Jfetliodigt Cuurek Directory. Sunday School at 9:30 A. IK. Praeiiiae at 11 A. M., aod7 P. M . e?ry Sunday. 7 Prayer meeting Wedaday night! g F. SMlTaTtPaator a MA8SENBCBO, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. taufcJB?B8,"ir. c. WiU practtee iu all the Court ot the Mate O aco In Court House. , I M. COOKB & SON, ATTO JUTS T8-AT-LAW, " toumBura, jr. a. : , ' Kf WU1 Ueaa the ooarts of Naan, Franklin. Oraaviiid, vVarreaaad Wake counties, aJeotae aaprouto Cort oX urtu CAroUnn, and tke U a Circuit uj District Courts. " I) a. i. K. MAfcOflS., OcHvsa two doors below AveOcfce a Oo.'s are stor yoiiajf Dr. o. L BUis. 1) L W. JUL. NICH0&30N, P&ACTIClNa PHYSICIAN, LOUI8BUJW, S. C 8. SP&UILL, ATTOttNBr-AT-LAW, LOUXSBUBe, V. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance. QraurWi, Warren ani Wake counties, also to Sapreiaa Court of North Curoiiua. teamvt attontlju g-ivea to coUeutlons, fee rjXHOa B. WILDSK, ATTO RNK Y- AT-L AW, fcouisBoaa, v. a Office on Main street, over Jones fc Cooper's store. T. W. BICK cfcrT, ATTORNEY: AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOOT8B0BO N. C. Prompt and painstaking attention riven to every matter Intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief JustloiShphrd, Hon. John MaaiUeg, Hon. Ro:t. W. Wiuston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First N tttonal Bank of Win ston. Oldnn si Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Mouroe, Uhm K. Tylor, Pres Wake For est Oolleg-e, Hon. K. W. riinberlake. Offioe in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. il. PERSON, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, L0UXSBUBO, jr. C. Practices in all courts. Office in the Court House. IL YARBOROUOH, Jr. ATIORNEY AT LAW, LOrjISBDRO.N.C. Office on second fljor of Neal bnilding Main Street. Ill I tril busiaes intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. Dentistry. W. H. EDWARDS OP WAKE FOREsV, N. C. Will visit LnuiHhnr? nn Jim ilair Tnuil,. sad AredumiM.v fallowtnir t.h int. HnnsloV in each month prepared to do all kind of jjutai won. Oiflw over Jones & Cooper Store sKt door to T. B. Wilder Law offl.-e d. M. C. HILL, TUB TINNER, in prepared to do all kind of tin work, re psiriug, &c. All worfe jruaranteed. Place of business on Stain eoreet in house recently ixxapiea ov r . rarrisit. RUFFIN & LEWIS BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all kinds of work in oar liue. Call to see as at our shop near the Loaisburg mills. DENTIST, louisburg; N. C. Office over dacket Store. GraJaate Biltiraore Dental College. Tw-inty-fqjir years active experience. AttTIflCI VL TB8TH A SPBOIALTT. Natural teeth removed and new ones inserted in TmsSTX MI5UTE3. All work warranted. Louisbartr is my home "for better or worse" and yoa will always find me ready to correct at my own expense any work that may prove unsatisfactory. Very truly, B. E. KING, Dentist. YARBOROUGH &. DAVIS, The Blacksmiths 0FL0UI8BDRG. All work in oar line done on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. We have oar new shop fthe old ten pin 1 1 ley) in g .rod shape and are better pre pared than ever to serve oar custo mers. STILL AT THE B RIDGE . BLACK- MITHING. Where I am well known and prepared to do taj same wora. a nope you wiu see me run have done before. You will find me on iae Bast side of the River bridge. Main street' Louksburg. N. C. While I am doing all kinds ot Macksmithlng. don't forget fhat I am also prepaaed io repair your gun, such as putting on uew locks fee I have a few iruns which I ksve repaired that will be sold if not called for n ten days. Yours truly A. T. Nbal CENTRAL HOTEL J I Masetibarg Propr HENDERSON, N. C . Good accommodations. Good fare. Po lite and attentive servants. OSBORN HOUSE, C D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. DoTou WANT A HOUSE ? If ao yon will 4o well to write, J-rsee J. Leyter, at Louisbnrg, . C.f before contrautirj. Plans, peeifteations and estimates made J2barot buUdings, &c. , , WHAT DUESir MATTER? ' Ella Wbcfxk. Wnixix, la rjUei HeM,d !? th7rttt to ae or ton What are thy ail WBWI aU j, told? . . A wWET"" tear wattr whir woriaim? f tp from the cradle into the bfer Wh. H?l5dn'?0r hotr l aorrow What doea it matter to us to-morniw? Tnith of love, or tow of friend 1 nat do tUPV nmtu. .- i Tr tilJri6f .V . d.the Iodk night Pioafe kiaaM. or tears or jrall, I The grave will open and eover them 1L HoniPleM WgMt. or honored irneet, .Poor and umble. or rich and VvmL AH are racked with tb world nnrT ,XlJn,Mfc witk the common fat. What iralf when all is fcfd? How Mary Helped. Joe's wife is a master-hand at managing. I will av it, if she is my daughter-in-law, and some tererseeany ood in the woman that's promised to love and cherish their pon in sickness and health till death do them part. I didn't want Joe to marry, but Arben I saw ne was set on it, why I just decid ed that I was going to be a living contradiction to all these low iokes about mother's-in-law, and I must say, Mary met me half-way. 8he called me "mother' first thing, and never offered to take the work of my hands anTrun matters her self, but waited till she knew how we were med to doing and then quietly helped about thisaud that. and it as uot long before I found there was time for me to sit down and rest and read a bit, aud now wo most wonder how we got along oetore, Mary came. But the way that irirl talks reli gion 1 The very first time she stood in the kitchen door, she says, sort o'low to herself 'I will look unto the bills whence cometh my help." And then it was like my own eyes bad uew tcs, for I w.iivi nee now toe bills were MA.. 1 jj . 1 ... touched with gUry, like a tbrune (the suu was just going down be- h.nd em) ftttd then the woods lot and the creek all lay eo peaceful, and my heart sang thanks to Him who bad for so mmy years made us to dwell iu safety and Dlentv. But I'd never takei time to look out and see all that, mostly being cross with work and baekar-h Sundays, Ma?y wtfuld have us all in the best room, and she'd play bytuti8on the organ she brought witn her, and she'd iret Joe to read out of the Weekly Chronicle one of bpurgeon s sermons or something else goodit took her to find out that Joe was such a first-rate reader. She mourned mightily at having preaching only once a mouth, for she'd lived in town always, and was used to services Sundays and Wednesday nights regular. So, one day. she sava. "Why can't we have a Woman's Missionary 8ociety anyway, and meet once in a while to pray and talk and give? We are wasting so much time when there is so much good we might be doing." Well, I put all kinds of objec tions before her. The women lived so far apart; we couldn't aparejhe horses hardly ever; roads were bad in winter; and sisters wouldn't know how to carry on a meeting; it was hard enough to raise Brother Sims' salary and keep the old church in repair; women didn't have anything to give except what their husbands give them and so on. "But," she urged, "it's spring, now, and the roads will be better; I'm sure we can get a way to ride - we don't stay at borne all the time; and the sisters can learn how to conduct a meeting; and we'll pray out a way to earn money to give." .' . . ' So, the upshot was. the meeting was held at Mrs. Bowers be ing most convenient for the mem bersand Joe took that day to go to Staneville; so be carried us alons and we went by and picked up Miss Nan Joyce and her aant. That made four without any trouble. Mrs. Gowan . came in the jersey wagon their children have to go to school - i. ' Gowan was always mighty good to his - children, and . it cost but little mora to keep an extra ' borseon piirnose for" their u!9,,and it oigbt help to keep the boys on the' farm when they grew p. Two or three who' lived near, est walked, and Guy Peace I came riding np with his old irrand- mother behind him and went t?at toping back to bis plongb. He's a gooa bey. if be is mischievous, and be m mm m w w VUQ t3 wouldn't let the old lady be disappointed. The meetiuir torhei ont wlL Mary 'd got newspaper pieces About missions and coaxed different oom to read them, and Mrs. Gowao told of a ral missionary she'd beard to 1 k- - J If n . talk ouce. and Mrs. Peace be mm to cry and said how this took ber back to the Monthly Conceit of rryer for Missions they had when sue was young. She said she'd been asked to go to Burmab when she was tweniy, but she bad little orphan sisters to take care of and felt she couldn't leave them; and then we knelt and she prayed that somebody might be raised np to go ana aa the work she didn't do TTT .11 m . wen, we felt somehow nearer to the heathen and tbem that's labor ing for their souls than we evpr did, and I said if I couldn't tell tbem the blessed gospel tidings. for I kuew I'd never learn their heathen languages even if I wasn't nxed so that was going out of tbe question, I could help to send a smart young woman in my stead. aud I would if I bad to take whole charge of the poultry yard to make it pay better'n its been doing, and chase around after the young tur keys to keep tbem-out of the wet. for turkeys before Tbauksgiving and Christmas are cash. That started the rest, and every one pledged herself to earn or save, if it was ofity a nickel a month , We've kept up our meetings all summer, and old Hillsdale Church isn't going to te set down any more as giving blank to Foreign Missions and blank to Home Mis sions and blank to State Missions What's more than tbe money we have given or have got in sight (for my turkeys area flock for any body to be proud of), old Hilladale i going io nave a missionary all ber own. Guy Peace says he'll try. with God's help, to be tbe "substitute' his blessed grand mother prayed for. S. E. 8. S. Don't Throw Away Your Ticket In the Tunnel. Lenoir Topic. "If the Lord h with uowi nil irf U litres OS 13 1. There are mauy people who stop believing tbe Bible whenever things begin to happeu that are not pleasant to the flesh. Too many who conclude that God has forsaken them, because the shop shuts down aud they are thrown out of employment. Too raanv who get into tbe desert of unbelief and pray for death under the juni. per tree of a rebellious spirit, when tbe bank breaks and they lose their money. Too many who are ready to turn away from Christ whenever there is likely to be a scarcity of loaves and fishes. We should never look at things of sight aud sense to learn God's attitude toward us. for it is our privilege to believe that he will never leave or forsake us. The condition of perfect peace is perfect trust. Just as surely as we stop walking by faith, and begin to depend ou rea son for comfort, trouble will come, and we shall find ourselves groping in the darkness of" perplexity and doubt. Every doubt of, God's goodness and presence with us, Is a lying messenger who would per suade us that we are baukrupt. The thing for ns to do in all sucb casesis to worship God and keep trusting in him. To be!; iK.t he is still our sun and . shield, no matter how dark and desolate things may look. So lomr aa know ourselves to be true and loyal followers of Christ, we uno-kt to find reat and peace in his prom. so m db aiways witu us. "I should like to be excused. yonr honor saiJ a man who had been' snmmoned nn tK t.,.. ,: . : . . , ju. .What forf" "I-owe a man $10 and: wish to bant bim up and pay it." 'Do yoii mean to tell the court that you- would hnnt up a man to pay a bill iostead of waiu ing for; hirnto shunt tjon np?V kes, your honor. You are ex- cused. : Ilpn't want aoVman sn be jury that will lie : lik hat M "Don't Go With Bad Conpaay. " Norfolk TJrgialam. leb. t9. . This was tbe; advice sent by a. a y . A ' " " - j - D V -.9. w b is brether a few m omenta before being executed nn Monday of last week. This, mis. - m mm a U Besn I erbl who bad ontraged the ws of God aaj man. and who da. lighted in crime, in the last boar of life remembered what be was and what be might have been, and n orer tot the" brother might e8CP IniUi ' life sent bim the a d V I CJt tsrVilok ,1.1 it advice which beads this article. Shea, it wllj be remembered, was tried and sentenced 'for the ?'tti A tq t tv oiTroy. His whole life ad been of the worst character and was attribu table, as he said, to tbe fact of falliug into bad company when first starting out. Just before the light of life was shut out he re called these things and writing to afriendbesaid: "I wish you would talk to my brother and give him a little advice for me about whom he travels with, and his habits, and not to go around drinking and not to go with bad company." There is a certain class of yooug men in every community wbo should read the warning left by 8bea and profit by it. Men do not become criminals in a day. but it is much easier to fall than to re form, aud bad company too often leads to the road of ruin. So it is that the roan wbo never takes tbe first drink will never become a drunkard, but too often is it tbe case that the first drink leads to more and sometimes a drunkard's life. How much better it would be if youug men wbo tbiuk life is worth ouly what cau be gotteu out of it would think of these thiugs. The young tuau wbo attempts to con vert night into day, and wbo starts oufTat a two-forty gate, is apt to nod before the end is reached that he has made a mistake, but the re- alizatiou frequently comes at a time when it avail him nothing. now many men there are in this world wbo fail to tbink of these things, or if they think of them heed tbem Tbink of tbe troubles and beadarbes ami 4i.. ......;,.( menu in life and eeo how much of it all is traceable to tbe way in which some meu begin life VDon't go with bad company." even if you have tbe nerve to with stand temptation, aud do not actual roug. It is dangerous. Beside. the world has been taught to ind. V a man by tbe company he keeps, aim w mis exteut it at least is uurwui. Tbe world judges the tree by tbe fruit it bears, and it does not look for tbe beat sorriest viues. Neither does it t p to bud a correct man who seeps com pan v with thoaa hn K.uowu io oe Dad. L- as a Home Folks. Papers out of tbe State are notic ing tbe way . of North Carolina courts to banish scoundrels and send them into communities in other States. That is not right and fair. The failure of our courts to convict is becoming so comical, so absurd, so much of a burlesque that other States see it. The Nor. folk Pilot says: 44 The sentences for mnrAa in this State and North Carolina, are becoming so ridiculoualw lfh that they cannot be well improved upon, except by offeriog iu ad vance a fetching nremium r murder over all less interesting crimes. In time we maw Uam tn J applaud real tragedy." Ouch a jury system as curses the South cannot fail to bring forth failure, disgust, and a bid for vio- eoce and mob law. An appeal has been made for contributions to rebuild one of tbe buildiugsof theKittrell Industrial School at Kittrell. n F ' V A tJTJ New York Tribune says; "lbis-echool. which Is for col ored children, was recently in spected by Mrs. Hopkins, who de- -k-v,v WJ uuf ains, wnooe c,are :th sb was deeply im rj im pressed by its irood HllMMm.nl and the excellent results obtained on a most economical basis. Brown Do yoa really think that bicycling given enough exercise t Jones (just learning) Enonab t Why, man, it's a gymnasinm, to boggan . slide, ; and razzle-dazzle wiled Into one. Pack,' . ' - Lr4 by a Child. 8elerteJ. The words of tbe prophet Isaiah nave oeen many times fulfilled, and they are these: "A. little child shall lead tbem. The following authentic story is a beautiful illustration of these words. Quite a good many years ago, there waa a soldier, wbo took np bis quarters la a Chris tian family. One day.tht jotjng. est child io tbe family went up to the soldier, and said: Tell me aomethiug about Jesus. The soldier, iostead of ..complying with the cblld'a request, began talking about' dogs and horses. and other things. The little boy, not to be turned ff In such a way, stopped tbe soldier and repeated his request. The sol dier then said: "I don't know anything about Him." The boy answered: "And you, so big, and dou't know auythiog about Jesus Christ f If you don't love bim and serve him, when you die you won't go to heaven." Tbia called out uo response from the soldier, but produced a serious impression upon him. He engaged in conversation with his comrades and sought to for get the child's words. He stayed away from his boarding place that day till after the usual hour for supper, but the meal was held in reserve for biui. Wheo, at laat, he sat down to eat, the lit tle boy said to him: "Pray flrat, then eat." He was ao embar rassed that he laid down hit knife aud fork, and hardly knew what to do. The little fallow, seeiug his confusiou, folded his baud, and asked God to bleaJths soldier's supper. Tbe soldier proceeded to eat, but was sri ously troubled. That night, tbe first time for many jeaft, he of fered the peniteul's prayer, and becamea soldier of Jesus. Blessed is tbe child who is so trained bv his parents as to lead others to i uorisi. ... neiiKU,.. . .. u Ibm. 1 I : uoiiueaor life is greatly to br lesirea. uut wbat of LrofMe.i eauctiricatiou" when it ends u murder, and all on account of . 'gviNiuii uYcr too uocirme ( Near Owenshoro, Ky., a negr Crutcbfteld, a white 'sanctifies lionist. They were discussiu, Scripture aud Davi could no agree with Crutchneld, wbo h a repnution of being a crank At tbia the latter becane infun atei, and seizing au axe hand I. dealt the negro a blow on tb. bead, which broke his skull. 11 then drew a revolver and abo bim ouce through tbe body an fled." Kx. 7 Butvv. v.Tll wma SQOh "Of All Free. Thoae who ha nand np gin'. v- piaeoverj know its valo, and thoae w be nae not, have now the opportunity Ut try it Fnw. Call uo the adveruaed L-ruuR ana vet a Trial Bottl Frt dend your name and addres to ii. k Baeklea & Co., Chicago, and gwt a aau pie box of Dr. 'King's New Life Pill rrtxj, aa weii ma a copy or Uuide u Health and Honh ild 1 nat nut. . if All of which is irnarant-wl A - ! o V.V JVM good and cost yon nothing at Ayoockv lables Turued. if. T. World. Haggs Folsome married hi stenographer, I believe. Daggs Yes, she used to tak his dictations; now, poor fellow he has to take hers. Free Pills. 3od vonr addrmM to H R Rn.bi St Co, Chicago, and get a frw aampl wa oi Ar fiviog a ne Uife Pill. . inai win co a r luce yoa of their me.li -rheae pills are easy in action and r uarticu larl r dTcti Tse I A t hah awn asa -v . stipatioo and r3iek Headaeb. Forea laru ana Uver troablea they have b r Droved fnalnahl.t TViv m teed to be perfectly free troia ev-ry d -ieterioaa aubataaoe and to be pur y vegetable. Tbev do not K. thtir . a-rion hn k. -ii.... . Stoma eh aad bowels greatly iavigoratae o Tj guiar aue de, per Ooa. o uj Ajeneae a o., isrmgguta. 'Ob, yes. there it a mat dlf. fere nee between a good cigar and a bad one. A good cigar is ooe that it is a pleasure to receive: a bad oue a pleasure to give away, Dabywaa When she waa a Cfefld, eh cried for Io Kuncx or Di&oLCTicnr wag cialtM agalaM aald Irani) Tvg aM arm wta aiy U U Avnorv A Co. Jaa.yx.isse, -rT" NOTIUK ' Haviag iuIM aa w mi . - kUat.uwKtiwua.U, UUaotk.0IUpW4la haTil ulsr Jaaaary Sth 18ft. O. L. ELLIS. AdasV. efWILUAat fUtft Y E. F. YARBOROUGH Life, Fire and Acci dent Insurance. LOOISBU RG. N. C. Safe, Reliable Comj.ani. OERce in the Neal balldin np tUlrs. f7lf LOUISBURG Carriage Shops H. C. TAYLOR, Proprietor. It your Carriage, Buggy, Wag on or anything in that liu adi repairing and you want it don right, bring it to me, aud if ou want your Carriage or Buggy r painted in a first-clan mannr, bring it to we also. I hav s-rv' my time undr a first-class pain ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurantee satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. I have a first-claae black mifh in the black smith shop who ful ly understands everything about his business, from shoeing a horse to irioning a fine ruggy. it does not pay to have your work botcDed up, so bring it along to me whre it WILL BE DONE RIGHT, my prices ar reasonable. I make Buggies and Wagons to order. If you want a ood Home made Buggy or Wagon, give me your orders, and you shall have what you want. Thanking my friends for their patrouage in tbe past and solicit ing the same in future, 1 am, Yours very respectfully, H. C. TAYLOR. Build up Home. BY- PATR0NIZ1NKH0UE ENTERPRISE 1LALL0IIY DUKIIAM CHEK- R(K)TL Co op DURHAM. - - N C. are manufacturing as fine cigars cheroots ,aND CIGARROS As can oe found on tbe market. Their leading brands are "BULL OF DURHAM A dime Cigar for a nickle. Hand Havana filled. 'BUCKWELLS DURHAM' Named in honor of Col. W. T. Blackwell, father of Durham 5 cent SumatraW rapper. LITTLE 8ADIE, CUBAN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. "OLD CHUNK" CHEROOTS, 5 for 10 cents. The finest imoke for the money. "OLD NORTH STATE" vueruoi, o ior o cents, a sure winner that always please. Stick to home and send us yonr oraera. Uailorj Oartiin Cbeicct Co. DURHAM, N. C. irt:iir QD" VHirtri nJljlL!) Detfla vairvw ijsaeABT naw rT55 .T!?! ke all at v Ckeat. see aiilLou fULMnLMa eCHVvVCATAHRH - ttb.Mb.ur. KU1IBEK4. LADIES AND QCNTLCUCIU c - Wbe aty wUb alee skampew iBf or bait dreesiag dene, will de well to call ea W. M. ALSTON ALE. TH0MA8. Ladies bare yoer bang tat riiht. We have Dr. White; asw hair grower, vaa a Mexican Hair Restorative. i j uiir v i r-rr. i - - Ajirimirup,, Trirepberetsa w the hair aad akla, aatki.g U " HOTEL WO0DARD. W. C. Wooaaaa, fress, Eeky Mawai Y. C t rve Bae aim all ini.. ' tS rv esy Fit A l K Ll TO.N (ITL PAUNKU5T05. y.C C. M. iiOBBS, Frp'r. 0nd araodatio f iVs travaitar pablW Qwd Livery AUMbed. 8HOE MAKINOI MOSES WEST holds forth in rar of Thomas' Drug Store, Jon the alley where he does shoe making nd repairing, and guar antees to do work a good ar4 cheaper than any Sboe-Uaksc in the State. Come and see for yourself. Respect fully, MOSES WEST. NOTICE I I have decided to redare my BEES to 10 Hives. Will sH remaindr for tSJO pr biv., this includes top case. i ufH oees are orth W.00. for bees alone. Apply at mice to A. D GREEN. R. R. CROS8EN. FIRST CLASS PAINTER, LOCBBCIO, S. C. I wish U oS'T mj arrvicee to tkepb lie. aad will sav thai I an prvfared W do all kinds of hooa ralnltf, rrala. In Ac. My work in Lo labor r-k. for iUelf. and I rrfrr to at) partWe tc whon I have worked. Old farH Bade nw. Oite km jar ralro-ar and yoa shall b pWaard. J. D- k R. S- CHRISTIAN RICHMOND. Va. Prompt attaro to orders ad aat stacUon UUAKANEED. TAKE NOTICE 1 Oor back is ran to tke depot for tbe benttit of 4aarigt rs who pay, and while ws do not with to be discourteous Us anyone we respectfully ask that all "dead heads" will either walk or pay." HAYES t FULLER. CHICKEN CHOLERA Can be cured by using T110MA8 POULTRY POWDER. ItaJ.otnrwa eocp and oapes. Now is the time to us It.- SceBta a package. For aab bv W. Q THOMAS, Druggist, Louiaburg, N. V. y NOTICE. Hsviaf eaaMfJ as iaatlaWtratcv U E A. wd. all proa falsi oUId to il p7Bit rt om, 4 sLi praoaa aoldiaf rtatats sgsiaat hfs rvtal. ID pr-rvt bm fr,r fijMl o or str, Jaaaary ek Sta ISfc?. or tlua aotU wC' b pWd la bar ol tKrr rweverv. Jaaaary Via )SS. O. L. KLLt. At- t K. A. SPUD. FOR SALE. Farm of 185 acres in Warren County adjoining Franklin County and lying in tbe fork of Shocco and Fishing erreks, of a mile from Ransom's Bridge. Soil adapted to the growth of bright tobacco, cotton, grass, clover and peppermint. Terms : One hundred scd eighty-five dollars csib, balarce one, two and three years. For further particulars apply to Cbaelxs J. Alsto, Kanaoics Bridge, N. C mina rEim in m rrxi rui twmbtt VAurnta or rBoaoreaaan roexa. rkla Paraa. WlftIivla4 TtrkT. rV oaa. all kiaoa el KabUta. Calre rnr.r( JtwH Polaaareiea. aad Erkaw bog rrHstrvl Jrrvj raUW. er bt4 Boi tla rattla. rvgiatvd etw. rtf. aw t. Brtsra doca. Iforkisc tirU. Caaart Wrtfs aad Parrola. Lvjtaur ntai kreaoaa frst cUa Hul lira, rwvera' Liaee of eatr Uwl WW Kraai faa Ar. Ot Sa w haadW. ta (Mw Rd S rr. aad Jaaar (a fail. Tl- Foaat vita ravtW aao avy variety at ta at rMobM av-ir. Hire trk t$gt ea day old ale are ca head. Fv.ry rw narsalad to ba rrprrwatrd- "Vtia U VOvv4 ev,y ateraia. EmiMMtltv.lMBiUM..i. brvw stork at f2M) for tbirtva. AS-elai X4 yoaeg ftigrm oatbi awtava eoai atator saoalaa. a rre leala tor sal at r- J a . . . ""! atora. in tl rtjlrkrae are foe. tWre wifl U Ip at aJl uBM- atrvirTiaa-atavcawtraa. rra asLk end battav iImti m liU .1 .m . Hwwd wrrT aaorwjssj. tf aWtrva. Tea tae fieeia ralvea tor vsW. 1M tdaraHVr-ilrfMMsU. WU aU eae HatoWi w .. i pa v. . a. . Tf lllllTT tllf fll HI III ftlB MIM W. ok. TiMtava alwsva sricaa. eaerta Saaday. e Wa PoaJrry Tarda aad pa rial aocaas wtiltoHemM. Cat . r wrUetw -Ex. - ... .7.. . - - - J. i . . . yta AjLarr a F Tfcw me yoa. PrreMsu, J .. . f:. : ; , -. - . , ' . ; -

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