VOL. XXV; LOULSBURG, N. C, :FRIDAYy FEBRDARY 14,1896. NUMBER 52. ft 1 ' ft 6 ' ft .ft ' ft w 0 . ft I 7 ft, e 1 teadar School ttirJik. 41. t''v&.-L Meti fettOCUf Gko. b.' Baser-Sapt.' ' Preachiu' at 11 A. M.t and'7:.P.. !MLV every Sunday. .' Prayer meeting Wednt&day night. . ii. F; mith, Paetor. , . B. B. MiSSBNSURCf, t ATTdaNBT AT LA.W. ; PEA? BEFORE YOO WfilTB. Have yotf any unkind thoughts?' ; Do not write them down. ; Write Bo ward tliat jtivrth painf ' V?ri tten words may long remain. uare you beard some idle tale? - Do not write it down. Goseipe may repeat it o'er Adding tq its bitter store. Have yon any careleee jest? tiury it, and let it ret; It mav wonnd some loving breast. Words of love and tenderness, ? Worr'a of tgath aad kindliness. ; Word of comfort for the aad. .w o.rdB ot gladness for the glad,' - LOUI3B0BG, N. C. Will practise In all the Courts ef the feT 'rds ot 90,,8el fr the tad OuJco la Court House. c. L COOKB tSON, AT ro&NK rS-AT-LAW, . . W1U attend the courts of 'Nash; rrattklLn, Oi iuf lU i, W'arrwn suia Watte counties, also tne ut.MJae Coart oiortli Uirolino, hud tbe U. il uircau. a,ua District Courts. 1 , Wrp1v writ thi down Words, though small, are mighty things, Papse "before you write them;. Little words may prow'aud bloqm With bitter breath or sweet? perfume. Pray before yon, write them - U1 a. J. a.' maloa'k. O.iice two uoors peiow . Aycocae t dru store,: adjoining -Dr. 0. U Jiltta.J Co.'s J&IL- NICHOLSON, " PR ACTIcila' PHYSICIAN, : '.' LOUISB0K8, , c. F. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, r LOUlSBUiie, s. c. Wtll attend the oourts of Franklin. Vance, Graavlll, Warren nd Wake polities, also tne Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt sttputivn given to cotleutiona, c. T H03. B. WILDER, - AXTORNBY-AT-kAW, -tOUISBUaO, K. c. Otnce on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's tore. .Sunday Selections. ' '. :- - T. W. BICKBTT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L0UI3B0H9 S. C. Prompt ah 1 painstaking attention given to every m itttir Intrusted to his hands. lief a rs to Chief JtutioeSlmphard, Hon. Joha M la.iiujf, tloa.tALort. W. W'liistou, Hon. J. C. Baxtjn, Prevrst "NatlOntil Bnk of Win ston. ainn 3l!inly, Winston, Peoples Bank of ilouroe, Chs- BT-iyiorPres Wake For est Colloge, Hon. K W..XVml-erlake. 0 Boo in Court House, opposite (sheriff's. -yy M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUHO, H. C. Practices in all courts. Office in the Court House. Tbe .Master's - work may make weary feet, but it leaves the spirit "Young Christian, to the meas ure of your capacity you are as re sponsible for the fate of the world as Jesus was." Herou. Failure aftef a loug perseverance is much grander than never to have a striving good enough to be called a failure." George Elliot. 'No man ever cast the wealth of bis life and the crown of his de votion at the feet of Jesus without quickening the earth with a di viner life and uplifting it with a new courage." Heron. -yy , IL YARBOROUGH, JK. ATIORNEY AT LA.W, LOUISBTJRQ, N. C. Office on seeoudfi aor of Neal building Muiu Street. 111 lraral business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention Dentistry, .CAROLINA CUULINGS. . HfiWSOP THE WEEK GATHERED FEOM ALL PARTS OF THE STATE. Intereftting and Important Itema From Oor Exchanges Condensed For Busy Readers. Thus far the farmers State alli ance has secured $2,600 for its shoe factory at Hillsboro. " There are:;18l students at tbei cricuituraL and Mechanical College at Raleigh, "Mattocks, the man who stole blauk i checks on tobacco ware bouses at Raleigh and Durham aud other markets, and who was arrested at Durham, gets 4 yoars on ine roaus oi tne iauer county. In the penitentiary is a pris oner who goes under the assumed name of Harris, who has been recommended for pardon, but the Governor reiuses to grant it be cause the prisoner will uot di vulge his real name. v7e are in clined to agree with the Wil mingtou Messenger, which says: "He calls himself Harris, aud if he has another name he is neither better; nor more innocent. Harris shows, perhaps, that de,- based as he is, he still has some proper family pride, and does not wish to, bring reproach or smirch upou it. This might be more commendable in him than a desire to give publicity to bis name so as to stain and afflict a WASHINGTON KKWS.- V. H. EDWARDS OF WAKE FOREST, N. C. Will visit Louinburg on Monday, Tuesday ami iVwdaesdav following the first Sunday in v:u:ii miinth prepared to do all kinds oi Dvural work. 0 fluu over Jones. & Cooper Store nxt. door to T. B. Wilder Law oifiVe Do to-day's duty, fight to-day's Uufferinir familv. The governor's temptation, and do oot weaken: cuflosity U .npt - judicious or and di'stract vouraelf bv looking proper If this is a proper case Jt L fots the intervention of the de- lurwaru to v'Jiuifs wuicu you can- , . , ' , , fenseless 'pardoning power, not see, and could not understand 8Ure,y a faiire to give his name if you saw tbem. Lbarles Kingls- to an anxious and curiosity ley. .' ' , struck chief judge should not o- "j.-i debar him from the executive . I clemency and grace. Winston it IB me eamo ywaicruay, to-uy gentiuel. ana forever, wnen Acnan nia The Colonization Bureau, of he wedge of gold aud the goodly New York, has completed the Babylouish garment under ajot, I purchase ofp20,000 acre of land he doubtless said this is a siivUhat Moore coutit, on J wbat is , . , t, . , kubwn as Sha's Ridge,' and can hurt nobody. But the deadly . . , . - -? ' , , ' . proposes to colonize 1,500 fami- effectof that secret sin manifested iiea? there itbia-year. The land itself in the defeat of Israel. What reaches ;to within ten miles of we do in defiance of God's law, Southern Pines, and lies along though done in secret, will pro- the Cape Fear and Yad kin VaU i i e u v ley rsuway. ouuw u aww aiui ro.. HAPFENIN(S AR0D5D THE 5 A TIOSS CAPITAL CITY. Senator Hansbrungh Introduced a bill to create a natiqnal art com mission consisting of five persons eminently distinguished in litera ture and fine arts tr -examine all works of art offered for sale and donation in the United States, and to examine annually the Govern ment art collections in tne lapitol and CoLgressional Library. Senator Hill, from the Committee on Judiciary, reported a substitute for the resolution providing lor a special committee to inquire into the imprisonment of Logene V. Debs Toe substitute directs the Judiciary Committee to investigate the law upon tbe whole subject of contempts of court unenforced by theFeu eta! Court, aad report to the Senate, what additional legisla tion, if any , is necessary for the pro tection of the rights of citizens. The House Committee on Invalid Pensions has completed the consid eration of Representative Pickler'B general pension bill, ihe amend ment of most. importance provide that when fraud i alleged tbe alle gations shall be in writiug nnd un der oath, that tbe person affected shall be-furnished a certified copy of them, and that be shall be pro vided with the names of the persons bringing the charges. "Order 229" of tbe Pension Bureau is abolished by a provision whfch permits appli cants to swear that they know tbe substance of papers nUnl by tbem to be true. The limit of income allowed a widow below wbicb amount she is entitled to a pension is raised to 30O. The House Committee on Pen sions has ordered favorably re ported the bill fr the relief of the . MILL WRIGHTINQ. To thoM who on saifU I am prepared v build or repair Q klads oi tsill naefcisarr aad improve bwrrs for soakiag Bier flowr, Jso wosVd rent s stin lor loua. or wrk lor wsss if snilsd. Addrvas ville. K. C. tf L. E. BitrtALoHiv. NOTICE. Mort- itnX, ag, y VALUABLE UIQ EOH SALE. I bsta two traeu of Iaa4 In SaaAy CrsHi township, S00 and UO seres raepactlvely. wU watered sad Umber!, sod test low roasds la the eoonty. F1b tobsseo laaa, Caa tm ooniTDt st r igsl Ofures sad op vy maj terms. T. T. ITOWT. St Louis barf. St. C By vf rs of power 4vb bs Im KsJbs UlaUM Bd wtSs. 4 reoro4 Im Bt YoBSgB- J fi, pif. 440. ( wUl mil at to rrt Hobs door Is uoolsbBiY. n C.ea Mosxlsy Psb'T.lTta. 189e.BOrtla tract r4 U4 la taa io of ToasfsrUU, admass las; loa of w. T. Toaacaad otsw. aad aaor fsly (SearribBd la aad Biortcaxt dasd. Term Cash. PERRT k P1TTEBSOX. MortafMw NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Tbe firm of R. P. Taylor k Co. bars tbin day dissolved by aintQal eoiuMst. parties bnidinic daima strain t said firm will pre sent tbem to Ayeoeke k Co fur paymeot. Thoar owiojr said firm will pay it to Ay cock e k Co. Amorce k Co. h. P. IlTWt Jan. 23. 1806. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of power contained in a wort- np exemted br O. B. Move to D B fitaiey doe and payable on the 29tb day of Aognst 1P93, and registered in book . P. pajte 120 in the Register of Deds ofScw of Chatham count v and transferred to m part of mv vrsrs support ss widow of D B. 8taley deceased, which said sseigrtmest of mortraire is recorded in word of a counts D. in the offle of the (Teri of th Court of Chatham eouotv. aol farther power conferred opon m under jndrmnt of tbe superior lurtol r rsnklm conntr at tbe rvfrniar term ol tbe Uoo rt in Jsnssry 1W96. I will sell at public suction for cash, to the highest bidder on Woodsy February 24th. at the court house door in LoutsuurK the following articles of pemoLal property, to-wit: One J- H. C. 2 horse wscon and harness. 2 mnles. dark bays, 1 nsmed Kit, one named Mollie. Mas. D B. Stalky, Uortcagee. Coora A Son. Attorneys. NOTICE. . By Tirtwa of power ftvwa as la a ltorv PMfs dwl. iiksM 4asmary nu iiho. ay atwly Plppo aad wile, aad reconWd hi KeWters offtre of Fraatrra eoaatv. Book. 7X. Pace 2&A, 1 wiB sHl at tb Coart Uosh door la LoeWbarjr, K.C, ua Moaday, Tea, 17th )8V8. a cnis tract of Uad Is Da SB towasaip PraakBa roast y, adota4ss' Uada of Davis Tsav i. at BeU aad others, aad known ss the Wealy Ptppta Htd pia coats laiaff ICO seres. TVrsa Cms. 4. B. PEAKY. Martcaxew. NOTICE. TTsrlor misJinxJ aa AumfwUtrator t WiUUsa Perry, ralored. all persoaa owisc his eatst ar sotifitd to asahe paytawat at oDce, aad all rersoss hold in els Ian ea stoat bis rststa will prewewt th-ss for pyovest on or before tbe fttssy of Jssoary 1SV7. or this DOtirw will be pead la bar of tbau reeovery. January Pth 1894. O. L- ELLIS. Adm'r. of WILLI A U PEHBT LADIE3 AND GENTLEMEN. - Who may Ua !cw bsccpa log or hair drttsing-'done, will d veil to call on W. M. ALSTON. k I. E. THOMAS. Ladle have yoar bang cut right. We batfe Dr. WhlU atw hair rower. Van's Mexican Hair EnUatlvr, Ajer's Hair Vlgar, TrlcxrDrwtMi for the bair and skin, aotkleg to beat It to kcpjlke bair frcra fail log ulT HOTEL WO0DARO. VT. C. Woo AkB. Prrfs Borkj MsBi, 5. C. free Ba suras all traiaa. 53 per dsy. FOR SALE. 442 acres ot land in Franklin Township, 5 miles We-twardly from Franklinton, embracing tbe plao. known as the old Sallv Moore place, will be offered at public sale at the Court House square in Louls- burg at fifteen minute past one Greensboro Christiau Advocate. Go and do good to others. Like the wise man briug your offer ings, and offer to the new born J Oils " Kttt i"$ tVs b of ,ove " ''TiifrTiifNKH andf frank-iirce'fiie or praise and i prepared to do atl kind of tin-work, re I myrrh of penitence. Bring every thing of your heart's . best and somewhat of your substance also, for this is a day of good tidings I and ' it were unseemly to appear before tbe Lord empty. Come and worship God manifest in tbe flesh, and be filled with His light and sweetness by the power of the Holy Spirit. Chas. H. Spnrgeon. . survivors of certain Indian wars Q.clock on Friday the 31 to dav of January A. D. 1896. Tbe last and highest bidder above flfteu hun dred dollars will take the land. This property will be subject to private sale at any time previous or subsequent to the above date. Wsi. E. LeDcc, Receiver of the Peo ples National Rank of Fayettville,N. C. and their widows. The measure ex tends to this class, tbe provisions of the act of July 1892, which will give a pension of $8 per month. Tbe extension of the act will benefit those who served in the Semiiole war of 3818, tbe Fevre River ) war of 1827, the Sabine Indian dis turbance of 1836-7, tbe Cavus Indian war of 1847, the Texas and New-Mexico war of 1849-55, the California Indian disturbances of 1851-2, the Utah Indian trouble of 185053, aud the Oregon aud Washington war of 185.1. FARMERS ALLIANCE. .i i i i in p.-Mi-ui. OE'J. Ail worK guaranteed, jria.ee ot biwiurfs on ilrtin afreet in hoaae recently o-;;:a pi--. t bv F. Farrish. RU F RN &.L EJflf IS. BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all kinds of work in oar line. Call to see us at our shop near the Loaisbarg mills. . i i i D1R. IK,- 23. JECI3iTC3-, DENTIST, LODISBURG, N. C, Office over Racket Store. Graduate Baltimore Dental College. Twenty-four years active experience. ARTIFICIAL TBRTB A SPECIALTY. Natural teeth r -moved and new ones inserted in TWEXTY MI5UTES. 'Next to the air we breathe,' writes Dr. F. P. Venable in the December Bulletin of the North Carolina Board of Health, ihe free- slnm of t Vio ajb n t Ar w A drini? from ii w ...-.-fa I ' " L ouisburir is my home-"for better or all that endangers health should worse" ana you win always nna me :A n- mnt. cnriPBrn ' And ret work that maji prove juhsatisf actory. onr drinking water is more often very truly. than not a matter of choice. Lo- R. E, KING, Dentist. It Cuts Loose From the bub-Treasury Plank. The Supreme Council oT"the Na tidnal jarmera Alliande which has been in session in Washington, D. is the section which, of all in this country, is the most1 favorable to tbe cure of consumption, accord ing to high medical authority. 1 North Carolina has one couuty that is small aud very peculiar. It. ia rar a rniintv without In r- mers. Its people fish ouly. They C.,' adjourned Thurad ay of last week are reported as uot growing a 1 leaving their demands in the hand bale of cotton nor a bushel of BiiUUPi mmif t h nrmi wheat. Do tbey make corn and Congrea. The qTjestion potatoes and peas? There is ... . . . . Hyde county, often referred to twhich provoke einost discuss.on as the irreat coru coui.tr of tbe ;waa th5fl?QC!P0,,cy of the 00011 State North Caroliua's little tL xAftra'greatldeal of argument Egypt. But, in fact,' eight or the fiftaacial plank promulgated teu Counties make more corn by thf silver conference here a year thau Hyde. Ex. ago waa adopted, as follows. "We Trone Wilson, an aged negro demand ji nationt 1 currency, safe, convict who Was pardoned from scyund, and flexible, issued by the the Gedrgii penitentiary by Gov- gfeneral government only, a full eruor Atkinson last Tuesday, is tender for aU debts and receiv- probably the last slave to receive . d and an Muitable hanrit. or PrAaidnnt Lin. . . .. . . Before Siburillt: for i Uigulu SEE THE BEST, DEMOREST'S AN UNPARALLELED OFFER. Demoreat'a Cut Taper Pstteraa ars the most practical on ine market. Tney sre of sny siae that any member of a hosse- hold con Id require, la earn copy m me Vlagaaine is printed a oc upon eniiiliaK the suhseriber, or pnrrhaser, 10 a pauern (worth aud reiruiarly sold for 35c.) or tor number of patterns for fonr eenU eseh u cover psckaffe and postage. When the vsloe of the patterns is considered the abscriber setusllr gets Demorast's Magazias Free And what a mar tine itisl For 1896 i will be mere brilliant tbaa ever before. New. management, lev meinoos, new ideas. Each copy contains an exqaisite reproduction in celors of some celebrated picture bj a famous artist, worthy to adorb the walla of the most refined home it is affirmed that Demorest's it the only complete Familv Macasinc published combluingall ot the most excellent poinu LOUISBURG Carriage Shops, H. C. TAYLOR, Proprietor. If your Carriage, Bugjrv, Walt on or anything in that line nedi repairing and you want it done right, bring it to me, aud if you want your Carriage or Bugjry re painted in a first -class manner, bring it to roe also. I have srwd my time under a first-class pain ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurantee satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. I have a first-class black tmith in the black smith shop who ful ly understands everything about bis business, from shoeing a horse to irioning a fine buggy. It does not pay to nave your work botched up. so brinvf it along to roe where it W ILL BE DONE RIGHT, my prices aw reasonable. I make Buggies and Wagons to order. If you want s cod IIoke- Madb Buggy or Wagon, give me your orders, aod you shall have what j cm want. Thankinc my friends for their FUAJiKLLNTO HOTEL rzxvzimoy, id c. C. if. HOBBS, Frp'r Good aeeotaodatioa for LrBsaliaf pnblle. Good Llrery AtUekod. 8HOE MAKINOl MOSES WEST holds forth in rear of Thomas' Drug 8tore, (on the alley where be does shoe making and repairing, and fjuar antees to do work a good ar4 cheaper than any Ehoe-Maktr in the St&ta. Come and for yourself. Respectfully, MOSES WEST. NOTICE I I have decided to redufA mv BEES to 10 Hives. Will sell remainder for 13.50 per hive, this includes top tai. These bees are worth $3.00, for bees alone. Apply at oum to A. D. GREEtf. R. R. CR039EN, FIRST CLASS PAINTER. LoctsBcae, . c I wish to offer my BrrvWwa to Tvoh pea lie. aad will say that I am prepaid t. do all klads of hoaas palstiax, rraia patronage in tbe past and solicit ing the same in future, I am. Yours very respectfully, II. C. TAYLOR. iag Ac. My work la LooWbarjr aph for itself, aad I refer to ail pari Us fi -whom I have worked. Old fort liar mads bw. Give caa yoar paMrcfeac aad yon shall be pleased. j 0 k R. S CrlRjSTIAN RICHMOND, Vi. ' Home. Build up BY- PATRQNIZIN6 HOME ENTERPRISE MxVLLORY DURHAM CHER RCiOTE CO- of DURHAM. - N C. YARBOROUGH & DAVIS, The Blacksmiths OF LOUISgUBG. All work in our line done on short" cation of wells or springs, with re spect to refuse matter and drain- i age, stables, nrshes, etc., etc., but seldom enters into considera tion. "It is not overstating tne matter to say that of all sources of diseases, drinking water is the notice, and satisfaction guaranteed, most Drolific, of all means of We have onr new shop (the old ten pin 8prea(iiug disease drinking water tlley) in good shape and are better pre- F0"o m pared than ever to serve our custo- " most sure. In certain sections SS fli i. Al ! - ' A. A mers. 01 our oiate mis is quite apparent isnLUAT the Bridge. MiSJ JS&Sl BliACK-SmTHTNG. people when tbeyW to drinking where i am well known and prepared to do artesian water instead of spring or my sum) work. I hope you will see me as i .i ttt 1 1 von hava done before. You will find me on shallow well Water. We may all tbe Bist side or the River Dnage, wain Bweet,' takft the ounce of Drevention DV Loalsbarg-N. C While I amtlolng- all kinds K8 HOw ounce oi provoiinou uy of blacksmithlnff, don't forget fhat I am also guarding well OUT Water Supply. the coin's emancipation proclama tion. Trone was in jail in Lib arty couuty aj accessory to a murder when the negroes were set free. He was afterward sent ing corporations, and in sufficient to the penitentiary, where he I volume for the transaction of the xueeuay, Dusinessoi cue counuryjon a casa and efficient means of distribution of this currency directly to the peo ple, at the minimum of expense and without the intervention of bank- f its couwasrwiraries, besides haviar in- milable fsatare of its own. Demorest's is eciuslly a Doxcn llagaxines in one. U is a Digest of Current trmu and laess tor the bosv mss or women, a Hc- view and a Storehouse of interest for sJl has remained until when he was released, and he nioyed the first breath of free air he has ever knowu. Newton Enterprise. basis." In renewing rtheir - demands, so often set' forth ,Hh& council reluc tantly cut adrift the weather-beaten BiiK-froaaiiru .rita fnrmfwi All Tee. . hnprlpn ftf T L vp- tt rm .v A t- cr:u "V.- I j j Discovery know iu value, and thow who oat Btrqnglv for Iree sdver nave not, uave now toe upporiuuity wi ogam tsi.es s-aua 4., now try it rree. uiu on ue aaverasea ever Thege changes were not Druggist and Ret a. Tr;al Bottle Free. ... ..1. a i 8end your name knd laddresa- to H. B. I accomplished without a great deal Backlen & Co., Chicago, and get a sam- of opposition and some warm ds pleqi of llrl Kmy New Life Pills T x tree,, as well as .a copy of Guide, H itTTT "Tf Health and Uoosehold Instructor, tfree.- vr.uj .u.wlvu All of which is-rnaranteed to do voulthe more pronouncnd silver advo- good and -cost you nothing at Aycocke 1 catea were for putting everything lust . baveafew sons whlch I prp:taea lo repair y on new loeks c I ! have repaired that will be sold if not called for u ten da vs. CENTKAJU.Hp'IKb J I Sfansfitcnbiiirg I?ropir HENDERSON, N. C. Good accommodations. Good fare; Pe lite and attentive servants. OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. ; Good accommodations for the traveling public i'l' f-,.. ' DO YOU. )ff A i! HOUSE If so you will do well to write, or see J. Levister. at Louisbursr. N. C, before contrautir sr. .Plans. pecifleatieos amd'estinLateiinade If You Are a Lover. Don t be top fond. A husband don't be miserly, nor flirt with liberty. A mother, don't be too lenient. A father, don't be too harsh. Ax8on or .daughter, don't be ashamed of your parentage. ' . A pastor, don't be too dignified,' rior too cold ly reserved. r . A church member, don't be hy percritical of the pulpit. ' An employer, don't bo afraid, of ooerpaying. An employee, don't be afraid .of j6v.err7prklug4 l f-;.vtW' - A dressmaker don't delay -yoqr work. . Tv A, custom rjdon't delay yoar pay. - Xs ft'e&lesraan, don't overrate & Co's. Drug Store. Covetousness is condemned in both the Old and New Testa ments. .' Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Backlen f & Co, Chicago; and get a free sample box or l)r tt.lng's,;ew Ldfe mis. A trial win convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective la the care of Con stipation and Sick Headache. .For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaran teed tx be perfectly free trom every de leterious substance and to be purely vegetable.' ' They ydo not weaken .by their action: but bv eivinar 1 tone to Stomach and bowels greatly Invigorates tbe system. ' Regular size 25c.. per box. Lold byAycbcke ft-o.Druggists. . ; . Excellencies of Salt. - . If after having a tooth polled the,mooth is filled with salt and water it will ally the danger of naving a uemurrusgo. u- -r : To clean willow furniture use a< and water'."-Apply it with a nail brush, scrub wel) -And dry ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS .iND CIGARROS As can oe found on the market. Their leading brands are Prompt attention to order, an snt ifaction GUARANTIED. a TAKR MrTIf!R 1 I Our hack is roo to the dpo for the benefit of pasaengers wka pay, and while we do not wiak U be dlfrcourteooa U anyone wa respectfully ask that all "dead heads" will either walk or "PJ" HAYES S YUiLEll. CIIICKLV CHOLERA Can b cared bv using THOMAS PflULTRY POWDER. Italso'cursw bocf and Girn. Now m tha tics to oe it. oenU a package. "BULL OF DURHAM Wives, mothers, sisters and daughters ess A dime Cigar for a Dickie. Hand find exactly what thsy seed to smss aud if. fiii-j instruct ttiero, also prseucal helps ia liavaua Uliea. department ol domestic and roraaieoy . G TOOMAS, Druggist, LnuUburg. N. C. else in the backjrround and making this most prominent of theirs 'de mands. While they did not succeed altogether, the- election of Mann. rage aa President waa a decided victory for the silver men. Amonir the other matters dia- poeedoftyesterday waa the appoint-' mefatofia committee to go before Lpngreas wttn contpiaints concern imr alleged outraces on the Lfaaxwel 1 a 1 A Ik. v Moinea.'Rivit raut in Iowa, and 1 the Sierra Forest grant in ualiior nia. It is claimed that members Cf. the alliance were illegally evictAI from these granta in favor of cor porations, and that two alliance men -were killed ' on the Maxwell, grant. This matter will be broegh before the proper1 Houe committee, at once. The-t3nance" eomipitU wiU go before' the Hdus Coumitt y on 'Bankings and " Currency latrain; and TOtsent the demands , bitLw alliance as agreed upon yesterday.' A resolutioo was adopted yeaterCl aay -oppoaiag vae prupjJuoavo refund the ' Pacific Railroad debt. The nest aanual meeting, of the alliance will be held at Dallas; pfo 1 vided that city makes sntfideatly atrenuou efforts - to secure tbe every depsrtment 01 oomesuc ana socibi life, ineludinr the furnishing end otns- mentinf of the home, embroidery, brie s- brsc srtituc aod isney fork ot ail a inns, etc etc.. and snrjresUons and adviee re- yarding the well-heing and Creasing of their own persons. The scope ol tbe articles tor is a ana 1S96 will cover the whole coantrv and its varied interest, and the articles will be profusely illustrated with the fiaest engra vings, and, in addition, it, win puoiisn ui best and purest fiction. It treats at length Cut-of-Door tiporta, . Horns Amacmenis snd EnterUiansents; it give a great deal of attention to the C-alldren's Department, and "Onr Girls," and his a Monthly Sym posium by eelebrsteil People, in which are discussed, important qaesuons 01 uic hoar of interest to tbt older readers. " Let us ha-year SBbscriptiosk at once. You ge mora value tot your mehey thsa it is possibl to-aecaraia sfty other msga siae. 1 '! 'J ?' V' U ' JThe IfagaalMBOBrear taejXOO. Or six months for - 1X0. Over S50 diffeient garments sre shown each year;, patterns of all of vhich are obtainableby snbsortbaravat. 4c each. Simple cop? witar pattern coojon sent for JULECARR Named 'n honor of Col. J. 8. Carr, Pres. Blackwell Durham Tobacco Co., 5 cect Sumatra Wrapper LACKWELLS DURILVM' Named in honor of Col. W. T. NOTICE. HsvisgqaaHftsd as idmisistrater '4 A. Spswd. sll peraoae owieg his swaata arw aoUBsd to aakr pavavrst s oaea. aad ell persons soldi sg eiems acaiaet his ,ata w Jasa peyaseas aa wr t8U 1W7. or this aaUea Js.se try t Btk irrJi. or tas 1 be pW4 is bar ol tsier recovery. Jaasary 9a IBM. O. L.FXUa.ASsr wici.efsuiD, FOR 8 ALE. Farm of 1&5 acres in .Warren Blackwell. father of Durh anx I rvvnntw arllnlninff ' Franklin 5 cent SumatraWrapper. Count v and It in a in b foA of LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG- Sfcocco and tithing crwkt,) of ARR08, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. "OLD CHUNK" HEROOTS 5 for 10 cents. The finest smoke for tbe money. "OLD NORTH STATE" lpe. 1. DensfBst 1 Publishing. Co. HO FtrUa Atcbbb. Bsw Tarfeu ; " f : ' r-i King & Pleasant .Will aefl yon a floe tail or made salt of v loth re- fyora S.0O to 8e a mile irom rvansom xi lure. Boil. adapUd to the growth of bnsbt tobacco, .cotton, frasa, clover and peppermint Terms: One hundred and eigbty-five dollars cash, balance one, two and three years. For further particulars, apply to Charlxs ALfTO, RanBoiiMi'Bria'je, J7. C. Cheroot, 3 for h cents, a sure winner that always pleases. Stick to home and send us your ruma Ram 1X3 H! ITia orders. 1 1 Ui UlaUv tUlt Vt wiVhsinr ar'ua PaaU from k23 to $10.00. si atne.'7;0 ::" V J i tUessT Oaedssv SxasMnse r Crown prompOy; fBllevea V h voe las-Cm KB. tMSBSStXtiiwSMt BBS BO rlvah sMSsrsdtlsssaiwssu-; Tailed: wincxraxrrou if taken ito ttttm Sol . bv rrrteU on a cusrarttee. T Lama ipac aTci'naiaUlLOU'ii VULSMM. ta. ILOirsCATABRH RELIEDY; Uallorj Oarfaaa Chsroot Co. DURHAM, N. C. E.F. YARBOROUGH Me Fixe and Acci- -dent Insurance.: ' 'touiSBURa, n. a , . ... ' . Safe. Bailable Companies. Office in the Neal building- npstairsi, t, .ntf.. t f to tiun tittmn or tbobovsvbbstb . 1 Towts, PeWa Daeka. Whit hoJlaad Twrteyi Pig eoaa. aJ) kiads ol Rabbits. Oarae fi.re istersd Palaad Odaa. aad fJarkaiisa hoc. recWtervd Jers eatxJa, aad awra, Bvd lloi rtssa cattle. rsrierwd oiater. Brtssr. aad SU Beraard dosca. MawSSast saraav xastry birds aad Parroaa. Kvaryiaias; anaaJfty kept aw a tret daav stork tares. Pwreral kiod of water fowle Wild gveaa, Rrasta. 8waa A. Of ash we haWle, tad tloklew Red Rlrer Bad Japasa laa fafV Taw i'waat with eaatle aad aay vartsty af Sab at raaaoaaase prtra. r . Sttresaegas oas day od-Jways a Vaad. Evry rx iurBtsi us tm aa MUaa Barrel uf krea and MiA. tha old . Ball toawrr! 1 raj fflaxsr frota oo ha td to tba other filled with nor Uamer. thai will o4 eaaae a headache, aor a pais to flatter, aad raa Bred stock at I J OO tov.thsrtawawu X-e M of roass pxftansd tow hi tor aaie aa 1 aaaass arieaa toaaHJariaer aaawk. Ia winter ssoathsv BTtr the aeteral rhlrkewa are goa. Orre wffl aa kept al a tisaeaaWtryiaf ssse eUeaew. aad batter sJvaja ea baad. dad wifl to da- Two taa Hoastsea carras fr aala. 1 SBdwBrWsr prtra reaavieshis. STUI sw rrwy hJtr,rs mil thw wtasec. slew tjalwUswataBk.-tre' aaVf ' a Uav aiiy to laraasra ta lsmprara tkwar sock. V k tors alwere wHsasss. axera Baaday. ahew-Pawitry Tarda a4 aaawa trUJ pe si see il, v-w wr wrrss J a.. GIZ&X. on burot balldioxf, &t. 7-l-aa. , - your gooaa. tticcsogB. thoroughly, , ia mi rULACTB T In" irwpiy m oc4 be obtained trom U- w ail. CaadtooMcarou. Jvrwsgcta. s