte reproduction in colors of some celebrated picture by a fainoua artist, vrortby to tidorb the walls of the most refined home It is affirmed that Demorest's is the only complete Family Magazine publintieii oombiuing all ot the most excellent points ol it contemporaries, besides having in imitable fcU-ire of ill own. Demorest's is ectually a Dosen JJagsiiues in oue. It is a Iie-t of Current Events and laeas tor tbe busy mau or woman, a Kc View aud a Morehouse of interest for all. W ives, mothers rasters and daughters can find exactly what they need to auas- aud instruct t..ein, also practical helps in every department of domestic and social life, including the furnishing and oriu tuenling of lh home, embroidery, brin a brae artistic and fancy ork of n I kinds, etc., etc., uud suggestions aud advice re garding tbe well-being and dressing of their own petrous. The scope of the articles for 1S9j and 1898 will cover the whole country und iu varied interests, aud the articles will be profusely illustrated with the finest engra vings, and, iu addition, it will publish the best aud purest fiction. It treats at length Cut-of-Door Pports, Home Amu-emeni and Entertainments: it irire a vreat ileal of attention to the t-iiildren's Department, j and "Our Girls." aud ht.s a Monthly Mrin- I posinm by celebrate! 1'eople, in which are discussed important questions of the hour of interest to the older readers. Let us have yMir subscription at oner, You get more value for your money than it is possible to stcure in any other maga ine. The Magsxine one year lor $2.00. Or six mouths for - 1.00. Over 250 diffeient gannenta are aliown each year, patterns of all of which are obtainable oy subscribers at 4c. each. Sample copy with pattern coupon sent for 10c Demorest Publishing Co.. HO Finis Avenwe. Mew Yrk. MILL WRIGHTINQ. To thoo who own mills I an preparer) o build or repair all kinds of mill machinery and improve burrs for making nice flonr, also wonld rent a mill lor 1HWS. or work tor wage if euited. AdJrrsi tne at Youuga ville. K. C. tf L. E IlimisLoui. w 3 (VMranrhs. tlnsmsrat llnra Thrtoat. Craosi profD ptly: reJlercs WHpl Vmm gfc ad Aatbaaa. Fne Ceasaaptln rt baj no rival: baa eared thooaarwla where, all aUara failed; wUl cxraa too if taken In tlroe. Sold br Drurriata on a cnarantea. W Iia Back oeCbeaLuae SUH0 PLAfim. Seta. HILOH'SCATAHRH JlirvyVVUSWlBl A wra j mm a i eed to curt rou. Print Heta. Irjectoc fra sMMBa,MBPa. S W . SIlBtBf'VIT cv. THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BARIC. tomBcao, - - n. c Docs a general Banking business solicits deposits ou time or subject to check. nkCUUasa SpiAlty. Returns promptly made at rea sonable rates. Deposits received in SAVING'S BANK, in sums of 23 cents and upwards. OFFIfEHS. Wm BAILEY, President. J. S. BAR ROW, Caehier. oraECTOHpi. Wm. BnilPV. J. S. Harrow Dr. A. B. Hawktn. C. M. Cooke. W. T Hughes. W. J. Byerly, J. B. Tbomaj.. LOUISBURG Carriage Shops f H. C. TAYLOR, Proprietor. If your Carriage, Buggy, Wap- on or anything in that Imp ned repairing and you want it done right, bring it to me, and if you want your Carriage or Buggy n nainted in a firat-rl bring it to me alt?o. I have jurv-d' mv lime under a nrst-clasa pain ter and wood workman, can thr fore gaurantee satisfaction in all work entrusied to nj. I have a first-class black pmitb in the black smith ohop who ful ly understands everything about his business, fron; rho-ing a horse to irioning a fine ruggv. It dos not pav to have vour ' v. L . , , - worn to cdu up. o inn' it 1 , ' 11 i muun iu hi- nu-ir i n.i. ii r. ' UU.Nt RIGHT, mv t.rioi arw reasonable. j I make Buggies and Wagons to I order. If yon want a ood Home- i M ade Buggy or Wagon. iriv m i your orders, and you shall havr what you want. Thanking my friends for their patronage in the pat aud solicit ing the same in future, I am, Yours very respectfully, H. C. TAYLOR. Build up Home. by- PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE MALLORY DURHAM CHER- ROOTE CO. OF DURHAM. N C. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS .tND CIGARROS As can r found on the market. Their leading brands are "BULL OF DURHAM" A dime Cigar for a nickle. Hand Havana tilled. JULE CARR Named n honor of Col. J. S. Carr, Pres. Blackwell Durham fry loDaCCO VX)., O C-Lt Sumatra ranner 'RLACKWELLS DURHAM' Named in honor of Col. W. T. Blackwell, father of Durham 5 cent SumatraW rapper. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS 'AT 1 'TlirvT'ij TirMwvr- VJIA 11 L ii A. ilI.UUUl 5 for 10 cents. The fineat amok for tbe money. "OLD NORTH STATE" Cheroot, 3 for 5 cent, a ure winner that always plavs. Stick to home and ?end us your orders. Hallory Durban CTheroot Co. DURHAM, N. C. NOTICE. Rf vlrfn rf tk. rwiv.r mnfntnl in deed In truat ex-nted to m hv J n. W t'ittman ami P. rl. Pittman. bsa on the 7tk day of Den-isoer IHp-j. I wiH mA at tw Court lluuw door In Loatshnrgr ou Mop-la t tbe 10th day of February lii0 at pnbli aoctlon to tbe bigbewt txddVr lor mi I. KjrtU of tit price cask, rwiitst on rtWit of ten moat ba with tot erw trotxt day if V. tbe following trarU of Laad. Uvwlt: Ftrat, a tmet tit Land lying Tar lUver uljnioc tbe lands of J. II. Upper-man . L. T. Ilnrtna and otbera. cootaiainc 103 acre, it bfHag tbe tmet allotted to T. B. Hortoa ia tbe division aaaoDg tbe rnildren f T. C. Hor ton. Socon-1. a tract adjoiaiag th Inada ol Frank Ballard and otbeea lying on Hvrm more creek aod EeJ root branch aod ru taJning 5t arn-a. Tbird. the iofrwat ol PattseS. be o third, iatbe rereraion ia tba dower tract ut lira. Ma naa Ho to. nd)oiaiaaT tbe lasxla of Tatti rt. rrttaaa m-d otaeee, Irlax n tbe Loaks be,rg aad Xaabrflle road, eoataiaiac 117 aerea mora or lea. Tb aald t-m-A ia traet ia registered la Book 97 parw, IV- M. COOalK, T raster. Jaouarjr 9ta,18W. 0 LADIES AND QENTLEME N - jo: Who may with uire tampon ing or balr drwing done, will U well to call on W. M. ALSTON fc I. E. THOMAS. Ladies hav your barig cut right. We bar Dr. White new hair growet. Van's Mexican Hair Restorative, Ajer's Hair Vigor, TricopberoM for the bair and kio, nothing t beat it to keep the hair from fall ing out. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. Wc-ODAkP, Prop., R4xky MnV, N. C. Fm Bt BieU all uraitva, H. 3 pr day. FUANKLLNTON 110TKL FRA'KLINTON. 5. C C. 11 iiOBBS, Frp'r. Good accomodation for tb trTlia poblc. Good Liery Attached. SHOE MAKING MOSES WEST holds forth in rar of Thomas' Drug Store, (oh the alley where he do sbo" making and repairing, and guar-antf-s to do work a good an" cheaper than any Shoe-Mak in the State. Come and see for yourself. Respectfully, MOSES WEST. NOTICE 1 I have dcidd to reduce rot BEHS to 10 Hives. Will soli remainder for t3..r0 or hive, this includes top ctf-. These bs are worth (o.OO, for bees alone. Applv at once to A.'D. (IRE EN. R. R. CROSSEN. FIP-ST CLASS PAINTER. LOlLBCRC, C. I wUh tr off-r raj ricT to the tti'p lie, and will aj that I am prjreu i do all kinds of dovuw pa'.BtiDK. jrr. tit 1. v ing i:c. Mr w rk la L-.'Otaburr rV t or ttw-.f. s nd 1 ref er to a. 11 pa rtVe f whom I hue worked. Old farcitjr mait nw. (iiTe roe your j-a-troaa. and you ball bv plraaed. TrFslU IfllolejaiB grocers, RICHMOND, Va. Frompt attrition to orders s . sitl afartion (il'AHA NEED. TAKE NOTICE-! Oar hack is run to tbe deprK I for the benefit of pawengers wi ! pay, and while we do not wis I to be discourteous to anyone ' respectfully ask that all "desd ! beads" will either walk o- 'pay. HAYES & FULLER CHICKEN CHOLERA Can be cured bv using THOMA poultry idnVder. itaio-un- rovp and gape. Now i the ttu to u it. '25 cent a packagr. For aale bv w. g Thomas. in:cjt. lvouiebury, V C. tiiitt VAsuiTirs or noiorsiint. rou Pekin lorks. Whit boilaed Tarksv. T':k r r.s ali kinds at KbLt. ijoiwa Pijt. rw itr0 Poland Thina, ao1 rWrkh.r hr. rrtnstrw.1 Jer rattW. at1 tur bri 11. Bl1D CAlTie. r1S stin cattle. ryistT1 'rxater, rVltr si ut Bmafl doa MocUidk h.rda. Ci. birds aod 1'srmu Lvevjtfciec iui kept on a first eiaaa H k farm. ! kinds il atr ! WiH gi ss, HrtL' ! !to Ac. tn (Uh w hacdW. tk GoU. I K-d Silver, aod JspsMs fas tail. 1 i Foant ith rastW acd atsy variety ti ft. 1 at rviuinal4f prw-o j Skv trwh er or flay olo- -aJavs . hai 1 Kt.rt rg sraaratad to b . nr f rr, t i W ill r d4ivrr4 e i roormt.g Fks for sMtlr.g. frosa taorra I bn-d atork at $2 UO lor thirUw A i- . o toocs; pfMigrewd lul lor aaie at r. i iin.KU 1 1 1 mm mluli1H.f.lff at4-ft 1 I . 1 I iDtt BaoDtKa, after tbe oat a raj rat ! r-kr. ar pa. tr. .til t kp at nrtd batter alaaya cm baad. aad b 14aV0- ItlllK HIT rDirifM. W reel an , I: rr-rro evrrv Bnrtint. " dsjrao T o fine fioVwtvia catvM Uit aU. o-t I and uue -i-r pitra rrasnstbl WC1 ' i. if J tj beikr. In milk tba sHatee. a i' llvUrin roe ia tailk. We orr a t ofH.rtonity fur tamer to iasprove tk i trl V,avnrs alsiava srks. axr MD.1ay. a baa T'OTltry "Y arda ad pv at . -I Iuim aill tmt rWi. CaM a or mta lr i J A. OREK'. L.abjrg. X r NOTICE. Havirs; rnaJiai aa Adwiintrator ' 1 J A . id. all rrsM oeieg bM rsta: . - j notified to ake payaaeal at oat, aa f ; ,ffrua boldiac riaima agalnet k a ; win pra nt tba lor ray event os trr b - -a 1 Janoarj lb rh 1)997. or Tbm UTJn a. lff pesid ia bar of triaar recovery. Jcujaary lta lbC. O. L ELUS. Ar t r4 K A. SPKF.D FOR SALE. Farm of Dio acres in Warr-o Ciuuty adjoining Frank.-. County and Ijing in the fork Shocco and Fishing-creeks, ' a mil from Ransom's Bnd.-. Soil adapted to the T)wth t bright tobacco, cotton, gr. clover and peppermint. TVrn : Ono bundrtHl and eiitbty-f.' dollars cash, balance one. and three years. For fottl.'t particular apply to Chabxxs J. Aito. nsoxna Bhd, "S . C ) ii ii