VOL. XXY1. jtetkodist Church Directory, Sunday School at 9-30 A.M. Geo.js. Bakes- Supt. Pr-achiogat 11 A. M., and 7 P. M., erv Sunday, Priyer meeting Wednesday flight. Gr. F. Smith, Pastor. LOUISBURG. H. C, FRIDAY; MARCH 20,-1890. -A, NUMBER 5. Frot'oKSiondl cards 13. B. M ASS EN BORQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LocisBtraa, s. o. Will practice in all the Courts of tbe State O.Qce la Court House. 'WOMAN'S WEAPON. AT rOB.NEYS-A.T-L AW, iiOcisBDHo, ma. Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Qr.iavU).;, Warren, and Wake couutiea, also tn Haproaie (Jjurtof iVortnOa.roliup, aud tie U. j. ijir juit tui District Court. i) 1L J. K. MALONE. O See two doors below Ayoocke ft L. drarf store, adjoining i(r. O .a. W. I. NICHOLSON, JSUia. Co. 'a PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUIHBUae, IT. c. F. ti. SPRUiLL, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, LO0ISBUKG, N. C. Will atten 1 the courts of Franklin, Vance, QrroriU-). vVarrea ana Wake couuties, also me suitruae Court of Xorth tUroliua. Prompt ait-:uti -ia given to collections, rpHOS. a. WILDER, vrTOftNEY-AT-LAW, LOU1SBUKG, N. C. O H ;e on Main street, over Jones & Qooper's 8U)fC. T. W. BICKETT, Afl'ORXEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L UISBUii9 N. C. Fro.xnt m 1 .iust:tkiag attention given to t-very 'ii kft t intruste 1 to hi hands. H..-f iH to Oliief Jastij ht'plierd, Hon. John Mm 11115, tio'i. tio t. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. U:ixt Pres r'irst N itiooal Bank of Win otou. Ul Mia & tfa.ul, Winston, Peoples Bnuk of Hiiuroe, Chis E Taylor, Pres Waie For i oil Hon. E. W. Timberlake. Office iu Court House, opposite Sheriff's. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, h WISBUHG, N. C. Practices in all courts. Office in the Court House. yy 1L YARBO ROUGH, Ja. ATTORNEY T L V, LOUISBURG, N. C. Cfii:ft on second ii iur of Neal building y ;i ; i vitrei-1. 1 !i I if ti b;j-iin;s intrusted to him v. iii !'.'.-oive prompt and caret n! attention. It is Not Beauty, But an Individual Charm That Wins. Since the world began woman has been accused of vanity, and while admitting that she does pos sess her share. of the uot excla sively feminine failing, the im partial observer must acknowledge that, as a rnle, even the most beau tiful women are dissatisfied with their own appearance. The statu esque woman, "divinely tall, di vinely fair," envies the petite, fluffy-baired blonde, while the said blonde would tfive half her curls for two inches of her Juno like sister's height. ' But, after-all, tine yes or brown eyes, Grecian nose or pug nose, what does it matter? The charm of woman lies not in beaoty, but in individuality, if she could but be brought to understand that fact! It isn't the details that ouit; it is, as Trilby eaye, "the altogether her carriage, her manner, her voice, her expression; in short, herself, that makes or unmakes her charm. It is the woman, then, lLat has the courage to be herself that at tra;t6. Originals are so much J 1 1 . I more uesirante man copies, no matter how accurate the copy may be. If it he natural to wear one's bair in careless fashion, by all means do so. Nature is never mis taken. But let ber admiring sis ter. whom that same autocrat in tended to be a tailor-made gjrl beware of that disorder in her i would cease to be artistic; it would be siruplv untidy. Let every wo- ' For Tha Time. The lite .Visitation of Bishop Cheshire to8t. PaaTs P. E. Mission, mr Fair port, Granville county, will be long re membered and lovingly referred to by every friend of this good work. On the evening of the 27th inst, the Bishop assisted by the JJector Ev. J. B. Avirett, hld services. He preached from Acts IX, 3-6 to a most attentive and in terested congregation of Dot lens tban 150 souls, including many colored people. The verdict of every thinking person present, was, tbattbey bad never listened to a more learntd comprehensive and in structive sermon. When it is recorded that a la rg'e proportion of the congrega tion were Methodist and Baptist, the sig uificanee of the verdict is more note worthy. The delib-rate, calm and quiet conversion of St. Paul as portrayed by the Bishop, placed the matter of conver sion in a new-light to. many, aod with 5tn troth thwy were most favorably impressed. as also with the beanty and order of the church service. The sermon was delivered without man uscript, to an audience that hung on its every word with intfpsn interest, and whs in the estimation of the writer, as nearly an ideally perfect model of Gospel preach ing and pulpit oratory as had ever ad dressed itself to bis understanding. In matter, composition and delivery it im pressed him as faultless. Forty or fifty years ago the church was well represented in this community. Neighborhoods, like everything else are not exempt from the gyrations of time, and during the last several decades the church bad languished and alnmst died Removals and deaths had so depleted the number of communicants that old St. James Church, erected and worshipped in, by the ancestors of mauy of these people, stood for several years with closed doors, unoccupied except by the bat and owl. a silent monument of earthly muti bility. At this time there was no church build ing at Kittrell, (some seven or ei ht miles distant). The communicants of the two neighborhoods consulted together and the downfall of old St. James was averted are .ended may he see bis setting saa over th pleasant meadows and qoie bills where bU bes4 work shall bav been eon so mated. - Many difficulties have presented them selves. Some hare been temporarily disponed af.while we are still confronted with the gravest. the need of a suit able church building. Tbe old maxim tnat ' all things $omtfto tnom wno wait has lost its attraction in anii-ty. and necessity for a bouse of. wonbip,a od to this end energies are now directed. A desirable two acre lot baa ben do nated, and it is the purpose to ereet a cburchly bouse of worship with all the dispatch that can be concentrated and executed. We are in no boastful mood, ao sad are our personal nborteomioffs, that we rather stand in awe and f-el a if silene were beat and simply o try and do onr duty and to wait for the onfulding of Gud's pnrpoee. But it is not hurtful, we think, to remark that sueh a service as that of tbe Bishop's late . visitation. so orderly strong and real would notJ- t V . M 1 uave ueea poewioie a ww join mgoior tbe cVereh adherents of tie neighbor hood. for which we are all mnst glad, and we who love this mission will not forget the debt we owe to the nntiriog. intelligent care of our belovd Rector and faithful Sunday School workers. J . B. A. Granvill e Co . N C..' Feb. 8tb. 1896. DEATH DDST FOR fflSE CTS For remover a4 kDtiar Ant. Roarbe. Bwi-Box. Co t lpW, Cro tno nojrs. 8pidVn. FIW. FVaa and lie on noioBaia. tnfta aod their lirjraoa Tobmrv riaata aad all lortDa of isaeet Ufa. Fln-a as4 Woa qutora are qnirkly kUM bw ih araoka from tkia po4ee. vba burned. AbaolaMy CaroUaa to Man aod animal, bot aor dealk to ioaerta. Preparf Antr lr W1NKELWANN RROW.V th-nj; Com pan t, Baltimore, M4. P. S Take no otbr wbwta tby may ciaica a cod. For aaW by Drngxiata ber and etaewbera. man oare to be herself; develop ! . .. , . , , ' r ,D,'its removal to the then popular and Dentistry, W. H. EDWARDS- 0T WAKE FOREST, N. C. Will visit Louiturj? on Moi lay, Tus.tay an 1 'A'i- i hh.Iu v folio vving lhe nrwt Sunday in i'.h'.i inniitti prepared to do all kinJs of IliMital work. O a.- over Jon? & Cooper Store n!U ii )or to T. Ii. Wildsr Law ofli-e J. M. C. HILL. TiiE TIMNKtt, Im prepared to do all kind of tin work, re p.nirmi?. Ji:;. All work (jruaranteed. Plate oi misiiiss on iVl.iin Eiiree.t in house recently nrciipifii bv K. P:irrish. ruffTn a LEWIS BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all kinds of work in our line. Cajl to see us at our Baop near the Louisburg mills. DENTIST, LOUISBDRG, N. C. OUce, over Racket Store. , Gnduate Biltimore Dental ColHge. Twenty-four years active experiej ce. ARTIFICIAL TESTH A SPECIALTY. Natl Til teeth removed and new ones inserted in TWBXTY MINUTES. All work warranted. L uisburg is my home "for better or worse" and you will always find me ready to correct at my own expense any work that may prove unsatisfactory. Very truly. R. E. KING, Dentist. , tAHBOROUGH & DAVIS, The Rlacksmiths OF LOUISBDRG. AH work in our line done on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. Wrt have our new shop (the old ten pin Uley) in g xf "shape and are better pre pared than ever to serve our custo mers. STILL AT THE BRIDGE. BLACK- MIT KING. Where I am well known and prepared to do my aim work. I hope you will see me aa you hava lone before. You will find me on th ; Kist side of the River bridge. Main street' Louisburg, N. C. While I am doing all kinds of l loksmithlne. don't f oreet fhat I am also prcp ue I io rapUroar gun, such as putting on new lo-ks Jke. 1 have a few (runs which I have rep tired that will be sold if not called for n u-n aajrs Yoara truly A. T. Neal her own individuality, not blindly copv some other woman, whom, it may be, her husband happens to admire. Let her think for herself, art for herself, and express her own houest opinions. Individuality, when combined Vith that nauieiess something callrt niaitfier, is the most potent wenpou in the possession of the sex; it is this which has given many a homely woman a reputa tion for beaut r jwhich a bona tide bnautv, with faultless face and fea tures, lias sighed in vain to attain Manager, magnetism call it as we will and intangible, elusive as it is is yet tbe secret of the sway exer ised by those fortunate ones of the earth who belong to the S. A. L. SEABOARD AIR LINE. ROUTE OF THE FAMOUS 'ATLANTA SPECIAL." BETWKtX NEW YORK, W.iSHIVGTO'Y, NORFOLK and ATLANTA. NEW OBLEAXi SOUTH WE ST ALSO TH K S. A. L. GXPHESS. ' Beef, Bed Springs, and Hides. If you u RTil to buy or 6ell ood milk cows, Sch-dule in effect. Januiry 2tjth. 1S!H noted Kittrell Springs, during tbe early years of the late war No sooner had this building been erected than the hotel buildings were im pressed as a C. S. A. Hospital snd the church converted into a military chapel. Rev. M. M Marshall, (now I). D. n-cbr of Christ Church. Raleigh) then a beard less deacon was appointed Chaplain, and never was this function more faithfully, tenderly and lovingly perfermed. Untiring in bis efforts to serve the master, Mr. Marshall did not confine bis labors here, but as often as his onorous duties would permit he visited (offen on foot) the neighborhood from which the church bad lstey been removed, and there he preached and worked; with the same earnestness and zes that has ever characterized his ministerial labors. The genuine appreciation of the faithfnl and untirin? work be did here is fresh in the memory of many who remember with No. 403. Ho. 41. SOUTHBOUND. Atlanta. "S A ..' Special."' V.r. " Lv. New York, via P. H R. 3 2o p mi'9 oo p m " Philadelphhia, ft 15 " j I ii Oft ntit " Baltimore. 7 31 ' 2 ft", a m Ar. WaHhitiKton, H 2ft " 4 10 Lt Waoliington, 8 40 " 4 .HO ' ItichtnoDd, via A C L 12 36 a in D Oft " " Peterubna;, 110- 9 ftO " Ar Weldon. via. SAL- 2 ftft ' 1 1 r.O " Lv Old Point Coin- Tort (Stannr) t Oft p m ."8 00 am I " Norfolk, via Sea-; I board Air Line ill 20 ' I 9 01 " Ports.-nonth. 12 01 nit 9 1ft " Ar Weldon. 2 HO a ir. l 1 4 I 1 Lv i eldoii. via Sea- j I hoard Air Line "3 OOu m ' 1 ftft a m I Ar Henderson. ' 4 22 " ! 1 :io p m j Ar Durham, via Sea- boar i Air Line t7 2fta m tl oo p m " Riilih. via Sea-i board Air Line ft 3n m 3 3t p m SHnford. '6 41 ' 4 ftS " Southern Pines, 7 23 ' ft 4J ' " Hamlet. I 8 OK f,5 " W adenhoro. I H 4f " 8 ill Monroe, dininn sta' 9 3ft " 8 ftft Hides or Cattle Of anv kind, see me be- a, v fore you buy or sell, I buy. sell oi exchanfre, I also have on hand a nice lo4" of Jones patent BED SPRINGS, N'o superior, which I will NOTICE OF DISsOLCTlOM Tb trwi at S. P. Talk it Co. bav tbia day liaaotve4 by Brat aa I roiwul. prtt bri4iac ctaiaaa a-alaa aaid Irai atU p attbfa to Ayenrka k U tor aat Tana owIbic aaid firta will py it, to Ajeoc c iu. AvetK A Co. H. r. Ttib. JaaS3. NOTICE Hariar qualified aa A d miaUtra t nr o4 WUItata Prrrv. otor4. all tvraoaa om'fg aia Tak ara ooTiB'd lo caaka aTot at oaoa. and all peraoaa aoidiaa rtaiaa aatai Ll rat at 0J prwat t Wtn Kr etgwi oa or b4ora taa Ufa day Jaaaary 1S7. or tnU aotira anil b piaad ia bar of tbatr raeory. Jaooary 9th 1896. O. U Kt.LIS. Ad. of UlLLUU PtRBY E. F. YARBDROUBH Life, Fire and Acci dent Insurance. - LOUISBURG. X. C. Safe, Reliable Couipan is. OlTlce in the Neal bui'd.ng up stairs. f 7lf LADIES AND GENTLEMEN xv; Who may bb uic limpn rtf or bair dreading doue. will da veil to rail on W. M. ALSTON & I. E. THOMAS. Ladies hat your bai.j: cot right. We Lava Dr. Whit oe v bair rvoer. Vao's Mextraii Hair RUratie.' Ayer's Hair Vior, Triropbereia for th bair at d tkiA, nctbittg ta bat it to keep tba bair ftona fall ttl onL HOTEL WO0DARD. W. C. VlTooOaaO. IYob, lokj yai N.C. r rra flu larvta ail traiaa. H i j-rr ay FKA.NKLl.MO.N HOTliL FRA5KLI.M0N. N. C C. 1'. 110BBS, Frf?. G-"l iwroodiuoa for tba travrliB; pnM (io-i Ldery Attached. LOUISBURG Carriage Shops II. C. TAYLOR. Prx.pn t r If your Carnaz1, Hugv, Wag. on or anything in that line n--i repairing &nii you wan' it don right, bring it to tu, at.d if ou want your Carriage i r Hugv r- ai;itd in a first. clas manner bring it torrealtio. I hav s-rvvo my time under a tirst-claf. pain- SHOE MAKING. MOSKS WEST holds fotb in r-nr of Thomas' Drug Sor, (oti th ally' whre b dtt sho making and r-pairui;t and jruar anW'. to do work a gtmd an ihapr than any Shoe-Makw m the State. Come and s for rourelf. Reepctfally, MOSES WEST. put on at a days notice, i tor and W(Hd workman, an tl..-re. iore gaurant. ?aiiisc;iuii :n ai NOTICE I I hnv decidd to redac tar BEKS to 10 Hives. Will rroaindr for 13.50 ir hiv, this includes top caaa. rh'-e b s are worth -5 00, fax '--t alone. Apply at one to A.' I) GREEN. Ar Charlotte. t? Sra-j biar.l Air Linv 110 4ft - 110 00 Chtr vfa 5ent hosrd Air Line ' riinton. " Grvenwood, j " Abbeville. " Elberton, I ' Athens. " H'inder. ' AtlintR. S A L. tTniou Depot) (Cent.j Time) U 02 a m 1 2 1 ft p tn 12ft7 - 1 20 - 2 11 ' 3 07 " 3 04 " 4 B8 cheap for the money, or j exchanpr1 for any kind of stock or produce Best Bed Spring in the world, satisfaction tiaran- teca or no .pay, o-r iut) sold in Franklin county. work entrusted to hjm 1 have a tirt-class black nn?! in th t)luck stu.'h shop tio tui ly understand v-rvthing ab. tr hia bupin'!-, fro:r ih-f-nig hors to iri'u;;i r ;'j I ug lt dos not . I. ha"' ur work tOtt)vd up, ; V) r 1 1 along to tu- h'-r i ILL E E. J. K A (i DAL 10 & CO. TAYLOR'S PARLOR in 20 P m I 1 1 n0 12 43 h m 1 1ft ' 2 2ft " 3 .1ft " 4 17 ' 20 love and endearment his gratuitous niin- "race of charmers," a race, let us Orations. He received their children hope, which will never become into the Saviour's fold; his benediction! extinct. ' blessed the marriage vuw; be committed ' to the keeping of the tomb our precious HADNTDD BY HIS VICTIMS. dead, until the day break and the shad- ows and sorrows of earth are dispelled A TELEGRAPHER INSANE AFTER CA.US- forever. He saved the good seed which ING A TERRIBLE DISASTER. after several decades is springing up and Chicago, 111., March 2. James promise to multiply to an extent that Gil t i . i i-i snail rricBi ue oirti,i;o ua uivi ut. ouicn allagber, formerly a telegraph , . r in ita nnmitive rlava Operator for the Wabash road at r,nrinff these vears the two commnni- Sprinirneld, 111., gave himself up ties have worshipped at Kittrell with to the police yesterday, claiming slight interruption beyond that of bad that he i haunted by the ghosts roads, inclement weather and in many cases want oi conveyance, ionsequeniiy C i:TKA I. HOTKL J J MaHHonburg Propr HENDERSON, N. C Good accommodations., Good fare. Fo lite and attentive servants. OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. m " DO YOU WAflT A HOUSE? If so you will do well to write r see J. Levister. at TAnishiircr N. C, before contrautir?:. Plans epecitications and estimates jnad e on burnt baUdioSj &e. of victims of a wreck at Lexington, this neighborhood has had no service, No. 403. "The Atlantic Spci! ." Solid Pullir.itn Vetttibnhfl Limited Train, aith Buffet Sleeper nnd Day Conches ' no xtrr fare). Wahinaton to Atlanta. 'C')nerv Hional Limited." Pullman Parlor nnd Din irgCsrn Nea-YoiV Ut 'hinicton. Pull- mit Veatilmled Drnwin-; Rfom Slpepn, Richmond to Monroe. hIkh Portsmonfh to Atlunta (open at Richmond nnd Ports mouth 0 p. m. N. 41. -.The S A L! ExDres." Solid Train of Pnllmnn SWperu and Day Conc-h Portamonth and Wldon to Atbintf Pnll man Sleepcra, New York to HVldon aod Cpe Charles. SALOON, Auction poods, and -ood 1 1)ONE u,n r- m-v l,rs-" ' work oxen for Hale. j i mak- I-.upgu- and Wgnn. i. order. If you want a Hi Home . , , ... t .MADE liuggy r N aou, ive tij your ordere, at.d you haii hav what you want. Thanking my friends for th:i patronage in the pant and solicit mg the fame ui fut'ir-, I am. Yours v-ry r-pTt f u I ly , II. I AYlAUi. Build up Home. BY- R. R. CROSSEN. FIRST CLASS PAINTER, LOCtSBCHG, X. C. I wih fTr ray aerk- tn ttp? lie. and will uj tfcat I am prvpard t. io all kiod cf b-'ca palotitf. rraia nir &.c My wi'rk In L&oiaLars" apak r ttrlf. aod I rvfrr to all x r. w f. - born I baa workd. lld forBttcr rua-ie new. Oiif ne your patroua-. .nd yon "hall t pl-trd. 0-& R. S-CHRISTIAN Kh'HMOND. Va. Prompt Attention to order nlncuon (il AHANEKIV Bargains! Bargains! Where at? D. II. Taylor & Co. : PATROMIZINKHOME ENTERPRISL ii'i v. uci l it ii i3nc 3, uiauuico, NORTHBOUND. No 402.jNo.38. "Atlanta! 8. A. L. Special. "Exp." Lv Atlanta, via Sea bonrd Air Lin (Central Time) '12 00 n '7 45 p m " Athens. 3 07pm till " "Elberton, 4 01 " 13 15 am " Ahbeville. 4 ftft ' 1 30 " " Greenwood. ft 23 2 02 " ' Clinton. 6 08 " '2 SO " " Chester. 7 33 " 4 30 " f. i.- u : . mu., uicu ue taye, ue wa niMru- eXl.eptin th occasional ministrations of mental in causing, tie said that the different Rectors from Kittrell, preaeb- fonr years ago, while he was em- in store bouses, factories or "under the ployed as an operator, he gave a "t f tne trees. A ' . Sowf two years ago St. PanTs P. E. I Rnndav Rntuinl wan item nixed with an Ii r Li 1 - "j w . - o reiut- oi wrncn seven or eigni peo- t.Ilf,,onrarin interest and membershin pie were billad. H'he nucleus consisted of some half doten "When I saw the awful mistake communicants who determined to devote I had Tiade," be said, "I ran away themselves to a religious lite. d. j , . " About this time Rev. James Battle succeeded in making my . . . . , " J AtMrutf. mtmntMl a eall from St. Jfimea Uscape. Since then-I have wan- Chnreh. Kittrell. He at once became dered all over the country, but my earnestly interested in this work, and conscience accused me of being the dignified it with the title and functions cause of the loss of so many lives, f mission. j -f i i aL j - . under his fostering ana encouraging and it has almost driven me in- . , , , , " , , . , . , guidance and labors the good work has sane. The dead oues, their friends : nna ,.mm,au and others ar6 all around me. See, w,tn the necessities that have stimulated here they come nowl" and with a the revival of church interest in a com shriek, the man suddenly jumped munity from whom she rightfully eipects tnm kia .hin intA t. t.V, m,-cn appreciation ana enconragement;- . for with the early teachings of tbe prayer wan. -nee. iney are coming o . hk , natnral incrwm of jntelji avenge their brothers and sisters 1 Kt?nce and refinement, it is to be expected and friends, save me, save rue." that the services of tb.chnrch will at As the roan finished he sank to the tract many who have been bo long ignor- fl-. nitti o-fca.-atinn. A t.pWrm ant of its beauties. t - S . I Our beloved Rector has been signally from Lexington,. Mo confirms d in hia Vork At each visitation Gallagher" story . Index-Appeal. cf the Bishop he has presented a class ; : - - I for confirmation: tbe last consisting of Mrs. Brown How would yon foar adults, and the outlook ia that he ia define '-tact?' . - to have many sonla for his hire Mrs. Jones I ehonld sav tact is Hia sermons are full of mind and sool the ability to make your husband food excellently prepared and elegantly believe that he is having his own way. Pnclc. Lv (hrxrlott via Sea- board Air Line 8 20 p va '5 20 am Lv Monroe, via Sea board Air Line (dining station) " Hamlet. ' Sonthern Pines, " Raleigh, 9 1ft p m 10 84 " 11 21 " 1 26 a m h 07 m m R 1ft 0 12 " 11 31 " served. No one need go away .from one of his services without taking with them a broader, deeper, richer understanding Maters 'I had a letter, or more of some vital truth, and a fuller concep properly a note from John today." j tion of th dignity and responsibility of Pater : "How. rrjocb 4id lie haman life. ' nt?" Truth 0 iv'heji.theJiuien ndietof.ihedaj Lv Dnrhnm vin Sea- I board Air lina to 20 p m'tll 08 a m Ar Weldoo.via Sea- boaro Air line 4 05 a m 3 00 p m " Petereburg via Atlantic Coast lln. ft 02 ' 5 43 " " Richmond. x 6 40 " 6 40 -Washington, via PenDBvlva- wlRR 10 4ft " 11 10 ' " Baltimore. . 12oOn 12 48 nijht " Philadelphia. ' J20pto 3 45 a m - New York. 'i 58 " 6 53 " Lv Weldon. via Sea board Air line 4 30a m 3 10 p m Ar Portamonth. 7 30 " 5 50 ' Norfolk. 7 50 - 6 00 " tMd Point Com- -m fort (Steamer) t8 40 1 10 " WTine & Beers. Where can you get f Old home made corn whiskey at I). H. TavloroiCo., from one week to three years old, cheaper than ever before. Wbo keeps old R. A. STUART'S ROCK I RUG ERIE WARRANTED 4 YEARS OLD D. II. Taylor & Co. Who keeps old Virgina Club, D. H. Taylor Co., and he also keeps tbe finest and cheapest home-made Brandy in town, other liquors of all kinds that is good and cheaper than ever before. Special prices to all my customers, come one come all, polite and prompt attentiou and skillful bar-tenders. OLD ROCK BRIDGE RYE IS THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD. MALLoRY ni'UIIAM CHKK- TAKE .NOTICE ! (ur back i ruti to tVe depot fir it tet.efit of raeergera who ar. aid h:le we do not with i Le diaroi.rteoii to aiivci e w H ectfully aik that all" desd-heBd-1 will e;tbr walk or pay." II A YES A- FfLLER. OF DURHAM. N C No 402. ' The Atlanta Special." aoli.i Pnllman Tettibnlw liruitel train with through buffet drawing room aleepera and i dav coaches (no extra tare). Atlanta to Washington. Pnllman aleepera. Atlaota to Portamonth, also lloaroe to Richmond Pnllman parlor car, Washington to Naw York. No 38. "The S A Ii Expreaa." Solid train with Pnllman aleepera and day coachea, Atlanta to weldon. weldon to New Tork. Atlanta to Portsmouth, Cape barlee to New York Daily. t Daily, except Sunday. Immedlata COmaeetloita. At Atlanta For Uontgomary. Mobile, New Orleana. Texas. Mexico. California. Macon, Pensacola, Selma and Florida.- At Portamonth with hay line, eoaaf wfa steamara,' Washington ateanenr and "cap Charlea Route," to and from all point North and East. a No Exti m Fare on Any Train. For tickets, aleepera, and information, apply to ticket agenta, or to ,tha General Paengr agent. E. HT. Joicfw Vloa-President aed Uenl lf'r V. McBie, Gen J BaperinteadeBt. w. b. Gloves, TrafUe Manager. T ? AX0ZB0O9, Genl Paasenger Afftnt, .. Portamonth, Yav, Is guaranteed pur and is prescribed by the loading physi cians throughout the country, and the resident physicians of Louisburg. Read tbe following testimonial: We prescribe Stuarts Kock- a V V V a bridge Nvuisaey wnenever a; stimulant is needed, knowing it; to be absolutely pure aod free from all adulteration. I J. E. MAL0NE, Signed E.S. FOSTER, ( J. B. CLIFTON. Tbe above liquor is sold only by D. II. Taylor & Co., exclusive agents, at their saloons on Nash St., who also carry a fall line of everything usually kept in a first-class saloon. Fresh beer a specialty. Your patronage solicited. Your friends, D. II. TAYLOR & CO. AKE MAMTACTVI.IM. A. r INK Cl'.AKN CHKKOt'lS .iND C1GARROS A9 ran e found on the mark-' Thir leading brands are "BULL OF DURHAM" A dime Cigar for a nickle. Hi Jin van a fillexi. 'BLACKWELLS DURHAM' Named in honor of Col. W. T. Blackwell, father of Durhan 5 cent SutnatraWrappr. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN ('Hi ARH0S, 10 FOR 10 CENTS "OLD CHUNK" CHEROOTS 5 for 10 cents. Toe finest smok' for the money. "OLD NORTH STATE" Cheroot, 3 for 5 cente, a sur-winm-r that always pl-aeea. Stick to home and seud us you: orders. Mallorj Oarban Cbercot Cc. DURHAM, N. C. CHICKEN CHOLERA Can becored bv us-cg THOMAS i' IT-TRY POW'UER. ItaJoctjri RoCP and GAPta. Now is the Ucl to us it. 25 c-ctA a package. For ele bv 'A . G THOMAS. Drorgi.t. lonislurg, N. C. NOTICE. Ilttit( qii itaftntttpf el i: A Hr1. all (ra.r naitg k- lt a rotiCed In ill. av t at trw. twl ail l-nct U'int fl ai int fcv vt ili prt t lor 4iKt o or W4oe Jareary lllh l-7. (-r t' luUk il' b pd u Uar of tK-r rrciri y. Jaaaarv Vti ltK! O I. FI L7 Aii i H h A PIKP f w V m w FOR SALE. Farm of 15 acres in Warren County adjoining Franklin County and lying in the fork of Sbocco and Fifhing crerks, of a mile from Ransom's Bridg. Soil adapted to the growth of bright tobacco, cotton, grasf. clover and peppermint. Terms: Cne hundred aod eithty-fiv-dollars cash, balance one, two and three years. For further particulars apply to Cqarlts J. Alston, Ransoms Bridge, N. C. numi r.ntiT m rn itxi mi Ortaaad BoUla. aad Aatbaa. Yt Cawwwaaptlaa K tt M HvaJr has awrad Uaiai rt where all U failed; Witt CC TOO tf taXeO ItlthB. Soai by Pruagam m a craeimtrn. Tri& nca JJH1L0 H'SCATAR R H .1 aea vtM ilaarrta t TbTT 1v roaraffc. a4 to cwr too. mrm to eta, injaonc txtv viatrnra or rtctr rou. Pkia rrkt. Wntt WHaad Twry. Ti -. ail kiada of Habtata. OiW, rl-. r tre4 Polaad t tttaa. ad hatkaaira bo. natrd Jr) ratta. a4 rwra br4 Uai frla ratiia. ryiatrd 'oialrr, Mu. aa t. fWwarddor. Morkiaa; Wtda. CaaarT trt!a ad 1'arroia. Lverytkieg aawatrv rpt oa a I rwt vtaaa rfork (a r H vt a I . itwia A aater fc.wW WiW Keaala. Haaa ir- Ul ft a kadk tW Oddtk Hi aad Japa fas tail. TV Koaat a it a aaaiW aaO aay varwty c4 tab at reaaoaat-ar prtra 5ra trrah eyjt-oa day eJ alaira kaad. T.t,rj .c gsajaaiead l a repwralad W J t feivtd a-ver eaorataf. to tirr fiai laorvaiik bred atnrk at 2 fOlr tkifterM. A S- Id oi yoS fwtftFWl taata u aaW at raa OMUrpnrr roa4r1Wiag aork. Ja ik tater raoKlW afTrr tk ultrtl taawt rkWkawa ar aoa. Ikeve w3 kw kayt at alt Um mmv Irviac ait rUi. Frk k aad bajttaealaaia v kaad. atd fi)W C. livared awry BBorttaa. H aWited, Two la HaJatia rav W asle. km VaH Sad M!fr-kvra aalU. XCBi aaAJ ia vry krrirr.ia BUk la at a ter. tan aw Kj1i.u row aUa. VTa Sre a t? OfPeia iV Ie taraMia to iaifrwvv tew, lock. Wifm m .... 9dj. k Tofthrj Tarda aad t4 afr rjiMfiawd. C3 0.rarftaf to J. A, UHLX-. 1

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