V - A -LL. , . . . .....- r f-- . - . , j -. . . - . , fk '. aT - aT Z .. m . . M a. 'a W : - .1 V., . ' a . 5 St. re, e fort i J y ona Willis, :k. n. c tbe bt ealoon in ow larger tk a eon ys receive o boy a or WAITT. VOL XXY1. Kethodist Church Directory. Sunda y School at 9:30 Ai M. (Jteo. S. ,Bake&. Snpt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 P. AT. evnry cSnnday. . Prayer mating Wednesday night. Or j F. Smith, Pastor . JL-iv toss!iia.l curd B. MASSESBDfiO, AtroasBY AT LA.W. LJC1JBJBG, S. C. Will practise iu all the Courts of the State O Uiie iu Cuart House. 0. AX f uaNiiYS-AT-LAW, Lom.SBo'JiO, S. C. win atteua tue coarts ot Nash, Franumi, ne t,atfooic! Ojartoi North Od,roiui), uxid the u. est C Circuit ua jLntrkt Courts. . H. i. MA.LOiV. DJijj two doors below Aycoche & Co.'s cra stoiw, tuJoiumg Or. O.Lu Jtillia. W. U. AiCHOLciON, FJiACriUINU PHYSICIAN, LojisBUiitt, c. V. a. dP&uiLi., ATTOliNBY-AT-LAW, liDCldBaillJ, N. C. Will iwtoa 1 tUe courts of Franklin, Vance, Gnuvili:. w-irreu aad vV'jke uouuties, alao lue aujiruiae Court of orta CuroUua. frouipt ananju giveu to coiieouons, so. T ATTOitKY-AT-LAW, i,OL'l.-SBiJlia, N. c. OTue on Main street, over jones & cooper s store. rj W. lilCiCBTT, Ai'tJllNEY AND COUNSELLOR At LAW. LJCISH JitO N. C. 1'rompt !tnl luiustiking attention given to Kfi 3i-s to Cmei j astii iShdpUara, ion. iouu M ,.i,,iiitr. iioa. Kout. W. VV luston, UOU. J. i. l-., vr. , Kirst Ndti0ii.a BiaK. of 'Wm- io'u. Ji :.ui & iUuiy, Winston, opUss Bans ui AlJuroe, caw. JS. Taylor, FrsM. vAe For- ji ijk!i Hon. ii. vv. nuioeriai.te. Ui'tioo ui OuarL Uoode, oppoaita Sheriff's. W. M. PEK.SOX, ATTOltNEY-AT-LAW, PractAe.'s in all courts. OUlce in the Court boae. -yy IX. YAttBOHOUOil, Jfl. ATI O UN EY AT LAW, LOUiSBUttO, N. C. OHiee on oeoouii ll or of .Neal building t-irci-t. Ill 1 nl business intrusted to him v .ii revise prompt and carciul attention. Dentistry. -W. H. EDWARDS- oy WAKE FOIIEST, N. C. . . . -n i I Will v sit LouMnnr, ou Aloi Jay, luesaay mil J. irfHlav folio, sing the arst Sunday i., in.uita nreyawd to Uo aU kinds o! ,i . .... ii.'.r .Tones & Cooper Store i.-r do;r.- to T. 13. Wilder Law oili-e J. Wl. O, HILU is ni-.oareJ to do all kind of tin work, re n z-.'c. Ail worti fCua,ruuteed. Place ii, ;i..iims oa jlit'ri t iii-eeo in house reeeutly c, . a .MH.l bv Parriiih. HUFFIN & LEWIS BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all Kinds ot worK m our iiae. ian to sew us ai, uui Kuop near the Loai.sbar mills. t t : 1 1.. DENTIST, LOUISBUilG, N. C. Oiucft over ilacket Store. (ir.iduate Baltimore Dental College. Tvv.iiity-four years active' experience. J'.TiFICUb TSSTH A SPECIALTY. INatarai t-tli removed aadiew oues inserted in T W E N IT MINUTES. All work warranted. L luisburg is my home lor Detter or worse aaa you win aivmya uuv mc ve i ly to correct at my own expense any work that may prove unsatisiactory. Very truly. R. E. KING, Dentist. YAKBOftfltl II & DAVIS, Tiie blacksmiths OF LOUISBURG. . All work in our line done on short notice, aud satisfaction guaranteea. w- have our new shop (the old ten pin Ule ) in ttvXid shape and are better pre pared than ever to serve our custo mers. "still at the bridge. P LACK-SMITHING Whore I am well 'known and prepared to do my s.tine worfc. I hopj yoa will see me as y u !i iv.) uone before. You will find me on Hi Koat sUe of the River bridge, Main street' I.ouisburg, N. C. While I am doing all kinds t blackHinithine. don't foroet fhat I am also ptvp iaeit io repair your gnu, such as putting oil new locks 4C I have a few guns which 1 have repaired that wiU be sold if not called for " ti.n days. Tours truly4 A. T. Neal i iU.NKLLNTO.N HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N.-C. G. II UQBBS, f jy'r. Cood neenmndfltinn for the traveling public ood Livery Attached OSBORN HOUSE, C D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. , Oood accommodations for the --iiiig puoiic. DO YOU WANT A uniior n nUUdC T it so yon will do well to -writ,. C., before contrautir?:. Plans - " WTinmf. - ft I. I inlllKHllrff .wcauons and estimates made l4-2m w ' THIS FOR FARMERS. THE QUESTION OF MANURING QUESTION OF CROPS. How to Save the Manure from the Stable and Barn-yard Best Methods of Applying: it What Chemicals Pay Best With These Manures tfelpfnl Hints on Small Fruit Culture, &c, Editor Farmers' Voice: By long. odds tbe most important question to every, one wb'o tills the soil is that of manure. No matter what grows, wnetner it be tbe ffross- staple or the most delicate fruit , , . . or garaeir-product, his success de- panda .'-inoMTopou a wise system of manuring than anything else. It is also a question whose importance must increase rather than lessen. For by far the greater part of the agricultural lands of tbe country are yearly deteriorating, getting poorer tinder the treatment they get. At the same time competi tion is getting- stronger and tbe necessity of tbe use of wisdom and economy in all agricultural meth ods becoming more imperative. While my experience has lain mostly in fruit culture, I have for many years grown grain and grass crops as a rotation. My soil runs all the way from extreme san diness to black muck in one direc- t.iou and to tbe closest red clav in antuer. Mv experience lias cov ered summers, so wet that even rass would not grow, and it has convinced me that tbe usual metb- ods of crop fertilizing COilld be greatly improved by following a few simple rules. All stable or barnyard manure should not only be saved, but saved in such a way as to lose no part of its value. Manure in horse stalls I leave un touched till it is hauled out and broadcasted on the land. Cleanli ness is preserved by adding bed ding as needed. If the stall is u J ",,vi """f, ,in,cx u0Cu, tue P. II m 11 lat i t 'T mnnuro ennn nonl-c r"' I firm" enonch to form a trood floor, U- , . , . . wuir.u is yet so ansornetu. Tnai not the leaet quantity of liquid ma nure is lost. Manure saved this say has fully twice the value of that treated in the usual mannpr. Thorough composting is, of course, excellent. But where one man com,06ts mari,lre properly 20 care- lessly throw it out either to heat .1 P J. I. - 1 I T " - '-"ft VD vucu uy rai us, eitoer process renaenno; it - neariv worthless. Manure from the milk cow stalls, which have to be kept clean, should be composted with kainit or some good absorbent as fast as removed. The barnvard Droner j j P""'"U 3u nuaujjcu aim pru- tected from drippings that tbe ac- , . . " ... t , cumulating manure win not lose Dy- leaching. Straw or litter of . i ,, sum i.mu must aiso De imerauy used. But comparatively few far- mers depend upon the above ma nures alone. Most of them buv more or less fertilizer besides. This is all right provided the right system is followed. As far as my observation goes the right system is not generally followed. When fertilizers aro used in connection . . . with maunre, it should always be as a supplement to that article, and their ingredients should be such as to supply the properties iu which the barnyard manure is de ficient. Where a moderate quan tity of this manure is used in con nection with green manuring, (the turniug under of rye, peas or clo ver), little ammonia, (tbe most expensive- ingredient of fertilizers) need be bought. What will be needed will be the comparatively cheap ingredients, potash and phosphoric avtL Of all soils, and especially on Sand V 8oils. I find DOtaeh to be what is most needed and . what gives the quickest and largest returns. It is the height of . unwisdom to use either stable manure or green ma uiiring without it. One hundred and fifty pounds bf kainit or 100 pounds of muriate of potash and 100 pounds of dis- erwloAtl KntiA wftll tniiPil nnrl nnnrn : " ... ,. and mixed with earth in the drill t': ' ti- t f .... '";.; ..-. '- -ir ; ..,-... ;.r ... .-..- I on any crop- and on any soil that I have ever tried it. It is also on arfl Ant vflnvm er' .rnn:1 H woe 01 it n LOUISBURG. for all kinds of grain as well as for grass and clover. It will usually pay to nse it much" more liberally for this purpose and where no stable manure js used to add one hundred pounds or more of nitrate of eoda. Orchards I would plow shallow and top dress with the above in very early spring if not done tbe tall before. Here but little of the nitrate will usually be needed. For small fruit I wold drill in the mixture before planting. I use as much as 500 pounds per acre of it, being careful to mix it well with the soil by means of s light ' barrow. Where intensive culture js to be followed (aud in fruit above all things intensive culture pays) heavy quantities of kainit or muriate of potash or dis solved bone and bone dust can be profitably applied if broadcasted and thoroughly harrowed in. Thus applied 1,000 pounds of kainit (or 250 pounds of muriate of ptash) and 500 pounds dissolved bone or bone dust is not excessive. I find it to be also unsurpassed as top dressing for email fruit applied in February cr March over plants at the rate per acre of 300 pounds of kainit. (or 20 ponns of muriate of potash) and 200 pounds dissolved boTse (bone dust is too slow here). Tbe result is not only more fruit, but larger, firmer, bet ter flavored, better colored fruit. O. W. Blacknall. Kittrell.N. C. THE DRUMMER. A True Pen Picture of This Peculiar Animal. Who bath woe? Who hath con tentions ? Who hath babblings ? Verily, he who goeth forth upon tbe road to travel. He goeth forth in the morning with a light heart and a starched collar, and returneth at eventide with soiled raiment and .a' blis'.er on his heel. He goeth forth like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may de vour; but lo, every man be meets smitetb bim. He goeth to the place where they do entertain strangers, and what he orderth of the servant he bringeth not, and that which he doth not order is set before him. And wbefl. eventide has. fallen he sayeth uuto the keeper of the house : 'Behold, I would be wakened at the fifth hour of tbe morning, that 1 may depart to another country." And lo, before it is yet light, he knocketh loudlyagainst the door and sayeth, "Arise," in a loud voice, ''that thou mayest depart upon thy train." Ad he that would arise awaketb in haste, and putteth bio right foot into his left shoo, and he girdeth himself quickly, and be hold, be wearetb his clothes hind side before bo great is his haste thereof. And tbe collar that should be girt about his neck is recoiled in the upper story of his bat. And when be arriveth at the place from whence he would de part, be tiudeth that it is only tbe third hour of the morning, and he leaneth against a telegraph' pole, and in his heart he revileth the keeper of the houso wherein he slept. Or perchance he asketh to be wakened at tbe sixth hour of the morning, and lo, tha servant man knocketh not until the eighth hour and when he raileth tbe hired mau looketh at bim with alook of scorn. He goeth forth to ride upon the railway. Then cometh in a beautiful maiden, arrayed like the lilies, and behold she take tb a seat afar off; bat the dowdy woman with five children and a wart on her nose. taketh the seat near him Verily, man that is born of wo man is of few days nd variegated rations. To-day he bath, much thaf. is good and tomorrow - the food is as tbe Withered grass, yet noo so cleanly. ; "Where he sleepeth if there is much wator, be bath no towel hut if the watery be gone, be hath of towels' five in number and a'piecVof soapV -i ;r jyerily, he hath cause to murmur an. exceeding' great .murmur. Gold Leat. s N. C, FRIDAY; APRIL 3.-I89G. Jiotes For and of The Farmer. " ITever keep food before the bens continuously. See that tbe bens do not suffer in winter from want of gravel. The Pekin duck is tbe best to keep ou farms where there are no ponds. , When will ergs be sold by weight? Hogs would as juttly be sold by tbe dozen regardless of size of eggs. Give tbe poultry a little of the care so freely given to tbe ani mals, aud it will pay a better percentage on tbe investment Finely cut clover steamed or steeped mixed, water aiid all. with ground grain audiekd, warm, is a splendid winter ration for fowls. It is a waste of food to fatten to a point where the animal makes but a small daily gain. In fatten ing animals for market it should be done quickly, and the lot sent to market as soon as thev ceus1 to gain in proportion to the food con-1 suined. Every day afier that peri- od increases the cost. Notice to WuOia it May Cora. The taxes levied under srhnhilc ; "B" in the Revenue Law of North I Carolina, eh:ip er 1 I G ratified the! T2th dny of Murvh 189.". are license taxes for the privilege of practio- ing r t-n rryinu on t ho business or j oc jpation therein mentioned. j ersons practicing any jtr.i.l or j j r jfession, r doivig I usinjpsH laxed o : the laws of Nortli C;irolina in F.-auklin Couut.v :ire h -Teby nolitied t conmlv with the reonircnents i law or they may expvet the penal ties to be enforced as required of nie in section '31. Sections 1S-10-20-21-22--J.V24 31-.T4-.'i5, required, the Tinting of purchases, gross receipts, commis sions, or other property &c, named therein, within the first ten ' days of January and July of each year, and the receipt for the payment of such tasen, is a license, nnd authorizes the person or firms to continue business for the next G moi ths.and those doing business w.thout py ing taxes, are doin- business with out u license, und subject them selves to the penalties imposed iu Section 37. The attention of MngistrateH, Constables nnd other county or tewn officers, are especially culll to Stations 23-24-2 3r27- and 37 of this act. H. C. KEARNEY. Sirff. Louisbnrg, N. C. Mc'h. 25th. 00. TAYLORS PARLOR SALOON. Bargains! Bargains! Whereat? D. II. Taylor & Co. for chenp Whiskeys, Brandies, Wines & Beers. Where can yon get ? Old home made corn whiskey at D. H. Tavlor & Co., from one week to three years old, cheaper than ever before. Who keeps old R. A. STUART'S ROCK BRIDGE RYE WARRANTED 4 TEARS O LD D. H. Taylor & Co. Who keeps old Virma Club, D. II. Taylor Co., and he also keeps tbe lineet and cheapest home-made Brandy in town,. other liquors of all kinds that is good and cheaper than ever before. Special prices to all my customers, come one cocne all, nolit and nrnmnt attention and skillful bar-tenders. r - r OLD ROCKBRIDGE RYE IS THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD. Is guaranteed pure and is prescribed by tbe loading physi .i i , cians throughout the country, and the resident physiciant of T.,iakn. Roo ka fA i.m nn . P. V..;4t WI.SoV.v mViDnonn. av o urttecriurj oiiiariB ivock .. . . . j j i. Stimulant IS needed, Knowing to be absolutely pure and free from all adulteration. ( J. E. M ALONE, Signed ?E.S. FOSTER, ( J. B. CLIFTON. The above liquor is Bold only by D. H. Taylor & Co., exclusive agents, at their Baloons on Nash bt., wno aiso carry a Boaqaeta, Floral D?strn, PHlin full line of everything usually Ferns &c.f for houaft dacortion. 1 Hyacinth. TiltiDS Chin.43 Llliw Vv;: patronage solicited. . Tour friends X..H.TA.YL0B&C0, DEATH-DOST IR. IB riier 1 KoArbM. bM-Bar. (Voiltdr,rru ton Bug. SpKlrn. FIV. Vva and Jc oo Dtmala. inn-t od thtir Ktsc on Tobacco lMot aod all forcaa of inact lit. Fli n4 Mew quMor nr qnirkly tilUJ by lb arak from tbia powrirr, tra burod. A Nn la tl y U'armlrM to Una oti aaimnla, bqt aare Jiih to iatf. PrjNvr-l onlv by WINK ELM A NX 4 BltOWX, Dmir ( otnp-in. Daltimor. Vt 4. P. 8. Tk no 'ttr wbich Uy m.ty cl.v m kvmkI. For aulf by Drogista hre mni S. A. L SEABOARD AIR LINE. ROUTE OF THE FAMOUS "ATLANTA SPECIAL." i:v yoi:k, Washington, NORFOLK, end ATLANTA. NW oiili: ?IH. SOC riiWDT ALo Tar. 3 A. U tiXPHKSV ' N. 4 'i.i. 41 SOl'TH BOl'ND. tirtutn s l..' Sjii.nl " V. x " Lt Nc Vur.;. la I'. R H. M -20 p m (" p m " Ph!ld.'lph!,.a, : I.". J ii:, i i.t ' Hl!imirv. T :i! ... m Ar. W',iliiiiHt rn, i io Lv Wellington. 40 i " Kn-ti tu ii ii I . vin C L 1 -T'l ft m i "5 ' Pf rlii.r. 1 1 11 e " Ar W,l l..n v.-, SKI.- J rr. I 1 Mi l.v Olil' I'.,.-.: iai- (ort (Sinm'rl 7 C" p rr. a tn " .NorfoK. tin S! boanl Air l.me H J i ' 0 no I'urtaraont !i. U'1 nh: '. 1 Ar W'!.),.!,. in k rr. 1 1 11 Lv WpIiKiii. Yiii N.-n- bo:irl Air Lin M 0(1 m J 1 .' i m Ar H-nd-fToii. 4 -.'J " 1 .To (. ir. Ar r)nrha:n. vt.t S-:i lio:ir I Air l.iti ? '-'"i m 1 oo p ro " ltnl-it;ti. vin Sfa- ln.rl Air Ln. " .To.i m .'1 .11 ri tn ' Sunfonl. i 4 1 ' 4 s " Soutiirn Pint, 7 '.'I ' .' 4'.' Hiitnlrt . h os ' W n.ltior,). 4'J M " Monro", dininkf ti it :Vt " .'. " Ar Crnirlot f. rii Sa- lio.ir l A:r l.n- 10 4. " Hm (i Chfr vih S.i- l.oiini Air Line 11 n.' it ml'" JO p m Clinton. I:1 I.'ipni 11 .." ' ' lirr wool! , 1 '2 -"7 U i.'l n m A hl-Tlil. 1 JO -,11 . Kllrton. - 1 1 " 'J -2: " AtbiTK. " "7 " 3 " ' Winder. :i u4 ' , 4 1 7 " 4 AtlnntK. 3 A. t. ( Pnioa Dpot ) ( I it Time) - Y - '20 1 No. 403. "Tli Atlnnm !rw-cil .- Ppjljiun VaatiboUnl tnif Tmln. irh Hufli-t Sl";ri nnd Out I'unchm ( no l'rn, dirvl. Wnlunaton to Atl.r?. "('oo."v' ninii.1 Limifl " l'u!lmu:i I'arlor nn.l l);ti nit'urx N-'' VoiV to . nh:iii(ton . Pull iniin Vi'ntibuIHi Pmoinir Room Sp.T. K-thmonrt to i!oiim. nlo l'cr'.mootli to Atl.mt (o-mi at li.rlmion'l anil l'or; raon f h 0 j m . No 41. -.I'Iip S A. I. Kxr- ." Soli.l Trn:n of PiiH;nnn Slmnii.l Pnv l"o i-'. 'a PortsTii on t ii an. I i)iin to Athmii, Pt.'l rnan S'r-;, Nt'r Tork to WVI.lon it til l'ii I'har'.t. No P'j No :is ' A 1 1 m n t n S A L S( .nl " Kip" NOK1 HUOtNP. Lv Athtnt it. via -a l.onrd Air ft (OVutral Tim ' Atlin. F.lbrtoa, ' AMwtiI!'. ' OiwrnriHu!, ' Clinton. " l'!iitr, 2 imi i, 7 I". : 07 p ri 11 11 4 (1 1', 4 ; l :vi .-, 2 - lj US L' rt'J 7 n:i 4 p m , Lt Cimrlott via rn- Iniur-l Air Line . ' 20 P m 20 a m Lv MonrtH. rid S.-n-, , bonrtt Air Line ( ilinina: stati on ) M 1 " p ro', C ()7 n m " Hamlft. 10 31- h ' Sunt horn Tine. 11 il " ' 0 1 J " - Roleitfh. 1 2 a m 'll :U " Lt Durham via Sa- bonrti Air lino 15 20 p mill 08 am Ar Weldun via So-! boarn Air lin-i 'i Oo a in .T OO p m '; Pftera'onrjr vin; I Atlnntic Coant; hne ; fi 02 ' .', 41 " " UichmooL 6 40 " 40 " NViinhind on, via JVnnsi 1 va-j nt K It 10 4. " 1110 " " Baltimore. 12in 4H iiiRht Phila.lflphia. i "JO p ra 3 n m New York. 'i 'H - G 51 " Lt WVHon. via Sea- hoarH Air ine Wti m 3 IO n m r PortmontLi. 7 ao ' i f ."o . in . 6 00 7 10 Old Point Coro tort (Steamer) t" 40 No 40, ' Th Atlantn Special." aoii.l Pollcnao Teaubnle.1 limited trmn witn f hroneh buffet draatni room alepera sad day tacbe (nooxtra tar). Atlanta, to Wnaliinirton. Pallman leper. Aiianiato Portatnooth. alao Monro to TJchraanl Pallmau parlor mm, waabioKtoo to Naw ToVk. No 3ft. "The SAL. Kxprwia.' Solid - train with Pullman ,wP-r -jar rOMCDPa. Atlanta 1J wrmou. noon iu yrk. XtUnt to rortamoatb. i"-ap Chnrie to New Ynr -UailT. I n.,1,. r,.r, .uuv.j I I mmfdlil dOansfUOD. I u .ran . Pnacola. Mma and Florida. - . Orleana. lexaa. ieiico. aniomia At Porturaouth witu nay lin, roaataiao It trtruenr. waahlngon teojer and "rap choriew nout. to ami irom an pomu " pon AnrTrm. Vnr twUeta iWo. and information. appl.T to tickat ajre-nta, oj to tba General E. St. Jom5. Vir-Prridnt nnd Oo1 Mjt'r V. McB. Ga I Hnpanitndeat. . b. Quote. TrafUc Manajrrr. T I akdksso. tJi-ni PaBref ap.ot. I Pnrtufnoatn. Y a . Roses. Guttlowers. Bnlbs && and other Bulbs for forcm? and out-door plantins:. ErergTeecs, iltsraolias. 8hd9 trw &. - 11. STELNSIBTZ, Florist, , Rale4jli,:;.a . Telephone, No. 113. " " Koawcoo HOUSE Wirrtttss, isrU Cirilia. r. j. xovcxio,rrar.tir. Patron" ri Ornnvrrrtxl Toartats u TrxtUag 1 nUlf SU faL liol HiMpI Raaat. FOR SALE. I fcav arTnl era I a. rraaa. rottoa an.l lolwrro larc in V mtm rvatt jr. ahva 1 aillaHl Trjr chnp. om-iKiM or lo art a rat . a ad UUnc nD lot nm. if fb-MrJ II A FnuTt. VTrftt.n. . t The Ptuladelpiiia Record r KNSSYLVAMA'S FtlKKMOST NEWSPAPER. Daily Circ:!it!.a 0 r lb).(KXD ( Vpies S32i jj Circa!. ti:: Over 1S0,k Cot les ! -Tlie lu-or l' p;s no : rxpfiisv t rolit-t th verv j l;itt u'ws ot t h Orld f! : its r.a,l'rr, anil h s sj.il ; , depart nitMits dit'd by vx-' pA't '.H on lifaltli and 1 1 virgin.. , Farm and HourctU)l i. ' Fashions. S-i'ip Art. i Lib-rat ur Spirts, The ; 1 url. ttc. Sia-' iMI'Tli IN 1'ATEj. . Wailsd Postals Pail to taj pan f ii Ua;tc3 States or U:iU ian ml S indT. Daiir K'liti (O pT y-ar ADDRESS Tha RacQrd Pubiishin Co., i 17-1'! 'J L,--'. tint M., 1 ' a I L P K 1. 5' i 1 1 A . Build op Home. i;Y- !PAIR3NIZifl3H0,nE EflTERPRlSE MALLOHY DUIIUAM CHLK l Kuuli-i to. !oF DURHAM - N. C. j AKE MAM i'Ai n i.i.M. A i- INK I'l'iAU-" ll KKi a I ! ..M .'Iu AUK' As t -s.il ti Th-ir fci'i.'i "ii th" n. art '.:d!i.. : r- is o i hr- "BILL OF DHUIAM" I A ditiK- O'ar for a nickl. Hai;d Havana tillvd. 'BLACK WELLS Dl ItHAM1 Named in honor of Col. W . T. liacii-ii, (aih'V of Ilurhai 5 r-tit ru matra W rapper. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG AUROS, 10 FuU io CENTS. ,l0LD CIirNK:l CHEUOOTS, 5 for 10 o-nts. Tlse fino?t gmoke for ttic tuotu-y. "OLD NORTH STATE" : rpnint) ard a-ou want it dor.--Cheroot, 3 for 5 cent", a ear j ripbt, brine it to m, i (1 jf yti winner that always pieass. j want your Carriap or Bupfry r - i painted in a first-claf tnannr-T. Stick to homo and sond us your ', trin? it tomp a!?o. I Lav mtv.-.1 orders. Mallory Durham Cb erect Co. DURHAM, N. C Octtaad (U00 par Dotilc Croup pcompur: reitertsa aaapins krMJ AaUuma. CeaaaiDjXJan tt ba no rtrah baa eardlliotaaaada where avU Uir failed; wUl CTja too if taken ta titfte. PoM by Priirxiata on a rsirtntrv. For Use nac c4 Cheat, iis SUllxU fUa-aTEIi. tcu. REMEDY. ..anu(Liarrhf Th rrT3tT H rriarB. ed to x roo. PrtnaMM. lactor tra i t I M ai -M . -VfA VST UMn n Hi L0 H'SC ATAR R H NOTICE. Ia paraama of Ui pow rlrew oa la a Aa ermot lbo?ir10T Co art of FraoaltaCoaf; n via at Lh Jnrr v-rm IM, ta tM cirtl ao Uoa auut Riley VrXftttm va. a C PrlTtta rt ax. I.artn ail at pa blU aocrtoe to U kUk. t NIW fe eaai. at tto Conn IVoom la Loalahar. Ji C.ca Moaliylfctttkttf April W5. at U o dork aa a UaH of latvi tm rraaklla connty. j Daaaa Towoahlp. 6 artbel a falloara: Bole4 oo ta-a Brtb tf ,Vim. PHU. oa tha v T BJ. ratants, oa ta aoatN by W. C Pftlltlpa and ow tk west by nrtrura rrtT-X. at p a ant oeeaptad by a.e rriTt. eoauinla Oacrra awnor tea, taU Mr-h - r. arm WLJU, Com trlaal NUMBER 7.- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. xc Who cd a j aire sbacnpn- inir r hair drtMing done, will d lliurllon W. M. ALSTON Jc 1. E. THOMAS. LadioUv your tat.jr cnt- thl.' We bv Dr. VUi nw btir crowflr. Vo Mexican IUlr Rttorllr. Ayra !Uir ViKor. Tricepbt ro for tb Lair and aiu, rtolhiof to Kt it io kep tb hair frora fall- Itljf out. HOTEL WOODARD. W. - Al(KlDAkI. PrCf , tx-ky Uaat N. C. F rr-m Tm i tct all triiei. rs -rr Jay. SHOE ftlAKINQ. MOSKS WEST holds foMh ia r-ar of Thomas' Drug 6toro, (on 'h aliy wSr? he doe ibo r'k-.n and repairing, mod aar to di work a good ann c-"'"Apr than any Sho-Maa; in tb... S'.te. Coa.e and foryour?lf. IUsj-ct fully, R. R. CROSSEN. FIIUT ClSS PAINTED, LOC8fCO. ?r. c. I aUh r. ojr raj ?- icn r ti, !w. and alii MT ttt i C3 f r rrr-l I. so til atXl of b-qw titir.(r, gr ib Mt mr.rk in lsxnL-ure Tk f.-.r iiif. arv-i I r-f-r io ill pr.w-a f v - h"tt I b c-rki. oia fira:tT , rjvi tr iiif tr josr rair-ta- J. 0 & r.s ."uhistjas a Pdesala grocers, mni.MOND. v.. I'ror-.pt fttVntifn to ordr ki d p!u, ttnn fil AliANKKI TAKK NoTlCrT: irhrk : run to th depct for the ten I". t cf riMrpf n ko ,Bt, a tid rh.! n e d- r. ot it k. to t d i coi rtriia to ativor mp r?f clful. v ak tl.nt t!l "deid had'' will eaLr att r "pav." HAYES & FULLER. "UUf KEN CliOUOlX" fn t rnr-1 by us:r.p TIIOL'AS IT.TKV ItnVpKK Itulaoru h- I- and f; Apr. Now i the irxr To ;t. 2' tt a pockupT. For r "V . (, j IIOM AS. Irr:r,t. Lont!l.urr, N C. E. F. YARBOROUGH Life, Fire and Acci dent Insurance, LOUISBURG, N. C. i.fp, R?'.iab'e C.rjpani. Office ;n tbe Ntal tjildir.g ! np fctair. f 7 tf LOUISBURG Carriage Shops. I H. C. TAYLOR, Prrprietrt. It your Carria?. Bappy, Wi?. on or arivthirj in that u;a my inn" undr a firt-claf8 pan. fr and wood workman, can tbert -fore pauranteo f.it ufac t ion iu all work entrusifd to inc. I h.ve a f;rt-c'.& Llack nsifVi in the black ru:th hop who fol ly understands vrv thing about his lujnfs, frotE ibciog u hor?o to inoniti? a f:n luppy. It do-s not .y to have jour work botched up, o brin' it alonp to cne wher it WILL Bl DONE RIGHT, my prica ar; reasonable. I make Bnpgif and Warnni order. If yon want a ,:ood Iloi:i -Made Boggy or Water. n your ordr. and you pball have what you rant. Thanking nay fri-ndf for th:r patronagen tbe pat and o! idl ing th tiiT in fut.ire, I am, Your Tery respectfully, II. C. TAYLOR. SALB OF LAKE Br 1rto of a Wcr cf tbr Fvperior O-r. of fraukba Coaaty. acao al iw A yri trvwi Is, lataracf iiDTtt(T ikaV anoro. AWT rr ruara Aiaono. a4 mifmA. ng t lv aoW-rix roaetB'avki;-ria lo awl IV -lao4 iVtol la lkcwp4atcrt ta aaaa aatkra win oa TaraJa j l lri; vf arm. Mr. at IS Vttot k M. II Ik (Ctrl bom o Loaatrf aefl at pttv aavuoa talk kik tl VW lr fiMkrataa: v rltd trxtaaaf ka. 1. A Tart or tatv ta nukUa reaidy. mfT l&a Ut taaik ok IXaaaoat Jiaaa, Jwk av4 Caarkra Drrtaa ccwtaJatas 87 rv. a.l bt(r tba trart m wkkrw tb aU laa&r A'fonl rrwUiA. S A trrt alriw tm aa4 la ! of Itatkwrfora rary.raa Hj b4 tvajxva Raaa aoaUtalr iat on kai -ta4 arraa wkWk tract waa tra ta tk m. I Mokoa ty kvla tatkar. Terava ef aaaavt balance oa era. It ef IS antvatfavVuk trtWt. t ai nu avriaai maty U fmXi ta I aO. TUa AUva U. Jf. . '-"W. TrTtta. , I', h. r t -V w i) - i rt

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