rHE FRANKLIN TIMES J. A. THOMAS, Editor una I'rojU Feidat, Febeuabt, 21, ' . Index to New AdvertUemenit W. M. Person Notice. " Aycojke It Co iarjen Seed. TAR DROPS. Cotton 7 r,-a. The Lenten jwason eoiumencttJ Wed nesday. inten services wT" held in the Hpisc-ipal hiireh !at W.'-dnaday oigbt Mr. T. S. r.evtton. of Hilb, Va in mwii a rcw aays since. tia .. t . i i cm- Tiar.euiM put water works in th bo'el building. MeKHrx. Straus and Mitd?-!1. . in.rt?nt of a telephone uynr.-m f-r L,..; bur. We are informed rhar a s.iffictPBt number of aabaeribrn were obtained and that the Kratetn will be put iu at an varl? day. Greenville. X.- C, a $15,00) jire last Sundty moraiag. Like LoaiHOiii-g that t..wa is without a fire department. With an outlay of a couple of thousand d. -liars, in the proper apparatus with which to fiht fire, this vast amount of property could have been saved to the owners People of LouisburK take warning. We understand that. Lonisbur ia to have a much needed industry. Several of our progressive citizens are putting their heads toother iu an effort to estab lish a first-das machine shop." Mr Wm. Riddle, of Raleigh, an expert nie chanic, was h-rre in conference with the citizens interested this week. A will be seen from announcement eWwhera the Times, with this issue enters ajnw volum- its 26th. While North Carolina climate is not conducive to newspaper longevity, the Times fortu nately having its home in the healthiest pot in the State, and among the beet people in the world, has attained a creator age than any paper in State with only one or two exceptions. The ridiculous mystery which is thrown around the marriage engagements of young people serves no possible end, unless to give either of the parties a chance to play fast and loose. In Europe the engagement is looked upon as very much more binding than here In Italy it. isluofced ap .n' as so binding that a .young w.raan who has bean engaged and hHS broken the engagement islforever after called a civettar "an -owlet," and is sedulously shunned by young men. Such a young woman rarely succeeds in mak ing another marriage engagement. While: ibis miiilit be a little hard on our capric ious American -girls, none the less it would be much better for them, as well is for th-ir intended partners, if tbey would frankly announce their engage ments. And the fame will apply to the men. Son nd Reasoning: . The editor who penned the following words knew iust eiactlv ht t.ilkin; reason about.- If there is any better for asking a nemcr- ,,r. t. , P ' i I a for nothing, than there is to ask a school teacher or a preacher to give their ser vices free, we would like to. have tb-ra explain it to us. We are unable to see the point, fspeciuily where parries ask ing tree advertisements are intent oc making inoy o.ut of H. An editor wm, bs euiDtly had some expi-rieace, puts it as follows: "We at last learned just this much about the newspaper business. Advertising of any kind should always be paid for. We have learned not to puff every jim crow thing that comes along, free of charge, and give a lot of free advertising ta something that gets pay for everything it do. While we vs ant. to please oar readers in every pos sible way we can, we are running this great enunciator for a living and for ex actly the same reason that the fanner tills the soil, for the same reason that a lawyer sells his talent to one side of a seand for the same reason that other peple do various kinds of work. We do notexpect anybody to work for ua for fun; neither do we expect to work for anybody else for fnn only. We. expect wly reasonable compensation the same as other business men." Marriages. During the month of January the Reg. ter of Deeds issued licenses to the fo -lowing couples: Whitb-G. E. Andrews and Cora A. Jarman, B. F. Barrows and Clellie Tim berlake, J. R. Catiett and Martha Ferrell, R. C Carter and Lillian Phillips, Clifton' Davis and Mattie A. Gilliam, E. Doreey and Nannie Williams, D. E. Harris and Pattie D. Harris, J. B. Harper and Annie Leonard, Robert Jef freys and Jimmie Horton, Cecil Kittle and Lizzie McGbee, G. T. Lafater and Mattie Baker, H. L. Leonard and Mollie House, J. T. Long .and Bertba Hodge, Geo. Preddy andnvenia Pendleton, J. W. Suit and Maggta Kearney, Jackson Strickland and Percie Carter, N. H. Wheeler and Pattie Layton. Colored Wesler Alston and Saliie Stokes, J. H. Anderson and Rebecca Baker, Willie Bird and Naunie Green, Lee Davis and Alice Thomas, Geo. R. Green and Carrie Kearney, Robt. Holden and Ophelice Stallings, Will Harris and Mary Davis, Isaac Hayes and Carrena ferd ne. Turner Hendarom ant xr..i.. Rrodie, J. N. )Iassenburg and Rebecca 1 aptoo, Ben Way and Emtna Cradap, Moses Rogers an4 Narcissa Wright, Louis olomon nd Lqcy Hedge petfa, Elijah uEmUrch ""i Jn FaSon, Alfred wiiiiams and Fannie Hancy- Bea Wil- Another New State Enterprise. S Messrs; J. II. Bobbitl nd J L. 1 fimy.ofRaWffh. hiS.iZA ft SiJt J -y eIaim to a p Sw7J a ff tain eonstitn tioaal 'fjS,v---rfc,rWWni, ealled "Rheuma cid,aa eotirHry newdieo.ry. The Pprietprs stalH that sales haw already bn .mac;ift tbWfWes, and cari :'-ewrjr.; The Raleigh "MrBobbittis well known as one of tbe best and mt progressive pbarnia T V lKStat"' ao1 -x-president of orth Carolina Pharmaceutical As f ia t,un, nd the fact of h is bi i ngi ng the. remedy forward is alone a good g''.t Knt7 for U- Mr J- L- Bamsey will b advertising manager and has the ability ta push the enterprise to suc cess," tel The and Observer also gives an extended notice; an after speaking of a number of remarkable cures. savs: Mr. hobbitt and Mr. Ramsey are the very men to push it actively and Wisely. The remedy is Paid to be entirely Vetera hl and noD -alcohol i,. The m""'" man ufacf nre and inyredienr are difrerDT from any proprietary medicine on the market. Eiitertaustnonf . A ebarming entertainment was given on Friday afternoon last, by little Miss Helen Shaw Crenshaw to a number of her school mates Dainty cards bad been issued to a Valentine Tea, from fonr nntil six o'clock, and a merrier party of little girls never assembled. At five o'clock Tea was announced and as the quests filed into the handsomely furnished dining room they beheld a table laden wi'b ''good things," with handsome silver and with the soft lights from wax tapers 'neath dainty shades the Wen- was a lovely one." At each plate were found the Rouvenirs, viz., a lace-trimmed heart shape bag of candy, together with a ennning little valentine After partaking of the many delicacies! came the fun of -cutting the cake" into which a pin-two silver hearts, had been placed. The excitement increased, until a lucky little girl found the hearts and thus ended the fun. The guests then departed, each declaring she had had a most delightful time. Wake Forest Notes. Wake Forest. N. C., Feb. 19, 1896. AH friends of Wake Forest are proud of its Literary Societies. The value of these. Societies in developing the orato rical talents of their members, cannot be overestimated The great event of the present month has been the celebration of the 61st an niversary (,f these Societies whicn occurred on the 14th -inst. At 2:30 o CIOC-K p. m.. under t.h 1 " i inspiring strains of the Durham coronet air an enthusiastic audience fillri v,-. Memorial Hall to hear the annual de bate. ;. The house was called to order by the President, Mr. S. Dowell, of Dnr ham who ..)... u . j- , "-ir.uiuru tus auuieuce in a few appropriate words. Th Secreta ry. Mr. H. H. McLenon of Wadesboro, N. C, then refrd th subject, for discussion: "Resolved that th- Government shall own and control our railway and tele graph systems." The first speaker on the affirmative, Mr. W. T. Briggs of Raleigh, claimed that the railways were public highways and that, to surrender their control to private parties would be inimical to the sprit, of a republic: that discrimina tion betwn localities built tip great cities to the ruin of small towns and iHag-s. and hat daneerons political interr rites were exerted by railroad cor porations The telegraph should be controlled by the government, because it was essentially a part of the postal system The next 'speaker, Mr. G. X. Bray, of Camden connty, on the negative, argued that the present railroad system has been a" powerful factor in our national progress and to change would be dangerous; that public ownership would be unconstitutional; that tbejeie graph charges in Europe under gov ernment control were much higher than here. The second speaker on the affirma tive; Mr. A. B. Cannady of Granville, county, showed that railroads are often stocked and bonded for twice their valne; that trusts and combines owe their wealth and influence to railroad manipulations; that in counties where railroads weTe operated by the public, traveling is cheaper. The last speaker oa the negative, Mr. R. N. Simms of Raleigh, argued that competition would be stopped by public control; that in other countries government ownership was a failure; that there was no analogy between the postal, railway, and telegraph systems. At night the audience reassembled to hear. the orations. t The Euzelian Society was represented by Mr. J asper Howell, Jr., of Caldwell, county. His theme "Christian and Patriotic Citizenship." Mr. Howell is a graceful speaker and, handled bis subject in a masterly vay.N The Philomathesian Society was represented by Mr. A. C. Cree, of Vance connty. He took for his subbjectf "Specialism." Mr. Cree had only a week in which tor prepare his oration, beings elected in place of another who was sick. Mr. Cree ib, also, a very at tractive speaker. He came up to the full expecjations of his friends. After the orations were delivered the social gathering in the balls was very much enjoyed by all. There was a very large attendance and it is anivercally .re garded as the beet anniversary in the b ut0l:y of ,be "M1- 5 Rev. W. ; L.. Wright, of Richmond,. Va.f began a' meeting at the college on the I8tb inefc' V '-, ? . . V.; 7"? Special?:, into freight, ear t that ; was ideHzacVej vfct loongSAdle, last Tuesday morning. . A Prt ofthe cab was lorn off And the hand ad arm fiXn BiU AJIen," the engineer. as jMifnf ally JiarW i UNDER THE SOD. , i . : A Good MaaLand Valuable Oiflxfln ra89eg.ip jai8 Reward Beyond. When a good man dies;the peoptel mourn. Ulas, tootruly bas.tbiaVclaration been verified in the deatn of Mr. Reddin Perry, who passed peacefully away at bis home in this place at 9 .o'clock Wednesday night, Feb. 5th, as briefly announced last week Although be had been confined to his bed for some time and his malady was of such nature as to give little hope of his recovery, the intelligence of his death was a hx-k to the commnnity. Indeed, prepared for it as they were by the tid ings tLat ,.:,uve daily from the sick r.ora t anxious iiiquirers.it seemed hard to realize that the noble bert was stilled in death, the familiar face and form of this splendid gentleman would be seen among us on more lorever. Every soul filled with gloom, a shadow ca t each life. was upon Mr. Perry was of a naturally delicate constitution and disease had greatly ex hausted his vitality before bis last illness. When finally he was forced to perma nently take bis bed it. was not long be fore his physician realized that the situ ation was a desperate one. Still his friends hoped that he would soon be out again. But despite the fact that the best medical skill was invoked, together with the tender norsine of his devoted wife and the kind ministrations of loving friends and relatives, these failed to overcome the ravages of disease. Death quietly crept upon him as he lay upon his bed of suffering and he slept as calmly as a litfTe child. Deceased had been a great sufferer for years and often as be passed in and out among us his body was racked with pin of which few even of his most intimate friends fully realired He was a man of few words and one had to know him well to understand and appreciate his tru character. Modest as a maiden, for often he would blush like onn, and of a retir ing nature, be was slow to set into the hearts of people but. once there he was ever afterward a welcome and honored guest. Mr. Perry came of a noble race He was a son of the late Srdney Perry. Esq .. of Franklin county, and was born on the magnificent old homestead place a few miles from Louisburg He -arae t0 Hen derson about sixteen years aero since which time he has made this his home. No man was better known in the com munity and it is entirely rafe to siy no man was more highly esteemed. His death was not only a sore bereavement to members of his family, but to hundreds who had known him in the stern paths of business life and who valued him as one among a thousand. Those wbo knew him reposed absolute confidence in his statements and his word was as rood a his bo ml. Upright and honorable in all bis dealings, he bad never besmirched his good name and bis character as a business man was above reproach. Mr Perry had for many years been a member of the Hoard of Town Commis sioners, at different times holding the position of street commissioner, treasurer. &c. A purer roan never held public office, a better man never served bis peo ple Id all of his official duties he was vieuaut. iaitntnl anfl intelligent. Con scientious in the fullest dtrree. with him right was mig-ht and in whatever direc tion his judgment and conscience told him the path of doty lay that course he parsned with a firm resolve and steadfast pnrpose. Yet his was no biVoted born will. He was always open to con -1 viction and gave due deference to the opinions of others. But be could not be swerved from the right or tempted to do a wrong act whether private or public. And it was this sterling- quality in the make-up of his character that caused people to have confidence in the man and love him as they did. No man was more entirely free from the sham of hypocrisy. He was open in manner, frank in disposition, a afe conn sellor and true friend. His natpre was gentle, his domestic life an ideal one. But above his Ijfe was that of a consistent Christian. His memory will be cherished and his death lamented. Such a man will be greatly missed where be lived and was honored. His death is a distinct loss to the community and we may not soon see his ljke gain. Mr. Perry was n the 41st year of his age. He leaves a wife and Ave children, together with four sisters and a brother Mrs. D. Y. Cooper. Mrs. A. CZollicof fer, and Col. Henry Perry of Henderson; and Mrs. Dr. W. H. Nicholson, of Louis burg, and Miss Stella Perry besides a large number of more distant relatives in this and other conn ties. The faneral was held from the Cburcb of the Holy Innocents, of which he was communicant, at 4 o'clock Friday after noon. Rev. Julian B. Ingle conducting the service; The church was crowded. The procession to the cemetery, composed of a long line of carriages and buggies, and hundreds of people walking, was one of the largest ever seen in Henderson. Arriving at the: place of borial the body was tenderly laid to ret beneath' a bank of flowers. The floral tributes ent by loving friends at home and abroad were profnae and wrought 'in manr artistic designs, crossescrescento, hearts, &c. V And. thye beneath the sod war Jeft.aU that was -mortal of onr. loved and7 lost riend. Henderson Gold Leaf: ' ; ChUna Cry for Pitchy Castorii Personal. . Mas Oust JbM. of Henderson. b vUJii lirfe and ratUeXewU. , v , - MnStL a -HarJ sVvisUUif relatives la Hen- Hesnra. A. and Geo. UoW were in tda ibi week:- - - . ..-v . : . : Mr: Th'oV:Whit Jr: andVeuUdren, of Oxford, apeatooday here... . . - Mrs:' Ed. Thomas wbo baa. been on a visit to relajlreaand riendsio Hender son, returned on last Tuesday. Messrs. w. M. Person. F. S. Spruill. T. W; Bickett and T. B. Wilder are in Raleigh attending- the Supreme Court. Mrs. Ellin W.d wards, of Riebm.nd. va.; passed Through town Wednesday on her way to Laurel Uj visit her parents. Resolutions of Regpeet. At a meeting held in the Armory of he Franklin Rifles on Monday. Feb. 16th, 1896. the following Reflation were uuanimnusly adopted : Wherbas. it has phased Almighty God o take from ar midst our ctm radeand fellow-soldier. Private W. B Mitcpell, whom we all loved as an aiv ciate and a troe friend, and now be it Resolved, That we as a company deeply deplore. his In to us. and offer our heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved family, and may tjey looking beyond the fittnj, present jrenAmber that "AH la. rot here of oo N lored ua H -ut, 8o leave ye the ljeer wlrti hla Qod to rest." KEiHJLVED. That a cimv of th- -. lotions be sent to the family and a copy be placed on the Records of the Com pjy. and published in the Fbajtkuh Times, at Louisbunr, N. C W E Uzzell.) H L Thomas, Committee E. H. Baker.) Married. In the parlors of the Meadows Hotel on Wednesday night, at 9 o'clock, Mr. Robert T. Carlile and Miss Emma Meadows were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. Rev. W. B. Morton offici ated. The groom is a clever young gentle man, and one of Looisburg's prosper ous merchants. The bride is a daugh ter of our friend Dr J. S. Meadows 6be is a young lady of many charms and beloved by all who know her. The Times extends congratulations. The German. The young men of the town gave a jrerman on lat Friday nicht. compli mentary to our newly married couple. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Parham. Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey and Mr. and Mrs W B. Green It was very largely at tended and was the must nuiriu social event of the season. It was led by Messrs. P. H.Cooke,' of Louisbure. and Mr. Robt. Lassiter. of Henderson. N. C. The Raleieb string band fur nished the mns c and it was unusually good. Far into the small hours of the mnrn in the "sound of revelry" could be heard and to the accompaniment of the sweet strains of violin and piccalo and cornet, the "merry twinkling- fet" spent out the harmonies of the waltz Perhaps the thought 1 lint Lent with it8 fasts and prayers was so v.n to becin added a "Shrove .TnasdasC' madne-ito the hour. Certainly the pirit of gar ty was- ram pant aa wbn it conch-d HnesHi deliebt the nuMit had been robbed of Jrs lest hnnm The dancer- present participate me were: Robt. Lassiter with Mi Lelie Tnckr. Clifton Choafham with Mil Dai-y Btepheiw. Gilmore War with Miss KfSe Weddin. F H AUen with Mis Edna -O'Neill, G. M F.te with Miw MatgU Bti'b. Wm Bailer with Mrs. Bailey. Asa Parham with Mihs LiixiiTavlor. A. J. Mitchell irh Miss Carrie Holt. Chas. Emry with Mrs W. B. Green, Mr. and Mr. J T. Hart. Heftry Btrans with Mi Fannin Green. J A. Tnrner with Mi's Colom bia Crndup, B. J, King- with Mis Verdie Rribard. Carl-ton Brown with Mi"s Loevt'lifton. W. M Person with Mr P R. Tooke. P. H Cooke with MK F. S. Spmill, J. L. Webb with Miss Fannie Clifton fitafirs Fd Stephens, w b. wrham. MM. Jordan, w p. Webb, will Blackley, w.j. Barrow. Man rice cliftin. ru- i .... unnpenms Mrs. J. B. Cllltnn. Mrs. J. m. alien and Mrs. h. a crenshaw. "Anjrel in the Cloud.' New edition at Dr. office. J. K. Malone's Free Examination. Dr. Leon Smith, of Washington. P. C.vSWPntlfic optician witl visit. Loais bnrg, N. C, for one-we-k. at Meadow. Hotel,. Feb. 21st to 25th, during which time he will examine eyes free of charge and fit glasses properly. This is a good chance to have your vision correctly tested. New lenses put in old frames. Commsr. Dr. Leon Smith. Scientific nntwUn Washington, D. C, will visit LouisburB- K ! . . . . , uU rrtosiD Hiiae Aieaaows Hotel fox one week, Feb. 21st to 28th. Persons having weak or frtKft eye sijrht. can have their eyes examlhed rrMnixh.ro. and glasses fitted by an expert optician. Pass ipaperand &ble dyes for Easter Will dye one hbndred different r8. colors. store. tfot sale at Ayeoek's drag Fresh buckwheat flonr at Kinrf & Flaent No. 1 Potorlca "molasses and srrnps at Kag & Pleasants. King & Pleasants will save you mon ey. See them before yon bny. Wnea Baby was tick, we frher Cactorl. When ih waa a ChlVJ, sh cried for Ckatoria, When sh became lCiaa, nh duaf to Caaicrta, Wiea thA had fJhlUreD, abe cars Umbx OMtoria. Rncklen' Arnica Saire. v The best salve .a tbe worid - for . ent amsea, sores, ulcers, salt , rhenin. lere. ores, tetter, gapped - bands," rbilWaio eOrna, and all akin ernptiobaad pwitlvtfv give aatisfactioa or mosey ref naded, Prica 5 cents par boa. JTor. sale by TbonTaa it .Aycocaev. , ...... 1 '' - ii f if. JOB PRINTING, A "Juxripln Cbneiasloa. tka u tut :1,arv ar for Wanted. " AW00 dox" one shoalWehick,'?" lorkJ fr-h - lrre- ior me Mme. Remember King & Pleasants will deliver any- iniDKlrttB a .iirw.1 i i . a r v us i re i o in oorpuraui limits. free of charge. Fineymp , 20 cents sallon at King & Pleasants, Fonnd. A set of false teeth and a pair of spec- tacies 1 ue lOHm ean m.f ik 4. Identlf riDtr nrnn.rl. - A i . ref this notice '. i kfmJ"& ior Ifreab link and rake wnsage always- w rwiog a rieasants. V'fK0fWG J11' E- Mle only by W. G. Thomas. Ls nd ret h'a garden vw. the m.t re- i 'Vi' r carried oer-for sale by W G. Tboma. Seed Irish potatoes from SOe pck op. W. G Thvman. Just to hand, the largest and mmt "elect hoe of stationery ew brought to this town. We can suit all. W G Thomas. Don't forget, our SDecUltr is FSiSCElPTlO! WOKK. V Thomas. G. We have bought oat the sewing ma chine busmen of It p. Tavlor & and willcontinae to ell the old au.! ables, Standard and Domestic. Respectful I v. Atcocib 4 Co. We have on hand and to arrive in ' "ar'7 rts Iri,h Tln cabbage, eating potatoes, meat, flour sugar, coffee. Extracts of In fact you can get anything you want from us at rock bottom prices. Kins Si Pleasants. Tbe wiseat buy the het. and that is the --old Rliabl North Carolina Al manac at W. (i. Thomas" Drug Store. The ten cent article,, which are tand ard goHi. previously ld for from 20 cents to 35 cut, consists of cold crvam camphor ice. witch hazel soap, tooth paste, and witch hax-l j-Iv f,,r the complexion are all for salt-at Thomas" dug store. V.. I;.. r..i.: v i . .. niir Mui"DJuit siattocery received at Aycocke & Co". just b-st THOMAS' Sarsaparilla u the ionic a Wood Purifier. Letfijett's larce white asparagns 3 pound can. Crenshaw. Hicks 4 AU-n. New Orleans molasses m 5 pallon ks or gallon at Crenohaw. Hicks & Allen's. T oesi rraa Potonica molasae and ! syrup ai Lrensbaw. Hicks & Allen's Fresh lot Buist's garden -ewi just re ceived at Aycocke 4 CV dru? -tore. RuLst's onion seta and Irish potatoes at Aycocke i Co's. We are dallr petting in n-w g.vds See our stock before you buy. King & Pleasants. Bran, ship stnfT. oats, bar and corn at Crenshaw. Hicks Sz Allen's. Hetni'H miied sweet pickle by the quart .r gallon at Crensu, llicka JL All-n's. H-ini pickled oQtons best yet at Cr-n- uaw. hicks Allen Lewis Boston bnked beans t rn. shaw. Hicks 4 Allen. Malaga prapes. orange, lemons, co eoanuts, raisins at (ns.- Hicks & Allen's. Frog in rur thriat is still th- ls,l. rr couifhs. colds and h Thomas' drug store at 10c bm. Call at 11. Waitt's larreMmnle for pnre whiskey and brandy for roar Christmas "nogg." Kin L Pleasants bare the agency for the Khan Bros, fine tailor made doth ing. also the agency for the Royal tail ors, and the atio0l tailors of Cbira no. III. Fjts jraaranteed in every in stance or m.mey refunded. Call and s-e oar samples before buying. j3ltf. Jast received at J. P. Wioaton's soo suits very fine clothing. NX) pair pants, and 200 pair all wool over and under shirts, lesa than New York eot. J. P. has just returned from the North with these goods and says he bought cheaper than be ever did. It is a marvel of love and beauty to watch the "old Ball toaaer" pa the glasses from one hand to the other filled witb pare liqi or. that will not cause a headache, nor a pain to flatter, and ean only be obtained from H. Wain. King & Pleasant will sell yoa a flo tailor made sait of clothes from $8 00 to $35 00. Pants from $3.23 to $10.00 See as at once. N0TICE. 8Ta.TB OF JIORTH CAROLINA, ) In the Pa Coomr or Fuxklix. pertor CI. Before th O. L. Vj.uv Adm'r of P. 1. Bbowk. vs. , Mimii Baawa. wldyv; U T. Broww, Qaa "W. Baows, Thou, W atso and wife, assa Wat- weo, P. H. Aixaa sod wlf, klls Ail. Matt-ii Baow JiACtSA UKDmr, b. o. BlOWV, H. C Blown, vv B, Hpwx, P. A. Baows, CRASLn Blowy PatDiaicK. HHeriai.D and ' wife, Lbosa S. HcHorraio. W. H. Bjkjwtt and other, hclnl at taw of P. J. Bftow. doe'd. .j spertii proeeedlna- coaatnenred hy O. U K11U, AdmtnUtrator of Per tna J. Brow a 4eoMMd. aa-slnst hU wMow sad heir st Uw to aeU lot of Uad in th town of Loatarsara-'. N. C. known as the P. J. Brown houtr!L for tae porpwe of pTtnar tb deMa of hla tn Utt, br thm bwolna; a iomnoaa frotathla ta of Pt.rnry isea, returnable before tbfl Clerk of. ta Mpertor Coart of Pranklia eoaot-. Kortk CaroOnaaAkla oOee la Loatabarg- town, in- tforsssld roootr and 8tU pm Moodar tbe Ord day of Marri 1MB, aad It arpeartna- by adUrlt and saQVWat r-rof tbat HC Brown, W R. Brown. P. A. Brown.-Cbarlea BrowuL Frederick ftcaonXd and wife. Leooa K. 8raold are anrr arr partis to the id proeradlnr tow Um t ail de. lermtoat.OTi thereof, each of then helnr an b- Ir at Is w. eaoapt Pndartk Sehofiald. aod bo la tlM hoaband of aa bar at law. aad ao aiao H appeartoa tkt they are boo reaKMata of this 8tat, th aaid H O Brown brlnraraaideat of tks 8tat of Rhode laJand aad CbsrVea Brown, being & realdeot of tbasUUof Cnooeritcai. and tb others brlnf naldenta of Um f Ity of Mew Tork. It la omerod and adjix'a-sd IkaA pabUaUonbaaadliithPKAjrKua TiMawa newspaper pnbilabffd In taa towa of Loats-rwara-.-ooea . week, for aU auoeeaatrg waka, otlf ytog tne said partiaa to appear before the Clerk of the Popertor Coart of Prusktla eoanry. ITorlk CaroHaa. at bla ofle ta tba Coort Boom ta Um town of Loalatmrf. ta wld eoaaty and HUtvw aloatday th X3rd -oar of klareh MRS. aad Um said defeadaata will take notlde if tber tAll to appear on that day and aaawr Um- oorApUUit wbtrk wUl be depoalted la tbU ofTW wiuua ten oar trout thfa date, the ptalotlS wm spprjF for Um raUaf demanded la bla cota plaint. , fiivcil noder bjt band aod veal o offloa. -- . w ' B-R. HARJUA, " . cr enpervv Cowrt WXS rraakkkO. -. -. ; NOTICE. toW 4-mry 1 1 U. llt. ta fcrfiowia or-""-Tka ma dMlrra U aM 0-.8.BAa..ckM MILL WRIGHTINQ. bjnld or rrpr.U kld. of mm atao -ooUJ rt . mill .or Uior .ork ' L. E BitrtoLOHtv. NOTICE. ?u,j?jc--'- j-ivi h . '."Vr DOu- e v4m .A tk w .r of tw bLT with , vaof - . miu ujw liDlab M. Alliv. K lm r f J. i. Uah Feb. 8, 1S38 TAKE NOTICE. THE VOTERS Oy FRANK UN COUNT WILL TAKK NOTICE OF THE FOLLOWING DIVISION OK HAID COUNTY INTO VOTING PRE INcTij : Id purnftc of th rrqnirTBnt of W tion o thp. 15W of ttie of hich dl.rw -Tbat tU Urk .! fb. ,1 nor Court of rd, caoiv. .h.j. tHv. moolb- aflrr tbr rHiBmt.oo of thtm met. ,tbn.b. aJtrr or cr.f raraU place, u! eteri.e iu tber rr-tir. ,oun tie. so aa f prori.j,. , 09mr m,mJ (- t ra.t our f..rtr otm,c .,lc lur uUlivM.,.o of tbr rt,Te ,ouJ brtbrr orl, m.lelivwM.u I t...n.h,P v.llrt,.. city or .urM. of -hvrh ..J rf, thr .a.d ( Irrk p,, Jo. n, hr aj er,.menl !o .omr obMm- l,unaJ 'pa!, laftMl kit f Ka . . M 11 7 ' rjta- -.ft.m the ! .TFeed, Sales Livery ......... ,,, ,M Mnn,.r ( oort ,4 r rni,n coUDtjr. dolf,r. e,HUib -D1 Mio-.t, .. ,n .J lor tbr roonrjr of r rank!,, that to .ay 1 rinan . To-uab.p .. hrT d.td bT the cooDtjr rt.ads iufo t-.i rotir., p.. 1 cmrta a tuilows. uuiwufii al tb VV.k. 1 and os.nK tfte llo,,;U r,,.,, ln J uorJ therl.T direttiun t., th- Iior D, K-V -ib ro.d. thro -,tb ,h,. roal in nn fl.t I .tb this ia B Bortarrtv d,,lon to tb r raiillioUin Tor..!.:p l,u. sll ou. hriOf r.t th- .I.,,,. dta, , lurlQd.nj. tir to.n Qf YtlU1J , , bat -ball h. auo-o a- Krr... " f n-rin-t snd th. pl.n plic of J I nrt ,h,l th- ton ,.f l,,,,,, J , ffW" l"-mc Es.t of tS. ,h.,T. nl.1 hne ..irt. lc .bat .b.li h, kCo.B as r.est r rmnm prrTort. ao 1 th i-oiima I ' prenort stsli I at ,.! I Alleo stor 2 Kranklmton Tosnswip hTbr di 1 r.d,i mi,, tbrre .oUqk pr,,i-t. as I,.ll0-. ! umo'tm, t l SVru,U-m o U. i Louiaborg and Frank!. atou aaj roc ' n.na a.tb a,J roa j in a W.,Hj J,wtln!1 I to tbr corporation l.n. of h to.o at ' t rankllnton Btnontn a-aio sits ro-p... ' r.t,onli-,a Wt..!,h. To-oof VrDhn. ! ton on the -oad at or ar H t Krsrr,. i tb-no ,tb ssid road la a VTe.trir dir- ' tion to th fork, o, lb. roJ ,t tb .,11 i Alllauea rio. tb-nc. .Jon. tb, ro. Wr.g ' bT V P Ibarra aod Tbs. Braa. lo ta I "aos nenr lb rth-r l.r iW, Ion,t ths (Ul-nh road in a tV,ghHT de r-uoo to r r-otnao toa-nahip tfc6 ifli aAi.l 1.... . w- . ,n an rmlrrti ration tb ru,1 U.dioa iruta l jtpmHl . k Ijrrel rhnn-K n t iL i to to rt.n.1 to a NortlverrT dirrtiou t tb t-tr- 111 did at W.I) Hpro.U. Tbe t,mi rj r ry Djsfn Ned hr the torsos oUi. lertoliea tt.a ti.sn of Kranklmton .bail ron.f,t,i. but .ball U knuin Prenart n 1 Frankliotoo toanship. sol ih, pr.,0, plart. ofaar.1 precirw-t shail be in th to.s l'f 'raokhatoo Tb k-WiCS 1 Gaston Kaalroad hJ! be tb d.Ti.ljna 116 Jf tbe Urnwrt l Kraaklmton lo.osbip not (o Huded n prrHoet No 1 All perso. hTir,t taat if aaid milrod .iB b-is .hat sbalt ts known aa Flaat I'r.nkL.i . . . - """'Vii yii or tDQ tbpoUing plarrlur aaij prer,ot .hail be i .wport AU peraots tirioa West of muj muroa.1 b ,n .har.ha!! t koo at nl f ranklioU.o prwinct, aeo ta r y-yw iur saua prmDct abaJl be at Jenrys gio. 8. Looisbor Township ia beraSy diri.led into three voting prennrta as folios-, CoM. mrnnoa at ttrSortbaeat mrtirroJ E " Timber)kes hoe oa Tar Rjrr abora Looisbnrir and ranainar with aatd Tiiabee !sk and J. C. Kearn' lioea ia aa Flast rrij dirsrt4on to th lxishar and W ar- reotoo rra-l. tbsnx-s witb th ho ol C U t'ooka a hoava tract aod th Haakia or Fold Iter Ea-teriv to th Habfal road tbeor Eaaterir .itb aaid rod a boat of hondn-d yards to a braaeb. larx doB said braiH-b to Fox Snap, and dova aaid creek to Tar River. Th territory et brnred br tbalor dmnM lirv, tuvtW with tbeentirr to.n of Loaiabor. aad all of lb trr44i.a t . .1 a k. . . . orsrm oj infiiwTKjmnMiint.tuoiW :ilrj,:: l.tv'S a w . .. ' soatb of Tor Kivrr ahaJl roaatttaU what is as prmorx . o. 1 . Uoaatbors; Tovrabip. nod tbrpullia- ptaesol said pr eiart shall be ta tb t.D Loatsbvrv Th rsiaindr of tb trrntory la said township shall b divided by tb Ualitai road, ronmenrina; at lbs bra neb rtb Haakina or Ford trart. toorbio t b line ol tirrrioct No. 1. aad taenia witb aaid Half fas road in aa Easterly drrtioa to th 8aady Craak Towaabip ha ,r Boh Strvrklsnd s All person Hviac North of aaid HaUfai road wiU b in .bat ) t kaowa a North LoaMbara; prria-t and tb pollian pla lor aa.d prannct shall b at tool HpriBirs K-bool bocsa oa tb Lonisbanr snd Warrratoa nsJ. All pr sods liriaa Soatb ol said Hants x roawl wfS baio aha aballav kaosra aa 8owth Loos. Lur" PT08"' "" ,h Polhac Paw sbsU br at Prrry's sr-boo koaar on tb Warrn toa road Uadiac frooj L'uril a iUr to MutT Trw.Ma rl ii m.J. 4. SaadyCrwak Towtblp U ctrdd iato two Tot.nr prHartby tbs ha of Kasdr Crrrk. All tb trrr.ttrr tS aaid towa.hip lyina: Kt and North ol Mid rrswk. sbaH rtiotilot what ta u b IvDowa aa prwdart No. 1. Sandy Crrk Towaabip, and tb poll ina plar th aaid priort sbsll b at Unp tosrill Afl tb territory ol ssH tow chip lyina- VSWaad Boatb t aaWl lrsk .ball rtinatitat what m to b kaowa a- prHr-et No. 2. Haanly C-rrak Toaaablp aad tb ioa: plat lor aaid prariart ab0 b t hlnqlton. 5. Harrt Toaaahrp shall rnnatirat Oairi- prrrinct aad Um poiTmc piaer shaU b atai.toaaM.il. 9- HartrvUl Towaabip abU n Hay nil nradart. aad UW poUi awtitvt lOf plavr 7, 0old Mia TowTjaalpahafl rtitf OoW MiD pmiArt. a4 Um pvlua piarr shall b at CatwrvUl f r R Towosblp ahaH -otrt ball bratetaJUatja. 9. CypranaCrrak ToaaaOito il coaati. tet Crpraaa Crark paadtan. and tb pssUtac islarsraball tail W.. ' 10. Dcna . TowasWp ahsJl eoasrtitar KKX"" I For Sale. A deeirtU building Jot for lift. Situated on Mai 6tml. Tt particulars, apply to . f DR,J. B.CUFT0N. Jtn. T3h lEf. SOT ICE. -1. 1 W. mU Pr" rt W ritr rr mtg4 to ak Mkni Vt tWr retvrv. JiMIf; k IBM. O. I.. EL UK Aair. F. ;. BfcOX. COMMIS8103XA-1 SJlLX. Bjrttv Yonc. I "rVTVJSwiTt; to HtBifr-.i Toaag Tf ' IrrilSiiw OB Of artltcf bMA Tkkk Ovtfctr t!aae om .i. Tola rb. Tta. IM Rosts. CatflowBTs, Bylfc: &c iJouqnets. Floral LVejgT.a, Pn hrs; r erns Ar , for boose Ueeorwtion IIvacintliB. Tnlipa, Cliinee Llhr andther Bulb for iorxmg ami outdoor pUntin. KvrgTee, Mtaiolias. .hmie tre 3tc il. 8TKINMBTZ, Florin. lUleib, N. C Telepbooe, No. 1 13. TAKE NoTlcIf All persons inebtd to Kinjr 4 Maxoo are berrby reqoentcxJ t rrsiike settlement of" SHrnc t om. or their acx-ount will 1 put in th hands of no ofilorr lor collation. KLNG i; MACON. STABLES. HAYES & FULLER, Pijprliters, LOUISBURG, N. C. GOOD TEAMS AND I'OLITE DRIVERS. SPKHAL ATTK.VTION TO TR.W KUNO MEN. A FlXF. UK OF BVOOftS ALWai 05 H A 5 D . We alwaja keep jtock! .ors for sale, at very reasonable NEW STORE, Fancy Groceries OP EVERY Description at BOTTOM PRICES. I detire to inform tny friend i nrl tbe pnblic tbat I bae opi. ei a first-cla9 (irocery Store n tbe buiMioar fortnerlr oreopie.l by B. H. Rorlperaon. I sba'.( keep tbe bt of everytkinK in rnv Ijd sod will striv at aU time to giye to those wbo f arr n witb tbeir patronage entire tat iifaction. rspeiaiiy do 1 want ti te4 JO?, xrr Pruiu' cndi"- will W Ik. L .i k m -in ow ii ci ana iresneav t be found. Give me a trial, Yonrs reepetf,,HT, R. C. BATCHELOR. THE FARMERS & MERCHAKTS BAIL. LOniBlRG, Does a general BanltiDg boaina, solicits deposits ou time or subjt t chveka. Oik OatlUaa a SvsxiaUty. Return proroptlj made at ro eonable ralea. DepAeifa rceived in SAVING'S WANK, id earns of 2 ceuta aod npnarUa. Wk BAILEY. Prtfident. W. . BYKRLY. Cajbiev OinECTOOb, i 'Vt.- A.'B. UawktDlJ .. l T.,,- W.T.apih C. M.-Cooke, Attorney. :-. K: - v-: v r-:-".;- ,; i t , it TtiaF. 12.1- 0,185a.