8, . c best n in arger eased. son-: receive boys or ,f':'. VOL XXVI. M etkodist Church Directory. . Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. 8. Baser. Supt. Preaching at 11 A. ii., and 7 t. A., every sJunday. Prayer mating Wednesday night. L0UIS5URG. N. 0, FRIDAY, FEBRDARY 21, 1896. KDilBECL ammmm i wiwg-aii , a, n-jr. jjsas-snh-.rsw. f)aa B. B. MA.SSBS3UBQ, BUSINESS MAN'S SOLILOQOY. SOME DI3T1NCE AF1EB SSAZXSPEARS. Leaksvilie Herald. To a-1 vertise or not advertise, - . : . . I . : i nan lap qu"Nblun: A.X XO&SSY ITLivv. ' LOtflSBUkta, s. c Vili rictij.y i l Ul tue Court jf a 3. t'-MlS-iii. '((.IAS aoaf, I-ii.-i- ii'.'iitt, S. CL )1 JUS'l, tT'iiUKiia, .irui . jrii cr niLii Which to-du. is, and to-aiorrow seat to cnuke the kttciien fire. Or is put apoii the pantry shelf ( Xith oar tui dowa the the chances ten to ! Or t.i Ttike op ur:ns against this mighty sea i .-td'VM t-isiug ' e Au ! uj;-fitti'i- perhaptf our goods. f ,ij vvt to oend oar cash, li.it by :a'i!;ir s. e uur burtincis grow, I'is a- '.iKhumajati.ia. nioBt devotiUy to be I Lo aivTtjw- to hpen'd oarcafchl perchance .. J. ii. .ALOiSi!;. 1 : C'3 two ioors ..eiow . Ajr joslke .kf trtoiri, .ij')iii.Of i. j. L. mil. K. W. H. NiCiiOLSOtf. I.v)0IdB JK, Ji. C. 8. SPilLULL, A X X OH A K V - A. I LAW, Will attend the oou.rta of Franxinj. Vauet, r-iiivUl-?, Warren :iJ wake oou.mes, also the liur-suie C-jri of .iortu varolii!.!. .Prompt attention given to colit-eUous, t&c. for tbe full. term. A trifling young ) man married tbe daughter of one ( I of my tenants. After a few mouths ; he told a neighbor that be cuuldu't ( do ootbin' at all with her and was A'ha, it is better to blow our ducats into jrWine to take her la k to the old the averts paper. ira man. Said be: "1 have w Looped her and whoupcd her aud it don't do her a bit of goo.t.' That is the idea that thousands of oieo have of t.Le marriage Htate. Dominion on bin iart aud edavery on bers. Alao! for tbu,women the -trredulous, un 6tt!if,ecting girla who tied them selves in -matrimonial . chaiua to such men. rio wouder w call tbeia chains, for the wife cannot break ibeaa wherr she' chooses, though tbe husband can. Will tbe time never come when tbe breaking of the marriage vow by the man shall entail upon him tbe eaoue dierace that follows tbe uni'aithful wife ? Wheu wiil wo man stand 6ide by eide witb man? There was a time in the bleeeed paet when it was almost universal CAEOUKi-CDIJJKGS. ( NEWS OF THE .WEEK 4JATI1ERED FROM ALL PAK1SOF T11E bTAlE. WHY KISislSa IS PLEASANT. KOTICE OF DISaOLCTlOX I l;t pang! may coaie kWd t-o onr sorrow we (iu Jeni u Tie no more c iia m o tiat certtiinty . Kigilt ber; paae. Tlif chaiics of iosrt, the hope ol gaio. Doth ci.ofcae this advertisiiijj; question with. For wiio -A'oa!d .aee ba baiu-'BH log. t'lie -iUriiom-ii-H thtit :ie ouce euileil his own Go p-.wl las door to bay their goods From to:k out naif so Kood as his ? 'i he I'-ti-.i of iret-Mufi icft wheu a fellow might The tida o h: atfairs taue al their fluod ttn be A'rroa.NKY-AT-LAWr, LOUIsiBUKS, S. C. Oitlce oa Main 6treet. over Joui3 & Cooper's etor. nd Led oil. to ioitune -iy iiflvertitjuit; iu oouoe wise, jadicious way. Who would not lajoeh his cash out on this sea But for the feur rbe breeae it would raise for her to receive bouiaife and Lro- ral.'hr . fnil iill Kia a .la ' . Or goins? .iorth might Bhotae oSS to that I tectiou from buoband aud father bourne 1. V. BiCKKTT. AT'i-OaXfiY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. tocrisBUim s. c. Prompt an i painst ikiog attjntioa given to every catt ;r iatrusted to hii hands. Refers to Chief Justin Shepherd, Hon. J ohn Maiming, iloa. ttobt. W. W'iikstou, Hon. J. C. Buxtou, res. First National Bank of Wln stou. Ulenn ft Hanly, Winston, Peoples B.tnit of Monroe, Ghas. . Taylor, fres WaKe For est College, Hon. E. W. rimberlake. O ce iu Court House, opposite Sheriff's. From wiiPtice no wandeeing dollar e'er re- tur:i 'Ti6 t hit tijut pazzlcs the will Aud maket) us hold fast the cosh in hand While othfrij, having more of that quality eai.t'ii suud. Purchase pnhiieiiy at. current rates AuJ thereby reap aa hundred lold. W. M. PERSON, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, LoaisBuaa, v. c. Practices in all courts. Oince in the Court House. H. YARBO ROUGH, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUI8BURQ, N. C. Office on seeoud floor of Neal bnilding Miii'i Street. 111 lijral business intrusted to hire will receive prompt and careful attention. Bill Arp SSpaaks Eloquently For the Mothers aud Wives. Goklsboro deadlight. aud brother aud cbildreu. The idea of woman suffrage was tbeu not entertained. She bad love and support and protection and that was all she wanted. But uow a sad aud serious change has come over the condition of woman. There are thousands who cauuot marry Ioteretinsr and I Important Items From Our Exchanges Condensed For Busy Readers. The Fayetterille Observer says: Qur neighboring county of Moore is going through a state of won derful development somewhat similar to our own county. Mills are being erected, railroads pro jected, miueg are beiug opened, and numerous other enterprisoe are on foot. Millions of money are beiug U5flKie-h the South every day, but it gradually goes to enrich the North. This is accounted for iu tbe enormous interest we have to pay to north, ern capitalists for money under tbe rreseut financial coudition, in the $140,000,000 of pensious for Union soldiers, and in tbe pur chase of articles which we ouuht to make at home. Tbe meeting of tbe Wayne County Teachers' Association at the Goldsboro Graded Bcnool Sat urday was largely attended and was one of tbe most interesting and satisfactory meetings the as sociation has ever held. A high ly creditabla aud instructive paper was read by Miss Minnie which was One Man Delighted That Edison Didn't Invent It. The reason kiseincr is so pleasant. says an oecnlatorv expert of scien tific tendencies, is because the teeth. jaw bones and lips are full of nervea. and when the lipa ol persons meei an electric current is generated, and you don't have to have a dynamo madhineaora battery in the house, nor a call box, nor a button to touch to ring up the central office, and there is no patent on it, and tbe poorest person in the world can enjoy the electric current better than a millionaire, and it never gets out of order. If Edison bad in vented kissing it would cost $ 100 a year, like the telephone, and then extra kissfog would be charged op xtrQ, and if you didn't pay for it they would take out your kia phon and diwonnect you from tha tbe central office. Ex. Two Lives Saved. Mr. Phobe Thoman. of Junction City. 111., was told by her doctor she had Consumption, and that there was no hope for hfr. bat two bottle of lr. Tin"' Nw Discovery completely cared i her sad she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. EKKers, 13y Florida St. San Fran- cixco, suiiered from a dreadful edd. approaching Consumption, tried with oat result everything ele then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two week m cured. He is naturally thankfal. It is such results, f which 4hee are sample, that prove the wonderful efflracy of this medioine in coughs sad colds. Frev trial bottles at Aycocke & Co'. Drug Store. Regu lar size 50c. and $1.00. Her Point of View. LADIE3 AND GENTLEMEN. Tb tra of R. P. Taylor ft Co. kavw tkia I HMdic dais .r.i-t trw. pvw ' bo olM,,B c,8 btup at umb to Ayenet A Co tor yKot lag or hair dresslngViotts. will d i n o u.4 or. -;u py it u . wtl, lo t, 0O W M ALSTON Jan. 23. 194. X TtTTI k Co. K. P. TsTLa. MORTGAGE SALE- By virto ol por rooV'd l a wr r eisrvUd by O. b. Moy to D B rUy ds 4pyabW oa tb day ol Aviratt ISM. and reristJ la book (". P. ps J 30 la tb Ripstr of DwMs ofV r4 rbatbam eoanty and transferred to aa part of my years support as widow of I) B. Stsley uwUK'i. abk-b akj aaaicaoeat ul mortirare U recorded ta rsnrd of cniBU D. is tb offlcs of tb VUrk of tb Coart of Cbathan erm at,r . aad fsrtber por conferred apoa w ade a jQdrst of the ilupror Cowrtof f raaknacoaaty at tbe rrfrslnr tern of tbe Coart ta Jaaaary 1H96. I will arU at pabUe awrtioa for rab to tba bicbMt bidder on Moi1ay Kfcnurj J4th. at tbs eoart hoi door io Loba'Tt tbe following srtK-W of pvwouaJ propertv to-wit: Ooa J. H C. "J horse scoa and baroews '2 mnW. dark bays, 1 nand Kit. one oasted MoIIte. Mas. I) B. 8th it. Mortr. Cooec t So. Attorney. NOTICE Harinc qnaliSed Administrator of WUbam Perry, colored, all proo oiric his NitaVe are noiifl'd to make payment at ooce. and all peroona hoMioc claims aaaioel Lis estate ill prent tb'in lor peyment on or b"for the Wth day of J.nary 1W7. or this nolle will be plead in bar of their reco very. January 9th lh6 0 I. rXLIS. Adm. 01 WILLIAM PC CRT LOUISBURG ParrianrQ Qhnno uuiiiugu uiiuLiU) H. C. TAYLOR, Proprietor. Il your Carriage, Ruggy, Vap on or anything m that 1 i redi & 1. E. TII0MA8. Ladies bss year bsri cut right. 'W avs Dr. WbiU nsw hair brrowar. Van's Mexican llalr Restorative, Ayer's Ilair Vigor. Triropksrotp for tbe hair and skin. Bathing ta bat it to kp the bair from fall ing out. HOTEL WOOD ARO. W. C. Wood a as. Prwa, Rocky M sast, 9. C. f rea Baa meets all tralas, K' fj per dsy. FIlANKLLNTOaN HOTEL FRA5KL1NT05. N. C. C. IL- HOBES, Frp'r. God accoaodatloa for Lha travaliaf public. Good Livsry Attached. SHOE MAKINQ. MOSES WEST holds forth in rsr of Thomas' Drug Store, (cm the alley where be does ihoe making and rt-pairing, and gtiar anteeg to do work a good and cheaper than any Shoe-Mskt in the State. Come and see for yourself. Reepect fully, MOSES WEST. Dentistry, W. H. EDWARDS OP WAKE FOREST, N. C. Will visit Lonisburgon Monday, Tuesday bd J WeJuesda following the first Sunday iti e;n:h mouth prepared to do all kinds of DfDtal work. OHw oer Jones & Coper Store next, door to T. B. Wilder Law offl'-e J O. HiLL THE TINNED is nrenared to do all kind of tin work, re pjtinu. &i. All work guaranteed. Place ji buiueas on Main S6ree in house recently occupied bv F. Fairish. RUFFIN& LEWIS BLACKSMITH 8 Wts tre prepared to do aii kinds of work, la oar iiae. Oali to s?e us at our itf-r dw LcMitspifg au;x. Ini i t? t .t and have neither suonort nor nro- D,ocumD WDlca WBS greany t T r . tectiou and heuce they have to be- Anotber vomau killed killed come bread winners aud protect by her husband. Aud another and themselves. 1 bey are in tbe stores, auotber. Bour horrible murders tbe shops, the counting rooms and withm a few days past. When school houses all over tbe laud, wiil this thing stop ? We don't Tbey are doing the business of tbe read of any husbands murdered by oeu aud should have the rights their wives. Is the world getting and privileges of tbe meu iu secn- getting worse? Is the devil turned lar affairs. As John Temple loose iu this Southern country ? Graves said in his beautiful ad Before the war woman was more dress at Athens, Ga., the argu- bouorod, more respected than she meuts in favor of woman suffrage is now. She stood Bide by side cannot be answered, with her husband as his equal The trials of a wooiaos married partner in every thing that became life are awful to contemplate. The a wife or a mother. Marriage pains and perils of maternity the vows were serious and solemn constant care of children in n- promises then aud they were gen- fancy and youth tbe watchful eraliy observed, but now the vow, days aud sleepless nibt--. Tbe wtieu recited by tbe minister, not uufrequent loss of a husband' . J C . -. .3 1 ... Iaka uiliOn cKd Kab Inct Ka itu.ma I i. , . . . t Bccuis it uicre lormaiitv suu is euuu "uvu duo uo.o ma. u w ij o . qj leerai terms, ic is in oriel ns tne forgotten. The ceretnony, the The grief over a wandering eon or News understands it, that Mrs. maids of uouor, the trousseau, tbe an unfortunate daughter. Her Vance, in suing for her dower, attendant aud too fulsome de- helplessuess in poverty or old age wanted to take tbe whole dower seription in the moruing's paper or sickness. Her liability to fem- allowed by law, out of the Vance of more consequence Fast nine diseases to which tbe men are residence in cnanotie. ine nee tract in Buncombe is said to be un- remunerati,re and a tas appreciated. The couuty exam iner, Mr. E. T. Atkinson, ex plained tbe new school law, that is to be voted upn by townships in tbe next election; and Mr. C. J. Parker, the new secretary of the N. C. Teachers' Assembly, of Raleigh, was present, by special appointment, and made a most excelleut talk on the outlook for public education in the State and bad some encouraging things to say of next summer's Teachers' Assembly. Charlotte Democrat. The Charlotte News says: Tbe termination of the .suit of Mrs. Vance ngainst CharlewN. Vance nnd other heirs, for dower, was as stated in Wednesday's News, but tbe pub- rick Me Up. Friend Well, Ethel, how do you like married life? Ethel (enthusiastically ) It's im ply delightful. We've been married a week and have had eight quarrel!, and I got the beet of it every time. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need not special mention. All who bate usri Electric Bitter sing the same wdj of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is cruaranteed to do all that is claimed. Klectric Dilter will cure all dieeaes of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils. Salt Rhfum and other affections cau.vd by impure STsteta aud prevent as well a care all ! reasonable malarial f-ver. For care of Headache, constipation and Idditfestion try Klec trt lCttera En tin satisfaction guar anteed, or money refunded. Price 50 off. od $1.00 per bottle at Aycocke A J Co's. Drag Store. NOTICE I I have decided to reduce rav BEES to 10 Hives. Will fxdl remainder for 13.50 rpnftiriii(7 and von want it done i Dr hive, this includ! ton CAte. - 'O i r . f richt. brine it to me, aud if you i These beet are worth $3.00, for want your Carriage or Bugzy re painted in a firet-clai8 manner. bring it to me al?o. I have served rny time under a first-class pain- J ter and wood workman, -an there, i fore gaurantee sat istact ion m all j work entrufif-d to nif. ! bees alone. Applv at one to A.'D GREEN. R. R. CROSSEN. FIRST CLASS PAINTER, LOCtSBCHC , . C. I wish no!rniT wen ioea to tbe rb I have a hrft-causs black raith .... ... ill as v that 1 am rr-rrrd t. in thf blark smith shop who f u 1 - ; do all kinds c hr,Qae paicttng. ffrata lv understands evervthing alx.ti m' Ac. My work Tn Loot-barf tpak bis husm-., from .Wing a : f,'T '! 1 referto all Pr. K -, . ' , whom I bate worked. Old fomilorw hors to lnntung a fine X ugzy . miit. aw Gie me joar pa:rota. It dos not pay to havo ou r nd yoa ahall b pleaed. wora toicneo: up. $o trinii n alonz to m whre it WILL HE DONE RIGHT, my prices tr. lie does not seem to have a correct nnderstflndino-of the rnBff. Strinned BjfOrB SCsJCfilliaX tef 1 MaglZillS SEE THE BEST, are ot more consequence women aod faster man ara married ot subject. Her coustaut confine- s'Uop uowadavs, but not mated. i ejivetb tiiis woman away?' and she bi companion; v. 1 - 1 i r.-J-t ! titf i'j i ii iaore ieu i-ii w T .v. :iry-t"oir vsar' active eiperiBUes. a a 1-u ic- l if !s'rn a SPECIALTY. Natural " vr 2 n t i" mi:.ijt::5. Ail work warranted. L ais')'irg is rny )iome "for better or v.-,rs-" aui you will always find rr.e ready l: correct at my own expense any work that miy prove unsatisfactory. Very tridy. rfK. E. KING-, Dentist. YAhBGHOUBti Si DAVIS, aoksmiths OF LOUISBURG. All wort in our line done ou short nocic?!, and satisfaction guaranteed. "We hi ve our new shop (the old ten pin Uley) ia g.od shape and. are better pre pared than ever to serve our custo mers. STILL AT-'THE BRIDGE. won t. ZED. DENTIST, L'JCISBfJRGI, N. C (IT!.. nr.;, ?,l.Vrft Mf.Ar" t'-.-i'l-.i-Ue UiitJiaore i;?a mi L-oueare. i ui vr uiiucuiy uiwu- esty was at a premium, but now iu 1 acd usw oas inserted in S society it is at a discount. A girl n list be fast to attract attention and catch a lover. Tbe purity of i7h, ! metit at lining or her hmie nr it I riiA rrt. nrtint hor ilnirer tnpnniB nnt said may be her prison. When these . , . ... , J r nf thnr. Mr. V.'inop s rM nrneva did k:Z2;TG-7bo prea-ber, and a fast young perils ar.3 considered is it not not hold tbftt 8he way not entitled ! man m tua gallery wnisperea to i wooaer toai any tuougouui woman ower. Mrs. Vanceclaimei that '1 could, but I will veuture upon that sea that has Senator Vance's house in Ward 1 wrecked so many of her sex ? If was his home. Mr. Vance claimed trouble aud grief could be measured that Senator Vance had not lived or weighed, there is no bin large there for 14 years past; that while oTioiip-h to hold that, of manv a he still claimed Charlotte ns his heart-broken wife and mother. If bome hrt lwaJ8 registered and I she falls it is nine cases out of ten voted in Ward 2" Had the Vance s , c h-use in Ward 1 been decided to the sin or the fault of a man. , , , , t . . have been Senator Vance s home, Woman loves attention, admira- Mrg. Tance wonId have been entit- tion, praise, homage, Caresses, and led to the wfaole of it M ber dower . if she does not get a moity of these Dut tne court hed that it wa8 not at home sometimes she looks for Senator Vance's home, so 9he gets them abroad. This is her femi- th dower of one-third in that prop nice nature. But, of course, there erty aa well as in Senator Vance's is another side to the picture. Mar- other real estate, and not for the riaire are not alwa.va failures, whole of her dower in the Charlotte - - - j i There is no eodlier riirbt in all property. Mrs. Vance also claimed a " , . ' t u : a now, but we did not hear of nature than a considerate, loving Senato them, for there were few newspa- husband and wife going down tbe court held that she could claim no pers and no telegroph. Since the vale together loved by their chil- payment except from the date of J: X. Un Mn ..nl, Mn Tn l.n, CTVUUIIOUUICUI. Ul WM ul. V1CC3 UctVC UUUV1CU Cklu I Vlicu auu luuuunuiuu, uu lUUAtlCH UtJUlCU accuruillg HI our I nap uvu a vutoo uvi luovi l log o l . PoOT T ikeneS- both is suspected purity of j thought and person and hence di vorces follow right along in the wake of marriages. Tbey have increased largely in late years. A suit for divorce was a rare thing in the days of our fathers. So was a separation so were suicides so was a case of lunacy. . Some say that these things were aa common BEMOREST'S AN UNPARALLELED OFFER. Demorcst'i Out Paper Patterr. are the xaoot practical on be market. They are of :my iie that any raembrr -f a hrt,e hr!d couid reqnirc. In rach copy of the MMgnziue is printed a ctupon emuling the subscriber, or purchaser, 10 a pattern (worth aud regularly old for 3-1c.) or any runiberof pattern for four cenu each to cover package and pola(je. When the value of the pVtems is eousidtrcd , the subacribcr actuailv gets Deraorest's Magazins Frae And what a mairar.ine it is! For it will be more brilliant than ever before i .Vfw management, new method, new ideas, lach copy contains an ejquuite reproduction in colors of some celebrated picture by a laiuous artist, wortny to adorb the walls of ths moat refined home- It is affirmed that Demorrst's in the only complete Family Magaxioe published oombiningall ol the most excellentpoints of its contemporaries, besides having in iinitable feature. of its own. Demorest's is actually a Dosen Maxiine in one. It is a Digest of Current Events snd laess tor the bosy man or woman, a Re view and a Storehouse of interest for all. W ives, mothers sisters and daughters can find exactly what they ueed t-o aaue and instruct thsm, also practical helps in everv department of doinesuc and social eluding the furnishing and meiitina' of the home, embroidery, brie a I make Buggies and Wagons to order. If you waut a ood Home Made Boggy or Wagon, give me your orders, and you 6hall have what you want. Thanking my friends for rhir patronage in the past and solicit- j ing the ean e in future, I am, Yours very respectfully, H. C TAYLOR. Build up Home. BY- PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE MALLORY DURHAM CHER- ROOTE CO.. OF DURHAM. - - N C. j. D-& R. S-CHRISTIAN RICHMOND, Va. Prompt attention to orders au sun sfuction (il AHANEED. TAKE NOTICE ! Our hack i run to the depot for tbe benefit of paMengen vb ! pav, and while we do not wish I to be d lacourteooi to anjona j respectfully ask that all dead heads" will either walk or pav." HAYES & FULLER. T" A PK-SMITHTNGr wte population and suicides a disappointment. Neither money Where I am well known and preparedto do follow aight along with tbem. The I nor fine clothes nor a carriage at Boston Traveler 2!i:"wtt Jui sSi m. on race between crime and morality the door will secure conjogal hap. Here ia a cood story illustrative the Bwt side of the River brldge.Ialn street' i.oiiiuharir. v. O. While I am doinir all kinds of blacksinithlnff, don't forget raat I am also . ... Tt I .AiAnt;Ani V.,.kr.11 mnA prepaaed io repair your gun. sucli as putttog iu our vibies. xiu" ma-uj "ccjiiug i ovn,u,w..0) ,uU6u..-.. v on new lofcc. jaaveaiew j .w nm.n who htvs heri deaerted bv the nerformanco of every scintilla nave repaix jaina wiu ooBoiu t "w i " j i - ntenda'sj hie ImshAnda! "FTowr manv ar I of the marriace tows will insure it. loanwuiT- i w - j l o A., i. KKAi. .. 1 3 I I , Ktt r Idd S is neck and neck, especially in piness. Nothing bat duty con- of the prosaic nature on which art makes no impression: In Westminister abbey there is a large marble tablet in memory ol a famous bishop. It is a bas-relief, representing the bishop a portrait i the agony of death, sinking in to tbe arms of an allegorical female Excellencies of Salt. supporting vagabonds whom they CENTRAL HOTEL !l husband! How many are enduring oppression and cruelty J I? Massenburg IropY tbftt tfaey dare not disclose Trnwntmoftw wr r Onlv a few davs airo a m H.EaXXJSUZVJ1 . Aa. v I " - - , . iibkio wis H t t, .oiJ that on a trod cnnnlp irA in mir nmirt for heatincr his . , j: I it Baia mat an agea conpie Oood accommpdations. Good fare, ro . r, maze imui kuo u... from the country were being shown When broiling steak throw a figure, pre-umably intended for the Only a few days ao a man was mtle M the coals; and the "f.01"- lite and attentive servanta. ;f XX a rilaurl irll liter fhinlfinir 'ZZ: aD0y- ... the abbey, and pausing long a-1 lw.jii 1 V UbiV m Ot UUI W UVU ava I I A ..is . I I swIMAsja TIA l I . - .a www OCDADM Unil.QP :.-V:J"a.?-aa,' ua pw. " : before the tablet the oia lady rt- vownis iwwwa., rogsreu py lu juubh "D color&tioa of caps and, saucers marked to her hiisband: life, including the furnishing and orna brae arusuo aod fancy ork or an amis, etc., etc., and suggestions and advice te garding tha well-being and dressing of tneir own parsons. The scope ol tbe articles tor tevo ana 189S will covtr the whole country snd iu varied interest, and the articles will be Drofoaelv illustrated with the finert eogTa- vincs. and. in addition, it will publish the beat and purest fiction- It tresis at length Cut-of-Door Kports, Home Axnuieroents aod Entertainments; it gives a great deal of attention to tbe Children s Department, and "Oftr Girls," and has aMonthly Sym posium by celebrated People, in which are discussed important questions ot the hour of interest to the older readers. Let ns have yonr subscription at onee, You gel more value for your money thau it is possible to secure ia any other maga tine. The Magazine one year lor f C 00. Or six months for - - 1.0U. Over 250 diffeient garments are shown each year, patterns of all of which are nhiiiinable bT subscribers at c. each. Namplc copy with pattern coupon seot fr 10c DenarBJt Pasiisning uo. llOFlfUi Avsnss, Maw Twrk. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGAILS CHEROOTS .iND CIGARROS As can oe found on the market. Their leading brands are "BULL OF DURHAM" A dime Cigar for a nickle. Hand Havana filled. 'BLACRWELLS DURHAM' Named in honor of Col. W. T. Blackwell, father of Durham 5 cent SumatraWrapper. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. "OLD CHUNK" CHEROOTS, 5 for 10 cents. The finest smoke for the money. "OLD NORTH STATE" CHICKEN CHOLERA Can be cnrt-1 bv mncg THOMAS POULTRY PONVuEK Itolaocurew bocf and cape. Now ia th tixna to uao it. '2? cent a package. For al bv W. G THOMAS, DTTigjrUt, Lnuisbarg. N. C. NOTICE. Havi eg qaa7ifid aa Jtdsslsietrator ol R A pni. all perwoaa ot.ei his estas ara Aoticed to wiake paynseat at owe, ssd all pe-rsoo toldicf rlaiais asaixst ka eata' will pr r t thtn for paysewi oa or Woi Jaauary rh nth 1T. ue tbta aotksw wU be pWd la bar of tloee reeavery. Jaasary vtb 1 O L KLLLa. Aiffc i r4lL i. SPkCKD. C. D. 0S30RN, Proprietor, only eiappea ner twice. xu ptn-1 by tea and carelesa washing. "That's a good Ukeness of the mi wue w&smwB suuiug juu6 I tj Ira Kr,t?-1 bistion. but." rarardin2 ttie ancreiic Ovford. N -fi. Good .ccommodaUon. for ... ? hM " f?? bf folW bright by occwion.lly rub- P" attenHTely'if. a Ter, traveling public. DO YOU WANT A HOUSE ? She i reluctantly answered: "Yes, air. whenever he trets mad." "Does he ever beat you or kick youf ' If so you will do well to write, aid tj,e judge. "Yes, eir," she N. n hfrA rnntractirce. PlausJ Her-BBSwers satisfied bis epecitications and estimates made j honor that he was a brute aud he bicg with salt aud vinegar. Wash tjs mica of the stove and doors with salt and vinegar.. -Ex. ou burnt buildings, &c. euteaed -him to the ch ain-gao When aaked why aha rejected ma Her reasona were most frank, .'She weighed sue in the balance and , 4&a4oa at tha bunk. Nw York Herald.. poor one of Mrs. I knew her. well, and she didn't look like that." Jim Cash-Cash, a rich aud influen tial UmetUla Indian of Ortgon. Js sums' lor a divorce on the ground that bis wife paints her faco.-rieX up stairs. FOR SALE. Farm of 183 acres in Warren County adjoining Frsnkliu County and lying in the fork of Sbocco and Fishing creeks. J of a mile from Ransom's Bridg. Soil adapted to the growth of bright tobacco, cotton, grail, clover and peppermint. Terms: One hundred aud eighty-five dollars csh, balance one, two land three years. 1-or further ! ..tixnlaes arnlw tn Cheroot, 3 for 5 cents, a sure . CuaVles J. Alsto. winner that always please.. Ranwrn. Bridge. N. C. tick to home and send ns yonr orders. Maiicnf Ocrbao Cheroot Co DURHAM, N. C. nuiu rcini in rn rxi rin TrtTT v itimu or Tcoraaas) E. F. YARB0R0U6H Lite Fire and Acci- - - dent Insurance, . LOUISBURG, N. C. Ssfe, Eeliahle Companies. Ofiice iu tbe Neal hailding i IPcta.aTXl XVW " tlli I "av.. W. m r -w T jj in mil Taiess aad XOOpar BatUa. am ail i LQ"' ruusz tit- Oct, r aissinnu ' f rT rr r--r7.. Maw(f Is roars a 1STW IW V.il'MT - "J . I - welNanr: Prwwta, UJtT I Pekia Pweks. WVite WoTUsd Tartey. Yf 1 erst, ail kiada ol RabWta. Ualswa Pra.r seteeed foUaa Cktm. asxl B-eeaTw or-. t rewtteew4 Jeraj rattla. as4 par tic i iln ewttie. reWte-d 'esalae. Mh. awl 1 i IWrtard dowa Heala tarda. Caaasw i bir-s aad l -rtrta. Kveeyiaiaa: aaaaPv L. on m af ttaaa atora arn . ktt- U ot ta J"1 ViH Kraaia. 1 Bed Hdver. sal Japa faa tafl. p J I'oaat itA eetW aa-d aay tanety as! taw wtrshrs; oa!ay aHwaye band F.erj t rears tWd U aw e repreatad S ol t drlivsred rrsiv swoeairff. rrra lor swtalwst. Iroaa taorwaj bredsuirk at liZ-Oior tVirtera- il-ei of yowa petfigrewd fcrat tar aaV at tw o-mM pW eesewasnac atork. Ia e vis ter taowUsa. alter U watwral rsisw-i ehsrSewa see soaw. Urea w-fl ba kw. at wfl tiew bi.a Iryics; ssw rakkewa. Frk fUh aad bat ire aJwaya oa Waad. aad w"UJ bw W i erred rveev saoraaaa. II sVaarad. Tww ta fjoUfa eahrea fnr aaW. wwa 1 aad uwe bevJer prvw reasonevtif. 1 swai rj Jersey awiVr, ra sUk tb-a . wiater. a cm Iiolaaei0 eow-sa milk. Wa cCrr a t: w opportaaity for sarsMre t Isspro-ra iWr wtock. Tkwtora alwara wrleoaaa. aates kfwaday. a Toartry Tarda as-4 r- re- k: .irsaaawinUrlwswd. Ca3 aa. e wrHrww J A. UKEuV ' Loass'Swrjf. AITT, 7-12-2 m. '-i

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