Methodist Church Directory. ; t' Sunday School at 9:3') A. 31. f Geo. S. Baker- Snpt. -Preaching at 11 A.V61., and? P. M. evf ry Sunday. Prayer meeting We dnesday night;, Ct. F, Smith, Pastor. 13 B. MASSENBURG,' ATTORNEY AT LAW. LocisBatia, w. c. Will practice ia all the Courts of the State Oiflee la Court Bouse. AT TOB3IK 18-AT-LAW , LOUltfBb'xiO, a. c. 4 Will attend tbe courts of .Nash, FrauKUn, dr;tuvilie, vViifreuai Wine cottuUea, also the uprvsaio 0 jart of iN'orttt Cirouuo, mui iae U7 t Circuit iiujiiiatrici, Courts. ,' i) K. J. K ilALoa. I . OJlje tiro door nelow AycbeiC-i'Jos dru store, adjoining ur.O. iiliay d H. W. U. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOlISBUKQ, sr. c. a bPRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOCIdBUKB, N. c. Will attend the court of PranWio, Vance, QrauviU-j, Warren una Wake couutiea, also tue Supreme Court of North Caroliua. Prompt attonuoa given to conations, JStc fjUOS. B. WILDER, 1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBOBe, H. C. O ce on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's gtore. rp W. BICKETT, JL . ATI-ORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LJQISBJRft IT. C. Prompt an 1 p itusUking attention given to every m-ittir latrustei to his hanas. Rerjrs to Caief Justic sai apherU, Hon. John Mniniug, tiou. Ho:t W. Wiustoa, Hon. J. C. BuicLou, Proa, first National Bans of Win kU i. Ui mn & Iauiy, Wiustoa, Peoples Band or jI.uroe, Unas. E. T-iylor, ires VVafee Por eatOoiljge, Hon. K W. I'imuerlake. u oc iu uuurD House, oppositettheriifVs. W. M. PERSON, ATTORXRY-AT.LAW, LOUISBUKO, sr. c. Practices in all courts. . Office in the Court Bonne. YARBOROCGH, Jb. ATTORNEY AT L UV, LOUISBURQ.N. C. OiBcp on secoud Hour of JS'ual bnilding Jiui'i itret-t. u i ili 1 iril business intrusted to him viii receive prompt andcarelul atteiitian. Dentistry, W. H. EDWARDS OP WAKE FOREST, N. C. W ni visit Loui-hnrMoiitlay, Tuesday rji.1 'l.itf8iiu ioHowin the nrxt Suuiay in i-uui month prepared to do all kinds of 1'i-ntal work. ' over .Tojies & Conper Store t door to T. ii. Wilder Law oilii-e J. IWI. C. HSLU THE TINNER, 'ir prep-tMd 1 1 d'j al: kind of tin work, re f!i;r.n-. Z:. All work fraaranteed. Plaje f ' birfiiiASH ou M'tin Sureet in house recently u-'mjiied by F. Parrish." RUFF8N a LEWIS BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all kinds of w rk ia our ha. Call to si--e us at our eh p Qar the Louisburg mills. i)-E. IE. IIJSTG-, DENTIST, LOUISBLTRG, N. C. OtTicje over ttacket Store. GraJnto Baltimore Dental College. Tv;aT.-four years active experience. AKTIFICI VL TB.TH A SPSCIALTY. Nat ural teeth rmu'wetl and new ones inserted in TWEXrr M1NDTE3. Ali work warranted. Louisbur is my home "for better or w axe" and you will always find me ready to correct at my own expense any work that may prove unsatisfactory. Very trnly. R. E. KING, Dentist. YARBO ROUGH & DAVIS, The Blacksmiths OF LOUISBLTRG. All work in our line done on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. We have our new shop (the old ten pin illey) in g.xKl sha pe and are better pre pared than ever to serve our cuslo mers. STILL AT THE BRIDGE . BLACK- MITHING. Where I am well known and dkmkuI my s.ime work. I hope yon wiU aee me as you hava done befnm. Vnn (ii- mZ " the East side of the River bridge. Main street Looisbarg, N. C. While I anauoin aU kinds PMpiaed i uneKsiaitnini suiithing, don't forget that I am also a 10 repair yoar gan, such as patting' locks &c 1 have a few (runs which I 1 new n t ! 1 it, n repaired that will be sold if not called for Yours truly ' A. T. Nui CENTKAL HOTEL J" I Mtwsenburg 'Propf HEWDCT-SON, N.C GoJ accommodations. Good fare: Po lito and attentive servants. - OSBORNHOUSE, C D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Grood accommodations for the traveling pnblie ; ' , 5 , D0YfjU WAfiT A HOUSE ? lf 80 yon will do well to write, ee J. Levister, t Louinburg, ; before contraciir j. Plane, BpeciHeatjon8 and eatimatea mad t p ; BE CAREFUL Wfl AT YOU SAY. IHfeotland'Keek' Demoerai. A v In speaking of a bison's fan Its, -..Piay don't forget yonr own; Ka?oiter thow ia bons lass, 1- tSaouI ricypr thruw Khnno " V If we h av B it.Jiiag Ii to do Bnt ti!fc of thosi who sin ' Ami from that point txo h.vr n to ranges man OntU h's fairly f.; B Saorri i w uot f-Jike hw coWsa'nV a kcow thwworld is wide B "" Jw- and who has not? Th l(i as well a y ovin W may perhaps, we oo)rht to know, Huvt- fafty to their otie. I'll tll you' of a better plan, And Had it works fall well- J To try my uwu defects to cur. . . Ere I f others tell: " " - L Ami thona:h I sometimes hope to be -iuuruu Home j, Know. H? own short-5omigs bkl me let The tanlts oi oth s &l Theti let ns all.' when we commence ' 3 8Jandpr friend or foe, Think of the harm one word mav do, To those we little know. Remember enrses sometimes, like VOnr chickens. roost at homo;" Don't speak of others' faults until We have none of our own . FOR GIRLS. CHOOSING A SlSBAND. Robert Louis Stevenson's Advice to Women. Selected , It isn't often a man comes for ward to offer advice unsolicited on how to chouse a husband when oue does, womeu ought to give his reniarks attention, for the 8igge6 tieii8 he advances are sure to be in teresting if not convincing. k , . WHOM TO AVOID. 1 ''Don't marry any man," says a masculine philosopher, without duly considering his tastes and habits, for they offer a pretty sure estimate of the individual's tem per and bent of his character. Refuse s man of letters, though his genius 4nay promise to produce tbe book of the century. Shakespeare himself was not a satisfactory life'p partner aod?authorship is a seden tary, brain wearing, dyspeptic profession. He who bends over a desk coining fine seutejicea will likely scowl when the baby wails, quarrel with his food, want peace when the children romp, suffer from insomnia and live chiefly on the nerves. "Refuse him," "Mr. Stevenson continues, ''just as you would the musical genius, or even the vocal ist or instrumentalist wbo has too much talent. Men of that stripe alwavs sacrifice everything to their art, which leaves, yon see, very short commons for the wife. Your embryo Wagner is apt puough to be full of crochets a3 to his scores. He is always up in tbe or pluuged in abysmal depths. The neighbor's practicing daughter keeps him on the wrack, his hours of composition or protracted prac tice sap all the harmony from his mind and body, while ambition rides him like a nightmare. ARTI8TS ARE SAFER. But if you mast have a husband in the arts try a painter or an ar chitect. An artist is tbe.only man who knows how to mak poverty picturesque and accept it with philosophy dabbing colors on canvas, or drawing stately Hoes is somewhat a soothing occupation to the mind. There always lingers a halo of romance around the velve teen coat and tall easel, and artists are, by the requirements of their profession, more patiently hopeful tnaa feverishly ambitious. JOURNALISTS PASS MUSTER.' -There is really much excellent material to make 'a good husband to be found among the journalists. A capable jodr'nalist is eminently a good tempered fe41ow; cheerful, energetic, has a keen understand ing of human nature, compreheuds tbe philosophy bf making tbe best of a bad bargain, leads a busy, healthy, varied life atid as a hus band stands a better chance of suc ceeding than,, for instance, a physician. ' -OTHERS GOOD AND BAD. It's doubtful if .the popular doc tor is much of a comfort to his wife; He has too little leisure; his profes sional chains are carried every where .with him, he is preoccupied; scarcely ever a good business man; but a lawyer is to be highly recom m nded and politicians have their strong virtues; s ",,", - .Never xnarry" tnan who has very few friends. AThere t is no 4oabtedljr & big flaw iu his charao- fig? IQUISBURG; N. CPMDAY, FEBRUARY ",!Y remeaiDer, u a rftheKeVnesefve-d individual iJ . r mn ma nr 1-1 a a . - - wuuu rrucuce sucft pretty tastes T"V-r .r in water voiuraj ue is iifcely to Lave nicewift epo.ts iu bis nature somewhere, amenable tonight influence: J ( : A man w ho i fond of fishing is worth cultivating. It shows a contemplative, miud open to roo ictions Remember that the bachelor who boasts he has no small vices, must needs be suspected, for human nature is true to herself and abhors a vacuum. It's a wise wife who cheerfully tolerates a ai toaaay boots, who , doesn't rid i cule her husband's clumsy efforts at carpentry mending around the house, who often admits tbe dogs to tbe sitting room, and lets an occasional extra tn&u friend in for diuner without rebuke or apology. These are littlo things but tbey all go toward keeping a cheerful bus band inside the garden gate aud tend to firmly establish domestic serenity." Fanny Enders. What Wall Street Really is. New York Tribune. Wall street is nothing but a lendiug shop for tbe money of the contiuent. If nobody seut money here to be loaned, in order to get safer busiuess than he could get at home; Wall street exchanges would shut up and Wall street banks would get out of busiuess. More than half the loans made by all national banks in New York are, iu fact, made by them only as agents for various country banks. Out of 364,000,000 loaned, accord ing to a quarterly statement $26o 000,000 was due to other national bauks. Tbe mouey is sent here to be loaned because the New York backs have the confidence of their correspoudentsall over thecouutry, are known to be conservative and prudent, aud iu a better position to foresee trouble than bankers auywhere else, aud have larger opportunities to make safe loans thaii cau be found anywhere else. Your crazy, wildcat borrower, whether iu Florida or Oregon, gets bis loan at home, if be can, while the man who has something solid to justify a loan goes straight to Wall street, because there he can get money cheaper than auywhere else on such property. Meu are uot fools for seudiug their money here. It is handled more safely in tbe long run. and with less per centage of loss, than anywhere else in the country, and for that very reason at lower rated of in terest. Whatever they feel willing to risk on various shady ventures bankers elsewhere risk at Lome, but the money they put into Wall street they count as their surest reserve. This money comes largely from the West aud South. The good farmers and merchants of those sections, who have money lying idle which they do not want to tie up in permanent investments, get something for the use of it often, and get it protected and guarded always by their local banks only because those banks dan use a part of their , reserve in New York. Since tbey must "have something here to meet demands at this mo mentary centre, and can use money here more safely than anywhere else, they send as much here as they conveniently can. The money comes here because caution and conservatism usually I control the financial institutions of New York. Sitting al ways in front of measureless disaster, if Berlin or Paris or Londou, South Africa or Turkey, Washington or Albany, make mischief, the great managers of institutions here are forced to keep their eyes constantly open to all sorts of possibilities. Tbey compete with each other yso sharply, when there is any chance to lend or invest with safety, that they crowd down as far 'as possible the lending rate for the whole con tinent and that they could not do, if the West and "donth wereAioVall tbe time trusting over $200,000000 .to their, judgment, experience and wide knowledge tjecanse the money is safer' here, . although it ' actaal 7 earns less, tbau it wonhl invlh.L ", loans tbe most imDortat.t b'a.. 1 live iudaatriea of. all Western Southern 8tates have beeV devel oped. Through . their ; loans the ra i I roads, w b ich . have": more than doubled" the value 'of laud in all Western and Southern States bav been Constructed aud maintained ' c.U-i ' v v- Stock speculators, gaiu and cot - - w . - .-UBtuin,,ew Yorkist know their as in other cities, but they are not the meuto whom ihe whole nation intrusts its lastt reeerve; Wall V86 trusted because it it trusU wottby. jind nikev 'boney n1y because it performs for the whole nation a service more safely, cheaply and profitably than any body else conld perform it. wH0M T0 KICK. DON'T STARVE PREACHERS. Bob Burdette's Advice. Selected. My sou when you bear a man growling and scolding because Moody gets $200 a week for preach ing Christianity, you will perceive that be never worries a bit because lugersoll gets $200 a night for preaching atheism. You will ob serve that the man wbo is unutter ably shocked because F. Murphy gets $350 a week for temperance work, seems to thiuk it all right when the barkeeper takes in twice as much in a single day. The laborer is worthy of his hire, ury boy, and be is just as worthy of it in the pulpit as he is on tbe stump. Is the mau wbo is honestly try ing to save your 60ul worth less than the man wbo is tryiug hie level best to go to Congress? Isn't Moody doing as much good work hs lugersoll? Isn't John B. Gough as much the friend o humanity as the bartender. Do you want to get all the good in the world for nothing, so that you may be able to pay a high price for the bad? Remember, my boy"the good things iu the world are the cheap est, bpring water costs less than corn whiskey; a box of cigars will buy two or three bible; a gallon of fine brandv costs more than a barrel of flour; a ' full hand" of poker often costs a man more iu twenty minutes than bis church subscription amounts to in three years; a State election costs more than a revival of religion; you cau sleep in a church every Sunday morning if you are mean enough to deadbeat your lodging, Jbut a nap in a Pullman costs you two dollars every time. Fifty cents for the circus and a penny for the little ones to put in the missionary box; one dollar for the theatre, and a 1 pair of trousers frayed at the end, baggy at tbe knee and utter ly bursted as to the dome for the poor; tbe danciug lady gets $600 a week, and the city missionary gets $000 a year; the horse race scoops iu $2,000 the first day4 and the church fair lasts a week, works twenty-five or thirty of the best women in America to death,' and comes out $40 in debt! , Why, my boy, if you ever find yourself sueering or scoffing be cause once in a wbile yon hear of a preacher getting a living or even a luxurioussalary, or a temperance worker making money, go out in the dark and feel ashamed of your self; an'd, if you don't feel above kicking a mean man, kick your self. Precious little does religion and charity cost the old boy; and when the money he does give is flung into his face, like a bone at a. dog, the donor is not" benefited by the gift, and the receiver is not, and certainly should not be gratified. And. then, remember, my ton, yoa have to work; Whether you handle a pick or a pen, a wheel barrow or a set of books, digging ditches or editing a paper, ringing an auction bell or writing funny things, !yoa jmust work. If yoa iok around yon, son, yoa will see the men who are most able to live the rest of their days withoat work, are the men who work tbe hardest; 1 be afraid of : kill, ing yourself with work, son. ' It is beyond your power to do that.i Men cannot work so hard as -that 28, 1896., ' - k- , " ..y T t tbirtj. They die sometimes, bat its be cause they quit work at 6 p. tn.t and don't get home nntit 2 a. n. It's tbe interval that kills. Work gives yoa an appetite for meals; it lends solidity to your slumber; itgivessppreeiationofaholiday. Tb ere are touiiv mn t,. j not Wnrlr m v I 1-; wm, vu tu worm - hs, not proud of them, ft doe, names, even: it himply speaks-'of them as old so- and so'e boys. ; Fonr BLr Successes. flavin the needed orit to mak rood ail the advertising claimed Tor them. Uw IoHowib four rccDHdiea bar r-acbti a phenomenal sale, fjr. King. New Di covery, for consumption, e0ffu and colds, each bottle ffuanntoed-Klectrie Bitters, the great remedy for Lir. SN.mach and Kidneys, Hucklen's Ar nica Salt, the best in the world, and Dr. king's ew Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All tbes reumlh are Kaaranteed to do just what is elaimed Tor tbt-m aud the dealer who- name n attached herewith will be glad to Ml yoa more of of them. Sold at Aycccie s to a. Drug Store. Judge Clark in Mexico. Charlotte Observer. A letter from Associate Justice falter Clark, dated at theCitv of Mexico, de Eoero," (January otb) Bays he basso far bwoin eight States of that republic. It ia gum-rner-like. Strawberries ure ripe During his travels he haa not neen a fire or a house with a chimney How many of theseehivering North larolinians would like to live in that Republic to the South of us where a shirt, a pair of trousers, a cigarette and a straw bat meet the requirements of costume so far ns comfort are concerned nnd where a dollar is worth 50 cents? It Hay Do as Much for Yoa. Mr Fred Miller, of Irving. 111., writes that he had a setere Kiduey trouble for nihny year, with severe pains in his back and also his bladder wan affected IU tried many o called Kidney cures but without auy good result. About a .year ago he beyaa the use of Electric Hitters and found relief at once. Elec tric Hitters i especially adapted to the cure of all Kidney and Lifr troubles and gifes almost im-tmt ivlief. Or. trial will prove, our statement Price only 50c. for large bvt.lo. At Aycocke & Co a. Drug arcre. The paths of pervrrHt.v all must pursue fciperiencs shown it each daj- TW m4tut man kr a large invw-w. Is the man ho has notniog to j Before -Subscriiilog for i Uiguiss SEE THE BEST, DEMORESrS AN UNPARALLELED OFFER. Demoref, Cut Paper Psttrrnt sre the most pmcticsl on :be market. "finysiie that nny member of i ho.t(. hold could require. In ih copy of the ilsgssiue is.riuted a c.uon eniitliog tue subscriber, or poecliasrr. 10 a psturn (worth aud regularly sold for 35c.)orsnr number of pattern, for four cenU each to cotrer sod posture. When the vslne of the pitterun is cousiderrd the subscriber actually gets Demorest's Magazine Free And what a roajriuine it i! For If-M it will be morr brilliant than erer before New maoaitenient, new method, nrw ideus. Each oopy contains an ejnuitite rcprimacuon in color of ome celrOrjted picture by a famous artist, worthy to adorb the wain of the moat refined home It is sffirmed that Demorrst's is the nBr complete Family ilagmsioe published c imbioinjjall ol the most excellent point 01 its contemporaries, besides harm? in imitable feature ofiUowo. Deinortt'a ia tciually a Doaen ilaprnxineti in oue. It is a Dieesc of Current Event and laeas tor the buay man or woman, a Re view and a Storehouse of interest for all. Wives, mothers, sisters and daughters cto find exactly what tbey need to amos aud instruct- tiien, also practical helps in every department of domestic and social life-'including the furnishing sdJ orna menting of the home, emhroidery. brie s brac artistio and fancy tort of all kids, etc., etc, and suggestion ad aJnc re garding the well-being and dressing of their own persons. Ths Mope, of the articles for 1893 and ISM will cover the whole country sad it varied interests, and the articles will be profusely illustrated with in e finest engra vings, and, In addition, it wUJ publish ths best and purest fiction. It treats at length Cut-of-Door W porta, Home Ainaemeou and Entertainments; it give a great deal of attention to the Children's Department, and "Our Girls," and has a Monthly tjym posinm by celebrate People, ia which are disccsied important questions of the hour of interest to tbe older reader. Letoe have y.ur subscription at onee. You get more value for yoor money thso it is possible to secure la aay other duv aine. 6 The Maguaine one year !r f 2.00. Or air muotb for - i.oo. Over SoO diffeient garmenu are shown each year, patterns of all ol which are obtainable by subscribers at 4c Sample copy with patlsrn ooup o sent for Denwest Pnblishiag Co HO FtrUi Aveaae, Mew Twrk. E. F. YARBORQUGH LUe, Fire and Acci dent Insurance, . . . - - LODISBDRG, N. C. Safe, Reliable Companies. Office ;iu ihe Neal building flpsuira. f7tf r oncE or DiSaoumox. hMlac elaioia araiat X.d trsa snJ mw -t tWa to iyrorta A .u loe rjareT Tho. owing asU4 area wfU ult u Atrvart 4 Cln. Jaa..180e, -.: P MORTGAGE SALE.. By virtu of powM-eoetatswa' ia a rtorv a easevted b O. b. sleyeto D H 8tley da aa4 pwyabW on (a gSU, dT ol " refuew.1 t. hook tCp. Pjaj 120 i. the IWwer of D-Me oScci Utathass eoaaty and tewalo.d toawM Potasy yer see port mm sn4ow of U B. St. ley tfwrswj. wkirw ol4 tMnBMl of SBortrac as reneud la twed of a. coaau I), in the oSW of ta1rk of tU Court of Cbathjaxa envaty. aa1 tartKer power rvaierred npcm m aadse fedrDeet of tbe ctorro Court of rrmakhaeoeaty at T Cowr la J aweary to The fahrses bMdee o Mes4.y IVbewefT ?tn- rt boom dnnr la the Jollowiag article of rreoua) property, to-wit; Oae J. H C horse -o. .Vd bv" 2 mU. dark Uys, 1 aeaaed Kit. one oaioed llollv. Mas. D B. 8tlt. Mortsrags-. looat t So. ittorny NOTICE Havina- qnabfi-d as Almialtratoe of ullsn Perry. rolon4. ail p.raoo oiK Die ratal are aotifl:d to moke payaat at ooee.ondaJI holdit rtaims i.imi hiaesteU prwil t-m for pttni on or Uefore th Wth day ! J.naary 1$7 or ihU notio. sin be pUad tu Ur of taeir recovery. January Vth 1S9S O. I. KLLIS Adm r. ol WILLIAM PEBBT LOUISBURG Carriage Shops, H. C. TAYLOR, Proprietor. If your Carriage, Buggy, Wag on or anything m that line ned repairing and you wan it doD right, bring it to tne, ai.d if ou want your Carriage or Buggy re painted in a first-class manner, bring it to me aio. I have srv-d my time under a first-class paiu ter and wood workman, cau there, fore gaurantee satisfaction iu all work entrusted to ro. 1 have a first-class black smith in the black sm:th shop wbo ful ly understands everything about bis busings.", frorr -hoeing a horse to irioning a fine tuggv. It does not pay to have jobr work botched up, no brin" it along to me whre ir WILL BK DONE RIGHT, my priCes ar., reasonable I make Buggies and Wagons to order. If you want a ood Home Made Buggy or Wagon, giv me your orders, and you shall havr what you want. Thanking my friends for their patronage in the past and solicit ing the pame in futqre, I am, Yours very respectfully, II . C. TAYLOR. Build up Home. by PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE MALL0RY DURHAM CHER R(0TE CO. OF DURHAM. - -NO. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARri CHEROOTS .iND CIGARROS As can oe found on themarket. Their leading brands are 4BULL OF DURHAM" A dime Cigar for a uickle. Hand Havana filled. 'BLACKWELLS DURHAM' Named in honor of Col. W. T. Black well, father of Durham 5 cent SumatraWrapper. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS "OLD CHUNK" CHEROOTS, 5 for 10 cents. The 6nest smoke for tbe-money. "OLD NORTH STATE" Cheroot, 3 for 5 cents, a sure winner that always plea. Stick to home and send ut your orders. Uailorj QurfczQ Chsrcot Co. DURHAM, N. C. o iu j eta, w sf . (UOporSotUs vTirsa vemgiM. noawwusaws THteet, Crwep promptly retierea WkMls I'sMgU nd AstaaaA. lnr UaianrUt H Br do tteaJ? baa oared taiwnaawds where sUsUiih faiind; vut rxrsa too if tsUteq la rtsao. Bokl oy Proggiste cs a sturastos. T't LaaaeTssca oae iimuinn Ktoam.. Octa. LOH'syCATARRH mm Waee you CUtarra t Tb renaerfy la roarra. K UMBER 2. . - ' 9 i LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,- Who may wUh bin itmpe ing or fcalrdrwertagUcBe, will da ell to rail on W. M. ALSTON. 4 I. E.TII0MA8. Udieahavt. your bans; cut rihU Wa para Dr. White new hair rrarr. Vao'e Mexiean Hair lieatoraUvt. Aysr. Hair Vigor. Tricophtrorit for the Ulr and skin, atbiaff te bat U U keep tie hair from fall Ing out. liOTEL WOODARD. C wOol4 w4, fa E-ky UeiAV K. C free Rta mrU all trtia. t3traT. F Ha . K L I . Ti II in K L FRA5KU5T0.V, X a C. If. HOBES, Frp'r. Ood arcotaodatioo for its) trateliar poUie Oood Liter Attached. shoe making: MOSKS WEST ho'di forth in rear of Tboma-' Drug Stor, (on the alley where he does shrw f aking nd repairing and guar antee to do work a jfood and cheaper than any 8aW-VWker in the State. Come and for yourself. Respectfully, IKXSES WEST. NOTICE 1 I have decided to reduce my BEES to 10 Hives. Will sell remainder for 13.50 per hivf, this inclod top ease. Thse bes are worth 16.00, for bees aloue. Apply al nce to A. D GREEN. R. R. CRO&SEN. FIRST CLASS PA INTER, LortsBcao, y. c I wish tr nff-r ray arlce to the r-ol lie. and will say that I an prrrared t. do all kinds of hoa- painting, grain ing a. Wy work in Lcntstarr speaks for itelf, and I refer to all par. We ft - w Qrfn i Lae w or led. Old fomlli maoe tww. tfiie roe yoor and you shall be p'-ed. ratrona 0. & R. S-CHRISTIAN fljalesala grocers. RICHMOND, Va. Prompt attention to orders i:; snt sfaction UL'AKA EED. TAKE NOTICE ! Onr back is run to tie depot for tbe benefit of passengers who pay, and while we donot with to be discourteous t anyone w respectfully ask that all dead beads" will either walk or "pav." HAYES & PULLER- CHICKLV CHOLERA Can be cured br uaine THOMS PtU'LTRY IH)vDEintaJaon:r rocp and gape. now- the time to use it. 25 cent a packa. For aale bv W. G t UOMAS, Drrgiat, Louisbtirjr. N. C. NOTICE. Hsri eg oahfli as Aln:ttrator of K A l. til pf.)M om fcta eatete a- totib4 to eake payowet at oe. ad ') peaoM boLJiag rlatsts a4tJet hia eataJ ill prfit thra for payvMot os or kw4 Jaoaarr th St 19?. or te aotaaa W be pUad ia bar ol tawr fwoitrt. v Jary Ota I8M. O. L. TLLfa. Aw of k. A BPaTtD. FOR SALE. arm of 185 acre in Warren County adjoining Franklin County and lying in the fork of Shocco and Fishing creeks, of a mile from Rausom's Bndfe. Soil adapted to the growth of bright tobacco, cotton, grisv. clover and peppertntnL Terusa: One hundred and eighty-fir-dollars cash, balance one, tw and three year. For "further particular apply to Charlzs J. Alro, Ransoms Bridge, N. C. nima rxini irj rn ni rm vwrrT vaairnte or reoiorsraass rowx, Pikla Dwets. Wiu hortacd Tarley. Tig OM.aU tied of P-sbbiT. Oatwew PU.r strH PoIoskJ Okie, aed rrrt.klre -... rwetatevexl Jrraj eaUi. ad mr r4 liw atete fsUk rr1 'ota'ee, fUtur. aa1 B-ewaed eocsu Koektsc fr&m, Corv Wrd ad l'mi Lverrrkia araatii krooa r cUae stork Ursa. rtwk; kJsdeol eaievlowle WiM . Kesst. Hs Ir- Of t we fcaalW lia D. KmI Mvrr. a4 Japaeeae taa faO. Ti Foe at aitrWaJ aay varsrly of t t rMBabsa peira. k frWa rrx oae day eVSrwaye - Enry snr rskrsswd to a s reveeaewtod U W . dttver4 rrv aaoraiag. Vex lor eesHwcfrwea tKeeor bred stori at tl VO 9nt ta:rtse. A U of ytetr p-d'-rwvirr.w tar M 0hU tvm ro-4J4ensg at. Ia taw wieter ooetae, oftr Uh asiwraJ timm4 eatrkrwe are ps. aAwee md or fter at tiseaalretrtaarsuerkteieraw Fr a aad better aJwwya ow kaa4. aa4 aUlU ew l4Teed rrwrr asorslaa. kt aWtrewL Twotae (toeteia r.tvea for aeW. rwe hi o WiWe-peVs rwnets. Jra sa.1 ewwwykeW, tws lis law wfefrr. aJex om ti4 a ja.vr cSer a tte orportesiry lor fsnsvrra to tsaarovw tkrr sio. Tawtoee alveee wekwasw, ease-a Raaday. wW PoVtry Tarda aad iWt howeee i0 brk-4. C w. or saw J a. cKrr. . , Lorn bwrg, X. C "

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